初中英语九年级全册Unit2Ithinkthatmo单元同步语法精讲精练课件 人教新目标版

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初中英语九年级全册Unit2Ithinkthatmo单元同步语法精讲精练课件 人教新目标版

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 第三课时 (Grammar Focus4c)—单元同步语法精讲精练 ►概念:在复合句中用作宾语的从句叫宾语从句。 ►不同引导词引导的宾语从句 ①that引导的宾语从句:当宾语从句是陈述句时,用连接代词that引导, that在口语、非正式语境中常被省略。 eg:She said that she went to the park last week.她说她上周去了公园。 ②if或whether引导的宾语从句:当宾语从句是由一般疑问句变来时,要 用连接词if或whether来引导。一般情况下二者可以互换使用。 eg:I want to know if/whether he is waiting for me.我想知道他是否在等我。 【注意】下列情况中一般只能用whether引导: ❶与or not连用时。 eg:I don't know whether he likes the movie or not.我不知道他是否喜欢 这部电影。 ❷作discuss等词或作介词的宾语时。 eg:We discussed whether we should close the shop.我们讨论了是否应该 关闭那家商店。 ❸在动词不定式之前时。 ►宾语从句的时态 ①如果主句是一般现在时,宾语从句应根据实际情况 来定。 ②如果主句是一般过去时,宾语从句常用过去的某种时态。 【注意】如果主句是一般过去时,从句所表达的是客观真理或不可改变 的自然现象时,从句仍用一般现在时。 eg:The teacher told us that the earth is smaller than the sun.老师告诉我 们地球比太阳小。 ►概念:用来表达说话时的惊异、喜悦、气愤等情绪的句子叫感叹句。 ►结构 ①What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数(+主谓)! ②What+形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词(+主谓)! ③How+形容词/副词(+主谓)! ④How+主谓! 【注意】what与how引导的感叹句通常可以互相转换。 eg:What beautiful flowers they are! =How beautiful the flowers are!多美的花儿啊! What a tall boy Tom is! =How tall (a boy) Tom is!汤姆好高啊! How time flies!时光飞逝! 一、单项选择。 1.(济宁中考) I wonder __________. A.if the program Readers is popular B.how does the program Readers succeed C.when did the program Readers begin D.whether is the program Readers popular A 2.(南京中考) —Are you going camping this afternoon? —________ typhoon is coming.I'm not sure C the road to the mountains will be closed.              A.which B.what C.whether D.why 3.(丹东中考) Our geography teacher told us that the earth ____ the sun. A.went around B.goes around C.is going around D.was going around A B 4.(昆明中考)—Have you watched the boat races this Dragon Boat Festival? —Yes._______ wonderful races! A.What an B.What a C.What D.How 5.(宜昌中考)— People choose highspeed train or selfdriving to travel on holidays. —_______ fast the traditional travel ways change! A.What a B.How C.What D.How a C B 二、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 6.这些月饼多么可口啊! _____ _________ ____________ they are! 7.她不知道是否能按时到校。 She doesn't know __________ she can get to school on time ___ _____. 8.我想知道在父亲节那天是否可以送父亲一条领带。 I wonder _____________ I can buy a ____ for my father on Father's Day. What delicious mooncakes whether or not if/whether tie 9.好美的一栋房子! _______ ____ ___________ house it is! 10.我认为四月是泰国最热的月份。 I believe ________ April is the hottest month in Thailand. What a beautiful that

