译林版九年级英语上册复习课件Unit 8 Detective stories

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译林版九年级英语上册复习课件Unit 8 Detective stories

Unit 8 Detective stories 课时 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 译林版九年级上 一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. The actress is m ( 失踪的 ). Her family has called the police. 2. [ 中考 · 无锡 ] How can I trust you? You’ve l ( 撒谎 ) to me again and again. 3. You’ll never g ( 猜 )what she told me . issing ied uess 4 . [ 中考 · 黔南 ] Sally is an honest girl. She always tells the t ( 事实 ). 5. Your room is so u ( 不 整洁 的 ). Clean it at once . ruth ntidy 二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 6. The ___________ ( murder) was caught by the policeman. murderer 7. The problem is much _____________(serious) than that one. more serious 8. Don’t believe what he is saying. He’s __________ (lie). lying 9. Mr Green’s mobile phone has gone __________ (miss), so he is looking for it everywhere. missing 10. He never forgets to make __________ (note) of his speech. notes 三、单项选择。 11 . —What are you doing, Cathy? —I’m ______ my cat. I can’t find it. A. looking for B . looking at C. looking up D . looking after A 12 . My daughter is too young to _____. A. dress herself B . dress her C. be dressed D . wear A 13 . My wallet is _____ . I can’t find it anywhere. A. losing B . missed C. missing D . gone missing C 14 . To us students, I think study is _____ more important than anything else. A. very B . much C. quite D . many B 15 . I want to be a _____ to look for clues and evidence to solve crimes when I grow up. A. salesman B . businessman C. shopkeeper D . detective D 四、根据汉语意思完成句子。 16. 他是一个中等身高的办公室职员。 He is an office worker __________ __________ __________ . of medium height 17. 你认为谁没有说实话? Who do you think is not _________ _________ _________ ? telling the truth 18. 当谋杀案发生时他正在另一个地方。 He was in another place when the _________ _________ . murder happened 19. 他们都说自己无罪。 They all say that they are _________ _________ . not guilty 20. 警察给所有人都做了笔录。 The policemen _________ _________ _________ all the people. made notes on 五、补全对话 ( 两项多余 ) 。 A. Have the police got any suspects? B. Do you know what the suspect looks like? C. Has he been arrested? D. He was stung( 刺 ) in the chest( 胸部 ) , and as a result he died within a few minutes. E. What did the suspect say? F. Well, the police said it took place last Friday night, at around 11 o’clock. G. What a pity! A : How much do you know about the murder in our town last week? B : ______21 F A : The newspaper said the victim was attacked with a knife. B : Yes. _____22 A. Have the police got any suspects? B. Do you know what the suspect looks like? C. Has he been arrested? D. He was stung( 刺 ) in the chest( 胸部 ) , and as a result he died within a few minutes. E. What did the suspect say? F. Well, the police said it took place last Friday night, at around 11 o’clock. G. What a pity! D A. Have the police got any suspects? B. Do you know what the suspect looks like? C. Has he been arrested? D. He was stung( 刺 ) in the chest( 胸部 ) , and as a result he died within a few minutes. E. What did the suspect say? F. Well, the police said it took place last Friday night, at around 11 o’clock. G. What a pity! A : ______23 B : Yes. One of them is the victim’s neighbour. He used to be charged with theft a few years ago. A : _____24 A C B : No, the police haven’t got enough evidence that can lead to the arrest of him. Though several witnesses said they had seen him leave the victim’s house in a hurry last Friday. A. Have the police got any suspects? B. Do you know what the suspect looks like? C. Has he been arrested? D. He was stung( 刺 ) in the chest( 胸部 ) , and as a result he died within a few minutes. E. What did the suspect say? F. Well, the police said it took place last Friday night, at around 11 o’clock. G. What a pity! A : _______25 I hope the police can catch the murderer as soon as possible. A. Have the police got any suspects? B. Do you know what the suspect looks like? C. Has he been arrested? D. He was stung( 刺 ) in the chest( 胸部 ) , and as a result he died within a few minutes. E. What did the suspect say? F. Well, the police said it took place last Friday night, at around 11 o’clock. G. What a pity! G 安徽译林版九年级上 课时 2 Reading I Unit 8 Detective stories 一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. [ 安徽十校联考 ] A journey of a thousand miles begins with a s ( 单一的 ) step . 2. I remember putting my bag s ( 在 某 处 ) in my bedroom, but I can’t find it now. 3. The e ( 敌人 ) who are guilty will be afraid of us if we check the scene for more fingerprints . ingle omewhere nemies 4. Two men were killed and six people were w ( 受伤 ) in the attack. 5. Paul feels so sorry that he l ( 说谎 ) to his parents this morning. ounded ied 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 6. In recent years more and more crimes of child abuse ________________( 虐待 ) (report). were reported 7. The new evidence has ____________(confirm) the old man’s words. confirmed 8. The cat was last seen ____________ (lie) on the ground at this time yesterday. lying 9. The murder is difficult to solve because there aren’t any ___________ (witness) . witnesses 10. Amy is trying her best to look after the ___________ (die) dog. dying 三、单项选择。 11 . [ 中考 · 兰州 ] We are supposed _____some housework with our parents when we have free time . A. to share B . sharing C. shared D. share A 【 点拨 】 be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事。 12 . We believe that hard work ______ success . A. comes to B . gets to C. goes to D . leads to D 13 . If you see anything unusual, please contact ______ the police ______ 3330-9843 . A. on; on B . with; on C. /; on D . with; with C 14 . [ 安徽十校联考 ]—I saw Mr Wang ______ the office at 11:40 last night. —He is always the last one ______ the office. A. leaving; leaving B . leaves; to leave C. leave; leaving D . leaving; to leave D 15 . —It rained _______ and lasted for a long time. — That’s terrible. Even some streets were full of water . A. hardly B . strongly C . heavily D . lightly C 四、根据汉语意思完成句子。 16. 他不想在公司树敌太多。 He doesn’t want to _________ _________ _________ _________ in the company. make too many enemies 17. 罪犯犯了抢劫罪。他被指控抢劫银行。 The criminal __________ __________ __________ the robbery . He is charged __________ robbing the bank. is guilty of with 18 . 警方已经证实受害者是一名 23 岁的男医生。 The police __________ __________ that the victim was a __________ __________ __________. have confirmed 23-year-old man doctor 19 . 医生被认为是一项高收入工作。 A doctor is considered as a __________ job. well-paid 20 . 据说受害人是被枪打伤流血而亡。 It is said that the victim __________ __________ __________ a gun and __________ __________ __________ . was wounded with bled to death 五、完形填空。 Not everyone has a chance to be a detective. But I got one when I was thirteen years old. It happened in 1988. One afternoon, I was walking down the street when I saw my father’s new car. I _____21 to see my father, but to my surprise, I saw a young woman driving instead . 21 . A. guessed B . expected C . imagined D . thought B “ She has stolen my father’s car,” I thought. So I quickly stopped a taxi and got in. I said to the driver, “Follow that new car ______22 ,” and I told him why . 22 . A. after B . in front C. at the back D . at the back of B The taxi driver had a car phone , so I asked him to call the police. Soon we heard the ______23 of a police car and its loudspeaker . 23 . A. noise B . voice C . cry D . sound D The police told the woman to stop her car. Our car came to a stop, too. I _____24 right then and said to the woman, “It’s not your car . It’s my _____ 25 .” 24 . A. got in B . got into C. got out D . got away 25 . A. father B . mother C. mother’s D . father’s C D The woman smiled and said, “Oh. You’re Mr Johnson’s younger son, right? I’ve ever seen your photo in your father’s office.” Before I could say ______26 word , the woman explained that she was my father’s new assistant. 26 . A. another B . other C . else D . others A My father had asked her to take his computer to the shop to have it ______27. He lent her his car . 27 . A. repeated B . repaired C. recycled D . required B After hearing her words, we called my father and he told us what she said was ______28. The police and the taxi driver laughed . 28 . A. wrong B. real C . true D . honest C I _____29 very sorry. It was both the first time and the last time I worked as a _____ 30. Don’t you think my story is funny? 29 . A. felt B. found C . went D . fell 30 . A. student B. policeman C. driver D . detective A D 课时 3 Reading Ⅱ 安徽译林版九年级上 Unit 8 Detective stories 一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. [ 中考 · 黔南 ] It began to rain h ( 猛烈地 ) when the train arrived. 2. Some people s ( 猜想 ) that the plane was hijacked( 劫持 ) when it went missing. 3. Amy is the o ( 唯一的 ) child in her family . She works very hard . eavily upposed nly 4. I will r ( 举报 ) you to the police if I catch you stealing again. 5. It is rude to b ( 打断,闯入 ) into others’ conversation. eport reak 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 6. If we do not take action to stop air pollution, we’ll have no clean air to __________( breath). breathe 7. The man often attacks others with words and it makes him have lots of ___________(enemy). enemies 8. There is enough evidence ___________ (prove) that he is guilty. to prove 9. One of the suspects ________________ (arrest) by the police yesterday. was arrested 10. Parents often give their children ___________ (reward) for passing exams. rewards 三、单项选择。 11. I thought the job would be a success. But it _____to be a mess. A. turned into B. turned out C. turned away D. turned off B 12 . The murder ______ between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. A. took place B . took the place C. took place of D . was taken place A 13 . This summer, a terrible typhoon hit the coastal areas . ______ , many houses and bridges were damaged . A. As a result of B . As a result C. In a result of D . In a result B 14 . His flat _____ last night, and his safe was stolen. A. broke into B . has been broken into C. is broken into D . was broken into D 15 . Andy loves playing the piano. He _____ the piano after school very often . A. is heard play B . is heard to play C. hears playing D . hears play B 四、根据汉语意思完成句子。 16. 看!汤姆的鼻子正在流血。我们告诉他去看医生吧。 Look! Tom’s nose _________ _________ . Let’s tell him to see the doctor. is bleeding 17. 到目前为止,警察还没有得到足够的证据。 ________ ________ , the police ________ ________ enough evidence . So far haven’t got 18 . 警方正在检查现场以找到更多的线索。 The police ________ ________ ________ ________ for ________ ________ . are checking the scene more clues 19 . 受害者被一把刀杀死了。 The ________ was killed ________ ________ ________ . victim with a knife 20 . 他跑了 200 米就气喘吁吁了。 He ________ ________ after he ran 200 metres. breathed heavily 五、完形填空。 Tom Smith was a writer. He wrote detective stories for magazines . One evening he could not find ______21 for a story . 21 . A. a beginning B . an end C. an aim D . an hour B He sat with his typewriter in _____22 of him, but he had _____ 23 ideas . _____ 24 he decided to go to the cinema . 22 . A. back B . behind C . front D . before 23 . A. no B . any C . not D . much 24 . A. Because B . For C . So D . But C A C When he came back, he found that he had had a visitor . Someone had _____25 into his house. The man had had a drink, smoked several of Tom’s cigarettes and had read his story . 25 . A. come B . gone C . run D . broken D The visitor _____26 Tom a note: I have read your story and I don’t think much of it. 26 . A. gave B . brought C . taken D . left D Please read my ______27 and then you can ______ 28 it. By the way, I’m a burglar( 盗贼 ) . 27 . A. suggestions B . ideas C. thoughts D . orders 28 . A. begin B . finish C . write D . find A B I am not going to steal anything tonight. But if you become a successful writer, I will _____29. 29 . A. come B . return C . back D . home B Tom read the note, then he sat down and wrote the rest of the story. He is still not a successful writer, and he is _____30 for his burglar to return. Before he goes out in the evening, he always leaves a half-finished story near his typewriter. 30 . A. looking B . finding C . asking D . waiting D 课时 4 Grammar 安徽译林版九年级上 Unit 8 Detective stories 一、用关系代词 that, which 或 who 填空。 1. The watch __________ I lost yesterday is made in Japan. 2. The village __________ I was born in was called Gum Tree . 3. I visited the person _________ invented the important machine. that/which which/that who/that 4. This is the most interesting film _________ I have ever seen. 5. Armstrong was the first person _________ walked on the moon. that that/who 二、单项选择。 6 . [ 合肥市城六区联考 ] When Robinson got to the island , the first thing ______ he did was to look for some food. A. who B . which C . that D . what C 7 . [ 合肥市 38 中模拟 ] —Have you seen the movie Hello , Teacher by Zhang Luan recently, Mr Xu? — Yes. It is an excellent film. It reminds me of the days ______ I spent teaching in the country. A. when B . how C . which D . who C 8 . [ 芜湖三模 ] —I don’t like music ______ I can’t sing along with. —Me, ______ . A. that; too B . what; too C. what; either D . that; either D 9 . [ 芜湖市 29 中模拟 ] —What are you doing? — We are talking about the people and things____ we saw abroad last week. A. that B . what C . which D . who A 10 . Everyone has his aim in life. However, you can’t get fat on one mouthful. Start with the easiest thing ____ you can control. A. who B . that C . which D . why B 三、用关系代词 that, which 或 who 完成短文。 Life is a gift Today before you complain about the taste of food , think of someone ________11 has nothing to eat. Before you complain about your old clothes, think of the people ________12. don’t have enough clothes to wear. who who Before you complain about too much homework, think of the children in the poor areas _________13 even have no chances of going to school . And when you are tired, think of our parents ______14. are working hard in the fields or in the factories. So enjoy our life, enjoy everything _________15 we have. who that who 课时 5 Integrated skills & Study skills 安徽译林版九年级上 Unit 8 Detective stories 一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. [ 中考 · 台州 ] For your s ( 安全 ) , please mind your steps when getting off the train. 2. [ 中考 · 成都 ] Creativity is great w ( 财富 ) for us because of its value in our work and life. 3. [ 合肥市包河区二质检 ] There are two stone lions that g ( 守卫 ) the gate in the big house . afety ealth uard 4. [ 合肥市包河区一质检 ] Sometimes we s ( 关闭 ) our eyes to the facts, refusing to face the truth. 5. Look! The door is l ( 锁 ) . Let’s go home. hut ocked 二、单项选择。 6 . According to a recent survey, ______ three fifths of the working mothers in China don’t want to have a second child. A. mostly B . nearly C. especially D . partly B 7 . [ 合肥市包河区二质检 ] The old woman has got a bad memory and she can’t ______ the name of that book . A. pick up B. think of C. make up D . hear of B 8 . [ 安庆市模拟 ] Have you remembered the small village school and teachers ______ we visited ten years ago? A. where B . that C . who D . which B 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 9. 她说我们夜里最好不要一个人出去。 She says we ________ ________ ________ go out alone at night. had better not 10. 这种药将会帮助你预防感冒。 This medicine will help you ________ ________ ________ a cold . guard against catching 11 . 他在成为医生前坐了两年牢。 He ________ ________ ________ ________ for two years before he became a doctor . had been in prison 12 . 李明有犯罪前科吗? Did Li Ming have ________ ________ ________ ? a criminal record 13 . 你们能想出一些预防犯罪保护自己的安全措施吗 ? Can you ________ ________ any ________ ________ to protect yourselves ________ crime ? think of safety tips against 课时 6 Task & Self-assessment 安徽译林版九年级上 Unit 8 Detective stories 一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词 。 1. [ 中考 · 扬州 ] Some valuable jewelry in that shop was s ( 偷 )last week. 2. The c ( 夫妻 )who live in this house have lived here for 40 years. 3. Swimming is p ( 或许 )the best form of exercise you can get . ouple robably tolen 4. He will check the knife and the gun for f ( 指纹 ). 5. He was fired by his b ( 老板 ) because of his carelessness in his duty . ingerprints oss 二、单项选择 。 6 . —We are all here ______ John . Where’s John? —He has gone to France for further study. A. except for B . besides C. beside D . except D 7 . We don’t care about that. It has nothing to do ______ us . A. with B . about C . for D . from A 8 . The teacher looks ______ and is looking at us ______ . A. happy; happily B. happy; happy C. happily; happy D . happily; happily A 9 . Millie is a kind and easy-going girl. I think she can ______ her classmates. A. catch up with B . gets on well with C. get along well with D . pay attention to C 10 . To my surprise, the stranger ____ to be an old friend of my mother. A. turned against B . turned on C. turned into D . turned out D 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 11. 我匆匆忙忙去上学,把书落家里了。 I went to school _________ _________ _________ and left my book at home. in a hurry 12. 除了住在隔壁的那个男子,每个人都能证明自己没有罪。 Everyone can ________ ________ ________ ________ except the man ________ ________ next door. prove himself not guilty who lives 13. 我不知道我叔叔是以什么为生的。 I don’t know what my uncle ________ ________ ________ ________. does for a living 14. 他因盗窃而被逮捕。 He ________ ________ ________ theft. was arrested for 15 . 她在一家珠宝店工作。 She works ________ ________ ________ ________ . at a jewellery shop 四、完形填空。 [ 安庆市模拟 ] The story is about an accident of a young man. It was a sunny Friday in July. An old couple were ______16 that their son Liu Wei had a car accident . 16 . A. said B . lied C . told D . spoke C They were shocked , and didn’t know ____17 they should do. Liu Wei was in a coma( 昏迷 ) for three months . 17 . A. how B . when C . why D . what D _____18, he beat death successfully in the end. However, the coma had _____ 19 part of his brain . 18 . A. Luckily B . Sadly C. Hurriedly D . Unluckily 19 . A. influenced B . caused C . had D . made A A For a long time he couldn’t remember who he was talking _____20 or where he was going . 20 . A. at B . about C . to D . of C When Liu Wei got better, his parents learned that the accident _____21 because Liu Wei was using his smartphone ( 智能手机 ) while ______22. 21 . A. finished B . happened C. spread D . continued 22 . A. driving B . talking C. walking D . speaking A B His parents were ____23 with him, because they had told him many times it was dangerous to use a smartphone while driving. But he didn’t listen to them, so he had this accident. 23. A. satisfied B. angry C. surprised D. happy B The car accident helped us understand the ____24 of safety . We should listen to people’s useful suggestions and keep safe when we are driving or doing ______25 things. 24 . A. importance B . sign C. symbol D . feeling 25 . A. several B . other C . few D . simple A B 写作素养提升练 安徽译林版九年级上 Unit 8 Detective stories 本单元讲述了一些侦探故事,通过学习,我们不但要学会讲述故事情节,而且还要提高自我保护意识。自我保护是青少年需要掌握的重要技能。 安徽译林版九年级上 假设你是 Simon, 今天的报纸上报道了一起谋杀案,请根据以下信息,写一篇 80-100 词的日记。 1. 今早发现一个年轻女孩死在家中,女孩可能是附近超市的售货员。 2. 警察来到现场勘查,一位老人说案发当晚看到一个穿着夹克衫的人从女孩家跑出来,可能是她的男朋友。 3. 男子方脸,鼻子很大,中等身材,警方正在抓捕中。 4. 警方已经悬赏一万元以获取有用的信息,任何有消息的人都应该联系警察。 【 思路构建 】 步骤 构思 列纲 1 介绍案情及被害人信息 A young girl was found dead in her house this morning. 2 警察勘查现场,走访群众 The police have checked the scene. 步骤 构思 列纲 3 锁定嫌疑人,描述嫌疑人 A square face with a big nose, medium height. 4 悬赏征集信息 以抓捕嫌疑人 Offered a reward of ¥10,000 for useful information. Sunday, 4 August Fine Here is today’s local news. Another murder happened! A young girl was found dead in her house this morning . Her neighbour said she might be a saleswoman in a supermarket nearby. The police have checked the scene . An old man said he saw a young man dressed in a jacket running out of the house last night. The young man was 【 精彩范文 】 likely to be the girl’s boyfriend. He is now wanted by the police . This young man has a square face with a big nose . He is of medium height. He might be cruel enough to kill his girlfriend. The police have offered a reward of ¥10,000 for useful information. Anyone with information should contact the police. 1. murder 谋杀 2. saleswoman 女售货员,女店员 3. detective 侦探 4. scene 场面,现场 【 常用单词 】 1. be found dead 被发现死亡 2. check the scene 检查现场 3. run out of the room 跑出房间 4. of medium height 中等身材 5. a reward of 奖励 【 常用短语 】 1. Sb. be found dead ...this morning. 今天早上某人被发现死了 …… 2. He/ She might be... 他 / 她可能是 …… 3. The police and a detective have checked the scene. 警察和一名侦探检查了现场。 【 常用句型 】 4. He/She is now wanted by the police. 他 / 她现在被警察通缉。 5. The police have offered a reward of ... for useful information . 警方悬赏 …… 获取有用的信息。 假设你叫李华,晚上你看完电影在回家途中目击了一起抢劫案。请根据表格中的信息,写一篇日记,词数 80-100 。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 案发时间 大约晚上九点。 案发地点 电影院附近的一条街道拐角处。 作案人情况 两个男子:一个戴着墨镜的高个子,一个矮个子。 受害人情况 一位年轻的女士,戴着一条金项链和一块金手表。 案发经过 你正在街道上走着,突然听到身后有人呼救。你看到两个男子正在抢劫一名女子。女子和他们进行了激烈的搏斗。当你赶到时,两个劫匪已各自骑着摩托车逃跑了。女子的金手表被抢走了,但幸运的是女子没有受伤。 Saturday, 2 June Sunny What a terrible thing I came across tonight ! _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ I hope the government may take action to make our society safe. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Saturday, 2 June              Sunny What a terrible thing I came across tonight! At about nine in the evening, I was on the way back home from the cinema when suddenly I heard someone crying for help from behind. I turned around and found a tall man with a pair of sunglasses and a short man robbing a young woman at the street corner near the cinema. The ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ woman wore a gold necklace and a gold watch. She put up a good fight with them. I ran towards them but when I arrived , the two robbers had ridden their motorcycles away. They robbed the woman of her gold watch. But luckily , the woman wasn't hurt. I hope the government may take action to make our society safe. 中考考点专练 安徽译林版九年级上 Unit 8 Detective stories 一、单项选择。 1 . [ 中考 · 新疆 ] —Jim, it’s dark now. Please ____ the light in the room. —OK, mum. A. turn on B . turn up C. turn off D . turn down A 2 . [ 中考 · 眉山 ]—I’m afraid his radio is too noisy. Will you please _____ him to _____ a little? —Sure. A. ask; turn it down B . allow; turn on C. tell; turn it up D . advise; turn it off A 3. [ 中考 · 宿迁 ] —How is our government going to deal with the office building? — It will be _____ a library. A. turned off B . turned on C. turned out D . turned into D 4 . Would you please _____ the light? I can’t sleep well with it on. A. turn on B . turn off C. turn to D . turn around B 5 . [ 合肥长丰县模拟 ] —Do you know our new manager ? — Yes. It _____ that he is a friend of my brother’s . A. turns up B. turns on C. turns off D . turns out D 二、选择合适的短语完成句子。 6. This job _______ _______ to be harder than we thought. 7. He tried to join the army but was _______ _______ because of poor health. 8. Don’t forget to ________ ________ the light when you leave the room. turn down, turn up, turn on, turn off, turn out turned down turned out turn off 9 . I hear dad ________ ________ the television. It’s time for the news. 10. —Betty, I can’t find my watch. — Don’t worry. I’m sure it will ________ ________ somewhere . turn down, turn up, turn on, turn off, turn out turn on turn up 一、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 老师看见两个男孩正在那儿讲话。 The two boys _________ _________ _________ there by the teacher . 2. 我看到一个老人走进了大厅。 I _________ an old man _________ _________ the hall. were seen talking saw walk into 3. 约翰正如此努力他的项目,以至于他没有注意到他 妈妈进 了房间。 John ________ ________ so hard on his project that he didn’t ________ his mom ________ the room. was working notice enter 二、同义句转换。 4. Jack watched them slowly climbing the wall. They _________ _________ _________ _________ the wall by Jack. 5. I often heard my sister sing in her room in the past. My sister _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ in her room in the past by me. were watched slowly climbing was often heard to sing 单项 选择。 1 . The Philippines ______ to the south-east of China. A. lies B . lie C. lay D . lays A 2 . When she came back several days later, she found that all things still _____ where she had _____ them . A. lay; laid B . laid; laid C. lay; lain D . lying; lain A 3 . The hens _____ 50 eggs last week, but this week they aren’t _____ . A. lay; lying B . laid; laying C. lay; laying D . lied; lying B 4 . The girl _____ on the ground _____ to me that she had _____ the purse on the desk. A. lying; lay; laid B . lying; lied; laid C. lie; lied; lay D . lay; lied; lain B 根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 流感通常在冬天发生。 Influenza usually __________ __________ in winter. 2. 昨晚有人闯进怀特先生的家并拿走了许多东西。 Last night somebody __________ __________ Mr . White’s house and took away a lot of things. breaks out broke into 3. 他讲故事的时候别打断他。 Don’t __________ __________ when he is telling the story . 4. 汽车在路上出了毛病。 The car __________ __________ on the way. break in broke down

