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2019 年全国各地中考英语试题----书面表达 (附:参考范文于试题后,少数没范文) 1.(2019 浙江金华) 某英文网站正在举办以“My School Life”为主题的征文活动。假设你是 李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿。 内容要点 参考词汇 Subjects English, Science,... Teachers/Classmates kind, helpful,... Activities sports, hobbies,... 注意:1. 文中必须包括表格中全部内容要点,可适当发挥,参考词汇仅供选择使用; 2. 文中不得出现真实的校名和人名; 3. 词数:80—100; 4. 短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。 My School Life I’m Li Hua from Sunny Hill Middle School in China. I’d like to share my school life with you.___________________________________________________________________________ 参考范文: I’m Li Hua from Sunny Hill Middle School in China. I’d like to share my school life with you. We have many subjects at school such as Chinese, English and so on. I am focused on Chinese, for I think it’s getting more and more widely used throughout the world. Our teachers are kind and helpful. Whenever I have problems, they are always ready to give me a hand. School activities are rich and colorful. I often play basketball with my classmates, which brings me lots of fun. I like reading as well. So I often spend my free time reading in the school library. My school life is wonderful and I enjoy it very much. 2.(重庆 A 卷)你正在组织一项暑假期间到山区为期一周的游学和帮扶活动。作为发起人,请你 写一篇发言稿,在你校“英语时光”广播中号召更多的同学参加。 要求: 1.80~120 词,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 2.文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。 参考信息: 1. 活动缘由(孤独、帮扶、游学……); 2. 活动构想(时间、地点、内容……); 3. …… Hello, everybody. I am planning a summer trip called “Be a Kid in the Mountain”._______ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________Thank you. 参考范文: Hello, everybody. I am planning a summer trip called “ Be a Kid in the Mountains”. It will provide us with a meaningful week staying with the students in the mountains. As many of their parents leave for the city development, these students might feel lonely and some may even find it hard to go on studying. So we can bring them some school things like books and pens for their study, and prepare some interesting stories to share. In the daytime, we can go hiking and do some teamwork. In the evening, we can do such activities as popular games and groups danbce around the fire. . Isn’t that exciting ? Come and join us. Let’s be “ a kid in the mountains”. I believe it will bring sunshine to the mountains as well as more confidence to us. Thank you ! 3.(山东德州)假如你是某市第三中学的一名修生,你的学校正在参加全市文明校园的评选。以 下内容是学校根据《山东省中小学文明校园评比细则》列举的部分信息。请你根据表格内容,写 一篇短文,向社会宣传自己的学校,并谈谈你能为创建文明校园所做的至少一件事,为母校评选 文明校园尽一份力。 1.Teachers’ team (师资) 1 Experienced teachers Help us make progress 2 Friendly headteachers Grow as a person 2.school facilities (设施) (1)A big library Read books to learn more (2)A playground Do sports 3.School environment(环 境) (1)Different kinds of trees and flowers Be clean and beautiful (2)Safety education classes Protect ourselves 4.? ... ... 要求:1.语言通顺,要点齐全,条理清楚,书写规范; 2. 文中不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称; 3. 80~100 词,文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 I am from No.3 Middle School . My school is making its effect to be a civilized school. Let me introduce it. There are may experienced teachers in my school. They help us make progress in many ways. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________Let’s try our best to make our school more beautiful and make it a civilized school 参考范文: .I am from No.3 Middle School . My school is making its effect to be a civilized school. Let me introduce it. There are may experienced teachers in my school. They help us make progress in many ways. Out friendly headteacher often communicate with our parents and teach us to grow as a person. A big library stands in the corner of my school. It holds a large number of books. We can enjoy books here and learn more about the world. AS playground and some science labs are in my school. We can do sports and find something new after school. It helps us keep fit and have a colorful life. 50% of our school is copvered with plants. There are differents kinds of trees and flowers. It is clean and beautiful. We often have safety education classes. We can learn how to protect ourselves. As students, we must respect our teachers and be polite to others. Let’s try our best to make our school more beautiful and make it a civilized school 4.(四川自贡)初中三年的学习生活让人难忘,毕业之际,你校将举行“感恩”为主题的英文演讲 比赛, 请你根据以下提示,写一篇英文演讲稿。 要点提示:1、感谢父母,教我如何生活; 2、感谢老师,教我许多知识; 3、感谢同学,给我美好回忆; 写作要求:1.词数 80 左右,开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词数): 2.可适当增减词汇,使语句流畅、完整: 3.文中不能透露个人真实信息。 Good morning, everyone. I’m glad to be here to speak in front of you. Here I’d like to thank everyone of you. That’s all. Thank you. 参考范文: The Junior Middle School life is ending soon. But the school life of Grade 9 is forgetful to us.Here I want to say to the people who care for me in the junior middle school. First, I must thank my parents . They give me the life, they make me feel happiness of life, also feel hardships and pain and sufferings of the life! Secondly, I must thank all my teachers.It’s them who give me knowledge ability, and put on the wing which flies toward the ideal for me. Thirdly, I must thank classmate and friend who grow up with me and let me no longer stand alone in the school. Finally, I must thank our country. It’s her who provides me with free books, dormitory and food. Thanks a lot. 5.(浙江衢州) 假设你是 Li Hua,以下是你的美国笔友 Alex 发给你的一封电子邮件,谢你根据该邮件内容给 Alex 回一封邮件。 要求:①考生需按电子邮件格式完成整封邮件;②邮件中不能出现真实姓名、校名等相关信息; ③字数 90—110。 参考范文: From: Li Ming To: Seb Subject: Learning Chinese in Quzhou Hi, Seb, I’m so glad that you’ll come to live in my city. To improve your Chinese quickly, you can go and take a course in a Chinese language school. It can always help you to speak better and learn more. Then, try to experience life here in Quzhou. Of course, I’ll take you around Quzhou. We can visit the Confucius Temple. It’s the best way to understand our culture. And you can practise speaking Chinese at the same time. It’s very helpful. Hope to see you soon! Li Ming. 6.(山东青岛) 人生中有很多第一次:第一次学游泳;第一次跟家人外出旅行;第一次做家务;第一次赢 得比赛;第一次……。请根据提示,就你的第一次……写一篇短文。 内容包括: 1. 第一次……的整个过程; 2. 你的感受。 要求: 1. 词数:80 —100(开头已给出,不计入总词数); 2. 文中不得出现真实的校名和人名。 As we all know, everyone has his unforgettable memories. I still remember the first time to travel by plane. Last summer holiday, my parents and I traveled to Beijing . That day, When the plane took off, I felt it was shaking. But I was not nervous because of excitement. After a while, it stopped shaking and flied higher. I could see the buildings on the ground. They became smaller and smaller. And finally, I couldn't see them anymore. Through the window, I could see the blue sky. It was very clear.Clouds were under the plane. They looked so different from the ground. It was amazing. I like the view very much. It took only two hours to get to Beijing. The Beijing airport is very large and wonderful. There are many planes and people. I think my trip will be funny. 7.(浙江舟山) 假如你是李华,你在某英文网站上看到一则招募中国志愿者(volunteer)的广告。根据该广告中所 提供的两个志愿者项目,选择其中一个,结合自己的实际情况,给项目负责人写一封电子邮件, 表达你希望参加这个项目的愿望,并阐述理由。 注意:(1)邮件中必须包含招募广告中的信息,可适当发挥。 (2)文中不得出现于你身份相关的信息。 (3)词数 80~100.邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Sir/Madam, I’m Li Hua, a middle school student from China. I want to be a volunteer.___ Looking froward to your early reply! Yours, Li Hua. 参考范文: Project 1 Dear Sir/ Madam, I’m Li Hua, a middle school student from China. I want to be a volunteer in a small village in the west of China. The reasons are following. First, I’m good at English, so it’ll be an advantage for me to teach children English. Second, as I’ve learned dancing for several years, I can dance when we visit the old people’s home. I’m especially interested in working on the farm because I’ve never had a chance to do that before. All in all, the project will provide me with chances not only to help people in need but also to experience the country life. I really hope to be a member of your project. Looking froward to your early reply! Yours, Li Hua. Project 2 Dear Sir/ Madam, I’m Li Hua, a middle school student from China. I want to be a volunteer in a primary school in the north of Thailand. There are several reasons. First, as reading is my hobby, I own many books . I can give some of them away and help set up a small library for the school. Second, I do well in both Chinese and English , so I can give Chinese lessons and let the children know more about the Chinese culture. I also playing games with the children, which is helpful to develop a close friendship with them. All in all, it’s a meaningful project. And I’m sure the right person you’re looking for. Looking froward to your early reply! Yours, Li Hua. 8.(2019 山东聊城) 假如你教陈伟。2019 年 6 月 22 日和 23 日是你中考后的第一个周末,请你制定一个周末活动计 划,并用英语给的英国必有 Alan 写一封电子邮件,说明你的活动安排。 主要活动内容包括: 1.6 月 22 日上午在家读书;下午与家人和朋友外出活动; 2.6 月 23 日到朋友家附近的广元捡垃圾; 3.你对本次活动的期待。 注意: 1. 邮件字数:80 词左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯,但邮件中不能出现真实的人名、地名; 3. 邮件的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Alan, I’m going to enjoy myself the coming weekend. _______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________Yours, Chen Wei 参考范文: .Dear Alan, I’m going to enjoy myself during the coming weekend. On the morning of 22nd June, I’m going to get up a little late and then read an interesting storybook. In the afternoon I’m going out with my family and friends. We’re going to take a walk in the country near our home of going swimming in the lake. And on 23rd June we’re going to collect litter in the park near my friend’s house. I think it’s going to be a great weekend----busy but good fun! Yours. Cheng Wei. 9.(2019 山东临沂) 时光荏苒,初中三年转瞬即逝。跟三年前的自己相比较,你会有很多变化。请以“I have changed a lot!”为题,根据以下要求与提示,用英语写一篇短文,具体描述你最重要的变化及其如何发生 的。 要求: l. 短文不得出现任何真实人名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分; 2.不少于 60 词。 提示: l. What did you use to be like? 2. What is the most important change? 3. And how did it happen? Tell a story about it. I have changed a lot! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 参考范文: Time goes by. Three years has passed. Of course I have changes a lot. Let me show you my changes. I used to be really short and thin, I used to be shy and quiet. I was always silent in class. But now I have changed a lot. But one of my most important changes is that I become more outgoing. What made me change a lot ? I remember when I was in Grade Eight, there was an English speech in our school. I wanted to take part in it, but I was afraid it. Our English teacher , Mr. Wang encouraged me to take part in it. He guided me a lot, and I pracitced a lot every day. Finally, I won the first prize in the speech contest. I felt very proud and happy . Since then, I have become more outgoing. 10.(2019 浙江台州) 假如你是李华,一个英国游学团要来你们学校,学校需要一些志愿者,你想成为其中一员。请度 下面的招募启事,写一封应征邮件。 注意:(1)请回复招募启事中所提及的问题,可适当发挥; (2)应征邮件中不得出现真实人名和校名等相关信息; (3)词数:80~100; (4)邮件开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Andrew, I’m Li Hua .____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 参考范文: Dear Andrew, I’m Li Hua. I’m writing to ask for the position as a student volunteer. I like English and I’m good at it. I’ve won the first prize in our school English speech contest. As an outgoing boy, I always get along well with my classmates. I enjoy communicating with people. To help them experience our traditional culture. I’ll teach them to make dumplings. They can learn how to make Chinese traditional food. Then they can eat the delicious dumplings made by themselves. I’m sure they’ll have a good time. I really want to get the gfreat chance to offer my service. I;ll be thankful if you could give me a kind consideration. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 11.(2019 浙江温州) 最近,用手机 APP 买菜的人多了。手机菜场菜品丰富、洗净配好、预约送菜上门……外国朋友 对此也很感兴趣。 请你以 A New Use of the Mobile Phone 为题, 写一篇 110 词左右的英语短文介绍手机买菜带来的 便利,让外国朋友了解中国人民生活中这个新变化。 小词典 acknowledge v.承认,认可 bone 骨骼 chest n.胸部 cipher n.标记 crowd n. 大众 elect v.选举、推选 france n.法国法郎 invisible adj.不可见的 muscle n.肌肉 profound adj.深刻的 radio telescope 射电望远镜 reflect v.反射 signal n.信号 stimulate v.刺激 toe n.脚趾 参考范文: Preparing for meals is tiring. You may have to spend hours getting everything ready for cooking. Now in China, new mobile apps are here to help. These apps provide you with meat, fish, and vegetables, almost everything you need for a meal. You can order whenever you like and decide on the time for them to arrive. If you like, they can be washed, cut and packed for a certain dish. Some apps eve4n guide you to cook step by step, making cooking easier. Compared with the traditional way of going to the market, mobile apps save your time and energy. With such a new use of the mobile phone, you can enjoy a more relaxing life. 12.(2019 四川达州) 随着我们不断成长,生活不仅给与了我们许多快乐时光,同事伴随着不少烦恼。仔细阅读下面小 华写给英语报社的信,结合自己的实际,运用所学知识,请你以编辑的名义,就他的烦恼在回信 中给出好的建议。 Dear Sir, I’m Xiaohua, 15, a middle school student. I have some problems to tell you, my parents always say to me, “ Study, study, do homework, do your homework.” when I come back. However, they don’t know how hard I study at school from 7 a.m. to 8:30 p.m every day. And last Sunday, my 3--year--old brother troubled me again and again while I was studying for the coming exam. I really wanted to get better grades, so I couldn’t stand him any more, I shouted at him in anger, thus he cried loudly. Then my mother came in , she blamed me without asking “why” My eyes were full of tears at that time. It was not my fault. Why did she treat me like that ? Didn’t mother love me ? After all, I’m also her birth child. My dear editor, what can I do ? Could you give me some suggestions? 要求: 1. 卷面整洁(五污迹),书写工整(有关感)。(卷面 1 分) 2. 全文字数不少于 90 词。舒心开头和结尾已给出,不计入单词总数。 3. 条理清楚,句式规范,标点符号和大小写使用正确。 4. 内容尽量就小华的烦恼给出好的建议,并试单发挥;文中不呢当出现真实的人名、地名。 Dear Xiaohau, I’m glad to receive your letter. I have ever had the same experience . I even had a fight with my parents. But now , I fully understand them_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________I hope these help. 参考范文: Dear Xiaohau, I’m glad to receive your letter. I have ever had the same experience . I even had a fight with my parents. But now , I fully understand them.But now I can get along better with my mother. Here are some ideas for you. Your mother talks much, because she cares about you. Maybe it"s not a good way, but it shows your mother"s love. So I think you should listen to her. If your opinions are different from your mother"s, you can communicate with her, and tell her what you are thinking about. If your mother doesn’t take your advice, just keep silent and give her a smile.I hope these help. Yours, A lovely editor. 13.(2019 重庆 B 卷) 假如你参加了学校组织的“走进乡村”寒假社会实践活动。请根据要求,向某英语网站投稿,分享 活动经历。 要求: 1.80~120 词,可适当发挥,开头已给出,不计入总词数; 2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。 参考信息: Have you ever got close to the countryside and had a special experience ? Let me share mine!____ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 参考范文: 14.(2019 江苏宿迁) 某软件公司为了开发一款适合中学生在课后学习英语的 app,邀请你一起参与设计。请根据下文 提示,用英语向该公司介绍你的构想。 名称 Happy English Learning 内容 英语类的新闻、电影、歌曲、游戏等。 好处 1. 便于和同学一起学学习; 2. 帮助学生扩大词汇量; 3. 有利于提高英语听力; 4. ……(自主发挥,至少一点) 其他方面 ……(自主发挥,至少一点) 注意事项: 1.词数 90 左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数; 2.内容要包括表中要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯通畅; 3.文中不得出现真实的人名,校名、地名等; Here is my design for the new app. ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 参考范文: Here is my design for the new app. It is named Happy English Learning. This app includes English news, English movies, English songs, English games and so on. It can make it easy for students to study together. It is true that vocabulary is very important in English study. Students can enlarge their English vocabulary by using this app. Their English listening skills can be greatly improved . They can also practise thei spoken English by singing English songs and watching films. In a word, students can have fun learning English by using this app. I think the new app should be suitable for students of different ages. 15.(2019 湖南衡阳) 根据一项新的调查,学生安全已经成为一个大的问题。假设你是一名老师,对学生进行以“自 我保护”为主题的消防安全教育,请以“How to Protect Yourself in a Fire"为题,提出你的建议。 要求:1.短文中不得出现真实的人名和地名。 2. 书写工整,语句通顺,连贯,词数不少于 80. 参考词汇: cover v. 遮盖 take the lift 乘坐电梯 exit n. 出口 towel n. 毛巾 shut off 切断 ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 参考范文: Recently, the fire disater has been frequently reported on TV.So,our school think it is necessary to teach students how to protect themselves in a fire. And here come the methods.First,we should keep calm .It is very important to keep your head clear.Second,we should cut off the electricity in the house in case we could get hurt by it.Next,we should cover our nose with a wet cloth.Because the fire will burn something and will release a kind of poison gas.Finally,we should try our best to get out of there. This is our school's method that have taught us.I think this method is very useful for us. 16.(2019 四川凉山州) 每个人的生命只有一次,一定要珍爱自己的生命。该怎样安全自救?请 根据以下提示, 以 How to Protect Ourselves 为标题写一篇发言稿。 安全对每个人都很 重要 交通:外出时遵守交通规则 食品:吃健康食物,少吃垃圾食品 活动:体育锻炼时,不要弄伤自己 不私自下河游泳 自救是重要的技能 之一 交友需谨慎 远离危险之人 遇到危险保持冷静 然后要及时报警或 向老师、家长求助 尽可能避免受伤害 保证自己的安全 参考词汇: 要求:1.语言表达准确,短文连贯、通顺。 2.短文应包括所有内容,可适当发挥,不要逐句翻译。 3.词数 80 左右。文章开头部分已给出,不计人总词数。 参考词汇:safety,traffic rules, hurt oneself, without permission, self-protection, stay away from…, be careful, be in danger, Dear friends, Everyone has only one life, we should treasure our lives. But how can we protect ourselves? Here are some suggestions. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ In a word, we should try our best to protect ourselves and value our lives. That’s all. Thank you ! 参考范文: Dear friends, Everyone has only one life, we should treasure our lives. But how can we protect ourselves? Here are some suggestions. On the one hand, we should realize the importance of safety and know what to do. First, when we go out, w e must follow traffic rules. If we walk, we must use side walks and mustn’t run a red light; If we ride bikes, we must ride along the right side and shouldn’t carry others; Second, we should develop a healthy eating habits. Eat regular meals every day and try not to eat junk food or eat less. When food smells bad, don’t eat it. Third, when we play sports or games, be careful not to hurt ourselves. Fourth, we mustn’t swim in rivers without our parents or other adults around. On the other hand, we should learn to protect ourselves, which is one of the most important living skills. We must be careful when making friends especially online. Some person online are not honest. They are dangerous, so we must keep away from them. If we happen to have trouble, we should keep calm and remember to ask our parents, teacher or police for help so that we can protect ourselves from danger or being hurt. In a word, we should try our best to protect ourselves and value our lives That’s all. Thank you! 17.(2019 四川广安) 当前,许多学生在课外沉溺于智能手机(smart phones)。针对这一现象,学校将组织开 展一次“拒绝手机诱惑,健康学习生活”的演讲活动。请你根据下面的提示用英语写一篇演讲稿。 活动内容 1.花大量时间玩游戏,上课睡觉,不按时完成作业。 2.伤害眼睛,不利健康。 建议 1.远离智能手机,认真学习。 2.多花时间与家人、朋友交流。 3.积极参加各种活动,如打篮球、唱歌…… 要求:1.字迹工整,书写规范,包含全部要点,适当发挥; 2.文中不得出现真实的学校、班级名称; 3.80 词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 4.请将书面表达内容写在答题卡上相应的位置。 参考词汇: eyesight(视力) disadvantage(不利条件) keep away from(远离) take an active part in(积极参加) Girls and boys, With the develop of the Internet,many students have smart phones. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ That's all Thank you! 参考范文: Girls and boys, With the develop of the Internet,many students have smart phones. The students often spend so muich time in playing games with them that they feel very tired. Someone doesn’t finish their homework on time. Someone even sleep in class. Besides, smart phones do harm to our health. Some students’ eyesight is becoming poorer and poorer. To avoid these disadvantages, I think we should make some changes. First, we should keep away from smart phones and work hard. Second, stay with our family or friends if we are free and talk with them about our daily life, feelings and so on. Third, take an active part in all kinds of activities, such as playing basketball, singing song. That’s all. Thank you. 18.(2019 江苏连云港) 负之后,同学们有了更多的课余时间。某校英语角就“如何让课余生活更有意义?”展开了讨 论,大家各抒己见。请你根据下图提示,以“How To Make Our Spare Time More Meaningful?”为题,用英语写一篇短文。 注意: (1)短文应包括所给内容要点,可适当发挥,使文章连贯; (2)词数 90 左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数; (3)短文中不得出现考生的真实姓名、校名等信息。 (4)参考词汇:提升素养 promote literacy How To Make Our Spare Time More Meaningful? Nowadays, we students have much more spare time than ever before, but how to make our spare time more meaningful? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 参考范文: Nowadays, we students have much more spare time than ever before, but how to make our spare time more meaningful? My schoolmates give the following suggestions. First, it’s good to help our parents do some housework to show our love for them. Second, we will know more about the world by reading. Third, it is a good chance for us to get close to nature and relax ourselves. In my opinion, we can do some sports to make us stronger and healthier. What’s more, we can take an active part in some social activities as volunteers to help those in need. In a word, let’s make full use of our spare time and promote our literacy. 19.(2019 山东滨州) 即将毕业,请以“My favourite teacher”为题,写一篇英语短文,短文包括以下内容: 1. 老师的外貌、性格、所教科目等; 2. 以事例描述喜爱的原因; 3. 表达对这位老师的感激和祝福。 要求: 1. 要点齐全,并适当发挥; 2. 文中不得出现真实的姓名与校名; 3. 卷面整洁,书写美观,课适当加 2-3 分; 4. 词数:80 词左右,开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。 My fvourite teacher It’s time to graduate from junior high school. I’d like to write something about my favourite teacher. ________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 参考范文: My fvourite teacher It’s time to graduate from junior high school. I’d like to write something about my favourite teacher. Of all the teachers, I like my English teacher best. She is a lovely and outgoing girl who loves singing and reading. She is of medium height and has long straight hair. When I was in Grade Seven, I was so shy that I was afraid to take part in the English competition. She encouraged me not to give up any chance to show myself to others. Thanks to her, I changed my attitude to the challenge and won the firs prize. I will never forget the wonderful time we were together. Best wishes to her! 20.(2019 安徽) 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友 Mike 最近因视力减退而感到不安,请你用英文给他写封电子邮 件,谈谈你在保护视力方面的一些做法。要点如下: 1.经常做户外活动; 2.很少用电子产品; 3.坚持做眼保健操; 4. ...... 注意:1.词数 80-100; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.文中不能出现与本人相关的信息; 4.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计人总词数。 Dear Mike I'm sorry to learn that your eyesight is getting weaker. __________ ________________ Yours, Li Hua 参考范文: Dear Mike I'm sorry to learn that your eyesight is getting weaker. I’d like to sahre with you some ways of protecting eyesight in my daily life. At school, I often go out of the classroom to play with my classmates or do physical exercises during the break. In my free time, I also try hard to avoid using the mobile phone or computer. You know, the light they give off is harmful to our eyes. Besides, doing eye exercises plays an important role in relaxing my tired eys. Luckily, I usually have my eyes examined every term to make sure my eyes stay healthy. I hope you’ll find my ways helpful. Yours, Li Hua 21.(2019 四川南充) 近年来,学生意外伤害事故频发,给许多家庭带来永久的伤痛。作为中学生,我们该如何有 效的自我保护,免受伤害呢? 我市正在举行以“How to Keep Safe”为题的中学生安全知识英语征 文比赛,请你根据下表提示,写一篇短文参赛吧。 How to Keep Safe Traffic traffic lights, electric bikes(电动车)… Swimming rivers, swimming pool… Internet ID number, code(密码), unhealthy websites… …… …… 要求: 1.短文必须包含提示中所有内容,并适当发挥; 2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范; 3. 文中不得出现真实人名、校名或地名; 4. 词数:80-100(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。 How to Keep Safe Do you know that many dangerous things will happen if we are not careful enough? As a student, how to keep safe is very important. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ After all, life is very important. We should learn something about self-protection so that we can protect ourselves well. 参考范文: How to Keep Safe Do you know that many dangerous things will happen if we are not careful enough? As a student, how to keep safe is very important. First, we should obey the traffic rules. When the lights are red, we shouldn’t cross the road. And we shouldn’t ride the electric bicycles. Second, we shouldn’t swim in the river because it’s dangerous. We can go swimming with our parents in a swimming pool. Third , we shouldn’t tell strangers our ID number or code when we are surfing the Internet. We shouldn’t unhealthily websites. What’s more, we shouldn’t go out with friends without our parents’ permission. If we are in danger, we can ask for help from our parents or teachers , even police. After all, life is very important. We should learn something about self-protection so that we can protect ourselves well. 22.(2019 天津) .假如你是晨光中学的学生李华,平时坚持用英语写日记。请根据以下要点,描述你星期三放学 乘地铁回家路上看到的事情,并表达自己的想法。 (l) 一个男孩不舒服,开始呕吐,一位穿着漂亮的女士帮着擦拭地面,男孩表达感谢。 (2) 地铁到站,有人挤向座位,有人下不去车,有人因此争吵。 (3) 你认为…. 参考词汇: 开始呕吐 begin to vomit 挤向座位 push towards the seat 争吵 have a quarrel 要求: (1)词数:80~100 个。 (2)日记格式和开头已给出,不计入总词数 (3)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥 Wednesday When I took the underground back home from school, I noticed 参考范文: Wednesday When I took the underground back home from school, I noticed that a boy felt sick and soon the boy began to vomit . The waste was on the floor and it smelt terrible. People in the carriage began to over their mouths with their hands. But to my surprise, a lady wearing nice clothes began to sweep the floor with a broom and made the floor clean. The boy felt very happy. Quickly, the train got to the underground station. People stood up and went to the doors and some people pushed towards the seats. Unhappily, some people didn’t get off the train and began to quarrel . They looked impolite. I think the people should learn from the lady who helped others and obey the public rules. 23.(2019 浙江湖州) 5 月 18 日是国际博物馆日,下图是你班同学参观博物馆的情况。请你结合调查结果、自己 的参观经历和感受,写一份报告,并在英语课上汇报。 注意:1. 词数:80-100 (短文首句已给出,不计入总词数) 2. 文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。 ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 参考范文: Visiting museums has become one of the most popular ways for us students to spend our spare time. According to the survey made in our class, almost all the students have been to museums, such as science museum, tea museums and film museums, etc. Among them , the science museum is our favorite. I’ve been to Huzhou Science Museum and Lu Yu Tea Museum. I like teh tea museum very much, because I can learn about the history and development of tea and watch the tea art performances there as well. What I’m interested in most is the show of beautiful tea sets, which has left a deep impression on me. Museums make it possible for us students to learn knowledge and experience cultures at the same time. Why not visit more? 24.(2019 浙江宁波) .回顾初中三年。有许多事令人难忘。校英语报如 Have Your Say 栏目正面向九年级毕业生征文。 假如你是李华,请你选择其中一个话题, 并结合具体事例, 用英语写一封信表达你对某个人的谢 意或歉意,参加此次征文活动。 要点如下: say "thanks" to___________ say "sorry" to_________ 1. be not good at... 2. encourage me to… 3. make great progress 4…. 1. argue with… 2. not talk to each other 3. regret doing… 4….. 注意: (1) 短文必须包括你所选择话题的所有要点, 并适当拓展; (2) 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名; (3) 词数:80-100,书信格式已给出; (4) 首句供参考 Looking back on the past three years, I’d like to say... Dear ___________________, ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua 参考范文: Dear Alan, Looking back on the past three years, I'd like to say sorry to you for arguing with you. When we were in Grade 8, we lost the chance to get the first prize in the football match. I never stopped complaining to you that it was you who missed the goal. But you shouted back that you were not the only reason. You walked off angrily. From then on, we didn't talk to each other. I have been regretting doing so. Soon we will graduate from our school. Let's forget about the past and become good friends again. Yours, Li Hua 25(2019 江苏南京) 假如你是李华,在网上看到英国Britech公司为正在开发的一款提高英语写作能力的应用 软件(app)征集网友建议。请根据网上的征集信息,用英语给该公司写一封电子邮件。 IDEAS NEEDED Britech is now designing an app that helps learners with their English writing. The app is to help learners explore ideas, organize them and write them down. Your ideas are needed! Here’s what to do: Write to share your ideas! Feel free to be creative! Please let us know: ● What’s the name of the app? , What problem does the app solve? ● What does the app do? Contact us at appdesign@Briteclz.com 注意: 1. 内容涵盖所有要点,可适当发挥。 2. 词数80左右(已给出的文章开头,不计人总词数)。 3. 文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。 Dear Sir or Madamt Thanks for designing an app for English writing. Yours Li Hua 参考范文: Dear Sir or Madam, Thanks for doing an APP for English writing. I'd like to share my ideas here. Could its name be "right made easy"? Many of us have difficulty in writing. We don't know how to organize ideas,use proper words,and so on. I hope it can solve these problems. Here is my advice on what the APP does. First, it should provide some reading materials. The more we read, the better we write. Second. The APP should have an online course so that we can develop our writing skills. Third, there should be an e﹣ teacher who can correct mistakes and offer suggestions. I hope my advice is worth taking. 26.(2019 四川乐山) 为了让学生吃到更加营养、安全的食品,政府出台了陪餐制,要求从 4 月1 日起,学校领导陪同 学生用餐。请你根据以下要点,给校报英语专栏写一篇短文,谈谈自己的看法。 1. 学生吃得健康、安全; 2. 及时发现就餐问题; 3. 食堂提供食品多样; 4. 父母更加放心。 注意:1.词数 80 词左右;开头已给出,不计入总词数; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 参考词汇:规定 regulation (n.);食堂 cafeteria (n.);营养的 nutritious (adj.) A new food safety regulation was put into use on April 1 to improve nutrition and food safety in schools. It asks the school managers to eat with students in their cafeterias.________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 参考范文: A new food safety regulation was put into use on April 1 to improve food safety in schools. It asks the school managers to eat with students in their cafeterias. Thanks to the regulation, something great has taken place in our school.First, we eat healthier and safer than before. Second, if there is any problem about food safety or other, our school leaders are able to know and solve it quickly. Also, the cafeteria workers are trying to provide different kinds of food for us. In other words, our parents needn’t worry about our diet any more. We teenagers are still young and need to grow healthy, so I think the new regulation is really good and necessary. I hope it will be carried on forever. 27.(2019甘肃庆阳) “读万卷书,行万里路”,旅行是学习的最好方式之一。请以“Travelling”为题,根据以下思维导 图的提示,写一篇短文,发表你的看法。 注意:1.要点齐全,适当发挥; 2.从思维导图 Saying 部分选择恰当的格言合理利用在短文中; 3.句子及篇章结构准确、连贯,书写规范; 4.词数:80-100 词左右; 5.文中不得出现考生的真实姓名、学校及其它任何个人相关信息。 参考范文:(略) 28.(2019 山东德州) 假如你是某市第三中学的一名学生,你的学校正在参加全市文明校因的 评选。以下内容是学校根据《山东省中小学文明校目评比细则》列举的部分信息。请你根据表格 内容,写一篇短文,向社会宣传自己的学校,并谈谈你能为创建文明校圈所做的至少一件事,为 母校评选文明校圈尽一份力。 要求:1. 语言通顺,要点齐全,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范; 2. 文中不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称; 3. 80-100 词,文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 I'm from No. 3 Middle School. My school is making its effort to be a civilized school. Let me introduce it. There are many experienced teachers in my school. They help us make progress in many ways. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Let's try our best to make our school more beautiful and make it a civilized school. 参考范文: I'm from No. 3 Middle School. My school is making its effort to be a civilized school. Let me introduce it. There are many experienced teachers in my school. They help us make progress in many ways. Our friendly headteachers often communicate with our parents and teach us to grow as a person. Abig library stands in the center of my school. It holds a large number of books. We can enjoy books here and learn more about the world. A playground and some science labs are in my school. We can also do sports and find something new after school. It helps us keep fit and have a colorful life. 50% of our school is covered with plants. There are different kinds of trees and flowers. It is clean and beautiful. We often have safety education classes. We can learn how to protect ourselves. As students, we must respect our teachers and be polite to others. Let's try our best to make our school more beautiful and make it a civilized school. 29.(2019 江苏扬州)俗话说“远亲不如近邻”。近日某英文报正在举行题为”My Neighbourhood” 的征文活动。假如你是李雷,住在花园社区,根据以下流程图提示,完成一篇英文征文稿。 Conditions What is your neighbourhood like? What are your neighbours like? Neighbourhood Neighbours How do they help others?(give two examples) What did you do for your neighbours? (give one example) Feelings How do you feel to live in your neighbourhood? 要求:1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯; 2)必须包括流程图中所有要点内容,并适当发挥; 3)词数:100 词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数); 4)不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。 My neighbourhood My name is Li Lei. I live in Garden Neighbourhood________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 参考范文:(略) 30.(2019 四川成都) 假如你叫 Ann,你的中国朋友小华发来 email 请教如何利用词典学习英语。请参考截图及注释, 根据提示回一封 email。要点如下: 1. 根据示例,概括介绍词条构成; 2. 如何用词典解决词汇学习中的问题(至少两点); 3. 介绍词典对英语学习的好处(至少两点)。 注意:1.截图内容仅作参考,可以引用, 不能照抄; 2.文中不能出现真实学校和姓名; 3.词数:100 左右。 参考范文:(略) 31.(2019 山东枣庄) Write a review(评论) of the following story in about 120 words. The review has to include the following points.(阅读下面的故事,请根据下面的提示,写出一篇约 120 词的评论). (1)The title of your review.(你撰写的评论的标题.) (2)Your idea(s), examples and the reason(s) for unhappiness and happiness in the story.(你 归纳的关于故事中幸福和不幸福的观点,举例子并说明原因.) (3)Your idea(s) of happiness, examples for happiness in your daily life.(归纳你在日常 生活中关于幸福的观点,并举例说明.) (4)Your conclusion about happiness.(关于幸福的结论.) (5)The words you may use.(你可能用到的词) be satisfied with(对……满意) desire n.欲 望 contentment 知足 the key(关键) to happiness. A long time ago, in a rich and beautiful country, there lived an unhappy king. He slept badly and didn't feel like eating. He often cried for no reason. This made the queen and his people worried. So they called a doctor to examine him.But he found nothing wrong with his body.He said what the king needed was the shirt of a happy person to wear.That would make him happy. The prime minister was called to the palace. But when they explained the king's situation to him, he said,"Although I have a lot of power, it doesn't make me happy. I'm always worried about losing my power." Then the king's banker came to say, I'm afraid I'm not happy either. I have a lot of wealth, but I'm always worried about losing money. Someone tries to steal my money. Next, the palace singer was called to say, "I'm famous but I'm not happy because I'm worried about being followed by others. I can't be free." Finally, the top general was told to go out to find a happy man. He searched and searched but couldn't find anyone . Everyone seemed to have their own problems , and no one was truly happy. Just as he wanted to give up. he saw a poor man on the street. He was eating with his hands and singing happily to himself. The general went to him and said,"What makes you so happy? You have no power, money, or fame." The man said,"I have everything I want. and I don't want what I can't have. So I'm happy, and my song comes from the happiness in my heart. ""Can you give your shirt to me, I need it, "said the general."What shirt? I don' t have any shirts."answered the man. 参考范文: My Thoughts about Happiness Power, wealth and fame can’t always make people happy. For example, the important people were unhappy, because they were afraid of losing them, while the poor man was truly happy because he was satisfied with what he could have. What can always make me happy ? Happiness is always in heart and is easy to find it. I pay more attention to what I have. For instance, enjoying the beautiful sunshine after a cludy day, getting a glass of water from mother when I’m studying , getting help from my friends when I’m in trouble and so on. These are the moments when I am happy. All in all, don’t want what you can’t have. Contentment is the key to happiness. 32.(2019 江苏苏州)假定你是苏华,最近你的澳大利亚笔友 Nathan 犯了一些错误,倍感懊恼, 写了一封邮件向你诉说,为帮助他排解困感,请你根据他的邮件内容并结合自身经历.用英语回 信开导他。 To:subua@china.com From:nathan.australia.com Subjects: Learning from mistakes Dear Su Hue, I'm unhappy that I've made some mistakes recently. They're troubling me a lot these days. I really need your help. Would you please share your experience with me?  Do you agree that everyone makes mistakes?  Can you tell me one of your mistakes?  How did you deal with your problem?  What have you learned from the mistake? I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. All the best, Nathan 注意: l.词数 90 左右。开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词量; 2.回复须包括所有要点,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺; 3.文中不得提及真实的人名、校名等相关信息。 Dear Nathan, I'm sorry to know that you are not happy these days. ______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ I hope my experience can help you out. Best wishes Su Hua 参考范文: Dear Nathan, I'm sorry to know that you are not happy these days. You needn't worry too much. It's true that everyone makes mistakes. Take me, for example. One day, I spent so much time playing football with my friends that I forgot to do my homework. I said sorry to my teacher and finished it the next day. I found it important to achieve a balance between schoolwork and hobbies. It doesn't matter whether or not you make mistakes. What matters most is to correct and learn from them. In this way, others will understand you. Then you will feel much better. I hope my experience can help you out. Best wishes. Su Hua 33.(2019 江苏泰州) 为丰富初三学生课余生活,上周末你校组织了一次社会实践活动。请根据以下内容提示,用 英语写一篇短文,介绍此次活动,并谈谈自己的感想。 活动内容: 1.上午游览人民公园:欣赏美景、歌舞联欢、拍照留念; 2.下午参砚市民广场:观看图片展,了解祖国和家乡 70 年巨变。 你的感想: 1.师生情深,感谢老师和同学的帮助; 2.倍受鼓舞,决心勤奋学习报效祖国; 3. ……(考生自己发挥) 要求: 1.词数 100 左右。开头已给出,不计人总词数。 2.所写内容必须包括内容提示中所提供的信息,并可作适当的发挥。 3.不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名等相关信息。 参考词汇:市民广场 Civic Square In order to enrich Junior 3 students' after-school life, our school organized a social practice activity last weekend. All the teachers and students of our grade took part in it. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 参考范文:(略) 34.(2019 江苏盐城)你校将组织英语作文比赛。请根据所给提示,以“Live a Colorful Life”为题, 写一篇短文参赛。 注意事项: 1. 词数:100 词左右(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数); 2. 文中不能出现真实姓名、校名等信息; 3. 文章必须包含所提供的主要信息, 并适当发挥。 Live a Colorful Life Life is a gift . We should do what is interesting and meaningful to ________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 参考范文: Live a Colourful Life Life is a gift. We should do what is interesting and meaningful to live a colourful life.We should read a lot every day.We should read good books. Because reading books can help us learn a lot of knowledge . Reading can make a man progress. Books make us be able to learn about the past and forward to the future.They are the most valuable things in the world.We should learn how to take photos.We should learn its new skills.We should take beautiful pictures to make our life beautiful.We should know about art.We should enjoy different art forces..Describe our great rivers and mountains and make our lives more colorful and meaningful.We should try my best to make it possible to have a better life! 35.(2019 湖北武汉) 学校英语社团正在组织题为“My Family”的征文活动。假如你是李明,请 根据以下内 容提示用英语完成征文。 内容要点如下: 1.三口之家,家庭幸福,邻里和睦; 2.父母为教师,在校深受欢迎; 3.分担家务,周末户外活动; 4.相互陪伴,经常交流,良好家规助我成长: 5.请补充说明一至两点与家庭相关的情况。 注意: 1.文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称; 2.词数:60 - 80; 3.内容连贯,不要逐条翻译; 4.标题和开头已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇: popular adj.受欢迎的 activity n..活动 rule n.规矩 My Family I’m Li Ming. 36.(2019 甘肃敦煌)我们生活学习在美丽的甘肃。假设你所在的学校正在组织一个“让世界了解 甘肃、让甘走向世界"的 活动,请根据以下思导图的提示,以" The Introduction of Gansu Province"为题,写一篇介绍甘肃 的英语短文。 要求:1.文中需包含思维导图中的主要内容; 2.句子及篇章结构准确、连贯,书写规范; 3.可做适量拓展; 4.词数:80 词左右。(标题需抄写在答题卡对应作答区域,不计入总词数) 参考范文: The Introduction of Gansu Province Gansu Province lies in the northwest of China. It covers an area of 425,900km. There are 26 million people living there. Lanzhou is the capital city of Gansu Province . The weather in Gansu is different from place and the temperature is usually quite different from day to night. If you want to go travelling in Gansu. May to October is the best time . Mogao Grotto which is the world famous art palace and Jiayuguan Pass, the western end of the Great Wall , are two of the must--see places of interest in Gansu. 37..(2019 四川内江)某英语报社开辟专栏“Reading Is Very Important”,向中学生征稿。假设你 叫李华,请写一篇英语征文,向该报社投稿,内容如下: 1.阅读的益处: ①获取大量知识;②给生活带来乐趣;③是一种放松的好方式。 2.你的阅读习惯。 3.号召大家多阅读。 要求: 1.所写内容必须包括以上要点; 2.文中不得出现真实姓名和校名; 3.内容连贯,并进行合理拓展; 4.100 词左右,题目和开头已经写好,不计入总词数。 Reading Is Very Important It's very important for us students to do some reading. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 参考范文: Reading Is Very Important It's very important for us students to do some reading.We canget knowledge through reading.It can not only open our minds but also make us cleverer and happier.Our studywill be improved if we read more books.It's a good way to relax. Reading also helps us grow up. I spend half an hour reading before going to bed every day. I like reading classical novels.However, it's a great pity that many activities such as playing with the smarthphone,listening to music,watching TV and going online take up much of our reading time.So here,I would like to suggest that everyone should read more books and read good books.When you read books,you had better take some notes.It will be good for us!Let's start reading now! 38.(2019 甘肃兰州) 假如你是李华,你校校报的英语专栏正在开展以“美丽的黄河风情线” (The Beautiful Yellow River Custom Tourist Line)为主题的英语征文活动,你打算参加。请根据以下内容 要点用英语写一篇短文。 1. 风情线总览(the Yellow River, run through the city of Lanzhou, a famous road called Binhe Road, along the Yellow River); 2. 聚焦景观(Zhongshan Bridge, waterwheel(水车), many parks); 3. 休闲娱乐(fly kites, play chess); 4. 特色游览(go sightseeing, sheepskin raft(羊皮筏子),water bus); 要求:1. 80 词左右; 2. 条理清楚,行文连贯,书写规范;内容上可适度发挥。 注意:不得出现学校、姓名等个人信息(除所给身份外)。 参考范文:(略) 39.(2019 江苏连云港) 减负之后,同学们有了更多的课余时间。某校英语角就“如何让课余生 活更有意义?”展开了讨论,大家各抒己见。请你根据下图提示,以“How To Make Our Spare Time More Meaningful?”为题,用英语写一篇短文。 注意: (1)短文应包括所给内容要点,可适当发挥,使文章连贯; (2)词数 90 左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数; (3)短文中不得出现考生的真实姓名、校名等信息。 (4)参考词汇:提升素养 promote literacy How To Make Our Spare Time More Meaningful? Nowadays, we students have much more spare time than ever before, but how to make our spare time more meaningful? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 参考范文: Nowadays, we students have much more spare time than ever before, but how to make our spare time more meaningful? My schoolmates give the following suggestions. First, it's good to help our parents do some housework to show our love for them. Second, we will know more about the world by reading. Third, it is a good chance for us to get close to nature and relax ourselves. In my opinion, we can do some sports to make us stronger and healthier. What's more, we can take an active part in some social activities as volunteers to help those in need. In a word, let's make full use of our spare time and promote our literacy. 40(2019 山东潍坊) 请根据上文内容和下列问题提示进行续写,使之失构成一个完整的故事。 What did Andrea think about The knife when she saw it ? 注意: 1.续写故事的词数为 80 左右; 2. 展开合理想象,适当发挥,以使行文连贯; 3. 可根据需要自主选用以下参考词汇: Call the police dangerous escape catch robber (强盗) What did she do next? Who was the “old lady”? What happened at last ? 参考范文 : A “A knife ! My God ! He was really dangerous .It was wise to drive him off my car .” Andrea thought .Then she breathed deeply and called the police to tell them what had happened .A moment later , the police came to her .Andrea pointed to the direction the “old lady” might be in .Then the police drove along the road to look for “her” . How amazing ! The police were surprised to see that the “old lady” was still standing by the road .The police stopped and said , “Hello ,madam .We’d like to take you to Brockboune ,Get in ,please .” B “How dangerous ! What should I do ? ” Andrea said to herself ,”He must be a thief or robber .” As soon as she realized this , Andrea drove to the nearest police station and told the police what had happened ,then she left . When Andrea got home ,she told her parents all about the “old lady” . After hearing the story ,her parents hugged her tightly and said ,”What a lucky girl ! You are brave and smart enough to protect yourself .We are proud of you !” An hour later ,the police phoned her that they had caught the man-a real robber . 41.(2019 湖南郴州) 英语课上,老师将组织以“说出你的烦恼”(Speak out your worries)为主题的交流活动。假如你是李华,请 根据以下表格中提供的信息,用英语写一篇发言稿,说出你的烦恼和愿望。 Worries Wishes ◇too strict, too much homework … ◇little time for outdoor activities … ◇hard to communicate with … ... ◇less homework … ◇more chances… ◇get on well with … …要求: 1. 短文须包含表格中的所有信息,并适当发挥; 2. 词数:80 词左右(短文开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数); 3. 文中不得出现真实姓名、校名和地名。 Hello everyone, I am Li Hua. I’d like to speak out my worries and wishes. That’s all. Thank you. 参考范文:(略) 42.(2019 广东) 假如你是李华,英国某中学与你所在的学校是姐妹学校。该校校长读到以上这篇短文后,对广东文 化产生兴趣,准备组织学生来你的校进行关于广东传统文化的研学交流。请你写一篇发言稿,在欢 迎晚会上向他们介绍研学活动的相关安排。 内容包括: 推荐晚会上的两种广东传统食物。 介绍两项广东传统文化活动的安排。(包括活动的时间、地点和内容) 参考活动: 欣赏粤剧(Cantonese opera), 体验功夫(kung fu), 参加广东历史讲座等 作文要求: 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。 语句连贯,词数 80 个左右。作文的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数,也不必抄写在答题卡上。 Good evening,everyone. I am Li Hua, chairman of the Students Union. I am very pleased to welcome you to the party. . . . I hope you'll enjoy your stay here! 参考范文:(略) 43.(2019 湖北襄阳) 据了解,为了进一步引导中学生积极参加体育锻炼,提高身体素质,襄阳市教育主管部门正在 研究制定有关“中考”体育考试的改革方案( the plan),考虑在原有项目的基础上增加篮球、排球或 足球,总分(the score)也由 30 分增加至 50 分。作为一名参加过体育“中考”的学生,你对这样的改 革持什么样的态度。请根据写作要点提示,用英语写一篇短文表述你豹观点。 1.要点提示: (l)观点明确(要么赞成,要么反对): (2)理由充分(可针对增加考试的项目和调整的分值,也可只选其一。限三条理由); (3)给出建议(围绕你的观点提出一条合理化建议)。 2.注意事项: (l)字数:90 词左右: (2)行文应连贯流畅; (3)文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称。 ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 参考范文:(略) 44.(2019 湖北随州) 茶是中国传统饮食文化的组成部分,是生活中不可或缺的饮品。作为中 学生,我们应 了解茶并传播茶文化。请根据以下要点提示,写一篇英语短文。 要点提示:1.历史悠久,约 5000 年前神农首次发现茶可以饮用; 2.种植广泛,安溪和杭州尤以茶闻名: 3.喝茶有很多好处:有利健康,醒脑提神等; 4.世界各地许多人喜欢喝茶并收集茶具。 写作要求:1.文章必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥以使行文连贯; 2.词数:80 词左右;(文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数) 3.文中不得出现真实姓名及校名。 China is famous for tea. 参考范文: China is famous for tea. Chinese tea has a long history. It’s said that Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink about 5,000 years ago. Tea is produced in many different areas. Anxi and Hanghzhou are widely known for their tea. There are lots of advantages of drinking tea. It’s good for health. A cup of tea can make you relaxed and fresh . It seems that many people all over the world love drinking tea and collecting tea sets. As middle school students, we should know about tea culture and spread it around the world. 45.(2019 湖北孝感) 随着年龄的增长,你周围的事物也发生了很大变化。请根据以下提示,以“Great changes around me” 为题,写一篇短文。 写作要点:1. 过去, 道路狭窄(narrow), 房展老旧, 空气…河水… 2.现在。路面洁净、宽阔, 交通便利;高楼林立;蓝天白云, 满城绿树鲜花, 小 鸟歌唱;人们… 3.感受, … 写作要求:1.要点齐全, 省略号处须作适当发挥, 但不要逐句翻译; 2. 语句连贯, 条理清晰, 详略得当, 书写工整; 3 文中不得出现任何宾实的信息(地名、校名和人名等); 4.100 词左右, 短文的翅目和开头已给出, 不计入总词数。 Great Changes around Me In the past few years, great changes have taken place around me. 参考范文: Great Changes around Me in the past few years, great changes have taken place around me. The roads used to be narrow and crowded. The houses were old and small. The air wasn't fresh enough. Sometimes, there was terrible smell. The river was polluted badly and there was rubbish in it. Nowadays, the roads are wide and clean. It's really convenient for people to go out. We can choose different kinds of transportation to go anywhere. Lots of tall buildings have been built in the city. Most of us have moved to big beautiful houses. The sky is blue and the cloud is white .The birds are singing happily. My hometown looks like a big garden with green trees, grass and colorful flowers. Our country is rich and strong, we are living a happy life. I'm sure as time goes on, our life will become better and better! 46.(2019 山东济宁) 假如你是 Wang Hong, 你的美国笔友 Kevin 下学期将作为名交换生来你 们学校。下面是他发给你的一封 e-mail.请根据邮件内容给予恰当的回复。 注意: 1.文中不得出现可能透露考生真实身份的任何信息. 2.100 词左右(开头,结尾已给出,不计人总词数)。 Wang Hong My Questions Dear Wang Hong, How are you doing? You might not believe it, but I’m going to your school as one of five exchange students next term. And I’m so excited! However, I’m worried about communicating with the teachers and students. As you know, I can speak only a little Chinese. What should I do? Besides, I want to learn to play pin-pong. Can you find a good player to help me? If you can, tell me something about him or her. Looking forward to your reply Bets wishes! Yours, Kevin 参考词语 talk in English, help sb. with, be friendly and helpful, practice... with, play well, win a good prize. 参考范文:(略) 47.(2019 江苏淮安) 为迎接祖国母亲第 70 个生日,学校开展了丰寓多彩的活动,如讲故事、 制作卡片、参观博物馆等;请围绕该话题写一篇短文,内容包括以下要点: 1.你看到或参加过一次活动(包括时间、地点、经过); 2.你对该活动的感受以及对祖国的热爱之情; 3.你今后如何为建设祖国贡献力量。 注意:1. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名; 2. 词数在 80~100, 已给出的文字不计入总词数。 To celebrate the 70th birthday of our motherland(祖国), _____________________________________ 参考范文:(略) 48.(2019 湖北黄冈) 同学们,在初中三年的英语学习中,我们从课本中学习了有关 “Family”、 “Be polite to sb.”、 “Protecting the envinmment”、 “Volunteering”等话题和功能。假定你是李磊,请参考这些话题和 功能,依据以下要点提示,写一篇题为 “I’m Proud of My Family”的英语短文,向校报投稿,讲 述你的家庭故事。 要点提示:1、家人相亲相爱,努力学习、工作; 2、邻里和睦,礼貌待人; 3、爱护环境,从我做起: 4、积极参加志愿活动,帮助贫困儿童。 写作要求:l、词数 90 左有(短文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数); 2、根据要点提示,适当发挥; 3、短文中不得出现真实的姓名及校名。 参考词汇:Work hard; be friendly to each other,get on well with; protect the environment; be volunteers I’m Proud of My Family My name is Li Lei.I have a happy family. There are four people in my family: my parents, my sister and I. 参考范文: My name is Li Lei. I have a happy family. There are four people in myfamily: my parents, my sister and I. My family love each other. (My parents love us and we love our parents.) My parents both work hard. My sister and I study hard at school, too. My family are kind and friendly to our neighbors. We are all polite to each other. We get on well with each other. My family try our best to protect the environment in our daily life. My mom and my sister usually bring a bag to go shopping. My father is used to taking the bus to work. I never order takeaway food. My family areglad to be volunteers at any time. My parents often help the children in poor areas. (My sister helps in the school library twice a week.) Sometimes I read newspapers to the old people. What a happy family! I’m proud of my family! 49.(2019 湖南益阳) 最近,你美国的笔友 Tony 在与同学的交往中遇到了烦恼,他写邮件向你寻求帮助。请你以李华 的身份给他写一封邮件-提出你的一些建议。 建议内容包括:遇到问题多倾诉,多与他人分享情绪,尊重他人,与人为善,诚实守信…… 要求:l.词数 60-80,开头结尾己给出,不计入总词数; 2.可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。 3.文中不得出现真实姓名、学校等信息。 参考词汇: share solve respect friendly be honest to Dear Tony, I'm sorry to hear that you have problems with classmates: I'm glad to help you. _______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ I hope everything will go well with you soon. yours, Li Hua 参考范文: Dear Tony, I’m sorry to hear that you have problems with classmates. I’m glad to help you. Here are some suggestions for you. First, when you have difficulties , you should talk to your parents, your teachers or your friends and share your sadness and happiness with them. They will help you solve the problem. Second, when you get along with your friends, you are supposed to respect them, Third, you should be friendly to people around you. You can help each other. Last but not least , you have to be honest to your friends. Then you will make more friends. I hope everything will go well with you soon. Yours, Li Hua. 50.(2019 广州) 广州某电台英文频道将开设 Welcome to Guang zhou 栏目,目前面向全市中学生征集“微州”英文介 绍。请你写一篇英语短文,向栏目投稿。短文需包括下图所有提示内容。 注意:1.词数:80 词左右(短文的开头与结尾已给出,不计入词数); 2. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。 Anyone coming to Guangzhou is sure to have a good time Guangzhou is waiting for you. 参考范文: 51(2019 河北) 文明礼貌从我做起,从现在开始,从点滴小事做起。请根据下面的提示和要求,以 “When to Say Thank You”为题,写一篇短文。 提示:1) When should we say “thank you” at home? 2) When are we supposed to say “thank you” at school? 3) ... 要求:1) 短文须包括提示中的两个要点和一个补充要点,可适当发挥。 2) 短文中不要出现真实的地名、校名和人名。 3) 词数 80 个左右。(开头已给出,不计入总词数) 参考词汇:wash, encourage, open When to Say Thank You It’s polite to say “thank you” when others help us or say something kind to us. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 参考范文: It’s polite to say “thank you” when others help us or say something kind to us.For example, when Mom or Dad washes the clothes , cleans the room or cooks dinner for us, we should say “thank you” to them. At school, when someone lends us a pen or hands us something, it’s nice to say “thank you”. If a teacher says”well done” to encourage us, we’re supposed to say”thank you”. Whenever someone holds the door open for us, we should also say”thank you.” Be polite and always remember to say “thank you” 52.(2019 深圳) 假设你是李华,你的英国朋友 Tony 对“中国红”一词很感兴趣,想了解“中国红”在中国人日常生活中 的体现,请你根据以下表格信息写一封回信帮助他了解。 提示词:婚礼 wedding,中国结 Chinese Knot,红包 red packet, 代表 stand for Dear Tony, It’s great to receive your letter. I’m writing to tell you something about Chinese red.___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 地位 最受欢迎的颜色之一 代表 幸福,可以带来好运 使用场所 婚礼,春节等 表达方式 剪纸,中国结,红包,灯笼 I truly hope my letter will help you understand better about Chinese red. 参考范文: Dear Tony, It’s great to receive your letter. I’m writing to tell you something about Chinese red. Chinese red, considered as the symbolic color of China, is extremely popular with Chinese people. It usually represents happiness, and we believe that it can bring us good luck People in our country attach such great importance to Chinese red that they use many red objects in some important events. For instance, in a wedding, you can see that the bride is in a red wedding dress and the wedding room is decorated with red. What’s more, the houses are also filled with red paper cuts, lanterns and Chinese Knots during the Spring Festival. Children will get red pockets for best wishes as well. Obviously, Chinese red plays a significant role and enjoys the highest popularity in China. I truly hope my letter will help you understand better about Chinese red. Yours, Li Hua 53.(2019 湖南长沙)假如你是李华,你们班输了上周的篮球赛。Henry 认为是 他未能投进最后一球所造成的,有的队友也因此而责怪他。请你写一封英文邮 件安慰他,谈谈你对此事的看法,并就如何取得队友的理解提出建议。 要求:(1)80 词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数); (2)可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; (3)信中不得出现真实人名和校名。 Dear Henry, I learned that you are feeling sorry and upset because of losing the basketball game… 参考范文: Dear Henry, I learned that you are feeling sorry and upset because of losing the basketball game.It's not easy being in your situation , and it's normal to have these feelings.Anyway,don't be too hard on yourself. You know , basketball is about team effort.It's never just one person's fault.What matters is that you should learn from the games as well as your mistakes.Besides,you need to think about how you can do better next time. As a whole,teammates should support and believe in each other.Why don't you sit down and communicate with them?And you could promise that you will spare no efforts to better your skills.If all of you pull together,you're sure to win the next one. Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua 54.(2019 湖北咸宁)运动塑造健康,团结凝聚力量。5 月 10 日,学校举办了 春季运动会。你和班上的 许多同学参加了比赛项目,战绩显著。其他同学观看了比赛,并为选手们加油 喝彩。 请你根据下面四幅图片的提示,写一篇日记,介绍运动会概况及班上同学 参加的情况, 并抒发自己的活动感受。 写作要求: 1.文章中勿出现真实的姓名和校名; 2.文章须包含图片所提供的主要信息,可适当发挥。行文连贯,条理清晰; 3.词数 80~100 个,文章的开头已经给出,不计入总字数。 参考词汇:teamwork Friday, May 11th, 2019 Sunny It was sunny yesterday. Our school held a spring sports meet. 参考范文: Friday, May 11th, 2019 Sunny It was sunny yesterday. Our school held a spring sports meet. There were 4 events for both boys and girls. They were the long jump, the high jump, the 100--meter race and the 400--meter relay race. Everyone in our class felt very excited because we got a wonderful result. Sixteen of us took part in the activity and we got 4 first prizes, 2 second prizes and 3 third prizes . My classmates Yuan Ying and Fang Dan won the girl’s long jump and the high jump without difficulty. So did I in the boy’s 100--meter race. In the boys’ relay race, three boys and I ran very fast, coming out on top. In the meantime, all other classmates watched the matches, took photos and cheered us on . From thsi sports meet, I know that sports can keep us healthy. We should do sports every day. Meanwhile, teamwork plays an important role in the relay race. As the saying goes, one tree can’t make a forest. So it made us learn to help each other in our daily life. 55.(2019 贵州安顺) 近年来,校园欺凌(School Bullies)事件时有发生,学会自我保护是中学生 需要具备的能力,我们应该珍惜生命,注意自己的人身安全,结合自我认识, 谈谈在学习生活中我们中学生应该怎样自我保护,健康快乐地成长。 请根据以上内容,完成 A, B 两项写作任务。 A.用完整的英语句子或简略的英语答语回答下面五个问题。(5 分) 101. Do school bullies sometimes happen in your school? ____________________________________________________________________ _____ 102. Are school bullies good or bad for middle school students? ____________________________________________________________________ _____ 103. What will you do when you are in the trouble of school bullies? ____________________________________________________________________ _____ 104. What kind of friends do you like to make at school? ____________________________________________________________________ _____ 105.What are your ideas about stopping violence(暴力)at school? ____________________________________________________________________ _____ B. 请你根据上面五个问题的内容及你的回答,结合以下提示,以“How Can We Protect Ourselves at School?”为题,写一篇 80-100 词的英语短文。文中不得出 现真实校名和人名。(15 分) 提示: 1. 谨慎交友。 2. 不参与打架斗殴。 3. 面对校园欺凌怎样自我保护。 参考词汇:1. self-protection(自我保护) 2. bully(n./v.欺凌) 3. personal safety(人身安全)4. have violent behaviors(打架斗殴) How Can We Protect Ourselves at School? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________ 参考范文: How Can We Protect Ourselves at School? School bullies happen in almost every school. In my school, we sometimes have bullies and some students are hurt, so it is really bad for us to bully others or be bullied at school. We are supposed to stop any school bully when we are in the trouble of it. For example, we should stay calm before a bullying behavior happens. We should always be friendly and helpful when making friends with others. Here are some of my ideas about stopping school bullies. Firstly, we will learn how to have a self-protection because our personal safety is the most important. Secondly, we should be peaceful with others at all times and can't have any violent behavior. Finally, obeying school rules is also a way to avoid school bullies. I'm hoping that no school bullies will happen at school in the future ,do you think so? 56.(2019 四川眉山)假如你是李华,打算邀请你们的外教 Jack 来你家共度端午佳 节,并观看一年一度的龙舟赛。请根据以下要点,用英语给他写一封电子邮件。 要点:1. 端午节的时间(农历五月五日)、来由(纪念屈原); 2. 活动安排:学包粽子、观看龙舟赛(时间:下午两点;地点:东坡湖; 赛况)。 参考词汇:农历 lunar calendar 注意:1. 所写内容必须包含所有要点,并作适当发挥; 2. 词数:80 词左右(开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数); 3. 文中不得出现真实姓名、学校等信息。 Dear Jack, The Dragon Boat Festival is coming in a few days. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 参考范文: 57.(2019 山西) 参考范文: Recently , a survey was done among 20,000 people about the ways of reading. Here is what we have learned from it. 60% of the people like to read on mobile phones or e--readers, while 38.4% choose to read paper books. So we can know that more and more people prefer to read e--books rather than paper books. However, whatever way of reading we choose, it can help increase our knowledge and open our eyes. As for me, I am still used to reading paper books. Whatever I open a paper book, the smell of paper reminds me of the storied in the books from my mom when I was a little kid. Just because of this, I got into the habit of reading. So when I read paper books now, they always bring me the old feelings. On the other hand, compared with the electronic devices, reading paper books is good for eyes. So you see, I believe e--books won’t take the place of paper books in my heart. 58.(2019 福建) 假定你是李华,收到英国笔友 Harry 的邮件,获悉他在机器人制作比赛中获奖。 请根据有家内容给他回复。词数 80 左右。 To:Lihua2019@163.com From:Harry@hotmail.com Dear Li Hua, I’m glad to tell you that I’ve just won the first place in a robot--making competition. I love robots! They bring me great fun. What do you think of robots? Do you want to have your own robot? Why ? Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours, Harry. 参考词汇:congratulation 祝贺 注意事项: 1. 回复邮件时可适当发挥,邮件格式已给出,不计入总词数; 2. 意思完整,表达通顺,行文连贯,熟悉规范; 3. 请勿在文中使用真实的姓名、校名及地名。 Dear Harry, _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua 参考范文: Dear Harry, Congratulations! How glad I am to share your goiod news! I think robots are helpful in many ways. And in the future they’ll play more important roles in our daily life. Plus, I’m dying to have a robot of my own. I can have it take care of my grandparents when we are not at home. You see, my grandparents are old and cannot move easily. It can help them do some housework such as cooking, cleaning the house and so on. Hoping you’ll make greater progress. Yours, Li Hua. 59.(2019 呼和浩特) 临近毕业,学校在学习小组内开展了初中阶段自评和组评活动。假设你是 Rainbow 小组的组长 Zhang Hong。请你为你的组员 Li Ming 进行综合素质的评 价,写一份素质报告。 内容包括:1.他的爱好; 2.他的优点(两条); 3. 他的缺点或存在的问题; 4. 你对他的建议(两条)。 要求:1.表达清楚、语法正确、上下文连贯; 2 要点必须包括所有相关信息,并做适当发挥,但不得出现真实班级、姓名等; 3. 词数:不少于 80 词(所给内容不计入总词数) Li Ming is a member if my team called Rainbow._______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Zhang Hong 参考范文: Li Ming is a member if my team called Rainbow.Generally speaking, he is a warm--hearted and outgoing boy. He is always ready to help others without asking for anything in return. He can also get on well with teachers and classmates. In his spare time, he likes reading books on history, so he knows a lot of knowledge about history. But as a famous saying goes, “ Every coin has two sides.” ,sometimes he doesn’t work hard enough on his lessons. I advise him to spend more time on the subjects from now on. What’s more , he’d better answer questions in class actively so that he can make great progress. I’m sure if he can try harder to improve himself, he’ll be an excellent student soon. 60.(2019 湖南湘潭) 哈佛大学的一项研究表明,爱做家务的孩子更容易体验到幸福感,更有前途。 请你以”Help with Some Housework”为题写一篇 80 词左右的英语短文,描述你平 时所做的家务以及你对做家务的看法 。 参考词汇: Chores Take out the rubbish sweet the floor Wash the clothes do the dishes Water the flowers cook breakfast/lunch.. ...... Opinions Pros: develop our independence take care of ourselves ...... Cons: a waste of time no need to ... ...... Help with Some Housework It is reported that children who love doing chores have a better future and are way to feel happy. As for me, I ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________ 参考范文:(略) 61.(2019 湖北荆门) 为弘扬中华传统文化,你校举办了一次“戏曲进校园”展演活动。假定你是李 华,请你将活动的相关情况写信告知你的英国笔友 John。 要点:1.时间: 5 月 16 日下午 2:30; 2.地点: 学校操场; 3.内容: 校长在开幕式上致辞;戏曲知识竞赛;师生戏曲表演等; 4.感受: 对传统文化有了进一步的了解…… 要求:1.文中不得出现真实的人名或地名; 2.语言通顺,条理清楚,书写规范; 3.要点齐全,内容可适当发挥; 4.词数:80-100(开头和结尾己给出,不计入总词数)。 参考词汇:戏曲 opera(n.) 开幕式(opening ceremony( n.) 表演 performance( n.) 致辞 make a speech Dear John, How is everything going? I’m writing to share with you an activity called Opera Entering Camnpus in our school. ______ _____ _______ ______ ______ ______ Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua 参考范文: Dear John, How is everything going? I’m writing to share with you an activity called Opera Entering Campus in our school. The activity was held at 2:30 p.m. on May 16 on the playground. In the beginning, the headmaster made a spccch at the opening ceremony, inspiring us students to learn more about Chinese culture. After that, there was an exciting competition about opera knowledge. In the end, we enjoyed wonderful opera performances put on by some teachers and students who are talented in opera. Through this activity, we have a better understanding or opera and get closer to Chinese traditional culture.I hope you can have a chance to come to China and experience Chinese culture on your own. Best wishes! 62.(2019 北京) .从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于 50 词的文 段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。 请不要写出你的校名和姓名。 题目① 假如你是李华,你们学校正在开展“安全月”宣传活动,倡议大家制作关于安 全教育的主题海报,你们班交换生 Peter 给你发邮件询问相关事情。请用英语回 复一封邮件,告诉他海报上交的时间,并分享你设计海报的一些想法。 提示词语:design, safety rule, careful, protect, picture 提示问题:●When should you hand in the poster? ●What would you like to share with Peter about designing the poster? Dear Peter I’m glad to receive your email. If there is any more anything that I can help with, Please let me know. Yours Li Hua 题目② 自律,即自我约束,是自我提升的一种途径,有助于我们成长,促使我们 不断前行。 某英文网站正在开展以“自律”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英语 写一篇短文投稿,谈谈为了增强自律意识,你做过什么,以及这样做给你带来 的好处。 提示词语:self-disciplined(自律的), plan, goal, habit, improve 提示问题:●What did you do to be self-disciplined? ●What benefits have you got from doing so? Self-discipline plays an important role in our life. 参考范文: 题目① As it is required, you are supposed to hand in the poster before next Friday. Being your close friend, I am extremely willing to share some ideas about designing the poster with you. First and foremost, the basic safety rules are of great importance, which should be included in your poster. In the second place, following the safety rules is so meaningful and crucial that you had better remind your readers of its importance and advise them to be careful both in and out of school. Last but by no means least, if I were you, I would add a few suggestions about safety awareness, considering that better safe than sorry. In addition, it is a good idea for you to draw a few pictures on your poster so as to make it more lively and acceptable. 题目② To be honest, I am a person who is self-disciplined. I used to follow all kinds of rules and hand in the tasks appointed on time at school. And I could not only respected all my teachers but also get on well with my classmates. At home, I was able to balance housework and homework. I usually made a plan in advance to make it easier to achieve my goal. After finishing all the tasks, I developed the habit of going to bed early and getting up early. In the society, I spared no effort to improve myself all the time. In a word, I have benefited a lot from being self-discipline. First of all, I have had many good habits, which makes my life easier and more regular. Secondly, my life and my study have been of high efficiency so that a lot of time has been saved. Thirdly, being self-disciplined has prepared me for a better and brighter future. In the future, I will continue to be a self-disciplined person. 63.(2019 湖北黄石)假如你是国际学校的学生李华,你的同学 Tom 写了一封邮 件询问你暑假的安排,请给 Tom 回封邮件,告知你的计划,并邀请他来黄石游 玩。 内容包括:1、读几本好书; 2、参加社会实践活动; 3、帮父母做家务; 4、和朋友一起锻炼; 5、邀请 Tom。 注意: 1、词数 80 左右; 2、可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3、文中不能出现与本人相关信息; 4、开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 参考词忙:有意义的 meaningful 经典文学作品 classic literature works 社会实践活动 social practice activities Dear Tom, I'm very happy to bear from you. 参考范文:(略) 64.(2019 湖北宜昌) 假定你是李华, 你的英国朋友 Mike 得知你们开展了“做生态小公民,建设美 丽家乡”的活动,他来信表示很感兴趣并想了解具体细节。请给 Mike 写一封回 信向他描述你们曾经做过的一件事或参与的一次活动。 要求: (1)内容应包括活动或事件的时间、地点、过程和你的感受; (2)文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;词数 80--100, 开头和结尾已给出, 不 计入总词数。 Dear Mike, I’m glad to hear that you are interested in our environment protection activities. To be an ecological citizen ( 生 态 公 民 ) we did a good job. Last ________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Now the environment around us becomes better and better . Welcome to my hometown one day. Yours, Li Hua 参考范文: Dear Mike, I’m glad to hear that you are interested in our environment protection activities. To be an ecological citizen(生态公民)we did a good job. Last Sunday , I went to our community with my friends to give the people there a speech. It was about how to protect our environment . After the speech, they know they should take a bus or ride a bike instead of driving to cut down air pollution. To cut down waste pollution, they should take bags to go shopping. And they also knew to put litter in different bins. Finally , we called them up to make a difference to our environment together. We were tired but happy that day. Now the environment around us becomes better and better . Welcome to my hometown one day. Yours, Li Hua 65.(2019 湖北鄂州) 现在越来越多的学生使用“作业帮”这个 APP 来搜查他们不会做的题目。对此, 不同 的人有不同的看法。请根据以下文字的提示,并适当发表自己的观点,写一篇 英语短文。 优点 1.及时帮助学生解决在学习中遇到的困难; 2.在家就能学习,简单,方便; 3.可以选择自己喜欢的老师,学习兴趣更浓。 缺点 1.有的学生假装学习,事实上在玩游戏; 2.有的学生不想独立思考,直接照抄答案, 他们根本不关心自己的学习,只是虚度光阴。 你的建议 联系实际,给出自己合理的建议。 要求: 1. 80-100 词。(开头的首句已给出,不计算在词数内) 2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称及其他相关信息,否则,不 予评分。 参考词汇:convenient 方便的,便利的 pretend to do… 假装做… think independently 独立思考 Today, more and more students are using the App zuoyebang. However, different people have different ideas about it. Some people think 参考范文: Today, more and more students are using the APP zuoyebang. Different people have different ideas about it. Some people think it’s useful. The APP zuoyebang can help students to solve difficulties in their studying in time. It’s easy and convenient for them.They can study at home. They can choose their own teachers they like, and they will be more interested in studying . However, others don’t think so. They think some students just pretend to study, in fact they play games. They don’t want to think independently, but only copy the answers. They don’t care about their studying at all. It’s a waste of time. I think it’s good for students who are hard-working. They can study better. But for students who don’t want to study, it’s very bad. 66.(2019 湖南怀化) 对于每个人来说,生命只有一次。注意安全, 就是善待和珍惜生命的一种有 效途径。每年因意外事故伤亡的中学生有很多,为了让自己健康平安成长, 你 该如何保护自己的人身安全呢? 请根据提示, 以“Protect Ourselves, cherish(珍 惜)our lives”为题,写一篇 80 次左右的短文。 1.get on well with your classmates, not fight 2.now swim alone, not swim in dangerous places 3.surf the Internet safely, no meet net--friends alone 4.not smoke or drink wine, make sure your food is safe 5.follow the traffic rules, walk on the zebra crossing when crossing the street. 6........ 注意: 1. 文中请勿使用真实人名、校名和地名; 2. 内容应包含表格中的要点并适当发挥; 3. 词数:80 词左右; 4. 文章的开头已给出,但不计入总词数。 Protect ourselves, cherish our lives Life is only once for everybody. It’s important to cherish our lives. As students, what should we do ? ____________________________________________________________________ _______ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________ 参考范文: Protect ourselves, cherish our lives Life is only once for everybody. It’s important to cherish our lives. As students, what should we do ? I think we should do the following things well. First, we should get on well with our classmates in the school and we shouldn’t fight with them . Secondly, we should not swim alone in the river or in other dangerous places because of safety first. Thirdly, we should learn surf the Internet safely and we should meet any net--friends alone unless our parents are with us together. Fourthly, we should follow the traffic rules and we should walk on the zebra crossing when crossing the street. In a word, we should remember that life safety is the most important for everybody. 67.(2019 湖南岳阳) 假如下面是你们班教室里的照片墙,墙上记录了中考前学习和生活的点点滴 滴, 以及考前老师的温馨提示。忘不了备战中考时充实而快乐的时光。请你以 “Preparation for High School Entrance Exam”(备战中考)为题,写一篇 80--100 词的短文。 要求:1.请阐述途中信息,可试单发挥; 2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名; 3. 字迹工整,语言流畅,表达正确。 Preparation for High School Entrance Exam ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 参考范文:(略) 68.(2019 湖南株洲) 假定你是李华,准备参加“一路一带”国家中学生演讲比赛,主题为“现在引领 将来”.请你写一篇演讲稿,包括以下内容: (1)你最难忘的一个书包是怎么得来的? (2)你喜欢它吗?为什么? (3)描述你将来的书包。 注意:(1)词数 80 左右; (2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; (3)文中不能出现透露考生真实身份的任何信息。 参考范文:(略) 69.(2019 湖南邵阳) 每年三月的最后一个星期一是“全国中小学安全教育日”。为了提高同学们的 安全意识,学校决定在毕业前再举行一次以安全教育为主题的班会。请根据所 给提示,就日常生活中需要注意的安全写一篇英语发言稿。 提示: 1. 上学、放学途中的安全; 2. 校园里的安全; 3. 家里的安全。 要求: 1.80 词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 2. 语法正确,语句通顺、流畅; 3. 文中不得出现真实姓名、校名。 Hello, everyone. The last Monday in March every year is National Safety Education Day of Primary and Middle School Students. As middle school students, we should _________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________Safety is very important. We should always keep it in mind. Thank you! 参考范文: Hello,everyone! The last Monday in March every year is National Safety Educati on Day of Primary and Middle School Students.As middle school students,we shou ld pay more attention to safety.To be safe,we must follow rules. When we go to school or go home from school, we must follow the traffic rules For example , we must walk on walk-side.When we cross zebra-crossing,stop and look right and l eft,then go across the road fast.We mustn't run through red lights when crossing the road.Don't play football on the road. At school ,don't push when we go upstairs or downstairs,or we may hurt ourselves or others.Never use sharp things like the knife when we play with our classmates 。 We should get on well with our classmates.Don't fight with them, or we'll be hurt. At home,we should be careful when we use electricity.If there is a fire or a thief, we should call the police for help in time. Also, food satety is important. Never eat the food that goes bad. Safety is very important. We should always keep it in mind. Thank you! 70.(2019 湖南娄底) “读万卷书,行万里路”,研学旅行现在受到教育主管部门和学校的高度重视, 也深受学生和家长的欢迎。假如你们学校的英文网站就研学旅行中需要注意的 事项发帖,征集建议。请你根据以下要点写一篇短文,进行跟帖回复。 1. 要点: 2.要求: (1)文中不成出现真实的校名和姓名等; (2)语言要通顺,表达要正确; (3)要求包含所有要点提示,为了行文需要,可适当拓展和增加要点; (4)吃书不少于 6 个英语单词,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 3.参考词汇: 在危险中 in danger 报警 call the police Now study trips are becoming more and more popular with parents and students. What should we pay attention to when we’re having a study trip ? Here’s my advice. 参考范文:(略) 71.(2019 贵州毕节) A.下面是一篇未写完的短文,请认真阅读,为短文写一个30-40 词的结尾,使短文连贯完整。 I'm glad to receive your letter. In your letter you asked me about how to learn English well. I think you should listen carefully to your teachers in class. Try to speak English as much as possible. B.每年的 6 月6 日是我国的“爱眼日”,可见保护中小学生的视力非常重要,为此,学 校将在英语文化节期间举行一场“爱眼日”英语演讲比赛。请你写一篇英语演 讲稿,谈谈你对保护视力重要性的认识和建议。 内容如下: 1. 保护视力的重要性(请写1 点); 2. 对保护视力的建议:(1)阅读时注意用眼卫生;(2)少用电子产品; (4)常看绿色植物;(4)做眼保健操;(5)多做户外 运动 要求如下: 1.结构完整,表达通顺,语言规范,书写清晰; 2.文中不得出现任何真实的人名,学校名等信息; 3.词数 80 左右。开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。参考词汇: Sight Day “爱眼日”;electronic products 电子产品;eye-protecting exercises 眼保健操 Dear friends, June 6 is our country’s Sight Day. Thank you! 参考范文: I'm glad to receive your letter.In your letter you asked me about how to learn Eng lish well. I think you should listen carefully to your teachers in class.Try to speak English a s much as possible.Don't be afraid of making mistakes. You'd better read widely and learn some important parts by heart. You should practice writing often.You can also see English films , learn to sing English songs or make pen friends with foreigners.One more thing,remember"Practice makes perfect!" 72.(2019 浙江台州) 似如你是李华, 一个英国游学团要来你们学校, 学校需要一些志愿者, 你想成 为其中的一员。请读下面的招雾启事, 写一封应征邮件。 Volunteers Wanted Some students from the UK will come to our school to have a study tour. They are interested in Chinese culture. We’ relooking for some volunteers to help us. "Can you introduce yourself(English ability and personality)? Can you plan an activity about Chinese culture and explain your purpose? If you are interested, please email us at Andrew@l63. com. 注意: (1)请回复招募启事中所提及的两个问题, 可适当发挥; (2)应征邮件中不得出现真实人名和校名等相关信息; (3)词数: 80~100; (4)邮件开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。 Dear Andrew, I’m Li Hua. 参考范文: Dear Sir, My name is Li Hua. I'm a 17-year-old girl from Class 3 , Grade 2. I would like to become a volunteer for the American students . My English is good and I can talk with foreigner fluently.In addition,I'm interested in sports,which is why I'm in good health.When my friends get in trouble, I often help them actively. I'm good at taking up with others . Besides I like travelling a lot and I'm quite familiar with our city. I plan to organize an activity about Chinese traditional culture so that British friends can understand China better.I'm sure I can become friends with the English students.Looking forward to your answers. 73.(2019 山东威海) A 篇材料 Mr Chen was puzzled(闲惑的)and a little suspicious(怀疑的). He sat in the office and studied a letter apparently(看似)from Mrs Wang, the mother of one of the pupils in his class. There was something about it which worried him. “I don't understand, ”he said to himself. He shook his head as he circled four mistakes in the letter. "Mrs Wang is an educated woman. She wouldn't make mistakes like these even if she did write the letter in a hurry. "Mr Chen took out his class register(名册) and said to himself, “Yesterday was Thursday. Let me see. Ah, yes. I thought so. David was absent on Thursday last week and the week before. Hm. Why is he so often absent on Thursdays? Was he really ill yesterday? Could it be a coincidence(巧 合)?” Mr Chen stared at the register as if the answers to his questions were hidden in it somewhere. Then he took out a copy of the timetable(课程表)for his class. "I wonder. . "he told to himself. "I wonder if his absence has anything to do with one of these lessons. " Mr Chen looked at the subjects for Thursday: Mathematics, English, P. E. He thought about P. E. He knew that the pupils had P. E. twice a weck: once on Monday, when they usually played games on the school field, and once on Thursday, when they did exercises in the gym. Mr Chen glanced round the office to find Mr Long, the rather strict P. E. teacher, but he was not there. "I'd better have a chat with Long and David, "Mr Chen thought. The bell rang. "I can't do anything right now, "Mr Chen thought. "It's time to go to Class 2. I' ll do it later on. " Mr Chen picked up his books and walked off to teach Class 2. Later, on Friday, Mr Chen spoke to Mr Long, the P. E. teacher. Mr Long agreed that it seemed strange for David to be absent so often on gym days. They thought about it for a while. “David is a good athlete(运动员), ”Mr Long finally said, "but he's afraid of heights. I was hard on him once because he wouldn't climb more than a couple of metres up the rope. Do you think that's why he's been absent recently? ” “Yes, I think so, "Mr Chen said. "I'm going to talk to him this afternoon before he goes home. " "Well, I've got a suggestion to make, "said Mr Long. "If he's scared of heights, he'd better come and see me after school. Quite a few people suffer from(遭受) vertigo. I'll be glad to help him. ” “That's very kind of you, "said Mr Chen. "I'll get him to come and see you on Monday or Tuesday. ” 再读本试卷阅读理解 A 篇材料, 依据故事情节, 下午 Mr Chen 会与 David 谈 话。请以“A Talk with David”为题续写故事, 词数 100 左右。 要求: 1. 仿照阅读理解 A 篇材料写作手法, 采用叙述、对话或二者结合的形式续 写故事; 2. 内容要涉及 A 篇中的信件、缺课等相关信息以及 Mr Chen 的建议; 3. 观点正确、条理清晰、表达流畅; 4. 题目与开头已给出, 不计入总词数。 A Talk with David At the end of the day. Mr Chen spoke to David about his absence. 参考范文: A Talk with David 范文 1 At the end of the day. Mr Chen spoke to David about his absence. “Did your mother really write that letter? ”Mr Chen asked. David's face turned red and then pale. “No, sir, she didn't. I wrote it. I'm very sorry, sir.” "It's the P. E, isn't it? "said Mr Chen. "You are avoiding something, aren't you? " “Yes, sir, ”David admitted. “And what have you been doing these Thursdays? ”Mr Chen asked. "I have been studying in the library, "replied David eagerly. “Oh, well, at least you didn't run off to the cinema, "said Mr Chen. "But you were very silly. What will happen if I report this to your parents and the Principal. " David felt ashamed of himself. “But I won't tell anybody-if you promise me two things, "Mr Chen added. David looked up hopefully. "I want you to promise never to do anything like this again. If you have any problems, discuss them with your parents or with me first. Mr Long knows all about this. He has kindly agreed to help you to overcome your fear of heights. Talk to him after school on Monday. OK? ” “Yes, sir, ”said David with a sigh of relief. “Thank you very much. " David felt happier as he went home. 范文 2 At the end of the day. Mr Chen spoke to David about his absence. —Did your mother really write that letter? —No, sir, she didn't. I wrote it. I'm very sorry, sir. David felt ashamed of himself. —It's the P. E, isn't it? You are avoiding something, aren't you? —Yes, sir. —And where have you been going these Thursdays? —To the public library, sir. I was studying there. —Oh, well, at least you didn't run of to the cinema. But you were very silly. What will happen if I report this o your parents and the Principal? But I won't tell anybody-if you promise me two things. David looked up hopefully: —I want you to promise never to do anything like this again. If you have any problems, discuss them with your parents or with me first. Mr Long knows all about this. He has kindly agreed to help you to overcome your fear of heights. Talk to him after school on Monday. Is that agreed? ” —Yes, sir. Thank you very much. David felt happier as he went home. 范文 3 A Talk With David At the end of the day. Mr Chen spoke to David about his absence. He asked if the letter was really from his mother and why he was absent from P. E. class on Thursday. David felt sorry and told Mr Chen that the letter was written by himself. And just because he was afraid of heights, he wanted to avoid climbing up the rope in the Thursday's P. E. class. But he stayed in the library to study. Mr Chen told David that it was wrong for him to lie to the teachers. Anyway, it was good that he studied in the library. At last Mr Chen advised David to go to his PE. teacher next Monday or Tuesday. Mr Long could help him. 74.(2019 哈尔滨) 假如你是英语校报的编辑李平,请你根据以信息,给新入学的学弟学妹们写一封 信,欢迎他们来到新学校,并对他们在学校如何做合格的中学生提出建议。 写作要点: 1.欢迎他们来到新学校。 2.介绍学校: (1)课程有趣; (2)有多名外教; (3)活动丰富。 3.请对他们在学校如何做合格的(qualified)中学生提出具体建议。 写作要求: 1.不得使用真实的姓名和学校名。 2.可适当加入细节,使内容充实,行文连贯。 3.字迹工整、语言精练、表达准确、条理清晰。 4.至少 80 词。 Dear new friends, It’s my pleasure to write you this letter. ___________________________________________ Best wishes! Yours, Li Ping 参考范文:(略) 75.(2019 河南) 假如你有机会和任何一个名人共进午餐。请根据以下要点和要求用英语写 一篇短文。 1. 要点:1)这个名人是谁; 2) 你为什么想和他或她共进午餐; 3) 你想和他或她谈论什么。 2. 要求:1)文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称; 2)词数 80 左右。 参考范文: I’d like to have lunch with Ren Zhengfei, the founder of the well-known Chinese tech company Huawei. Mr. Ren is considered as a great man who always has everything mapped out ahead. And under his leadership, Huawei has become a high-tech giant worldwide. Over the lunch, I will listen to his success story. Then I will ask him what is important to make it happen. If time permits, I’ll ask for his advice for us teenagers today. I’m expecting this lunch already. 76.(2019 广西北部湾) 暑假将至,你校 English Club 在社刊上发起了征文活动,题目为“My Plan for Summer Holiday”。请你根据以下提示,用英语写一篇 80 词左右的短文。 写作要点: 1. 学习计划; 2. 运动计划; 3. 娱乐计划; 4. 你的愿望。 写作要求: 1. 内容必须包括所给要点,可适当发挥,使行文连贯; 2. 语篇完整,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范; 3. 文中不得出现人名、校名以及透露个人信息的地名,否则不予评分; 4. 开头己给出,不计入总词数。 My Plan for Summer Holiday Summer holiday is coming. 参考范文:(略) 77.(2019 吉林) (B)假如你是李华,想参加 China Daily 举办的以”梦想职业体验”为主题 的 2019 年夏令营活动。请给主办人 Mr.Smith 写一封介绍个人情况的申请邮件。 (15 分)内容包括:1.个人信息与兴趣爱好 2.梦想职业与个人计划 写作要求;1.词数 90 词左右,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 2. 文中不得出现真实的学校名称与姓名。 Dear Mr. Smith, It's my pleasure to introduce myself to you. I do hope to join in the activity and look forward to your reply. Best wishes! Yours sincerely Li Hua 参考范文:(略) 78.(2019 黑龙江绥化) 听仔细观察下面的图片,并跟所给提示和要求写一篇 80 词左右的短文。 提示: (1)What are the boys doing in the pictures? (2) What do you think of them? (3) As a student ,what else(其他的) can you do to become an excellent teenager (优秀的青少年)? 要求: (1)短文须包括所有内容,可适当发挥。 (2)语句通顺。意思连贯,书写工整。 (3)文中不得出现任何真实信息(姓名、校名、地名等) 参考范文: The boy in Picture 1 is visiting sick children in the hospital and other boy is helping do the dishes in Picture 2. Both of them are good boys. I should learn from them. I can also do many other things to be an excellent teenager. In daily life, I must follow the rules in public. At school , I am supposed to study hard and respect teachers. It’s necessary for me to listen to the teachers carefully in class. At home, it’s my duty to care for parents and understand them. When my friends are in trouble, I should give them a hand and help each other. If I try my best, I am sure I can become an excellent teenager. 79.(2019 黑龙江齐齐哈尔) A.假如你叫 Tom,和 Jack 是同学。请用英语写一则邀请函,邀请他与本周五晚 上 7 点来你家参加你的生日聚会,并告诉他你家的地址(参看下图)。 提示:1.聚会内容:唱歌、吃生日蛋糕、玩游戏; 2.内容要涵盖提示中的信息,字数 30--50 词。 Dear Jack, ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ I think we will have a good time. Tom B.初中生活,精彩纷呈。回首过去你是否感到充实和快乐,展望未来你是否对 高中生活充满期待,请结合以下提示谈谈你的感悟。 提示:1.初中阶段你有哪些收获; 2.初中阶段你有哪些遗憾或为实现的愿望; 3.你对未来的高中生活有哪些计划或打算。 要求:1.80--100 词,首句已给出,不计入总词数;2.字迹工整,语言流畅,表 达准确,逻辑清晰。 The life of my junior high school is coming to an end. ______________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 参考范文: A. Dear Jack, I’ll have a birthday party at 7:00p,m this Friday. I’d like to invite you to my home. Let me tell you the way to my home. Walk along Green Street and take the secone crossing on the left/turn left at the second crossing. At the party, we can sing ,eat a birthday cakes and play games. I think we will have a good time. Tom. B. The life of my junior high school is coming to an end. Since I came to the junior high school, I’ve gained confidence and happiness. With the help of our teachers, I’ve learned how to be a good person as well as plenty of knowledge. I’ve also made some good friends. However, there is still something that I feel sorry about. Because I was busy with my schoolwork, I couldn’t keep on reading. Once in a while, I felt so upset and anxious that I quarrel with my parents. In the future, I’ll try to make good use of time and spend more free time reading books. Meanwhile, I’ll get on well with my parents. I believe I’ll have a happy and colorful life. 80.(2019 大庆) 文误、体育、户外等丰富多彩的课外活动为我们的生活增添了生机和括力。请 以“After—class Actvities Make My Life Colorful 为题,为校园专栏写一篇英文稿件 内容包括:1.简要描述你参加过的一项课外活动。 2.该课外活动给你带来的收获及感受(交朋友;放松自我)。 写作要求:1.词数 80 词左右;开头已写好,不记人总词数。 2 文章不得出现真实的学校名称与姓名 After-class Activities Make My Life Colorful Nowadays after-class activities are becoming more and more important 参考范文:(略) 81.(2019 黑龙江龙东地区) 假如你是 Henry,昨天下午在学校打篮球时伤了左脚,医生让你卧床休息两天, 因此与向老师 Mr. Read 请假。 Dear Mr. Read, ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _ Henry 参考范文: Dear Mr. Read, I’m sorry I can’t g oto school today. I hurt my left leg when I played /was playing basketball at school yesterday afternoon. The doctor told me to stay in bed for two days. So I want to ask for two days off. Thank you. Henry. (A) 话题作文: 构建和谐社会,创建美丽校园是我们每一名中学生的责任,但 在我们的身边经常看到一些不文明的行为。请以”How to be a police student”为 题,谈谈在校内和校外如何告别不文明行为,做一名优秀的中学生。 提示词:harmonious society(和谐社会),behavior(行为)。 (B)图示作文:仔细观察图片描述,展开合理想象,然后写一篇短文。 要求:1.换题作文或图是作文任选其一。 2.词数:80--100 之间。 3.字迹工整,语法正确,意思连贯,合乎逻辑,可适当发挥。 参考范文: (A) How to be a police student As a student, it’s our duty to make a harmonious society. But we can often see the impolite behavior around us. What should we do to be a polite student ? At school, we should not only study hard but also follow the school rules. We are supposed to help others who are in trouble instead of troubling them in public. Also , we must respect our teachers and the old people. I think only when we all try our best can we be a polite student. Let’s take action now. (B) Last Sunday morning, Henry told his dog to send some letters fro him. It was easy for his dog, because it often helped Hnery to do that. Then it ran to the post office quickly. A moment later, the dog came back with a letter in his mouth. Henry was very surprised when he saw it. He looked at the letter carefully, and then he found something was wrong with it. Henry realized he had made a mistake---He was so careless that he forgot to stick a stamp on the letter. Finally he thanked his dog. 83.(1019 四川广安) 当前,许多学生在课外沉溺于智能手机 (smart phones)。针对这一现象,学 校将组织开展一次“拒绝手机诱惑,健康学习生活”的演讲活动。请你根据下面的 提示用英语写一篇演讲稿。 要求: 1. 字迹工整,书写规范,包含全部要点,适当发挥; 2. 文中不得出现真实的学校、班级名称; 3. 80 词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 4. 请将书面表达内容写在答题卡上相应的位置。 参考词汇:eyesight (视力) disadvantage (不利条件) keep away from (远 离)take an active part in (积极参加) Girls and boys, With the development of the Internet, many students have smart phones. 危害 1. 花大量时间玩游戏,上课睡觉,不按时完成作业。 2. 伤害眼睛,不利健康。 建议 1. 远离智能手机,认真学习。 2. 多花时间与家人、朋友交流。 3. 积极参加各种活动,如打篮球、唱歌...... ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ That’s all, thank you! 参考范文: Girls and boys, With the development of the Internet, many students have smart phones. The students often spend so much time in playing games with them that they feel very tired. Someone doesn’t finish their homework on time. Someone even sleeps in class. Besides, smart phones do harm to our health. Some students’ eyesight is becoming poorer and poorer. To avoid these disadvantages, I think we should make some changes. First, we should keep away from smart phones and work hard. Second, stay with our family or friends if we are free and talk with them about our daily life, feelings and so on. Third, take an active part in all kinds of activities, such as playing basketball, singing songs. That’s all, thank you! 84.(2019 四川广元) 假如你叫李军,你家于 2017 年被列为“精准扶贫”的帮扶对象,在政府两年的 帮扶下,你家变化巨大。时值学校校报举办“家的变化”主题征文活动,请你根据 以下内容要点,用英语写一篇 70 词左右的短文,参加本次活动。 内容要点: 过去 1. 家庭贫困,房屋破旧。 2. 母亲生病,为母担忧,成绩下滑。 现在 3. 住进新房,母亲康复,学习进步。 4. 生活日趋改善。 要求: 1. 词数:70 词左右。短文开头语已给出,但不计入总词数。 2. 短文中必须包括所有要点,但不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥。 3. 短文中不得出现真实的人名和校名。 My name is Li Jun. Thanks to the government, my family has changed a lot in the last two years. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _参考范文: My name is Li Jun. Thanks to the government, my family has changed a lot in the last two years. My family used to be very poor and we lived in an old and broken house. What’s more, my mother wasn’t in good health and she often fell ill. I was worried about her all the time, so my grades dropped. However, with the help of the government, we have moved into a new house. To our joy, my mother has become better. As for me, I have made great progress at school because of my hard work. All in all, our life has gradually improved 85.(2019 四川绵阳) 假定你是李华,请回复流瓶主任 Mike 的邮件,给他至少 3 条建议并说明理由。 词数 100 左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 To: Someone From:Mike Hi, I do not know who will read this letter. But I do hope I can get help from you ! I am a little nervous these days because I found my roommate might want to go to the same school as me. Although he isn’t as good as me in schoolwork. I’m worried. I know I have no right to and should not stop his choice, but I do not know what I should do. Would you please give me some advice ? Look forward to your reply. All the best. Mike. To:Mike From:Li Hua Hi, Mike, ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _Li Hua 参考范文:(略) 86.(2019 四川德阳) 假如你是李明,你的美国笔友 Jack 即将参加升学考试,然而他却紧张,情绪 低落。请你根据以下内容要点,用英语给他写一电子邮件帮助他。 内容要点:1.学会放松(体育锻炼、听音乐......); 2.健康饮食(吃早餐......),休息好; 3.与同学、朋友交流,寻求帮助。 要求:1.词数 80 词左右,开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总次词数; 2.语句通顺、书写工整、可适当发挥; 3.文中不出现真实姓名和地址。 Dear Jack, Don’t worry about your study too much________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ I hope you can stay in a good spirits and study better. Yours, Li Ming 参考范文: Dear Jack, Don’t worry about your study too much. First, you should learn how to relax yourself. I think doing more sports is good for your health. Listening to music is also a good way to relax. Second, I think it’s necessary to have healthy eating habits. Please remember to have breakfast every morning. You’d better go to bed early and have enough sleep. It will keep you active during the day. Finally, I think you should often talk to your friends, parents and teachers. Try to get help from them when you are in trouble. I hope you can stay in good spirits and study better. Yours, Li Ming 87.(2019 四川遂宁) 在成长过程中,青少年面临越来越多的烦恼,主要体现在精神压力太大。请 以此为话题写一篇 80 词左右的短文。 要点提示: 1. 导致青少年精神压力大的主要原因; (1)学业 (2)与他人相处 2. 减少压力的措施: (1)积极参加课外活动 (2)多余他人交流沟通 3. 简要谈谈你对压力利弊的看法。(至少一点) 注意: 1. 文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。 2. 文章必须包含所给要点提示,要求语句通顺,行文连贯。 3. 不可逐词翻译,英语肚子的见解并适当发挥。 4. 文章不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。 We teenagers have more and more pressure while growing up. __________________ 参考范文:(略) 88.(2019 贵州遵义) 假如你是遵义育才中学的大明, 你们学校与上海阳光中学正在实施“山与海对 话”(Dialogue and Mountain and Sea)项目。几年暑假。 你的“手拉手”活动伙伴小 海将来遵义进行首次交流活动。请根据下了提示给他写一封 80 词左右的书信。 内容包括: 自我介绍 年龄、性格、爱好…… 校园生活介绍 社团活动…… 家乡介绍 自然环境、名胜古迹…… 你的建议 上网了解更多有关遵义的历史和文化…… 注意: 1. 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称; 2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯; 3. 书信的开头和结尾已为你写出,不计入总词数。 提示词:遵义海龙囤 Zunyi Hailongtun Castle 遵义会址 Zunyi Conference Site Dear Xiaohai, I’m glad to hear that you are coming to Zunyi because of the project Dalogue Between Mountain And Sea. Now let me tell you something about me and my city.__ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Welcome to my city! I;m looking forward to meeting you Yours sincerely Daming 参考范文:(略) 89.(2019 贵州铜仁) 据报道,铜仁市的许多学校正在开展“提升文明素养,规范行为举止”的校园文 明活动。作为中学生,请根据以下内容提示及要求,用英语写一篇 80 字左右的 宣讲文章。文章的开头和结尾均已给出,不计入词数。内容要点如下: ⒈ 尊敬师长,明礼诚信,友善待人,乐于助人。 ⒉ 遵守交规,外出不乱扔垃圾,不随地吐痰和攀摘花朵。 ⒊ 宣传脱贫攻坚带来的变化(如:人居环境的改善;教育支助的获得等)。 ⒋ 弘扬中华传统文化,积极传播正能量,不信谣传谣,不说有损国家的话 语。 提示词:respect 尊敬 publicize 宣传 the policy of accurate poverty alleviation 脱贫攻坚 living conditions 人居环境 education support 教育支助 carry forward 弘扬 traditional culture 传统文化 positive thoughts 正能量 rumour 谣言 be harmful to 有损于 Hello, boys and girls. It’s reported that many schools in Tonrgen are holding activities about Behaving Yourself and Improving Your Civilization Quality. As students, what should we do? First, _______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ In short, wherever we are, we must be strict with ourselves in our words and behaviors. Try to be a good student with civilization quality. Thanks a lot. 参考范文: Hello, boys and girls. It’s reported that many schools in Tonrgen are holding activities about Behaving Yourself and Improving Your Civilization Quality. As students, what should we do? First, we should respect our teachers, parents and the old. We ought to be polite and honest. It’s always good to be kind, friendly and helpful to others. What’s more, we must obey the traffic rules. When we go out, we shouldn’t throw litter about or spit here and there. We’d better not pick up flowers. In addition, we should publicize the changes that the policy of accurate poverty alleviation has brought us, such as the improvement of living conditions, the acquirement of education support and so on. Last but not least, we should carry forward traditional Chinese culture and spread actively positive thoughts. We can’t believe rumour or spread it. We can’t say the words which are harmful to our country. In short, wherever we are, we must be strict with ourselves in our words and behaviors. Try to be a good student with civilization quality. Thanks a lot. 90.(2019 贵州黔西南、黔南、黔东南) 每年的 6 月 6 日是我国的“爱眼日”,可见保护中小学生的视力非常重要,为此, 学校将在英语文化节期间举行一场“爱眼日”英语演讲比赛。请你写一篇英语演 讲稿,谈谈你对保护视力重要性的认识和建议。 内容:1.保护视力的重要性(请写 1 点); 2.对保护视力的建议:(1)阅读时注意用眼卫生;(2)少用电子产品; (3)常看绿色植物;(4)做眼保健操;(5)多做户外运动。 要求:1.结构完整,表达通顺,语言规范。熟悉清晰; 2.文中不得出现任何真实的人名、学校名等信息; 3.词数 80 左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:Sight Day“爱眼日”;electronic products 电子产品;eye--protecting exercise 眼保健操 Dear Friends, June 6 is our country’s Sight Day_______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Thank you! 参考范文: 91.(2019 广西河池) “人生没有彩排,生命没有重来”,你平安、健康、快乐地成长是父母最大的心愿。 今年 6 月下旬学校将举办一场以 “Keep away from the danger”为主题的英文演讲 比赛。假如你是王雷同学,大家推选你参加这次比赛。请根据以下思维导图提 示,写一篇英文演讲稿。 写作提示: 写作要求:1.不得使用真实姓名和学校名; 2.所有的提示词都须用上,包含以上所有要点,可适当增加细节,使 内容充实,行文连贯; 3. 字迹工整,语言精练,表达准确,条例清楚; 4. 词数 100 词左右。(演讲稿的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数) Keep away from the danger! Hello, everyone. I’m Wang Lei. The danger is around us. So we must learn how to keep away from the danger. First, we mustn’t go swimming without our parents’ or teachers’ permission.___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _In a word, we must try our best to keep away from the danger! That’s all. Thank you for listening 参考范文:(略) 92.(20198 广西柳州) 假设你是李华,你的英国必有 Jack 想结交更多的中国朋友。请用英文写封邮件, 将你的那同学陈东介绍给他。内容包括: 年龄与外表 16 岁;高大健壮’ 兴趣与爱好 喜欢运动、阅读和听音乐;最喜欢的科目是英语 性格与为人 风趣幽默;乐于助人、容易相处 注意: 1. 词数 70 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 邮件的开头和结尾部分以给出, 不计入总词数; 4. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名。 参考词汇: 高大健壮 tall and strong 运动 do sports 听音乐 listen to music 最喜欢的科目 favorite subject 风趣幽默 funny and humorous 乐于做某事 be ready to do sth 相处 get on with Dear Jack, How is everything going ? Now I am writing to introduce my classmate Chen Dong to you._________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ I’m sure you’d like to have such a person as your friend. With my best wishes! Yours, Li Hua 参考范文:(略) 93.(2019 广西百色) 假设李华是你的同班同学,请根据以下提示要求,用英语写一篇题为 “My Classmate”的短文。 提示: 1. 他个子高,长相英俊,成绩优秀,擅长运动; 2. 他乐于助人(举一个例子); 3. 对他的评价。 要求: 1. 文中不能出现真实的姓名及校名; 2. 词数 80 左右。 My Classmate ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 参考范文:(略) 94.(2019 广西防城港) 暑假将至,你校 English Club 在社刊上发起了征文活动,题目为 “ My Plan for Summer Holiday” 。请你根据以下提示,用英语写一篇 80 词左右的短文。 写作要求: 1. 学习计划 2. 运动计划 3. 娱乐计划 4. 你的愿望。 写作要求: 1. 内容必须包括所给要点,可适当发挥,使行文连贯; 2. 语篇完整,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范; 3. 文中不得出现人名、校名以及透露个人信息的地名,否则不予评分 4. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。 My Plan for Summer Holiday Summer holiday is coming.______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 参考范文:(略) 95.(2019 广西玉林) 每周星期一的升旗仪式(Flag--raising ceremony)是你们学校的常规活动。 你的因 果必有 Bob 对你校的升旗仪式很感兴趣。假定你是张华,请你给 Bob 写一封电 子邮件,介绍一下你校升旗仪式的情况。 内容要点: 1. 升旗的时间和地点; 2. 参加升旗的人员; 3. 升旗活动的意义 4. 你的感想。 参考词汇(仅供参考): 要求: 1. 包括所有内容要点,不要逐句翻译,可以适当发挥。 2. 80 词左右,语法正确。(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数) 3. 文中不得出现考生真实的姓名、地点和所在的学校名称。 Dear Bob, Hearing that you are interested in the Flag--raising ceremony of our school. I am glad to tell you something about it._______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Hope you can experience the Flag--raising ceremony of our school. Yours , Zhang Hua. 参考范文:(略) 96.(2019 北京) .从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于 50 词的文 段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。 请不要写出你的校名和姓名。 题目① 假如你是李华,你们学校正在开展“安全月”宣传活动,倡议大家制作关于安 全教育的主题海报,你们班交换生 Peter 给你发邮件询问相关事情。请用英语回 复一封邮件,告诉他海报上交的时间,并分享你设计海报的一些想法。 提示词语:design, safety rule, careful, protect, picture 提示问题:●When should you hand in the poster? ●What would you like to share with Peter about designing the poster? Dear Peter I’m glad to receive your email. If there is any more anything that I can help with, Please let me know. Yours Li Hua 题目② 自律,即自我约束,是自我提升的一种途径,有助于我们成长,促使我们 不断前行。 某英文网站正在开展以“自律”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英语 写一篇短文投稿,谈谈为了增强自律意识,你做过什么,以及这样做给你带来 的好处。 提示词语:self-disciplined(自律的), plan, goal, habit, improve 提示问题:●What did you do to be self-disciplined? ●What benefits have you got from doing so? Self-discipline plays an important role in our life. 参考范文: 题目① As it is required, you are supposed to hand in the poster before next Friday. Being your close friend, I am extremely willing to share some ideas about designing the poster with you. First and foremost, the basic safety rules are of great importance, which should be included in your poster. In the second place, following the safety rules is so meaningful and crucial that you had better remind your readers of its importance and advise them to be careful both in and out of school. Last but by no means least, if I were you, I would add a few suggestions about safety awareness, considering that better safe than sorry. In addition, it is a good idea for you to draw a few pictures on your poster so as to make it more lively and acceptable. 题目② To be honest, I am a person who is self-disciplined. I used to follow all kinds of rules and hand in the tasks appointed on time at school. And I could not only respected all my teachers but also get on well with my classmates. At home, I was able to balance housework and homework. I usually made a plan in advance to make it easier to achieve my goal. After finishing all the tasks, I developed the habit of going to bed early and getting up early. In the society, I spared no effort to improve myself all the time. In a word, I have benefited a lot from being self-discipline. First of all, I have had many good habits, which makes my life easier and more regular. Secondly, my life and my study have been of high efficiency so that a lot of time has been saved. Thirdly, being self-disciplined has prepared me for a better and brighter future. In the future, I will continue to be a self-disciplined person. 97.(2019 浙江舟山) 假设你是李华。你在某英文网站上看到一则招募中国志愿者(volunteer)的广告。 请根据该广告中所提供的两个志愿者项目,选择其中一个,结合自己的实际情况, 给项目负责人写一封电子邮件,表达你希望参加这个项目的愿望,并阐述理由。 注意: (1)邮件中必须包含招募广告中的信息,可适当发挥。 (2)文中不得出现与你身份相关的信息。 (3)词数: 80~100。邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Sir/Madam, I’m Li Hua, a middle school student from China. I want to be a volunteer. _______________ Looking forward to your early reply! Yours, Li Hua 参考范文: (1)Dear Sir/Madam, I’m Li Hua, a middle school student from China. I want to be a volunteer. In a small village in the west of China. The reasons are as followings. First, I’m good at English, so it’ll be an advantage for me to teach children English. Second, as I’ve learned dancing for several years, I can dance when we visit the old people’s home. I’m especially interested in working on the farm because I’ve never had a chance to do that before. All in all, the project will provide me with chances not only to help people in need but also to experience the country life. I really hope to be a member of your project. Looking forward to your early reply! Yours, Li Hua (2) I’m Li Hua, a middle school student from China. I want to be a volunteer in a primary school in the north of Thailand. There are several reasons. First, as reading is my hobby. I own many books. I can give some of them away and help set up a small library for the school. Second, I do well in both Chinese and English, so I can give Chinese lessons and let the children know more about the Chinese culture. I also like playing games with the children, which is helpful to develop a close friendship with them. All in all , it’s a meaningful project. And I’m sure I’m the right person you’re looking for. Looking forward to your early reply! Yours, Li Hua 98.(2019 海南) 据悉,我国青少年的近视率居全球第一,70%的学生有视力方面的问题。为引起 广大青少年的重视,某英语报刊正在开展以”Saving Eyesight”为题的征文活动。 请根据以下提示写一篇短文投稿,分析赵成青少年近视的原因并提出保护视力 的颗粒建议。 要求: 1. 语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范。 2. 所有提示须全部用上,并做适当发挥。 3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名 4. 80 词左右,文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Saving Our Eyesight As the saying goes, “Eyes are the window to the soul(心灵). However , 70%of us have poor eyesight. What has caused this problem? .... ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ In a word , let’s take care of our eyes so that we can see our bright future. 参考范文: Saving Our Eyesight As the saying goes, “Eyes are the window to the soul(心灵). However , 70%of us have poor eyesight. What has caused this problem? The main reason is the bad habits of using eyes. For example, many of us read in wrong positions such as reading in bed or keeping our eyes too close to the book. Besides, spending too much time on screen and taking less exercise also cause poor eyesight. Now something must be done to protect our eyes. First, sit straight while reading. Second, don’t forget to rest during the working time. It’s also helpful to relax our eyes by seeing some green trees or doing eye exercises. Last but not least, eat some food that is good for our eyes like carrots or fish. In a word , let’s take care of our eyes so that we can see our bright future. 99.(2019 昆明) On my parent’s birthday 某英文网站正在面向全国中学生开展以“感恩父母”为主题的征文活动,请 你用英文以“ On my parent's birthday”为题目写一篇记叙文投稿,内容为某次你为 妈妈或爸爸庆祝生日的经历。 要求:1.语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁,词数不少于 60 个; 2.文中不得使用你的真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计; 3.书面表达必须写在答题卡上,如在本卷上作答,一律不得分。 参考范文:(略) 100.(2019 青海) 假如你是小明, 你的笔友 Sam 给你发了电子邮件,请根据邮件内容进行回 复。 要求:1.逻辑清晰,内容完整,书写规范。 2.词数 80 左右。邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Chairman:主席 unique:特别的 Dear Xiao Ming, How are you doing? I am writing to ask you something about the Chinese Culture Week that we are going to hold in September. As the chairman of the Chinese Learning Club at school, I am thinking about how we can organize a unique and amazing activity. Therefore, could you please give me some good suggestions on what theme might be better and what exactly we are going to do? Thanks. Sam Dear Sam, It’s a good idea to have such a Culture Week in your school. _________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Xiao Ming 参考范文: Dear Sam, It’s a good idea to have such a Culture Week in your school。 I think it’s helpful not only to improve your Chinese but also to have a better understanding about China. However, a successful activity depends on how interested students feel. Thus, a good theme will be abslutely necessary . In my opinion, you may consider “Chinese Spring Festival” as your theme. For example, giving a lecture about the Spring Festival may make students get a general idea of it, writing couplets, guessing riddles and making jiaozi are all the activities that are really interesting and attractive . In this way, students who are involved in the activities will surely experience Chinese culture. Xiao Ming 101.(2019 辽宁盘锦) A. 小作文:根据要求完成下面内容,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置。(5 分) 学校正在为运动会招募志愿者。要求志愿者身体健康,擅长体育运动,并 且能够与他人友好相处。联系人:Linda; 联系电话:929-3155。请你根据以上 信息,用英文为学校写一则招募广告,词数:30~40 词。文中不得出现真实姓名、 校名和地名。 Volunteers Wanted for School Sports Meeting B. 大作文:根据要求完成下面内容,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置。(15 分) 最近,某英文报刊正在举办征文活动,主题是“弘扬中华传统文化,畅谈 中国传统佳节”。请你以“My Favorite Chinese Festival”为题,写一篇英语作文, 为本次活动投稿。 1. 内容提示:(1)简单介绍你最喜欢的传统节日:名称及时间等; (2)讲述该节日有哪些主要庆祝方式:食物及活动等; (3)说说你对这个节日的感受及喜爱它的原因。 2. 写作要求:(1)内容包含以上要点; (2)语言表达准确,语意通顺、连贯,词数:60~80 词; (3)书写工整、规范, 文中不得出现真实姓名、校名和地名。 My Favorite Chinese Festival 参考范文 (A) Volunteers Wanted for School Sports Meeting Are you fit and healthy? Are you good at sports? Can you get on with others? If your answer is yes, please come and be a volunteer for the school sports meeting. It is interesting and meaningful. Please call Linda at 929-3155. Volunteers Wanted for School Sports Meeting We need volunteers for the school sports meeting. You need to be fit and healthy, good at sports. And you should get on well with others. If you’re interested in this job, please call Linda at 929-3155. (B) My Favorite Chinese Festival As we all know, there are many traditional festivals in China. Among them, I like the Spring Festival best. It comes in January or February. It is a time for family members to get together. On the eve of the Spring Festival, all family members enjoy different kinds of food, such as dumplings and fish. We also watch the Spring Festival Gala and stay up late, hoping to have a new start in the following year. The Spring Festival can not only make us feel love and happiness, but also the importance of home and family. 102.(2019 宁夏) 第四届“丝绸之路”宁夏国际马拉松赛将于 2020 年 5 月举行。假定你叫李华,你 想成为本届马拉松的一名志愿者。请用英语给组委会写一封申请信,内容包括: 1. 个人优势:擅长英语,性格开朗,做事认真,爱好运动。(至少再补充两点) 2. 个人承诺:经理提供优质服务。 注意: 1. 词数 80 左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数) 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:volunteer Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Li Hua. I’m very glad that the 4th “Silk Road” International Marathon will be held in Ningxia in May ,2020.____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ I’m looking forward to your early reply. Yours truly Li Hua 参考范文: Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Li Hua. I’m very glad that the 4th “Silk Road” International Marathon will be held in Ningxia in May ,2020. I’d like to be a volunteer. I’m a girl/ boy of 15, a middle school student. First of all, I do well in English. I’m outgoing . I take everything seriously. Besides, I am interested in sports and I have been a volunteer before. What’s more, I’m always ready to help others and good at working with people. I promise I’ll try to offer my best service during the race. I will be very happy if I can be chosen as a volunteer. I’m looking forward to your early reply. Yours truly Li Hua 103.(2019 陕西) 即将毕业的你,将如何处理初中阶段的各种书籍和笔记呢?假如你是李华, 请根据以下提示,给学校英文报写一封电子邮件,分享你处理这些书籍和笔记 的计划与理由。 要求: 1.参考表格内容,可适当发挥: 2.语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整: 3.文章不得出现任何真实信息(姓名,校名和地名等) 4.词数:不少于 70 个词,(开头已经给出,但不计入总词数。) Dear Editor My name is Li Hua,I'm going to graduate soon,I'd like to share some ideas about how to deal with my books and notebooks These are my ideas,I hope they can help. Yours, Li Hua 参考范文:(略) 104.(2019 江苏无锡) 假设你叫李文,是无锡阳光中学(Wuxi Sunshine Middle School)的一名学生。今 天暑期,你将代表你校赴瑞士参加“模拟联合国”会议并发言,此次会议的主题是 A Green World。你草拟了发言流程图,请根据下图写一篇英文发言稿。 注意事项: 1. 发言稿须根据流程图自拟,要求语句通顺、意思连贯、符合题意; 2.流程图中包括部分非限定性内容,仅供参考; 3. 词数在 90 个左右,发言稿的首尾已在答题卡上给出,不计入总数。 4.发言稿中不得使用真实的个人及学校信息。 4. 发言稿必须写在答题卡指定的位置上。 参考范文:(略) 105.(2019 辽宁本溪) 回想初中阶段,你的班级或学校举办的哪一次活动对你影响至深,说说你 在活动中做了什么,并有什么样的感受或收获。 87. 根据要求完成大作文,词数:80-100 词。(共 15 分) 每年十月份,越来越多的游客来本溪赏枫叶。请你根据以下提示,说说如 何给游客可留下“景美人更美”的好印象,从自身做起,做文明本溪人! 提示词:beautiful views 美丽的景色 要求: 1.语意连贯,层次清晰,书写规范。 2.文中不得出现真实姓名与校名。 3. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。 helpfulfriendly How to be a polite citizen Benxi is a good place to watch maple leaves (枫叶) in October. 参考范文:(略) 106.(2019 辽宁抚顺) 86 根据要求完成小作文。词数致:30 词左右。(共 5 分) 假如你是 Mary.你在学校操场上丢了一块红色的手表。它对你很重要。你必 须找到它。请根据提示用英文写一则寻物启事,说明情况。你的电话号码是: 764-6×××. Lost ____________________________________________________________________ __________ Key: Lost 1 lost a watch on the school playground. It's red. It's very important to me. I must find it. Please call me at 764-6×××. How to be a polite citizen(市 民) behave well in publicfollow the rules 87.根据要求完成大作文。词数:80-100 词。(共 15 分) 每个人对于生活都心怀美好的憧憬和期盼。你的期盼是什么呢?将下面题 目补充完整,谈一谈你的期盼并简单说明理由。 要求: 1. 语意连贯,层次清楚,书写规范。 2. 文中不得出现真实姓名及校名。 I’m looking forward to ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 参考范文::I'm looking forward to the summer vacation Summer vacation is coming. I'm going on a new journey. You can’t imagine how excited I am. I am looking forward to having a wonderful vacation. In order to get ready for the exam, I have studied hard for nearly several yeas It is hard work, but I never give up. Now it's time for me to have a good rest. I am going to climb the mountains with my good friends. And I'll also, go to the beach. It must be very relaxing. Duly family and I plan to visit some historical places like Beijing or Xi’an. We will stay there for at least two weeks. I will stay at home help my parents with more housework, too. It is a good chance for me to do something for them. I can’t wait. 107.(2019 辽宁铁岭) 86.根据要求完成小作文,词数:30 词左右。(共 5 分) 假如你是李平,毕业在即,过去三年的美好时光历历在目。请你给最难忘 的人杨阳 写几句毕业留言。(短文开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数) Dear Yang Yang, Li Ping 参考范文:Dear Yang Yang. How time flies!I'll never forget you even when I leave our school.Thank you so much for helping me.You told me to practice more and never gave up.Wish you healthy and pretty! LiPing 87.根据要求完成大作文,词数:80—100 词。(共 15 分) 为了感受生命的价值,有意义地进行学习和生活,成为有用之人。请你根 据下面的 图示及要求,用英文完成写作,至少选择 2 一 3 方面进行陈述。 要求: 1.语意连贯,层次清楚,书写规范。 2.文中不得出现真实的姓名与校名。 3.短文题目与开头已给出,不计入总词数。 My Meaningful Life Life is a long journey.In order to live a meaningful life, 参考范文: Life is a long iourney. In order to live a meaningful life,I'm going to study really hard in the senior high school.First,I must try to get good grades,or I won't get further education.Education is important to me.Second , I need to develop good habits.I'll get up early and go to bed early.I'll do sports once or twice a week.Third,I must learn to take good care of myself.I won't depend on my parents too much.Fourth,I'll spend my weekends volunteering in the old People's Home.Helping others can make me happy. Anyway , I'll try my best to be a better student and live a meaningful life in the coming years. 109.(2019 河北) 文明礼貌从我做起,从现在开始,从点滴小事做起。请根据下面的提示和要求, 以 “When to Say Thank You”为题,写一篇短文。 提示:1) When should we say “thank you” at home? 2) When are we supposed to say “thank you” at school? 3) ... 要求:1) 短文须包括提示中的两个要点和一个补充要点,可适当发挥。 2) 短文中不要出现真实的地名、校名和人名。 3) 词数 80 个左右。(开头已给出,不计入总词数) 参考词汇:wash, encourage, open When to Say Thank You It’s polite to say “thank you” when others help us or say something kind to us. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 参考范文: It’s polite to say “thank you”when others help us or ay something kind to us. For example, when Mom or Dad washes the clothes , leans the room or cooks dinner for us, we should say “thank you” to them. At school , when someone lends us a pen of hands us somethings, it’s nice to say “thank you”. If a teacher says “well done” to encourage us , we’re supposed to say “thank you”. Whenever someone holds teh door open for us, we should also say”thank you” Be polite and always remember to say “thank you.” 110.(2019 江苏镇江) 假如你是阳光中学的李华,每周五下午你笑开设校本必修课(required course)与选 修课(elective course),请介绍必修课 Travel of Science, 根据个人情况选择一门选 修课并说明理由;同时,对你的选择的课程提出建议。 Required course Elective Course Subject Travel of science  introducing scientists and inventions Subject Photography  taking photos Gardening  growing flowers Teacher a professor Teacher a young reporter 4:00 p.m.-4:45 p.m. School’s garden Time & Place  2:30 p .m.- 3:15 p.m.  school hall Time & Place  4:00 p.m.-4:45 p.m.  City Park An old gardener Tip take notebooks and pens Tip Take cameras tools offered by school 要求: 1. 所写内容必须包括必修课及一门选修课的所有信息; 2. 对你所选择的一门选修课说明理由,并对其提出建议; 3. 文章不少于 90 词,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 4. 语意通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范; 5. 文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名等信息。 参考范文:(略) 111.(2019 江苏南通) 假如你是李明,请参考《南通市初中学生综合索质评价方案》的相关指标, 对你本学期的突出优点和明显不足进行总结,举例佐证优点并针对不足提出改 进措施,完成一份自评小结。 注意:1. 图表中的内容不需要面面俱到,不要逐条翻译。 2. 词数 90 左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 3. 表达中请勿提及真实校名及姓名。 Self-assessment I’m Li Ming, a student in Class 8, Grade 9. I think it’s necessary for me to find out my strengths and weaknesses at the end of this term. _______________________________________________________ 参考范文:(略) 112.(2019 江苏南通) “你养我长大,我陪你变老。” 父母亲一直在为我们的成长默默付出,成长 要学会感受爱、回报爱。今天你即将毕业,是向父母表达感激的好机会。请根 据以下所给要点,写一篇英语短文。 要点: (l)给我生命,一直照顾我成长; (2)努力工作,为我提供良好的生活和教育条件; (3)拥有爱心,教我学会……; (4)今天,我要为你们……(自主发挥一至少两点)a 注意事项: (l)词数 80 左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数; (2)文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名等信息。 You bring me up. I will be with you in your life. You are improtant persons in the process of my growth. 参考范文:You bring me up. I will be with you in your life. You are improtant persons in the process of my growth. You give me life and take care of me all the time. When I have problems with my study and life, you are always patient enough to help me and encourage me. In order to let me live a pleasant life and receive good education, you always work hard from morning to evening every day. You are also persons who have a heart full of love. You are ready to help people in need. It is you who teach me to be a kind person. In the past, I never said “I love you” to you. Today, I will graduate, so I want to say it to you loudly. I will study harder to get better results in the future. I hope you will be happy and healthy forever. 113.(2019 辽宁辽阳) (1)一些外宾暑假要来我们社区参观,社区需要十名学生做向导。请你为社区 写一则招聘启事,应聘者需具备以下条件:1.擅长英语;2.善于与人沟通;3.对 人友善。有意者请与张先生练习,电话是 1380419.。。。(开头已给出,不计 入总词数。) Guides Wanted Some foreign visitors will come to visit ou community this summer vacation._____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ (2)初中生活即将结束,你讲不如人生下一阶段。在今后的生活中,为了一个 更好的自己,你对自己有哪些承诺?请从以下几个方面进行说明,并可适当发 挥。 要求: 1. 语意连贯,层次清晰,书写规范。 2. 文中不得出现真实姓名与校名。 3. 短文开头已给出, 不计入总词数。 My junior high school days will be over. Before setting out on my new journey, I want to make promise to my self.__________________________________________ 114.(2019 新疆建设兵团) .初中生活即将结束,请你想一下,谁是你最喜欢的老师?他、她长什么样子?你 为什么喜 欢他、她?以 My favorite Teacher 为题,用英语写一篇短文,请根 据要点进行描述,可以 结合具体事例,也可以适当增加自己想写的内容。 要点: 1. What does he/ she look like? 2. Why do you like him/her? 3. ……… 注意: 1.词数 80~100 2.可适当增加细节及要点以外的内容,要求行文连贯; 3.文中不得出现真实姓名及学校名称。 参考范文: My favorite teacher is Ms. Wang. She is a 36-year-old woman. She is tall and has long straight hair. And she often wears black pants and a white shirt. She teaches us English. We all like listening to her. Her classes are very interesting and creative, because she has different ways of teaching. But she is very strict with us in everything. She is warm-hearted. We all know she is always ready to help others. When we are in trouble, she can try her best to help us. We all like her, and she likes us, too. 115.(2019 内蒙包头) 假定你是李华,请给你的笔友 Alan 写封邮件,告诉他今年你将去他所在的城市游玩,并制 定了旅行计划。你想征求他的意见,同时询问他是否可以接机。 邮件还应包括以下内容: Your arrive time 10:30 a.m. July 2 Your travel Plan go to concert go camping …. Means of transport(交通方式) during your visit by bike, by bus….. 注意:1、词数 90 左右,开头和结尾部分已经写好,不计入总词数; 2、可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3、文中不得出现反映考生信息的真实人名、地名等内容。 Dear Alan, How is it going? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Looking forward to your reply. Yours Li Hua 参考范文: Dear Alan, How is it going ? I’m thinking of taking a trip to your city this summer vacation. I wonder if you will meet me at the airport at 10:30 am, July 2, since it is my first visit there. Besides , I’ve made a travel plan, including enjoying music at a concert, going camping, and visiting some places of interest. I’ve heard that there are some amazing sights in your city! Would you please give me some advice ? Either traveling by bike or by bus would suit me fine. It’s environmentally friendly. Do you have any plans for the coming vacation? Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua. 116.(2019 甘肃定西) 我们生活学习在美丽的甘肃.假设你所在的学校正在组织一个"让世界了解甘肃走向世界" 的活动,请根据以下思维导图的提示,以" The Introduction of Gansu Province"为题,写篇 介绍甘肃的英语短文. 要求:1.文中需包含思维导图中的主要内容; 2.句子及篇章结构准确、连贯,书写规范; 3.可做适量拓展; 4.词数:80 词左右.(标题需抄写在答题卡对应作答区域,不计入总词数) The Introduction of Gansu Province Location : in the northwest of China Area: an area of 425,900km2 Capital City: Lanzhou Population: 26 million Weather: different from place to place:the temperature is quite different from day to night… May to October is the best time for travelling. Must ﹣ see places of interest: Mogao Crottos the wold famous art palace; Jinyuguan Pass : the western end of the Great Wall… 参考范文:The Introduction of Gansu province Gansu Province lies in the northwest of China. It covers an area of 425.900 km. There are 26 million people living there, Lanzhou is the capital city of Gansu Province. The weather in Gansu is different from place to place and the temperature is usually quite different from day to night. If you want to go travelling in Gansu, May to October is the best time. Mogao grotto which is the world famous art palace and Jiayuguan Pass, the western end of the Great wall, are two of the must﹣see places of interest in Gansu. 117.(2019 山东泰安) 习近平总书记在全国教育大会上提出了“立德树人”的人才培养根本任务,作为初中毕业生, 你有什么人生规划?请根据以下提示,写一篇英语演讲稿。 . 提示: 1. 作为中国人而自豪:过去,我国优秀的传统文化影响了世界:今天,祖国在全国人 民的努力下越来越强大,许多科技世界领先;… 2. 为实现“中国梦”而奋斗:学会做一个懂感恩、守规矩、善良诚信的人;不畏难,努 力学习知识、提高能力,将来成为一名… 要求:语句通顺,意思连贯,可根据提示适当发挥,不要逐句翻译;演讲中不得提及生 个人身份的相关信息,如人名、校名或地名等;词数 80—100,开头结尾已给出(不计入词 数)。 Hello, everyone! _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ That's all. Thank you! 参考范文:(略) 118.(2019 浙江绍兴) 假如你应邀参加一个国际读书会,并将分享自己读过的一本好书。请根据下列表格中的要点, 用英语写一篇短文,介绍你要分享的书。 Key points(要点) Words and expressions for reference(参考词汇) What the name is The Old Man and the Sea … Who wrote it Ernest Hemingway, America … What it is about Fisherman, Fight against fish and nature … Why I like it Meaningful, never give up, Well-known sentence: “Man is not made for defeat (失败).”, … Interesting, helpful, … Well-known sentence: … 注意:(1)可选择使用所给的书名及内容,也可另选书籍; (2)短文内容可适当增加; (3)文中不得出现真实的人名和校名; (4)词数:80~100; (5)短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。 短文首句:The book I’d like to share with you is The Old Man and the Sea. 参考范文: The book I’d like to share with you is The Old Man and the Sea, written by an American writer Ernest Hemingway. This book tells about a fishermen who is lucky enough to catch a huge fish at sea, but finds it hard to take it home. On the way back, he has to fight against the fish, and the sea as well. What I like most about the book is that the fisherman never gives up when meeting difficulties. I still remember the well--known sentence from the book : Man is not made for defeat. This tells us that nothing seems terribel as long as we have a strong will and a brave heart. 119.(2019 内蒙古赤峰) 你校正在开展主题为“What should a good student be like?”的讨论,校园小记者采访了一 些者师和家长。请根据采访内容,结合自己的观点,用英语写一篇短文与大家分享。 老师的观点 家长的观点 你的观点  热爱学校,遵守校规  团结同学,礼貌待人  健康快乐  善良自信 …… 要求: 1、用上表格中所有要点,可适当发挥,100 词左右(短文开头已给出,不计入总词数)。 2.不得引用或抄袭试卷前面阅读材料中的语句,否则不予赋分。 3.文中不得出现真实姓名、校名、地名,否则不予 JR 分。 4.请在答题卡指定位置作答,否则不予赋分。 What should a good student be like? Teachers and parents have different opinions about what a good student should be like. As for teachers, they think_________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 参考范文:(略) 120.(2019 青海) 假如你是林涛,你的笔友 Sam 在学校和同学发生了一些矛盾.现在他来信,请你给他一些 关于怎样与他人相处和自我保护的建议.请根据下面表格提示,用英文给他写一封回信 学会相处 学会倾听; 互相帮助; 不在网上交友; …… 自我保护 学会和同学沟通;及时求助老师和父母 对学习、生活的影响 ……(不少于 2 点) 写作要求:1.短文内容必须包含所给要点,并适当发挥 2.语句通顺、语法正确、书写规范 3.文中不能出现考生的真实姓名、校名和地名; 4:词数 80 左右.开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数. 爹考词汇: respect 尊重 Dear Sam, Hows it going ? I'm happy to tell you how to get on well with others and protect ourselves.__________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Best wishes! Yours, Lin Tao 参考范文: Dear Sam, How's it going ? I'm happy to tell you how to get on well with others and protect ourselves. First,We should study how to listen to others.We could be quiet when others are talking with you.Just listen carefully,then you can describe your opinions.Second,We also should be ready to help each other . Helping others will improve the relationships with your friends.Third,Please don't make friends via the Internet.It's not truthful and you can't judge the truth by yourself . Therefore , we can protect ourselves via communicating with classmates.Meanwhile,We can ask teachers and parents for help. I understand why you are worried ,since the friendship also plays an important role in studying, even sometimes in your daily life.Please take above advice,Hope you will deal with it soon. Best wishes! Yours, Lin Tao

