牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 3(Period 5)随堂练习

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牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 3(Period 5)随堂练习

Unit 3 Period 5 (Integrated skills) 一、词组翻译。 1.大声朗读英语 _________________________ 2.正确发所有单词的读音 _______________ 3.复习你所学过的内容____________________ 4.尽可能经常地 _____________________ 5.为你的课业而骄傲 ______________________ 6.嘲笑某人 _____________________________ 7.取得进步 ______________________________ 8.不客气 _______________________________ 二、词汇运用。 1. Please read the letter ____________ (大声) so that everybody can hear you. 2.Kate is so clever. She always answers questions ____________ (correct) . 3. As a new Grade 9 student, he is interested in _________________(化学). 4. Can you pay more a___________ to your spelling? 5. He often comes here to check on my _____________(进步). 6. I don’t know how to______________(发音) this word. That is to say I don’t know the ____________(发音) of this word. 7. Thanks for s___________ your experiences with me. 8. All his s are valuable to our study. It’s better for us to take his advice. 三、单项选择。 ( )1.The girl is afraid to dance in public because she thinks others may _________ her. A. laugh at B. wait for C. hear of D. agree with ( )2.Mary studied hard, she made ________ l ast year. A. a progress B. great progress C. great progresses D. a great progress ( )3.My brother feels better now. Don’t be _________ about him. A. wor ry B. worrying C. worried D. worries ( )4.---Thank you for telling me the good news. --- ___________. A. Don’t mention it B. Never mind C. That’s right D. Please don’t 四、句子翻译。 1.当有人嘲笑你时,你应该对他置之不理。 ________________________________________________________________ 2. 人们称纽约为“大苹果”。 ________________________________________________________________ 3.我发现学好英语很难。 ________________________________________________________________ 4.你应该为你的学业感到骄傲。 ________________________________________________________________ 5. 如果你想取得巨大进步,你就应该尽可能多地去练习它。 ________________________________________________________________ 九年级上册单元课时当堂训练 Unit 3 Period (5)参考答案 一、词组翻译。 1. read English aloud 2. pronounce all the words correctly 3. go over what you’ve learnt 4. as often as possible 5. be proud of your schoolwork 6. laugh at sb. 7. make progress 8. Don’t mention it. 二、词汇运用。 1.aloud 2. correctly 3. chemistry 4.attention 5.progress 6.pronounce; pronunciation 7. sharing 8. suggestions 三、单项选择。 1.A 2. B 3.C 4. A 四、句子翻译。 1. When someone laughs at you, you should pay no attention to him. 2. People call New York the Big Apple. 3. I find it very difficult to learn English well. 4. You should be proud of your schoolwork. 5. If you want to make great progress, you should practice it as often as possible.

