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初三英语期末测试(A卷)‎ Ⅰ.词汇(23分)‎ A.根据首字母和英文解释,完成单词(8分)‎ ‎1.b_____ start,first part of thing ‎2.v_____ someone whose job is to give medical care to animals that are ill or hurt ‎ ‎3.e_____ very good of a very high quality ‎4.h_____ in whatever way,to whatever extent ‎5.e_____ knowledge that you get from a job,or from doing,seeing or feeling something ‎6.t_____ someone who steals things ‎7.c_____ someone who climbs mountains,hills or rocks as a sport ‎8.n_____ a piece of jewellery that you wear around your neck B.根据句意和首字母填空,完成句子(15分)‎ ‎1.Teachers should stop students f_____ smoking.‎ ‎2.It’s better to give than to r_____.‎ ‎3.He wants to be a doctor for animals,and not for h_____.‎ ‎4.S_____ 10th is Teachers’ Day.‎ ‎5.The i_____ population may be the greatest challenge of the world today.‎ ‎6.His head hurts and he has to take some m_____.‎ ‎7.A q_____ past eight means fifteen minutes past eight.‎ ‎8.It’s i_____ for children to learn knowledge at school.‎ ‎9.She filled in her personal i_____in the form.‎ ‎10.Old people like traveling now.They never feel l_____.‎ Ⅱ.选择(15分)‎ ‎1.—Where is Meimei?‎ ‎—She _____ to the school library.‎ A.went B.has been ‎ C.has gone D.is going ‎2.Let’s play with snow if it _____ tomorrow.‎ A.will snow B.is snowing ‎ C.was snowing D.snows ‎3.Be quiet.Mr Zhang has _____ to tell us.‎ A.something important B.anything important ‎ C.important something D.important nothing ‎4.They have never seen an exciting match,_____?‎ A.haven’t they B.have they ‎ C.don’t they D.do they ‎5.When she _____ in the park,she met her old friend.‎ A.walked B.was walking ‎ C.is walking D.has walked ‎6.Lily told me that she _____ me with my English the next week.‎ A.will help B.helped ‎ C.would help D.had helped ‎7.The little boy cried _____ when he couldn’t find his mother.‎ A.harder and harder B.harder or harder ‎ C.hard and hard D.hardest and hardest ‎8.I need _____ ink.Can you give me _____ ?‎ A.a bit;any B.a bit of;any ‎ C.a bit;some D.a bit of;some ‎9.He _____ writing his composition by 8:00 last night.‎ A.has finished B.had finished ‎ C.had finish D.finished ‎10.The pair of trousers _____.‎ A.is wear out B.is worn out ‎ C.are wear out D.are worn out ‎11.—What are you doing now?‎ ‎—I’m busy _____ today’s newspaper.‎ A.read B.to read ‎ C.reading D.with reading ‎12.I can _____ you my dictionary,but you mustn’t _____ it to others.‎ A.borrow;lend B.lend;borrow ‎ C.borrow;borrow D.lend;lend ‎13.Which of the following sentences is wrong?‎ A.I’ve paid a lot of money for books. ‎ B.I spent five thousand yuan on this computer.‎ C.How much is this new car cost? ‎ D.What does this new car cost?‎ ‎14.—_____ do you have to go and see the doctor?‎ ‎—Once a month.‎ A.How often B.How much ‎ C.How soon D.How long ‎15.That maths problem was _____ difficult and I spent _____ time on it.‎ A.too much;much too B.much too;too many C.much too;too much D.very much;too much Ⅲ.句型转换(7分)‎ ‎1.The bread on the plate is very delicious.(变为感叹句)‎ ‎_____ _____the bread on the plate is!‎ ‎2.“How do you come here,Joan?” Miss Gao asked.(改为宾语从句)‎ Miss Gao asked Joan _____ _____ _____ here.‎ ‎3.I was too excited to say a word.(改为同义句)‎ I was _____ excited _____ I _____ say a word.‎ ‎4.I didn’t go to bed until I finished my homework.(改为同义句)‎ I _____ to bed _____ I finished my homework.‎ ‎5.We have already planted two hundred trees this spring.(改为否定句)‎ We _____ planted two hundred trees this spring _____.‎ ‎6.Football is not so popular as basketball in China.(改为同义句)‎ Football is _____ popular _____ basketball in China.‎ Ⅳ.选择最佳答语补全对话(10分)‎ John:Hello,Jim.May I come in?‎ Jim:Oh,hello,John.Yes,come in,please.‎ John:You don’t look very well.What’s the matter?‎ Jim: 1 .‎ John:Oh,dear! Why don’t you go to bed for a rest?‎ Jim: 2 .‎ John:Shall I call him and tell him you’re ill?‎ Jim: 3 .‎ John:OK.I’ll do that.I’m going to the shops now.Can I get you some medicine?‎ Jim: 4 .‎ John:Yes,of course.Is there anything else I can do?‎ Jim: 5 .‎ John:See you later then.Take care!‎ A.Oh,yes,please.His number is in the phone book.‎ B.No,I’ll be all right.Thanks for your help.‎ C.My head hurts and I feel really hot.‎ D.Could you buy me a bottle of aspirin,please.‎ E.It doesn’t hurt very much.‎ F.I can’t.I’ll play ping-pong with our teacher this afternoon.‎ G.Do you think it’s a good idea? ‎ Ⅴ.完成句子,每空一词(20分)‎ ‎1.他学习很认真通过了考试 He studies _____ _____ _____ he passed the exam.‎ ‎2.你乐意做一名动物医生吗?‎ Do you like _____ a doctor _____ animals? ‎ ‎3.在本学期初,许多学生买了新自行车。‎ ‎_____ _____ _____ of this term,many students bought new bikes.‎ ‎4.不管天气如何,他们决定继续干下去。‎ They decided to _____ _____ _____ in spite of the weather.‎ ‎5.尽管天在下雨,我们还是去散步了。‎ We went out for a walk _____ it _____ _____.‎ ‎6.汤姆来中国之前已学过一些汉语。‎ Tom _____ _____ some Chinese _____ he came to China.‎ ‎7.这位姑娘越长越漂亮。‎ The girl is becoming _____ _____ _____ beautiful.‎ Ⅵ.完形填空(15分)‎ When you speak,write a letter,make a telephone call,your words carry a message.People communicate with words.‎ Do you think you can communicate 1 words? A smile on your face shows you are 2 .Tears in your eyes tell others you are 3 .When you 4 your hands in class,the teacher knows you want 5 something or ask questions.You 6 your head from side to side,and people know you are saying 7 .‎ Other things can also carry messages.For example,a sign at 8 helps you to know which bus it is.A sign on the wall of your school helps you 9 the library.Signs on the doors tell you 10 to go in or out. 11 you ever noticed that there are lots of signs 12 you and that you receive messages 13 them all the time?‎ Books,newspaper,TV,radio and 14 all help us to communicate with other people.They all help us 15 what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.‎ ‎1.A.by B.with C.in D.without ‎2.A.sorry and sad B.worried and frightened C.happy and friendly D.tired and angry ‎3.A.glad B.sad ‎ C.helpful D.pleased ‎4.A.put on B.put out ‎ C.put up D.put down ‎5.A.to speak B.to talk ‎ C.to give D.to say ‎6.A.move B.put ‎ C.give D.go ‎7.A.well B.no ‎ C.good D.bad ‎8.A.the post office B.the police station ‎ C.the bus stop D.the bookshop ‎9.A.read B.find ‎ C.watch D.what ‎10.A.which B.where ‎ C.why D.what ‎11.A.Do B.Did ‎ C.Had D.Have ‎12.A.round B.under ‎ C.over D.by ‎13.A.from B.for ‎ C.of D.about ‎14.A.men B.teachers ‎ C.fridges D.films ‎15.A.learn B.know ‎ C.find D.hear Ⅶ.阅读理解(10分)‎ When a light plane flew off line some time ago,it hit the mountains and its pilot was killed.The only passengers,a young woman and her two baby daughters were unhurt.It was the middle of winter.Snow lay thick on the ground.The woman knew that the nearest village was kilometers away.When it grew dark,she turned a box into a bed and put the children inside it,covering them with some clothes.During the night,it got terribly cold.The woman kept as near as she could to the children and even tried to get into the box herself,but it was too small.Early next morning,she heard planes passing over her head and wanted to know how she could send a message.Then she had an idea.She stamped out the letters “SOS” in the snow.A pilot found the message and sent it by radio to the nearest town.It was not long before a helicopter arrived to save them.‎ ‎1.The plane hit the mountains because _____.‎ A.it was a light plane ‎ B.the driver was killed C.it wasn’t flying in the right line ‎ D.it was the middle of winter ‎2.How many people were saved in the accident?‎ A.Four. B.Three. C.Two. D.One.‎ ‎3.Which of the following sentences is NOT true?‎ A.The story happened in winter.‎ B.The box was big enough for the babies to sleep.‎ C.The helicopter came to help them out soon after the message was sent.‎ D.The woman felt so cold that she got into the box,too.‎ ‎4.What do you think about the woman in the story?‎ A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Clever. D.Beautiful.‎ ‎5.The word “SOS” in the story means _____.‎ A.安全信号 B.求救信号 C.传呼机 D.报警信号 ‎ 参 考 答 案 Ⅰ.A.1.beginning 2.vet 3.excellent 4.however 5.experience 6.thief 7.climber 8.necklace B.1.from 2.receive 3.humans 4.September 5.increasing 6.medicine 7.quarter 8.important 9.information 10.lonely Ⅱ.1~5 CDABB 6~10 CADBB ‎11~15 CDCAC Ⅲ.1.How delicious 2.how she came 3.so,that,couldn’t 4.went,after 5.haven’t,yet 6.less,than Ⅳ.1~5 CFADB Ⅴ.1.so hard that 2.being,for 3.At the beginning 4.carry on working 5.although,was raining 6.had learned,before 7.more and more Ⅵ.1~5 DCBCD 6~10 ABCBA ‎11~15 DAADB Ⅶ.1~5 CBDCB 初三英语期末测试(B卷)‎ Ⅰ.选择与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的解释(10分)‎ ‎1.When the sun goes down,the sand is almost red.‎ A.sets B.rises C.rises up D.set down ‎2.The old man can neither see nor hear.‎ A.either;or B.both;and ‎ C.not;and D.not;or ‎3.Mark Twain was a well-known American writer.‎ A.best B.good C.famous D.unknown ‎4.I didn’t catch the early bus this morning.‎ A.missed B.didn’t get up ‎ C.didn’t catch hold of D.didn’t like to take ‎5.The children had a good time at the party yesterday.‎ A.had a good holiday B.had enough time ‎ C.had a good test D.enjoyed themselves Ⅱ.用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)‎ ‎1.I think English is _____(interesting) than Chinese.‎ ‎2.What will you give Mr Wu on _____(teacher) Day? ‎ ‎3.There is hardly any cloud in the sky.What a _____(sun) day! ‎ ‎4.A man _____ (name)Zhang Jian crossed the English Channel last year.‎ ‎5.His grandpa has been _____(die) for several years.‎ ‎6.China is still a _____(develop) country.‎ ‎7.The weather was too hot for _____(climb) to the top.‎ ‎8.This _____(shop) center will be open next week.‎ ‎9.It happened at the _____(begin) of the twentieth century.‎ ‎10.Look! The sun is shining _____(bright)!‎ Ⅲ.选择(15分)‎ ‎1.My football shoes are _____.And I need another pair.‎ A.wear out B.wore out ‎ C.worn out D.will wear out ‎2.How much does this jacket _____.‎ A.pay B.spend ‎ C.take D.cost ‎3.Jim told me that he _____ the Great Wall.‎ A.has visited B.had visited ‎ C.have visited D.would visit ‎4.The key _____ for locking and opening doors.‎ A.is using B.uses ‎ C.use D.is used ‎5._____ the population of the world?‎ A.How many are B.How much is ‎ C.What is D.What number is ‎6.We were just _____ class this morning.‎ A.on time for B.in time for ‎ C.on time with D.in time with ‎7._____ the time I got school,classes had already begun.‎ A.Before B.In ‎ C.During D.By ‎8.It’s the house _____ I was born.‎ A.where B.when ‎ C.who D.what ‎9.Mr.Green _____ China for 5 years.‎ A.has gone B.has been to ‎ C.has been in D.went ‎10.There is _____ water in the glass.Shall I get some?‎ A.a few B.few ‎ C.a little D.little ‎11._____ of the earth is covered with water.‎ A.Seven tenths B.Ten sevenths ‎ C.Seven tens D.Seven tenth ‎12.I was born _____ August 10th,1987 _____ the west _____ China.‎ A.in;in;of B.on;in;of ‎ C.in;on;of D;on;on;in ‎13.Are you _____ about going to Paris?‎ A.exciting B.excited ‎ C.excite D.to excite ‎14.Can you hear someone _____ in the next room?‎ A.to cry B.cries ‎ C.crying D.cried ‎15.My parents will come to see me as soon as they _____ time.‎ A.have B.has ‎ C.will have D.had Ⅳ.句中有一处错误,请找出并改正(10分)‎ ‎ Ⅴ.动词填空(10分)‎ ‎1.This morning I saw a man _____ (lie) on the road on my way home.‎ ‎2.We can’t decide whether _____ (buy) it or not?‎ ‎3.So far,there _____ (be) many trees in our country.‎ ‎4.—_____ you _____ (see) the film?‎ ‎—Yes,I _____ (see) it two weeks ago.‎ ‎5.Books _____ (return) to the library on time.‎ ‎6.Boys kept on _____ (think) about the match the whole afternoon.‎ ‎7.His brother _____ (be) a solider for two years.‎ ‎8.My shirt _____ (wear) out.I must buy a new one.‎ ‎9.By the end of last term we _____ (learn) over 500 English words.‎ ‎10.I spent an hour _____ (read) the novel last night.‎ Ⅵ.对话配对,在B栏中找出与A栏相对应的答语(10分)‎ A B ‎1.How often does he go to Hongkong? a.I am.‎ ‎2.How long have you worked here? b.On December 25.‎ ‎3.Who’s on duty today? c.Sorry,I don’t know.‎ ‎4.Has he had his lunch yet? d.Once a year.‎ ‎5.When is Christmas Day? e.Yes,I’m sure.‎ ‎6.How many times have they been to Shanghai? f.For two years.‎ ‎7.Are you sure that he must come here? g.Once.‎ ‎8.When did you come here? h.Last year.‎ ‎9.Does your father work in the factory? i.Yes,he does.‎ ‎10.What’s your brother? j.He is a doctor.‎ Ⅶ.完形填空(15分)‎ Mary has a little white sheep.It was given to her by her 1 ,Dick,when they got married.Mary likes her sheep 2 .Every day when she gets up,she takes it out,and 3 it to the tree,and then brings it back in the 4 .But one day when she went out for the sheep,she 5 it was not there.She told Dick about it.After hearing what his wife said,Dick said,“It 6 be Hob.He is a big thief in the village.I’ll go and 7 it back.” When he got 8 Hob’s house,Dick asked him to return the sheep.Hob looked very 9 ,and said,“I didn’t steal your sheep, 10 I bought a new sheep this afternoon.Look,it’s over there,a black one.” Dick felt 11 for what he had done to Hob. 12 it began to rain heavily.So Dick had to stay in Hob’s home 13 a moment.As soon as the rain stopped,Dick started to go home. 14 he came out,he was very surprised that Hob’s black sheep was now all 15 .And there was some black ink on the ground near the sheep.‎ ‎1.A.mother B.brother C.friend D.husband ‎2.A.a lot B.too C.very D.a little ‎3.A.brings B.puts C.ties D.sends ‎4.A.morning B.evening C.night D.afternoon ‎5.A.found B.thought C.felt D.heard ‎6.A.might B.must C.can D.could ‎7.A.ask B.buy C.get D.want ‎8.A.out B.in C.at D.to ‎9.A.angry B.afraid C.happy D.sad ‎10.A.so B.but C.because D.and ‎11.A.sure B.pleased C.worried D.sorry ‎12.A.Just now B.Right now C.Just then D.Right away ‎13.A.in B.for C.after D.at ‎14.A.When B.While C.If D.Before ‎15.A.dirty B.clean C.white D.wet Ⅷ.阅读理解(10分)‎ Life in the twenty-first century will be very different from life today.Between then and now many changes will take place,but what will the changes be?‎ The population is growing fast.There will be many people in the world and most of them will live longer than people live now.‎ Computers will be much smaller and more useful,and there will be at least one in every home.And computer studies will be one of the important subjects in school then.‎ People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time for sports,watching TV and travelling.Travelling will be much easier and cheaper.And many more people will go to other countries for holidays.‎ There will be changes in our food,too.Maybe no one will eat meat every day,instead they eat more fruit and vegetables.Maybe people will be healthier.‎ Work in the future will be different,too.Dangerous and hard work can be done by robots.Because of this,many people will not have enough work to do.This will be a problem.‎ ‎1.There will be _____ in the future.‎ A.small population B.few changes ‎ C.more people D.few people ‎2.In the future the computer will be _____.‎ A.much bigger and few people will use it ‎ B.much smaller and more useful C.smaller and not many people will use it ‎ D.bigger and a lot of people will use it ‎3.In the future more people _____.‎ A.will go to other countries for holidays ‎ B.will study at school C.will go earlier ‎ D.will work for many hours ‎4.People will prefer _____ to _____ in the future.‎ A.fruit and vegetables;meat ‎ B.meat;fruit and vegetable C.fruit and meat;vegetable ‎ D.meat and vegetables;fruit ‎5.The robots will _____ in the future.‎ A.do the dangerous work ‎ B.do all the work C.do only housework ‎ D.do the easy work for people Ⅸ.书面表达(10分)‎ 要求:1.每幅图写一句准确完整的话,必须包含所给提示词语。‎ ‎2.句子之间意思连贯,符合逻辑。‎ yesterday,fall into,when,boat,jump into,save,lift…out of,and,pull…up to 参 考 答 案 Ⅰ.1~5 ADCAD Ⅱ.1.more interesting 2.Teachers’ 3.sunny 4.named 5.dead 6.developing 7.climbing 8.shopping 9.beginning 10.brightly Ⅲ.1~5 CDBDC 6~10 BDACD ‎11~15 ABBCA Ⅳ.1.D to produce 2.B said 3.A How soon 4.C on 5.D had started Ⅴ.1.lying 2.to buy 3.have been 4.Have,seen, saw 5.must be returned 6.thinking 7.has been 8.is worn 9.had learned 10.reading Ⅵ.1~5 DFACB 6~10 GEHIJ Ⅶ.1~5 DACBA 6~10 BCDAB ‎11~15 DCBAC Ⅷ.1~5 CBAAA Ⅹ.Yesterday Sue fell into the lake when she was boating with Sam and Miss Hunt.Quickly Miss Hunt jumped into the lake to save her.In a minute Miss Hunt lifted Sue out of the water and Sam helped to pull her up to the boat.‎

