人教新目标版英语九年级Unit 4语法专练

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人教新目标版英语九年级Unit 4语法专练

Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Mario used to ________(be) afraid of flying. 2. Amy used to ________(have) long straight hair. 3. They ________(not use) to wear T-shirts. 4. Did Gina ________(used) to be absent from classes? 5. Mr Gao used to ________(keep) some beautiful parrots. 二、单项填空。 ( )1. When I was a child, I used to _______ chocolate. A. liking B. like C. liked D. likes ( )2. _____ work in Microsoft? A. Did you used to B. Did you use to C. Do you used to D. Do you use to ( )3. Where ______ live before you came here? A. did you used to B. did you use to C. use he to D. he used to ( )4. —How does Jack usually go to school? —He ______ ride a bike, but now he ______ there to lose weight. A. used to;is used to walk B. was used to;is used to walking C. was used to; is used to walk D. used to; is used to walking ( )5. Tina used to ____in the village, but now she’s used to ____in the city. A. live;live B. live; living C. living; live D. living;living 二、按要求完成下列句子。 1. Mr Wei’s son was thin and short.(用 used to 改写) Mr Wei’s son ________ ________ ________ thin and short. 2. Emily used to wear a red dress in summer.(改为否定句) Emily ________ ________ to wear a red dress in summer. 3. Zhu Mingming used to be silent.(改为一般疑问句) ________ Zhu Mingming ________ to be silent? 4. Did Mary use to play table tennis?(作出否定回答) ________, she ________. 一、1.be 2.have 3.didn’t use 4.use 5.keep 二、1—5 BBBDB 三、1.used to be 2.didn’t use 3.Did;use 4.No;didn’t

