初中英语九年级全册Unit2Ithinkthat第七课时SelfCheck课件 人教新目标版

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初中英语九年级全册Unit2Ithinkthat第七课时SelfCheck课件 人教新目标版

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 第七课时 Self Check 一、根据句意,选择方框中的短语并用其适当形式填空。 give out,spread...around,not only...but also, give birth to,a symbol of 1.My aunt ________________ a baby last week.The news made everyone very happy. 2.He can ______________ play the guitar ______________ write music. 3.Joe ____________ the false information ______________ to cheat others last month. 4.As we all know,green is ________________ health. 5.Could you help me ________________ these textbooks to students? gave birth to not only but also spread around a symbol of 一、根据句意,选择方框中的短语并用其适当形式填空。 give out,spread...around,not only...but also, give birth to,a symbol of 1.My aunt ________________ a baby last week.The news made everyone very happy. 2.He can ______________ play the guitar ______________ write music. 3.Joe ____________ the false information ______________ to cheat others last month. 4.As we all know,green is ________________ health. 5.Could you help me ________________ these textbooks to students?give out 二、单项选择。 ( )6.—Are you going out with Jack tonight? —That's my ________.Mind your own. A.offer   B.business  C.question  D.chance ( )7.—Why did Jimmy put up two hands? —Nobody noticed him,so he put up one hand and then ________. A.other B.another C.the other D.the others B C ( )8.Although Laurie ________ for 50 days,I can feel her spirit with me.(易错题) A.is dead B.has died C.has been dead D.dies ( )9.Don't ________ in bed all morning!Get up quickly and help me ________ out yogurt and bread for your hungry kids to eat.(易错题) A.lie;lay B.lay;lie C.lie;lie D.lay;lay C A ( )10.—Could you tell me ________ you'd like me to pay you? —You'd better use mobile payment,I don't care ________ it is Ali Pay or WeChat Pay.(原创题) A.how;whether B.how;why C.what;whether D.what;why A 三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 11.我在度假期间体重增加了五磅。 I ________________ five pounds while I was on holiday. 12.他老是捉弄我,我很生气。 I am angry that he is always ________________________ me. 13.他们做了很多工作,但最终一无所获。 They did much work,but they ________________ getting nothing. put on playing a trick/joke on ended up 14.由于下雪,警察告诫司机们要小心。 The police ______________________ careful as it was snowing. 15.售货员为了迎接国庆节的到来,正忙着布置橱窗。 The shop assistants were busying ________________ their windows for the coming National Day. warned drivers to be laying out 四、从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。有两项为多余项。 A:Hello!Is that Li Dong speaking? B:Hi,Mary.This is Li Dong. A:How is it going these days? B:Pretty good!16.________ A:What did you celebrate it for? B:To remember an ancient Chinese poet (诗人). A:17.________ D A B:We usually eat rice dumplings on that day.But this year,we did something more interesting. A:Really?18.________ B:Our school had a dragon boat race. A:Sounds interesting!19.________ B:Our class. A:Congratulations! B:Thanks a lot.I hope you can come to China sometime. A:I hope so.20.________ Tell me more next time. B:OK,I will. G E B A.How do you usually celebrate it? B.I'm interested in Chinese traditional festivals. C.When did you come to China? D.We celebrated the Dragon Boat Festival last week. E.Who won the race at last? F.The race began at 9:30 in the morning. G.What did you do this year? 五、完形填空。(2019,广安) Every April,there is a special day in China.It is Qingming Festival,also called TombSweeping Day.On that day,people __21__ and honor (纪念) their ancestors (祖先). Qingming is a(n) __22__ Chinese festival.It has a long history.It began over 2, 000 years ago.A famous poem __23__ the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu describes the day:“Rain falls heavily as Qingming comes,and passersby (行人) with lowered spirits go.” TombSweeping Day has been a public __24__ on the Chinese mainland (中 国大陆) since 2008.On this day,__25__ bring flowers,food and wine to their ancestors' tombs (墓).They put food like cakes and fruit in front of the tombs.After that,they __26__ the dirt off the tombs and remember their dead family members. ( )21.A.remember B.meet C.see D.find ( )22.A.popular B.famous C.traditional D.unhappy ( )23.A.for B.by C.with D.as ( )24.A.weekend B.weekday C.journey D.holiday ( )25.A.classes B.families C.friends D.groups A C B D B ( )26.A.turn B.keep C.sweep D.go ( )27.A.Why B.When C.Where D.Who ( )28.A.bring B.show C.make D.take ( )29.A.warmer B.colder C.cooler D.shorter ( )30.A.have fun B.work hard C.pull together D.get together C A B A D 六、阅读理解。 A As an international city,Shanghai sees several music festivals held in the city every year.From jazz to rock,there is something amazing for everyone to enjoy. Strawberry Music Festival   The Strawberry Music Festival was introduced to Shanghai in 2014.Held between April 26 and April 28,the festival brought some famous talents to music fans in 2019.Everyone enjoyed a funfilled musical feast (盛宴) in Shanghai Community Sports Club. JZ Festival   The 15th JZ Festival was held in Shanghai International Tourism Resort in September last year.Jazz was the main part of the festival.You can also enjoy rock and blues.Even if you are not a music fan,you can still spend an unusual MidAutumn Festival there. Electric Daisy Carnival   Electric Daisy Carnival,known as EDC,is an electronic dance music festival.It has been held every year in Las Vegas since 1997.On April 29th,2018, EDC made its debut (首次亮相) in China in Shanghai International Music Village with two days of worldclass performances. ( )31.Shanghai held the Strawberry Music Festival for the first time in ________. A.1997 B.2004 C.2014 D.2018 ( )32.The 15th JZ Festival was held ________. A.during the MidAutumn Festival B.during the Spring Festival C.on National Day D.on May Day C A ( )33.Where did EDC first appear in China? A.In Shanghai Concert Hall. B.In Shanghai International Tourism Resort. C.In Shanghai International Music Village. D.In Shanghai Community Sports Club. ( )34.Which of the following is TRUE? A.People can only enjoy jazz at the JZ Festival. B.The Strawberry Music Festival is very serious. C.The 2018 Electric Daisy Carnival lasted for a week. D.The 2019 Strawberry Music Festival ended on April 28. C D ( )35.The reading is written to ________. A.invite people to visit Shanghai B.introduce some music festivals in Shanghai C.make people learn more about Shanghai D.show people how popular music festivals are B B In some provinces of Canada,people celebrate Family Day on the third Monday of February.36.________ On Family Day,many people plan and take part in activities with their families.These activities include visiting art museums,watching movies, playing games and holding parties.37.________ Because the weather is usually very cold in February,some people just choose to stay at home.38.________ Other people use the long weekend as a chance to take a short winter break,or to travel to visit friends. D B E On Family Day,most people have a day off work or school.Many stores and supermarkets are closed,but post offices may be open.39.________ Family Day was first held in Canada in the province of Alberta in 1990.It was held to show the importance of family to people in Alberta.40.________ British Columbia celebrated Family Day as a holiday for the first time in 2013.One of the reasons for introducing Family Day was that there were no holidays from New Year's Day to Good Friday (受难节).It was such a long time. A C 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使 短文意思通顺、内容完整。 A.Buses run according to their usual timetables (时刻表). B.Some communities (社区) plan special public events,too. C.Later,Family Day was introduced to other provinces. D.It is a holiday that gives families the chance to spend time together. E.They enjoy hot chocolate and freshlymade cookies.

