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‎( )1. ____ person like him won’t be simply satisfied with ___ progress that has been made.‎ A. The; a B. A; the C. The; / D. The; the ‎( )2. --- Must I go home now?‎ ‎---No, you _____. You _____ sit here for a moment.‎ A. needn’t ; must B. mustn’t; have to ‎ C. needn’t to ;must D. don’t have to ; can ‎ ‎( )3. It wasn’t long_________ the rain stopped and the sun came out again.‎ A. until B. before C. when D. since ‎( )4. — You don’t know me, do you?‎ ‎— ________. Don’t you remember ________ the mountain with us last weekend?‎ A. No; climbing B. No; to climb C. Yes; climbing D. Yes; to climb ‎( )5. Could you tell me_____?‎ A. what she had done with the camera.‎ B. how we can call this lady C. what is wrong with the watch D. which city we should go ‎ ‎( )6. It’s a good habit to ______ all your things in correct places. ‎ A. put away B. put up C. put out D. put off ‎( )7. It’s an international school ,_____of the students ___from foreign countries.‎ A. two-third; are B. second-thirds; is C. two-thirds ;are D. two-three; is ‎( )8. She______ for 15 years, yet she didn’t know what kind of man she ______.‎ A. had married; married B. had been married; married to C. had been married; had married D. married; had married to ‎( )9. Many new houses have been provided ______ people in Sichuan ________.‎ A. to, to live in B. for, to live C. with, to live D. for, to live in ‎( )10.. I’d like to find______ to read on the journey, and_______ will do.‎ A. something, everything B. something, something C. anything, everything D. something, anything ‎( )11. Though they are ______little children , they have worked out _______many difficult math problems.‎ A. so; so B. such;such C. so; such D. such; so ‎( )12. What were the teachers ____ about the exam when I came in?‎ A.speaking B. talking C. saying D. telling ‎( )13. Your shoes under the bed _________ bad. Put them in the sun, please.‎ A. are smelt terrible B. smell terrible C. smell terribly D. are smelt terribly ‎( )14. --- Would you mind closing the window?‎ ‎--- ____. It’s quite cold outside.‎ A. Yes; I would B. Yes, I do C. No ; not at all D. You’d better not ‎1选B 讲评点拨:此题考冠词。对于冠词的考查大卫经常对学生说把句子翻成中文,翻成一个,一种,一类的用“a”或“an”,因为不定冠词表示泛指。翻成这个,那个,对方知道的用“the”,因为定冠词表示特指。这句话可以翻译成:像他这样的一个人是不会简单的满足于他已经取得(这种)的进步。‎ ‎2选D 讲评点拨:此题考情态动词。对于Must的提问,肯定回答用must, 否定用needn't /don’t have to;而can 可以表示允许,所以选D。对于情态动词的考查是初中的常考点,情态动词的区别可以从可能性,允许,推测这三个方面来区别它们的不同。比如must,can,mustn’t,needn’t 就可以从允许的程度来区别:must表示必须,can 表示可以,mustn’t表示千万不能,needn’t 表示不必。‎ You must finish your work. 你必须要完成你的工作。‎ You can finish your work. 你可以完成你的工作。‎ You mustn’t finish your work. 你千万不能完成你的工作。‎ You needn’t finish your work. 你不必完成你的工作。‎ ‎3选B 讲评点拨:此题考状语从句的从属连词之区别。这是常考题,也是易错题。特别是It +时间+不同的从属连词+ 状语从句。现区别如下:‎ ‎1. It wasn’t until……that…… 这是not… until… 句型的强调句变体。如It wasn’t until my mother came home that I did my homework. 直到妈妈回来我才做作业。‎ ‎2. It + 一段时间 +before …. 这个句型可以翻成多少时间后,怎样怎样了。如It was four years before he left Jiangnan University. 四年之后,他离开的江南大学。也可以 It will be four years before he leaves Jiangnan University. 四年之后,他将离开江南大学。‎ ‎3. It is +一段时间+ since +过去时间或过去时态的状语从句。 这个句型表示自从......之后,已经多少年了。如It is ten years since he left Jiangnan University. 自从他离开江南大学后,已经有十年了。‎ ‎4. It is time that + 过去时态的从句。 这是一句虚拟语气的句子,虚拟语气涉及高中语法知识,这里不讨论。牢记这个句子结构就可以了。如:It is time that we started our class. 到了我们上课的时候了。‎ ‎4选C 讲评点拨:这题前面空格考反义疑问句,后面后面空格考“动词+非谓做宾语”搭配。对于前否后肯的反义疑问句,一定要记住根据事实来回答,这道题目中,认识就是yes,不认识就是no,不要过分纠结。 后面remember 可以加 to do,但表示记着去做某事,而remember doing表示记着做过某事。这里显然是你难道不记得上周你和我们一起去爬山的吗?和remember 一样的还有forget,regret ,mean等。to do 表示还没做,to doing 表示做过了。‎ ‎ forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事;forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事 regret to do sth. 对去做某事感到遗憾;regret doing sth. 对做过的事情表示抱歉 mean to do sth. 打算,有意去做某事; mean doing sth. 意思是(意味着)做某事 ‎5选C 点拨:这道题考查了时态、宾语从句的疑问词使用、宾语从句用陈述语序等语法点。考查的是考生的综合能力,可以用排除法来做。‎ ‎1. A错:选项中had done 是指过去的过去,语境中并没有透露出来,正确用what she has done with the camera.‎ ‎2. B错:疑问词使用错误,这里应该是我们叫这个女士什么(what),而不是我们怎样来叫这个女士(how)。 如果分不清可以还原成一个陈述句,此句可以设想还原成We can call this lady the First Lady. 我们可以把这位女士叫做第一夫人。‎ ‎3. C 对: Something is wrong with the watch. 对 Something 提问用what, 变成 What is wrong with the watch. 因为what 本身就是作主语,所以是符合陈述语序的原则的。‎ ‎4. D 错:which 来提问时,语境中一定要有可选择的对象。而这里没有,因此排除。 比如 I have two apples. I want to know which you like to eat? 这句是用which的。‎ ‎6选A 讲评点拨:这道题考动词短语。动词短语看似简单,实际上错误率很大的。要重视,到高考也是重点。 put away 表示收拾,符合题意。 put up 举起,张贴;put out 灭火;put off 拖延。 记动词短语时可以整理起来记 如先记put +, put off,put away,put down 等,然后记 + off, 如put off, take off, get off ,这样效果更好,边记忆,边比较。‎ ‎7选C 讲评点拨:这道题考数字,和主谓一致。 对于分数的表达方法分子用基数词,分母用序数词,但如果分子是2以上的数字的话,分母用序数词的复数。所以第一个空是2/3, 所以选C;后面用are 还是用 is ,看的是主语蕴含的数是单数还是复数,就是所谓的意念一致原则,2/3 的学生当然是复数。‎ ‎8选C: ‎ 讲评点拨:这题考查的是时态,定语从句和动词的动宾搭配。这道题还是比较有难度的。先看第一个空格,marry 是个动词是及物动词,后面一定要跟宾语的,如:Tom married Lisa, 如果marry 后面没有宾语,就一定是被动语态 Tom was married (to Lisa). 所以原句中由于marry后面没有宾语,从主谓的主动被动关系上可以排除A和D;后面空格考的是定语从句,这句从句的完整表达应该是she didn’t know what kind of man whom she married, 从句中whom是作宾语,可以省略,所以直接可以表达成she didn’t know what kind of man she married.‎ ‎9选 D 讲评点拨:这题考查介词搭配和省略。 第一个空,提供某人用be provided for sb. 第二个空格是provided for people in Sichuan to live in (many new houses)的省略,如果没有in 就变成provided for people in Sichuan to live (many new houses),live 是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟名词的,应该是live in +名词,显然应该选D。‎ ‎10选D 讲评点拨:此题考查复合不定代词的区别。对于something,anything,everything 和nothing的区别是初中甚至高中常考的点。something 是一些东西,anything 是任何东西, everything 每个东西,nothing 是没有东西。这里根据句子意思是我想找一些东西在旅程上阅读,任何东西都可以,所以选D。 注意not anything = nothing是完全否定; not everything 是并非每一个,不是完全否定,这个一定要注意。‎ ‎11选D 讲评点拨:此题考such和 so 的区别。 一般认为such 和 so 的区别就是such 修饰名词,so 修饰形容词或副词,如:You are such a beautiful girl. 或 The girl is so beautiful. 但是如果名词前面有many,much 这两个限定词修饰时,不能用such,用so. 如:I meet so many beautiful girls. 所以这里选D。‎ ‎12选C 讲评点拨:此题考说(speak,talk,say和tell 的区别)。英文中"说"有4个常用词say,tell, speak, talk.其中不及物动词有speak和talk,如:Iwant to talk with you. We are talking about the new ‎ film,后面是不能直接跟宾语的。但speak其后接语言时是及物动词,其他情况是不及物动词。say 与tell是及物动词,可以直接加宾语。其中tell常用双宾语,如:Tell us a story.但用于讲实话或谎话时也用单宾语。如:Tell the truth. 但这道题有一定的迷惑性,好多学生看见有about 就排除say了,去选talkabout。 但这句话的完整回答是The teacher were saying something about theexam. 对something提问显然用what. 所以把特殊疑问句还原成陈述句往往能够把题目看得更清楚。‎ ‎13选C 讲评点拨:此题考联系动词及副词和形容词修饰的区别。smell 是一个联系动词, 后面要跟形容词作表语。这句中虽然terrible 是形容词,但是smell 的表语是bad,terribly 作副词来修饰bad的,原句的意思是你床底下的鞋子闻起来非常糟糕。 非常糟糕=terribly bad. ‎ ‎14选C 讲评点拨:此题是日常交际用语。Would you mind … ?问句是常考的题目。如果回答不介意用No,介意用Yes。英语中有时回答和我们汉语是有区别的,这一点经常用来设置题目。这里再补充下:‎ ‎1. I can’t agree more. 非常同意。‎ ‎2. It isn’t a correct answer, is it? No. it isn’t. 是的,它不是正确的答案。‎ ‎3. Didn’t you find the watch? No, I didn’t. 是的,我还没找到。‎

