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‎2020-2021学年人教新目标版初三英语上册期中复习考点05. 知识点复习与专练 Unit1‎ ‎1.so that引导结果状语从句时,从内容上看主句和它引导的结果状语从句有因果关系,主句为因,从句为果。‎ He got up late so that he didn't catch the first bus.‎ 他起床晚了以致于他没有赶上第一班车。(表结果)‎ so...that...和such...that...意为“如此……以致于……”,引导结果状语从句。‎ ‎(1)so +形容词/副词+ that +从句 This story is so interesting that I want to read it again.这个故事如此有趣,以致于我想再读一次。‎ He spoke so quickly that I couldn't follow him.他说得如此快,以致于我跟不上他。‎ ‎(2)so+形容词+ a/an +单数可数名词+ that +从句 She is so lovely a girl that everyone loves her.她是如此可爱的一个女孩, 以致于每个人都喜欢她。‎ ‎(3)“such+ a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+that+从句”以及“such+形容词+复数可数名词/不可数名词+that+从句”‎ She is such a lovely girl that everyone loves her.她是如此可爱的一个女孩,以致于每个人都喜欢她。‎ Those are such beautiful flowers that the girl wants to pick them.那些花是如此漂亮,以致于女孩想要摘下它们。‎ ‎2.look for寻找 ‎-Let's look for the lost child.  -OK.‎ ‎-我们一起寻找丢失的孩子吧。 -行。‎ look after照顾;近义词组有take care of和care for。‎ I love looking after children.我喜欢照顾小孩。‎ look around 四处看,环顾 I'm going to look around and see what I can find.我去四下里转转,看能发现些什么。‎ look up 查阅;抬头看 You can look up new words in the dictionary.你可以在字典里查生词。‎ look on 袖手旁观;(以某种观点来看待或对待)某物或某人 A lot of people look on it like that.这事情很多人都那么看。‎ look like 看起来像,构成句型What do/does sb. look like? 某人长什么样?‎ You look like a nice young man.你看起来像一个好青年。‎ look forward to (doing) sth. 期待(做)某事 He was looking forward to working with the new Prime Minister.他期待着与新首相共事。‎ ‎3.(1) as well as构成同级比较结构,意为“和……一样好”。‎ He can operate the machine as well as I do。他操作这台机器和我一样熟练。‎ ‎(2) as well as用作连词,连接两个并列的同等成分,意为“不但……而且……”,“既……又……”,这时 相当于not only ... but also ...。‎ She can play tennis as well as basketball.她既会打篮球,又会打网球。‎ ‎(3)连接两个并列成分作主语时,句子的谓语动词应该与前面那个名词或代词的人称或数保持一致。‎ Mary as well as I often jogs in the morning.Mary 和我早晨经常慢跑。‎ ‎3) as well,副词短语,意为“也”,常位于句尾,与too位置相当,无须用逗号与句子分开。  ‎ My friends are going shopping and I am going as well.我的朋友们要去购物,我也是。‎ ‎4.connect  v.(使)连接;与……有联系 I didn’t connect the two events in my mind.我心里没把这两件事联系起来。‎ 常用搭配:‎ ‎▼connect sth. to/with sth.‎ 如:Connect the speakers to the CD player.将扬声器连接到激光唱机上。‎ The canal was built to connect Sheffield with the Humber estuary.修建这条运河是为了将谢菲尔德和亨伯河河口连接起来。‎ ‎▼connect sth./sb with sb./sth.‎ There is no evidence to connect them with the attack.没有证据证明他们和这次袭击有关。‎ ‎☆connection  n. 连接;联系 如:Students often see little connection between school and the rest of their lives.学生往往看不到上学和今后生活的联系。‎ ‎5.patient adj. 有耐心的,其反义词为impatient adj. 无耐心的;副词形式为patiently,名词形式为patience。‎ be patient(impatient) with...对……有(缺乏)耐心 Please be patient—your cheque will arrive.请耐心点——你的支票会来的。‎ We must be patient with children.我们对孩子要有耐心。‎ patient作名词时,意为“病人”。‎ The patient is much better today.病人今天好多了。‎ Unit2‎ ‎1.put off“推迟”;put on“穿上,上演”;put up“张贴;举起”;put up with“忍受”;put out“扑灭”;put aside“放置一边,不顾”。‎ We could put off the meeting or cancel it.我们可以把会议延期,也可以取消它。‎ Put out the fire first.先灭火!‎ ‎2.die v.死,死亡 dead adj.死亡的 death n.死亡 dying adj.垂死的 A year later, my dog died. 一年后,我的狗死了。‎ Her husband's been dead for a year.她的丈夫已经去世一年了。‎ He wept for the death of his son. 他因为丧子而哭泣。‎ A dying dog is sleeping in the corner of the street.一只垂死的狗在街角睡觉。‎ ‎3.lie-lied-lied-lying 说谎 lie-lay-lain-lying 平躺,位于 lay-laid-laid-laying 放置,下蛋 lay out 布置,安排,设计;摆出,展出,摆放 The boy lied to us yesterday.男孩昨天向我们说谎了。‎ Grace laid out the knives and forks at the lunch-table. Grace把刀叉摆放在午餐桌上了。‎ The hen laid an egg just now.那只母鸡刚刚下一个蛋。‎ The dog was lying dead on the floor. 那只狗躺在地上死了。‎ The town lies in a small wooded valley. 该城镇坐落于一个林木茂盛的山谷中。‎ ‎4.warn   v.  警告;告诫,预先告知 如:Yesterday I made mistakes, then I correct them today and warn myself not to make mistakes again.昨天我犯了错,今天改正了,并告诫自己不要再犯错。‎ warn sb. (not) to do sth.警告某人(不)做某事 warn sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事 warn sb. that…… 告诫某人……‎ Mrs. Blount warned me not to interfere.Blount夫人警告我不要插手。‎ They warned him of the dangers of sailing alone.他们警告他说独自航行危险重重。‎ When I had my first baby, friends warned me that feeding children was expensive. 当我有了第一个孩子时,朋友们提醒我说养孩子开销不菲。‎ ‎5.present adj. 目前的;现在的;出席的 n. 现在;礼物 I'm sorry he's out at present.很抱歉他这会儿不在。‎ The carpet was a wedding present from the Prime Minister.这张地毯是首相送的结婚礼物。‎ 单项选择 ‎1.We    some flowers on the table in the front of the classroom.               ‎ A.put out B.took out C.laid out D.looked out ‎2.—Tommy, you can never let others know what I have told you today.‎ ‎—Don’t worry. I will keep the    . ‎ A.secret B.money C.address D.grade ‎3.This morning I    some new restaurants on the Internet, for I wanted to take Mia to a nice restaurant for her birthday. ‎ A.picked up B.looked up C.cleaned up D.gave up ‎4.—Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? ‎ ‎—Well, it all    the weather. ‎ A.belongs to B.happens to C.depends on D.concentrates on ‎5.—    do you plan to buy?  ‎ ‎—I haven’t made up my mind. I’ll just look around.‎ A.Who B.How C.Why D.What ‎6.It is important    people   learn team spirit. ‎ A.of; of B.of; to C.for; to D.to; to ‎7.Our math teacher always connects his class    the real life. ‎ A.for B.with C.in D.at ‎8.Last night,a terrible flood (洪水) hit our village and it    many houses. ‎ A.put away B.stayed up C.washed away D.put on ‎9.Many students in our class are    of the dark, but I am    in it. ‎ A.afraid; interested B.interested; afraid C.worrying; interesting D.interesting; worried ‎10.—   interesting the storybook is!  ‎ ‎—Yes. I have read it twice.‎ A.What B.What an C.How D.How an Unit3‎ ‎1.beside prep. 在……旁边 如:Wendy came up and sat beside me.‎ Wendy走过来,坐在我身边。‎ besides prep. & adv. 除此之外,而且(还有)‎ 作副词,如:‎ I don't really want to go. Besides, it's too late now.我并不真的想去,况且现在太晚了。‎ 作介词,构成搭配besides (doing) sth. 除了(做)某事以外 如:Besides being heartbroken, she felt foolish. 除了伤心之外,她还觉得自己很蠢。‎ 比较besides & except except表示"除了……之外(不再有……)", 表示一种排除的关系;besides表示"除了……之外(还有……)", 表示一种累加关系。‎ ‎2.suggest v.‎ ‎1)提议、建议 常见搭配有suggest doing sth.建议做某事 Tracy suggested meeting for a drink after supper.‎ Tracy提议晚饭后一起喝一杯。‎ ‎2)显示,表明 Opinion polls suggest that only 10% of the population trusts the government.‎ 民意调查显示只有10%的人口信任政府。‎ suggestion n. 建议,提议,是可数名词 suggestion about关于……的提议 make(offer,come up with)/have a suggestion提出/有一个建议 advise v. 劝告,建议 常见搭配有:advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事 advise sb. on sth.就某事向某人提供建议 advice n. 意见,是不可数名词。‎ give/ask for/get advice给予/征询/获得建议 3. correct adj. 正确的,无误的;恰当的 ;非正式场合多用right,反义词wrong/incorrect。v. 校正,改正 Some eyesight problems are easy to correct.一些视力问题容易矫正。‎ Wrong  adj. 错误的 There is something wrong/something is wrong (状况)有问题 What is wrong with...?……出什么问题了?‎ adv. 错误地 You've spelt my name wrong. 你把我的名字拼错了。‎ ‎4.direct adj. 直接的,直率的 如:Now let me ask you a direct question, and I expect a direct answer.现在我要问你一个坦率的问题,希望你能坦率地回答。‎ v. 负责,管理;导演 如:The team was directed by Mr. Turner.该团队由Turner先生管理。‎ direction n. 方向 如:Which direction did they go in?他们去了哪个方向?‎ directions n. (路)指引;用法说明 director n. 董事,经理;导演 ‎5.rush v.& n. 匆忙、急速做某事 如:I rushed to pack my suitcase before he came back.在他回来之前,我赶紧把手提箱收拾好。‎ 如:I'm sorry, I can't talk now—I'm in a rush.对不起,我现在不能聊,我在赶时间。‎ rush hour (上下班)高峰时段 hurry up 为固定短语,意为“赶快;匆忙”。hurry为不及物动词。‎ 如:Hurry up, or you will be late. 快点,否则你会迟到。‎ He hurried to school. 他匆忙赶到学校。‎ 拓展:‎ ‎1) hurry to +地点,意为“匆忙去某地”;hurry off/away意为“匆匆离去”。‎ 如:The fans hurried to the train station. 粉丝们匆忙赶往火车站。‎ Miss Zhao hurried off to look after the man. 赵小姐匆忙离开去照顾那个男人。‎ ‎2) hurry 用作名词,意为“匆忙;急忙”。in a hurry意为“匆匆忙忙”。‎ 如:He went home in a hurry. 他匆忙赶回家了。‎ ‎3) hurry to do sth. 急忙做某事,相当于go to do sth. in a hurry。‎ After supper, he hurried to watch the match.=After supper, he went to watch the match in a hurry.晚饭后,他匆忙去看比赛。‎ Unit4‎ ‎1.private/public/in public private adj. 私人的,私有的,私立的,私下的 近义词personal,个人的,私人的。‎ 名词privacy,隐私。‎ Morris has a private jet. Morris拥有一架私人喷气式飞机。‎ Are you alone? I just want a private word with you. 你是一个人吗?我只是想和你私下里说几句。‎ in private 私下地,单独地 I need to speak to you in private. 我要和你单独说话。‎ public adj. 公众的,公共的,公开的 Although not a public figure, he was a man of great influence.他虽然不是公众人物,但拥有巨大的影响力。‎ the public eye=the public attention 公众关注 n. the public 公众,民众,大众 in public 公开地,当众 He never discusses his family affairs either in public or with friends.他从不在公开场合或与朋友谈论他的家庭事务。‎ ‎2. pride名词,骄傲,自豪;take pride in…对……感到骄傲;the pride of...……的骄傲。‎ We all take pride in being a member of the class.我们都以是这个班的一员而感到骄傲。‎ ‎ proud形容词,骄傲的,自豪的;be proud of…为……而自豪。‎ He is proud of his father.他为父亲而感到自豪。‎ ‎3.deal n./v./deal with deal作动词,构成动词短语deal with。‎ deal with,意为“处理”、“对付”、“对待”、 “论述”、“做买卖”。‎ How shall we deal with this matter? 这事我们怎么处理?‎ I don't know how to deal with him. 我不知怎样与他相处。‎ This book deals with educational problems. 这本书论述教育问题。‎ deal作名词,意为“协议(尤指政治或生意上)”。‎ The company has done a deal with Microsoft to market its products.这家公司已和微软公司达成协议,销售其产品。‎ a great deal of(time/money/work)很多(时间、金钱、工作),大量的(时间、金钱、工作),只修饰不可数名词。‎ 口语中会说:It's a deal就这么办 相关短语:‎ do/make/close a deal 达成协议 get a good deal 买得合算 ‎4.crowd的用法及语法特点 ‎  n. 表示“人群”“观众”等,为集合名词,若用作主语,谓语用单数(看作整体时)或复数(考虑其个体成员时)均可。‎ The crowd was orderly and quiet. 人群很有秩序,也很安静。‎ The crowd move(s) on, and no one tries to stop it. 人群向前移动,没人试图阻止。强调人数多时,可用复数形式。‎ There were crowds of people waiting to get in. 有许许多多的人在等着进去。‎ the crowd大众,百姓,凡夫俗子,构成短语 follow the crowd随波逐流;stand out from the crowd脱颖而出 ‎ v. 表示“聚集”“挤满”“涌动”,可用作及物或不及物动词。‎ Shoppers crowded the streets. 买东西的人挤满了大街。‎ He managed to crowd into the train. 他总算挤上了火车。‎ 常用结构 be crowded with。‎ The hall was crowded with people. 大厅挤满了人。‎ The exhibition was crowded with visitors. 展览会挤满了参观的人。‎ ‎ adj. crowded 意为“拥挤的”,反义词uncrowded“不拥挤的”。‎ The room soon became crowded. 房间很快挤满了人。‎ When it is wet, the buses are crowded. 下雨时, 公共汽车就很拥挤。‎ 汉语的“拥挤的交通”,用busy /heavy traffic。‎ He was late because of the very heavy traffic. 他迟到是因为交通拥挤。‎ ‎5.interview v. 对(某人)进行面试,采访,提问 interview sb. for sth.为某事采访、面试某人 interview sb. about sth. 就某事采访、讯问某人 n. (求职、入学等的)面试,面谈;(对名人的)采访,访谈 如:an interview for a job on the Los Angeles Times《洛杉矶时报》的一次求职面试 an interview with the president对总统的采访 常见短语有:‎ have an interview有面试 go for an interview参加面试 do an interview进行面试 give sb. an interview面试某人 相关单词:interviewer主持面试者,采访者,提问者 interviewee 参加面试者,被采访者 单项选择 ‎1.There is    old piano in    corner of the living room.          ‎ A.an; the B.an; /‎ C.a; the D.a; a ‎2.Can you tell me    ?  ‎ A.how much is the red sweater B.how much the red sweater is C.what’s the price of the red sweater D.how many the red sweater is ‎3.I live next to New Century Supermarket. It’s very    to buy things. ‎ A.beautiful B.clean C.delicious D.convenient ‎4.—Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? ‎ ‎—   ‎ A.Yes, I can. B.I could.‎ C.Sure. D.I could tell you.‎ ‎5.The Great Wall is a good place    . ‎ A.to visit B.visiting C.to be visited D.for visit ‎6.Her son    Coke, but now he likes milk. ‎ A.used to drink B.used to drinking C.didn’t used to drink D.is used to drink ‎7.—Mom, I was the first to reach the top of the mountain.‎ ‎—Good job, Jack! I’m    of you. ‎ A.careful B.proud C.tired D.afraid ‎8.    honest is the first thing people should learn. ‎ A.Being B.Look C.Be D.Become ‎9.—    fine weather it is! Let’s go for a walk. ‎ ‎—Sounds like a great idea.‎ A.What B.How C.What a D.How a ‎10.She got a nice skirt as a present on her birthday. Do you know    ?  ‎ A.what was it made of B.how much did it cost C.who bought it for her   D.where she bought it Unit5‎ ‎1.avoid意为“避免,防止”,是动词,可跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语,但不能跟动词不定式,可用于被动结构。‎ 例:You had better avoid reading on the train.你最好避免在火车上阅读。‎ No one can avoid his own responsibility.没有人能够逃避自己的责任。‎ Such kind of mistakes must be avoided.这种错误必须避免。‎ ‎2.product为可数名词,意为“产品,产物,物产”,可指任何体力劳动或脑力劳动的产物。produce为动词,意为“生产”;production为抽象名词,意为“产量”。‎ Almost every housewife tries to get the best product at the lowest price.几乎每一位家庭主妇都试图买到价廉物美的产品。‎ This year's cotton production greatly exceeds last year's.今年的棉花产量大大超过了去年。‎ He has produced his own sports magazine called Yes Sport. 他推出了自己的体育杂志,叫作《是的,体育》。‎ ‎3.be made of 由……制成,一般能看出原材料;be made from由……制成,一般看不出原材料;be made by...由……制作;be made in…产自……;be made into被制作成……‎ This suit is made of very good material.这套衣服的料质很好。‎ Brandy is made from grapes.白兰地酒是用葡萄酿的。‎ The piano was made in Germany.这架钢琴产自德国。‎ This cake was made by my sister.这个蛋糕是我姐姐做的。‎ This piece of wood can be made into a small bench.这块木头可以做成一条小长凳。‎ ‎4.compete v. 竞争  ‎ Schools should not compete with each other all the time.学校不应该总是互相竞争。  ‎ compete with/against sb. for sth. 与某人为某事物而竞争 Now scientists have to compete with each other for funding, so they do not share information among themselves.现在科学家为了资金不得不相互竞争,所以他们不会共享信息。‎ 表示在某方面竞争,用介词in。‎ The company must be able to compete in the international marketplace.这家公司必须能够在国际市场上竞争。‎ competitor n. 竞争者  ‎ The first prize was awarded to the youngest competitor.一等奖授给了最年轻的比赛者。‎ competition n. 竞赛    ‎ Sometimes there's a lot of competition between children for their mother's attention.为了得到母亲的关注,有时孩子之间会争得很厉害。‎ Unit6‎ ‎1.remain vi. 剩下,留下,保持 When the others had gone, Joan remained (=stayed) to clean the room. ‎ 当其余的人都走了以后,Joan留下来了打扫房间。Only a few leaves remained (=were still) on the tree. ‎ 只有少量的树叶还留在树上。‎ 注意:“待在那里”可以说remain/stay there。‎ remains  n. 剩余物,遗迹 ‎ They found some remains of the Tang Dynasty.他们发现了一些唐朝的遗迹。‎ remaining  adj. 剩余的,常作前置定语;left(leave的过去分词)也可以表示“剩余的”,但只能作后置定语。‎ They will meet next month to work out remaining differences. 他们将在下个月会面,以解决余下的分歧。‎ There are only 5 books left.这儿只剩了五本书。‎ ‎2.stay的常见用法 ‎ stay  n. 停留;逗留(期间)‎ I enjoyed my stay in Hong Kong.我在香港逗留期间很开心。‎ ‎ stay  vt./vi. 停留;停止 I stayed at my cousin's house for three nights.我在我表弟家住了三个晚上。‎ stay link-v. 继续处于某种状态 I can't stay awake any longer.我再也不能保持清醒了。‎ ‎ 3.not only… but also... ‎ ‎1) not only… but also... 应连接两个相对称的并列成分。‎ 例句:I not only play tennis but also practice shooting.(连接两个谓语动词)我不仅打网球,也练习射击。‎ ‎2) not only… but also... 连接两个分句,并且not only位于句首时,第一个分句中的主语和谓语要部分倒装。‎ 例句:Not only does the sun give off light but also it gives off heat.太阳不仅能发光,也能发热。‎ ‎3) not only… but also... 不能用在否定句中。‎ ‎4) not only… but also... 连接两个主语时,谓语动词要和与其最近的主语保持人称和数的一致。‎ 例句:Not only the students but also the teacher was against the plan.不光是学生们,这位老师也反对该计划。‎ ‎5) not only… but also... 中的 not only 不能分开使用,但 but also 却可以分开使用。‎ 例句:The area was not only hit by an unexpected heavy rain, but some bridges were also washed away.该地区不仅受到了一场突如其来的暴雨的袭击,而且有些桥梁也被雨水冲走了。‎ ‎4、as well as ‎1)as well as强调其前面的部分。not only… but also... 采取“就近原则”,而as well as只是一个插入语,采取“就远原则”。‎ 例句:Mr. Smith, as well as his wife and children, has come to Nanjing for a visit.史密斯先生携妻子儿女来南京参观 ‎ 5、either...or...‎ ‎1)either...or...的意思是 不是……就是……;或者……或者……,两者选其一。‎ ‎ 例句:My wife and I will come either in Dec. or Jan.  我妻子和我将会在十二月或者一月份过来。‎ ‎2) either…or连接两个主语时,谓语动词要和与其最近的主语保持人称和数的一致。也就是我们通常说的“就近原则”。‎ 例句:Either you or I am going there tomorrow. 明天要么你去那里,要么我去那里。‎ ‎3)  还可以单独使用either,其意为“两者中的任何一个”。‎ 例如:There are many shops on either side of the street. 街道两边有许多商店。‎ ‎6.take place 常指经过安排的事,无偶然之意。其主语常是表运动、活动、会议等的名词。‎ 例句:The Olympic Games take place every four years.奥运会每四年举办一次。‎ 注意:hold和happen也经常与take place一起出现在考题中,考察“举行,进行”或“发生”的含义。‎ hold表示“举行, 进行 ”‎ 例句:They will hold a meeting to discuss this problem tomorrow.他们明天开会讨论这个问题。‎ happen发生happen为不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。例如,要表示“这个故事发生在去年。”不能说: The story was happened last year. 但可以说:The story happened last year.‎ ‎7.课文原句:The Chinese are without doubt the ones who best understand the nature of tea.‎ 讲解:without doubt是毫无疑问的意思,用在句首或句中都可以。‎ 由doubt组成的一些短语:‎ ‎1) in doubt怀疑;拿不定主意。   ‎ ‎2) no/without/beyond doubt无疑地;必定;当然。 ‎ ‎3) make no doubt of对……毫不怀疑。‎ ‎4) raise doubts 提出质疑、怀疑。‎ 例句:‎ Without doubt this is the best way.  毫无疑问,这是最佳方法。  ‎ Beyond doubt he will give you some advice on your study. 毫无疑问,他定会对你的学习提供一些意见。‎ She made no doubt of his words. 她毫不怀疑他的言语。‎ ‎8.look up to尊敬;敬仰;赞美;‎ 例句:They all look up to their teacher.他们都尊敬师长。‎ ‎ 将……尊为(榜样等)(常与 as 连用):‎ 例句:We look up to him as a hero. 我们尊他为英雄而膜拜。‎ look after照顾,照料,近义短语take care of look after oneself照顾某人自己 如:Susan looked after us very well. She’s an excellent cook.Susan把我们照顾得很好。她是名优秀的厨师。‎ 单项选择 ‎1.This pair of shoes    hand, and it    very comfortable. ‎ A.is made with; is felt B.are made from; is felt C.are made of; feels D.is made by; feels ‎2.It is an old city with a history of 2, 000 years and it    the silk. ‎ A.is known as B.is known for C.is famous as D.is famous ‎3.It’s not always safe to pay over the Internet,    you should be careful. ‎ A.so B.after C.because D.as soon as ‎4.In autumn there are a lot of    on the ground. ‎ A.leaf   B.leafs C.leaves  D.leafes ‎5.Do you know when the first train    in China?  ‎ A.was produced B.is produced C.produced D.be produced ‎6.—People, especially the young,    by their friends. ‎ ‎—That’s true. Friends play an important part in everyone’s life.‎ A.easily influences B.is easily influenced C.are easily influenced D.influenced easily ‎7.Great changes    in my hometown since the 1990s. ‎ A.took place B.were taken place C.have taken place D.have been taken place ‎8.I took the train    . I didn’t even know it until half an hour later. ‎ A.by mistakes B.by mistake C.with mistake D.with mistakes ‎9.   , he finished the work well. ‎ A.At the end B.By the end C.In the end D.Final ‎10.—Congratulations! You have won first prize in the English Contest.‎ ‎—   !  ‎ A.Thank you  B.Good idea ‎ C.Of course  D.Enjoy yourself ‎ Unit7‎ ‎1.课文原句:‎ But sometimes these hobbies can get in the way of schoolwork, and parents might worry about their child's success at school.‎ get in the way of这个短语表示“挡道”。get可以用stand或者be代替。‎ 例句:Sometimes stress and anxiety can get in the way of creativity. ‎ ‎2.课文原句:Do you think teenagers should be encouraged to make their own decisions?‎ make a decision 做决定 例句:I make a decision to study English.‎ make one’s own decision 某人做出自己的决定 例句:I make my own decision to go to France by myself next summer.‎ decide to do sth.决定做某事 例句:I decide to go home early.‎ ‎3.课文原句:I'm worried about your safety.‎ safe:adj. 安全的,无危险的,保险的;‎ safely:adv. 安全地,平安地;‎ safety:n. 安全,平安 例句:‎ ‎1). The house is not safe.‎ ‎2). The parcel arrived safely.‎ ‎3). The children were led to a place of safety. ‎ ‎4.badly:adv. 非常,很;严重地,厉害地;恶劣地 She sings badly.她不擅长唱歌。‎ He is badly in need of money.他很需要钱。‎ He does badly in math.他不擅长数学。‎ bad: adj. 坏的;严重的;劣质的 be bad for 对……有害,不利于 Smoking is bad for your health.吸烟危害健康。‎ bad和badly的比较级为worse,最高级为worst。‎ The pain in my knee is worse than it was yesterday.我膝盖的疼痛比昨天更厉害了。‎ 随堂练习 ‎1.My younger sister hasn't been back.We are all worried    her safety. ‎ A.for        B.with       C.of       D.about ‎ ‎2.What    news it is!We are all    to hear the news. ‎ A.exciting;excited      B.exciting;exciting ‎ C.excited;exciting      D.excited;excited ‎ ‎3.—Do you like Jay Chou?‎ ‎—Yes, I do.He is my favorite singer.I will     him forever. ‎ A.afford      B.support      C.allow     D.warn ‎4.—What are you going to do this afternoon,Andy?‎ ‎—My hair is too long. I want to get my hair   . ‎ A.cut       B.to cut C.cuts       D.cutting ‎5.Sixteen-year-olds should not     to drive. ‎ A.allowing   B.be allowed   C.allow D.allows ‎6.I tried to make the baby     by singing, and that worked well at last. ‎ A.to stop to cry     B.to stop crying C.stop to cry       D.stop crying ‎7.—What do you think of the new teacher's class?‎ ‎—I think it's    , but someone thinks it's    . ‎ A.enough interesting;boring B.interesting enough;boring ‎ C.interesting enough;bored ‎ D.enough interesting;bored ‎ ‎8.I regretted   with my parents. So I said sorry to them. They said that they wouldn't be angry with me because they loved me so much.  ‎ A.argue        B.arguing ‎ C.to argue        D.argued ‎ ‎9.If you want to stay healthy, you should     junk food.  ‎ A.keep in touch with       B.catch up with ‎ C.fall in love with         D.keep away from ‎ ‎10.—Excuse me, could you tell me    ? ‎ ‎—Sorry, sir. I wasn't there at that time.‎ A.where you came from ‎ B.why you were so angry ‎ C.how the accident happened D.when you returned ‎

