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Unit8 I’ll help clean up the city parks.‎ 第1课时(‎1a—‎2c) 编写: 郝玉平 时间:‎ 学习目标 1. 掌握P60-61页单词: cheer up , clean up, homeless, hunger, give out, put off, set up 2. ‎ 学会用英语提供帮助 学习流程 Task1: 小组自学单词并背诵 平行训练 根据句意和首字母完成单词 1. The kind man always helps the h_______ children.‎ 2. We often see the s_________ of “No Smoking” in public places.‎ 3. The city library was e________ three months ago.‎ 4. Around fifty people die of h_______ every day in the camp.‎ 5. If you wait to sell your old sofa, why not put an a_______ in the local paper?‎ Task2: 小组讨论用什么方法帮助别人 Task3: 听录音,完成课本1b, ‎2a, 2b 听力任务 Task4: 大声朗科听力材料 Task5: 学生分角色表演3b.‎ 平行训练 1. Will you help ___________ (clean) up the classroom?‎ 2. Tom could put off ______ (make) that plan.‎ 3. Clean-up _________ (day) is only two weeks from now.‎ 4. We need ___________ (come) up with some ________ (idea).‎ 5. They plan ___________ (buy) a big house.‎ 6. ‎_________(sing)aloud so that everyone can hear clearly.‎ 达标测评 一. 单项选择 1. The class room is so dirty, I decided ____________.‎ A. clean it up B. to clean it up C. clean up it ‎ ‎2. You should visit the sick kids to __________.‎ ‎ A. cheer up them B. laugh at them C. cheer them up D. take after them ‎3. We have to _______ our sports meeting till next week because of the heavy rain.‎ A. put up B. put off C. put up D. put down ‎4. We have to put off ______ plans for the vacation.‎ A. make B. to make C. making D. made ‎5. The teacher is giving ______ the new books to the student.‎ A. to B. out C. in D. off Unit8 I’ll help clean up the city parks.‎ 第2课时 编写: 郝玉平 时间:‎ 学习目标 1. 掌握P62-63 单词: major , coach, take after, similar, fix up, repair, think up 2. 讨论作为一名志愿者应该做什么 流程学习 Task1: 小组自学单词 平行训练 1. The students plan _____ (buy) some flowers for Miss Wang.‎ 2. The old man is an expert. He can r________ kinds of machines.‎ 3. My clothes seem s_______ to Bob’s because we like the same design.‎ 4. The radio should be f________.‎ Task2: 1.快速阅读‎3a掌握大意 ‎ ‎2. 朗读短文,小组讨论遇到的问题 ‎3.认真阅读短文,把志愿者做的工作及喜欢做的原因用不同的标记标出来 Task3: 合作探究 分析下列句子 1. Not only do I feel good about helping other people , but I get to spend time doing what I love to do. ‎ Task4: 根据3b内容,模仿‎3C作对话,分角色表演 平行训练 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Let’s cheer _______ (they)up, ok?‎ 2. I’d like _____ (visit)my English teacher tomorrow.‎ 3. I’ll feel good about _______ (help)the old people.‎ 4. He _____(spend) every morning _______ (do)some sports.‎ Task5: 学生完成P63 ‎1a,掌握短语: fix up , take after, run out of, give away 并用这些短语做句子 Task6: 1. 听录音,完成‎2a, 2b 的听了任务 ‎ 2. 大声朗读听力材料 Task7: 利用‎2a,2b的信息表演‎2c 达标测评 单项选择 ‎1.They finally thought ______ a plan and solved the problem.‎ ‎ A. up B. over C. away D. off ‎2. How dirty your room is ! You must _______.‎ ‎ A. clean it up B. clean them up C. clean it up D. do some cleanings ‎3. When do you plan to set ______ an interest group.‎ A. off B. out C. up D. to ‎ ‎4. I tried my best, but I couldn’t ________.‎ A. cheer up them B. cheer his up C. cheer he up D. cheer up he ‎5. At the beginning of a new term, new test textbooks are ______ to students.‎ ‎ A. give out B. give off C. given out D. given off ‎6. Not only_______ polluted but ______ crowded.‎ A. was the city, were the streets B. the city was, were the streets C. was the city , the streets were D. the city was, the streets were ‎7. He handed ______ the pens to everyone in the class.‎ A. to B. up C. out D. with Homework:‎ Unit8 I’ll help clean up the city parks.‎ 第3课时 编写: 郝玉平 时间:‎ 学习目标 1. 掌握P64-65单 :put up , ask for, hand out, work out, website 2. 掌握出现的短语及短语的结构和特点 3. 热爱公益事业,培养乐于助人的优良品质 流程学习 Task1: 小组自学单词 平行训练 1. 要,邀请____________ 2. 分发___________ 3. 起作用___________‎ Task2: ‎ 1. 快速阅读‎3a熟知大意 2. 阅读‎3a回答问题 ‎⑴ What problem did Jimmy have ?‎ ‎⑵ How did he solve the problem?‎ 3. 大声朗读‎3a,找出下列动词短语 使振作__________ 用完___________ 张贴__________ 要求某物__________‎ 分发_____________ 建立_____________ 想出____________ 修理_________‎ 分发给____________ 产生结果_____________‎ Task3: 完成s elf check , 小组核对答案 Task4: 根据2提供的内容,讲述Sally 发生的事情,并互相修改,大声朗读 平行训练 ‎1. ----- Peter, I think we need to buy a new car.‎ ‎----- Oh, no. We are _____ out of money ,you know?‎ A. trying B. going C. getting D. running ‎2. -----These problems are too hard to_______. Will you give me some advice?‎ ‎ ----- There are many ways ,but the most important is to have a careful plan.‎ A. work out B. look out C. hand out D. look up 4. My parents often _______ some clothes to charity.‎ A. come up with B. hand out C. give away D. put up 5. The volunteers often _____ ads calling for less pollution.‎ A. handing out B. handing in C. hand out D. hand in 6. ‎----Do you know the man?‎ ‎----Yes, he is the doctor_______ saved the boy’s life yesterday.‎ A. he B. whom C. who D. then ‎7. Would you please give me _____ orange juice, Bill?‎ ‎ A. a bit B. a bit of C. a few D. a little of ‎ ‎8. She will _____ continue her lessons when she has money.‎ A. can B. could C. be able to D. able to 达标测评 ‎1. When she was walking in the street, she met a friend of _______.‎ A. she B. her C. hers D.her’s 2. He put up a map on the wall and then______.‎ A. put it on B. put it off C. take it off D. took off 3. Everyone, including my parents,_______ going to be at party.‎ A. was B. are C. were D. will 4. The plan _____ they came up with was very good. ‎ A. then B. it C. / D. what 5. ‎----What was Jimmy going to do?‎ A. up; to ask for B. on; to ask to C. up; asking to D. down; asking for 6. ‎----It’s time for sports._______ your sport shoes, please.‎ ‎---- Ok, I’m coming.‎ A. Put on B. Put up C. Take away D. Take off 2. I can’t see the words clearly. Can I ____ the light?‎ A. turn on B. put off C. hold on D. take off 3. ‎-----Hi, Betty?Shall we go swimming this Sunday?‎ ‎-----This Sunday? I am sorry. I have a lot of homework _____ this Sunday.‎ A. to do B. doing C. do D. to be done 走进中考 1. They had to _____ the 800 meter race because of the bad weather.‎ A. put on B. put off C. get on D. get up ‎2. ---- Look, Mary looks sad. Let’s go and ____.‎ ‎ ---- All right.‎ A. cheer up him B. cheer him up C. cheer up her D. cheer her up Homework:‎ Unit8 I’ll help clean up the city parks.‎ 第4课时(reading) 编写: 郝玉平 时间:‎ 学习目标:掌握P66单词 ‎2. 句型:I’d like to thank you for…………‎ ‎ I’ll send you a photo of ……….‎ You see you have helped make it possible for me to have a lucky.‎ ‎3. 语法: 动词短语的运用 ‎4. 学会如何向别人表示感谢 学习流程 ‎ Task1: 小组学习p66页单词,并掌握重点单词:fill, pleasure, blind, deaf, imagine, shut, carry, specially, fetch, at once, help sb out 平行训练 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词 1. Tom went into his room and s________ the door behind him.‎ 2. The boys often help the old man c________ water and sweep the floor.‎ 3. The dog f_______ the stick that we had tossed(仍)。‎ 4. It’s impolite to laugh at the b_________.‎ 5. Our journey is full of joy and p________.‎ 6. He can’t hear anything because he is d______.‎ Task2: 快速阅读课文并回答下列问题 1. What does the writer thank Miss for?‎ 2. Who is lucky?‎ 3. What is “Animal helpers”?‎ 4. How long did Liz have the training with Lucky?‎ 5. How does Lucky help the writer?‎ Task3: 精读课文并找到下列短语 1. Lucky 的一张照片___________________2.帮助残疾人_________________‎ 3. 使我的生活充满快乐_________________4.将给你我的故事___________________‎ ‎5 搬运东西______________________ 6;帮我摆脱困境________________‎ ‎7一条经过专门训练的狗______________________‎ ‎8.由于你好心的捐助______________________9.一条令人惊奇的狗________________‎ Task4:完成P67 3 b 平行训练 根据汉语提示完成句子 1. The blind man wants to get _______ ________ ________ (特殊训练)dog.‎ 2. ‎________ __________ ________ _________ (又聋又瞎) is unlucky.‎ 3. I miss you very much. Please _______ _______ (寄给我) a photo of you.‎ 4. Money is well used ______ _______ _______ ______ (帮助残疾人)like me.‎ 达标测评 一. 单选 1. ‎“I don’t know where Wenchuan County is” “ Let me _____ a map of China for you”‎ A. take B. bring C. fetch D. carry ‎2. The box is _______ books.‎ A. fill with B. full of C. filled of D. full with ‎3 I’d like to thank you for ______ money to “Animal Helpers”.‎ A. sending B. send C. to send D. sent ‎4. I’m ______ at this dog.‎ A. amazing B. amaze C. amazed D. surprising ‎5. They improved the software to make ______ easier for people to use computers.‎ A. that B. this C. these D. it ‎6. Please ______ the cup _____ milk or water.‎ A. filled; with B. fill; use C. fill; with D. fill; of ‎7. I’m going to see my friend ______ is ill in bed after school.‎ A. which B. whose C. who D. whom 二.用所给词的正确形式填空 ‎1. There are many political and social _________(organize) in the world.‎ ‎2. Your _____ (donate) is greatly appreciated.‎ ‎3. This math exercise isn’t difficult. I can finish it ______(easy).‎ ‎4. Everyone’s life is filled with ________(please).‎ ‎5. I feel lucky _______ (study) at No.14 Middle School,‎ ‎6. The dress is made________ (special) for the Art Festival.‎ Homework:‎

