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话题写作(三) 校园生活 第一篇 教材考点梳理 典例分析 【话题点睛】话题主要包括学生在学校的生活和学习情况。涉及的要点: (1)学校一天的学习时间及作息安排; (2)学习过程中碰到的学习问题; (3)校园生活中的交友问题; (4)国内外校园生活的异同; (5)校园生活中的一些学习或生活规则,如带手机问题和穿校服问题等; (6)校园内举行的活动和发生的事件等。   假定你是苏华,你最近认识的英国笔友David给你发了一封电子邮件,想 了解你初中三年来在学习和生活方面的一些收获、困惑和感受。请认真阅 读下面的邮件,根据邮件的内容及你的实际情况用英语回复。 典例分析 To: suhua@china.com From: davidsmith@britain.com Subject: School life Dear Su Hua,   Glad to hear you're graduating from junior high school. I'm interested in how you feel about those three years of school life. Would you please tell me the following things? ·What do you like best about your school life? ·What's the biggest problem as a junior high school student? ·Who has helped you most? And why? ·Do you enjoy your school life? Why or why not?   I look forward to hearing from you soon. All the best, David [注意] 1.词数:80左右,开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数; 2.回复须包括所有要点,可适当发挥,使全文连贯、通顺; 3.邮件中不得提及真实的人名、校名等相关信息。 Dear David,   Thank you so much for your email. I'm very happy to tell you about my school life.   How about your school life? Write to me soon. Best wishes, Su Hua 【思路点拨】 1.要点提炼:本文主要是谈论自己在学习和生活上的一些收获、困惑和感受。 根据来信可知,文章主要从以下几个部分展开叙述: (1)对于学校生活,最喜欢的部分。 (2)作为一名初中生,最大的问题是什么。 (3)谁帮助自己最多以及原因。 (4)是否喜欢自己的学校生活? 为什么(不)? 2.确定时态:一般现在时和现在完成时。 3.确定人称:第一人称。 【写作架构】 【基础写作】 根据所给提示词补全下列各句。 1.基础句 这是学习团队精神的好机会。(good) . →升格句 而且,这是学习团队精神的极好机会。(moreover, excellent) . It is/It's a good chance to learn team spirit. Moreover, it's an excellent chance to learn team spirit. 2.基础句 当我有困难时,我的英语老师总是来到我身边。(when) . . →升格句 无论何时我有困难,我的英语老师总是来到我身边。(whenever) . . Whenever I am/I'm in great need, my English teacher always comes to me. When I am/I'm in great need, my English teacher always comes to me. 3.基础句 她在初中时帮助我很多。(help) . →升格句 她是在初中时帮助我最多的人。(使用who引导的定语从句) . 4.基础句 我喜欢我的学校生活,因为它很美好。(nice) . →升格句总之,我喜欢我的学校生活,因为它是精彩有意义的。(in all, colorful and meaningful) . . In all, I like/enjoy my school life, because it is/it's colorful and meaningful. She has helped me a lot in junior high school. She is the person who has helped me most in junior high school. I like/enjoy my school life, because it is/it's nice. 【连句成文】 Dear David,   Thank you so much for your email. I'm very happy to tell you about my school life.   I like the Football Club best because I've made quite a few friends by joining the club. Moreover, it's an excellent chance to learn team spirit.   However, I've also met some problems over the three years. The biggest one is how to achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies. Whenever I am in great need, my English teacher always comes to me, so she is the person who has helped me most in junior high school.   In all, I enjoy my school life because it's colorful and meaningful.   How about your school life? Write to me soon.   Best wishes, Su Hua 拓展积累 【相关短语】 with one's help 在某人的帮助下; be good at 擅长于; each other 相互,彼此; make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事; continue doing sth. 继续做某事; make progress 取得进步; little by little 渐渐地; keep doing sth. 坚持做某事; junior high school 初中; senior high school 高中; what's more 而且; be full of 充满; get on well with sb. 与某人相处融洽; thanks to多亏,由于 【参考谚语】 1.Wasting time is robbing yourself.浪费时间就是掠夺自己。 2.A young idler, an old beggar.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 3.Custom makes all things easy. 习惯成自然。 【亮点句型】 校园课程相关表达 1.We have Chinese at eight o'clock and science at five to nine. 2.On Tuesday, we have art and history, but we don't have math. 3.It's my favorite subject because it's very interesting. 4.I go to school on weekdays, but not on Saturday or Sunday. 同学交往相关表达 1.At eleven o'clock, we have a break in the playground and I talk to my friends. 2.They go to the playground and play football, but I don't like football. 3.You are not the same as you were ten years ago, and your friend isn't the same, either. 4.I hope he will have a bright future and our friendship will last forever. 5.Jeff is more outgoing than me and he is good at playing soccer. 师生交往相关表达 1.Thanks to my P.E. teacher, last month I passed the running test successfully! 2.My P.E. teacher advised me to walk first and then try running. 3.Generally speaking, we are more than teachers to students, and friends, I suppose. 校园生活和活动表达 1.We are graduating from our school soon. 2.Three years ago, I was a new student in our class. 3.At the moment of looking back at the three years, many words have come to my mind. 4.Besides studying, I also enjoy myself in doing other things, including doing sports with my classmates. 5.I'm thirteen and I go to Park School in Oxford, England. 实战演练 请根据你校校刊KIDS MAG中HAVE YOUR SAY栏目的征稿内容,用英语写 一篇短文,表达你的想法。 Hi,   At KIDS MAG we'd like you to share your ideas about our school. In my column, HAVE YOUR SAY, you can let other kids know what you think. This month we want you to have your say about Culture Week in our school.   ·What theme of Culture Week you like.   ·Why you like the theme.   ·What activity/activities you can organize for the theme.   Looking forward to hearing from you. Sam Southland [注意] (1)对所有要点逐一陈述,适当发挥; (2)词数:80左右,文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数; (3)文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。   I am glad to share my ideas about Culture Week in our school. . . One possible version :   I am glad to share my ideas about Culture Week in our school. I like the theme about international cooking for our Culture Week, because this can help us better understand different cultures while enjoying nice food.   First, we will invite teachers and parents to give talks about international cooking. Then, we will hold a Cooking Festival. All the students can bring their own dishes and share them with each other. Near the end of the week, we will have a DIY competition. There will be a surprise in the end.   I hope our Culture Week will be a great success!

