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九年级新人教版英语 各单元知识点1-10+期中、期末测试试卷 ‎ 九年级人教版英语各单元重点短语及句型 ‎ Unit1 How can we become good learners?‎ ‎ Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。Come on, everyone!大家加油!‎ 一.重点短语 ‎ 1. ask sb. for help 请求某人的帮助 be patient 耐心点儿 ‎ 2.improve one’ s speaking skills 提髙某人说的能力 ‎ 3. spoken English=oral English英语口语 ‎ 4. make word cards 制作单词卡片 5. listen to tapes 听磁带 ‎ 6. the secret to language learning 语言学习的诀窍 ‎ 7. be afraid to do sth.不敢'做某事 8. fall in love with.. . 爱上 ‎ 9. body language 肢体语言 10. take notes 记笔记 11. make mistakes in grammar 犯语法错误 ‎ 12. learning habits 学习习惯 13. have sth. in common 有...共同点 14. pay attention to 注意 15. ‎ 64‎ connect…with…把....与....联系起来 ‎ ‎16. write down key words 摘抄重点词 17. in class 在课堂上 after class 课后 18. be interested in… 对.......感兴趣 ‎19. do sth. on one’s own 独立做某事 20. worry about 为...而担忧 ‎21. depend on=rely on 依赖;取决于 二.重点句型 ‎1. What about doing sth ?‎ ‎ 例:What about listening to tapes?‎ 2. by的用法 ‎ a. 介词 prep. (指交通等)乘;‎ ‎ 例:The man came by bus.  那人是坐公共汽车来的。 ‎ ‎ They went to Shanghai by plane.  他们坐飞机去上海。‎ ‎ b. 表示做某事的方式、方法 结构:by+V-ing ‎ How do you study for a test? ‎ ‎ I study by making word cards.‎ 64‎ ‎3. 现在完成时态结构:have done, 表示 ‎ 例:Have you ever studied with a group?‎ 5. It’s +adj+ (for sb) to do sth ‎ It’s too hard (for me) to understand spoken English.‎ ‎6. The more you read, the faster you’ ll be.‎ 你的阅读量越大,你的阅读速度就能提髙得越快。‎ ‎7. find it + adj + to do sth ‎ 例:I find it easy to learn English.‎ ‎8. It’s a piece of cake. 小菜一碟/太容易了!‎ I ‎ Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!‎ 一.重点短语 ‎1. the Lantern Festival 元宵节 ‎ ‎2. the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 ‎3. the Water Festival 泼水节 4. eat five meals a day 一天吃五餐 64‎ ‎5. put on five pounds 体重增加了五磅 lose weight减肥 ‎6. in two weeks 两星期之后 7. be similar to... 与.......相似 ‎8. throw water at each other 互相泼水 9. in the shape of... 呈…的形状 10. folk stories民间传说故事 11. lay out摆开;布置 ‎12. the story of Chang,e嫦娥的故事 13. refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事 ‎14. have good luck in the new year在新的一年里有好运气 ‎15. end up最终成为;最后处于 end up with以…结束 ‎16. share sth with sb 与…分享… 17. as a result结果 ‎18. one ... the other... (两者中)一个…另一个… 19. care about 关心 ‎20. dress up 乔装打扮 21. haunted house 鬼屋 ‎22. play a trick on sb.捉弄某人 23. give out 分发 give up放弃 ‎24. trick or treat (万圣节用语)不给糖果就捣蛋 ‎25. light candles 26. the importance of…的重要性 ‎27. take sb around…=show sb around…带某人到处走走 ‎28. warn sb to do sth.警告某人做某事 ‎ 64‎ warn sb not to do sth警告某人不要做某事 ‎29. the beginning of new life 新生命的开始 ‎30. remind sb of … 使某人回想起…‎ ‎31. promise to do sth.承诺做某事 32. treat sb. with. 用/以…对待某人 二.重点句型 ‎1. What do/does+sb. + think of sth. ?‎ 例:What does Wu Yu think of this festival?‎ ‎2.宾语从句(P55) (复习直接引语和间接引语)‎ 一.连词 a.陈述语序(that) b.一般疑问句(if 或whether) c.特殊疑问句(5w,1h)二.陈述语序 三.时态 可跟that从句做宾语的动词:say, think, insist, wish, hope, demand, imagine, wonder, know, see, believe, agree, admit, deny, expect, explain, order, command, feel, dream, suggest, hear, mean, notice, prefer, request, require, propose, declare, report等 例:I don’t know what they are looking for. ‎ Could you tell me when the train will leave?‎ 64‎ 注意:当主句谓语动词是 think, believe, suppose, expect 等词,而宾语从句的意思是否定时,常把否定转移至主句表示。‎ 例:I don’t think it is right for him to treat you like that.‎ 注意:由whether,if 引导的宾语从句 由whether(if)引导的宾语从句,实际上是一般疑问句演变而来的,意思是“是否”。‎ 例:I wonder whether(if) they will come to our party. ‎ 注意:当宾语从句表示的是一个客观真理或者事实时,即使主句是过去时,从句也用一般现在时态。‎ ‎ 例:The teacher told us that light travels faster than sound. ‎ ‎3.感叹句结构(P56) ‎ How+adj. /adv. + 主 + 谓!‎ What (a/an)+名+ 主 + 谓!‎ 例:What an interesting story it is! How tall Yao Ming is!‎ 练习 a. 将下列句子改为感叹句 It’s a nice dress. ‎ They are lovely animals. ‎ It’s bad weather. ‎ 64‎ Her son is very naughty She is a very careful student. ‎ b. 用What , What a , What an , How 填空。‎ ‎1.______ hot the weather is! 2. _____ hard her father works! ‎ ‎3._____long way it is from Guangdong to Paris! ‎ ‎4.______fine day it was yesterday! 5.______lovely baby! ‎ ‎6._______beautiful your voice is! 7.______ sad news he told us! 8.________happy she was last weekend! ‎ ‎9.________nice the garden is!‎ ‎10._______ happy life we have! ‎ ‎11._______delicious mooncakes! ‎ Unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are?‎ 一.重点短语 ‎1. turn left/right 向左/右转 2. on one’ s left/right 在某人的左/右边 ‎3. go along Main Street 沿着主大街走 4. have dinner 吃饭 ‎5.go to the third floor 去三楼 6. a room for resting 休息室 64‎ ‎7. be special about.. . 有……独特之处 8. pardon me 请再说一次 ‎9. come on 过来;加油 10. one one’ s way to... 在去.......的路上 ‎11. something to eat一些吃的东西 12. hold one’ s hand 抓住某人的手 ‎13. mail(send) a letter 寄信 14. pass by 路过 ‎15. a rock band 摇滚乐队 16. in the shopping center 在购物中心 ‎17. in some situations 在某些场合 18. park one’ s car 停车 ‎19. an underground parking lot地下停车库 20. such as 例如 ‎21. thank sb. for doing sth. 为…感谢某人 22. look forward to…期盼…‎ ‎23. meet sb. for the first time 第一次见到某人 ‎24. in a rush to do sth. 仓促地做某事 ‎25. be convenient to do sth. 做某事很方便 二.重点句型 ‎1. not…until…‎ You never know until you try something.‎ ‎2. It seems (that)…‎ 64‎ It seems a rock band plays there every evening.‎ ‎3. do you know...‎ 例:Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some medicine?‎ Do you know when the bookstore closes today?‎ ‎4. Could you please tell me... ?‎ Could you please tell me how to get to the post office?‎ ‎5.sb. suggest+ 从句(虚拟语气:should+V )‎ 例:The clerk suggests they go to the museum.‎ ‎6.take的用法 ‎① take some food take some medicine (=have吃,喝) ② take notes做笔记 ③ take one’s temperature ( 测量 )‎ ‎④ It takes sb some time/money to do something ( 花费,需要 )‎ ‎⑤ I’ll take this coat.(=buy购买)‎ ‎⑥ take somebody / something to ( 带领,拿去,取 )‎ ‎⑦take a train to Chongqing ( 乘坐 ) ⑧ take off( 脱下)‎ 64‎ 2. turn 的用法 turn to page 80 翻到 It is your turn.轮到你了。‎ at the turning 在转弯处 turn on/ off/ up/ down 关 turn right/ left at the first turning /crossing Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark. ‎ 一.重点短语 ‎1. used to do过去常常做某事 be used to doing 习惯于做某事 be used to do 用来做事(被动语态) 2. in public公开地 ‎3. from time to time时常,有时 4. in person 亲自 ‎5. deal with处理 It’s a deal.就这么定了!‎ 64‎ ‎6. look after=take care of 照顾,照料 二.重点语法 ‎1. 辨析: ‎ ‎ used to do sth. 过去常常做…‎ get/be used to sth./doing sth. 习惯于…‎ ‎   be used to do  被用于做…(被动语态)‎ ‎ be used by 由(被)…使用(被动语态)‎ be used as … 被当做…使用(被动语态)‎ be used for doing 被用于做…(被动语态)‎ 例: I used to go to work by bus. Now I take a taxi. ‎ He used to be a problem boy. She used to be very shy. ‎ I’m used to drinking a cup of water after meal.‎ He’s been used to living in the dormitory.‎ A hammer is used to drive nails. ‎ This machine is used to clean the floor.‎ 64‎ The girl is being used as a servant in the house. ‎ A knife can be used for cutting bread. ‎ ‎2) afford(支付得起)的用法 ‎ afford sth 买得起…… afford to do sth 有足够的…去做…‎ 例:His mother couldn’t afford to pay for her child’s education.‎ They did not consider whether they could afford the time or not.‎ We can’t afford to pay such a price. (such和so区别见P110)‎ ‎3) take pride in sth/ sb = be proud of sth/ sb 为…感到自豪 例:He was watching me and take pride in everything good I do. ‎ I take pride in my child. =I’m proud of my child.‎ 注:He take pride in everything good I do. 这是一个定语从句。省略了关系代词that。先行词为不定代词时,关系代词只能用that。‎ ‎4)the+序数词+最高级+N 第几(大/长/高…)‎ One of the/形容词性物主代词+Ns 谓语用三单 例:He is now one of the best students in his class 64‎ One of my best friends is a doctor. ‎ One of his most expensive pens has been lost.‎ The yellow river is the second largest river in china.‎ Mount Qomolangma is the first highest mountain around the world. ‎ 练习:1. He used to (be) poor, but now he is rich and he can afford (buy) the most expensive car.‎ ‎2. Tom takes pride his son, because he climbed the (two) (high) mountain successfully.‎ ‎3. She is used to (help) anyone that gets into trouble.‎ One of the (difficult) things (be) to believe yourself.‎ ‎4.——Hey, what is it used to do?‎ ‎——Well, it’s used (cut )down the tree. ‎ Unit5 What are the shirts made of?‎ ‎1.重点短语 ‎ ‎1.be made of 由...制作/制造(材料) 2.be made in在...制作/制造 (产地)‎ ‎3.be made from由......制造/制成 4.environmental protection环境保护 64‎ ‎5.be famous for 以......闻名;为人知晓  be known for以......闻名 ‎ ‎6. be produced in在......生产  7. be used for被用于...... ‎ ‎8.as far as I know据我所知  9.pick by hand手工采摘 ‎ ‎10. turn... into把......变成......   11. no matter不论 ‎12.all over(around) the world全世界  13.even though即使 ‎ ‎14.avoid doing sth避免做某事 15.everyday things日常用品 ‎ ‎16.find out 查明;弄清  17.go on a vacation去度假 ‎ ‎18.paper cutting剪纸  19.such as 例如 ‎ ‎ 20. send for发送;派人去请 21.send out发出;放出;发送 ‎ ‎22.be covered with被......覆盖  23.rise into上升到;升入 ‎ ‎24.put on 张贴  25.as symbols of作为......的象征 ‎26.fairy tale 童话故事 二.重点语法 ‎1.辨析:be made of 由...制作/制造(材料):在成品中能看出原材料 ‎ be made from由...制造/制成(材料):在成品中看不出原材料 64‎ be made in在...制作/制造 (产地) Made in China.中国制造 例:The desk is made of wood. Bread is made of flour. ‎ ‎ The paper is made from wood. Wine is made of grapes.‎ ‎ This kind of plane is made in China.‎ ‎2. be famous for 以...闻名;为人知晓  be known for因...而闻名 ‎ be famous as作为...而闻名 be known as作为...而闻名 ‎ 例:Jingdezhen is famous for china.‎ China is famous for its tourism.‎ Mo Yan is very famous as a writer.‎ ‎3. allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事 allow doing sth ‎ be allowed to do sth 例:Please allow me to come in.‎ My boss doesn't allow me to use the telephone.‎ We were not allowed to talk in class. ‎ They allowed smoking in this room only.‎ 64‎ 注意:allow只可搭配动名词短语作宾语,不可直接搭用动词不定式作宾补,即只可说allow doing sth,不可说allow to do sth.‎ ‎4.一般现在时的被动语态(见P155页)‎ ‎ 结构:am/is/are+过去分词 Unit 6 When was it invented?‎ 一.重点短语 ‎1.by accident偶然;意外地 2.divide into把…分成…‎ ‎3.take place发生 happen发生(没有被动形式)‎ ‎4.all of a sudden=suddenly 突然;猛地 ‎5.look up to 仰慕 6.dream of 梦想;梦见 ‎7.translate…into…把…翻译成…‎ 二.重点语法 ‎1. 辨析invent; find; find out; discover ‎ invent“发明”,指通过劳动运用聪明才智“发明/创造”出以前从未存在过的新事物 64‎ 例:Who invented the telephone?‎ He invented a new teaching method.‎ find“找到、发现”,指找到或发现自己所需要的东西或丢失的东西,‎ 着重指找到的结果。‎ 例:We've found oil under the South Sea.‎ I finally found my English book. ‎ find out指经过研究或询问查明某事或真相。‎ 例:I've found you out at last.‎ Please find out when the ship sails for New York.‎ Please find out what time the delegation will come.‎ discover“发现”,表示“偶然”或“经过努力”发现客观存在的事物、真理或错误,即指发现原来客观存在但不为人所知的事物,也可表示发现已为人所知的事物的新的性质或用途。‎ Columbus discovered America in1492.‎ We soon discovered the truth. 我们很快就弄清了真相。‎ ‎【练习】‎ 64‎ a.Edison ____ the electric lamp.‎ b.I lost my necklace last night.I haven’t ____ it.‎ c.Who ____ America first?‎ d.Can you ____ what time the train leaves?‎ ‎2.一般过去时的被动语态(见P188页)‎ ‎ 结构:was/were+过去分词 ‎【练习】‎ ‎( ) 1. People's Republic of China __ on October 1, 1949.‎ A. found B. was founded C. is founded D. was found ‎( ) 2. English ____ in Canada. ‎ A. speaks B. are spoken C. is speaking D. is spoken ‎( ) 3 This English song __ by the girls after class. ‎ A. often sings B. often sang C.is often sang D.is often sung ‎( ) 4 This kind of car___ in Japan. ‎ A. makes B. made C. is making D. is made 64‎ ‎( ) 5 Computers ___ all over the world. ‎ A. is used B. are using C. are used D. have used Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.‎ 一.重点短语 ‎1. choose their own clothes选择自己的衣服 ‎2. be serious about对…认真,严肃 3. care about担心 ‎4. eight hours’ sleep八小时的睡眠 5. driver’s/driving license驾照 ‎6. instead of doing sth代替做某事 7. wear uniforms穿校服 ‎8. be good for对…有益 be bad for对…有害 ‎ ‎9. a fifteen-year-old boy一个15岁的男孩 ‎10. talk back回嘴,顶嘴 11. volunteer to do sth志愿做某事 ‎12. make my own decision 做自己的决定13. old people’s home养老院 ‎14. the importance of …的重要性 15. make sure确保 ‎16. a professional runner一个专业的赛跑者 ‎17.keep…away from远离 get in the way of挡…路;妨碍 64‎ ‎18. stay up 熬夜 19. a part-time job兼职 ‎20. be strict with sb. 对某人严厉  be strict in sth对某事严厉 二.重点句型 ‎1.She is a sixteen-year-old girl.=She is sixteen years old.‎ ‎2. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事(主动语态)‎ ‎ be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事(被动语态)‎ ‎ Mother allows me to watch TV every night. ‎ ‎ LiLy is allowed to go to America. ‎ ‎3. get their ears pierced 穿耳洞 ‎ 让/使(别人)做某事  get sth. done(过去分词)‎ ‎            have sth. done ‎ I get my hair cut. == I have my hair cut. ‎ ‎4. enough 足够 ‎ ‎ 形容词+enough 如:beautiful enough 足够漂亮 ‎ enough+名词 如:enough food 足够食物 64‎ ‎ enough…to  足够…去做…‎ 例:I have enough money to go to Beijing. 我有足够的钱去北京。‎ ‎ She is old enough to go to school.她够大去读书了。‎ ‎5. stop doing sth. 停止做某事 Please stop speaking.‎ stop to do sth. 停止下来去做某事 Please stop to speak.‎ ‎6. 系动词用法:系动词+adj 常用的系动词有:look, feel, be, become, get, turn, smell, taste, stay(保持), kept等。连系动词除be和become等少数词可接名词作表语外,一般都是接形容词。‎ ‎ 例:They are very happy. He became a doctor two years ago. ‎ She felt very tired. The grass turns green.‎ ‎7. get in the way of 碍事,妨碍 如: ‎ Her social life got in the way of her studies.‎ ‎8. also 用于句中 I also like apples.‎ ‎ either用于否定句句末 I don’t like apples, either.‎ ‎ too 用于肯定句句末 I like apples, too.‎ 64‎ Unit 8 it must belong to Carla.‎ 一.重点短语 ‎1.be long to属于 2.listen to classical music听古典音乐 ‎3.at school在学校 4.at the picnic在野餐 ‎5.go to the concert去听音乐会 attend a concert参加音乐会 ‎6. run for exercise跑步锻炼 7.catch a bus赶公共汽车 ‎8.keep healthy保持健康 9.point out指出 ‎10.pop music流行音乐 light music轻音乐 folk music民间音乐 country music乡村音乐 foreign music外国音乐 ‎ jazz爵士乐 rock摇滚乐 11. the rest of其余的人或物 ‎12. have no idea不知道 13. not only…but also…不但…而且… ‎ ‎14. make noise(可数)吵闹 15.an ocean of许许多多、无穷无尽的 16. call the police 报警 17. get on 上车 get off 下车 二.重点语法 ‎ 1. must, may, might, could, may, can’t+动词原形 表示推测,程度不同 64‎ must 一定,肯定(100%的可能性)‎ may, might, could有可能, 也许(20%-80%的可能性)‎ can’t 不可能, 不会(可能性几乎为零)‎ 例:The dictionary must be mine. It has my name on it. ‎ The CD might/could/may belong to Tony, because he likes listening to pop music.‎ The hair band can’t be Bob’s. After all, he is boy!‎ 1. 当play 指弹奏乐器时,常在乐器前用定冠词 play the guitar play the piano play the violin 当play 指进行球类运动时,则不用定冠词 ‎ play football play basketball play baseball ‎3. try to do sth.尝试做某事 ‎ try/do one’s best to do sth. 尽某人的最大努力去做某事 例:I try to climb the tree. ‎ He tried his best to run. ‎ ‎4.escape from …从哪里逃跑出来 ‎ 64‎ 例:He escaped from the burning building. ‎ ‎5. 辨析because of , because because of +名词/代词/名词性短语 because +从句 例:I do it because I like it. 我做这件事是因为我喜欢。‎ I had to move because of my job. 因为工作的原因我得搬家。‎ ‎6. anything strange 一些奇怪的东西 当形容词修饰something, anything, nothing, everything等不定代词时,放在这些词的后面 ‎7. there be sb./ sth. doing ‎ 例:There is a cat eating fish.‎ There must be something visiting our home.‎ ‎8. look for 寻找 指过程 find 找到 指结果  ‎ 例:I am looking for a pen. 我正在找一支笔。(指找的过程)‎ I found my pen just now. 我刚刚找到了我的笔。(指找的结果)‎ ‎9. hear 听 指听的结果 64‎ listen 听 指听的过程 如:‎ 例:Did you hear ? 你听到了吗?(指听的结果,听或没听到)‎ I often listen to the music. 我经常听音乐。(指听的过程)‎ ‎10. take place 常指“(某事)按计划进行或按计划发生”(二者都无被动)‎ happen常指具体事件的发生,特别指那些偶然或未能预见的“发生”‎ 例:Great changes have taken place in China since.‎ New things are happening all around us. ‎ take place还有“举行”之意。‎ 例:The meeting will take place next Friday.‎ happen还可表示“碰巧;恰好”之意 例:It happened that I had no money on me.‎ 64‎ Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.‎ 一.重点短语 ‎1.stay away from 远离 2. be sure 确定;确信 ‎3. be sure to do 一定要做某事  4.make sure that...确保…;确定…‎ ‎5. stay out待在外面 6. stay up熬夜 ‎7.in that case既然那样 8.in case万一 ‎9.stick to坚持;固守 10.in total总共;合计 ‎11.plenty of 大量;充足 12.once in a while偶尔;间或 二.重点语法 ‎1.prefer的用法 ‎【1】prefer A to B、A与B相比较,比较喜欢A 64‎ 例:I prefer English to Chinese. I prefer fish to meat.‎ ‎【2】prefer doing A to doing B,A与B相比,比较喜欢做A 例:I prefer swimming to running. ‎【3】prefer to do A rather than do B,A与B相比,比较喜欢做A 例:I preferred to stay behind rather than go with you.‎ ‎【4】词组prefer not to do “不愿意做……”‎ ‎2. whatever 相当于no matter what 例:Wherever you go, whatever you do, I’ll be right here waiting for you. ‎3. cheer up高兴起来;振作起来 使欢乐;使高兴 例:Cheer up!Your troubles will soon be over.‎ He tried to cheer them up with funny stories.‎ 1. marry娶;嫁;结婚;和...结婚 marry sb. / get married 表示动作 例. He married a pretty girl. ‎ She married a soldier. =She got married to a soldier. ‎ They got married last year. ‎ 64‎ ‎4. keep healthy 保持健康 例. In order to keep healthy, he keeps jogging every day. ‎ keep in good health, keep fit和 stay healthy 都表示“保持健康”‎ 巧记以o结尾的名词变复数:两人两菜一枝烟 注:两人指的是negro黑人,hero英雄, ‎  两菜指的是tomato西红柿,potato土豆, ‎  一枝烟,是说tobacco烟草,这些词变复数时要加是-es,‎ 其余以o结尾的加-s。 ‎ ‎5.定语从句 ‎ 观察两个句子,看看有什么区别: ‎ an interesting book   形容词interesting做定语修饰book ‎ a book that is interesting    that is interesting句子做定语修饰book ‎ interesting/that is interesting作用是相同的,都是用作定语来修饰名词book, 这种在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。 ‎ 定义:‎ 64‎ 复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。定语从句要跟在所修饰的名词或代词后面,被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词。定语从句一般用关系代词who,that,which和whose来引导,放在从句的句首使从句与主句相连,并在句中担当一定的成分。 ‎ ‎  I like music that I can dance to. (作宾语)‎ ‎  I prefer singers who can write their own songs. (作主语) ‎ 注1:That在从句中作主语或宾语(作宾语时that 可省略) ‎ ‎(指物)A plane is a machine that can fly. (作主语) ‎ ‎   The noodles(that)I cooked were delicious. (作宾语) ‎ ‎(指人)Who is the man that is reading the book over there? (作主语) ‎ ‎   The girl (that) we say yesterday was Jim’s sister.  (作宾语) ‎ 注2:从句的谓语和先行词的单复数保持一致 ‎  I like a sandwich that is really delicious. ‎ ‎  I love singers who are beautiful. ‎ 注3:Which在从句中作主语或宾语(作宾语时可省) ‎ ‎(指物)The silk which is produced in Hangzhou sells well. (作主语)‎ ‎   The songs (which)Liu Dehua sang were very popular. (作宾语) ‎ 64‎ ‎ 注4:Who(主语), whom(宾语)‎ ‎(指人)例.The boy who break the window is called Roy. (作主语)‎ ‎   The person to whom you just talked is Mr. Li.(作宾语)‎ ‎ 注5: Whose 在从句中作定语指人或物的所有格 ‎  I like the girl whose hair is long.  (作定语) ‎ Unit 10 You are supposed to shake hands.‎ 一.重点词组 ‎   1. be supposed to do sth被期望/要求做某事;应该  ‎ ‎   2. shake hands 握手    3. drop by 顺便拜访 ‎4. after all毕竟;终归  5. pick up 拾起;捡起    接某人  ‎ ‎6. make a noise 发出噪音  7. table manners 餐桌礼仪 ‎ 64‎ ‎  8. get used to 习惯于    9. be relaxed about对…随意/放松 ‎ 10. get mad大动肝火;气愤 11.clean…off 把…擦掉 ‎12.take off脱下(衣服);(飞机等)起飞 13.make an effort作出努力 ‎14.make sb feel at home使某人感到宾至如归 15.cut up切开;切碎 ‎16.be expected to do 被期待做… 17.make friends with与…交朋友 ‎18.as soon as一…就… 19.to one’s surprise令某人吃惊的是 ‎20. be different from 与…不同 21.on time 按时 in time及时 二.重点语法 ‎1.   (1)suppose:猜想;假设 suppose that表示“猜测;假设”,that可省 ‎     例:I suppose he is a student. ‎ ‎   (2)be supposed to do sth被期望做某事,应该做某事。相当于 should 和ought to 例:We are supposed to stop smoking. ‎ You are supposed to say hello to the foreigners. ‎ ‎  【练习】You are supposed _____ hands when you meet for the first time. ‎ ‎ A. to shake      B. shake      C. shaking      D. shook   ‎ 64‎ ‎2. make plans to do == plan to do. 打算做某事 ‎ 例She has made plans to go to Beijing.=She has planed to go to Beijing.  ‎ go out of one’s way to do 特意,专门做某事 ‎ 例:He went out of his way to make me happy.‎ ‎3. In Switzerland, it’s very important to be on time.‎ 分析:it是形式主语,不定式是真正的主语。‎ 例:To clean the blackboard is your job.‎ ‎=It’s your job to clean the blackboard.  ‎ ‎4. We are the land of watches, after all. 毕竟我们是钟表王国。 ‎ ‎  (1)the land of watches钟表王国 ‎     例:China is the land of bikes.‎ ‎(2)after all毕竟 ‎     例:After all your brother is a little kid.   ‎ ‎ 【练习】 Don’t be angry with her, _____ she is your mother. ‎ ‎  A. at first      B. by the way       C. after all       D. in a word   ‎ 64‎ ‎5. Thanks for...=Thank you for...表示“因...而感谢”,后接名词、代词或者动名词作宾语 例:Thanks for helping me.  Thanks for your message.  ‎ ‎【练习】Thank you for _____ me to your birthday party. ‎ ‎  A. to ask       B. asked       C. invite       D. Inviting ‎6. 辨析except和besides ‎  (1)except“除......之外”不包括所说的东西 例:I get up early except Sunday. (不包括星期天)‎ ‎       Nobody was late for the meeting except me today.        ‎ ‎  (2)besides的意思是“除了......之外,还有”‎ ‎     例:Five others are late besides me. (包含我在内)‎ ‎7. not ...any more=no more 不再 ‎ not... any  longer=no longer 不再 ‎ 例:The boy didn’t cry any more/longer when he saw his mother.       ‎ ‎【练习】Don’t try to fool us. We are not children _______ ‎ ‎   A. any longer     B. any more     C. after all      D. A, B and C ‎ 64‎ ‎8.辨析maybe和may be ‎  (1)maybe 副词:“大概、或许”,常用于句首表示不确定的猜测。 ‎ ‎     例:Maybe your father is at home. ‎ ‎  (2)may be 情态动词:may+动词原形be构成句子的谓语,情态动词may表示推测,译为:也许 ‎     许、可能”。‎ ‎【练习】Look at that tall man. He ______ your new teacher. ‎ ‎   A. maybe      B. really be      C. to be       D. may be ‎ 九年级英语期中测试卷附参考答案 ‎ ‎ 一、 ‎ 笔试部分(100分)‎ I.根据句意以及首字母提示完成单词。(5分)‎ 1. ‎ I don’t know the p___________ of the word.‎ 2. ‎ She often misses her friends and r___________ in her hometown.‎ 3. ‎ It’s c___________ to travel around Paris by subway.‎ 4. ‎ Do you know the differences between B__________ English and American English?‎ 5. ‎ There are some leaves on the s___________ of the water.‎ II. 用所给词或汉语的适当形式填空。(5分)‎ 1. ‎ Do you learn English by ____________ (watch) English-language videos?‎ 64‎ 1. ‎ Maybe someone has ____________ (偷走) my handbag at the station.‎ 2. ‎ This is the ___________ (中心的) city of the whole area.‎ 3. ‎ You ____________ (use) to be quiet, didn’t you?‎ 4. ‎ Peter is a ____________ (Germany), but his mother is a Chinese.‎ III.单项选择(15分)‎ 1. Tom was so careless that he often _______ the exam.‎ ‎ A.make mistake of B.makes mistakes in C.made mistakes in D.made mistakes of 2. Many heroes are ready to help others, Lei Feng, _______.‎ ‎ A.such as B.like C.for example D.example 3. I usually _______ Tian’anmen Square on the way to school every day.‎ ‎ A.pass on B.pass by C.drop by D.come by 4. ‎______ clever boy he is!‎ ‎ A.How B.What C.How a D.What a 5. He comes from a small village _______ Choushui.‎ ‎ A.calls B.called C.calling D.call 6. My uncle _______ a doctor, but now he has retired.‎ ‎ A.used to be B.use to be C.was used to being D.used to being 7. I didn’t understand _______, so I raised my hand to ask.‎ ‎ A.what my teacher says B.what does my teacher say ‎ C.what my teacher said D.what did my teacher say 8. Could you tell me where _______ the post office?‎ ‎ A. to find B.can I find C.how to find D.find 9. Do you know _______ there are any good restaurants _______ this block?‎ ‎ A.if;on B.how;on C.if;to D.where;to 64‎ 1. I used to _______ upstairs, but now I am used to _______ downstairs.It’s cooler.‎ ‎ A.sleep;sleep B.sleeping;sleeping C.sleeping;sleep D.sleep;sleeping 2. The old man lives ______, but she never feels ______.‎ ‎ A.alone;alone B.lonely;lonely C.lonely;alone D.alone;lonely 3. He ______ many books in the last few years.‎ ‎ A.wrote B.has written C.was writing D.was written 4. Her book are _______ read.‎ ‎ A.wide B.widely C.wider D.widest 5. Mo Yan is famous _______ an excellent writer.And China is famous ______ culture.‎ ‎ A.for;as B.as;for C.because;as D.as;for 6. Leo was late for class.So he _______ clean the classroom after school.‎ ‎ A.made B.made to C.was made D.was made to ‎ IV.句型转换,每空一词。(10分)‎ 1. The boy is too young to dress himself. (改为同义句)‎ ‎ The boy is ________ young ________ he can’t dress himself.‎ 2. The flowers are very beautiful. (改为感叹句)‎ ‎ _________ __________ flowers they are!‎ 3. The Smiths said they would visit Beijing the next year. (改为反义疑问句)‎ ‎ The Smiths said they would visit Beijing the next year, ________ _________?‎ 4. Could you tell me how to deal with it? (改为同义句)‎ ‎ Could you tell me ________ ________ ________ deal with it?‎ 5. The tomatoes are picked by hand. (对划线部分提问)‎ ‎ ________ ________ the tomatoes ________?‎ V.交际运用(15分)‎ 64‎ ‎(A).补全对话。(5分)‎ A: Hi, Bob. Don’t you remember me?‎ B: Oh! _______‎ A: Right. I’m Jim. ‎ B: _______‎ A: Yes. But now I’m tall. You used to be quiet, didn’t you?‎ B:Yes. But now I’m outgoing and not afraid of speaking in public.‎ A: That’s great. _______‎ B: Yes, I did. But now I’m more interested in sports. _______ How about you?‎ A: Now I don’t like sports and I’m interested in singing. _______‎ B: A famous singer? That’s great. I hope your dream will come true.‎ A. ‎ By the way, did you use to play the guitar?‎ B. ‎ What sport are you good at?‎ C. ‎ I want to be a famous singer.‎ D. ‎ You are Jim, aren’t you?‎ E. ‎ You used to be a singer, didn’t you?‎ F. ‎ I play basketball every day.‎ G. ‎ You used to be short, didn’t you?‎ ‎(B).用适当的句子补全对话。(10分)‎ T: You look worried, Li Lei.‎ L: I do. I’m having trouble learning English.‎ T: _________________________________?‎ L: I can’t get the pronunciation right.‎ T: ___________________________________.‎ 64‎ L: That’s a good idea. But what about all the new words?‎ T: ___________________________________. ‎ L: That’s might be help!The last problem I have is that I don’t get much writing practice.‎ T: ___________________________________.‎ L: That sounds like a fun way to ____________________. Thanks.‎ VI.完型填空。从方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。(10分)‎ ‎ everywhere, country, old, child, bring, lot, back, dance, tree, present Do you know Christmas? Do you like it? In most western __1__, it is the most important day in a year. All the people come __2__ to their homes to have the day with their family. Most families buy a Christmas tree for their __3__. And there are many presents on the __4__. People also put __5__ in their children’s stockings. In many places, Father Christmas __6__ presents to children. He is a(n) __7__ man. He is in a red suit, with a big bag on the back. In the bag there are __8__ of presents. On Christmas Day bells ring __9__. It tells people Christmas is coming. People sing and __10__ day and night. They have a good time.‎ ‎ 1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________‎ ‎ 6. _________ 7. _________ 8. _________ 9. _________ 10. _________‎ VII.阅读理解。(30分)‎ ‎(A)‎ Welcome to Jiulong hotel and we will do all we can to make your stay an enjoyable one. We hope you will find the following useful to you.‎ 64‎ Meal times Breakfast 7:30 - 9:30 am ‎ Lunch 12:00 - 2:00 pm Afternoon tea 4:00 - 5:30 pm Dinner 7:00 - 9:15 pm Tea, coffee, cakes and sandwiches can be brought to your rooms from 10:00 am to 11:00 pm except during the meal times listed above. Cold drinks in your rooms can be used at any time.‎ Room cleaning ‎ The waiters will clean the room if you leave the room at any time between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.‎ Valuables Please put your valuables in our safe (保险箱), or we can’t be responsible (负责的) for your loss.‎ Leaving If you want to leave, please tell us before 6:30 pm of the day. Or you will have to pay for another day.‎ Attention To make sure of other people’s good rest, turn down the radio or the TV after 11:00 pm.‎ ‎( )1. The hotel serves the following foods in rooms EXCEPT     .‎ ‎ A. coffee B. cakes C. candy D. cold drinks ‎( )2. The underlined word “valuables” means “   ” in Chinese.‎ 64‎ ‎ A. 贵重物品 B. 行李 C. 随身物品 D. 包裹 ‎( )3. If you’re about to leave, you should tell the hotel before      _______of the day so as not to pay for another day.‎ ‎ A. 10:00 am B. 4:00 pm C. 6:30 pm D. 11:00 pm ‎ ‎( )4. You should      after 11:00 pm.‎ ‎ A. watch TV B. turn down the TV ‎ ‎ C. clean your room D. turn off the radio ‎( )5. What do we know from the reading above?‎ ‎ A. The waiters in the hotel work for 8 hours a day.‎ ‎ B. The hotel can look after your things in the room well.‎ ‎ C. You can’t book (预定) a room in the hotel after 6:30 pm.‎ ‎ D. Your room is cleaned when you leave between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.‎ ‎(B)‎ Mr. and Mrs. White had two sons and three daughters.One Sunday, Mrs White said to her husband,“The children don’t have any lessons today, and you are free, too.There’s a new amusement park in the city. Let’s all go there together.”‎ Her husband said,“I want to finish some work today.”“Oh, forget it. Go there and make our children happy. That’s the most important work.”Mrs White said.‎ So Mr. and Mrs. White took their children to the amusement park.Mr. White was forty-five years old, but he enjoyed the amusement park more than his children.He hurried from one thing to another,and ate lost of sweets.One of the children said to her mother,“Dad is just like a small child, isn’t he?”Mrs. White didn’t want to follow her husband around any more at that time and answered,“He is even worse than a small child, Mary, because he might spend more money than a small child.”‎ ‎( )1.There were________children in the White family.‎ ‎ A.two B.three C.four D.five ‎( )2.One Sunday,Mr. and Mrs. White wanted to go to ____ with their children.‎ 64‎ ‎ A.school B.work C.an amusement park D.a shop ‎( )3.Mr. White liked the place so much that he_______.‎ ‎ A.bought lots of sweets B.followed his wife all the time ‎ C.hurried from one thing to another D.asked a lot of questions ‎( )4.From the story we know Mrs. White _____ when Mary asked her the question.‎ ‎ A.was still excited to play B.was a little angry with Mr. White ‎ C.looked for Mr. White everywhere D.are a lot of sweets ‎( )5.Of all he family members, _____ enjoyed playing there most that Sunday.‎ ‎ A.Mr. White B.Mrs. White C.Mary D.the boys ‎(C)‎ A rich man was once riding along the road and saw an old man digging in his garden. On the ground lay a young tree, ready to be planted. The rich man called out to the old man, “What kind of tree are you planting there, my good man?” ‎ ‎“This is a fig(无花果) tree, sir. ” He said. ‎ ‎“A fig tree?” the rich man was very surprised, “Why, how old are you, may I ask?” ‎ ‎“I am ninety years old.” ‎ ‎“What!” cried the rich man, “You’re ninety years old. You are planting a very young tree now and it’ll take years to give fruit. You certainly don’t hope to live long enough to get any fruit from this tree. ” The old man looked around the garden. Then he said with a smile, “Tell me, sir. Did you eat figs when you were a boy? ”“Sure,” the man did not know why he asked this question. “Then tell me this,” he said, “Who planted the fig trees?” “Why-why? I don’t know.” “You see, sir.” went on the old man,“Our forefathers(祖先) planted trees for us to enjoy and I am doing the same for the people after me.” ‎ The rich man was quiet and said, “You are right,my good man. We should do some things for the people after us. Thank you very much.” Then he rode away. ‎ 根据短文内容回答下列各问题。‎ ‎11.What tree was the old man planting when the rich man saw him? ‎ 64‎ ‎________________________________________‎ ‎12. How old was the old man? ‎ ‎_________________________________________‎ ‎13. The old man was planting the tree to get himself some fruit to eat,wasn’t he? Who was he planting the tree for? ‎ ‎____________________________________________‎ ‎14. Did the rich man eat figs when he was a boy? ‎ ‎____________________________________________‎ ‎15. What should we do for the people after us? ‎ ‎_____________________________________________‎ 二、书面表达(10分)‎ ‎ 下面是李伟的期末考试成绩单,还有各科老师的评语。假如你是李伟,请你给你的朋友Jim写一封80词左右的信,告诉他自己的学校情况,并向他寻求学习方面的建议。(开头已给出,不计入总词数)‎ Subject Grade The teacher’s words English A You are good at listening and reading.‎ Math C You are a little bit lazy.You have to work harder.‎ Chinese A You do well in it.‎ Dear Jim,‎ I just got my report card this morning.‎ 64‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————九年级上学期英语期末考试附参考答案和听力材料 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共100分)‎ 第一部分 听 力 (共两节,满分20分)‎ 做题时,可将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。‎ 第一节:(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) ‎ 听下面5段小对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在答题卡上的相应位置。每段对话读一遍。‎ ‎1. What kind of fruit do they eat?‎ A. B. C.‎ ‎2. What is the man going to be when he grows up?‎ 64‎ ‎ A B C ‎ A. B. C.‎ ‎3. What’ s Lily doing for vacation? ‎ ‎ A. B. C.‎ ‎4. What will Salina do if she feels sad?‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ A. B. C.‎ ‎5. What animal does the man like?‎ A. B. C.‎ 第二节:(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)‎ 64‎ 听下面几段材料,每段材料后有一个或几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在答题卡上的相应位置。每段材料读两遍。‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第6小题 ‎6. Who repaired the bicycle for Mrs. Brown?‎ A. Tom’s brother. B. Mrs. Brown’s brother. C. Tom.‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第7小题 ‎7. Why can’t they cross the street now?‎ A. Because the red light is on. B. Because the traffic is busy. ‎ C. Because a policeman is there.‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第8小题 ‎8. Where does the woman want to go?‎ ‎ A. The museum. B. The post office. C. The supermarket.‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第9小题 ‎9. How much are the two jackets?‎ A.80 yuan. B. 36 yuan. C. 160 yuan.‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第10小题 ‎10. How old is Peter’s brother?‎ A. Ten. B. Twelve. C. Eight.‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第11- 12题 ‎11. How will the man go to Tianjin?‎ ‎ A. By plane. B. By car. C. By ship. ‎ ‎12. What’re they talking about?‎ ‎ A. Summer plans. B. Summer classes. C. Summer. ‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第13-15题 ‎ 64‎ ‎13. Who is making a robot?‎ ‎ A. Bill’s father. B. Bill and his father. C. Bill.‎ ‎14. What does Bill’s father do?‎ ‎ A. He is a teacher. B. He is a writer. C. He is an engineer.‎ ‎15. What does Bill think the robot will help his mother to do?‎ ‎ A. Do housework. B. Just wash dishes. C. Cook dinner.‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第16-20题 ‎16. How many meals do many English people have a day? ‎ A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.‎ ‎17. What do English people may have for their breakfast?‎ A. Tea and eggs. B. Porridge, eggs, bread, tea or coffee. ‎ C. Tea and coffee.‎ ‎18. What time do English people have lunch?‎ A. At one. B. At nine. C. At any time.‎ ‎19. When does dinner come in many English homes?‎ A. At one. B. In the middle of the day. C. At half past seven.‎ ‎20. What can we know from the passages?‎ A. Dinner is most important. B. All English people’s meals are the same.‎ C. English people’s meals are different from Chinese people’s.‎ 第二部分 基础知识运用(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ 从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 ‎ ‎21. --Tom, could you please pass me the ? I want to cut the apple.‎ 64‎ ‎ -- Sure, here you are.‎ A. pen B. knife C. pencil ‎ ‎22. In the United States, Father's Day falls on ________ third Sunday in ________ June.‎ ‎ A. the; / B. the; a C. /; the ‎ ‎23. -- Look!The woman who is speaking to Mr. Brown be Miss Li! ‎ ‎ -- No, It be her. She is not here today because of her bad cold. ‎ ‎ A. can; can’t B. must; mustn’t C. must; can’t ‎24. Never eat food that stays overnight, it tastes .‎ A. but; good B. even though; good C. though; well ‎ 25. -- I am afraid I will be late for the meeting! I have to rush now!‎ ‎ -- ! There’s still 20 minutes.‎ A. Not bad B. Good luck C. Take your time ‎26. Of the two sweaters, she’d like to choose one to save for a pen.‎ ‎ A. the cheaper B. cheaper C. more expensive ‎ ‎27. -- Which would you like, tea or milk?学科网 ‎ -- . ‎ ‎ A. Milk, please. B. Help yourself. ‎ C. What? I don’t like tea at all.‎ ‎28. -- Many students don’t know how to stress and become worried. ‎ ‎-- I think they should ask their teachers for help. ‎ A. get on B. deal with C. care for ‎ ‎29. -- Mr. Li often looks tired and worried?‎ ‎ -- . You see it’s not easy to run such a big factory. ‎ 64‎ ‎ A. So does he B. So he does C. So do I ‎ ‎30. -- Dave is always making the same mistake. It worries me a lot.‎ ‎ -- Take it easy. , he is only a child.‎ A. First of all B. All in all C. After all ‎31. -- Do you know the man visited the United States in February?‎ ‎ -- Yes. He is Chinese President Xi Jinping. He said it was his visit to the United States.‎ ‎ A. who; fifth B. that; five C. /; five ‎ ‎32. -- Helen, we your report . Is it ready ?‎ ‎-- It’s ready. I’ll send it to you soon . ‎ A. don’t receive B. didn’t receive C. haven’t received ‎ ‎33. -- Joe always leaves his dirty socks everywhere.‎ ‎-- Don’t be so angry. You know “ ”.‎ A. Old habits die hard B. Rome was not built in a day C. Bad news travels fast ‎ ‎34. -- Can you tell me how to make fruit salad?‎ ‎ -- Sure, Please watch carefully and you will see how it .‎ ‎ A. is making B. is made C. makes ‎ ‎35. -- Could you tell me ? I’m going to pick you up at the airport. ‎ ‎-- At 15: 45 this Friday. ‎ A. where you met me B. when you came here C. what time you are arriving 第二节: 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面A、B两篇短文,掌握其大意,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。‎ 64‎ ‎ A ‎ In January,there was an earthquake in Haiti.After learning about the 36 situation there,Charlie,a 7-year-old boy from London, decided to do something for the people in Haiti in his own way.He 37 £500 by riding his bike five miles around a local park. 38 ,he raised £120,000.‎ ‎ Many people 39 were moved by Charlie’s effort.They went to visit his website.On the website.people all over the world can see the simple message left by Charlie: My name is Charlie Simpson.I want to do a bike ride for Haiti because there was a big earthquake there and 40 people lost their lives.I want to make some money 41 food,water and tents for the people in Haiti.‎ ‎ Charlie’s mother,Leonora,said,“He felt very 42 and decided to do something for the people in Haiti.We didn’t think that his little bike ride around the park would become so influential and get so much support from people.”‎ ‎36. A. terrible B. relaxing C. wonderful ‎37. A. wanted to spend B. decided to raise C. took out of ‎38. A. At first B. At the end of C. In the end ‎39. A. around the world B. around the house C. only in the city ‎40. A. a few of B. a little of C. plenty of ‎ ‎41. A. to borrow B. to eat C. to buy ‎42. A. happy B. sad C. excited ‎ B ‎ ‎“Who would you like to change your life with if possible?” Last week, we asked many ‎ middle school students this question. The following are some of their 43 .‎ Zhang Yike, 12‎ I want to change my life with my friend, Wang Xiaohui. She is studying in England now. She has 44 to many countries, such as the US and France. They are the places I wish to visit. What’s more, she 45 much better English than me. If I change my life with her, I can visit many beautiful countries, eat delicious food and meet different kinds of people there.‎ Qiu Haoran, 14‎ I’d like to change my life with my Chinese teacher Miss Zhao. Miss Zhao is a very kind lady. She 46 a lot, so she always has so many interesting 47 to tell us. We all like her 64‎ classes. I also want to be such an excellent teacher and be 48 with my students.‎ Tan Bo, 13‎ I will change my life with my elder brother. My brother is a college student now. He does have to go to class all the time. He can study 49 he is interested in. And he even has a part-time job to make money. To me, all of these sound very interesting. I really want a life 50 this. ‎ ‎43. A. answers B. problems C. questions        ‎ ‎44. A. gone B. come                    C. been          ‎ ‎45. A. says B. speaks                 C. talks           ‎ ‎46. A. teaches B. knows                 C. thinks    ‎ ‎47. A. stories B. books C. sayings ‎48. A. busy B. popular            C. serious ‎49. A. which                B. who              C. what ‎50. A. as                    B. for               C. like 第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)‎ 第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。(共20小题;‎ 每小题2分,满分40分)‎ A AROUND CHENGDU is a special program in English on CDTV-5. It’s about the city and lasts for 8 minutes. You can watch the program at 20:27 every Sunday and watch it again at 7:30 and 15:35 on Monday.‎ Tel: 8109566 Add: 139 North Ring Road, CHENGDU CHENGDU WEEKLY is to help foreigners understand more about the city. It’s a news edition(版面) in English in CHENGDU. It usually appears on the 48th edition of the city’s most popular newspaper CITY EXPRESS every Thursday.[来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ 64‎ Tel: 8105699 Add: 218 Hangtian Road, CHENGDU IN TOUCH is an English language magazine. Read the pages and inside you’ll find passages on history, art, music, sports, travel and food of Sichuan. At the end of every month you can get the magazine in hotels, restaurants, bookshops and cafes all around Sichuan without paying.‎ Tel: 8243611 8243103 Add: 5 Wenhui Road, CHENGDU ‎ ‎51. AROUND CHENGDU can be watched again a week. ‎ ‎ A. three times B. twice C. once ‎ ‎52. At the end of every month, you can get IN TOUCH in all around Sichuan for free.‎ ‎ A. hotels and bookshops B. restaurants and hospitals ‎ ‎ C. schools and bookshops ‎ ‎53. If you want to get some information of music and travel, you can find something in ‎ .‎ ‎ A. CHENGDU WEEKLY B. IN TOUCH ‎ ‎ C. AROUND CHENGDU ‎ ‎54. If a foreign friend wants to get some news about Chengdu, he can call at .‎ ‎ A. 8243611 B. 8105699 C. 8234103 ‎ ‎55. This passage is perhaps .‎ ‎ A. an advertisement B. a story C. an instruction ‎ B ‎ ‎ In a cold winter, a couple had to move out of their big house because of bankruptcy(破产). The husband worked day and night but with no care of his wife. So she thought, “He doesn’t love me anymore; he just thinks about his work.”‎ One day, she wanted to take a shower, but her husband stopped her at the door. “Let me take it first, OK?” “Why not let me take it first?” she asked. “I’m tired, ‎ 64‎ dear. You take it later, OK?” She was very down. ‎ On a rainy day, she found nothing to do and turned on his computer. After a few minutes, her eyes were full of tears...it was his diary:‎ Today, I was quite sad. She asked me why I was always taking the shower first, and I said I was tired. She was unhappy. I wasn’t as rich as before! We moved to the small house and it was very cold. I found that if one person took the shower first, the bathroom could get a little warmer. So I always rushed to the bathroom first. When she took the shower, the bathroom could get warmer, at least 1°C. I can’t give her more, but at least I can give her 1°C love.‎ ‎56. When did the couple move out of their big house?‎ A. On a rainy day. B. In a cold winter. ‎ C. When the husband went to work.‎ ‎57. Why did the woman think her husband didn’t love her ?‎ A. Because they moved out of their big house. ‎ B. Because he took the shower first.‎ C. Because he always worked with no care of her.‎ ‎58. Why were the woman’s eyes full of tears ?‎ A. Because she felt sad by her husband’s words. ‎ B. Because the rainy day made her sad.‎ C. Because she was moved by her husband’s diary.‎ ‎59. Why did the man want to take the shower first?‎ A. Because he was tired and wanted to sleep earlier. ‎ B. Because he wanted to make the bathroom warmer.‎ C. Because he wasn’t as strong as before.‎ ‎60. What can we know from the passage? ‎ A. The couple weren’t rich as before. ‎ B. The man was very poor before.‎ C. The woman didn’t love her husband any more.‎ 64‎ ‎ C When you are learning English, you find it not clever to put an English sentence, word for word, into your own language. Take the sentence “How do you do? ”as an example. If you look up each word in the dictionary, one at a time, what is your translation? It must be a wrong sentence in your own language. ‎ Languages do not just have different sounds; they are different in many ways. It’s important to master the rules for word order in the study of English, too. If the speaker puts words in a wrong order, the listener can’t understand the speaker’s sentence easily. Sometimes when the order of words in an English sentence is changed, the meaning of the sentence changes. But sometimes the order is changed, the meaning of the sentence doesn’t change. Let’s see the difference between the two pairs of sentences. ‎ ‎“She only likes apples. ”‎ ‎“Only she likes apples. ”‎ ‎“I have seen the film already. ”‎ ‎“I have already seen the film. ”‎ When you are learning English, you must do your best to get the spirit(精神实质)of the language and use it as the English speaker does. ‎ ‎61. What can we know from the passage when we are learning English? ‎ A. We shouldn’t put every word into our own language.‎ B. We should look up every word in the dictionary.‎ C. We must read word by word.‎ ‎62. What is the writer’s opinion about learning English? ‎ A. It is difficult to understand different sounds.‎ B. It is important to master the rules in English study.‎ C. It is impossible to remember the word order rules.‎ ‎63. What can we learn from the passage?‎ A. The meaning of an English sentence always changes with the order of the words.‎ B. The order of words can never change the meaning of an English sentence.‎ C.Sometimes different order of words has a different meaning.‎ ‎64. “She only likes apples. ” .    ‎ A. is the same as “Only she likes apples. ”‎ B. is different from “Only she likes apples. ”‎ 64‎ C. means “She likes fruit except apples. ”‎ ‎65. Which is the best title for this passage? ‎ A. Different Orders, Different Meanings B. How to Speak English C. How to Learn English D Who wants to carry a bulky bag to school? No children. Nobody wants one shoulder to be lower than the other, and paining too. In China, most of us would think of reducing textbooks as a way out. But in a country like America, there are always more choices. A company called Go Reader has created a “school bag” which is the size of a laptop (笔记本电脑), weighing about 2.5 kg. The Go Reader has a color screen and can “hold” all the textbooks that a student may need, says a report in China Daily newspaper. ‎ The company plans to work closely with the publishers (出版商)of textbooks so that these books can be provided on the Internet. All the students will have to do is to download (下载) their textbooks. Making notes and marking important parts of a lesson can be done just as lots of students have done on their textbooks before.‎ At present, the plan is being tested out in a university. Richard Katz Mann, the owner of the company is having his creation tested at Chicago’s DePaul University, where he studied. Does that mean it’s time to say goodbye to the paper, and the smell of the black ink?‎ ‎66. What does the underlined word “bulky” in the first paragraph mean?‎ A. light B. big and heavy C. small ‎67. What would Chinese do to solve the problem? ‎ A. They would use a laptop.‎ B. They would tell the parents to help students.‎ C. They would cut down the number of the textbooks. ‎ ‎68. The writer may think that Americans have a way to solve the problem.‎ A. better B. worse C. silly ‎ 64‎ ‎69. The Go Reader may be a machine .‎ A. that can work as a teacher B. that can mark important parts C. that can be used as textbooks ‎ ‎70. When the new machine is used, we can infer that .‎ A. students might study at home B. students might not need teachers ‎ C. students might study without paper textbooks ‎ 第二节:根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上 将该项涂黑。选项中有两项多余选项。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ ‎— Anna, you look worried. 71 ‎ — I can’t find my backpack anywhere. Where can it be?‎ ‎— 72 Think it over where it might be. ‎ ‎— 73 But it isn’t there.‎ ‎— What color is your backpack? 74 ‎ — It’s very kind of you. It’s black and white.‎ — Oh, look! Is this one yours?‎ ‎— No. 75 Mine is newer than this one.‎ 64‎ A. Don’t worry.‎ B. Let’s look for it together.‎ C. What’s the matter?‎ D. Whose backpack is this?‎ E. It can’t be mine.‎ F. You are welcome.‎ G. I think I might leave it in the reading room.‎ 第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题 共50分)‎ 注意事项:必须使用0.5毫米黑色签字笔在答题卡上题目所指示区域内作答,答在试题卷上无效。 ‎ 第四部分 综合知识运用(共三节,满分25分)‎ 第一节:阅读表达(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)‎ ‎ 请根据各题后的要求完成每小题。‎ 64‎ Tea, coffee and cocoa are three major drinks all over the world. Tea is drunk ①__________ the largest number of people in the world. Tea has a history of over 4, 000 years and China is the home of tea. In ancient China, tea was used as a kind of medicine, while nowadays people drink tea daily. Longjing, Pu’er, Wulong and Tieguanyin are all famous tea. ②_____________, tea is produced mainly in these provinces. ‎ The words for tea in different languages came from Chinese, like “cha’ i” in Russian. And the Japanese character for tea is written exactly the same as it is in Chinese. ‎ Over the past centuries, Chinese people have developed their unique(独特的)tea culture, which includes tea planting, tea-leaf picking, tea making, tea drinking and so on. Tea is also popular in some sayings, like③ “A friendship between gentlemen is like a cup of tea. ”In dances, songs, poems and novels, tea is often mentioned, too. ‎ 根据短文内容, 回答下列问题 ‎76. 请结合上下文在①处填上合适的介词 。‎ ‎77. 请选出能填在②的句子的番号 。‎ A. Tea was discovered by accident. ‎ B. In ancient China, tea was good for people’s health.‎ C. Thanks to the mild climate and rich soil in Fujian, Zhejiang and Yunnan.‎ ‎78. 请把③处划线句子译为汉语 。‎ ‎79. How many drinks are mentioned in this passage? (1 word )‎ ‎80. What does the passage mainly talk about? (within 3 words)‎ 第二节:句型转换(共5小题;每小题2分,每空1分,满分10分)‎ 按要求完成下面各句。每空一词。‎ 64‎ ‎81. The boy always watches TV on weekends. (变为否定句)‎ ‎ The boy TV on weekends. ‎ ‎82. He is young. He can’t go to school. (合并成一句)‎ ‎ He isn’t to go to school. ‎ ‎83. They go to Xishan Park to enjoy the flowers every spring. (对划线部分提问)‎ ‎ do they go to Xishan Park to enjoy the flowers?‎ ‎84. We are having lovely weather these days in May. (改为感叹句)‎ ‎ weather we are having these days in May! ‎ ‎85. The boy in red is more outgoing. (对划线部分提问)‎ ‎ is more outgoing?‎ 第三节:短文改错 ( 共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)‎ 下面短文中的划线部分可能是错误的,如果错误请改正,如果正确,请打√。( 每空只写一词,并不得改变原句意思。)‎ 例: We often visit the museum last year. 答案: visited ‎ Our school held an English speech contest each year. 86. ‎ Han Meimei won the first prize in last year. Everyone was 87. ‎ sure that she is going to be the champion again this year. 88. ‎ Yet to our surprised, she, instead of getting the first prize, 89. ‎ coming out second in the end. When the judge at the 90. ‎ contest announced the results, Han Meimei felt so sadly 91. ‎ 64‎ that she almost cried. Therefore, she was not discouraged. 92. ‎ When the second prize was given to her, she said to her, 93. ‎ ‎“The prize is not importance. I am going to work 94. ‎ harder to improve my English speaking ability. 95. ‎ 第五部分: 写 ( 共两节,满分25分 )‎ 第一节:汉译英 ( 共5小题;每小题2分,每空1分,满分10分 ) ‎ 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。将答案答在答题处。‎ ‎96. 他是初学者,有些单词不会发音。‎ He is a and he can’t some of the words.‎ ‎97. 在我们学校,学生不允许穿耳洞。‎ In our school, students are not to get their ears .‎ ‎98. 我弟弟过去开车上班,但是他现在习惯了走路。 ‎ My brother to drive to work, but he gets used to now.. ‎ ‎99. 让别人等难道不是不礼貌的吗?‎ Isn’t it to keep others ?‎ ‎100. 在中国人们第一次见面应该握手,而不是鞠躬。 ‎ In China, people are to shake hands instead of .‎ 第二节:书面表达 (共1题;满分15分 )‎ 在我们的成长过程中,父母为我们付出了很多。我们应该学会感恩,学会让父母放心,让父母开心。请根据提示,以I Love My Parents为题,写一篇短文。字数80词左右。‎ 64‎ ‎1. 生活上,我们应该……; 2. 学习上,我们应该……;‎ ‎3. 交友上,我们应该……; 4. 在家里,我们可以……。‎ 注意:1.可适当增减内容,使短文意思完整、连贯。‎ ‎2.书写规范,文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。‎ I Love My Parents It’s really hard for parents to bring up their kids. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 绝密★启用前 [考试时间:2015年1月 19日下午14∶00-16∶00]‎ ‎2014—2015学年九年级上学期期末考试 英语试题参考答案与评分标准(附录音原文)‎ 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共100分)‎ 第一部分:听 力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)‎ ‎1 - 5 ACCCB 6 -10 BAACC 11-15 BABCA 16-20 CBACC 第二部分:基础知识运用(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ ‎21-25 BACBC 26-30 AABBC 31-35 ACABC 第二节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ ‎36-40 ABCAC 41-45 CBACB 46- 50 BABCC 第三部分:阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)‎ 64‎ ‎ 第一节 阅读短文(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)‎ ‎51- 55BABBA 56-60 BCCBA 61- 65ABCBC 66-70 BCACC 第二节 补全对话(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ ‎71- 75 CAGBE 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共50分)‎ 第四部分:综合知识运用 (共三节,满分25分)‎ 第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)‎ ‎76.by 77.C 78. 君子之交淡如水绅士之间的友谊就像一杯茶。‎ ‎79. Three/3 80. Chinese tea culture.TeaChinese teaTea culture 第二节 句型转换 (共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)‎ ‎81. never, watches 82. old, enough 83. How, often ‎84. What, lovely 85. Which, boy 第三节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)‎ ‎86. holds 87. 删掉 88. was 89. surprise 90. came ‎ 91. sad 92. However 93. herself 94. important 95. √‎ 第五部分: 写 (共两节,满分25分)‎ 第一节 汉译英 (共5小题;每小题2分,每空1分, 满分10分) ‎ ‎96. beginner/ starter; pronounce 97.allowed; pierced ‎ ‎98.used; walking 99. impolite; waiting ‎ ‎100. supposed/expected; bowing 第二节 书面表达 ( 共1题;满分15分 )‎ 一、评分原则:‎ ‎1.本题总分为15分,按四个档次给分, 同时参考要点的表达。‎ ‎2.评分时,先根据短文的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整档次,最后给分。‎ ‎3.评分时,应以词汇的应用、语法结构的数量和准确性、上下文的连贯性及语言的得体性给分。‎ ‎4.拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面。评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑,英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。‎ ‎5. 本作文属于略开放性的作文,只要表达符合实际皆可给分。‎ 二、评分标准:‎ 一档 ‎4个 语言要点 ‎13-15‎ 64‎ 分 包含了所有要点,能围绕内容适当发挥,内容具体、丰富。应用了较丰富的语言结构和词汇,用词准确、句子通顺、行文连贯、表达清楚,没有或几乎没有语言错误,具备较强的语言运用能力,完全达到了预期的写作目的。‎ 二档 ‎3个语言要点 ‎9-12‎ 分 包含了所有要点,并能有所发挥,内容欠丰富。应用的语言结构和词汇能满足任务要求,句子较通顺,表达较清楚,有少量语言错误,达到了预期的写作目的。‎ 三档 ‎2个 语言要点 ‎5-8‎ 分 漏掉一个要点或只是简单说明要点,内容不够丰富、具体,字数较少。语言表达过于简单,句子不够通顺,行文不够连贯,有部分语言错误。‎ 四档 ‎1个语言要点 ‎0-4‎ 分 漏掉多个要点或所写内容明显偏离要点,内容过少。语言不规范,句子无条理,行文不连贯,语言错误较多。‎ 三、评分细则:‎ ‎1.原则上应按照考生所表达的要点数归档。如语言错误多,可降一档,如语言表达较好,可打该档最高分或上升一档。‎ ‎2.内容要点可以用不同方式表达。‎ ‎3.考生须用比较完整的句子表达出要点。如只写出关键词而无主谓结构,不可视为表达出该要点。‎ ‎4.在表达要点的句子中,如果考生写出主谓结构及关键信息,但主谓语结构又有严重语言错误(如:时态、语态、动词或只写出情态动词而无主动词),可视为表达出半个要点。 ‎ ‎5.在同一档次内,根据语言错误的多少来确定分值:‎ ‎1-2个错误,取该档次分值的高线。 ‎ ‎3-4个错误,取该档次分值的中线。‎ ‎5个错误,取该档次分值的低线。‎ ‎6个以上降一档,10个左右错误取其降档后的低线。‎ ‎6.考生用规范的口语形式表达要点可以接受。‎ ‎7.对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。相同的错误不重复计算。‎ ‎8.抄写无关内容,不给分。‎ ‎9.给满分须经组长同意。‎ 四、参考答案 One possible version:‎ ‎ I Love My parents It’s really hard for parents to bring up their kids. So it is important for us to learn to be thankful. First, we should learn to be independent in our daily lives. And starting good habits may make parents happy. As we know, our study always worries parents, so what we need do is to study hard and be better students. As for friends, ‎ 64‎ we should let them know who are our friends and what we do together. Also, we are supposed to help with housework more often. Then parents will have more time to relax. Parents’ love is the most valuable in the world. So it’s our duty to show our love to our family and make them happy.‎ 录音原文 第一节:(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) ‎ 听下面5段小对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在答题卡上的相应位置。每段对话读一遍。‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第1小题 M: Mum, I’m thirsty now.‎ W: Look there! We can have some strawberries.‎ M: Thanks, Mum.‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第2小题 W: What are you going to be when you grow up?‎ M: I think I’ll be a singer. I like music and I can play the guitar well.‎ W: Great! I wish I could play it too. ‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第3小题 M: What are you doing for vacation, Lily?‎ W: I'm staying with my family at home. ‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第4小题 M: What will you do if you feel sad, Salina?‎ W: I’d like to listen to music. ‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第5小题 W: Do you like elephants?‎ M: No. I like monkeys because they are clever. ‎ 第二节:(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)‎ 听下面几段材料,每段材料后有一个或几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在答题卡上的相应位置。每段材料读两遍。‎ ‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第6小题 M: Mrs. Brown, do you want me to repair the bicycle for you?‎ W: Thank you, Tom, but I have asked my brother to repair it.‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第7小题 W: Be careful! The red light is on now.‎ M: Oh! Yes. We should wait for the green light on to come on.‎ 64‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第8小题 W: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the museum?‎ M: Go down this street. Turn right when you see a supermarket, and then go along Green Street. The museum is across from the post office.‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第9小题 M: How much do the two jackets cost?‎ W: Each one costs me 80 yuan.‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第10小题 W: How old is your brother, Peter?‎ M: He is two years younger than me. I am 10 years old.‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第11- 12题 ‎ W: You look so excited! What’s up?‎ ‎  M: I’m thinking of the coming vacation. I’ll go to Tianjin for traveling.‎ ‎  W: Really? How are you going there?‎ ‎  M: I’m driving my car to enjoy the sightseeing along the road.‎ ‎  W: Hope I could go with you. But this summer I have to finish some classes.‎ ‎  M: You always work so hard.‎ ‎  W: Yeah. My plan is always about study.‎ ‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第13-15题 W: What are you doing, Bill?‎ M: I’m making a robot with my father.‎ W: Why are you doing that?‎ M: Because I want to make a robot to help my mother. My mother is always busy and tired.‎ W: Do you know how to make a robot?‎ M: No, but my father is a robot engineer. He is helping me to do it.‎ W: What do you think the robot will do?‎ M: I think it will be able to clean the rooms, wash the dishes and so on. ‎ ‎ Then my mother will have enough time to relax.‎ 听下面一段材料,回答第16-20题 ‎ In many English homes people eat four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.‎ ‎ People have breakfast at any time, from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge, eggs, or bread. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast.‎ 64‎ ‎ Lunch comes at one o’clock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven. First they have soups, and then they have meat or fish with vegetable. After that they eat some other things, like bananas or apples. But not all English eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea, and supper and all these meals are very necessary.‎ 64‎

