人教版九年级英语上册复习课件Unit 8

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人教版九年级英语上册复习课件Unit 8

Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 课时 1 Section A(1a-2d) 人教版九年级上 一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1. My father is a driver. He can drive a ________( 卡车 ). 2. This Saturday we’re going to have a ________ ( 野餐 ). Would you like to go with us, Jack? 3. Kate is wearing a ________ ( 粉红色的 ) hair band. She looks smart . truck picnic pink 4. The old man feeds a few ________ ( 兔子 ) on the farm. 5. The police didn’t find ________ ( 任何人 ) when they arrived there at night. rabbits anyone 二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 6. “Do you know ________( who) notebook this is?” the teacher asked. whose 7. My sister __________(attend) a concert last night and came back very late. attended 8. I’m really __________ (worry) about my English exam. worried 9. The dictionary doesn’t belong to __________ (my). It’s Peter’s. me 10. Sally wants to be a __________ (write) in the future. writer 三、单项选择。 11. —Are those stamps _____? — No, they are not mine. They belong to _____ . A. you; him B . yours; him C. yours; his D . your; his B 【 点拨 】 根据句意:“ —— 那些邮票是你的吗?”“ —— 不,它们不是我的,它们属于他。”可知第一空应填名词性物主代词 yours ;而 belong to 后接名词或人称代词的宾格,不能接名词性物主代词或名词所有格,故第二空应填 him 。故选 B 。 12. [2019· 福建 ] More and more people have realized that clear waters and green mountains are as _____ as mountains of gold and silver. A. central B . special C. valuable C 13 . [ 易混题 ] Can you help me _____the pen? It’s under the chair. A. ask for B . look for C. pick up D . put up C 【 点拨 】 你能帮助我捡起那个钢笔吗?它在椅子下面。 ask for 请求; look for 寻找; pick up 捡起; put up 张贴。根据句意,可知 pick up 捡起,符合语境,故选 C 。 14 . [2019· 兰州 ] The magazine _____ Lucy’s . We can see her name on the cover. A. mustn’t be B . can’t be C. must be D . needn’t be C 【 点拨 】 句意:那本杂志 ____ 露西的。我们能看到封面上的姓名。表示肯定推测用 must 。结合句意选 C 。 15. —I can’t find my watch. Maybe ____ took it away. — But ____ entered your room. Please look for it carefully again . A. somebody; nobody B. anybody; nobody C. somebody; anybody D. anybody; somebody A 【 点拨 】 句意: —— 我找不到我的手表,也许有人拿走了。 —— 但没人进过你的房间,请再仔细找一找。 somebody 多用于肯定句中; anybody 多用于否定句、疑问句和条件句中; nobody 意为“没人”。故选 A 。 四、 按要求完成下列各 题。 16. This dictionary is mine . (对画线部分提问) _______ _______ is this? Whose dictionary 17. The new car is Jenny’s. (改为同义句) The new car _______ _______ Jenny. belongs to 18. Must I clean the room now? (作否定回答) _______, you _______ . No needn't 19. The man must be Mr. Black. (改为否定句) The man _______ _______ Mr. Black. can't be 20. Somebody put them here. (改为一般疑问句) _______ _______ put them here? Did anybody 五、 补全对话 。 ( 有两项多余 ) A : Hello, Lucy. _____21 Is this your book? B : No, it’s not mine. Where did you find it? A : Under the bench in the gym. A. When we were having the gym class. B. That’s right. C. Whose book is this? D. She always reads these kinds of books. E. It doesn’t matter. F. It can be someone’s in Class Two. G. She could help us. C B : When did you find it? A : _____22 B : Oh. _____23 Because Class Two had a lesson in the gym just now. A. When we were having the gym class. B. That’s right. C. Whose book is this? D. She always reads these kinds of books. E. It doesn’t matter. F. It can be someone’s in Class Two. G. She could help us. A F A : Let’s ask the P.E. teacher of Class Two. ____24 B : I’m sorry I can’t go with you. I must practise the piano right away. A : _____25 I can go alone. See you. B : See you. A. When we were having the gym class. B. That’s right. C. Whose book is this? D. She always reads these kinds of books. E. It doesn’t matter. F. It can be someone’s in Class Two. G. She could help us. G E 课时 2 Section A(3a - 3c) 人教版九年级上 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 一、 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1. The terrible car accident made us feel u . 2. Keep away from w . They’re dangerous animals. 3. Jim’s father and uncle are p at the police station . neasy olves olicemen 4. Don’t make so much n . Your father is sleeping in the bedroom. 5. Some strange h in our neighborhood made everyone worried. oise appenings 二、单项选择。 6. —What’s behind the door? —There must be a dog _____ behind it. A. to lie B . lie C . lay D . lying D 7. —Did he have fun ____ in China? — Yes. He enjoyed ____ a lot. He said Chinese people were friendly. A. work; himself B . working; himself C. to work; him D . working; him B 8 . —You look ____ . What’s wrong? —I’m afraid I can’t pass the final exam. A. uneasy B . lively C . shy D . outgoing A 【 点拨 】 句意: —— 你看起来 ____ 。怎么啦? —— 我担心期末考试不能及格。 uneasy 不安的,担心的; lively 活跃的; shy 害羞的; outgoing 外向的,爱交际的。结合句意可知选 A 。 9 . — Listen! Someone is singing in the next room . Who ____ it be? Is it Wei Fang? —No, it ____ be her. She is at school now. A. will; may not B . must; mustn’t C. may; can’t D . may; won’t C 【 点拨 】 本题考查情态动词。 must 和 may 常用于表示肯定推测, must 表示“一定”,推测的可能性最大; may 表示“可能”,推测的可能性一般。而 can't 只用于否定推测。本题根据答句可知表示否定推测。故选 C 。 10. [2019 · 湘西 ] —Helen, did you do ____ last weekend ? — Yes, I visited my grandparents in the countryside. A. anything special B . something special C. special anything A 三、 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 11. 起初我不想去,可是不久我改变了主意。 ________ ________ , I didn’t want to go, but I soon changed my mind. At first 12. 我不知道如何处理这个问题。 I _______ _______ _______ how to deal with the problem. have no idea 13 . 我现在太累,不能走得更远了。 I am _______ _______ _______ walk any farther now. too tired to 14 . 他试图逃跑,但他最终放弃了这个念头。 He tried to _______ _______ , but he gave up the idea at last . run away 15 . 我简直无法想象这儿曾经是一个小山村。 I can’t imagine that it _______ _______ _______ a small mountain village here. used to be feed 四、任务型阅读 [ 原创题 ] 。 根据短文内容完成下列任务。 16. 将①处画线的句子改为复合句(每空一词)。 The horse-like animals have many enemies________ _________on them. 请同学们看 《 点拨训练 》 第 65 页原文。 【 点拨 】 原句为: ① The horse-like animals have many enemies. They are fed on by the enemies, that 17. 将②处画线的句子改为同义句(每空一词)。 Stripes can keep ________ big animals ________ little insects away from zebras. both and 【 点拨 】 原句为: ② Stripes can keep not only big animals but also little insects away from zebras. 18. 将③处画线的句子翻译成汉语 。 __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 据说它们也更喜欢在黑色的东西上产卵,就像黑色把光线反射到和水一样的方向。 【 点拨 】 原句为: ③ It’s said that they prefer to lay their eggs on black things, too, as black reflects the light in the same direction as water. 19 . 将④处画线的句子翻译英语 。 __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Zebras can easily find their kind from another by the stripes. 【 点拨 】 原句为:④斑马可以很容易通过条纹从另外的种类中找到它们 的同类。 20 . 根据短文内容完成下面的句子(每空一词)。 The passage gives _________ examples to explain the effect of __________. four stripes 【 点拨 】 原文讲述了 4 条关于关于斑马条纹的作用。 课时 3 Section A (Grammar Focus-4c) 人教版九年级上 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 一、从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空。 1. She bought two ___________ in the clothes store. 2. I felt so ___________ after working for long hours that I could hardly open my eyes. 3. There are two _____________ in our school. We often do experiments( 实验 ) there . outdoors, coat, laboratory, sleep, might coats sleepy laboratories 4. The sun is shining brightly. It must be hot _________. 5. It _________be a cat, but I’m not sure. outdoors, coat, laboratory, sleep, might outdoors might 二、根据句意,选择合适的单词填空。 6. You ____________( can/must) be tired after working for a long time without a rest. must 7. —Who is the woman over there? Is she Mrs. Smith? —It _________ ( may/can’t) be her. She is much shorter . can't 8 . —Where’s Yuan Bao? — I’m not sure. He _________ ( could/ must) be in the bedroom. could 9 . —What will the weather be like tomorrow? — It _________ ( must/might) be windy or rainy. I’m not sure . might 10. Alice __________(must/can’t) be working now, because the light in her room is still on. must 三、单项选择。 11. [2019· 临沂 ] Ants are pretty small. You might think that they _____ be rather weak. But what you might not know is that ants are actually very strong for the size. A. need B. can’t C. must C 12. [2019· 乐山 ]—Where is Monica? I can’t find her anywhere. — She ______ be in the library. She loves reading books when she is free. A. must B. need C. can’t A 13. [2019· 敦煌 ]—Whose cap is this? Is it Cindy’s? — It ______ be hers. Don’t you remember she even didn’t come to the party? A. can’t B. might C. may not D. must A 14. [2 019· 咸宁 ] —Listen! Is Sarah singing in the neighbor room? —No. It ______ be Sarah. She has gone to Italy. A. needn’t B. may not C. can’t D. won’t C 15. [2019· 眉山 ]—I can’t find my phone anywhere. —You _____ have lost it while shopping. A. may B. can C. should D. would A 四、阅读 理解。 16 . The passage is about _____. A. some mountain climbers B. some strange animals C. some large footprints D. the mystery of the snowman 请同学们看 《 点拨训练 》 第 66 页原文。 C 【 点拨 】 结合文章内容及原文第二段中句子 In 1887, a mountain climber found large footprints( 脚印 ) in the snow. 可知文章是关于一些大脚印的。 17. Why were people interested in the footprints? A .They were footprints of a large bear. B. They looked like the footprints of a large man. C. They were found in the snow. D. They were found in the world’s tallest mountains . D 【 点拨 】 根据原文第一段中句子 Is there a strange thing high up in the world’s tallest mountains? 、 No one knows. This mystery( 谜 ) has puzzled( 困惑 )the world for years. 可知就是因为这个脚印来源于高山,所以人们才有如此兴趣。 18 . The pictures of large footprints were taken by a mountain climber in _____. A. 1887 B . 1906 C . 1921 D . 1951 D 【 点拨 】 根据原文最后一段中句子 But not until 1951 did a mountain climber bring back pictures of large footprints. 可知答案。 19. Since a mountain climber first found the large footprints in the snow, the mystery of the footprints has puzzled the world for _____ years . A. more than one hundred B . ninety-five C. eighty D . fifty A 【 点拨 】 根据原文中句子 In 1887, a mountain climber found large footprints( 脚印 ) in the snow. 、 Someday we may find out just what it is that makes the large footprints. 可知从发现它到如今已经一百多年了。 课时 4 Section B (1a - 1d) 人教版九年级上 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1. I saw an __________( 外星人 ) walking into a shop just now. 2. Mr. Wang wears a black __________ ( 西装 ) today. 3. The plane will take off from Wuhan Tianhe Airport and __________ ( 着陆 ) in Beijing Capital Airport. alien land suit 4. My father bought me a __________ ( 照相机 ) as my birthday present. 5. There are a lot of birds flying in the _________ ( 天空 ) . sky camera 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 6. We do morning _______________( exercise) every day. exercises 7. There must be some birds ___________(sing) in the tree. singing 8. The man could be running ___________ (catch) the bus. to catch 9. Whenever I try to read English, I feel ___________ (sleep). sleepy 10. I didn’t find anything ___________ (stranger). strange 三、单项选择。 11. —Is Mr. Brown driving here? —I’m not sure. He ______ come by train. A. need B . must C . might D . can C 12. — Look! Your little brother is trying to _____ your father over there. —Yes. Unless my father stops, he won’t catch him. A. take after B. look after C. run away D . run after D 13 . [2019· 天水 ]I saw her _____ flowers in the garden when I passed by. A. to water B . water C. watering D . watered C 【 点拨 】 see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事。 14. I don’t know the young woman ______ an umbrella in her hand. A. about B . for C . with D . of C 15 . —Is your brother at home, Lily? — No, he isn’t. I think he ______ computer games at the net bar. A. can play B . plays C. could be playing D . have played C 四、 阅读理解 。 16. Chang Bo must be _____ to know his photos have made the canyon famous. A. upset B . angry C . worried D . shocked 请同学们看 《 点拨训练 》 第 68 页原文。 D 【 点拨 】 根据原文第一段中句子 Chang never expected that his photos would make such a difference to the canyon and the local people’s life. 可知他对于这个结果应该会很惊讶。 17. What’s the second paragraph mainly about? A. How the canyon was formed. B. Why the canyon used to be rainy. C. How the thick forests disappeared. D. Why earthquakes happened in the canyon . A 【 点拨 】 原文第二段主要讲述了峡谷形成的自然原因。 18 . How does Zhou go to the canyon to carry water every day? A. On foot. B . By bus. C. By bike. D . By car. A 【 点拨 】 根据原文第三段中句子 “We walk to the canyon to carry water every day. It’s a big surprise that people like to visit such a boring place, ” Zhou said. 可知答案。 19. What changes have been brought to Yucha Village ? ① The traffic jam. ② Water pollution. ③ Changeable weather. ④ Ways of making money. A. ①② B . ③④ C . ①④ D . ②③ C 【 点拨 】 根据原文最后一段中句子 The number of visitors’ cars has grown so fast that the village experienced its first-ever traffic jam( 堵塞 ) earlier this year. 、 There are also minibuses to carry travelers to and from the canyon. 可知①④ 正确。 20 . In which column of a newspaper can we find the passage ? A. SCIENCE B . TRAVEL C. CULTURE D . LIFESTYLE B 【 点拨 】 文章介绍了甘泉雨岔峡谷这一自然风光景点,因此选项 B 最为合适。 课时 5 Section B(2a - 2e) 人教版九年级上 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1. Well, I’ve found our ___________( 位置 ) on the map if you want to see where we are. 2. The book was written by a writer from ___________ ( 大不列颠 ) . 3. The planets move in a ___________ ( 圆圈 ) around the sun . position Britain circle 4. To our surprise, the ___________ ( 领导人 ) of the country will visit our school. 5. I visit many places of interest during the ___________ ( 时段 ) in the US. leader period 二、从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空 。 6. Her children are always full of ___________whenever I see them. medicine, energy, victory, enemy, express energy 7. A few days later, the king heard his army had won the first __________. medicine, energy, victory, enemy, express victory 8. The artist always __________his world view in his works. medicine, energy, victory, enemy, express expresses 9. The doctor advised him to have a __________ examination once a year. medicine, energy, victory, enemy, express medical 10. The two men used to be good friends but now they are__________. medicine, energy, victory, enemy, express enemies 三、单项选择。 11. Although it is raining heavily, it doesn’t ______ the children from playing football. A. prepare B. prevent C . practice D. promise B 【 点拨 】 prevent. . . from doing 阻止 …… 做。 12. [2019· 天津 ] The _____ of this activity is to raise money for a new hospital. A. silence B . purpose C. culture D . language B 13 . His family are worried about him because they haven’t _____ letters from him for a long time. A. accepted B . received C. written D . collected B 【 点拨 】 accept “接受” ( 主观上 ) ; receive “收到” ( 客观上 ) 。 14. [ 原创 题 ] —Chen Xiaoming, don’t waste your time and _____ on computer games. — OK, Mom. I won’t do that forever. I will focus on my study. A. honor B . position C. energy D . expression C 15. [2019· 北京 ] This cap is nice ,_____ it doesn’t look good on me. A. for B. so C . but D . or C 四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 16. In India, most people __________ __________ ( 与 …… 交流 ) each other in English. communicate with 17. We should __________ students_________ _________ ( 阻止 …… 玩 ) games on smart phones. prevent/stop from playing 18 . I’m very angry, because my brother didn’t _________ _________ _________ ( 尽力帮助 ) me. try to help 19 . My teacher not only _________ _________ ( 指出 ) my problem but also helped me solve it . pointed out 20 . They will celebrate the football team winning the first place in the competition _________ _________ _________ _________ ( 用 某种 方式 ) . in a certain way Do you know where this photo comes from? Well, it _________21 (take) on Easter Island( 复活岛 ). The island is in the south of the Pacific, and it is very difficult _________ 22 tourists to find its position. It is covered with _________ 23 (hundred) of huge stone statues( 雕像 ). 五、阅读还原。 was taken for hundreds Each of them weighs several tons and some are more than 30 feet tall. _________ 24, nobody knows who built these statues and why and how they got there. However It _________25 (seem) that the statues have been made out of the top edge of the walls of a volcano( 火山 ) on the island. The statue ____________ 26 have been rolled or dragged down to the foot of the volcano. Then, it was stood upright and ropes were tied around it, which was made _________ 27 (act) as a pulley( 滑轮 ). seems might/could to act Over a period of months, a statue could be walked for miles down to the ocean. In the end, it was _________ 28 (place) in line with other statues, all of them looking towards the center of the island. placed Today, Easter Island ____________29 (remain) one of the most famous historical places. It is like __________ 30 open-air museum, showing a fascinating but unfortunately lost culture. remains an 课时 6 Section B (3a - Self Check) 人教版九年级上 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 一、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Three ___________(policeman) arrived in time and caught the thief. 2. My brother is doing some ___________ (medicine) research on some diseases. 3. We all think Mr. Wang is one of the ___________ (lead) of the activity. policemen medical leaders 4. What can we do to prevent the bird flu from _________ (spread)? 5. The coat must be Lisa’s. She’s the only one who likes to wear such ___________ (color) clothes. spreading colorful 二、单项选择。 6. — _____ bookcase is this? — It must be _____ . A. Who’s; Tom B . Who’s; Tom’s C. Whose; Tom’s D . Whose; Tom C 7. —Why didn’t you _____ yesterday’s meeting? —Because I had a bad cold. I went to the hospital. A. join B. belong C. prevent D. attend D 8. [ 易错题 ] —Susan, I hear you _____ a camera from one of your friends. Is that true? — Yes. But I didn’t _____ it because it was too expensive. A. received; receive B. accepted; accept C. accepted; receive D. received; accept D 【 点拨 】 accept 相当于汉语的“接受”,即主动地或自愿地接受并收为己有; receive 相当于汉语的“接收”,即仅仅表示接到或收到。本题句意为“ —— 苏珊,我听说你从你的一位朋友那里收到一台相机,真的吗? —— 是的。但我没接受,因为它太贵了。”故选 D 9. — Mom, I’ve signed for a big box by Future Express( 快递 ). What’s in it? — I’m not sure. It _____be a gift from your dad. A. might B. must C. should D. will A 10. Jenny saw a piece of paper lying on the ground. She _____ it _____ and threw it into the dustbin. A. looked; up B. picked; up C. called; up D. turned; up B 三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 11. 昨天我们到校有点晚了。 We arrived at school ________ ________ ________ yesterday. a bit/a little late 12 . 我想他们很可能正在公园门口等我们。 I think they could ________ ________ ________ us at the gate of the park. be waiting for 13. 她已在电话中跟她的朋友说了好长时间。 She has talked with her friend_______ _______ _______ for a long time . on the phone 14 . 对不起我现在正在电脑上工作。 I’m sorry that I’m _______ _______ on the computer now. at work 15 . 你必须立刻把你的作业处理了。 You must deal with your homework _______ _______ . right now C 四、阅读还原。(有一项多余) In Australia there is a famous island called Fraser Island. A great many visitors come here for holidays every year. Why? The reason is that it is special. ____16 In fact, it is the largest sand island in the world. It’s about 120 kilometers long and 240 kilometers wide. A. Planes arrive and leave from here. B. Anyone who breaks the rules will be punished. C. The island is completely made of sand. D. Unluckily, visitors have caused many problems. E. Many kinds of birds and animals live in the forest. F. So it is time to protect the environment of the island. Though the island is a popular place of interest, there is no airport on the island. The long beach along the east coast works as the airport. _____17 A A. Planes arrive and leave from here. B. Anyone who breaks the rules will be punished. C. The island is completely made of sand. D. Unluckily, visitors have caused many problems. E. Many kinds of birds and animals live in the forest. F. So it is time to protect the environment of the island. On the island there are sand hills without any plants, but there are forests with old trees, beautiful flowers and over a hundred lakes, too. ______18 E A. Planes arrive and leave from here. B. Anyone who breaks the rules will be punished. C. The island is completely made of sand. D. Unluckily, visitors have caused many problems. E. Many kinds of birds and animals live in the forest. F. So it is time to protect the environment of the island. Every year, visitors come to enjoy the island’s natural beauty. People like camping and hiking there. ______19 Animals were killed for food and this made them in danger of extinction( 灭绝 ). They threw rubbish everywhere, and the lakes were seriously polluted. D A. Planes arrive and leave from here. B. Anyone who breaks the rules will be punished. C. The island is completely made of sand. D. Unluckily, visitors have caused many problems. E. Many kinds of birds and animals live in the forest. F. So it is time to protect the environment of the island. ______20 Rules have been set up. For example, visitors are not allowed to use motorboats( 摩托艇 ) or go fishing in the lakes, and they mustn’t leave any rubbish. F A. Planes arrive and leave from here. B. Anyone who breaks the rules will be punished. C. The island is completely made of sand. D. Unluckily, visitors have caused many problems. E. Many kinds of birds and animals live in the forest. F. So it is time to protect the environment of the island. 写作素养提升练 人教版九年级上 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 浩瀚的宇宙充满神秘和无限的可能,大自然中有许多奥秘有待我们去探索。本单元我们讨论的重点是谈论猜测和判断。对于不确定的事物 , 我们总想去猜测它是什么 , 我们如何进行推测呢? 人教版九年级上 史密斯先生是一位太空爱好者,做梦都想去探索宇宙。昨晚,他梦到自己去太空探险了。请根据下面的文字及图片提示,充分发挥想象力,写一篇英语短文,描述史密斯先生的梦境。 提示:史密斯先生去太空旅行,遇到了一个外星人,他邀请史密斯先生去自己的星球做客,可是星球的首领不同意。之后会发生什么奇妙的事情呢? 要求: 1. 短文应包括以上提示内容,语言通顺,意思连贯; 2. 发挥想象力,为故事设计一个完美的结局。 参考词汇: trumpet 小号;喇叭 1. 谋篇布局:理清文章要素,构建文章 结构。 A special dream when Last night where In space who Mr. Smith and some aliens what Mr. Smith met an alien in space. The alien invited Mr. Smith to his planet. why The leader didn’t agree. how … 2. 遣词造句:就结构图中的要点和词语写出 句子。 (1) 昨天晚上他梦到去太空旅行。 Last night, ___________________________________. (2) 史密斯先生乘宇宙飞船进入到太空并且遇到 了一 位外星人。 Mr. Smith ___________________________________ ____________________________________________. he dreamed about traveling in space went into space in a spaceship and met an alien (3) 那位外星人很友好,邀请史密斯先生去他的 星球 。 The alien was so friendly that ______________________ ______________________________________________. (4) 然而那个星球的领导不同意外星人的意见,他阻止史密斯先生进入他们的星球。 However, the leader of the planet disagreed with the alien. _____________________________________________. he invited Mr. Smith to his planet He prevented Mr. Smith from entering their planet (5) 最后,史密斯先生受到这个星球上所有外星人的热烈欢迎。 At last, Mr. Smith ______________________________ _____________________________________________. was warmly welcomed by all the aliens on the planet 3. 巧妙衔接:利用动词,使句子意思 连贯。 文章中通过动词的前后配合,使上下文很自然地建立起一种逻辑顺序关系。 4. 连句成篇: Mr. Smith loves space very much. Last night, he dreamed about traveling in space. What happened in his dream? ______ __________________________________________________ 【 范文赏析 】 Mr. Smith loves space very much. Last night, he dreamed about traveling in space. What happened in his dream? Mr. Smith went into space in a spaceship and met an alien. The alien was so friendly that he invited Mr. Smith to his planet. However, the leader of the planet disagreed with the alien. He prevented Mr. Smith from entering their planet. Mr. Smith thought he must do something to make the leader believe in him. So he had a conversation with the leader and gave a special gift to him. The gift was a trumpet, because the alien’s mouth looked like a trumpet. With the instrument, he could make beautiful music. At last, Mr. Smith was warmly welcomed by all the aliens on the planet. 假如英语课上老师向你们展示了一段视频,你们对视频中的内容 —— 夜晚天空中移动着的一个不明物体很感兴趣,你们纷纷对这一物体进行了大胆的猜测。以下是你们组的猜测结果,请你根据表格内容提示,写一篇英语短文,介绍你组各成员的猜测情况。 人物 猜测 原因 Jenny 不明飞行物 飞行速度快 Peter 发光风筝 飞得不够高 Tom 飞机 发出像飞机一样的声音 You 一只鸟 形状像鸟,鸟的羽毛 (feather) 会发光 要求: 1. 短文须包括表格中的提示内容,可适当发挥; 2. 注意运用本单元所学语法 —— 情态动词表推测; 3. 90 词左右,短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Hello, everyone! What’s that strange thing in the sky? Here are answers from my group. _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Hello, everyone! What's that strange thing in the sky? Here are answers from my group. Jenny says it must be a UFO because it's flying very fast and no man-made things could fly so fast. Peter thinks it couldn't be a UFO because it isn't flying high enough in the sky. It might be a kite. He used to fly a kite that could give off light. But Tom doesn't agree with them. He thinks it ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ must be a plane because it sounds like a plane. But I think it might be a bird according to its shape. Maybe its feathers look bright in the dark evening.

