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初三英语专项复习(完成句子)‎ ‎ 完成句子 昨晚我花了40分钟做功课 ‎ ‎      It ____ me 40 minutes ___ ____ my homework last night.‎ ‎      I _____ 40 minutes ____ my homework last night.‎ 重点短语及句型总结 ‎(1)‎ be late for be pleased with be angry with be different from be full of be open to the public 练习 他上学经常迟到.‎ ‎ He __ often ___ __ school. (is late for)‎ 老师说他对结果非常满意.‎ ‎ The teacher said he ____ ______ _____ the result. (was pleased with) ‎ 路两旁都是鲜花.‎ ‎ Both sides of the road ____ ____ ___ flowers. (are full of)‎ ‎(2)‎ ‎  be fond of sth. / doing sth.‎ be interested in ‎   be good at be afraid of[来源:学|科|网]‎ Thanks for What about…? ‎ enjoy doing finish doing stop sb. from doing be busy doing give up doing ‎ look forward to go on doing keep (on) doing 练习 ‎ 我非常喜欢看卡通片.‎ ‎ I am ____ of _______ cartoons. (fond, watching)[来源:]‎ 这个小女孩害怕自己打在家里.‎ ‎ The little girl is _____ ___ ______ at home alone. (afraid of staying)‎ 谢谢你借给我这本书.‎ ‎       ______ for ______ me the book. (Thanks, lending)‎ 我们期待着早日受到你的来信.‎ ‎ We are ______ _______ to ______ from you. (looking ‎ forward, hearing)‎ 爸爸正忙着修理自行车呢。‎ ‎ My father __ busy _____ the bike now. (is, mending/fixing/repairing)‎ 我们必须阻止他去那个危险的地方.‎ ‎ We must ____ him ____ _____ to that dangerous place. (stop, from going)‎ ‎(3) 后接不定式的句型及短语 It’s time for sb. to do It’s + adj. + for sb. to do ‎ adj. +enough to do It takes sb. some time to do 练习 我们开会的时间到了。 ‎ It’s time ___ us ____ ____ a meeting. (for, to have)‎ 王先生每天花一个半小时去上班.‎ It ____ Mr. Wang an hour and a half __ ___ to work every day. (takes, to go)‎ 要我查出是谁打碎了玻璃很容易.‎ It is easy ___ me ___ ____ out ___ broke the window. (for, to work, who)‎ 大量的阅读对我们学习英语是有好处的。‎ Reading a lot ____ ____ _____ us ___ learn English.(is good ‎ for, to)‎ 食堂很大, 能够容纳1,000人.‎ The dining-hall is large ______ ___ ____ 1,000 people.(enough to hold)‎ tell sb. (not) to do ask sb. (not) to do tell sb. how to do would like to do 练习 校长请李先生立刻给她回电话.‎ The headmaster asked Mr. Li ___ ____ her at once. (to call)‎ 老师告诉他下次不要再迟到了.‎ The teacher told him ____ ___ __ ___ ___ school next time. (not to be late for)‎ be able to do used to do happen to do need to do ‎ get ready to do take sb. to a place to do 练习 他不再是从前的那个小孩了.‎ He is not the child he ____ ___ ____. (used to be)‎ 妈妈今晚带我去机场接奶奶.‎ Mum will ____ me ___ the airport ____ meet my grandma. (take, to, to)‎ 不定式省略to had better (not) do let sb. do ‎ make sb. do Why not do?‎ help sb. do Would you please do…?‎ 练习 你们最好不要在冰上滑冰。[来源:学,科,网]‎ You’d ______ ____ _____ on the ice. (better not skate)‎ 请你们别在教室里吵闹好吗?‎ Would you please ___ ____ ___ noise in the classroom? (not make any)‎ ‎(4) 容易混淆的搭配 so…that…‎ ‎ so + adj./ adv + that 从句 too…to…‎ ‎ too + adj. + to do 练习 他年龄太大了, 不能骑车去旅行了.‎ He is ____ old ____go traveling by bike. (too, to)‎ He is ____ old _____ he ___ go traveling by bike. (so, that, can’t)‎ 并列连词 both…and…‎ either…or…‎ neither…nor…‎ not only…but also 练习 这里的冬天既不冷,也不热.‎ It is ______ cold ____ hot here in winter. (neither, nor)‎ 玛丽和琼都是大学生.‎ ‎_____ Mary ____ Joan are college students. (Both, and)‎ ‎(5) 从属连词 as soon as If…‎ not…until…‎ Though…‎ 练习 他一到那就给你写信。‎ He will write to you ____ ____ ____ he _____ there. (as soon as, gets)‎ 昨晚直到雨停了我才回家。‎ I _____ go home ____ it ______ _____ yesterday evening. (didn’t, until, stopped raining)[来源:ZXXK]‎ 如果你坚持锻炼, 你就会健壮的.‎ If you ____ ___ exercising, you ___ ____ strong and healthy. (keep on, will be)‎ 虽然下着大雨, 工人们仍然继续工作.‎ ‎______ it was raining heavily, the workers ____ ___ _____. (Though, went on working)‎ ‎(6) 比较级 one of +adj. (最高级) +n. (复数)‎ as…as not as/so…as…‎ 练习 巴黎是世界上最著名的城市之一.‎ Paris is ____ of ____ ____ ______ _____ in the world. (one, the most famous cities)‎ 约翰工作没有吉姆认真。‎ John ______ work ___ ______ ___ Jim. (doesn’t, as carefully as)‎ ‎(7) 既可跟不定式,又可跟动名词的短语,但意思有区别 forget to do ‎ forget doing stop to do stop doing see/hear/watch sb. do see/hear/watch sb. doing 练习 刚才我看见他上了一辆公共汽车.‎ I saw him ___ ___ a bus just now. (get on)‎ 昨天在街上我看见一个小孩在哭.‎ I ____ a child _____ in the street. (saw, crying)‎ 别忘记走的时候锁门.‎ Don’t ______ ____ lock the door when you leave. (forget to)‎ 他锁了门,可他忘了.‎ He ______ ______ the door. (forgot locking)‎ 请不要讲话了!‎ ‎_____ _____, please! (Stop talking)‎ 他们走了很长一段路, 所以停下来休息一会.‎ They walked a long way, so they ______ ____ ____ a rest. (stopped to have)‎ ‎(8) 其他的短语 tell sb. about sth.‎ happen to sb.‎ wish sb. sth.‎ show sb. round help sb. with have sth. with sb.‎ have sb. as…‎ buy sth. for sb.‎ ask for dress up as fall behind go out get on well with catch up with take place as usual keep sth.+adj.‎ as well as from then on in spite of[来源:Z+xx+k]‎ to one’s surprise ahead of get hold of turn into

