外研版英语九上Module 5(Unit 1)同步练习

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外研版英语九上Module 5(Unit 1)同步练习

Module 5 Unit 1 (20 分钟 50 分) Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(10 分) 1. There is a great s of the ancient hero in the centre of the square. 2. The man in a red car couldn’t go through th e school gate because he was stopped outside by our school g . 3. We can’t go into the building. Look! There is a sign“No e ”in front of it. 4. I am new here. I’m not f with my work. 5. You mustn’t touch it, and you can’t take pictures, e . Ⅱ. 单项选择(10 分) 1. The boy ran and called his father. A. to upstair B. upstair C. to upstairs D. upstairs 2. film it is! I want to see it again. A. What an amazed B. What an amazing C. How amazed D. How amazing 3. —Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? — is OK. I don’t care. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. As well 4. — ? —I have a headache. A. How are you B. What’s the matter with you C. What do you reckon D. What are you up to 5. They can finish the work five o’clock. A. in B. by C. to D. on Ⅲ. 完成句子(10 分) 1. 难怪大明看起来那么高兴。原来他得了第一名。 ________ ________Daming looked so happy. He won the first place. 2. 快点儿, 否则我们上学要迟到了。 ________ ________, or we’ll be late for school. 3. 我认为你应当注意你的发音。 I think that you should ________ ________ ________your pronunciation. 4. 稍等一会儿。医生马上就过来。 ________ _____a minute. The doctor is coming at once. 5. 我期待下次的相会。 I’m ________ ________ ________our next meeting. [来源:www.shulihua.net] Ⅳ. 同义句转换(10 分) 1. We aren’t allowed to talk loudly in the library. ________ ________loudly in the library. 2. The coat is a bit tight for me. [来源:www.shulihua.net] The coat is ________ ________tight for me. 3. The shop will be open at 8: 00 tomorrow morning. The shop be open 8: 00 tomorrow morning. 4. Will you go shopping alone? Will you go shopping ________ ________ ________? 5. I have to go home now. I ________ ________to go home now. Ⅴ. 阅读理解(10 分) The Natural History Museum is close to the Science Museum in South Kensington, London. It houses the largest natural history collection in the world. Seventy million specimens(标本)are kept there, and many of them are displayed(显示)us ing the latest interactive technology. For example, you can experience an earthquake and meet a life-size blue whale face to face. The collection started in 1752 and grew as more and more explorers and scientists left their collections to the museum. In the mid-19th century, a new museum building was designed to house it. The building opened in 1881 is interesting in itself, because all of the decoratio ns are related to natural history topics. As well as the curators who look after the museum, there are also 300 scientists working there on different aspects o f the natural world, so it is a real, living museum. Like all of London’s main museums, entrance is free, except for special exhibits, and the opening hours are generous. 1. What is the correct meaning of the underlined word“houses”in this passage? A. 容纳 B. 房屋 C. 建造 D. 坐落[来源:www.shulihua.netwww.shulihua.net] 2. When did the collection of the Science Museum start? A. In 1881. B. In 1752. C. In the mid-19th century. D. Now. 3. Who work in the museum? A. No one. B. Only the curators. C. The curators and about three hundred scientists. D. Only three hundred scientists. 4. How much will you spend if you go to visit the Science Museum with your friends? A. We don’t know. B. We needn’t spend any money except for special exhibits. C. $50 each. D. $10. [来源:www.shulihua.netwww.shulihua.net] 答案解析 Ⅰ.答案: 1. sculpture 2. guard 3. entry 4. familiar 5. either Ⅱ.答案: 1~5. DBABB Ⅲ.答案: 1. No wonder 2. Hurry up/Come on 3. pay attention to 4. Hang on 5. looking forward to Ⅳ. 答案: 1. Don’t talk 2. kind of/a little 3. won’t; until 4. on your own 5. have got[来源:www.shulihua.net] Ⅴ.答案: 1~4. ABCB

