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句型专训 人教版九年级英语下册专题复习课件 2 一、单项 选择 1. —Do you know ________ a 5- day trip to Hong Kong costs? —I guess it's about ¥ 4, 000. A. how fast B. how long C. how soon D. how much D 2. — ________ do you like pandas? — Because they are very cute. A. What B. Who C. Why D. Where C 3. Can anyone suggest ________ to go for lunch? A. why B . what C. who D. where D 4. —Millie , ________ do you take the course in DIY? —Every Saturday afternoon. A. how long B. how far C. how much D . how often D 5. —Are you ________ your sister? —No, I'm friendlier. A. friendly than B . as friendly as C. as friendlier as D . friendlier than B 6. Talent shows are getting ________. A. more popular and more B. more and more popular C. more popular and more popular D. the more popular, the more popular B 7. We all look forward to ________ you again soon . 【 2018• 宜宾 】 A. see B . seeing C . seen B 8. — What ________ when you grow up? —I'm going to be a computer programmer. A. do you want B . are you going to be C. will you want D . did you want to be B 9. —You don't look well . ________ with you? —I have a fever and can't stop coughing. A. What's happening B . What is it C. What's on D . What's the matter D 10. —Aamir Khan played the part of a great father in the movie The Tale of Fatherly Love . — ________ excellent actor he is! A. What B . What a C . What an D . How C 11. —Lucy, look at the stars in the sky . 【 2019• 哈尔滨 】 —________! A. What bright it is B . How bright they are C. What bright they are B 12. ________ on the grass. It's a rule of the park . 【 2019• 青海 】 A. Step B . Don't step C . To step B 13. ________ more books, and you will improve your reading skills . 【 2019• 桂林 】 A. Reading B . Read C . Reads B 14. —Daddy, ________ will you buy me a bendable phone ( 折叠手机 )? —Oh, perhaps in a few months . 【 2019• 铁岭 】 A. how long B . how far C. how soon D . how often C 15. —There is nothing left in the fridge, ________? 【 2019• 天水 】 —________. Let's go to the supermarket to buy some. A. is there; Yes B . isn't there; Yes C. is there; No D . isn't there; No C 16. —________ 【 2019• 武威、白银 】 —At least three times. A. How much do you pay for Treasure Island ? B. How often have you read Treasure Island ? C. How long does it take you to finish reading Treasure Island ? D. How many times have you read Treasure Island ? D 17. —________ a big clock on the wall? 【 2019• 青海 】 —Yes, but it was broken in the earthquake. A. Have you got B . Did you have C. Was there C 18. —Wang Bin has never stopped smoking, ________ he? 【 2019• 安顺 】 —________, he hasn't. Although his wife always advises him not to. A. has; Yes B . hasn't; Yes C. has; No D . hasn't; No C 19. Time is limited! You'd better ________ your time any more . 【 2019• 广西桂林 】 A. not to waste B . waste C. not waste C 20. —Excuse me, could you tell me ________ to get to a nearby bank? —Go along this street and you will see a bank. 【 2019• 德阳 】 A. why B . where C . how D. when C 二、根据汉语提示完成 句子 1. 每个人天生具有学习的能力。 Everybody is ________ ________ the ability to learn . born with 2. 他经过超市的时候 , 进去买了一些食物。 When he ________ ________ the supermarket, he went inside and bought some food. passed by 3. 他经常在语法方面犯错。 He often ________ ________ ________ grammar . makes mistakes in 4. 这些照片使我想起了我的父母。 These photos ________ ________ ________ my parents . remind me of 5. 他不知道怎样和他的父母沟通。 He doesn't know how to ______________ ________ his parents. communicate with 6. 她开始跳舞以应对她的超重问题。 She took up dancing to ________________ her overweight problem. 7. 请不要在公共场合吸烟。 Please don't smoke ________ ________. deal with in public 8. 经理亲自和小王谈了话 , 希望他能留下来。 The manager talked with Xiaowang ________ ________ and wished him to stay . 9. 毫无疑问 , 小强是我们班学习最用功的学生。 ________ ________ ________ that Xiaoqiang is the most hardworking student in our class . in There's no doubt person 10. 那辆卡车突然冲进了河里。 The truck ran into the river ________ ________ ________ ________. all of a sudden 11. 李先生在餐馆吃完饭后错拿了别人的伞。 Mr. Li took somebody else's umbrella ______ _________ after eating in the restaurant . 12 . 走路去上班不但减少空气污染 , 而且有助于我们保持健康。 Walking to work ________ ________ cuts down air pollution, ________ ________ helps to keep us healthy . by mistake not only but also 13. 那个男孩子过去常常和妈妈顶嘴 , 但现在不了。 The boy ________ ________ ________ ________ to his mom, but now he doesn't. used to talk back 14. 她时不时地去乡下看望她的爷爷奶奶。 She goes to the countryside to visit her grandparents ________ ________ ________ ________. 15. 潍坊因其风筝而出名。 Weifang is ________ ________ its kites. from time to time known for 16. 孔子的话总是很有道理。 Confucius' words always ________ ________ ________. 17. 请让孩子们远离火。 Please ________ the children ________ ________ the fire. have a keep away from point 18. 前几天我偶然遇到了我的小学老师。 I met my primary school teacher ________ ________ several days ago. 19. 运动会将在三天后召开。 The sports meeting will ________ ________ in three days. by accident take place 20. 这本书一定是莉莉的 , 因为她非常喜欢读书。 The book ________ ________ ________ Lily because she likes reading very much . must belong to 21. —— 这是谁的书包 ? —— 我不确定 , 但它不可能是迈克的。 —________ schoolbag is this? —I'm not sure . But it ________ ________ Mike's. Whose can't be 22. 我更喜欢能够跟着一起唱的音乐。 I prefer music that I can ________ ________ ________. 23. 你喜欢什么种类的电影 ? ________ ________ ________ ________ do you like ? sing along with What kind of movies 24. 总共有 10 个学生被选中去香港游学。 Ten students ________ ________ are chosen to be on the study tour in Hong Kong. 25. 既然那样 , 我将让别人和我去。 ________ ________ ________, I'll ask somebody else to go with me. in total In that case 三、按要求完成 句子 1. It took them five days to complete the difficult task. ( 对画线部分提问 )【2019• 江苏南通 】 ________ ________ did it take them to complete the difficult task ? How long 2. The girl gave a rather wonderful speech last Friday. ( 改为感叹句 ) 【 2019• 江苏南通 】 ________ ________ wonderful speech the girl gave last Friday! What a 3. The students in our school are polite. They never push in before others.( 合并为一句 ) 【 2019• 江苏南通 】 The students in our school are ________ polite ________ push in before others . too to 4. Suzy didn't know when she would take a boat trip on the lake. ( 改为同义句 ) 【 2019• 江苏南通 】 Suzy didn't know ________ ________ take a boat trip on the lake. when to 5. Dr. Ma cured the old man's serious eye problem two months ago.( 改为被动语态 ) The old man's serious eye problem ________ ________ by Dr. Ma two months ago . 【 2019• 江苏南通 】 was cured 6. Sara was late for school because of the heavy rain . ( 对画线部分提问 ) 【 2019• 重庆 B 卷 】 ________ ________ Sara late for school ? Why was 7. You'd better go to different clubs. Don't stay in the classroom. ( 改为同义句 ) 【 2019• 重庆 B 卷 】 You'd better go to different clubs ________ ________ staying in the classroom. instead of 8. I lent the book to Gina a few days ago. ( 改为同义句 ) 【 2019• 重庆 A 卷 】 Gina ____________ the book ________ me a few days ago . borrowed from 9. She put the keys on the table yesterday. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) 【 2019• 新疆 】 ________ she ________ the keys on the table yesterday ? Did put 10. Both of us do the dishes on Friday. ( 改为否定句 ) ________ ________ us does the dishes on Friday. Neither of 11. My sister learned English by watching English movies in the past . ( 对画线部分提问 ) ________ ________your sister learn English in the past ? How did 12. Jack has already eaten breakfast.( 改为否定句 ) Jack ________ eaten breakfast ________. hasn't yet 13 . The math problem is too difficult for me to work out.( 改为同义句 ) The math problem is ________ difficult ________ I ________ work it out. so that can't 14. It's important news.( 改为感叹句 ) ________ _____________ the news is ! How important 15 . Does he celebrate New Year with his friends? ( 用 I wonder 改写成含有宾语从句的复合句 ) I wonder ___________ he ____________ New Year with his friends. whether celebrates 16. We think she is fit for the job.( 改为否定句 ) We ________ ________ she ________ fit for the job . don't think is 17 . Could you please tell me how I can get to the train station? ( 改为同义句 ) Could you please tell me ________ ________ get to the train station? how to 18. Why don't you have a picnic with your friends? ( 改为同义句 ) ________ ________ ________ a picnic with your friends ? Why not have 19 . They used to ride bikes to school.( 改为否定句 ) They ________ ________ ________ ride bikes to school . didn't use to 20. He waters flowers every day.( 改为被动语态 ) Flowers ________ ________ by him every day . are watered 21. They sent those videos to the poor children . ( 改为被动语态 ) Those videos ________ ________ to the poor children by them. were sent 22. You can keep these books for two weeks . ( 改为被动语态 ) These books ________ ________ ________ for two weeks . can be kept 23 . My sister likes the songs . The songs are gentle . ( 改为含定语从句的复合句 ) My sister likes the songs ____________ ________ gentle . that/which are 24 . My mother likes noodles better than rice . ( 改为同义句 ) My mother ________ noodles ________ rice . prefers to 25 . My father doesn't know the boy under the tree . ( 改为含定语从句的复合句 ) My father doesn't know the boy ________ ________ under the tree . who is 四、将下列句子翻译成英语。 1. 他们 从小学起就一直是好朋友 。 【 2019• 扬州 】 ____________________________________________________________________________ They have been good friends since primary school. 2 . 没有什么能阻止我们实现梦想。 【2019• 扬州 】 ________________________________________________________________________________ Nothing can prevent / stop / keep us from realizing our dreams. 3 . 每天锻炼一小时对健康和学习都有好处 。 【 2019• 扬州 】 ________________________________________________________________________________ It is good for health and study to exercise for an hour every day. 4. 谢谢你为我们提供了这么多有趣的书籍 。 【 2019• 扬州 】 ________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for offering us so many interesting books. 5 . 在那个时候 , 他别无选择 , 只能依靠自己 。 【 2019• 扬州 】 ________________________________________________________________________________ He had no choice but to depend on himself at that time. 6. 所有的教室昨天都被打扫了一遍 。 【 2019• 威海 】 ________________________________________ All the classrooms were cleaned yesterday. 7. 陆地上什么动物最重 ? 【 2019• 威海 】 ________________________________________________________________________________ What kind of animal(s) is the heaviest/What animals are the heaviest on land? 8. 妈妈让他把手洗干净再吃午饭。 【2019• 威海 】 ________________________________________________________________________________ Mom told/ asked him to wash ( let/made him wash) his hands clean and then have lunch. 9. 看 , 她买了条多么漂亮的裙子呀 !【2019• 威海 】 ________________________________________________________________________________ Look, what a beautiful dress (skirt) / How beautiful a dress (skirt) she has bought! 10. 你能告诉我一支足球队有几个队员吗 ? 【 2019• 威海 】 ______________________________________________________________________________ Can you tell me how many players/ members there are on a soccer team? 11. 父亲经常建议我多读有教育意义的书。 (advise … to …) 【 2019• 滨州 】 ________________________________________________________________________________ My father often advises me to read more educational books. 12. 我们都应该为保持我们学校干净尽一份力。 (play a part in ) 【 2019• 滨州 】 ______________________________________________________________________________ We all should play a part in keeping our school clean. 13. 学习一门外语是非常重要的。 (It's … to …) 【 2019• 滨州 】 __________________________________________________________________________ It's very important to learn a foreign language. 14. 你现在应该戒烟了。 (give up) ___________________________________ You should give up smoking now. 15. 与飞信 (Fetion) 相比 , 现在微信 (WeChat) 更受欢迎。 (compared with) ______________________________________________________________________________ Compared with Fetion, WeChat is more popular now.

