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句型积累 句式训练 语段训练写作要求 本模块的话题是“个人爱好”。在具体的写作中,学生应做到以下几点: 1.能介绍个人的爱好及其原因; 2.能叙述爱好在生活中给人们带来的乐趣; 3.能正确使用几种基本句型。 句型积累 句式训练 语段训练词汇积累 hobby 爱好 favourite 最喜爱的 develop 发展;培养 collect收集 interest兴趣;爱好 pleasure愉悦;快乐 valuable有价值的 as well as也 look forward to渴望 a bit of有一点 all the time一直 take up占用 take an interest in 对……感兴趣 be interested in 对……感兴趣 not only...but also...不但……而且…… as a result结果是 free time/spare time 空闲时间 句型积累 句式训练 语段训练句型积累 1.Different people have different hobbies.不同的人有不同的爱好。 2.Reading takes up all my free time.阅读占据了我所有的空闲时间。 3.Flying kites makes me feel happy and relaxed.放风筝使我感到快乐和放松。 4.It can not only bring me pleasure,but also teach me many skills of writing.它不仅能给我 带来快乐,而且能教我许多写作的技能。 5.My hobbies make me grow as a person.我的爱好使我成长为一个人。 6.He likes collecting stamps.他喜欢收集邮票。 7.He thinks the collection can give him much knowledge.他认为收藏能给他很多知识。 8.A life without a hobby is like a day without sunshine.没有业余爱好的生活就像没有阳 光的日子一样。 句型积累 句式训练 语段训练句式训练 仿写句子 1.Hobbies can bring us pleasure,friendship and knowledge. 2.I like playing volleyball because I think it is good for my body. 3.I have been a pop music fan since I was very young. 4.Music can make me relaxed,and I can feel the beauty of life by listening to music. 5.Reading is my favourite hobby all the time. 句型积累 句式训练 语段训练语段训练 我的爱好 根据提示,将以下句子连成一篇英语短文。 1.许多学生有着不同的爱好,如读书、绘画和跳舞。现在让我告诉你我的爱好。 ( such as;tell ) 2.事实上,在日常生活中我有很多爱好,但是旅游一直是我的最爱。( in fact;daily;all the time ) 3.我已经独自一人或与我的父母一起去过很多地方。( by oneself ) 4.当我参观一些名胜时,我能从中学到很多。( place of interest ) 5.有时候我会在网上写下我的感受。如果你也写过旅行感受,为什么不放到网上呢? 让我们一起分享吧!( write down;put...on;share ) 句型积累 句式训练 语段训练语段训练 Many students have different hobbies,such as reading,drawing and dancing.Now let me tell you something about my hobby.In fact,I have many hobbies in my daily life,but travelling is my favourite all the time.I have already travelled to many places by myself or with my parents.When I visit some places of interest,I can learn a lot.Sometimes I write down my feelings on the Internet.If you have some,why not put them on the Internet?Let’s share together! 

