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Have you read Robinson Crusoe ? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. Have you read this book? What do you think of this book? It's fantastic/exciting/great... Learn new words gun sand marks of feet boat ship tool Find words that have these meanings. 3b You can use these to shoot things: ____ Something you use to travel in the sea: ______ 3. A piece of land in the middle of the sea: ______ 4. You can use these to cut things: _____ 5. Signs left behind by someone or something: _________ guns ship island knives marks Background Robinson Crusoe How did he come to the island? What happened to him? Who’s the writer ? How long did he live on that island ? Did he finally leave the island? A.Daniel·Defoe 丹尼尔 · 笛福 B. 罗 · 路 · 斯蒂文生 Lo Lou Stevenson A. 18 years B. 28 years Yes, he was saved by a ship passing by. Robinson is an Englishman who wants adventure very much.He joined an expedition (探险队) to bring slaves (奴隶) from Africa but the ship was broken in a storm on an island. His companions (同伴) all died. He was left alone on the island. The background(背景)of this story adventure A.旅游 B.冲浪 C.冒险 I want to take______, because I can use it/them to ________. Task1Discuss: what do you want to take if you can only have one thing. gun knife-knives kill/shoot animals and birds for food cut down trees flashlight candle match give light tools build a house Q: What things did Robinson use on the island? Task2:Read passage1 and finish it. Problems Things he used How to solve( 解决) the problem no enough food no place to live in no things to travel by gun kill animals and birds for food grow fruit and vegetables knives and tools cut down trees and build a house make a small boat tools As for the first problem, he used...to...and... Retell: When Robinson first arrived on the island, he had nothing. He had no... But he never gives up. First, he used...to Second, he... Third, he... " Although I have lost everything, I have not lost my life." Remember: Never give up whatever difficulties you meet. 对任何困难,都不轻言放弃。 What do you think of Robinson? brave clever/smart strong Task3:Guess What other dangerous things Robinson met ? cannibal some mark s of another man's feet on the sand Who is the man? What happened to the man? Why does Robinson call the man Friday? He is Friday. Because it was the day Robinson met him. Some cannibals were trying to kill him from a broken ship. What did Robinson do? He helped him kill the cannibals. Read passage2 and answer the questions Task4:Fill in the blanks 按照时间的推移,填入关键词 A few weeks ago, I found the_______ of another man's feet on the _____. Not long after that, I saw some cannibals_______ to kill two men from a _______ ship. One of them died but the other ran_______ my house. I______ him kill the cannibals. I ______ him Friday because that was the day I ______ him. marks sand trying broken towards helped named met Q: Did they get on well with each other? "This man now lives with me and helps me. He is smart and I have already taught him some English." Remember: Friends should help and learn from each other. 朋友要互相帮助和学习 3c Read after the tape and correct.找出错误并修改。小组成员校对答案,互助释疑. 1. Robinson Crusoe arrived on the island with enough food and drink. 2. Friday made a small boat. 3. Robinson had some food and tools when he first arrived on the island. 4. Robinson used the ship to build his house. 5. Friday saw some marks of another man’s feet on the beach. 6. Robinson tried to kill the two men. nothing Robinson Crusoe nothing cut down trees Robinson Some cannibals Group-work:Retell the story: 4 和 5 扮演 Robinson 和 Friday , 1 、 2 、 3 进行复述 when...had nothing cut down.. built.. went out with..to.. . l earned to... When Robinson first arrived on the island, he had nothing. He had no... But he never gives up. First, he used...to. Second, he... Third, he... A few weeks ago, I found... Not long after that, I saw..trying to... One of them died but ...towards... I helped him... I named him... Now, ...lives and helps... smart have taught ... The ending of this story He lived on the island for 28 years in all. They were saved by a ship passing by. 当堂反馈 I.单词吧 1.He arrived at the island by s__________ yesterday. 2.I saw a man shooting animals with his________. 3.How can I finish so much work with such old t________? You should give me new ones. 4.Those children built a big house using s_______. 5.The girl is running t__________ her father. II.短语场 He failed to pass the math exam again, but he never______ _____(放弃) 2. Her father _______ ________ (砍下)the trees to build a house. 3.Tom has________ _________(等待)his friend at the bus stop for three hours. III.句型坊 1.Have you_____________(find) your wallet yet? 2.I _________ already________(finish) my homework. Let’s go out. 3._________ you__________(read) today’s newspaper yet? Homework Oral work: 1. Learn the new words and expressions by heart. 2.Read the passage twice and tell the story of Robinson Crusoe. to others. 退出 The end

