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2020-2021 学年中考英语题型专项练习:单项选择 用括号内所给的词或短语,将下列句子译成英语。 初一上册(5 个) 1. 这商店里的礼品在打折销售。(on sale) __________________________________________________________________ 2. 妈妈在扫除霉运。(sweep away) __________________________________________________________________ 3. 我可以加入他们的行列吗?(join) __________________________________________________________________ 4. 我爸爸还在工作。(at work) __________________________________________________________________ 5. 我怎样在电脑上写作业?(write one’s homework) __________________________________________________________________ 初一下册(10 个) 6. 此时此刻,世界不同地方的人们在做着不同的事情。(at this moment) __________________________________________________________________ 7. 我们有许多象征好运的食物。(good luck) __________________________________________________________________ 8. 我期待着见到我的女儿。(look forwars to) __________________________________________________________________ 9. 他们将用电子邮件把作业传送给老师吗?(send) __________________________________________________________________ 10. 英国航空公司是最繁忙的国际航空公司之一。(British Airways) __________________________________________________________________ 11. 这里有一个池塘,里面有鱼。(with) __________________________________________________________________ 12. 金凤花姑娘顾不上提篮子就匆忙地冲出了屋子。(Goldilocks, without) __________________________________________________________________ 13.莎士比亚是世界上最著名的作家之一。(one of) __________________________________________________________________ 14. 他和另外 13 个飞行员加入了中国太空计划。(join)(重复了) __________________________________________________________________ 15. 我希望你身体好。(hope) __________________________________________________________________ 初二上册(20 个) 16. 尽量不要逐词翻译。(try) __________________________________________________________________ 17. 许多学生问及提高英语水平的建议。(ask for) __________________________________________________________________ 18. 他们经常乘飞机去不同的地方度假。(fly to) __________________________________________________________________ 19. 有很多宇航员一直在宇宙空间站工作。(work on)改 __________________________________________________________________ 20. 我听说他们去上海出差了。(on business) __________________________________________________________________ 21. 科学家认为地球上存在生命已有百万年了。(millions of) __________________________________________________________________ 22. 他父母想让他辍学。(drop out of school) __________________________________________________________________ 23. 在过去的 15 年里,希望工程筹资为农村 250 万名贫困学生支付了学费。(Project Hope ,raise, pay for) __________________________________________________________________ 24. 儿子甚至比父亲更有成就,更受欢迎。(successful, popular) __________________________________________________________________ 25. 你必须把我介绍给她。(introduce) __________________________________________________________________ 26. 收到你的信真是太棒了。(hear from) __________________________________________________________________ 27. 谢谢你告诉我他喜欢做什么。(thanks for) __________________________________________________________________ 28. 我害怕坐飞机。(afraid of)查 __________________________________________________________________ 29. 游览伦敦最好的方式是乘船。(by boat) __________________________________________________________________ 30. 想起那些濒危动物真让人伤心。(think about) __________________________________________________________________ 31. 很多动物没地方住。(have no places) __________________________________________________________________ 32. 我们究竟能做什么?(on earth) __________________________________________________________________ 33. 大约有 1000 只熊猫生活在自然保护区内。(live in) __________________________________________________________________ 34. 老舍茶馆热烈欢迎来自中国和世界各地的人们。(give a wonderful welcome) __________________________________________________________________ 35. 和其他许多地方相比那里骄阳似火。(compared to) __________________________________________________________________ 初二下册(35 个) 36. 什么使你对音乐如此感兴趣?(be interested in) __________________________________________________________________ 37. 大卫的爱好不仅给他带来了快乐,同时还带来了成功。(not only…but also…) __________________________________________________________________ 38. 你为什么不带你所有的朋友到北京电台呢?(bring…to…) __________________________________________________________________ 39. 玲玲害怕和任何人交朋友。(make friends) __________________________________________________________________ 40. 我变得和班上每个人亲近起来。(close to) __________________________________________________________________ 41. 记住小心红灯。(be careful) __________________________________________________________________ 42. 我们决定听什么以及采访谁。(decide …) __________________________________________________________________ 43. 好像他们在亲自和我交谈。(in person) __________________________________________________________________ 44. 它爬出箱子并且躲在盘子下面。(climb out) __________________________________________________________________ 45. 你的意思是单独一个人在大家前面?(in front of…) __________________________________________________________________ 46. 她父母让她注意功课。(pay attention to) __________________________________________________________________ 47. 如果你去参加聚会,会玩得很开心。(have a great time) __________________________________________________________________ 48. 如果我拒绝演奏,我们的老师将不会选择我。(refuse to…) __________________________________________________________________ 49. 我爸爸已经警告过我不要用他的计算机玩游戏。(warn…to…) __________________________________________________________________ 50. 他认为如果我用它玩游戏的话,它就会出毛病。(go wrong) __________________________________________________________________ 51. 至少你能证明你是多么诚实。(at least) __________________________________________________________________ 52. 我周游了世界,并与人们进行了交谈。(travel around) __________________________________________________________________ 53. 学习的最好方法是什么?(the best way to) __________________________________________________________________ 54. 陈欢的小提琴拉得真好。(be good at) __________________________________________________________________ 55. 她的父母会为她骄傲的。(be proud of) __________________________________________________________________ 56. 我们担心她是因为她不高兴。(worry about) __________________________________________________________________ 57. 我觉得这部电影中打斗镜头过多。(in one’s opinion) __________________________________________________________________ 58. 她叫我照顾好自己。(take care of) __________________________________________________________________ 59. 我甚至可以听见鸟儿在歌唱。(hear) __________________________________________________________________ 60. 世界各地的人们都庆祝新年。(all over the world) __________________________________________________________________ 61. 我不会花那么多时间玩电子游戏。(spend) __________________________________________________________________ 62. 到辞旧岁迎新年的时刻了(it’s a time to…) __________________________________________________________________ 63. 我正期待着它呢!(look forward to) __________________________________________________________________ 64. 他为帮助中国人民献出了自己的生命。(give one’s life to) __________________________________________________________________ 65. 别忘了给我写信!(forget to…) __________________________________________________________________ 66. 郑相信像做饭、洗衣服这些基本生活技能特别重要。(such as) __________________________________________________________________ 67. 我一离开家就要学习做饭。(learn to) __________________________________________________________________ 68. 再见了,各位!保持联系!(keep in touch) __________________________________________________________________ 69. 他的父母去北京出差了。(on business) __________________________________________________________________ 70. 尽管在做一个手术时割破了手,他仍然继续工作 。( in spite of) __________________________________________________________________ 初三上(30 个) 71. 天仍然太黑什么也看不见。 (too…to...) ____________________________________________________________________ 72. 记者对那位著名的老师做了采访。(do an interview with) ____________________________________________________________________ 73. 我们还受他的思想影响。(influence) ____________________________________________________________________ 74. 宋祖英作为出色的歌唱家而出名。(be known as) ____________________________________________________________________ 75. 小说的主题和孩子们的成长以及变得更加成熟稳重相关。(be to do with) ____________________________________________________________________ 76. 别让他们影响你。(get to) ____________________________________________________________________ 77. 他们真生我们的气了。(mad) ____________________________________________________________________ 78. 字面 UN 代表什么?(stand for) ____________________________________________________________________ 79. 王老师总是鼓励我们在课堂上讲英语。(encourage sb. to do sth.) ____________________________________________________________________ 80. 据我所知,这校刊是王先生创办的。(as far as) ____________________________________________________________________ 81. 你经常开窗户而不开空调吗。(instead of) ____________________________________________________________________ 82. 他发现他们不太了解食品和健康。(find out) ____________________________________________________________________ 83. 现在我有机会赢了。(in with a chance) ____________________________________________________________________ 84. 他的书被翻译成 50 多种语言。(translate…into) ____________________________________________________________________ 85. 我的书忘在学校里了。(leave) ____________________________________________________________________ 86. 现在不允许我再用父亲的相机了。(be allowed to ) ____________________________________________________________________ 87. 垃圾对我们的环境产生危害。(do harm to ) ____________________________________________________________________ 88. 如果把相机弄丢,你就有大麻烦了。(in deep trouble) ____________________________________________________________________ 89. 你能帮个忙吗?(favour) ____________________________________________________________________ 90. 他们的家庭生活和我们的相似。(be similar to ) ____________________________________________________________________ 91. 我只是过来接你。(pick…up) ____________________________________________________________________ 92. 我想跟他的妈妈说几句话。(have a word with ) ____________________________________________________________________ 93. 难怪看上去那么逼真。(no wonder) ____________________________________________________________________ 94. 他赢得了全世界年轻人的心。(win the hearts of ) ____________________________________________________________________ 95. 我刚才碰见校长了。(bump into) ____________________________________________________________________ 96. 101.他要花费一个小时的时间才能到校。(It takes….) ____________________________________________________________________ 97..保护人们不受侵害是很困难的。(protect…from) ____________________________________________________________________ 98. 请填写我们的申请表格。(fill in) ____________________________________________________________________ 99. 课程费用需要在开课一个月前支付。(pay for) ____________________________________________________________________ 100.除了学习英语外,我们还希望你们能体验美国的生活。(as well as) ____________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 初一上(5 个) 1. The presents are on sale at the shop. 2. My mother is sweeping away bad luck. 3. Can I join them? 4. My father is still at work. 5. How do I write my homework on the computer? 初一下(10 个) 6. At this moment, in different places of the world people are doing different things. 7. We have lots of food for good luck. 8. I’m looking forward to seeing my daugter. 9. Will they send their homework to the teachers by email? 10. British Airways is one of the buisiest international airlines. 11. There is a pond with fish in it here. 12.Goldilocks hurried out of the house without her basket. 13. William Shakespear is one of the most fampous writers in the world. 14. He joined the Chinese Space Programme with 13 other pilots. 15. I hope you are well. 初二上(20 个) 16. Try not ot translate every word. 17. Many students ask for advice about improving their English. 18. They often fly to different places for their holiday. 19. Lots of astronauts have worked on the space station. 20. I hear (that) they have gone to Shanghai on business. 21. Scientists think that there has been life on (the)earth for milliions of years. 22. His parents wanted him to drop out of school. 23. In the past 15 uears, Project Hope has raised money and paid for the education of 2.5 million poor students in the countryside. 24. The son was even more successful and popular than his father. 25. You must introduce me to her. 26.It’s great to hear from you. 27. Thanks for telling me about what you like doing. 28. I’m afraid of flying. 29. The best way to see London is by boat. 30. It’s sad to think about all those animals in danger. 31. Many animals have no places to live in. 32. What on earth can we do? 33. There are about 1000 pandas living in the nature reserves. 34. Laoahe Teahouse gives a wonderful welcome to everyone from China and from all over the world. 35. It’s usually very hot and sunny compared to many other places. 初二下册(40 个) 36. What makes you so interested in music? 37. David’s hobby not only brought him happiness, but also success. 38. I spent some free time playing for the school volleyball team. 39. This recording will be a part of the program. 40. Why don’t you bring all your friends to Beijing Radio Station? 41. Lingling is afraid to make friends with anyone. 42. I became close to everyone in the class. 43. Remember to be careful of the red light. 44. We decided what to listen to and who to interview. 45. It seemed that they were talking to me in person. 46. If a snake bites you, take a picture with your mobile phone. 47. It climbed out of the box and hid under the plate. 48. Doctors sent it to London Zoo. 49. Do you mean being alone in front of everyone? 50. Her parents told her to pay attention to her lessons. 51. If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time. 52. If I refuse to play, our teachers will not choose me. 53. My father has warned me not to use his computer to play games. 54. He thinks that if I play games on it, it will go wrong. 55. At least you can prove how much you are honest. 56. Do you want to be a television news reporter? 57. I travelled around the world and talked to people. 58. What is the best way to learn? 59. Chen Huan is really good at playing the violin. 60. Everyone is very fond of this music. 61. We were worried about / worried about her because she was not happy. 62. In my opinion there’s too much fighting in the film. 63. She tells me to take care of myself. 64. I can even hear the birds singing. 65. People all over the world celebrate the New Year. 66. I won’t spend so much time playing video games. 67. It’s time to say goodbye to the old year, and to welcome the new. 68. I am looking forward to it too! 69. He gave his life to helping the Chinese people. 70. Don’t forget to write to me! 71. Zheng believes that the basic life skills, such as cooking and washing clothes, are especially important 72. As soon as I leave home, I will learn to cook. 73. Goodbye, everybody! Keep in touch! 74. His parents have gone to Beijing on business. 75. He continued working in spite of cutting his hand during an operation. 初三上(25 个) 76. It was still too dark to see anything. 77. The reporter did an interview with the great teacher. 78. We are still influenced by his thoughts. 79. Song Zuying is known as a great singer. 80. The themes of the story are to do with children growing up and becoming more serious. 81. Don’t let them get to you. 82. They are really mad with us. 83. What does UN stand for? 84. Mr. Wang always encourages us to speak English in class. 85. As far as I know, the school magazine was started by Mr Wang. 86. Do you often open a window instead of turning on air conditioning? 87. He found out that they didn’t know enough about food and health. 88. Now I’m in with a chance to win. 89. His books have been translated into more than 50 languages. 90. My book was / books were left at school. 91. I’m not allowed to use my father’s camera any more.. 92. Waste does harm to our environment. 93. If you lose the camera, you’ll be in deep trouble. 94. Can I ask a favour? 95. Their family life is similar to ours. 96. I’ve just come to pick you up. 97. I would like to have a word with his mother. 98. No wonder it looks real. 99. He has won the hearts of young people all over the world. 100. I’ve just bumped into the head master. 96. It takes him an hour to get to school. 97. It’s difficult to protect people from crime. 98. Please fill in our application form. 99. The course must be paid for one month before it begins. 100.As well as learning English, we want you to experience life in the USA.

