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Ⅰ.单项填空 ( C )1.( 安徽中考 )—What do you think of the movie? —Great!I have never seen a    one.  A.good B.bad C.better D.worse ( D )2.( 天津中考 )—The cheese doesn’t    good.Why don’t we go to buy some fresh cheese?  —Sounds great! A.see B.find C.sound D.taste ( A )3.( 丹东中考 )—Why do you     so upset?  —Because I didn’t get the first place in the English competition. A.look B.sound C.smell D.feel ( D )4.( 昆明中考 )—Would you like to see a movie with me tonight? —    .I have to do chores.  A.Good luck B.Let’s go C.No problem D.I’m afraid not ( A )5.( 泰安中考 )—I will try my best to win in the School Talent Show. —If so,all of us will be     you.  A.proud of B.careful with C.strict with D.worried about ( A )6.( 河南中考 )My parents said they would come to visit me.I couldn’t     to see them after several months away from home.  A.wait B.help C.except D.afford ( B )7.( 滨州中考 )—Thanks    our government,we can play sports on the new playground next week.  —That’s for sure!And we’ll have a sports meeting    one month.  A.for;in B.to;in C.for;after D.to;after ( B )8.( 遵义中考改编 )How can you study in the living room when other people are talking loudly?I think you need a    place.  A.quiet B.quieter C.quietest D.quietly ( B )9.( 成都中考改编 )Jim studies better than Tom,but Tom is    and he has more friends.  A.friendly B.more friendly C.the most friendly D.the more friendly ( D )10.( 广安中考 )—We’re going to see a movie.Would you like to join us? —Sorry,I have too much homework    .  A.will do B.need do C.do D.to do Ⅱ.补全对话( 黄石中考 ) A:Hi,Peter,how long have you been in China? B:1. C  However,I’m going back to Britain tomorrow.I’ve seen many interesting things in China.  A:2. G  B:Oh,yes.I love it.But when I visited it last time,there were too many people.I’ve also been to the Bird’s Nest. A:Wow,great!3. D  B:Yes.I went to see the West Lake in Hangzhou.It is so beautiful. A:OK.Have you tried any Chinese food? B:Oh,yes.I love Chinese food. A:4. A  B:My favourite is Beijing Duck.It’s delicious. A:Thank you for your time!5. E  B:Thank you. A.What’s your favourite Chinese dish? B.Where have you been? C.I’ve been here for two weeks. D.Did you go anywhere outside Beijing? E.Have a safe trip home. F.I wish you will have a good time in China. G.Have you been to the Great Wall?

