中考英语 九全 Units 12

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中考英语 九全 Units 12

英语 第 15 讲 九年级 Units 1 ~ 2 ► by 【 典例在线 】 I study by working with a group. 我通过小组活动来学习。 She usually goes to school by car. 她通常乘小汽车上学。 Can you finish your homework by six o'clock ?你能在六点之前完成作业吗? He is standing by the river. 他正站在河边。 【 拓展精析 】 by 表示 “ 用 …… 方式或手段 ” 时 , 后接动词 ing 形式;表示 “ 凭借 …… 交通工具 ” 时 , 后接表示交通工具的名词;表示时间时 , 意为 “ 不迟于;到 …… 时为止 ” ;表示方位时 , 意为 “ 在附近 ” 。 相关短语: by oneself 独自地; by mistake 无意地; by accident 偶然地; by the end of 到 …… 末为止。 【 活学活用 】 1) 格林先生以教书为生。 Mr. Green makes a living ___ teaching. 2) 我得在晚上 10 点钟之前回家。 I have to be home ___ 10 : 00 p . m. 3) 他在火车站偶然遇到了他的一位老校友。 He met with an old schoolmate of his _____________at the railway station. by by accident by ► patient 【 典例在线 】 We should be patient with our students. 我们应该对学生有耐心。 You should learn how to be patient of pains. 你要学会忍受痛苦。 The patient is too weak to speak. 病人太虚弱了 , 不能说话。 【 拓展精析 】 patient 用作形容词 , 意为 “ 有耐心的 ” 。常用搭配有: be patient with sb. , 意为 “ 对某人有耐心 ” ; be patient of sth. , 意为 “ 忍耐某事 ” 。 patient 还可用作可数名词 , 意为 “ 病人 ” 。 【 活学活用 】 4)Just be __ __ , you can't make such great progress in a day.It takes time. (2015 , 乌鲁木齐 ) A . available         B . humorous C . patient D . unbelievable C ► depend on 【 典例在线 】 We depend on the newspaper for daily news. 我们靠报纸得知每天的消息。 You can depend on him to make a sound choice. 你可以依靠他作出正确选择。 You may depend on his coming. 你可以相信他会来。 【 拓展精析 】 depend on 是动词短语 , 意为 “ 视 …… 而定;取决于;依靠;依赖 ” , 后接名词、代词或动词 ing 形式。既不能用于进行时态 , 也不能用于被动语态。 【 活学活用 】 5) — Are you going to have a part time job during the summer vacation? —Yes.I think I shouldn't always __ __ my parents since I've grown up. (2016 , 襄阳 ) A . fight against B . argue with C . hear from D . depend on D ► warn 【 典例在线 】 I warned them of danger. 我提醒他们有危险。 The teacher warned her not to be late again. 老师警告她不要再迟到了。 He warned me against walking alone at night. 他告诫我夜间不要单独行走。 【 拓展精析 】 warn 动词 , 意为 “ 警告;告诫 ” , 常用于以下结构中: warn sb. about/of sth. 警告 / 提醒某人某事 warn sb. not to do sth. 警告某人不要做某事 warn sb. against (doing) sth. 警告某人不要做某事 【 活学活用 】 6)The policeman __ __ the driver not to drive at a high speed any more. A . hoped    B . minded    C . warned    D . made 7)The traffic signs warn people __ __ after drinking. (2015 , 青岛 ) A . to drive B . not to drive C . driving D . don't drive C B ► promise 【 典例在线 】 He promised me the book. 他答应给我这本书。 He promised to help us. 他答应要帮助我们。 I promise you not to say that. 我答应你不说那件事。 【 拓展精析 】 promise 动词 , 意为 “ 允许;答应 ” 。其用法归纳如下: ① 后接名词或代词作宾语 , 常可以带间接宾语 , 即构成 promise sb. sth. 。 ② promise sb. (not) to do sth. 意为 “ 承诺答应某人 ( 不 ) 做某事 ” 。 【 注意 】 promise 作名词的用法 ① 意为 “ 承诺;诺言 ” 。 Give me your promise that you'll never be late again. 答应我你决不再迟到了。 ② 意为 “ 希望;前途 ” 。 She shows promise as a pianist. 她有希望成为一名钢琴家。 【 活学活用 】 8) — Mom , I will eat less fast food this year , believe me. —If you make a __ __ , you must keep it. (2016 , 孝感 ) A . joke B . noise C . mistake D . promise 9)I can't tell you what she said.I've promised __ __ it a secret. (2016 , 上海 ) A . keep B . to keep C . keeping D . kept D B ► I don't know how to increase my reading speed. 我不知道如何提高我的阅读速度。 【 典例在线 】 I really don't know what to write about. 我实在不知道该写什么。 【 拓展精析 】 how to increase my reading speed 是 “ 疑问词+动词不定式 ” 结构 , 在句中作 know 的宾语。疑问代词 what , who , which 和疑问副词 when , where , how , why 等可以与不定式一起构成 “ 疑问词+动词不定式 ” 结构 , 在句中作主语、宾语、表语和宾语补足语等成分。 试比较下列三个句子: I don't know what to do. 我不知道该做什么。 I don't know how to do it. 我不知道该怎么做。 I don ‘ t know what to do about it. 关于这件事 , 我不知道该做些什么。 【 活学活用 】 1 ) I really don't know __ this question. It is too hard. (2015 , 自贡 ) A . which to answer B . how to answer C . what to answer B ► also , as well , too 与 either 【 典例在线 】 Mike likes Beijing Opera. His father likes it too/as well. 迈克喜欢京剧 , 他的爸爸也喜欢。 I can speak English and I can also play soccer. 我会说英语并且我也会踢足球。 He doesn't want any coffee , and I don't want any , either. 他不想喝咖啡 , 我也不想喝。 【 拓展精析 】 【 活学活用 】 用 too , also , as well 和 either 填空。 1)A : I've ever been to Hong Kong. David has been there _________ . How about Tony? B : He has ____been there. And Mary? A : She hasn't been there. And Lucy hasn't been there , _______ . too/as w ell also either ► discover 与 invent 【 典例在线 】 I discovered that listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning. 我发现听一些有趣的事儿是语言学习的秘诀。 Who invented the telephone ?是谁发明了电话? 【 拓展精析 】 【 活学活用 】 2)Edison __ __ the electric lamp. A . invented B . found C . discovered D . saw 3)Columbus __ __ America in 1492. A . discovered B . found C . made D . invented A A ► lay 与 lie 【 典例在线 】 The hen doesn't lay eggs now. 现在这只母鸡不下蛋了。 Please lie down for a rest. 请躺下休息一会儿。 Don't lie to others. 不要对别人撒谎。 The boy never tells a lie. 这个男孩从不说谎。 【 拓展精析 】 【 活学活用 】 4 ) The girl __ __ on the ground ________ to me that she had ________ the purse on the desk. A . lying ; lay ; laid B . lying ; lied ; laid C . lie ; lied ; lay D . lay ; lied ; lain B 一、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示补全下列单词。 1 . This _______ ( 句子 ) is very difficult to understand. 2 . He is said to be _____ ( 死的 ) . 3 . We usually visit our friends and _________( 亲戚 ) during the Spring Festival. 4 . The ______of light is faster than that of the sound. 5 . We must pay ________ to protecting the environment. sentence dead relati v es speed attention 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 6 . He warned me _____ (be) careful. 7 . You can find a pen pal to practice _______(write) . 8 . We should read aloud to practice our ______________(pronounce) . 9 . It is very cold and we have to get ________(warm) from the fire. 10 . He cried when he heard that his bird was ___________(die) . to be w riting pronunciation w armth dead/dying 三、单项选择。 11 . You can improve your English __ __ practicing more. A . by B . with C . of D . in 12 . Many people say they have __ __ the UFO but the scientists didn't believe. A . created B . looked for C . invented D . discovered 13 . —Sam , can you tell me __ __ ? —Try Music World on Huangyuan Street. A . why to buy a CD B . where to get a CD C . how to choose a CD D . when to record a CD A D B 14 . Miss Wang is very __ __ , and she can take good care of her ________. A . patient ; patient B . patience ; patient C . patient ; patients D . patience ; patients 15 . When she came back a few days later , she found that all things still __ __ where she had ________ them. A . lay ; laid B . laid ; laid C . lay ; lain D . lying ; lain C A 语言学习 【 话题分析 】 通过分析近几年全国有关 “ 如何学习 ” 相关话题的书面表达 , 可发现该话题主要涉及以下两个角度: ① 介绍或交流个人学习方法或学习建议。如:介绍三条及以上学习经验 (2016 , 湘潭 ) ;如何处理学习中的难题 How to Deal with Difficulties in Learning(2015 , 泉州 ) ; My Chinese Learning(2016 , 吉林 ) ; How to develop our good learning habits(2016 , 南宁 ) ; It's ________ to make notes while listening.(2016 , 沈阳 ) ; How to learn Chinese well(2015 , 湖州 )(2016 , 黄石 ) 等。 ② 反映英语学习中的问题 , 寻求帮助或制定计划。如:根据调查问卷写出学习英语的情况 (2016 , 济宁 ) 等。 【 常用句式 】 开头句: There are some good ways to learn English. Are you facing problems in learning English? Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well? Two years ago , I was also weak in English.How to improve it was my biggest problem. 中间句: It's too difficult for me to remember new words. I dare not answer questions in class because I'm afraid of making mistakes. Before you listen , you can read first and find out what the song is about. He previewed the day's lesson before class , took notes in class and reviewed them after class. I don't know how to increase my vocabulary. I have some trouble/problems in memorizing English words. We can study English by reading as much as possible. I regard problems as challenges and try my best to deal with them by myself. It's a good way to improve our writing skill by keeping an English diary. 结尾句: I'm sure that you will make great progress as long as you stick to them. Failure is the mother of success. Practice makes perfect. I can't imagine how much progress I have made! Never giving up is the key to success. The more we practice , the fewer mistakes we'll make. 【 真题剖析 】 ( 2016 , 黄石 ) 假设你是李华 , 你的加拿大笔友 Mike 最近对中文很感兴趣 , 写信给你询问如何学好中文。请你根据以下表格中的提示内容 , 给他写一封回信。 注意: 1. 内容必须包含表格中所提供的所有信息 , 可适当发挥; 2 . 词数: 80 ~ 100 词。开头和结尾部分已给出 , 不计入总词数; 3 . 文中不能出现学生真实姓名和所在学校名称。 Dear Mike , I'm very glad to receive your letter. ________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ I hope the advice will help you learn Chinese well.Looking forward to your reply. Yours , Li Hua 【 审题指导 】 这是一篇给提纲类作文 , 要求按照提示 , 给笔友介绍学好中文的方法。短文是一封回信 , 要注意书信的基本格式、语言的选择及语句的正确选用。可以适当地用一些情态动词帮助表达。提示内容包括 “ 听、说、读、写 ” 四个方面 , 短文内容要全部包含这四个方面 , 同时作适当的发挥。短文介绍的是学习语言的一些基本方法 , 短文用一般现在时态。 【 写作导图 】 【 范文欣赏 】 Dear _ Mike , I'm _ very _ glad _ to _ receive _ your _ letter. In your letter , you mentioned that you are interested in learning Chinese.I'm writing to offer you some advice on how to learn Chinese well. First , it is helpful to read some good Chinese newspapers and magazines.In this way your reading ability can be improved.Besides , listening to your favorite Chinese songs is actually an interesting and effective way to improve your listening.More importantly , try to speak Chinese as much as possible and don't be afraid of making mistakes.The more you speak , the better your spokenChinese will be.Finally , I think keeping a diary in Chinese is surely a good way to improve your writing. I _ hope _ the _ advice _ will _ help _ you _ learn _ Chinese _ well.Looking _ forward _ to _ your _ reply. Yours , Li _ Hua 【 名师点评 】 ① 本文结构清晰 , 条理分明。第一段在简短的招呼后 , 开门见山 , 直入主题 “ 我给你写信 , 就是为你提供一些学好汉语的建议 ” ;第二段由 “ first , besides , more importantly , finally ” 开头 , 分别引出 “ 读、听、说、写 ” 四个方面的建议 , 层次清楚 , 主题鲜明;最后一段语言精炼 , 言简意赅。 ② 文中用了动名词作主语 , 不定式作宾语、定语 , 以及 look forward to 结构和 the more , the better 句型结构 , 使文章显得更加生动具体。 【 小试牛刀 】 ( 2015 , 泉州 ) 在学习生活中 , 每个人都要面对各种困难。如何应对这些困难呢?请你根据以下思维导图所提供的信息 , 以 “ How to Deal with Difficulties in Learning ” 为题 , 写一篇 90 词左右的英语短文。 提示:短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点或所在学校名称。 How to Deal with Difficulties in Learning E v eryone may face difficulties in learning.Once I could hardly follo w my teachers in class and I made many mistakes in my home w ork and tests.I really felt sad. No w w hene v er I meet difficulties , I'll try hard to o v ercome them instead of gi v ing up.Sometimes I look up in reference books or search the Internet , sometimes I turn to my teachers or classmates.With hard w ork , I ha v e done much better in my studies. Nothing is too difficult if w e put our hearts into it.Whate v er difficulty w e meet , there's al w ays a w ay for us to deal w ith it.

