仁爱版英语九上Unit 4 Topic 2(SectionD)练习

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仁爱版英语九上Unit 4 Topic 2(SectionD)练习

SectionD 基础知识达标训练 一、用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空 on one’s own, certain, housework, warn, might 1. The man is a self man, he is always thinking . 2. The police that people didn’t go out alone especially children and women a few days ago. 3. They treat us as we treat them. 4. On Sundays Xiao Ming often helps his mother with . 5. I know for where he is hiding. 二、单项选择 ( ) 1. In the future, robots may think themselves, just as people use their brains and act themselves. A. of; for B. for; for C. about; of D. for; of ( ) 2. Our teacher us his friends. We all love him a lot. A. regarded; as B. treats; as C. treat; for D. regard; as ( ) 3.I can't say if he is going to Tokyo tonight. A. for real B. as usual C. for certain D. as certain ( ) 4. He was my great progress. “I can’t imagine!” he said again and again. A. interested in B. interested to C. surprised at D. surprised for ( ) 5. The man began to , and he would not help others as usual. A. think for himself B. think on himself own C. think about himself D. think of himself. 三、阅读理解 George Devol who came from the USA designed the first programmable robot in 1969. It meant that the robot age had started from then on. However, in about 989 BC, during western Zhou Dynasty, a Chinese man whose name was Yan Shi made a wood robot. It looked like a real man and it was able to do many actions. It was good at dancing and it has a heart, a stomach and other things in its body. It also had teeth and hair. It could express its feelings by using its eyes. Its eyes could move and could show love to women, but it couldn’t laugh. It was probably the earliest robot in the world. Not all robots always look like humans. They have various shapes. They are clever and they can do all kinds of jobs, especially difficult and dangerous jobs. They are widely used in factories, banks, hospitals and other places. In the future, robots will make fewer mistakes, even can correct themselves and they will be smarter. It’s possible that we will have a robot in our own home. They will do more things for us. We will have more free time to have a rest, to relax ourselves with the help of robots. I believe that we can have a better life. ( ) 1. What started the robot age? A. The first programmable robot. B. The Chinese robot. C. The wood robot. D. The small robot. ( ) 2. What couldn’t Yan Shi's robot do? A. Dance. B. Tempt women with eyes. C. Express its feelings with eyes. D. laugh. ( ) 3. How old was the earliest robot in the world? A. About 50 years old. B. About 100 years old. C. About 2 000 years old. D. About 3 000 years old. ( ) 4. Which is NOT true about the robots now? A. Now robots are in all kinds of shapes. B. Now robots can do kind of difficult jobs. C. Now robots can help people do most of jobs. D. Now robots can help doctors in some ways. ( ) 5. What does the passage mainly tell us? A. Robots. B. The history of robots. C. The robots’ usage and start. D. People and robots. 参考答案: 一、 1. on his own 2. warned 3. might 4. housework 5. certain 二、 l. B 2. B 3.C 4.C 5. A 三、 1. A 2.D 3.D 4. C 5.C

