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话题写作 (二) 安全问题 第一篇 教材考点梳理 【 话题点睛 】 该话题主要涉及如何保护人身安全、校园安全、交通安全等。此类试题常以要点提示的方式来考查。 树立自我保护意识 , 健康快乐地成长是每个青少年的必修课。下面是某地关心下一代工作委员会为青少年编写的《青少年自我保护、健康成长手册》的部分内容。作为一名中学生 , 写一篇文章 , 内容包括 :① 陈述你是怎样践行手册中提及的三条事项的 ;② 补充至少一条你认为重要的其他事项。 典例分析 [ 要求 ] ( 1 )语言通顺 , 要点齐全 , 意思连贯 , 条理清楚 , 书写规范 ; ( 2 )文中不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称 ; ( 3 )词数 :80 — 100, 文章的开头和结尾已给出 , 不计入总词数。    Self-protection is one of the most important skills for teenagers. But how do I protect myself and grow up healthily? Now let me share my experience and ideas with you.    First,           In short, if we obey the rules and take care of ourselves, we will grow up safely and healthily. 【 思路点拨 】 1. 要点提炼 : 主题是关于提高中学生的自我保护意识。文章主要有两个要点 : ( 1 )描述已给出的安全措施 ; ( 2 )提出自己的建议。 2. 确定时态 : 一般现在时。 3. 确定人称 : 第一人称。 【写作架构】 【 基础写作 】 Ⅰ. 写主干句(根据所给提示补全下列各句。) 1. 直到交通灯变成绿色我才会过马路。( not … until …) I      go until the traffic light         .  2. 我经常吃得比较健康和安全。( healthily; safely ) I often eat           .  3. 吃太多的快餐将对我们的身体造成伤害。( do harm to sth. )       fast food will          our bodies.  4. 我想给你们一些建议。( would like to do sth. )          give you some advice.  won't turns green healthily and safely Eating too much do harm to I'd like to Ⅱ. 句子升格(按括号中的要求改写句子。) 1.Obeying the traffic rules is the most important. (用“ Nothing is+ 比较级 +than …”改写句子)   2.Eating more fruit and vegetables is important. (用 it 作形式主语改写句子)   3.I always cross the zebra walk. It's safe. (用 because 改写句子)   Nothing is more important than obeying the traffic rules. It's important to eat more fruit and vegetables. I always cross the zebra walk because it's safe. 【连句成文】 Self-protection is one of the most important skills for teenagers. But how do I protect myself and grow up healthily? Now let me share my experience and ideas with you. First, nothing is more important than obeying the traffic rules.I never run the red light.When the traffic light is red, I won't go until it turns green.I always cross the zebra walk because it's safe.Second, I often eat healthily and safely.It's important to eat more fruit and vegetables.Eating too much fast food will do harm to my body.Third, I never meet strangers alone, especially friends who I make on the Internet.At the same time if we are true friends, we should help each other. What's more, I'd like to give you some advice.Now summer is coming.In my opinion,it's dangerous for us to swim alone, especially in deep lakes or rivers.So don't do that. In short, if we obey the rules and take care of ourselves, we will grow up safely and healthily. 【参考谚语】 1.Caution is the parent of safety. 小心驶得万年船。 2.Accidents will happen. 天有不测风云。 3.Better safe than sorry. 谨言慎行不吃亏。 拓展积累 【相关短语】 call the police 报警 ; ask teachers for help 向老师求助 ; go upstairs/downstairs 上 / 下楼 ; without permission 未经许可 ; keep away from 远离…… ; how to protect ourselves 如何保护我们自己 ; follow the school rules 遵守校规 ; obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则 ; be strict with 对……要求严格 【亮点句型】 导入主题句 1.As middle school students, we should learn to protect ourselves from every possible danger. 2.Self-protection is one of the most important skills, especially for teenagers. 3.As we know, more and more people pay attention to students' safety. 4.In recent years, students' safety has become a hot topic. 文章发展、过渡句 1.On the one hand, we students should learn some skills about how to protect ourselves. 2.What's more, we must call the police or our teachers for help if we are in danger. 3.It's time for us to take measures to keep the students safe. 4.However, there are some dangerous things which are harmful to students' safety in our daily life. 文章结尾句 1.In a word, following these safety rules above can make us live in peace. 2.Learn to protect ourselves so that we can grow up safely and enjoy our wonderful life. 3.I hope more and more people can give their hands to help students grow healthily. 4.In my opinion, students' safety will improve as long as efforts are made. A [2019 ·南充改编 ] 近年来 , 学生意外伤害事故频发 , 给许多家庭带来永久的伤痛。作为中学生 , 我们该如何有效地自我保护 , 免受伤害呢 ? 我市正在举行以“ How to Keep Safe ”为题的中学生安全知识英语征文比赛 , 请你根据下表提示 , 写一篇短文参赛吧。 实战演练 How to Keep Safe Traffic traffic lights, electric bikes (电动车)… Swimming rivers, swimming pool … Internet ID number, code (密码) , unhealthy websites … … … [ 要求 ] ( 1 )短文必须包含三个所列要点和一个补充要点 ; ( 2 )文中不得出现真实人名、校名或地名 ; ( 3 )词数 :80 左右(开头和结尾已给出 , 不计入总词数)。 How to Keep Safe Do you know that many dangerous things will happen if we are not careful enough? As a student, knowing how to keep safe is very important.           After all, life is very important. We should learn something about self-protection so that we can protect ourselves well. One possible version :    Do you know that many dangerous things will happen if we are not careful enough? As a student, knowing how to keep safe is very important. First, we should obey the traffic rules. When the lights are red, we shouldn't cross the road. And we shouldn't ride the electric bicycles. Second, we shouldn't swim in the river because it's dangerous. We can go swimming with our parents in a swimming pool. Third, we shouldn't tell strangers our ID number or code when we are surfing the Internet. We shouldn't surf unhealthy websites. What's more, we shouldn't go out with our friends without our parents' permission. If we are in danger, we can ask for help from our parents or teachers, even the police. After all, life is very important. We should learn something about self-protection so that we can protect ourselves well. B [2019 ·北京 ] 假如你是李华 , 你们学校正在开展“安全月”宣传活动 , 倡议大家制作关于安全教育的主题海报 , 你们班交换生 Peter 给你发邮件询问相关事情。请用英语回复一封邮件 , 告诉他海报上交的时间 , 并分享你设计海报的一些想法。 [ 提示词语 ] design, safety rule, careful, protect, picture [ 提示 ] ( 1 ) When should you hand in the poster? ( 2 ) What would you like to share with Peter about designing the poster? Dear Peter, I'm glad to receive your email.            If there is anything more that I can help with, please let me know. Yours, Li Hua One possible version : Dear Peter, I'm glad to receive your email. Safety plays an important part in our daily life. Recently our school is having Safety Month activities. Our teacher asks us to design posters about safety. I have finished it already and I will hand it in tomorrow. I would like to share my poster with you. On my poster,I made some safety rules, such as never go swimming in the river or the lake alone,be careful on our way to school or home,never eat junk food,go away from dangerous places to protect ourselves and so on. I drew some pictures on the poster as well. If there is anything more that I can help with, please let me know. Yours, Li Hua

