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Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship ‎ Topic 1 I would rather watch TV plays than sports shows.‎ Section C needs 1 period. Section C需用1课时。‎ The main activities are ‎1a and 2b. 本课重点活动是‎1a和2b。‎ Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求 ‎1. Master some new words:‎ honest, compare ‎2. Learn the differences between Chinese culture and western culture.‎ ‎(1) Different emotions to animals, plants and so on.‎ ‎(2) Some proverbs in western countries and China.‎ ‎①Every dog has its day.‎ ‎②a dog catching a mouse ‎3. Go on learning TV programs and talking about their characteristics.‎ ‎4. Preference and hobbies ‎(1) Which TV program do you like better, Soccer Night or Animal World?‎ ‎(2) I prefer Animal World to Soccer Night.‎ Ⅱ. Teaching aids教具 磁带/录音机/写有阅读任务的小黑板或课件/一张叼着玫瑰花的狗的图片/一张普京的图片/一张动物世界的图片 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间: 16分钟)‎ 检查作业,导入新课。‎ ‎1. (检查作业,把此项活动作为对学生学习活动的督促。)‎ T: Are you ready to share your homework with us?‎ Ss: Yes.‎ T: Who wants to read your report in class?‎ S1: Let me try.‎ ‎(教师边问边注意学生的反映,检查他们作业的完成情况,让表现积极的某个学生汇报调查报告。选取几篇优秀的材料张贴以示鼓励。)‎ ‎2. (进行Brainstorming,激励学生用英语表达电视节目名称。)‎ T: What TV programs did you watch in this week?‎ Ss: TV plays, news, sports shows, entertainment shows.‎ T: We’ve learnt many expressions of TV programs. But ‎ could you say some names of TV programs?‎ ‎(教师呈现动物世界的相关图片。)‎ T: What TV program do you think it is?‎ Ss: Animal World.‎ T: Great. What about this picture?‎ ‎(教师呈现罗京的图片。)‎ Ss: CCTV news.‎ T: Good job! There is a form, please give an example of TV program to fill in the blanks.‎ TV program Children’s program Sports shows Information and news Entertainment shows TV plays Programs about education ‎...‎ Example Cartoon City Soccer Night CCTV news The Same ‎ Song Golden Theater Science and Exploration ‎...‎ ‎(把写有上述表格的小黑板呈现给学生。表格最后部分的省略号表示此内容可充分扩展。)‎ T: Now, you are divided into 5 groups. Please give us more information as soon as possible. The group that thinks out the most is the winner. Let’s begin.‎ T: Stop here! Group 1, how many TV program names do you have?‎ S2: 4.‎ T: What are they?‎ S2: They are Lucky 52, The Same Song, Animal World and Cartoon City.‎ ‎(教师再检查其他组搜集的情况,作出总结。)‎ ‎3. T: There are so many wonderful TV programs. S3, which TV program do you like better, Soccer Night or Animal World?‎ S3: I would rather watch Animal World than Soccer Night.‎ T: Why?‎ S3: Because I can learn a lot about animals in Animal World.‎ T: Good. Which program do you prefer, Lucky 52 or The Same Song, S4?‎ S4: I would rather watch The Same Song than Lucky 52.‎ T: Could you express your idea in another way?‎ S4: I prefer The Same Song to Lucky 52.‎ T: You are wonderful. Why do you prefer The Same Song to Lucky 52?‎ S4: Because I enjoy music.‎ ‎(在对话过程中,教师尽量把表达偏爱和喜好的不同句式运用起来,唤起学生对旧知识的回忆,并养成归纳和总结的学习习惯。‎ T: Please work in pairs. Ask your partner’s preference and tell your ‎ partner what program you like.‎ ‎(学生配对练习。)‎ ‎4. (引出新单词。)‎ ‎(拿出小狗的图片。)‎ T: Look at the dog! There are a lot of phrases about the dog in this section. For example, a homeless dog, a running dog. What characteristics does a dog have?‎ Ss: Friendly and lovely.‎ T: Yes, and it’s very honest.“Honest”means not telling lies.‎ An honest man never tells a lie.‎ ‎(板书新单词,标出读音,领读,并讲解其含义。)‎ honest /5RnIst/ adj. not telling lies An honest man never tells a lie.‎ tell a lie撒谎 T: Who is the most honest student in our class?‎ Ss: Me.‎ T: Maybe you are honest if you tell the truth. Who is not honest in our class?‎ Ss: Nobody./He is not honest.‎ ‎(在一种轻松幽默的气氛中练习新单词。)‎ Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈 现(时间: 12分钟)‎ 学习‎1a。‎ ‎1. (教师呈现小狗叼着玫瑰花的图片。)‎ T: Look at the picture again. Could you describe it? S1, please.‎ S1: There is a dog in the picture with a rose in its mouth. The dog ‎ looks very lovely.‎ T: Great! What do you think the rose means?‎ S1: Usually, roses mean love. Maybe the dog loves its owner very much. ‎ T: Thank you. S2, What do you think of the dog?‎ S2: I think the dog is a pet. It is very friendly to its owner]‎ T: What you said is very reasonable. What else do you think of it, S3?‎ S3: I think of two phrases, It is“a mad dog”and“a dog catching a mouse”.‎ T: I see what you said, you means a dog likes trying to catch mice. Anything else?‎ S4: A running dog.‎ ‎2. (阅读‎1a。)‎ T: Yes. There are different feelings towards dogs between China and western countries. Now, turn to ‎1a on page 29. Read the text and then finish 1b.‎ ‎(让学生独立阅读,教师到学生中了解学生的阅读情况,并指导学生养成良好的阅读习惯。)‎ T: Most of you have finished. At first, answer the questions according to the text.‎ ‎(教师把写有阅读任务的小黑板呈现给学生。)‎ ‎(1)Do China and western countries have different cultures?‎ ‎(2)What does a lucky dog mean?‎ ‎(3)How many phrases about dogs do you know?‎ ‎(4)Are roses the symbol of love in China as in western countries?‎ T: S5, please give your answer to No.1‎ S5: Yes, they do.‎ T: Right or wrong?‎ Ss: Right.‎ T: S6, have you got the answer to No.2?‎ S6: Yes. It means a person who has good luck.‎ T: S7, you answer Question 3.‎ S7: A homeless dog, a mad dog, a running dog, a dog catching a mouse, a lucky dog,every dog has its day, sick as a dog.‎ T: Wonderful! S7, what does“every dog has its day”mean?‎ S7: It means each person has good luck at times.‎ T: You are great. No.4, S8,could you?‎ S8: Yes, it is.‎ ‎3. (完成1b。)‎ T: Now, let’s go to 1b. Fill in the form according to ‎1a. You can use“negative”or ‎“positive”and also add your own opinions.‎ ‎(学生独立做作业,教师指导学生用negative和positive填写,并能用自己的语言来阐述观点,最后核对。)‎ T: Finished? Let’s check your answers.‎ Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩 固(时间: 5分钟)‎ 巩固‎1a。‎ ‎1. (听磁带。)‎ T: We’ve grasped the main idea of the text. Now, listen to the tape and pay attention to its ‎ pronunciation and intonation.‎ ‎(播放磁带,让学生纠正自己的语音语调,并进一步加深对课文内容的理解。)‎ ‎2. (播放磁带时,教师在黑板上安排下列巩固任务。)‎ ‎(1)The title of the text: ‎ ‎(2)The main idea of paragraph 1: ‎ ‎(3)The main idea of paragraph 2: ‎ ‎(4)Draw the conclusion(结论): ‎ T: Maybe most of you are sure of the text. Let’s set out to the task on the blackboard. S1, please come to the blackboard and write down your answers.‎ ‎(让学生学会理解文章的整体结构,培养严密的逻辑思维能力。)‎ S1: OK. Let me try.‎ T: The others can write down your answers on a piece of paper.‎ ‎(完成后核对答案。)‎ T: Now, check your answers.‎ The answers are: ‎ ‎(1)Title: Different Countries Have Different Cultures ‎(2)The main idea of paragraph 1: Some different words are used in China and in western ‎ countries.‎ ‎(3)The main idea of paragraph 2: Take the word“rose”for example and discuss similar ‎ words used in China and in western countries.‎ ‎(4)Conclusion: The words are used in positive or negative ways in different cultures.‎ ‎3. (根据1b所填的表格,复述‎1a。)‎ ‎ T: Please retell ‎1a according to 1b.‎ Step 4 Practice 第四步 练 习(时间: 7分钟)‎ 学习‎2a,完成2b。‎ ‎1. (让学生把‎2a中的图片与英文表述匹配,然后听录音并用数字标出。)‎ T: Match the pictures with their names. Then listen and number.‎ ‎2. (实践活动一,组织学生对表达偏爱和爱好的句式进行归纳总结,进行拓展练习。)‎ T: Boys and girls, if you want to express your preference and hobbies, how many ways can you show? Let’s play a game. Each one says a sentence one by one as soon as possible, but you can’t repeat others’. S1, you please.‎ ‎(教师可要求学生按座次的先后顺序进行。)‎ S1: I would rather stay at home than hang out.‎ S2: He likes playing basketball better than playing football.‎ S3: They prefer Lucky 52 to Happy Dictionary.‎ S4: Which sport would you rather have, running or fishing?[‎ S5: Which dish do you like better, fish or steak?‎ S6: Which fruit do you prefer, apple or orange?‎ ‎...‎ T: How wonderful you are! There are many different ways to express your opinions.‎ ‎3. (小组对话,完成2b。)‎ T: Look at the example of 2b. Then make dialogs in pairs according to the pictures of ‎2a.‎ Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)‎ 收集谚语,设计电视节目。‎ ‎1. (谚语集锦。拓展学生知识面,增强理解能力。)‎ T: In the section, we’ve learnt some proverbs and famous sayings, for example, Every dog has its day. There are some others on the blackboard. Try to grasp their meanings.‎ ‎(教师出示写有下列谚语的小黑板。)‎ ‎(1) Nothing is difficult if you set your mind on it.‎ ‎(2) A friend in need is a friend indeed.‎ ‎(3) All roads lead to Roman.‎ ‎(4) The early bird catches the worm.‎ ‎(5) No pains, no gains.‎ ‎(6) Waste not, want not.‎ T: Try to translate them into Chinese in an easy way.‎ ‎(学生们各抒己见。)‎ ‎2. Homework 电视节目设计方案: ‎ ‎(1)节目名称: Talks on Different Cultures(不同文化访谈)‎ ‎(2)节目风格(style)‎ ‎(3)表现形式(form)‎ ‎(4)选择收集的信息内容(information)‎ 信息内容: ①交际话题的差异 ‎②对不同事物的情感态度 ‎③一些有哲理的谚语 ‎④不同的风土人情

