外研版英语九上Module 10《Australia》单元测试

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外研版英语九上Module 10《Australia》单元测试

九年级上 Module10 练习 一. 选择题。 ( )1.I just can’t _____them waiting for such a long time. A. think B. imagine C. make ( )2.I like the music _______I can dance to. A. whose B. how C. that ( )3. The book ______he bought yesterday is very interesting. A. that B. whom C. it ( )4. The foreigners_______ England, but they speak Chinese very well. A. come in B. come out C. come from ( )5. The teacher often asks us ________homework on time. A. finish B. to finish C. finishing ( )6.The scissors ______cut the wool off the sheep. A. are used to B. is used to C. use to ( )7.Mr. Li is the brother of Xiao Ming’s father, so we can say Mr. Li is Xiao Ming’s ______. A. friend B. aunt C, reative ( )8.At the moment my mother _______dinner in the kitchen. A. is cooking B.cook C. are cooking ( )9.There are many _____ in the field. A. sheeps B. sheep C.a sheep ( )10.This is a rock _____Ayers Rock. A. call B. called C. calling ( )11._____he is ill, _____he goes to school. A. Although, but B. Although,/ C.But, although ( )12.When autumn comes , the leaves_____. A. turn to yellow B. turn yellow C. are turning to yellow ( )13.A fridge is a machine_____is used for keeping food fresh. A. that B. who C. what ( )14.Shaolin Temple______ lies in the west of Zhengzhou welcomes the visitors. A. where B. which C. who ( )15.The river _____is in the front of my village is quite clean. A. that B. what C. who 二.单词拼写。 1.The pair of ________(剪刀)is Ben and Kitty’s. 2.An _______(蚂蚁) has two stomachs. 3.There are a few _______-(绵羊)eating grass on the hillside. 4.This _____(刷子)was used to paint the walls long ago. 5.You should write a ______(日记)every day. 6.I ______-(憎恨)running in the morning. 7.A _____(懒惰)person doesn’t like to work. 8.The _______-(关系)between Chinese and African people is very friendly. 9.Which _______(沙拉)do you like better? 10.They believe________(灵魂)stays with the body for 3days. 三.翻译 1.别担心,我会帮助你。 2. 你会对他的进步感到惊讶。(progress) 3.他们在田里工作,直到太阳落山。(set down) 4.那时他们正在观看一场足球赛。 5.我两年前开始记日记。 6.请写一封信给你的好朋友。 7.我昨天读的书很有趣。 8.这就是他们想买的小汽车。 9.正在树下说话的那个男孩是你的弟弟吗? 10.这就是上个星期他们参观的学校吗? 四.阅读训练。 Name Website www.tudou.com www.youku.com www.douban.com[ 来源:Z。xx。k.Com] Founding time April, 2005 June, 2006 September, 2004 Founder Wang Wei Gu Yongqiang Yang Bo Idea “Show yourself like a superstar”. “Let the whole world watch us ”. “Join us more, and you will get more .” Feature Sharing videos with other people. Watching micro-videos on the C2C service platform. Making friends with others and editing what you like. ( )1.If you want to make friends with others, you’d better choose _____. A.www.tudou.com B.www.youku.com C. www.douban.com ( )2. If you are on Tudou , you will know its idea is ________. A. Let the whole world watch us . B. Show yourself like a superstar. C. Join us more , nd you will get more . ( )3.Which is true according to the passage ? A.You can edit what you like on Youku. B. Tudou was founded two months earlier than Youku. C.We can know five kinds of information of every website. ( )4.Who is the founder of “youku”? A. Wang Wei B. Gu Yongqiang C. Yang Bo ( )5.Which website is founded the most early? A. www.tudou.com B. www.youku.com C. www.douban.com 答案: 一.1-5BCCCB 6-10ACABB 11-15BBABA 二.1.scissors 2.ant 3.sheep 4.brush 5.diary 6.hate 7.lazy 8.relation 9.salad 10.spirit 三.1.Don’t worry. I will help you. 2.You will be surprised at his progress. 3.They worked in the field, until the sun set down. 4.At the moment, they were watching a football match. 5.I started to keep diaries two years ago. 6.Please write a letter to you good friend. 7.The book that/which I read yesterday is very interesting. 8.This is the car that/which they wanted to buy. 9.Is the boy who is talking under the tree your brother? 10.Is the school that/which they visited last week ?

