初中英语九年级全册Unit8Itmustb单元同步作文指导课件 人教新目标版

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初中英语九年级全册Unit8Itmustb单元同步作文指导课件 人教新目标版

Unit 8 It must belong to Carla 第六课时 Section B (3a3b) —单元同步作文指导 生活中常会出现一些让我们不确定的事情,这时候就需要我们冷静地做 出分析判断。本单元的写作要求同学们会根据提供的材料进行推测、分析 并判断某件物品可能是谁的。 写此类作文时,应注意:①围绕所给提示,确定写作要点;②按照可能 性的大小,正确使用表推测的must,can,could,might,may和can't等 情态动词;③具体写出推测的理由,即为什么会这样推测。 教材中出现的表推测的常用句型: ①It must/can't/could/might be…它一定/不可能/可能是…… ②It must/can't/could/might belong to sb.它一定/不可能/可能属于某人。 ③It must be Mary‘s.J.K.Rowling is her favorite writer.那一定是玛丽的。 J.K.罗琳是她最喜欢的作家。 ④So it can't be stolen.所以它不可能被盗。 ⑤There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood. 一定有什么东西光顾了我们小区里的一些人家。 ⑥It might be a boy's room because the clothes look like boys' clothes. 这可能是男孩子的房间,因为衣服看起来像男孩子穿的。 ⑦He's wearing a suit.He might be running to catch a bus to work. 他穿着西服。他可能是正跑着赶公共汽车去上班。 ⑧She thinks that it could be an animal.她认为那可能是一只动物。 ⑨The person you saw at the supermarket can't be Susan.I just talked to her on the phone,and she's at work right now.你在超市看见的那个人不可能是苏珊。 我刚和她通电话了,她现在正在上班。 迈克在操场上捡到一个黑色的双肩背包,包里有一本篮球杂志、几本书和 一张古典音乐的CD。包的主人是谁呢?下面表格中的内容是迈克和其他三个 同学的猜测及理由。请你根据表格提示,以“Whose Backpack Is It?”为题 写一篇英语短文。 人物 猜测 理由 Ben 可能是Jim的 他最喜欢黑色 Linda 可能是Bob的 篮球是他的最爱 Joe 可能是David的 他爱听古典音乐 Mike 一定是Bob的 书上有他的名字 要求:1.灵活运用本单元语法——情态动词表示推测; 2.包括所有提示内容,可以适当发挥,使行文连贯; 3.词数:80~100词。(开头已给出,不计入总词数) Whose Backpack Is It? Mike_found_a_black_backpack_on_the_playground. There_was_a_magazine_about_basketball, some_books_and_a_CD_about_classical_music_in_it.He didn't know whom it belongs to,so he asked some students for some ideas about the owner of it.①Ben said it might be Jim's because black is his favorite color.②Linda said that it could belong to Bob.Bob loves basketball best and③ he often reads magazines about basketball.④But Joe said it might be David's.He likes listening to classical music in his free time.At last,⑤Mike said it must be Bob's because he found his name on the books. 【点评】文章涵盖所有提示信息,全面、具体、有条理地进行了推测。 灵活地使用了表推测的常用句型,使文章生动,且富有变化,如 ①②④⑤处。在描述推测的理由时,合理进行了想象,增添了一些内容, 如③处,使行文更加连贯。 语文老师手里有一份没有写名字的试卷而且无人认领,成绩是100分。 根据提示帮助老师分析一下这份试卷是班里哪位同学的。 提示:1.卷面整洁,属于一个女孩子; 2.书写良好,可能属于莉莉(Lily),杰西(Jessie)或艾丽丝(Alice); 3.莉莉(Lily)不擅长语文,不可能是她的; 4.杰西(Jessie)擅长语文,但她的试卷在她的书桌里; 5.艾丽丝(Alice)也擅长语文,她没找到她的试卷。 参考词汇:can't,must,might,tidy,good,handwriting,be good at, do well in,top student,full mark This paper without a name can't be a boy's because a boy's paper can't be so tidy.It must belong to a girl.But only three girls have good handwriting in our class—Lily,Jessie and Alice.The paper can't belong to Lily,because she is not good at Chinese.It might be Jessie's,because she is one of the top students in our class and does well in Chinese.But the problem is that she has found her paper in her desk.So it must belong to Alice.She likes Chinese and does better in Chinese than any other students in our class.And now she hasn't got her paper yet.So the paper with full mark must be Alice's.

