人教新目标英语八下Unit Its a nice day isnt it

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人教新目标英语八下Unit Its a nice day isnt it

Unit 10 It’s a nice day , isn’t it ?‎ Analysis of Unit 10‎ Teaching goals :‎ 1. 描述与陌生人聊天就注意的事项,学习该聊些什么,如何将话题展开。‎ 2. 通过学习与陌生人聊天来达到了解关心别人并增进友谊。‎ Important and difficult points :‎ Tag questions (附加问句)‎ Structure :‎ It’s a nice day , isn’t it ? Yes ,it is . I really love hot weather .‎ You’re Jenny’s friend ,aren’t you . Yes , I am .‎ The No.15 bus stops here , doesn’t it ? Yes , it does .‎ Functions : Make small talk ‎ Period 1‎ Teaching of new lesson Step 1 Assign the task In this unit Ss learn to make small talk .On the Bb ,draw a picture of a boy and a girl waiting for bus .Include a large sign that says Bus Stop .Draw a speed bubble over each person’s head .‎ Step 2 Warm up ‎ SB Page 76 , 1a .‎ 1. Point out the four scenes .Help Ss understand that in all the pictures two people who don’t know each other (strangers) are starting a conversation .‎ 2. Ask Ss to circle the pictures where they would talk with people they don’t know .Then have Ss write their own lists .‎ SB Page 76 , 1b .‎ 1. Point out the four pictures .Then read the instructions .‎ 2. Say , You will hear three conversations .They go with three of the pictures .‎ 3. Play the recording .Have Ss write the number of each conversation in the box next to the ‎ correct picture .‎ 1. Check the answers .‎ SB Page 76 , 1c .‎ 1. Ask Ss to look at the pictures in activity 1a .Then point out the sample conversation in activity 1c .Ask two students to read it to the class .‎ 2. Say,Now work with your partner .Make your own conversations about the people in activity 1a .Use the expression in the box .‎ 3. Ask several pairs to say one or more their conversations to the class .‎ Step 3 Pre-task SB Page 77 , 2a .‎ 1. Read the instructions and point out the sample answer .‎ 2. Play the recording .‎ 3. Check the answers.‎ SB Page 77 , 2b .‎ 1. Read the instructions and point to the lettered list of sentences .‎ 2. Ask different students to read the lines of the conversation to the class .‎ 3. Play the recording .Ask Ss write the letter of each line of conversation in the correct place .‎ 4. Check the answers .‎ SB Page 77 , 2c .‎ 1. Read the instructions for the activity .‎ 2. Point to the conversations in activity 2b .Ask a pair of students to read the conversations to the class .Then ask all students to practice the conversation in pairs .‎ 3. Point out the questions in the box .‎ 4. Then have Ss work in pairs .‎ 5. Ask several pairs to come to the front of the room and say their conversations to the class .‎ Step 4 Grammar Focus ‎ 1. Review the grammar box .Ask students to read the questions and answers .‎ 2. Ask Ss to give other examples of small talk that use tag questions .Help Ss find the correct Yes or No short answer to go with each question .‎ Exercise designing for Period 1 汉译英 1. 天看起来要下雨了,是吗?是的,但是 我忘带雨伞。‎ 2. 今天真的很热,是吧?是的,我希望下一场雨。‎ 3. 你认为到中午雨会停吗?我想会吧。‎ 4. 火车总是晚点,是吧?我想有时是的。‎ 教学后记:‎ Period 2‎ Teaching of new lesson ‎ Step 1 Pre-task SB Page 78 , 3a .‎ 1. Read the directions .Point to the blanks in the conversations .‎ 2. Ask Ss to think of answers that would be correct in blank 1 for example ,I’m going to the beach or I always go to the beach on hot days .‎ 3. Ask Ss to finish writing sentences in the blanks on their own .‎ 4. Ask some pairs of students to read their completed conversations to the class.‎ SB Page 78 , 3b .‎ 1. Point out the conversation in 3a and ask Ss to read it to the class 2. Ask another student to read the list of possible conversational situations .‎ 3. Ask pairs to practice the conversation in 3a together .‎ 4. If the class needs help getting started have the whole class make a conversation together .‎ 5. Next ask pairs of students to make their own conversation .‎ 6. Ask some pairs to say their conversations for the class .‎ Step 2 While-task SB Page 78 , Part 4 .‎ 1. Read the instructions .‎ 2. Ask Ss to identify the people in the pictures .‎ 3. Ask other students to give sample topics of conversation .Topics should be suitable for each person .‎ 4. Ask Ss to work in groups and role play the conversations .‎ 5. Ask a few students to share the sample conversations with the rest of the class .‎ 教学后记:‎ Period 3‎ Teaching of new lesson ‎ Step 1 Assign task ‎ Teach the new words .‎ SB Page 79 , 1a .‎ 1. Focus attention on the four pictures .‎ 2. Point to the pictures one by one and ask a student to read the question under each picture to the class .‎ 3. Ask Ss to check the questions that they think are good small talk questions .‎ 4. Check the answers .‎ SB Page 79 , 1b .‎ 1. Read the instructions to the class and answer any questions Ss may have .‎ 2. Then point out the sample conversation in activity 1b .Ask two students to read it to the class .‎ 3. Say , Now work with your partner .Make your own conversations about the people activity 1a .‎ 4. Ask several pairs to say one or more of their conversations to the class .‎ SB Page 79 , 2a .‎ 1. Point out the chart with the list of the three conversations .Then read the instructions .‎ 1. Say ,You will hear three conversations .The people in each conversation are in a different place .‎ 2. Point to the answer space and say , Write your answer in these spaces .Point out the sample answer .‎ 3. Play the recording .‎ 4. Check the answers .‎ SB Page 79 , 2b .‎ 1. Read the instructions .‎ 2. Point out the sample answer .Ask a student to read the sample question and answer to the class .‎ 3. Play the recording .Say , Now write the letter in the correct blank in the first column .‎ 4. Check the answers .‎ SB Page 79 , 2c .‎ 1. Read the instructions .Say , Now you can have your own small talk conversations with your partner .‎ 2. Point out the list of openers and ask Ss to read these openers to the class .‎ 3. Then ask Ss to work in pairs .Have Ss make their own small talk conversation using the openers on the list .‎ 4. Suggest that they write down the lines of their conversation and practice saying them to each other several times .‎ 5. Ask several pairs to say their completed conversations for the class .‎ Step 2 While-task SB Page 80 , 3a .‎ 1. Call attention to the three notes .Read the three notes to the class or have different do it .‎ 2. Ask the class to read the letters to themselves .Discuss any questions Ss may have .‎ 3. Read the instructions to the class .Say , Each of the notes was written for a different situation .Match each note with one of the situation .‎ 4. Ask Ss to finish on their own .‎ 5. Check the answers .‎ SB Page 80 , 3b .‎ 1. Read and explain the instructions .‎ 2. Say , Now read the letter to yourself and fill in the blanks .You can use words from this unit or any other words you know .‎ 3. Ask Ss to read their letters to their partner .Ask the partner to check that the answers are correct .‎ 4. Ask some students to read their letters to the class .‎ SB Page 80 , 3c .‎ 1. Ask Ss to make a list of ideas before they write their letters .‎ 2. Discuss these ideas .‎ 3. Ask Ss to write a complete thank you note .‎ 4. Correct as many of the letters as you can in class .Invite some students to read their letters to the class .‎ SB Page 80 , Part 4‎ 1. Read the instructions to the class .‎ 2. Point out the handwritten notes in the picture .Ask a student to read the notes to the class .‎ 3. Ask Ss to suggest opening questions the person standing in line might use and also possible responses the boy might give .‎ 4. Ask students to work in pairs and hand out cards for each pair to write on .‎ 5. Ask several pairs to say their conversation for the class .‎ Exercise designing for Period 3 词组翻译 ‎1. 相处融洽 2. 帮助我复习数学课程 ‎3. 举行他90岁的生日聚会 4. 等了十分钟 ‎5. 浏览 6. 过街 ‎7. 走路去上学 8. 在电梯里 教学后记:‎ Period 4‎ Teaching of new lesson ‎ Step 1 Self Check SB Page 81 , Part 1 .‎ 1. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks on their own .‎ 2. Check the answers .‎ 3. Ask Ss to make their own sentences with the words ,preferably sentences that are meaning for .‎ 4. Write a number of students’ answer for each word on the Bb .‎ Step 2 SB Page 81 , Part 2‎ 1. Read the instructions .Ss must read carefully to try to make their answers fit the context .‎ 2. Ask Ss to identify the people in the pictures .‎ 3. Ss complete the task 4. Ask a few students to share sample conversations with the rest of the class .‎ Step 3 SB Page 81 , Part 3 .‎ 1. Read the instructions .‎ 2. Ask Ss to identify the locations in the pictures .‎ 3. Ss complete the task .‎ 4. Ask a few students to share sample conversations with the rest of the class .‎ Step 4 Review this unit .‎ Exercise designing for Period 4 单项选择 ‎( )1.—Do you think it will stop raining noon ?‎ ‎ —Well , it is really hard to say .‎ A. in B. by C. on D. for ‎ ‎( )2. —This is great weather , isn’t it ?‎ ‎ —It sure is .But it’s a little hot me .‎ A. to B. on C. with D. for ‎ ‎( )3.After you finish your homework ,you can go online for a while ,but you are not allowed computer games .‎ A. doing , playing B. to do , playing ‎ C. doing , to play D. to do , to play ‎( )4.This is the place I spent my childhood .‎ A. there B. where C. that D. which ‎ ‎( )5.The box is heave for us carry upstairs .‎ A. very, to B. so, to C. too, to D. very, not to ‎( )6.If you go right now ,you late .‎ A. won’t , will B. don’t ,will be ‎ C. won’t , are D. don’t , are ‎( )7.Why come a little earlier ? We have had a lot of delicious food prepared .‎ A. don’t B. don’t you C. not to D. aren’t you ‎( )8. fun it is to swim in the sea on such a hot day .‎ A. what a B. what C. How much D. How a ‎ 教学后记:‎ Review of units 6-10‎ Teaching contents :Review of units6-10 (SB Page 82-85)‎ Teaching procedures :‎ Step 1 Leading in 1. SB Page 82 , 1a .Ask Ss to do the crossword individually .Then correct the answers .‎ 2. SB Page 82 , 1b .Explain to the students that they need to write clues like the clues for the crossword in activity 1a .Have Ss do the activity in pairs .As they work ,move around the classroom listening and offering help where necessary .‎ Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 83 , 2a .‎ 1. Draw attention to the sample answer .Say , Each statement goes with one conversation .Now listen to the tape and write the numbers of four conversations next to the statements .‎ 2. Play the recording of conversations 1-4 .Ss listen and write the numbers in the boxes next to the pictures .Check the answers .‎ SB Page 83 , 2b .Play the tape, Ss listen and complete the task . Repeat playing the tape as often ‎ as necessary .Check the answers .‎ SB Page 83 , 2c .‎ 1. Read the instructions .Explain to Ss that they should make up their own answers ,not just repeat what is on the tape .‎ 2. Ask two or more pairs of students to practice the sample dialogue for the class .‎ 3. Ss complete the task .Then ask some pairs of students to practice their conversations for the class .‎ Step 3 While-task SB Page 84 , Part 3 .‎ 1. Draw students’ attention to the instructions and the example .‎ 2. Ask Ss what sorts of things bother them .‎ 3. Tell Ss to think five things that bother them .For each thing ,Ss should write a polite request .Remind Ss to write in sentences .‎ 4. Tell Ss to role play their requests and replies .‎ SB Page 84 , Part 4 .‎ 1. Draw students’ attention to the instructions and the example .‎ 2. Ask a few students about places where they make small talk .‎ 3. Tell Ss to write small talk questions suitable to each of the five places .Ask Ss to use their questions to role play conversations with their partners .‎ 4. Ask Ss to share their answers as dialogues with the class Step 4 Post-task SB Page 84 , Part 5 .‎ 1. Ask Ss about things that they like and dislike .Ask for reasons . Discuss whether the reasons are good or not .‎ 2. Tell Ss to write five things they like or dislike .‎ 3. Ask Ss to share their likes and dislikes with their partners .The partner should ask for reasons .‎ SB Page 85 , Part 6 .‎ 1. Explain to Ss that they are going to reflection what they have learned from studying English .‎ 2. Explain that they are going to write an essay about their learning experience .‎ 3. Students do activity on their own .Monitor and provide support as required .‎ Step 5 Homework SB Page 85 , Part 7 .‎ 1. Explain to Ss that this is an opportunity for them to reflect on what they have learned ,and to make plans and resolutions to improve their learning of English .‎ 2. Explain that they will not be marked on this section , and that their answers will remain secret .They should not feel that they should award themselves high marks , but instead give hones answers .‎ 3. Students complete the questionnaire individually .Tell students that it is acceptable for them to write their answers in Chinese if they wish. Monitor and give help as needed .‎ 教学后记:[‎

