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九年级英语总复习 unit1 Exercise1 unit2 Exercise1 Exercise2 Exercise2 Exercise3 Exercise3 unit3 Exercise1 unit4 Exercise1 Exercise2 Exercise1 Exercise3 Exercise1 unit5 Exercise1 unit6 Exercise1 Exercise1 Exercise1 Exercise1 Exercise1 九年级英语总复习目录 unit7 Exercise1 unit8 Exercise1 Exercise2 Exercise2 Exercise3 Exercise3 unit1-7 词汇复习 1 unit1-7 词汇复习 2 unit1-7 语法练习 unit1-7 交际用语练习 unit9 Exercise1 unit10 Exercise1 Exercise2 Exercise2 Exercise3 Exercise3 unit11 Exercise1 unit12 Exercise1 Exercise2 Exercise2 Exercise3 Exercise3 九年级英语总复习目录 unit13 Exercise1 unit14 Exercise1 Exercise2 Exercise2 Exercise3 Exercise3 新目标九期末复习词汇专练(一) 新目标九期末复习词汇专练(二) 新目标九期末复习语法专练 新目标九期末复习交际用语专练 九年级英语总复习目录 新目标九年级 unit1 练习 1 【自我归纳】 英汉互译。 1. ask sb. for help    2. What about doing sth?    3. (in) that way    4. be afraid to do sth    5. fall in love with…    6. as well    7. look up… in a dictionary    8. take notes    9. make mistakes    10. depend on    1. 向某人寻求帮助 2. 做 …… 怎么样呢? 3. 用那种方法 4. 害怕做某事 5. 爱上 …… 6. 也;另外 7. 在词典中查找 …… 8. 做笔记 9. 犯错误 10. 依靠;依赖 11. 有……共同点 12. 注意;关注 13. 把……和……联系起来 14. 向某人解释某事 15. 查明;找出 16. 单独地;独自 17. 一点一点地 18. 代替;而不是 19. 为……做准备 20. 一次又一次 11. have… in common 12. pay attention to 13. connect… with… 14. explain sth to sb 15. find out 16. on one’s own 17. bit by bit 18. instead of 19. prepare for… 20. over and over again 【学以致用】 根据句意及汉语提示,填写适当的短语完成句子。 1. Don’t       ( 害怕 ) ask if you don’t understand. 2. I       ( 爱上 ) Tibet when I first went there. 3. Please       ( 注意 ) your pronunciation. The letter “b” is silent in the word “climb”. 4. He said he       the scene       ( 把 …… 和 …… 联系起来 ) a beautiful song. 5. In his spare time, Jack reads in the library        ( 而不是 ) going to the movies. 【学以致用】 1. be afraid to 2. fell in love with 3. pay attention to 4. connected; with 5. instead of 新目标九年级 unit1 练习 2 1新目标九Unit1同步练习Ⅰ Ⅰ. 根据所给的汉语意思,用合适的单词填空。 1. It’s a good idea to take some      (笔记) while listening to teachers in class. 2. Would you please      (重复) the number? I can hardly follow you. 3. Reading      ( 大声地 ) is very important in learning English. 4. These      ( 句子 ) are too long for me to understand. 5. One of my favorite subjects at school is      ( 化学 ). 6. Ladies in Western countries like to keep their ages a      ( 秘密 ). 7. I learn English by reading      ( 教科书 ). 8. I am weak in English      ( 语法 ). 9. Did you have a      ( 谈话 ) with him? 10. His English      ( 发音 ) is not good, but it is improving. Answers:1. notes 2. repeat 3. aloud 4. sentences 5. chemistry 6. secret 7. textbooks 8. grammar 9. conversation 10. pronunciation Ⅱ. 单项选择 ( ) 1. —I think Paul is far from a(n)      student. —I agree. He dislikes waiting and gets angry easily sometimes. A. patient B. outgoing C. generous D. shy ( ) 2. —Do you know who      America, Andy? —Sorry, I have no idea. A. invented B. created C. discovered D. noted A C ( ) 3. —Do you often learn English      listening to VOA? —Yes. And I also have conversations with friends      English. A. for; in B. for; by C. by; by D. by; in ( ) 4. Books are our good friends because the more we read,      our future will be. A. better B. the better C. best D. the best ( ) 5. —      do you listen to tapes? —Almost every day. Sometimes I even listen to them at breakfast. A. How long B. How much C. How many D. How often D B D Ⅲ. 根据所给的汉语意思,完成下面的句子。每空一词。 1. 我昨天花了20分钟在字典里查这些生词。 I spent twenty minutes           these new words in a dictionary yesterday. 2. 我第一次看《舌尖上的中国》就喜欢上了它。 I                     A Bite of China when I watched it for the first time. 3. 有时我害怕一个人呆在家里。 Sometimes I                stay at home alone. 1. looking up 2. fell in love with 3. am afraid to 4. 为了能更快、更好地理解主要内容,你最好不要逐词阅读这篇文章。 You’d better not read the article ____ ______ ______    so that you can understand the main idea faster and better. 5. 当你与人谈话的时候,有时候可以通过观察他们的面部表情理解意思。 When you talk with others, you can sometimes understand the meanings                     on their faces. 4. word by word 5. by watching the expressions 新目标九年级 unit1 练习 3 1. We didn’t          the answer until the end of the novel. 2. Taiyuan and Zhengzhou          a lot          . For example, they are both big cities with a long history. 3. My father has          reading English newspapers for a long time. 4. By          , you can make it easier for you to review what you have learned. 5. If teachers play some games in class, few students will          . 6. Our English teacher often spends much time      difficult points   us. 7. Before you make your decision,          how your parents will feel about it. 8. How well you learn sometimes           how you learn. 9. Do you speak any other languages,          , French or German? 10. Please          the telephone number before you forget it. depend on, have… in common, be interested in, get bored, for example think about, take notes, write down, explain…to…, find out 1. find out 2. have; in common 3. been interested in 4. taking notes 5. get bored 6. explaining; to 7. think about 8. depends on 9. for example 10. write down 1. born 2. brain 3. practices 4. aloud 5. active 6. ability 7. increase 8. partner 9. joining 10. overnight A: Wendy came first in the English competition. I think she is a (1) _________     English learner. B: Maybe she is. She doesn’t have a super ( 超级的 ) (2)      . She does well in English because she (3)      it a lot every day. Do you know she reads English (4)      for twenty minutes every morning? And she is always so (5)      when she studies. A: And I know she reads English magazines every week. She has the (6)_____ to understand very long news reports, but I can’t. And I can’t (7)      my reading speed. Sometimes I feel it hard to learn English. B: It can be easy. All you need is to spend enough time on it and learn it in right ways. A: Maybe you’re right. And I just think I need a (8)      to learn English with. B: What about (9)      an English club? It will help you a lot. A: Sounds like a good idea. Thanks, Mrs. Lee. B: You’re welcome. Remember success doesn’t come (10)      . You need to be patient and keep trying. overnight, born, practice, active, brain, ability, partner, join, increase, aloud Ⅲ. 根据所给的汉语意思,完成下列句子。 1. 整个班级都在准备考试。 The whole class is          the exams. 2. 我每次考试的时候压力都很大。 Every time I take a test, I am           . 3. 坚持不懈地练习,你会一点点地提高自己的。 Keep practicing, and you can improve yourself          . 4. 为了提高自己的听力水平,我有时候一遍一遍地听磁带。 To improve my listening, I sometimes listen to the tape          . 5. 我认为通过做语法练习可以提高我们的写作技能。 I think we can improve our writing skills          . 1. preparing for 2. stressed out 3. bit by bit 4. over and over again 5. by doing grammar exercises IV. 从方框里选择合适的句子填空,完成对话。 A: Wendy, do you know you won first prize in the writing competition? B: Did I? (1)      I made several spelling mistakes. A: No, I am serious. I saw the result on Mrs. Lin’s desk. (2) _______      B: Thanks. But I know I need to do better. A: But you’ve made great progress. (3) _______      B: Well, I just practice it by keeping diaries. A: I keep diaries, too. But it seems I am not doing much better in writing. B: (4)      The more you read, the better you’ll do in writing. A: (5) _______      B: That’s not enough. You should read other materials like newspapers and magazines. That way, you can improve your English quickly. A. Do you mean reading textbooks? B. You must be kidding me. C. Congratulations to you. D. Could you tell me how you practice writing? E. You should do some reading as well. 1-5 BCDEA 新目标九年级 unit2 练习 1 14-15新目标九Unit 2 同步练习Ⅰ 在外面吃饭 2. 增加 ( 体重 ) ;发胖 3. 与 …… 相似 4. 拒绝做某事 5. 大声叫喊 6. 摆开;布置 7. 结果 8. 穿上盛装;乔装打扮 9. 捉弄某人 eat out 2. put on          3. be similar to...          4. refuse to do sth          5. call out          6. lay out 7. as a result          8. dress up 9. play a trick on sb. 10. 关心 11. 最终成为;最后处于 12. 期盼某人做某事 13. 提醒某人某事 ; 使某人记起某事 14. 醒来 15. 需要帮助的 16. 下蛋 17. 不但 …… 而且 …… 10. care about 11. end up 12. expect sb to do sth 13. remind sb of sth 14. wake up 15. in need 16. lay eggs 17. not only… but also… 【学以致用】 根据句意及汉语提示,填写适当的短语完成句子。 1. I          ( 大声喊叫 ) his name when I couldn’t see David anywhere. 2. He          ( 摆开 ) the map on the table and found out where the city was. 3. Linda          ( 穿上盛装 ) to attend her cousin’s wedding party yesterday. 4. He is really selfish because he only _____( 关心 ) himself. 5. The man over there          ( 使我记起 ) my math teacher. They wear the same clothes. 1. called out 2. laid out 3. dressed up 4. cares about 5. reminds me of 新目标九年级 unit2 练习 2 14-15新目标九Unit2同步练习 Ⅰ. 根据所给的汉语意思,用合适的单词填空。 1. Visitors to Beijing      (赞赏) the Great Wall. 2. Would you like a piece of cake for      (甜点)? 3. Tony Parker, my favorite NBA star, is over 5.7 feet tall and weighs 180      ( 磅 ). 4. How I wish I could have a house with a large      ( 花园 )! 5. Some of my friends and      ( 亲戚 ) came to my birthday party last week. 1. admire 2. dessert 3. pounds 4. garden 5. relatives Ⅱ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Linda’s brother wears a shirt and      (tie) at work. 2. The old man      (lay) out a newspaper on the bench and sat down on it. 3. My dog usually barks when it sees a      (strange) walk past. 4. Bad luck! A thief      (steal) my wallet on the bus this morning. 5. Chinese people often show their hospitality ( 殷勤招待 ) by      (treat) their friends. 1. tie 2. laid 3. stranger 4. stole 5. treating Ⅲ. 阅读下面的对话,从方框里选择合适的句子填空。 (有两个多余选项) Paul: Andy, what’s your favorite festival? Andy: The Spring Festival. Paul: It seems that the Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. (1)__      Andy: We celebrate it in many ways. (2)____      Paul: What’s your favorite then? Andy: Setting off fireworks, of course. It is very exciting. Paul: (3)____      Andy: You’re right. So I will set off electronic fireworks. They are also beautiful. Paul: (4)____      Andy: It’s quite safe if you’re careful. You can set them off with me this year. Paul: Really? (5) ____      A. I can’t wait for it. B. How do you celebrate this festival? C. There are lots of exciting activities, such as setting off fireworks and having a big meal. D. How do you like it? E. Believe it or not. F. Well, I wonder if it is safe enough to set them off. G. But they are not good for the environment, right? 1-5 BCGFA Ⅳ. 按要求改写下列句子。 1. I had a wonderful time at the party. ( 改为感叹句 )                     I had at the party! 2. This idea sounds so amazing. ( 改为感叹句 )           this idea sounds! 3. “The parade will be the best part of the trip,” said Jim. (改为含有宾语从句的复合句) Jim said      the parade      be the best part of the trip. 4. “Are you sure of the time?” James asked me. ( 改为含有宾语从句的复合句 ) James asked me      I      sure of the time. 5. Our teacher said to us, “Light travels faster than sound.” (改为含有宾语从句的复合句) Our teacher told us                than sound. What a wonderful time 2. How amazing 3. that; would 4. if/whether; was 5. light travels faster Ⅴ. 单项选择 ( ) 1. —Why do you call these cakes mooncakes? —Can’t you see? They are in the      of the moon. A. size B. shape C. weight D. taste ( ) 2. —You should drive your car less. Otherwise, you’re likely to      more weight. —You’re right. I need some walking exercise. A. put up B. put away C. put out D. put on B D ( ) 3. —      we have! There is dragon dance in the park. —Sounds great. We can’t miss it. A. What good luck B. How good luck C. What a good luck D. How a good luck ( ) 4. —I am looking forward to watching the show. —Me, too. I believe      it will be an unforgettable experience. A. if B. whether C. that D. why ( ) 5. —Do you know if Jimmy      to the party? —I am not sure. But if he      , I will give him a big surprise. A. comes; will come B. will come; will come C. comes; comes D. will come; comes A C D 新目标九年级 unit2 练习 3 think of, care about, end up, wake up, remind... of Ⅰ. 从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。 1. Our parents are the people who       us most in the world. 2. The music made me       my happy childhood. 3. If he goes on driving cars like that, he is sure to   in hospital. 4. If you go to the photo exhibition ( 展览 ), the photos will     you     the earthquake on May 12, 2008. 5. Jenny usually      at 5 o’clock in the morning. 1. care about 2. think of 3. end up 4. remind; of 5. wakes up Ⅱ. 阅读下面的材料,从方框里选择合适的单词,并用其正确形式填空。 Christmas is one of the most important festivals in Western countries. But what does Christmas mean? Does it just mean having parties, decorating Christmas trees or exchanging (1)      ? No, not exactly. The true meaning of Christmas (2)      behind all these things. Maybe Charles Dickens’ (3)      , A Christmas Carol , can make you think more of Christmas. Charles Dickens told us a story about a mean old man called Scrooge. Scrooge cares about nothing but his (4)      and money. He treats others badly. Then one Christmas Eve, Scrooge has a dream, where he meets the ghost of Jacob Marley, one of his partners. Marley was as mean as Scrooge when he was alive. But after he died, he was (5)      for his unkindness. He tells Scrooge that three spirits will visit him soon. And then they come. One of them is the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. The spirit takes Scrooge to see what will happen to him when he is (6)      . Scrooge is sad and frightened to find that (7)      cares about his death. He is so afraid that he wakes up and finds out it is just a nightmare ( 噩梦 ). The dream (8)      Scrooge to change himself and be kind to others. He changes quickly and he celebrates Christmas happily with his relatives by giving gifts. From then on, he treats everyone with kindness and (9)      . So what does the story tell us? Yes, it tells us that we should show kindness to others by (10)      love and joy. spread, punish, business, nobody, lie, warm, dead, warn, novel, present 1. presents2. lies 3. novel 4. business 5. punished 6. dead 7. nobody 8. warns 9. warmth 10. spreading Ⅲ . 根据所给的汉语意思,完成下列句子。 1. 他说的不多,但是我们应该体会他的言外之意。 He didn’t talk much, but we should              . 2. 一只老虎一次生两到三只小老虎。 A mother tiger              two or three baby tigers at a time. 3. 为了鼓励更多人参与我们的活动,我们去街上分发传单了。 In order to encourage more people to take part in our activity, we     leaflets( 传单 ) on the street. 4. 通过互换礼物,我们不仅分享爱,而且传递快乐。 By exchanging gifts,      do we share love,   pass on happiness. 5. 我已经许诺再也不如此冷漠地对待他们了。 I have promised              so coldly. 1. read between the lines 2. gives birth to 3. gave out 4. not only; but also 5. not to treat them IV. 阅读下面的对话,根据所给的首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。 A: Paul, I hear you have two important festivals to (1)c      in fall, right? B: Yes. One is Thanksgiving and the (2)o      is Halloween. They are both (3)p      festivals. A: Which do you like better? B: It’s hard to say. But I think many children may like Halloween better because they can play games like “(4)t      or treat”. A: (5)S      interesting. How do you play it? B: We dress up by (6)w      special clothes and masks ( 面具 ). And then we knock on our (7)n      doors. A: And you (8)a      for treats? B: Yes. Usually our neighbors are kind enough to give us some (9)c      as a treat. A: Are they scared? B: Maybe, but all of us are happy. A: What a (10)f      festival it is! 1. celebrate 2. other 3. popular 4. trick 5. Sounds 6. wearing 7. neighbors’ 8. ask 9. candies 10. fun 新目标九年级 unit3 练习 1 14-15新目标九Unit 3 同步练习 1 沿着 …… 走 2. 在某人的右边 / 左边 3. 向右 / 左拐 4. 做某事很兴奋 5. 需要做某事 6. 快点;加油 7. 直到 …… 才 …… 8. 建议做某事 9. 在某人去 …… 的路上 10. 路过 1. go along… 2. on one’s right/left          3. turn right/left          4. be excited to do sth          5. need to do sth          6. come on          7. not…until          8. suggest doing sth 9. on one’s way to…          10. pass by 走近某人 询问关于 …… 例如 引入到 停车场 期盼 按时;准时 急匆匆地,急忙 11. walk up to sb 12. ask about… 13. such as 14. lead in to 15. parking lot 16. look forward to 17. on time 18. in a rush 【学以致用】 根据句意及汉语提示,填写适当的短语完成句子。 1. You will see a tall building          ( 在你的右边 ). You can’t miss it. 2. I happened to          ( 路过 ) the Grand Theater and saw the poster of her concert this afternoon. 3. She          ( 走近 ) the desk and asked to see the manager. 4. I’m          ( 期盼 ) seeing you again. 5. I had to finish my homework         ( 急忙 ) because I was late. 1. on your right 2. pass by 3. walked up to 4. looking forward to 5. in a rush 新目标九年级 unit3 练习 2 14-15新目标九Unit3同步练习 2 Ⅰ. 根据所给的首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。 1. Can you buy me a s      when you walk past the post office? 2. Both Shanghai and Nanjing are big cities in the e__of China. 3. The cinema is b      the park, just on its right. 4. I’m sorry, but I must go now—I’m in a r      . 5. CCTV is short for China C      Television. 1. stamp 2. east 3. beside 4. rush 5. Central Ⅱ. 根据所给的汉语提示,用合适的单词填空。 1. My parents      (建议) that I join the Drawing Club. 2. The wine is made from the best      (葡萄). 3. On the      ( 明信片 ), there is a photo of the Eiffel Tower. It must be from France. 4. With the help of WIFI, people can send      ( 邮件 ) on their smart phones. 5. — Andy is in the      ( 浴室 ) now. Would you please call later? — All right. 1 . suggest/advise 2. grapes 3. postcard 4. mails 5. bathroom Ⅲ. 单项选择 ( ) 1. — What did you say just now? — I asked her      . A. where is the hotel B. where the hotel is C. where was the hotel D. where the hotel was ( ) 2. — I am worried about the coming speech. I don’t even know      . — What about singing a song? A. how I can start with B. what I can start with C. how should I start with D. what should I start with D B ( ) 3. — Is the ride really exciting? — Yes. You will know      if you take it. A. how exciting it is B. how exciting is it C. what exciting it is D. what exciting is it ( ) 4. — Would you please tell me      ? — Of course. It is two stops away. A. how many stops there are B. how many stops are there C. how far is the zoo D. how far the zoo is ( ) 5. —      , Mr Lee. But you’re wanted on the call. — Thanks. Is it my uncle? A. I am sorry B. Never mind C. Pardon me D. Attention, please A D C Ⅳ. 根据所给的汉语意思,完成下面的句子。 1. 你能猜出我路过报刊亭时遇到了谁吗? Can you guess who I met when I          the newspaper stand? 2. 沿着这条路一直走到你看见一幢白楼。              you see a white building. 3. 我建议给他写一封信。 I suggest              . Go along the road until writing a letter to him passed by 4. 你能不能告诉我演出什么时候开始呢? Could you please tell me           ? 5. 听到我们学校获得演讲比赛冠军的消息,所有的学生都很激动。 All the students were very   the news that our school won the speech contest. when the show starts excited to hear 新目标九年级 unit3 练习 3 14-15新目标九Unit3同步练习 3 Ⅰ. 从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。 1. People in the west don’t like to      ladies’ ages. 2. I am interested in many Hollywood animations ( 卡通影片 ),    Up and Frozen . 3. It’s a pity that we will not go to Fun Times Park. We have been     the visit for weeks. 4. There is not a      near the cinema, so we’d better take a bus instead of driving there. 5. By      to a request with a question, you can make others feel more comfortable. such as, ask about, lead in, parking lot, look forward to 1. ask about 2. such as 3. looking forward to 4. parking lot 5. leading in Ⅱ. 阅读下面的对话,从方框里选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空。 A: This is the first time that I have had the (1)      “Master Spoken English in 15 Days”. Do you know who the teacher is? B: Yes, it’s Mrs Green. And she is a good (2)      as well. A: Can you tell me the way to the training center? B: Sorry, I have no idea. You know I don’t have a good sense ( 感觉 ) of (3)      . A: Let’s read the map. Look! It is right on the (4)      of New Century Road. B: Yes. It says the exact ( 确切的 ) (5)      is 2 New Century Road. A: It is a long way from here. Can we go there by (6)      ? B: Yes. The map says we get off at New Century Road. We needn’t walk much. It’s very (7)      . A: But where is the station? (8)      can we get some help from? B: Look! There is a policeman over there. Shall I go to ask him about the way? A: Good idea. But please ask him in a (9)      way. B: Of course. I will start my question with “Excuse me”. It will make my question (10)      direct, right? direct, corner, polite, speak , address , little, whom, underground , course, convenient course 2. speaker 3. direction4. corner 5. address 6.underground 7. convenient 8. Whom 9. polite 10. less Ⅲ. 根据所给的汉语意思,完成下列句子。 1. 我想知道你昨晚为什么没早点睡。 . I wonder           last night. 2. 在中国,我们第一次见到某个人的时候,通常是通过握手互致问候的。 In China, when we meet someone          , we usually greet each other by shaking hands. 3. 在西方,问女士的体重是不礼貌的。 In the west,          a lady’s weight. 1. why you didn’t go to bed earlier 2. for the first time 3. it’s not polite/impolite to ask about 4. 打扰一下,您可以告诉我最近的洗手间在哪儿吗? Excuse me, could you tell me           ? 5. 我不太确定那个餐馆是否提供中式快餐。 I am not sure            Chinese fast food. 4. where the nearest restroom is 5. whether/if that restaurant serves IV . 从方框里选择合适的句子填空完成对话。(有两项多余) A: Daddy, how far are we from the theater? B: Let me see. ( 1 )   A: It will kill me, daddy. B: No, it won’t. It’s a challenge ( 挑战 ). ( 2 )      A: But daddy, I am tired. Is there a bus here? B: ( 3 )But it will take more time. A: Oh, my God. ( 4 ) B: Do you want to? A taxi will certainly take us there quickly. But walking isn’t bad. It is a good chance to challenge yourself. A: ( 5 ) Will we be late for it? B: Don’t worry about being late. We have plenty of time. Let’s go! A. Do you know when the play starts? B. I wonder why we don’t take a taxi. C. Of course, there is one. D. We have to walk twenty more minutes. E. And I am sure you can prove yourself a real young man. F. Do we really have to run? G. No, there isn’t. 1-5 DECBA 新目标九年级 unit4 练习 1 过去常常做某事 2. 有时;偶尔 3. 开始(工作、产生兴趣等) 4. 处理;应付 5. 敢做某事 6. 不再 …… 7. 一直 8. 无数的 9. 担心 10. 对 …… 小心 11. 闲逛 12. 为某事做好准备 英汉互译 1. used to do sth          2. from time to time          3. take up          4. deal with 5. dare to do sth          6. no longer/not… anymore 7. all the time          8. tons of…          9. worry about          10. be careful about…          11. hang out          12. be prepared to do sth 13. 放弃 14. 考虑做某事 15. 继续战斗 16. 许多 17. 在别人面前 18. 以……而自豪 19. 缺席 20. 做决定 21. 建议某人做某事 22. 亲自 23. 让某人惊讶的 24. 照顾 13. give up 14. think about doing sth 15. fight on 16. a number of 17. in public 18. be proud of… /take pride in… 19. be absent from 20. make a decision 21. advise sb to do sth 22. in person 23. to one’s surprise 24. take care of 根据句意及汉语提示,填写适当的短语完成句子。 1.          (让我惊讶的是), his plan succeeded in the end. 2. Since you weren’t at the meeting, we     (做决定) without you. 3. Mom          (对……感到自豪) my younger brother because he always gets good grades. 4. I wonder why my father doesn’t      (放弃) smoking. 5. If you continue to          (闲逛) with that group of bad boys, you’ll fail in your exams. 1. To my surprise 2. made a decision 3. is proud of/takes pride in 4. give up 5. hang out 新目标九年级 unit4 练习 2 M: Look at this photo. Can you guess who the girl is? W: This is Judy, right? I didn’t know she (1)u      to have long, straight hair. M: Bingo! This is Judy. But she has changed greatly since she returned from Egypt ( 埃及 ), an (2)A      country. She worked there as a volunteer teacher for 2 months. W: Yes. Now she has (3)s      hair. And she speaks English better than before. M: There have been more changes than that. You know, Judy was a shy and (4)s__girl with few words in the past. But now, she is good at giving powerful (5)s      in public. W: You’ve got the point. She didn’t (6)d      to speak to strangers in the past. But now she is active and talkative ( 健谈的 ). And she is also good at telling jokes. She’s become the most (7)h      girl! M: I agree. But there are things that haven’t changed. She is always a (8)h___girl. She never refuses to help others. W: That’s true. And she is always a top student who often gets good (9)s      in exams. M: Yes. She is (10)s      a girl called Judy, but a better Judy. Ⅰ. 阅读下面的对话,根据所给的首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。 used 2. African 3. short 4. silent 5. speeches 6. dare 7. humorous 8. helpful 9. scores 10. still Ⅱ. 单项选择 ( ) 1. — Your mother plays tennis very often, doesn’t she? — Well, she doesn’t like it now. But she      . A. wanted to B. would like to C. used to D. hoped to ( ) 2. — I am like a cat on hot bricks. There are so many problems that I don’t know      to deal with them. — Calm down first. Let’s see what I can do for you. A. what B. why C. who D. how ( ) 3. — It’s not safe for a girl like you to      so late. — Thanks, but I am waiting for my father to pick me up here. A. hang out B. stay up C. fall asleep D. get up C D A ( ) 4. — Only a small number of students ____able to pass the exam. — Yes. The number      no more than 20. A. is; is B. are; is C. is; are D. are; are ( ) 5. — Andy says his team will win the cup in the final. — I am sure they will      . They are second to none, you know. A. pass it B. keep it C. catch it D. make it B D Ⅲ. 根据所给的汉语意思,完成下面的句子,每空一词。 1. 朱迪不再是一个害羞的女孩了。 Judy is      a shy girl      . 2. 曹老师以前是不是教过历史?他历史知识真丰富。      Mr. Cao           teach history? He has so much knowledge of history. 3. 我开始从事培训志愿者工作已经一年了。 It has been a year since I         training volunteers. 1. not; anymore 2. Did; use to 3. took up 4. 当志愿者让我的私人时间变少了,但是我的时间花在更有意义的事情上了。 Being a volunteer makes me_____ _______ _______time, but my time was spent on something more meaningful. 5. 面对这么多困难,我们决定继续奋斗,而不是放弃。 Facing so many difficulties, we’ve decided to ____ ______           instead of _____ ______. 4. have less private 5. fight on; giving up 新目标九年级 unit4 练习 3 Ⅰ. 从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。 be proud of, be absent from, all the time, in person, take care of 1. I am tired of working with numbers      , so I give up my job as an accountant ( 会计 ). 2. The kind lady spends a lot of free time ______ homeless cats and dogs. 3. I will not send the package by express ( 快递 ). I’ve decided to take it to Tom      . 4. Both Jim and his cousin       the party yesterday. What a pity! 5. Every one of the club      being a member of the great team. 1. all the time 2. taking care of 3. in person 4. were absent from 5. is proud of Ⅱ. 根据所给的汉语意思,用合适的单词填空。 1. An      (蚂蚁) can lift something much heavier than its own weight. 2. Jim’s parents will be angry with him if Jim ____ (失败) to pass the test. 3. The old man smiled happily when his      (孙子) smiled at him. 4. I sometimes get nervous easily after an      (考试). 5. The heavy smog could have a great      (影响) on people’s health. 1. ant 2. fails 3. grandson 4. examination 5. influence Ⅲ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Without hard work, it would be impossible for you ____(get) good grades in exams. 2. The hotel is      (exact) what we want. It’s a perfect one for us to stay in. 3. My parents are thinking of sending me to a __(boarding) school. 4. It’s high time that we made a      (decide). There is no need to discuss it anymore. 5. Young babies are      (interest) in hearing their mothers’ voices. to get 2. exactly 3. boarding 4. decision 5. interested Ⅳ. 按要求完成句子。 1. My parents often took a walk after supper in the past. (改写同义句) My parents                a walk after supper. 2. Parents never stop thinking of their children. (改写同义句) Parents                their children. 3. My uncle used to work in Sichuan. ( 改写成否定句 ) My uncle                work in Sichuan. 1. used to take 2. keep thinking of 3. didn’t use to 4. 我以前经常开车上班,但是现在我骑车。(完成译句) I                to work, but now I ride my bike. 5. 你有必要在演讲之前做一个话题总介绍。(完成译句) It’s necessary for you to                     of your topic before your speech. 4. used to drive 5. give a general introduction Ⅴ . 从方框里选择合适的句子填空,完成对话。(有两项多余) M: Wendy, I had a quarrel ( 吵架 ) with James this morning. I am afraid we won’t be friends anymore. W: Why? (1)      It’s not a good idea to break up with a good friend. M: I am afraid it is impossible for us to make up. W: I just can’t understand. (2) ______ M: It’s about the exam. (3)      But instead of encouraging me, he made fun of me. W: Maybe he just wanted to make you feel better. M: I don’t think so. (4)      But now he has changed. W: You’re wrong. He is always friendly and helpful. M: (5)      I will not treat him as my friend anymore. W: That’s a terrible decision. Just take it easy and things aren’t bad. A. What bad luck I had! B. What happened between you and him? C. A friend is easier lost than found. D. He used to help me when I was in trouble. E. I did very badly in it and got a poor grade. F. He used to be a mean boy. G. But he wasn’t helpful at all this time. 1-5 CBEDG 新目标九年级 unit5 练习 1 1. 由 …… 制成 2. 在(某地 / 某时)制成或生产 3. 环境保护 4. 因为 …… 而出名 5. 据我所知 6. 用手(做);靠人工 7. 搜寻;寻找 8. 无论 9. 避免做某事 英汉互译 1. be made of/from 2. be made in 3. environmental protection 4. be famous/known for… 5. as far as I know 6. by hand 7. search for 8. no matter 9. avoid doing sth 10. 去度假 11. 不同种类的 12. 例如 13. 把……变成…… 14. 根据 15. 发出;放出 16. 处于困境中;有麻 烦 17. 被……覆盖 18. 高温 19. 被用来做某事 20. 在午夜 10. go on a vacation 11. different kinds of 12. such as 13. turn… into… 14. according to 15. send out 16. in trouble 17. be covered with 18. at a very high heat 19. be used for doing sth 20. at midnight 根据句意及汉语提示,填写适当的短语完成句子。 1. The watch that he is wearing        (在……生产) Switzerland. 2. It’s said that the Great Wall was built     (用手). 3. Where will you        ( 去度假 ) this summer? 4.       ( 根据 ) John, you were in Beijing last week. 5. The mountain tops        ( 被覆盖 ) snow all year round. was made in 2. by hand 3. go on a vacation 4. According to 5. are covered with 新目标九年级 unit5 练习 2 Ⅰ. 根据所给的汉语提示,用合适的单词填空。 1. Lucy looks like an angel in her new white      ( 短上衣 ). 2. The T-shirt is made of      ( 棉 ). 3. The big bus can be used as a      ( 可移动的 ) house. 4. The babies like to play on the      ( 草地 ) behind the house. 5.      ( 法国 ) is about five times as large as Jiangsu Province in area. blouse 2. cotton 3. mobile 4. grass 5. France Ⅱ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The GPS map in my phone can help me avoid ___(lose) my way. 2. Apple is good at making high-tech ___(produce), such as iPhones and iPads. 3. After tea leaves are picked, they are sent to the factory for   ___ (process). 4. The yard looks beautiful with      (leaf) covering the ground. 5. It is      (wide) known that Australia produces the best wool. losing 2. products 3. processing 4. leaves 5. widely Ⅲ. 从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空完成对话。 A: Has the equipment ( 仪器 ) we ordered from Siemens arrived yet? B: Not yet. The (1)      came this morning but he didn’t bring any mail. A: Do you think we need to go to the (2)      post office for a query ( 查询 )? B: Maybe you’re right. The boss is (3)      for it anxiously ( 着急地 ). By the way, do you know how long it takes a mail to get to China from (4)      ? A: It depends. What’s the equipment made of? (5)      ? B: Yes. It is heavy. A: Maybe we need to wait for a few more days. 1. postman 2. local 3. waiting 4. Germany 5. Steel postman, steel, local, German, wait Ⅳ. 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。 A: Your new handbag looks so nice. And it (1)    (feel) nice, too. B: Yes. It (2)      (buy) in Hong Kong last month. A: It (3)      (cost) much, right? B: Yes. Look at the trademark ( 商标 ). It says it (4) __ (make) in Italy. It’s a famous brand. A: Yeah. I have read a report about the brand. But do you know where its leather ( 皮革 ) (5)      (produce)? feels 2. was bought 3. costs/cost 4. is made 5. was produced B: I have no idea. A: In China. Much leather in China (6) ___ (send) to Europe every year. And it is made into bags and shoes there. Then, many of these bags and shoes (7) ___ (sell) back to China. B: And the prices (8)      (raise) a lot? A: Of course. Usually, they (9)      (pay) for by the Chinese at a much higher price. This is how most famous luxury ( 奢侈品 ) companies (10) ___ (make) money. B: It seemed I was taught a lesson by you just now. I will think twice before I buy anything made in foreign countries. 6. is sent 7. are sold 8. are raised 9. are paid 10. make Ⅴ. 根据所给的汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1. 这些西服都是手工制作的。 These suits are all                . 2. 网络在我们日常生活中越来越重要了。 The Internet is becoming more and more important                     . 3. 据我所知,西门子在19世纪40年代就创立了。                I know, Siemens was set up in the 1840s. 1. made by hand 2. in our everyday life 3. As far as 4. 无论发生什么,我都会跟你站在一起。                happens, I will be on your side. 5. 奶酪是由牛奶制成的,所以对身体有好处。 Cheese                milk, so it is good for health. 4. No matter what 5. is made from 新目标九年级 unit5 练习 3 Ⅰ. 从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。 be famous for, turn into, such as, send out, be covered with 1. It costs nothing to          messages to your friends on QQ or WeChat. 2. Weifang, a city in Shangdong Province, has        making kites since over 2,000 years ago. 3. The land behind our school        a square by the government last year. 4. The room has been empty for long, so the table       thick dust ( 灰尘 ). 5. Clay can be made into many lovely things,       animals and kids. 1. send out 2. been famous for 3. was turned into 4. is covered with 5. such as Ⅱ. 根据课文内容,填写合适的单词完成句子,每空一词。 1. Chinese traditional art is amazing. It has many special      . And they can turn common things into objects of      . 2. Sky lanterns are used at festivals and other      . People see them as      of happiness and good wishes. 3. Paper cutting has a history of over 15      . People fold paper and then cut them into beautiful shapes with      . They symbolize ( 象征 )      for good luck and happiness. 4. Chinese clay art is also famous. The clay pieces look small but      . The process is complex ( 复杂的 ). People shape the pieces, dry them and fire them at a high      . Finally, they polish them and paint them. It takes several weeks to ___ everything. 1. forms; beauty 2. celebrations; symbols 3. centuries; scissors; wishes 4. real; heat; complete Ⅲ. 单项选择 ( ) 1. — How often      the Youth Olympic Games      ? — Every four years, like the Summer Olympic Games. A. does; hold B. is; held C. has; held D. is; holding ( ) 2. — Do you know anything about Chinese knots ( 中国结 )? — Yes. They are usually seen      symbols of good luck. A. for B. by C. with D. as ( ) 3. — How      the cartoon animals look! — Thank you. This is my art assignment ( 作业 ). A. lively B. happily C. nicely D. beautifully B D A ( ) 4. —      paper cutting used during the Spring Festival? — People usually put them on doors or windows. A. Why did B. Why is C. How is D. How did ( ) 5. —      Chinese clay art, you should choose a very special kind of clay first. — Yes. This kind of clay is easy to shape. A. Making B. Make C. To making D. To make C D Ⅳ . 根据所给的汉语意思,完成句子。 1. 中国人通常把红色用作喜庆的颜色。 Red      as a color of happiness. 2. 巴西世界杯的所有比赛都在电视上播放了。 All the matches in the Brazil World Cup      . 3. 杭州因为它的美丽风光而闻名。 Hangzhou      its beautiful sights. 1. is usually used by the Chinese 2. were shown on TV 3. is known/famous for 4. 这双手套是羊毛做的。           wool. 5. 尽管这洗衣机是10年前生产的,但是它现在运行还非常好。 The washing machine works very well now,       . 4. This pair of gloves is made of 5. even though it was made ten years ago Ⅴ . 从方框里选择合适的句子填空,完成对话。 M: Mom, look at the kite. How high it is flying! W: (1)      We can buy one over there. M: I don’t want to buy one. (2)      Don’t you think DIY is a good idea? W: You’re right. But we need some materials. (3)_________ M: Paper and sticks ( 棍子 ). Making a kite is a piece of cake. W: And how is it made? (4)______ M: Don’t worry. I can search for it on the Internet. I am always good at learning, right? W: I think so. I will prepare some paper and sticks for you. (5)______ M: Thank you, Mom. I’ll try my best. A. It’s easier said than done. B. I am sure you’ll make it. C. Would you like to fly one? D. Do you know what a kite is made of? E. What about making one myself? 1-5 CEDAB 新目标九年级 unit6 练习 1 被用来… 2. 有道理 3. 偶然地 4. 据说/人们相信 5. 掉入 6. 沏茶 7. 直到……才…… 8. 不到;少于 9. 发生 10. 毫无疑问;的确 11. 建议某人做某事 be used for… 2. have a point          3. by accident          4. It’s said/believed that          5. fall into          6. make tea 7. not… until…          8. less than 9. take place          10. without doubt          11. advise sb to do sth          短语检测 12. 把 …… 翻译成 …… 13. 突然;猛地 14. 从事;忙于 15. 错误地 16. 把 …… 分成 …… 17. 阻止 …… 做某事 18. 梦想做某事 19. 不但 …… 而且 …… 20. …… 的数量 21. 钦佩;仰慕 22. 实现某人的梦想 23. 想出(意见、想法等) 24. 导致 12. translate… into… 13. all of a sudden 14. work on 15. by mistake 16. divide… into… 17. stop… from doing sth 18. dream of doing sth 19. not only… but also… 20. the number of… 21. look up to 22. achieve one’s dream 23. come up with 24. lead to 根据句意及汉语提示,填写适当的短语完成句子。 1. The Popsicle ( 冰棒 ) was invented      ( 偶然地 ) by an American kid. 2.          ( 突然 ), John became interested in art. 3. Let’s      ourselves      ( 分成 ) several groups. 4. He was          ( 毫无疑问 ) one of the most famous inventors of the 19th century. 5. Staying up every day can          ( 导致 ) bad health. by accident 2. All of a sudden 3. divide; into 4. without doubt 5. lead to 新目标九年级 unit6 练习 2 Ⅰ. 根据所给的汉语提示,用合适的单词填空。 1. I like the       ( 款式 ) of the dress, but its color is too dark. 2. Cui Jian is thought to be a music       ( 先锋 ) in China. 3. The first       ( 冰箱 ) in the world appeared in Europe in 1922. 4. The official       ( 网站 ) of our company has been in service for 15 years. 5.       ( 工程 ) Hope has helped thousands of poor children in China in the past 25 years. 1. style 2. pioneer 3. fridge 4. website 5. Project Ⅱ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. I go jogging for twenty minutes as my      (day) exercise. 2. The white building was once used as a home for the      (rule) of the area. 3. It is really my      (please) to have a chance to work with you. 4. Easter is not a      (nation) holiday in China or Japan. 5. Jenny’s very      (music) and loves to sing. daily 2. ruler(s) 3. pleasure 4. national 5. musical without doubt, by accident, all of a sudden, take place, fall into Ⅲ. 从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其正确形式填空。 A: Do you know what happened to James yesterday? B: He hurt his leg (1)          on his way to school. A: Bad news! How did it happen? B: Well, he was walking along the road when he suddenly (2)    a manhole ( 下水道出入口 ). A: He was so careless. Did you see it happen? B: Yes, I was following him. But it happened (3)        and I had no time to pull him out. A: So did James hurt himself badly? B: Yes. His left leg was badly hurt (4)           . He couldn’t stand up. A: Sorry to hear that. I hope such accidents won’t (5)       on roads anymore. B: So do I. by accident fell into all of a sudden without doubt take place Ⅳ. 按要求改写下列句子。 1. The first Starbucks in Beijing was opened in 1999 . ( 对划线部分提问 )           the first Starbucks in Beijing      ? 2. The fish was cooked by my mother . ( 对划线部分提问 )                the fish cooked? 3. The wood is used for making paper . ( 对划线部分提问 )           the wood           ? When was; opened 2. By whom was 3. What is; used for 4. My parents told me to stay at home alone. (改成含被动语态的句子) I                stay at home alone by my parents. 5. Liang Shiqiu translated many of Shakespeare’s plays into Chinese. ( 改成含被动语态的句子 ) Many of Shakespeare’s plays             Chinese by Liang Shiqiu. 4. was told to 5. were translated into 新目标九年级 unit6 练习 3 Ⅰ. 从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。 by mistake, divide… into, dream of, look up to, achieve one’s dream 1. NBA stars like Kobe Bryant and LeBron James       by millions of people around the world. 2. I have     playing for the school football team for years. 3. Nothing but hard work can help you         . 4. I deleted ( 删除 ) some important e-mails      yesterday. 5. The students        four groups before the games started. The group who got the most points would be the winner. are looked up to 2. dreamed of 3. achieve your dream 4. by mistake 5. were divided into Ⅱ. 从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其正确形式填空,每词限用一次。 sell, smell, remain, mention, lock, produce, drink, believe, use, call 1. More than 10 million cars      in Shanghai Volkswagen in 2013. 2. How nice the cake      ! I can’t wait to eat it. 3. Coffee was first      by people in the 11th century. 4. When to start the project wasn’t      in Mr Lee’s speech. 5. The winner of the contest still      secret. 6. It      that cars were invented by some Americans. 7. The door      by Jim yesterday. You should ask him for the key. 8. Cha Jing is a book about tea written by a Chinese writer    Lu Yu. 9. Shoes made in China      all over the world. 10. Smart phones      widely in our daily life. They have changed people’s life greatly. were produced 2. smells 3. drunk 4. mentioned 5. remains 6. is believed 7. was locked 8. called 9. are sold 10. are used Ⅲ. 根据所给的汉语意思,完成下面的句子,每空一词。 1. 不但年轻人喜欢足球,而且老年人也很喜欢足球。 Football is liked by           the young           the elderly. 2. 人们为了取乐和锻炼而喜欢这项运动。 People enjoy the game for                . 3. 顾客认为这种饮料太酸了。 The drink is thought to be                     . 4. 过去几年,女足球迷的数量增加了很多。 In the past years, the number of women football fans           a lot. 5. 教练告诉我们要阻止对方球队自如地传球。 We           by our coach           the competing team      _______ passing the ball so freely. 1. not only; but also 2. fun and exercise 3. too sour by customers 4. has increased 5. were told; to stop; from Ⅳ. 根据对话内容,从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话。(有两项多余) M: Do you know who the compass ( 指南针 ) was invented by? W: Of course. (1)      It’s one of the four great inventions of ancient China. They have changed the world greatly. M: (2)      And when was it first invented? W: (3)      But I know there were records of the South-pointing Fish ( 指南鱼 ) in the Song Dynasty. M: Exactly. People in the 10th century began to use the South-pointing Fish. W: (4) _________ M: It was simple. When the fish was put into the water, its head would point to the south. W: It wasn’t the first recorded compass, was it? M: (5)      In the Warring States Period ( 战国时期 ), Sinan ( 司南 ) was widely used by people. W: So the history of the compass goes back to over 2,000 years ago? M: That’s true. A. No, of course not. B. How was Sinan invented then? C. How did it work? D. The South-pointing Fish was invented by accident, right? E. I am not sure. F. It was invented by the Chinese. G. You’ve got a point. 1-5 FGECA 新目标九年级 unit7 练习 1 1. 被允许做某事 2. 驾照 3. 没门 4. 担心 5. 十六岁的孩子们 6. 让某人做某事 7. 对……感到兴奋 8. 在某人的身边 9. 确保;务必 10. 举起 11. 顶嘴 1. be allowed to do sth 2. driver’s license 3. no way 4. be worried about 5. sixteen-year-olds 6. have/get sth done 7. be excited about... 8. by one’s side 9. make sure 10. lift up 11. talk back 12. 后悔做过某事 13. 自己做决定 14. 远离…… 15. 搬出去住 16. 年轻人 17. 继续做某事 18. 考试不及格 19. 对某人要求严格 20. 挡道;妨碍 21. 对……认真 22. 在……上花费时间 23. 有机会做某事 12. regret doing sth 13. make one’s own decision 14. keep… away from 15. move out 16. the young 17. continue to do/doing sth 18. fail the test 19. be strict with sb 20. get in the way of 21. be serious about… 22. spend time on… 23. have a chance to do sth 根据句意及汉语提示,填写适当的短语完成句子。 1. It is wrong to          (顶嘴) to your parents. 2. We should          (远离) David. 3. Don’t          (对某人要求严格) him. After all, he is a six-year-old boy. 4. My son likes playing basketball very much and he     (对……认真) it. 5. I am often          (担心) my parents’ health. talk back 2. keep away from 3. be strict with 4. is serious about 5. worried about 新目标九年级 unit7 练习 2 Ⅰ. 根据所给的汉语或者首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。 1. Somebody was       (哭) loudly in the classroom when I walked past. 2. A great number of people like Du Fu’s       (诗). 3. It’s impossible for you to get a driver’s l       if you don’t pass the test. 4. The job was hard, but we m       to finish it on time. 5. In our       (社区), there is a Helping Hand Club. Volunteers in the club do lots of things for others. 1. crying 2. poems 3. license 4. managed 5. community Ⅱ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. I’m worried about the       (safe) of the product. 2. When I realized my mistake, I       (regret) not taking my mother’s advice. 3. Teens should be       (educate) to be polite to the elderly. 4.       (smoke) is not allowed in this area. 5. It’s hard for me to make a       (decide) right now. safety 2. regretted 3. educated 4. Smoking 5. decision be strict with, talk back, move out, make sure, stay out Ⅲ. 从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。 A: You are not quite yourself today. What’s up? B: Well, I (1)       to my parents when they asked me to stop playing games on the iPad. A: Did they get angry? B: I don’t know. I just think why they (2)       me all the time. A: That’s because they want to (3)        you are doing your best to be a good boy. B: They want me to be perfect. But nobody can be perfect, right? I think they are too hard on me. For example, I am not allowed (4)       in the evening. A: They want you to keep safe. B: But I am old enough to look after myself. Sometimes I can’t stand ( 忍受 ) their endless chatter ( 唠叨 ) and I even want to (5)       . A: I hope you don’t mean it. They chatter because they care about you a lot. talked back 2. are strict with 3. make sure 4. to stay out 5. move out Ⅳ. 按要求改写下列句子。 1. Teachers should encourage students to speak out their own thoughts. ( 改成含被动语态的句子 ) Students      _________ ________ __________ speak out their thoughts by teachers. 2. Parents must stop children from playing computer games too much. ( 改成含被动语态的句子 ) Children ______ _______ ________ _________ playing computer games too much by parents. 1. should be encouraged to 2. must be stopped from 3. Shops can’t sell cigarettes to teenagers. (改成含被动语态的句子) Cigarettes                   to teenagers by shops. 4. Students should be taught how to manage their own lives by their parents . ( 对划线部分提问 )              students           how to manage their own lives? 5. think, allowed, young, children, do, should, you, watch, movies, to, be, scary (?) ( 连词成句 )                  3. can’t be sold 4. By whom should; be taught 5. Do you think young children should be allowed to watch scary movies? 新目标九年级 unit7 练习 3 Ⅰ. 从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。 get in the way, worry about, grow up, be serious about, take care of 1. It’s great pleasure to see my child     healthily and happily day by day. 2. The boys must be told     their goal. They should think more about it. 3. The dog     by my uncle when we were on holiday. 4. Pardon me, sir. But you’ve     of my car. 5. I didn’t tell my parents about the accident because I didn’t want to make them     me. grow up 2. to be serious about 3. was taken care of 4. got in the way 5. worry about Ⅱ. 根据课文内容,填写合适的单词,完成下面的句子,每空一词。 1. Teenagers’    could get in the way of their schoolwork. It’s possible for parents to worry about their children’s    at school. 2. Liu Yu, who is an excellent runner, won’t be allowed to    much, although all his races have been    by his parents. 3. The reason why Liu Yu is told to give up his dream isn’t that his parents are      running. They think Liu Yu should think about what if this dream isn’t     . 4. Liu Yu understands that it’s important to work hard and _____ university, but he wants to do     but keep running. 5. Liu Yu and his parents       with each other. Liu’s parents don’t allow him to train at night while Liu wants to make the ______ himself. hobbies; success 2. train; supported 3. against; achieved 4. enter; nothing 5. disagree; choice / decision Ⅲ . 根据所给的汉语意思,完成下面的句子。 1. 李先生和李太太最后同意了对方的观点。 Finally Mr and Mrs Lee             . 2. 只有那时候你才有机会成为专业医生。 Only then          to be a professional doctor. 3. 你认为可以怎样改变这些规则? How do you think the rules             ? 4. 我喜欢跳舞,但是我父母不允许我想练多久就练多久。 I love dancing, but I am not allowed to practice     by my parents. 5. 这些孩子应该被建议多花时间和家人在一起。 These children should be advised           . agreed with each other 2. will you have a chance 3. can be changed 4. as much as I want 5. to spend more time with their families unit1-7 词汇复习 1 Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示,填写单词。 1. Who will be chosen as the leader is still a       ( 秘密 ). 2. To       ( 避免 ) mistakes, you should check your report before handing it in. 3. I have some problems with English       ( 语法 ). 4. If you go now, you will      ( 后悔 ) it. 5. The      ( 速度 ) of the fastest train in China is over 350 kph. 6. Jim was      ( 缺席 ) from the meeting, so we didn’t know his ideas. 7. The back of the watch is made of the best      ( 钢 ). 8. After the meal, we enjoyed some       ( 甜点 ) made by my mother. 9. Solving the problem of PM2.5 will be a long      ( 过程 ). 10. E-mails make it possible for people to mail each other without a __________ ( 邮票 ). secret 2. avoid 3. grammar 4. regret 5. speed 6. absent 7. steel 8. dessert(s) 9. process 10. stamp 11. We need a pair of      ( 剪刀 ) to cut out the pictures. 12. The company has received thousands of      ( 请求 ) for more information of the new product. 13. Mrs Smith is far from a      ( 幽默的 ) lady. She is always serious. 14. This isn’t a public park. It’s a      ( 私人的 ) one. 15. What you choose now will      ( 影响 ) your future. 16. The Spring Festival is a holiday for       ( 亲戚 ) and families to get together. 17. We should improve our products to meet the needs of our      ( 顾客 ). 18. Students in China don’t learn       ( 化学 ) until they are in Grade 9. 19. To make fewer mistakes, you should try to use shorter      ( 句子 ) in your writing. 20. The Beijing-Tianjin Railway makes traveling between the two cities much more       ( 方便的 ). 11. scissors 12. requests 13. humorous 14. private 15. influence 16. relatives 17. customers 18. chemistry 19. sentences 20. convenient Ⅱ. 从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,每词限用一次。 support, partner, wide, treat, warn, silent, smoke, trade, translate, divide 1. The children were      into four teams before they started the game. 2. Smart phones are more and more       used in our everyday life. 3. The      between the two countries has created thousands of new jobs. 4. Jim is always hard-working and honest, so he will be a good working      . 5. Children who are poor at their lessons should be ______ with more kindness. 1. divided 2. widely 3. trade 4. partner 5. treated 6. You can make a difference to these children’s life by ______ our charity ( 慈善团体 ), Sunshine For All. 7. We      him of the danger of swimming alone, but he didn’t listen to us. 8. It is not easy      some ancient Chinese poems into English. 9. No one is allowed      in this area, or he will be fined ( 罚款 ). 10. Charles Chaplin was famous for his       films, like Modern Times and The Great Dictator . support, partner, wide, treat, warn, silent, smoke, trade, translate, divide 6. supporting 7. warned 8. to translate 9. to smoke 10. silent Ⅲ . 单项选择 ( ) 1. — We all think Mrs Lin is a(n)      teacher. — That ’ s true. I never see her get angry. A. generous B. hard-working C. patient D. active ( ) 2. — How often do you play table tennis? —      . I think it is a boring game. A. Always B. Usually C. Quite often D. Seldom ( ) 3. — You should spend more time      lessons if you don ’ t want to fail. — Thanks. I am hitting books these days. A. reviewing B. teaching C. offering D. providing ( ) 4. — Which of the following books is a novel? —      is. C D A D ( ) 5. — Mr Lee can always make his lessons      . — You’re right. And he makes difficult points easy to understand. A. alive B. living C. live D. lively ( ) 6. — Lucy sold her earrings, even though it was      her own wishes. She needed some money to buy her mother a gift. — It’s so kind      her. A. against; of B. above; of C. against; for D. above; for ( ) 7. — Look!      is walking along the river. — Yes. It looks like a young man. A. Anybody B. Somebody C. Everybody D. Nobody 5-7 D A B ( ) 8. — The medicine tastes      . I can’t stand it. — I know, Jimmy. But it’s helpful to you. A. nice B. badly C. awful D. wonderful ( ) 9. — The Brazil football team is much stronger. No    they will win. — I agree. The score may be 3:0. A. trouble B. doubt C. wonder D. time ( )10. — Have you finished your work? —      . Only 80% was done. A. Not exactly B. Not at all C. Not a little D. No way 8-10 C B A unit1-7 词汇复习 2 Ⅰ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. To mark the students’ homework is a teacher’s     (day) work. 2. Children should be taught how to spend their pocket money _______ (wise). 3. You read the article too carelessly and didn’t understand its ________ (center) idea. 4. When you’re on a trip, you must always keep     (safe) in mind. 5. Parents always tell their children not to accept any food from a _______ (strange). 6. Liu Xiang used to be one of the greatest sports     (hero). 7. The writer said that he didn’t write for money, but for his own _______ (please). 8. Your      (choose) make you what you are. So please choose to be the best of yourself. 1. daily 2. wisely 3. central 4. safety 5. stranger 6. heroes 7. pleasure 8. choices 9. There are no two     (leaf) which are the same in the world. 10. He didn’t mean being     (polite). He shouted because he was too excited. 11. As we all know, a little    (know) is a dangerous thing. 12. Jenny felt the     (warm) of her mother’s arms around her. 13. Britain has more than ten    (nation) newspapers. 14. The dictionary is very     (help) to us students. 15. I have read the    (introduce) of the game and am ready to play it now. 9. leaves 10. impolite 11. knowledge 12. warmth 13. national 14. helpful 15. introduction Ⅱ. 根据句意及首字母提示,填写单词。 1. The teacher is listening to the students reading the poem a      . 2. I didn’t quite catch you. Would you please r      the number? 3. Some students look shy at school, but they are very a      with their parents. 4. The l      takes only 37 seconds to go up from the 5th floor to the 89th. 5. Chinese tennis player Li Na is a       by millions of tennis fans all over the world. 6. Though the animal is t      in size, it can make a loud sound. 7. Action has been taken to prevent the s      of H7N9, so people needn’t live in fear. 8. The doctors s      that children should not eat too much sugar. aloud 2. repeat 3. active 4. lift 5. admired 6. tiny 7. spread 8. suggest 9. Taking an online c      is a good way to improve your cooking skill. 10. The Palace Museum has been open to the p      since 1925. 11. We laid out our food on the green g       and began our picnic. 12. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway was c       in 2006. Building this railway was a long and hard project. 13. Drivers will be p      by law if they run the red lights. 14. Barack Obama was e      in Harvard University from 1988 to 1991. 15. You can search for information on your phone for free if it has been c      to WIFI. 9. course 10. public 11. grass 12. completed 13. punished 14. educated 15. connected Ⅲ. 从方框里选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。 pay attention to, be born with, end up, deal with, from time to time, look up to, all of a sudden, have a point , be known for, make one’s own decision 1. Taylor Swift      a beautiful voice and now she is the hottest country music singer in the world. 2. If no one helps the homeless boy, he will     being a beggar ( 乞丐 ). 3. Finding out the cause of your problem is the first step     it. 4. Your pronunciation should be      . You should pronounce each sentence clearly. 5. Life is much better in the city, but I still miss the lakes and hills in the countryside       . was born with 2. end up 3. to deal with 4. paid attention to 5. from time to time pay attention to, be born with, end up, deal with, from time to time, look up to, all of a sudden, have a point , be known for, make one’s own decision 6. The wall fell down     , so the children had no time to get away. 7. You may      , but you need more examples to prove ( 证明 ) yourself. 8. Peng Liyuan has     her beauty and wonderfulsinging skills for many years. And now, she is the First Lady of China. 9. As Korean plays get popular in China, Korean stars like Kim Soo Hyun and Lee Minho      by millions of Chinese people. 10. Even if you are old enough      , you should ask your parents for their advice. 6. all of a sudden 7. have a point 8. been known for 9. are looked up to 10. to make your own decision unit1-7 语法练习 Ⅰ. 单项选择 ( ) 1. —      do you prepare for an exam? — By going over all my notes. A. How B. Why C. When D. Where ( ) 2. — Grandpa has changed a lot. — So he has. He used to       games with the children. A. play B. playing C. played D. plays ( ) 3. — I can ’ t decide      or not I should encourage my son to be a volunteer. — Why not? It will make him more helpful. A. if B. whether C. how D. why ( ) 4. — So, can you tell me      here at noon? — Well, a car hit a bike while I was walking down Center Street. A. what did you see B. what you saw C. when did you see it D. when you saw A A B B ( ) 5. — Excuse me, could you please tell me if the sports meeting      on time? — It depends. If it      tomorrow, we’ll have to put it off. A. will start; rains B. starts; rains C. will start; will rain D. starts; will rain ( ) 6. — David, could you tell me      ? — Marcelo. But it was an own goal ( 乌龙球 ). A. when the 2014 World Cup took place B. who scored the most goals in the 2014 World Cup C. who scored the first in the 2014 World Cup D. how many teams took part in the 2014 World Cup A C ( ) 7. — All Chinese were eager ( 急切的 ) to know ___after it got missing. — Yes. I am afraid it takes time to find out the answer. A. where is the MH370 flight B. where the MH370 flight is C. where was the MH370 flight D. where the MH370 flight was ( ) 8. — Food safety is very important. — So some laws ( 法律 ) must       stop people from polluting food. A. make B. be made to C. be made D. make to ( ) 9. — Excuse me. Is it my turn now? — Not yet. Please wait on the chair till your name      . A. calls B. will call C. is called D. will be called C B D ( )10. — Do you know when the ancient coin      ? — In Greece. It has a history of 2,000 years. A. discovered B. is discovered C. was discovering D. was discovered D Ⅱ. 阅读下面的对话,用所给动词的适当形式填空。 Lion lived in a forest alone. He always dreamed that other animals would respect ( 尊重 ) him by (1)      (follow) him and bowing before him. One day Mouse ran through the jungle and tripped ( 绊倒 ) over Lion’s paws. Lion (2)      (wake) up by him, feeling angry. “How dare you (3)      (run) over my paws!” he shouted. Mouse (4)    (catch) by him. And Lion continued shouting, “On the second thought, I’m hungry now, and you’ll make a delicious meal.” Mouse cried out, “King Lion, do you think I should (5)    (pardon)? If you let me live, your kindness will always (6) (remember). And some day, I might be able to help you.” following 2. was woken 3. run 4. was caught 5. be pardoned 6. be remembered “How could such a powerless little mouse ever help me?” That thought made Lion (7)      (laugh) so much that he decided to let Mouse go. A week later, Lion was walking through the jungle when he stepped onto a hunter’s net. The net scooped ( 勾 ) him up. Lion’s frightened shouts (8)       (hear) by Mouse. He ran to help. Mouse quickly chewed ( 咬 ) through the ropes (9) (make) a hole in the net. Soon, Lion was free. Lion looked down at the little mouse. “Thank you for saving my life,” said Lion. “I was mistaken. I used to (10)      (think) you powerless. But you’ve proved yourself a great friend!” 7. laugh 8. were heard 9. to make 10. think Ⅲ. 根据所给的汉语意思,完成下列句子 , 词数不限。 1. 我家曾经住在东部一个城市。 My family           in a city in the east. 2. 小学生不应该被允许骑车上学。 Primary school students          to school. 3. 很多人不相信足球是中国人发明的。 Many people don’t believe         by the Chinese. 1. used to live 2. shouldn’t be allowed to ride 3. (that) football was invented 4. 我们通过不停地传球寻找射门的机会。 We looked for chances to shoot      . 5. 没有人知道中国足球队能不能在 10 年内进入世界杯。 No one knows        the World Cup within 10 years. 4. by keeping passing the ball 5. whether/if the Chinese football team will enter unit1-7 交际用语练习 A. The weather there is much warmer than you think. B. How long will you stay there? C. What places are you going to visit? D. How do people celebrate it? E. Is there any good news? F. You’re welcome to Yunnan. G. Don’t miss the Water Festival there. Ⅰ. 根据对话内容,从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话。 (有两项多余) A: Hi, Wendy, you are on cloud nine today. (1) ______ B: Yeah. Guess what? All my family are going on a trip to Yunnan Province. A: Sounds great. (2)_______ B: Well, we haven ’ t decided yet, maybe Kunming, Lijiang and Xishuangbanna. A: You ’ re going to Xishuangbanna? (3)      It ’ s the most wonderful part of the local culture. B: The Water Festival? When is it then? (4)______      A: It ’ s in the middle of April, from April 13 to 15. And people throw water at each other. B: Sounds so cool. But maybe I may catch a cold. A: Don ’ t worry. (5)      You ’ re sure to enjoy it. B: OK. I can ’ t wait for it. 1-5 ECGDA Ⅱ. 根据对话内容,在每个空白处填写恰当的句子,使对话意思完整。 A: Hi, Frank. Where did you go this morning? B: (1) __________ A: Why did you go to the railway station? B: You know National Day is coming. I’d like to go back home. I went there to buy a train ticket. A: But you don’t look yourself now. (2) ) __________                 B: I didn’t sleep well because I had to get up very early to buy a train ticket. (3) ) __________               A: Sold out? What a pity! I went to the railway station. 2. What’s wrong/the matter with you? 3. But the tickets were sold out. A: Sold out? What a pity! B: Have you bought the train ticket to go home? A: (4) ) __________                B: How did you buy it online? A: It is very easy. You can visit www.12306.com . (5) ) __________                B: OK. I will have a try. Thank you a lot. A: You’re welcome. 4. Yes, I bought one online. 5. Why not have a try? 新目标九年级 unit8 练习 1 1. belong to 2. attend a concert 3. pick up 4. something unusual 5. have fun doing sth 6. run away 7. think of 8. feel sleepy 属于 2. 参加音乐会 3. 捡起 4. 一些不寻常的事情 5. 做某事很开心 6. 逃跑 7. 考虑;想起 8. 感到困倦 9. 追赶 10. 赶上公共汽车 11. 同时 12. 不但……而且…… 13. 以某种方式 14. 阻止……做某事 15. 战胜…… 16. 迟到 9. run after 10. catch a bus 11. at the same time 12. not only… but also… 13. in a certain way 14. prevent… from doing sth 15. a victory over… 16. be late for 根据句意及汉语提示,填写适当的短语完成句子。 1. I     (参加音乐会) last night. It was wonderful. 2. Is there     (一些不寻常的事情) in today’s newspaper? 3. There are some girls    ( 追逐 ) butterflies in the park. 4. We     ( 很开心 ) making our own DIY presents. 5. I will    ( 迟到 ) the party because of the heavy traffic. 1. attended a concert 2. anything unusual 3. running after 4. had fun 5. be late for 新目标九年级 unit8 练习 2 Ⅰ. 根据所给的汉语提示,用合适的单词填空。 1. She was dressed in      (粉红色) at the party. 2. What a fine autumn morning! Let’s go on a     (野餐), OK? 3. In the film Alice in Wonderland , a       ( 兔子 ) took Alice into the Wonderland. 4. I think nothing else in the world is more      ( 有价值的 ) than my parents’ love. 5. We are raising money for a physics      ( 实验室 ) in a Hope Middle School. 1. pink 2. picnic 3. rabbit 4. valuable 5. laboratory Ⅱ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.       (wolf) are usually friendly and helpful to each other when they live in groups. 2. Two       (truck) came to stop in front of the hotel. 3. If you stay up too late, you will feel       (sleep) in class the next day. 4. Some       (policeman) were searching the house for useful clues ( 线索 ). 5. Some model teachers were invited       (attend) the meeting. Wolves 2. trucks 3. sleepy 4. policemen 5. to attend Ⅲ. 从方框中选择合适的单词或词组,并用其适当形式填空。 usual, run away, used to, might, have fun There is a park near my home. In the park, there are some bushes ( 树丛 ). I (1)   enjoy doing some reading on the bench ( 长凳 ) beside the bushes. But now, I always tell myself to keep away from the bushes. Last Sunday, I went to read on a bench there. I was (2) _______ reading my favorite Sherlock Holmes when I suddenly heard something (3)    from the bushes. It sounded like a small animal walking through the bushes. I thought it (4)     be a cat or something like that and took no notice of it. Suddenly, a yellow four-legged, cat-like animal ran past me. I couldn’t help shouting! I didn’t know what it was. And I (5)    as fast as I could. Later I told my father about it. He told me it must be a weasel ( 黄鼠狼 ). However, it made me afraid. used to 2. having fun 3. unusual 4. might 5. ran away Ⅳ. 按要求改写下列句子。 1. The coat next to mine is Jacky’s . ( 对划线部分提问 )             the coat next to yours? 2. I am sure there is somebody in the room. (改写成意思相同的句子) There             somebody in the room. 3. It’s impossible that Jim has been to the Great Wall. (改写成意思相同的句子) Jim                   to the Great Wall. Whose is 2. must be 3. can't have been 4. We didn’t find anything strange in the library. (改写成意思相同的句子) We                   in the library. 5. I don’t know what made the frightening sound. (改写成意思相同的句子) I                   what made the frightening sound. 4. found nothing strange 5. have no idea 新目标九年级 unit8 练习 3 Ⅰ. 从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空,每个词组限用一次。 run after, at the same time, a long period of time, honor one’s ancestors, in a certain way 1. You can do anything you want to, but not everything      . 2. Ancient people hoped      by bringing a stone to Stonehenge. 3. I saw Mr Lee      the bus when I passed the bus stop. He may have missed it. 4. My uncle lived in our house over      . 5. I agree that Tiny Times 3 is a good film      . But to be a top director (导演), Guo Jingming has a long way to go. 1. at the same time 2. to honor their ancestors 3. running after 4. a long period of time 5. in a certain way Ⅱ. 根据课文内容,填写合适的单词,完成下面的表格。每空一词。 Stonehenge What Stonehenge is It’s a rock (1)       in Great Britain. Its popularity It (2)       over 750,000 visitors every year. June is the best time for people to enjoy the sunrise. Why it was built Nobody is sure about it. But there are several (3)     . It was built as a temple for ancient leaders to (4)       with the gods. But actually it was built before the (5)       arrived in England. It was built as a kind of (6)       . The stones were put together so that on midsummer’s morning, the sun could shine directly into the center of the stones. It has a (7)        purpose. Most people think the (8)       of the stones is for a special purpose. Other mysteries about Stonehenge (9)       it was built almost 5,000 years ago is a great mystery. By whom it was built is still not (10)       to people. 1. circle 2. receives 3. ideas 4. communicate 5. leaders 6. calendar 7. medical 8. position 9. How 10. known Ⅲ. 根据所给的汉语意思,填空完成下面的句子。 1. 阳光直接从窗户里照进来,屋子里很亮。 The sun         the window and the room is very bright. 2. 经常洗手可以帮助我们预防疾病和保持健康。 Washing hands often can help us          . 3. 部落里面的人举行了一个特别的仪式庆祝战胜了敌人。 The people in the tribe held a special ceremony to          . 4. 我觉得以前居住在这里的居民一定很勤劳。 I feel people who lived here in the past          . 5. 这座古老的建筑不仅用作教堂( church ),也用作书店。 The old building is used          a bookstore. 1. shines directly in through 2. prevent illness and keep healthy 3. celebrate the victory over their enemy 4. must have been hard-working 5. not only as a church but also as 新目标九年级 unit9 练习 1 1. dance to music 2. different kinds of 3. in that case 4. stick to 5. be/feel down 6. feel like doing sth 7. cheer… up 8. try one’s best to do sth 伴随音乐跳舞 2. 不同种类的 3. 既然那样;假使那样的话 4. 坚持;固守 5. 感到情绪低落 6. 想要干某事 7. 使 …… 高兴 / 振作 8. 尽某人最大的努力干某事 9. 大量的;许多的 10. 关闭;停止运转 11. 及时 12. 偶尔;间或 13. 患病 14. 结婚 15. 继续做某事 16. 很遗憾…… 17. 总计;总共 9. plenty of 10. shut off 11. in time 12. once in a while 13. develop an illness 14. get married 15. continue to do/doing sth 16. It’s a pity that… 17. in total 根据句意及汉语提示,填写适当的短语完成句子。 1.       ( 既然那样的话 ), you should have a good rest. 2. I       ( 想要 ) going to the park for a walk tonight. 3. Please      ( 关掉 ) the windows before leaving the room. 4. My uncle       ( 患病 ) when he was young. 5. When did your parents        ( 结婚 )? In that case 2. feel like 3. shut off 4. developed an illness 5. get married 新目标九年级 unit9 练习 2 Ⅰ. 根据所给的汉语或者首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。 1. The family lost two sons in that       ( 战争 ). 2. The music sounds so       ( 悦耳的 ), which makes us feel relaxed. 3. In my s       time, I often go to the cinema with my sister. 4. E-mail is short for e       mail. 5. Andy is the pride of his family. He has never let his parents d       . 1. war 2. smooth 3. spare 4. electronic 5. down Ⅱ. 从方框里选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空。 Australia, direct, prefer, suppose, dialog 1. When I was young, I       Hong Kong movies to Hollywood ones. 2. The writer is not good at writing       . 3. James Cameron’s “Titanic” made him a top       . 4. Who do you       will win the award for Best Actor next year? 5. The man speaks       English. It is a bit hard to understand what he says. preferred 2. dialogs 3. director 4. suppose 5. Australian Ⅳ. 根据句子意思,用 that, which 或者 who 把原句改写成复合句。 1. The song was first sung by Deng Lijun. It sounds sweet. The song                 by Deng Lijun sounds sweet. 2. The Chinese singer died in Thailand in 1995. She is Deng Lijun. The Chinese singer                  is Deng Lijun. 3. Deng Lijun was born in a village. The village is called Tianyang Village. The village in               is called Tianyang Village. 4. A song made Deng Lijun win her first award. It was “ Visiting Yingtai ” from a movie called “ The Love Eterne ” (《 梁祝 》). The song                 her first award was “ Visiting Yingtai ” from a movie called “ The Love Eterne ” . 5. Deng Lijun loved a Frenchman. The man was a photographer. The Frenchman                   was a photographer. 1. that/which was first sung 2. who/that died in Thailand in 1995 3. which Deng Lijun was born 4. which/that made Deng Lijun win 5. who/whom/that Deng Lijun loved Ⅴ. 根据对话内容,从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话。 (有两项多余) Andy: Wendy, there are five movies on today. Which movie shall we watch? Wendy: (1)       Andy: Well, I haven ’ t watched it. Is it a Hollywood movie? Wendy: Yes. Shall we watch it? Andy: (2)       I am afraid it is hard for me to understand the dialogs. Wendy: (3)       There are Chinese subtitles ( 字幕 ). Andy: But the movie is about apes, right? (4)       Wendy: Well, you ’ re wrong. Apes in the movie have human thoughts. Andy: (5)       Wendy: Well, you have to watch the movie to find out what will happen.   A . It sounds like a good movie. B. What about Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 2 ( 《猩球黎明 2 》 )? C. I have watched Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 2. D. Come on, you can! E. Does the movie have a happy ending? F. I dislike a movie that is full of apes. G. It is an original ( 原版的 ) English movie, isn’t it? 1-5 BGDFE 新目标九年级 unit9 练习 3 Ⅰ. 从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。 sound like, a piece of, develop an illness, in this way, during one’s lifetime 1. Deng Lijun sang many beautiful songs      . 2. Deng Lijun     called asthma ( 哮喘 ) in her forties. Many people believe that asthma killed her. 3. I love listening to English songs. I think I can improve my English     . 4. Why not listen to     music and have a rest? 5. The movie The House That Never Dies ( 《京城 81 号》 )     a ghost ( 鬼 ) story. But in fact, there is no ghost in it. 1. during her lifetime 2. developed an illness 3. in this way 4. a piece of 5. sounds like Ⅱ. 根据课文内容,用合适的词语填空完成下面的句子。 (每空词数不限) 1. Erquan Yingyue , which I heard at a concert of     , was very moving. I sensed a strong     under the beauty. 2. Abing’s father taught him to play many     . However, his father died and Abing’s life     . 3. Abing’s illness made him     . He made a living by     on the streets. 4. Abing could play more than 600 pieces of music, many of which were written     . But    that only 6 pieces were recorded. 5. Abing’s music has become one of China’s     because its ______ makes people recall their deepest wounds. 1. Chinese folk music; sadness and pain 2. musical instruments; grew worse 3. become blind; singing and playing music 4. by himself; it’s a pity 5. national treasures; sad beauty Ⅲ. 根据所给的汉语意思,完成下面的句子。 1. 一共有 20 位歌手在慈善演出上表演。 Twenty singers       at the charity show. 2. 阿炳生活贫苦,所以他对人生和音乐有更深的感触。 Abing lived a hard and poor life.        , he had a deeper understanding of life and music. 3. 这首歌反映了生活,直触人的心灵。 The song reflects life and         . 4. 朴树是一个对中国校园民谣影响很大的歌手。 Pu Shu is a singer          Chinese campus folk. 5. 这是我所听过的最动人的音乐。 This is the        . 1. in total performed 2. For this reason 3. touches the hearts of people 4. who/that has greatly influenced 5. most moving music that I have heard 新目标九年级 unit10 练习 1 1. be supposed to do sth 2. shake hands 3. for the first time 4. be expected to do sth 5. hold out 6. to one’s surprise 7. on both sides of… 8. find out 9. drop by 10. on time 11. after all 12. get mad 应该做某事 2. 握手 3. 第一次 4. 被期盼做某事 5. 伸出 6. 让某人惊讶的是 7. 在……的两边 8. 弄清楚 9. 顺便来访 10. 按时 11. 毕竟 12. 大动肝火;气愤 13. 使某人一直做某事 14. 把 …… 擦掉 15. 脱掉 …… ;(飞机等)起飞 16. 值得做某事 17. 餐桌礼仪 18. 把 …… 插入 19. 指着 20. 特地;格外努力 21. 使某人感到宾至如归 22. 习惯于 ( 做 ) 某事 23. 期盼做某事 24. 露脸;出现 25. 敲 …… 13. keep sb doing sth 14. clean… off 15. take off 16. be worth doing sth 17. table manners 18. stick… into… 19. point at 20. go out of one’s way 21. make sb feel at home 22. be/get used to (doing) sth 23. look forward to doing sth 24. show up 25. knock on/at 根据句意及汉语提示,填写适当的短语完成句子。 1. He       ( 伸出 ) his hands and shook hands with me. 2. I sometimes     ( 顺便来访 ) my friend’s house on weekends. 3. Don’t be too hard on him.     ( 毕竟 ), he is a five-year-old boy. 4. It’s impolite to       ( 指着 ) someone with your finger. 5. I think you will       ( 习惯 ) the weather there soon. held out 2. drop by 3. After all 4. point at 5. get used to 新目标九年级 unit10 练习 2 Ⅰ. 根据所给的汉语或者首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。 1. Eating some chicken at the birthday dinner is a special ________( 风俗 ) in my hometown. 2. Australian       ( 季节 ) are not the same as Chinese ones. 3. I always       ( 珍视 ) her as a good friend. 4. New York is not the c       of the USA, but Washington D.C. is. 5. Shanghai is on the east c       of China. custom 2. seasons 3. value 4. capital 5. coast Ⅱ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Mr Lee felt unhappy at his son’s poor manners. And he went even     (mad) when he saw the boy eating with hands. 2. Playing “Minion Rush” on my iPad for a while makes me feel     (relax). 3. In France, many people greet friends by     (kiss) their faces. 4. Heilongjiang is in the     (north) part of China. 5. The book “Who Moved My Cheese?” is worth _______(read). madder 2. relaxed 3. kissing 4. northern 5. reading Ⅲ. 从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。 hold out, drop by, rush around, after all, clean off 1. — I saw your room locked yesterday afternoon. Did you go anywhere? — Yeah. I      a friend’s house. 2. Get things ready early so that you don’t have to     at the last minute. 3. The movie is not perfect.     , this is the director’s first movie. 4. The statue ( 雕像 )     her right hand, standing at the center of the square. 5. The chalk must be     the blackboard before the bell rings. dropped by 2. rush around 3. After all 4. holds out 5. cleaned off Ⅳ. 按要求完成下列句子。 1. As a student, you should spend most of your time on lessons. ( 改写同义句 ) As a student, you             spend most of your time on lessons. 2. When Jim saw me, he opened the door at once. ( 改写同义句 ) Jim opened the door             he saw me. 3. To be on time for a meeting is important. ( 改写同义句 )         to be on time for a meeting. 4. The boy was supposed to knock on the door before he entered the room. ( 改写同义句 ) The boy was supposed to knock on the door      the room. 5. I am supposed to visit my grandparents every two weeks . ( 对划线部分提问 )             you supposed to visit your grandparents? are supposed to as soon as It’s important before entering How often are 新目标九年级 unit10 练习 3 Ⅰ. 从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。 make mistakes, point at, a bit, cut up, be excited about 1. Should the bread be       before I put it on the plate? 2. It is always rude       your classmate’s nose. 3. We couldn’t wait to watch the show. And we   the Chinese folk songs. 4. I was feeling       nervous at the beginning of my speech. 5. To avoid       , you had better make a careful plan first. cut up 2. to point at 3. were excited about 4. a bit 5. making mistakes Ⅱ. 根据课文内容,填写合适的词语,完成下面的表格。 (每空不超过三个单词) Lin Yue’s experiences in France Background information Lin Yue is having fun on her (1)       program in France. Her feelings She was a little (2)       before she arrived in France. She is less (3)       her French than she used to be, though she still makes mistakes. What the host family do for her They try to make her (4)     . The grandmother learns to (5)       . Her granddaughter always talks to Lin Yue (6)       . Learning (7)   at the dinner table. It is a challenge, but Lin Yue doesn’t feel French customs strange anymore. Bread is supposed to be put on the table. Nothing except bread is supposed to be eaten (8)       . Saying you’re full is (9)       . Avoid putting your (10)       on the table. student exchange 2. nervous 3. worried about 4. feel at home 5. make Chinese food 6. in French 7. table manners 8. with hands 9. impolite 10. elbows Ⅲ. 根据所给的汉语意思,填空完成下面的句子, 每空一词。 1. 为了欢迎交流学生,我们上周特地举行了一个聚会。 We                     to hold a party to welcome the exchange students. 2. 我现在已经逐渐习惯在手机上看新闻了。 Now, I     gradually                 news on my phone. 3. 语言问题是他们面临的最大挑战。 Language is the greatest             . 4. 除了天气,我喜欢这儿的一切。 I like everything here                . 5. 我现在和外国人用英语交谈时觉得很自然。 Now, I             with foreigners in English. 1. went out of our way 2. am; getting used to reading 3. challenge they face 4. except the weather 5. feel comfortable talking 新目标九年级 unit11 练习 1 1. make sb do sth 2. would rather do sth 3. drive sb crazy/mad 4. the more… the more… 5. have… in common 6. be friends with sb 7. leave out 8. feel like doing sth 9. call in 10. neither… nor… 11. be worried about 12. to start with 让某人做某事 2. 宁愿做某事 3. 使某人发疯 / 发狂 4. 越……越…… 5. 在……方面有共同点 6. 成为某人的朋友 7. 忽略;不提及;不包括 8. 想要干某事 9. 召来;叫来 10. 既不……也不…… 11. 担心 12. 起初;开始时 13. 打扫 14. 停止做某事 15. 使失望 16. 开除某人 17. 敲(门 …… ) 18. 对某人严厉 19. 而不是 20. 几乎;差一点就 …… 21. 齐心协力;通力合作 22. 让某人欣慰的是 23. 意见一致;同意 24. 错过做某事 13. clean up 14. stop doing sth 15. let… down 16. kick sb off 17. knock on/at (the door…) 18. be hard on sb 19. rather than 20. be close to 21. pull together 22. to one’s relief 23. in agreement 24. miss doing sth 根据句意及汉语提示,填写适当的短语完成句子。 1. Too much homework can       ( 使每个学生发狂 ). 2. I feel       ( 忽略 ) each time I am invited to John’s party. 3. You will be       ( 开除 ) if you break the rules over and over again. 4. The girl likes to sing       ( 而不是 ) dance. 5. We are all       ( 同意 ) that eating too much pork is bad for health. drive every student mad 2. left out 3. kicked off 4. rather than 5. in agreement 新目标九年级 unit11 练习 2 Ⅰ. 根据所给的汉语提示,用合适的单词填空。 1. If you believe in the       ( 力量 ) inside you, you can make your dream come true. 2. Mary’s face turned       ( 苍白 ) when she heard the bad news. 3. The       ( 女王 ) of England lives in Buckingham Palace. 4. I’d like some tea with       ( 柠檬 ). 5. This experience will be great       ( 财富 ) to all of us. power 2. pale 3. queen 4. lemon 5. wealth Ⅱ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Jay hasn’t done much exercise       (lately) because of the job. 2. The sick boy was       (examine) a moment ago. Luckily, he isn’t badly ill. 3. Some       (bank) took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge ( 冰桶挑战赛 ) yesterday morning. They did something for patients with ALS. 4. We live far from each other, but our       (friend) never dies. 5. I like soft music. Rock ‘n’ roll just makes me    (comfortable). lately 2. examined 3. bankers 4. friendship 5. uncomfortable Ⅲ. 从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。 leave out, start with, think about, would rather, drive sb crazy Last Saturday, I went to Jane’s party. To be honest, I didn’t have a good time. (1)       , I sat on the chair quietly as I knew few people at the party. Mr Green was busy preparing food for us. No one came to speak to me and as time went on, I began to feel (2)       . Being there alone without anyone to talk to was a bad thing. I was worried about having no fun the whole evening. And all the others were chatting with each other gladly and I couldn’t cut in. This almost (3)      . “Why doesn’t anyone come to share something with me?” I thought to myself and decided to leave earlier. I (4)    stay at home with my pet dog than watch other people laugh happily there. So I left earlier. And on my way home, I called my father and told him about the party. His words made me (5)    my decision. He said that I should be more active instead of being a bystander ( 旁观者 ). Yes, I shouldn’t have lost a chance of making new friends. To start with left out drove me crazy would rather think about Ⅳ. 完成句子 A. 改写下列句子,使其与原句意思保持一致。 1. If you are more careful, you will make fewer mistakes.             careful you are,             mistakes you will make. 2. My father doesn’t like the music. My mother doesn’t like it, either.       my father       my mother likes the music. B. 根据所给的汉语意思,完成句子。 3. 我宁愿看广告也不看这个节目。 I                advertisements than watch this show. 4. 这个电影如此好笑,它让我笑了好多次。 The film was     funny      it      me      many times. 5. 这两种音乐有很多相同点。 The two types of music have                  . 1. The more; the fewer 2. Neither; nor 3. would rather watch 4. so; that; made; laugh 5. a lot in common 新目标九年级 unit11 练习 3 Ⅰ. 从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。 search for, knock on, let someone down, be close to, give up 1. Mrs Lee, I shall work hard at Chinese. I promise I will stop       . 2. — It’s impolite of you to come in without       the door, boy. — Sorry, I was just in a hurry. 3. I       getting an “A”. I just made two small mistakes. 4. A man will not win anything if he       halfway. 5. WiFi makes it possible for you       information on the Internet with your phone for free. letting you down 2. knocking on 3. was close to 4. gives up 5. to search for Ⅱ. 根据课文内容及首字母提示,用合适的单词填空完成下面的短文。 Peter felt sad on his way home because of losing a football game. And he thought it was his (1)f       that led to the failure. He thought he (2)d       the whole team because of his poor performance ( 表现 ). He felt bad about missing scoring a (3)g       in the match. He thought that it was a stupid mistake and the (4)c       might ask him to leave the team. At home, Peter’s father saw he was unhappy and they had a heart-to-heart talk. He told Peter that he was not the only (5)r     his team lost. He said that a good team should support each other. (6)B       , winning or losing is only half of the game. His words made Peter full of (7)c       . fault 2. disappointed 3. goal 4. coach 5. reason 6. Besides 7. courage The next day, Peter went to soccer practice and he said sorry to his teammates. He said if they could (8) p       together, they would win the next game. To his surprise, his teammates didn’t blame ( 责怪 ) him. Instead, they all nodded in (9)a       . They said they should think about how to do better next time. It was really a (10)r       to Peter. He felt lucky because he was on a winning team. 8. pull 9. agreement 10. relief Ⅲ. 根据所给的汉语意思,填空完成下面的句子。 1. 我不理解你为什么对自己要求这么严格。 I can’t understand why you     so         yourself. 2. 竞争是比赛的一半,比赛的另外一半是分享和交流。 Competition is only half of the game, and            is sharing and communication. 3. 作为球员,你应该想着怎样帮助球队赢球,而不是想着表现自己。 As a player, you are supposed to think about how to help your team win             how to show yourself off. 4. 他担心可能会被开除出团队,所以愁眉不展。 He was worried that he might             the team, so he was filled with unhappiness. 5. 你无法想象输掉比赛会让他感觉怎样。 You can’t imagine     losing the game will             . 1. are; hard on 2. the other half 3. rather than 4. be kicked off 5. how; make him feel 新目标九年级 unit12 练习 1 14-15 新目标九 Unit12 重点短语小练 充满…… 2. 在……以前 3. (闹钟) 响起 4. 穿上 5. (某人)让别人捎一程 6. 至少 7. 正要做某事 8. 与……成一排 9. 盯着看 10. 不信任地 11. (飞机等)起飞 1. be full of          2. by the time…          3. go off          4. put on          5. give sb a lift          6. at least          7. be about to do sth          8. in line with          9. stare at          10. in disbelief          11. take off          12. 听说 13. 在(某时间点)以前 14. 露面 15. 穿衣服 16. 熬夜 17. 发生 18. 和某人开玩笑 19. 卖完 20. 以做某事而结束 21. 结婚 22. 通向 23. 上交 12. hear about 13. by the end of 14. show up 15. get dressed 16. stay up 17. take place 18. play a joke/trick on sb 19. sell out 20. end up doing sth 21. get married 22. lead to 23. hand in 根据句意及汉语提示,填写适当的短语完成句子。 1. Students should have      ( 至少 ) eight hours’ sleep every night. 2. You should wait      ( 与……成一排 ) the other students when you do morning exercises. 3. Don’t      ( 盯着看 ) me. Don’t you know it’s impolite? 4. All roads      ( 通向 ) Rome. 5. We were asked to      ( 上交 ) our homework before eight this evening. at least 2. in line with 3. stare at 4. lead to 5. hand in 新目标九年级 unit12 练习 2 Ⅰ. 根据所给的汉语提示,用合适的单词填空。 1. We buy our fruit and vegetables at the       ( 市场 ). 2. There is enough water in my       ( 背包 ). We can share it. 3. I think Beijing Capital International       ( 机场 ) is the busiest one in China. 4. Would you like some       ( 奶油 ) in your coffee? 5. This       ( 街区 ) is right in the center of the city. market 2. backpack 3. Airport 4. cream 5. block Ⅱ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Almost no one can stay       (live) for 10 days without any food. 2. Everyone turned to look at him in       (belief). What he said sounded impossible. 3. The dog rushed into the       (burn) house to save his owner. 4. Most of the       (work) in Foxconn ( 富士康 ) are young people. 5. I met an old friend of mine in the street   (expected). We hadn’t seen each other for years. alive 2. disbelief 3. burning 4. workers 5. unexpectedly Ⅲ. 从方框中选择合适的单词或词组,并用其适当形式填空。 ring, oversleep, show up, give… a lift, stare at 1. — You didn’t have breakfast this morning? — No. When I woke up at eight, I realized at once that I     already     . So I had to rush to work without breakfast. 2. — We were talking about who to call for help when my phone suddenly      . — It seemed someone had known you would have trouble. 3. — The party had been on for ten minutes. But neither of the twins      yet. — They must have got something else to do. 4. — When I turned around, I found somebody     me. This made me a bit frightened and I couldn’t help screaming. — I would feel scared too if I were you. 5. — I will be able to catch the early train if I am     now. — But why not take a taxi? had; overslept 2. rang 3. had shown up 4. (was) staring at 5. given a lift Ⅳ. 根据所给的汉语意思,完成句子。 1. 在我到达之前,他们已经开始工作了。 They had already started to work             I arrived. 2. 我不知道当时飞机有没有起飞了。 I didn’t know     the plane             then. 3. 截至上学期末,我们大约学了 1500 个英语单词。 We had learnt about 1,500 English words                         last term. 4. 直到到了办公室,我才意识到把钥匙落在家里了。 I didn’t realize that I         my key at home    I arrived at my office. 5. 难道你看不见有烟雾在房子上面升起吗? Can’t you             the house? by the time 2. if/whether; had taken off 3. by the end of 4. had left; until 5. see smoke rising above 新目标九年级 unit12 练习 3 Ⅰ. 从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。 stay up, take place, play tricks on, end up, get married 1. The 2nd YOG      in Nanjing this summer. It was really wonderful. 2. Mr and Mrs Smith moved to a bigger house when they      . 3. Would you please stop      me? I am too busy to make you laugh. 4. If you don’t make a good plan, you will probably      in trouble. 5. To our surprise, Mr Lee fell ill because he      every night for about a month. took place 2. got married 3. playing tricks on 4. end up 5. had stayed up/had been staying up Ⅱ. 根据课文内容,用合适的单词填空完成下面的表格。 April Fool’s Day Brief Introduction of April Fool’s Day   It is (1)       on April 1 all over the world. All kinds of tricks and (2)       are played that day. Famous examples of hoaxes Funny hoaxes No more spaghetti: A reporter announced that farmers in Italy had stopped (3)       spaghetti. Special water: A TV show reported the (4)       of special water, which could help people lose (5)       . A hoax with a sad (6)         Marriage proposal ( 求婚 ): A famous TV star’s hoax was to ask his girlfriend to (7)       him at a show. In the end, he lost her. And his show was (8)       . Hoaxes at other times Aliens from Mars: In October, 1938, actor Orson Welles’s announcement of aliens caused great (9)       , which spread across the country. Thousands of people had left home before police (10)       told them the truth. celebrated 2. jokes 3. growing 4. discovery 5. weight 6. ending 7. marry 8. canceled 9. fear 10. officers Ⅲ. 根据所给的汉语意思,填空完成下面的短文。 What happened to me yesterday sounds so funny. Before I left home, I heard the weather report said that it could rain hard in the morning. So I took a long umbrella when I went out to work. But (1)      ( 一直没有雨 ) by 9:30. Nobody except me was walking with an umbrella. I asked myself, “(2)      ( 我被天气预报愚弄了吗 )?” While I was thinking about it, my left leg tripped over my long umbrella and I fell down. (3)      ( 这是我最尴尬的一刻 ). I quickly got up and went on walking. Then I suddenly met Jim. He was walking with a big box. I offered to carry the box for him, and put the umbrella in his box secretly. I thought (4)      ( 这是最好笑的恶作剧 ) I had ever played. And then I said goodbye to him and left quickly. To my surprise, it suddenly began to rain hard when I was walking on the street. I got wet all over. Later, I called Jim and told him about the trick. He asked me (5)     ( 我对这个恶作剧什么感觉 ). Well, what could I answer? Anyway, Jim would feel thankful for it. 1. there hadn’t been any rain 2. Have I been fooled by the weather report 3. This was my most embarrassing moment 4. it (was) the funniest trick 5. how I felt about the trick 新目标九年级 unit13 练习 1 尽力干某事 2. 充满…… 3. 参与(某事) 4. 减少……的量,缩减…… 5. (对……)产生影响或作用 6. 导致 7. 听说 8. 砍掉;切断 9. 不但……而且…… 10. 对……有害 11. 在……的顶端 1. try to do sth          2. be full of…          3. play a part          4. cut down          5. make a difference (to…)          6. lead to          7. hear of          8. cut off          9. not only…but also…          10. be harmful to…          11. at the top of…          12. 处于危险状态 13. 参加 14. 负担得起做某事 15. 关掉 16. 付费;付出代价 17. 采取行动 18. 扔掉 19. 好好利用某物 20. 用 …… 修建 …… 21. 拆掉;摧毁 22. 上下颠倒;倒转 23. 建立;搭起 24. 因为 …… 而出名 25. 恢复;归还;使想起 12. in danger 13. take part in 14. afford to do sth 15. turn off 16. pay for 17. take action 18. throw away 19. put sth to good use 20. build… out of… 21. pull down 22. upside down 23. set up 24. be known for 25. bring back 根据句意及汉语提示,填写适当的短语完成句子。 1. They      ( 拆掉 ) the old shop and built a supermarket . 2. There is a beautiful star      ( 在 …… 的顶端 ) the Christmas tree. 3. Eric doesn’t usually      ( 参加 ) any of the class activities. 4. Jack turned his shoes      ( 颠倒 ) and shook them as hard as he could. 5. Gates and his wife      ( 建立 ) a foundation to help with health and education projects around the world. pulled down 2. at the top of 3. take part in 4. upside down 5. set up 新目标九年级 unit13 练习 2 Ⅰ. 根据所给的汉语提示,用合适的单词填空。 1. Shanxi Province produces the most       ( 煤炭 ) in China. 2. The page number is printed at the       ( 底部 ) of the page. 3. His ability of speaking English is a great       ( 优势 ) over the others. 4. The toy which is made of       ( 塑料 ) is light. 5. Hong Kong’s film       ( 产业 ) has a history of more than 110 years. coal 2. bottom 3. advantage 4. plastic 5. industry Ⅱ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. In the past, people in China could fly     (wood) kites. 2. Secondhand smoking is also     (harm) to people’s health. 3. Both his father and grandfather are     (fisherman). 4. The bag is made of     (reuse) paper and can be recycled. 5. Most     (science) information is written in English. wooden 2. harmful 3. fishermen 4. reusable 5. scientific Ⅲ. 从方框中选择合适的单词或词组,并用其正确形式填空。 turn off, take part in, pay for, pollute, litter A: Our Going Green Society is planning a Green Week. B: Yeah. We should all (1)     protecting our earth. We have only one earth. If the earth is too badly (2)     , where can we go? A: Nowhere. Our society thinks we should begin with our everyday life. And there is a lot to do. For example, we should stop (3)   around the school. We must keep the school clean. B: A lot of electricity is wasted every day. We should make sure all the lights are (4)       on sunny days. A: I just think the most important is to make more people understand the importance of saving the earth. So we are organizing a show. B: Do people who want to watch the show need to (5)     the tickets? A: No. Anyone is welcome. take part in 2. polluted 3. littering 4. turned off 5. pay for Ⅳ. 根据所给的汉语意思,完成句子。 1. 在青奥会期间,南京人民为减少空气污染做出了很多努力。 People in Nanjing did a lot to         air pollution during the YOG. 2. 如果我们现在不采取行动保护地球,后果会更严重。 If no             to protect the earth, the result will be even worse. 3. 我们每个人都可以在净化这条河的过程中发挥作用。 Every one of us can             in cleaning up this river. 4. 因为高铁站,这个小村已经变成了现代化的城镇。 Because of the high-speed railway station, the village     already           a modern town. 5. 他承受不了犯任何错误。 He can’t                     . cut down 2. action is taken 3. play a part 4. has; turned into 5. afford to make any mistakes 新目标九年级 unit13 练习 3 Ⅰ. 从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。 throw away, put… to good use, hear of, build… out of, pull down 1. Nobody here has ever     or seen such a man. 2. The boat     waste plastic. Is it a good example of reusing waste? 3. Lots of houses here have     because the government plans to build a city square. 4. Usually, my time     . I make good plans and seldom waste time. 5. You should recycle these bottles instead of       them     . heard of 2. is built out of 3. been pulled down 4. is put to good use 5. throwing; away Ⅱ. 根据课文内容,用合适的单词填空完成下面的表格。 Main idea With a (1)       mind, you will find nothing is a waste. Examples of rethink, reuse and recycle Amy Hayes She built herself a house out of (2)       . She reused many waste things, including an old boat and some glass (3)       . She was spoken highly of by the (4)       of the Help Save Our Planet Society. Jessica Wong Jessica is good at (5)       . She uses old clothes to make bags and (6)       them. She even plans to write a book about new (7)       of using old clothes. Wang Tao He is famous for his “(8)       art”. People know him because he uses (9)       and other materials from old cars to make art pieces. His (10)       can be seen in art shops. creative 2. rubbish 3. bottles 4. president 5. recycling 6. sells 7. ways 8. metal 9. iron 10. works Ⅲ. 根据短文内容,从方框里选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空。 ( 有两项多余 ) usual, environment, important, inspire, action, recycle happy, president, business, creative, recent, bad I love art. And I have visited some art shops around the city (1)     . And I saw something really (2)     . You can’t imagine how waste metal can be (3)     and made into nice art pieces. But an artist Wang Tao made it. His works are just full of (4)     , which not only remind us of the (5)     of protecting the environment, but also bring us (6)     . I also know that Wang Tao has sold some of his works. And it has become a successful (7)     . Now, the (8)     problems are getting worse. And environmental protection is one of the basic state policies ( 国家政策 ) of the Chinese government, but we need more (9)     and better ways. Wang Tao can be a(n) (10)     to us all. He shows us that we can deal with the problems in smart ways, which will lead to a bright future. recently 2. unusual 3. recycled 4. creativity 5. importance 6. happiness 7. business 8. environmental 9. actions 10. inspiration 新目标九年级 unit14 练习 1 Unit14 重点短语小练 记得做过某事 2. 连续地 3. 建议某人做某事 4. 对某人有耐心 5. 算出 6. 引导某人做某事 7. 花费时间做某事 8. 回顾;回首(往事) 9. 为……做准备 10. 弄得一团糟 11. 保持冷静 12. 期盼 13. ( 时间 ) 流逝,过去 1. remember doing sth         2. in a row          3. advise sb to do sth          4. be patient with sb          5. work out          6. guide sb to do sth      7. take the time to do sth          8. look back at         9. prepare for…          10. make a mess          11. keep one’s cool          12. look forward to          13. go by          14. 信任;信赖 15. 首先 16. 渴望;渴求 17. 为 …… 感到自豪 18. 对某人心存感激 19. 在 …… 前面 20. 放弃 21. 有能力做某事 22. 对 …… 负责;负责任 23. 出发;启程 24. 分离;隔开 14. believe in 15. first of all 16. be thirsty for 17. be proud of 18. be thankful to 19. ahead of 20. give up 21. have the ability to do sth 22. be responsible for 23. set out 24. separate from 根据句意及汉语提示,填写适当的短语完成句子。 1. Mr Brown has been working for eight hours     ( 连续地 ). 2. There is an English test tomorrow. I have to    ( 为……做准备 ) it. 3. We should      ( 对某人心存感激 ) those who have helped us a lot. 4. After they rested for three days, the tourists     ( 出发 ) again. 5. Parents should      ( 负责任 ) their children. in a row 2. prepare for 3. be thankful to 4. set out 5. be responsible for 新目标九年级 unit14 练习 2 Ⅰ. 根据所给的汉语提示,用合适的单词填空。 1. We have made an online       ( 调查 ) to find out what people think of our new product. 2. I don’t think the actor’s new film come up to his usual       ( 标准 ). 3. With my parents’ support, I       ( 战胜 ) the difficulty and passed the test. 4. A touch screen makes it possible for us to control the computer without a       ( 键盘 ). 5. The       ( 指示 ) from Mr Lee must be carried out at once. 1. survey 2. standard 3. overcame 4. keyboard 5. instruction(s) Ⅱ. 根据所给的首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。 1. The hotel offered us a d       room, not a single one. 2. I have already passed five l       of the game. And the sixth may be harder. 3. In half a year, we will all say goodbye to junior high school and be s       high school students. 4. As you have no time to go out, s       I order some fast food for you? 5. My uncle g       from Nanjing University at 23 and now is an engineer. double 2. levels 3. senior 4. shall 5. graduated Ⅲ. 从方框中选择合适的单词或词组,并用其正确形式填空。 care, textbook, make a mess, keep one’s cool, go by A: Which teacher do you think you will miss most after junior high school? B: Ms Wang, our head teacher. She has been so (1)       in the past five terms. A: I will miss her most too. How time flies! Two and a half years has (2) _____ since she gave us the first lesson. B: Yes. I still remember the first day of my junior high school, as if it were yesterday. A: Yes. We were asked to gave out the new English (3)       . B: But unluckily, we didn’t do the job well. We (4)       ! A: That’s true. I thought Ms Wang would be very angry because we lost 3 books. B: But she didn’t. She just (5)       and told us not to feel guilty ( 内疚的 ). You know, she went to the library and got three more books. A: Yes. She is always so kind and patient! caring 2. gone by 3. textbooks 4. made a mess 5. kept her cool Ⅳ. 根据所给的汉语意思完成句子。 1. 在 2009 和 2010 年,科比 • 布莱恩特蝉联 NBA 总决赛最有价值球员。 Kobe Bryant won the NBA Finals MVP      in 2009 and 2010. 2. 失败的时候,你应该回顾一下是什么导致了失败。 When you fail, you should       what caused the failure. 3. 无论这个任务看起来有多难,我都有信心能完成。 I am sure I can complete the task       . 4. 我记得我在那场比赛的最后一分钟进了一个球。 I remember       in the last minute of the match. 5. 只有投入更多努力,你的球技才能提高。 You can’t improve your skills unless you       . 1. in a row 2. look back at 3. no matter how difficult it seems 4. scoring a goal 5. put in more effort 新目标九年级 unit14 练习 3 Ⅰ. 从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。 first of all, set out, deal with,be thirsty for, believe in 1. Remember, no matter what happens,       yourself and never give up! 2. To be a successful manager, you have a lot to do.       , you should respect every member of the staff. 3. We       knowledge since we became students here. 4. Ms Lee has many smart ways       the students who break school rules often. 5. In order not to miss the train, we       for the train station before the sun rose. believe in 2. First of all 3. have been thirsty for 4. to deal with 5. set out Ⅱ. 根据课文,用合适的内容填空,完成对话。每空词数不限。 A: It is a great pity that I missed the principal’s ( 校长的 ) speech. What did he say to us? B: Well, it was an inspiring speech. In the beginning, he (1)       us on our graduation and said he (2)       us. A: Did he mention our teachers? B: Of course. He said we had never worked (3)       . He told us to consider what people around us had done for us and to (4)       them, including teachers. A: And what did he say about our future? B: He said there would be many difficult tasks (5)       us and we might make mistakes. He told us not to (6)       . A: Yes. It is time for us to make (7)       in senior high school, so it is possible to make mistakes. B: That’s what he meant. He told us to (8)       our own decisions and actions. A: That’s the best advice. And did he invite us to visit the school (9)       ? B: Yes, he did. He said we shouldn’t forget where we came from and invited us to come back, though we would go our (10)       . congratulated 2. was proud of 3. alone 7. our own choices 8. be responsible for 9. in a few years’ time 10. separate ways 4. be thankful to 5. ahead of 6. give up Ⅲ. 按要求改写下列句子。 1. I was a shy boy in Grade 7. ( 对划线部分提问 )             you       in Grade 7? 2. I think none of the students failed in the test. ( 对划线部分提问 )          of the students do you think failed in the test? 3. The music made me feel so excited . ( 对划线部分提问 )       did the music make you       ? 4. The boy used to attend cooking lessons. ( 对划线部分提问 ) What lessons       the boy             ? 5. Our teachers have been in the same boat with us. I feel so sorry to say goodbye to them. ( 改写成意思相同的句子 ) I feel so sorry to say goodbye to our teachers           in the same boat with us. What were; like 2. How many 3. How; feel 4. did; use to attend 5. who have been 14-15 新目标九期末复习词汇专练(一) Ⅰ . 根据句意及首字母提示,填写单词。 1. Living near the airport is terrible. The n      of the plane is driving me mad. 2. Jane was a shy girl. She sometimes was not brave enough to e      her thoughts and feelings. 3. Whenever your children make any progress, don’t forget to p      them generously ( 慷慨地 ). 4. All of us attended the meeting e      Jim. He had to look after his sick grandpa. 5. Barack Obama became the 44th American P      in November 2008. 6. Listen! Somebody is k      on the window. 7. We cannot achieve any success if we don’t p      together. Teamwork is what we need most. noise 2. express 3. praise 4. except 5. President 6. knocking 7. pull 8. The box is e      and even a baby can carry it easily. 9. Your phones must be s      off during the meeting. 10. We can save much e      by turning off the unnecessary lights at home. 11. As we all know, the c      of France is Paris. 12. The doctor e      him carefully and said he was pretty ill with the flu ( 流感 ). 13. My aunt eats little meat because she thinks this can help her lose some w      . 14. The doorbell is r      . Please go to answer it. 15. If you make a careful plan a      of time, a lot of time will be saved. 8. empty 9. shut 10. energy 11. capital 12. examined 13. weight 14. ringing 15. ahead Ⅱ . 从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,每词限用一次。 direct, kick, enemy, medicine, coast, oversleep, live, litter, instruction, recycle 1. Lianyungang is a beautiful city on the eastern      of China. 2. We failed to keep the poor dog      . He died on the following morning. 3. My cousin became a nurse after she left a      school. 4. My alarm clock didn’t work. As a result, I      in the morning and was late for school. 5. It’s true that you can’t make friends with all the people, but at least you should avoid making them your      . coast 2. alive 3. medical 4. overslept 5. enemies direct, kick, enemy, medicine, coast, oversleep, live, litter, instruction, recycle 6. He was      off the football team because he was absent from training too often. 7. Anybody who      everywhere in the school will be made to clean the school hall. 8. The      are written in Japanese and none of us knows how to run the machine. 9. These old computers are worth      . They can be sent to a Hope Primary School. 10. Zhang Yimou is one of the greatest      in China. 6. kicked 7. litters 8. instructions 9. recycling 10. directors Ⅲ . 从方框里选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。 separate from, believe in, take part in, by the end of, rather than, pay for , be friends with, start with, be hard on, once in a while 1. Now, I          myself more than I used to. 2. I prefer to read a book          watch a film. 3.          , we should ask our teachers if they will agree to let us go on such a trip. 4. When I was in junior middle school, I was often encouraged          all kinds of after-school activities. 5. Ms Lin used to          us. She always made us work hard. believe in 2. rather than 3. To start with 4. to take part in 5. be hard on 6. The students had learned over 20 English songs    last term. 7. We usually cook food by ourselves. And of course we eat out      . 8. The big dog is kept      other dogs. 9. Since we first met James, we have     him. 10. In our library, lost books must      . separate from, believe in, take part in, by the end of, rather than, pay for , be friends with, start with, be hard on, once in a while 6. by the end of 7. once in a while 8. separate from 9. been friends with 10. be paid for 14-15 新目标九期末复习词汇专练(二) Ⅰ . 根据句意及汉语提示,填写单词。 1. Please stop throwing pieces of      ( 粉笔 ) at each other, or the teacher will be angry. 2. If      ( 塑料 ) and rubber are burnt, they’ll give off poisonous ( 有毒的 ) gases. 3. Some signs were put up to      ( 预防 ) people from feeding animals in the zoo. 4. Marcello Lippi has brought Guangzhou several champions ( 冠军 ) since he became the     ( 教练 ) of Guangzhou Evergrande. 5. I have some difficulty understanding the     ( 对白 ) of this English film. chalk 2. plastic 3. prevent 4. coach 5. dialog(s) 6. The bird was      ( 受伤 ) and couldn’t open its wings. 7. Many people think some events in YOG are not      ( 值得 ) watching. 8. What we will achieve depends on our ability and      ( 努力 ). 9. After two weeks’ hard work, we could enjoy the fruits of      ( 胜利 ). 10. Around the world, people have different ideas about what good table      ( 礼仪 ) are. 6. wounded 7. worth 8. effort 9. victory 10. manners 11. His overseas experience is a great      ( 优势 ). 12. Any difficulty can be      ( 克服 ) if you try your best. 13. I hate to      ( 使失望 ) my parents. I won’t let them down. 14. John took on the challenge and showed us the power of      ( 勇气 ). 15. Before entering the      ( 实验室 ), you are supposed to change shoes. 11. advantage 12. overcome 13. disappoint 14. courage 15. laboratory 16. Since the      ( 发现 ) of Mars, scientists have never stopped studying it. 17. The show will be      ( 取消 ) because of the bad weather. 18. I lost my      ( 护照 ) while I was hanging out at the mall. 19. The coal      ( 产业 ) used to bring great wealth to some cities. 20. How      ( 感激 ) I felt to my parents! 16. discovery 17. cancelled 18. passport 19. industry 20. thankful Ⅱ . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The soft music and warm sunshine made me feel      (sleep). 2.      (wolf) are sometimes thought to be cruel animals. But they are indeed friendly towards each other. 3. I have gone through the      (pain) period in my life and now I am stronger. 4. With those      (policeman) help, the lady found her lost baby at last. 5. No one else in the world is as      (care) as my parents to me. sleepy 2. Wolves 3. painful 4. policemen’s 5. caring 6. My      (suggest) is that we should talk about it later. 7. No action should be taken until we reach an      (agree). 8. The rumor ( 谣言 ) had to      (appear) before facts. 9. Although we lost the game, we learned a      (value) lesson. 10. Eating cold food with beer is      (harm) to your stomach ( 胃 ). 6. suggestion 7. agreement 8. disappear 9. valuable 10. harmful Ⅲ . 单项选择 ( ) 1. — I am afraid I can’t go to your party because of the exam. — What a(n)      ! The party would be incomplete without you. A. relief B. pity C. mess D. event ( ) 2. — As doctors, we can’t be too careful when we are working. — Yes. Doctors can’t      to make any mistakes. A. allow B. offer C. attend D. afford ( ) 3. — What do you think of Jim’s rock ‘n’ roll? — I think it nothing but      . It couldn’t be worse. A. songs B. voice C. sound D. noise ( ) 4. — Do you think it is      of some people to eat wild birds like cranes and swans? — Of course. They are killing our friends. A. patient B. careless C. cruel D. wise B D D C ( ) 5. — You got an “A” again. Congratulations! — Thank you. But I know that more      should be made. A. effort B. excuse C. treasure D. search ( ) 6. — The      of his hard work is to collect enough money and build a school for those poor children. — Yes. Nothing will stop him from doing it. A. result B. relief C. purpose D. program ( ) 7. — It’s two days since I      Jim’s e-mail. But I haven’t replied. — You shouldn’t have been so careless. A. received B. accepted C. have received D. have accepted A A C ( ) 8. — I am feeling so bad because we lost the match. — Cheer up.      , no one can win every time. A. Above all B. In all C. At all D. After all ( ) 9. — It was impolite of you to bow to Mrs Smith with your hat on. — Oh, I forgot to      . Hope it didn ’ t make her unhappy. A. take it off B. take off it C. put it away D. put away it ( )10. — Has Mr Black      for Beijing yet? — Yes. He has been in Beijing for two days. A. set up B. set out C. set in D. set on D A B 14-15 新目标九期末复习语法专练 Ⅰ . 单项选择 ( ) 1. — Our school football team won the cup! — Well, it      be true. We are far from the best team. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. shouldn’t D. can’t ( ) 2. — Let’s go climbing, shall we? — You      be joking! Don’t you know I’m afraid of high places? A. may B. can C. must D. should ( ) 3. — I find      important to bring a small gift when we visit a friend. — Of course. A gift means a lot. A. that B. we C. us D. it ( ) 4. — Can you tell me      Jim has changed in the past few months? — I think he is much braver and more outgoing. A. why B. how C. where D. when ( ) 5. — C Ronaldo      two goals by the end of the first half. — Sounds unbelievable. How could he make it? A. scored B. scores C. had scored D. was scored D C D B C ( ) 6. — While watching Stephen Chow’s films, I am often made      again and again. — So am I. And laughing can make us      . A. laugh; relaxed B. to laugh; relaxed C. laugh; to relax D. to laugh; to relax ( ) 7. — Did you see Mrs Lee in the meeting room? — No. When I got there, she      another meeting. A. had left for B. had left to C. was leaving for D. was leaving to ( ) 8. —      is that house? — I have no idea      it belongs to, either. A. Who; who B. Whose; whose C. Who; whose D. Whose; who ( ) 9. — Which is your favorite song? — The one that      by Tan Dun. A. write B. has written C. wrote D. was written ( )10. — Madame Curie is one of the scientists    won two Nobel Prizes. — She will be remembered by people for    she discovered. A. who; what B. that; that C. who; that D. which; what B A D D A Ⅱ . 阅读下面的短文,用所给动词的适当形式填空。 Windsor Castle ( 温莎城堡 ) is the oldest and largest occupied ( 在使用的 ) castle in the world. It (1)    (build) just after 1066. The castle has a long history. If the walls of the castle could (2)      (talk), they’d have many stories to tell. England built the castle just outside of London (3)      (protect) the capital from enemies. It has (4)      (use) as the homes of kings and queens for centuries. However, the country also used it as a prison ( 监狱 ) during the English Civil War (1642-1651). was built 2. talk 3. to protect 4. been used King Charles I (5)      (be) even a prisoner here. During World War II, the royal family ( 皇室 ) secretly slept at Windsor Castle because it (6)      (consider) to be safer than other areas of London. All of the windows were blacked out. By the time the war ended in 1945, the royal family (7)      (hide) there for about 6 years. Today, Windsor Castle is the private home of Queen Elizabeth II. She (8)      (spend) most of her private weekends there. Also, Windsor Castle is open to the public. Visitors can look at some of the finest artworks and the well-kept gardens. It is one of the greatest castles in England, although a fire (9)      (burn) some of its rooms in 1992. When you are visiting London, you are expected (10)      (pay) a visit to the amazing castle. 5. was 6. was considered 7. had hidden 8. spends 9. burnt 10. to pay Ⅲ . 根据所给的汉语意思,完成下列句子 , 每空一词。 1. 我们一直期待的那个演出被取消了。 The show      we have been                was cancelled. 2. 这音乐真欢快,它让我们想跳舞。 The music is so lively that it                     dancing. 3. 你一定记得你连续几次赢得 MVP 奖吧。 You                the MVP Award            . 4. 让别人长时间等待是不礼貌的。 It’s impolite           others      for a long time. 5. 他应该多久练习一次弹钢琴?           is he           practice playing the piano? 1. that; looking forward to 2. makes us feel like 3. must remember winning; in a row 4. to keep; waiting 5. How often; supposed to 14-15 新目标九期末复习交际用语专练 Ⅰ . 根据对话内容,从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话。 (有两项多余) A: Hi, Andy! Haven’t you finished reading the novel yet? B: Yes. (1)      So I’d like to read it again. A: Really? (2)      Who was it written by? B: Yu Hua. I think him a great Chinese writer. What kind of novels do you like? A: (3)      I think Yu Hua is good at writing that kind of novels. B: I can’t agree more. (4)      A: Is he? By the way, can I borrow it from you? B: OK. (5)      A: Of course, I won’t. I will take good care of it. B: OK. And I am sure you will enjoy reading it. A. I like novels that can make me think a lot. B. But you aren’t supposed to lend it to others. C. It must be a wonderful novel. D. He is the writer that has changed me most. E. Can you tell me what it is about? F. The more I read it, the more I like it. G. You will fall in love with it as soon as you start reading it. FCADB Ⅱ . 根据对话内容,在每个空白处填写恰当的句子,使对话意思完整。 A: Hey, Tom. You look worried today. B: Yes. Something is worrying me. A: (1)              B: Well, you must promise you won’t tell others about it. A: (2)              Tell me, what’s it? B: I reported to Mr Lee that Mary cheated ( 作弊 ) in the English exam. A: Cheated in the exam? (3)              Mary is always an honest girl. B: Yes, I have made a mistake. I thought she was cheating but in fact she was looking for her rubber. Now, I don’t know how to deal with it. (4)              A: Of course. If I were you, I would explain it to Mr Lee and Mary. B: (5)              A: No, I am sure they won’t. Face it bravely and deal with it honestly. B: Thanks. I will talk to them. 1. What’s wrong? 2. OK, I won’t tell anyone else about it. 3. It sounds unbelievable. 4. Could you give me some advice? 5. But will they be angry with me?

