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Section A 1 1a – 2d Have you heard of these books? Treasure Island Alice in Wonderland Robinson Crusoe Little Women Tom Sawyer Oliver Twist ---Have you read Treasure Island yet? ---Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. ---Have you read Alice in Wonderland yet? ---Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. ---Have you read Robinson Crusoe yet? ---Yes, I have. --I think it’s fantastic. ---What do you think of it? ---Have you read Robinson Crusoe yet? ---Yes, I have. ---What do you think of it? --I think it’s fantastic. Look at the picture. Have you read these books? 1a Have you read these books? Check (√) the ones you know. ___ Alice in Wonderland ___ Little Women ___ Treasure Island ___ Olive Twist ___ Robinson Crusoe ___ Tom Sawyer Let’s learn the new words. 1. treasure n. 珠宝,财富 (不可数名词);珍藏品(可数名词) e.g. They went to there to look for treasure . 他们去那儿寻宝。 This museum has many art treasures . 这家博物馆收藏了许多艺术珍品。 2. island n. 岛(可数名词) e.g. an island 一个岛屿 Treasure Island 宝岛 3. classic n. 名著;经典著作(可数名词) e.g. I like reading classics . 我喜欢阅读名著。 4. page n. 页(可数名词) e.g. five pages 5 页 on page 5 在第五页上 5. hurry v. 匆忙,赶快 词组: in a hurry ( n .) 匆忙地 hurry to do sth. 匆忙地做某事; hurry to+ 地点 匆忙地赶到某地; hurry up 快点 赶快 6. due adj. 预定的 , 到期的 e.g. The plane is due at London at five. 飞机定于五点到达伦敦。 I am due to speak tomorrow. 我预定明天讲话。 短语: due to 由于 e.g. a mistake due to carelessness 由于粗心而犯的错误 1b. Listen and complete the chart. Book title Name Have they read it? What do they think of it? Nick Judy Sandy Alan Kate Harry Treasure Island Treasure Island Not yet. Yes. Exciting Robinson Crusoe Robinson Crusoe Yes. Not yet. Wonderful Little Women Little Women Not yet. Yes. Fantastic A: Have you read Little Women yet? B: No, I haven’t. Have you? A: Yes, I have already read it. B: What’s it like? A: It’s fantastic. 1c Practice the conversation. Then talk about the other books in 1a. A: Have you read Alice in Wonderland yet? B: No, I haven't. Have you? A: Yes, I’ve already read it. B: How is it ? A: It’s wonderful . Pair Work A: Have you read Oliver Twist yet? B: Oh, no. I’ve not read it yet. What about you? A: Well, I’ve already read it. B: What do you think of it? A: It’s fantastic. Pair Work 1. Treasure Island Mark / Tina 2. Oliver Twist Mark / Tina 3. Robinson Crusoe Mark / Tina 4. Tom Sawyer Mark / Tina 2a. Listen. Who has read these books? Circle the names. 1. Oliver Twist is about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasures. ( ) 2. Robinson Crusoe is a classic. ( ) 3. Tina thinks that Treasure Island is a fantastic book. ( ) 4. Tom Sawyer is about a boy who lives in the United Kingdom. ( ) 2b Listen again and write T for true and F for false. F F T T A: Has Tina read Treasure Island ? B: Yes, she has. She thinks it’s fantastic. A: What’s it about? B: It’s about… 2c Use the information in 2a and 2b to talk about the books. Have you ever read these books? What’s it about? 2d Role-play conversation. 1. Oliver Twist is about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasures. 《 雾都孤儿 》 是一个男孩去海边发现一个充满珍宝的岛的故事。 full of 满是 …… 的; ( 有 ) 大量的 e.g. The area is full of beautiful lakes and rivers. 这个区域有大量美丽的湖泊和河流。 Language points 2. Have you at least read the back of the book to see what it’s about? 至少你已经读过书的背面,了解了它的大致内容吧? 此句中的动词 see 表示“ ( 通过查看、打听等 ) 弄清、了解;查看、发现 ( 信息或事实 )” 。作这种用法时, see 常接 how, what, when 等引导的宾语从句 。 e.g. He agreed to go with me to see what was wrong. 他同意跟我去了解一下毛病出在哪里。 First of all, we need to take some time to see how it works. 首先,我们需要花些时间了解一下它是如何运作的。 3. You should hurry up . 你需要加快速度。 hurry up 赶快; ( 急忙 ) 做某事 e.g. Hurry up , or we cannot get to the railway station on time. 快些,否则我们不能按时赶到火车站了。 4. Steve: …The book report is due in two weeks. Amy: Yes, I know… 是的,我知道 … 1) due adj . 预定;预期;预计 后边 引出预期的时间、地点 等,还常 常构成 短语 be due (to do something) 或 be due (for something) 。 e.g. Our plane is due at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport at 12:30. 我们的飞机预计于 12 : 30 降落在上海虹桥国际机场。 Rose is due to start school in January. 罗丝一月份就要开始上学了。 You are due for a medical examination next month. 你的身体检查预定在下个月。 2) I know 表示说话人对所谈的观点、内容已了解,无需多说 ,相当于汉语中“我早知道了;我全都了解”这样的意思, 区别于许多日常交际场合中表示“我明白了;我知道了;我懂了”的用法 。 e.g. A: It’s already very late. You should get some rest. 已经很晚了,你应该休息了。 B: Well, I know . Thanks. 对,我是知道的。谢谢。 注意, 当我们获知对方提供的信息后,常用 I see. 表示“我知道了;我明白了;我懂了” 。 e.g. A: He lives in the countryside but works in the city during the week. 他住在乡下,但工作日在城里上班。 B: Oh, I see . 哦,我知道了。 Phrases: hear of 听说 be like 像……一样 go out 出去 full of 充满 finish doing sth. 做完某事 be about 关于 grow up 长大 put + 代词 + down 把 …… 放下 hurry up 快点 Sentences: 1. Have you ever read Little Women yet? 你曾经看过小妇人吗? 2. What’s it like? What’s it about? 它是关于什么的? 3. Oliver Twist is about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasures.《 雾都孤儿 》 是一个男孩去海边发现一个充满珍宝的岛的故事。 4. Steve, have you decided yet which book to write about for English class? 史蒂文,你决定为英语课写哪本书了吗? 5. The book report is due in two weeks. 读书报告两周后必须完成。 根据所给汉语填空。 1. I hear some of us like reading _______ ( 名著 ). 2. How many _____ ( 页 ) have you read? 3. It’s already 7 o’clock. Let’s ________ ( 赶快 ). 4. The book report is _____ ( 到期 ) in five days. classics pages hurry up due 5. There are some big _________ ( 岛 ) in our country. 6. My father has a box full of __________ ( 珠宝 ). islands treasures Section A 2 3a – 3c Robinson Crusoe 《 鲁滨逊漂流记 》 由英国作家丹尼尔 · 笛福所著。它是一部家喻户晓的现实主义回忆录式冒险小说。作者受一个苏格兰水手海上遇险的经历启发写成的。 《 鲁滨逊漂流记 》 是一部流传很广,影响很大的文学名著。它表现了强烈的资产阶级进取精神和启蒙意识。作者用生动逼真的细节把虚构的情景写得使人如同身临其境,使故事具有强烈的真实感。小说主人公鲁滨逊也成为欧洲文学史上一个很著名的文学形象。 小说分三部分:第一部分写鲁滨逊初出茅庐,最初三次航海的经过及其在巴西经营种植园的情况;第二部分详细描述了主人公流落荒岛,独居 28 年的种种情景;第三部分简要交代了鲁滨逊回国后的命运及这个海岛未来的发展趋向。 ship n. 船(可数名词) — ships; by ship 乘船 tool n. 工具(可数名词) — tools; with tools 用工具 gun n. 枪(可数名词) — guns; with a gun 用枪 sand n. 沙滩,沙(不可数名词) New words else adv . 其他的,别的 — something else 别的东西 , what else 别的什么 cannibal n. 食人肉者(可数名词) — cannibals towards prep . 朝,向,对着 run towards → run to land n . 陆地,大地(不可数名词) on land 在陆地上 Read the passage and answer the following questions. 1. What does Robinson Crusoe wait for? 2. Why does Robinson Crusoe call the man Friday? Another ship. Because that was the day he met the man. 3a Skimming ( 略读法 ) : 跳跃式阅读,注重开头、结尾、关键词、主题句。 Guessing ( 猜读法 ) : 联系上下文,利用构词法,猜猜词义。 Realizing ( 悟读法 ) : 通过关键词、句、段的理解,了解作者意图,文章主旨。 1. 先认真阅读每个题目的意思,弄清要求我们寻找什么信息。 2. 带着问题,再来读短文。在短文中认真寻找我们所需的信息,在有相关内容的地方,应多读几次认真理解,以找到想要找的信息。 3. 最后,再通读一遍,检查一下所找的答案是否正确。 阅读理解解题指导 Read the passage again. Find words that have these meanings. 1. You can use these to shoot things: _____ 2. Something you use to travel in the sea: _____ 3. A piece of land in the middle of the sea: ______ 4. You can use these to cut things: ______ 5. Signs left behind by someone or something: ______ guns ship island knives marks 3b 1. Robinson Crusoe arrived on the island with enough food and drink. 2. Friday made a small boat. 3c Correct the sentences. Robinson Crusoe arrived on the island without food and drink. Robinson Crusoe made a small boat. 3. Robinson had some food and tools when he first arrived on the island. 4. Robinson used the ship to build his house. Robinson had no food and tools when he first arrived on the island. Robinson cut down trees to build his house. 5. Friday saw some marks of another man’s feet on the beach. 6. Robinson tried to kill the two men. Robinson saw some marks of another man’s feet on the beach. Some cannibals tried to kill the two men. arrive on this island make a boat bring back give up wait for cut down build a house 到达这个岛 制作船 带回来 放弃 等候 砍倒 建房子 kill … for food the marks of another man’s feet who else see sb. doing sth. run towards help sb. do sth. name sb. … teach sb. sth. 杀死 …… 作为食物 另一个人的脚印 还有谁 看见某人正在做某事 朝 …… 跑 帮助某人做某事 给某人起名为 …… 教某人某事 1. Although I have lost everything, I have not lost my life. 虽然我失去了一切,但是没有失去生命。 although“ 虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句,不能与 but 连用。 e.g. He is young, but he works hard. 他年龄小,但是工作很努力。 2. So I will not give up and I will wait for another ship. 因此我不放弃,要等候另一只船。 another 既可用作形容词,也可用作代词。用作形容词时,意思是“又一的;再一的”,修饰名词,位于名词前;用作代词时,意思是“另一个”。 e.g. Just at that time, another man came in. Saying is one thing and doing is another . another 还可以和数词连用,常放在数词的前面,意为“还;再;又”。 e.g. We need another three man to help do the work. 3. How long have they been here? 你来这儿多久了? how long 常用于询问时间,意为“多久;多长时间”,与现在完成时连用,要求谓语动词必须是延续性动词。 e.g. How long have you had the book? 你买这本书多久了? 4. Not long after that, I saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship. 在那之后不久,我看见一些食人肉质在试图杀死两个来自破船上的人。 see sb. doing sth. 意为“看到某人正在做 某事”,强调看到的动作正在进行。 e.g. Mary saw him cleaning the classroom. 玛丽看见他正在打扫教室。 see sb. do sth. 意为“看到某人做了某事”,强调看到动作的全过程。 e.g. Mary saw him clean the classroom. 玛丽看见他打扫教室了。 【 运用 】 将下列汉语句子与英文翻译相匹配。 (   ) ① 昨天我看见她正在花园里干活。 (  ) ② 昨天我看见她在花园里干活了。 A. I saw her work in the garden yesterday. B. I saw her working in the garden yesterday. B A 5. One of them died, but the other ran towards my house. 他们当中一个人死了,但是另一个朝我的房子跑来。 run towards 朝 …… 跑 e.g. He ran towards the station. 他跑着去火车站。 6. I named him Friday because that was the day I met him. 我管他叫 Friday 因为那是我遇见他的那一天。 name 作动词,意为“命名;给 …… 取名”。固定搭配“ name + sb. + 名字”意为“给某人取名为 ……” 。 e.g. Lucy named her little son David . 露西给她的小儿子取名为戴维。 1.You’ve never seen such a wonderful film before, _______? A. haven’t you B. have you C. do you D. don’t you 2. —I have watched the game. —When ____ you ____ it? A. have; watched B. do; watch C. did ;watch D. will; watch 3. Mr. Green ____ in China since five years ago. A. lived B. has lived C. lives D. is going to live 4. His grandma ______ for two years. A. died B. has died C. was dead D. has been dead B C B D 二 选 择 题 5. –Where is Han Mei now? - She ____ to Shanghai. She will be back in two days. A. has gone B. has been C. goes D. had gone 6. - _____ you ____to the United States ? - No, never,but I went to Canada a few years ago A. Have; been B. Have; gone C. Did; go D. Do; go 7. You haven’t changed your mind,_______? A. do you B. are you C. have you D. did you 8. How long have you ___ the football team of the school? A. played B. been at C. joined D been on A A C D 9. —Where have you _____ these days? —I have _____ to Kunming with my friends. A been , gone B been , been C gone , been D gone, gone 10. How long have you ____ this book? A. bought B. borrowed C. had D. lent 11. —Excuse me, ____ you seen the film yet? —Yes, I _____ it last night. A have, see B have, have seen C have, seen D have, saw 12. He has never ridden a horse before,_____? A. is he B. isn’t he C. hasn’t he D. has he B C D D 1. Learn the new words and expressions by heart. 2. Retell the story of Robinson Crusoe. Section A 3 Grammar focus-4c Revision Read the following sentences we have seen. Have you read Little Women yet? Yes, I have./ No, I haven't. Has Tina read Treasure Island yet? Yes, she has. She thinks it’s fantastic. Have you decided which book to write about yet? Yes, I have. I’ve already finished reading it. It was really good. 现在完成时: 表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,或从过去开始一直延续到现在的动作或保存的状态。 结构: 主语 + have / has + 动词的过去分词 一般疑问句 : have / has … ? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t. 1. 现在完成时动词构成 have /has + v 过去分词 助动词 否定 haven’t hasn’t 疑问 Have you…? Has he…? 常与下列时间状语连用: just , already, yet, ever, never, before, several times 现在完成时 1. 过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。和 already , never,ever,just,before,yet 等状语连用。 2. 过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态, 常与 for 或 since 引起的一段时间状语连用。 动词构成: have/has+v 过去分词 have breakfast I have just had my breakfast. ( 现在我不饿 ) I’m not hungry now moved here in 2004 I still live here I have lived here for three years. I have lived here since 2004/three years ago. now past 2. 现在完成时动词可以表示开始于过去持续 到现在 ( 也许还会继续进行下去 ) 的动作或状态。 1) I have studied English since last year. 我从去年开始学习英语。 2) She has lived in Beijing for five years. 她住在北京已经五年了。 注意 : come, go , leave, arrive, buy, lose, receive, join, die, bury 和 marry 等动词所表示的动作是 一时的 , 不能延续的 , 故不能与 for …, since … 等开头的表示一段时间的状语连用。不过 , 这些 词用于否定句则可以与表示持续的时间状语连用, 即动作的不发生是可以持续的。 不能说 : *He has come to Beijing for two years . *He has bought that book for three weeks . *He has joined the Army for one and a half years . *His grandma has died for nine months . * I have received his letter for a month . 可以说 : He has been in Beijing for two years. He has had that book for three weeks. He has been in the army for one and a half years. His grandma has been dead for nine months. I haven't received his letter for almost a month. 或者说: It is two years since he came to Beijing. It is three weeks since he bought that book. It is one and a half years since he joined the Army. It is nine months since his grandma died. 3. 现在完成时把过去的动作和现在的结果联系起来, 一般过去时只限于表示过去的动作本身 , 与现在 的结果无关。 现在完成时与一般过去时在意义上 的区别举例如下: I have cleaned my room. (My room is clean now.) 我已经打扫过我的房间了。 I cleaned my room last week. (I did it in the past.) 我上周打扫了我的房间。 Father has gone to Amoy. (He went to Amoy and he is not here now.) 爸爸已经去厦门了。 They have bought a dictionary. (They bought a dictionary and they have it now.) 他们买了一本字典。 注意 : 现在完成时不能和明确指出时间的状语 ( 如 : yesterday, last, year, in 1976, two days ago, just now, when she came in 等 ) 连用 , 但可以和不明确指出时间的状语 ( 如 : already, yet, ever, never, sometimes, always, often, before, once, twice, recently, lately 等 ) 连用 ; 也可以和表示包括现在在内的时间状语 ( 如: today, this morning, this week, this year 等 ) 连用 。 ( 1) . for + 表示 一段 时间的短语 ( 2). since + 表示 过去时间点 的词语 ( 3). since + 表示过去时间的时间状语 从句 eg.I have been a teacher ______ a year. He has been at this school _______ 1992. We have learned 1,000 English words _______ we came to this school. for since since 现在完成时句中常见的时间状语 A. 表示从过去一直持续到现在 , 不能是具体 的过去时间。 ever just already yet e.g. Have you _____been to Japan? I have _____ finished my homework. I have finished my homework ______ . I haven’t finished my homework ____ . B. just, already, yet, before/ ever, never 有此 类副词时 , 常强调动作完成 , 不强调动作的持续 . already “ 已经” ; yet “ 仍然 , 还” 这两个副词常常用于完成时态 , 其中 already 常用于肯定句 , yet 常用于否定句和疑问句中。 如 : Jim has already finished his work. Jim 已经把他的工作做完了。 Mother hasn’t come home yet . 妈妈还没回来。 Haven’t you read The Call of the Wild yet ? 你还没读过 《 野性的呼唤 》 吗? She has already finished her work. 她已经把工作做完了。 I haven’t read the story yet . 我还没读过这个故事。 Have you met him before ? 你从前曾见过他吗? Lily has always been a good student. Lily 一直是个好学生。 比较: I have seen him this morning . 我上午看见他了。 ( 说话时在上午 ) I saw him this morning. 今天上午我遇见了他。 ( 说话时可能是下午或者晚上 ) It has been cold this winter. 今天冬天一直很冷。 ( 说话时仍是冬天 ) 4. 现在完成进行时和现在完成时 都可以表示 “从过去开始一直持续到现在”这一概念 , 有时 两者可以互相代用 , 但前者多用于口语。 在含义上如着重表示动作的结果时 , 多用现在 完成时 ; 如着重表示动作一直在进行 , 即动作 的延续性时 , 则多用现在完成进行时。 一般不能用于进行时的动词也不能用于 现在完成时行时。 现在完成时: 表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,或从过去开始一直延续到现在的动作或保存的状态,强调的是现在的情况, 不能和表示过去的时间状语连用(如: in 1990 , last Sunday 等)。 一般过去时: 一般过去时只表示过去的动作或状态,和现在不发生关系(即动作或状态在现在已经结束),它可以和表示过去的时间状语连用。 现在完成时 与一般过去时的区别: have / has + V 过去分词 I have waited for him for many times. 我等他等了好几次了。 I have been waiting for him for an hour. 我等他等了一小时。 He has drunk six cups of coffee. 他喝了六杯咖啡。 He has been drinking coffee. 他一直在喝咖啡。 改写句子 1.My father came back from the bookshop just now. My father ______ just ________ ______ the book shop. 2.He began to learn Chinese in 2001. He _____ _______ Chinese since 2001 . 3.The film began two minutes ago. The film _____ ______ ______ since two minutes ago . 4.He has had the motorbike for two years. It’s two years ______he ________ the motorbike. He ________ the motorbike two years ______. Two years ______ ______ since he ______ the motor bike. has returned from has learned has been on since bought bought ago has passed bought 用法 1. 表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作 对现在造成的影响或结果。 e.g. –Have you had your lunch yet? –Yes, I have. I’ve just had it. ( 现在 我不饿了。 ) 2. 表示动作或状态从过去某一时刻开始,一直延续到现在,而且可能还要继续下去。 现在完成时 e.g. I haven’t seen her these days. I’ve known Bob for three years. I’ve been at this school for over two years. 时间状语 already, yet, just, ever, never, before 构成 现在完成时是由“ 助动词 have / has+ 动词的过去分词 ”构成的,规则动词的过去分词构成与过去式相同,不规则动词的过去分词则需逐个记忆。 动词的过去式的变化和过去分词的变化并不完全相同。我们对它们作了一个大致的分类。 ( 注:例子中单词的变化顺序为:动词原形 → 动词的过去式  → 动词的过去分词 ) 一、过去式和过去分词的变化相同 规则变化 : 1. 一般在动词词尾直接加 ed 。如: pick → picked → picked; wish → wished → wished; stay → stayed → stayed 2. 以不发音的 e 结尾的动词后面加 d 。如: like → liked → liked; hope → hoped → hoped; phone → phoned → phoned 3. 以“辅音字母 + y” 结尾的动词,变 y 为 i ,再加 -ed 。如: study → studied → studied; hurry → hurried → hurried; reply → replied → replied 4. 词尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节动词,要双写辅音字母,再加 -ed 。如: stop → stopped → stopped; clap → clapped → clapped 不规则变化: 5. 以不变应万变 。如: let → let → let; put → put → put; read → read → read 6. 若中间有双写 e ,则去掉一个 e ,单词末尾再加 t 。如: feel → felt → felt; keep → kept → kept; sleep → slept → slept 7. 结尾的字母 d 变 t 。如: lend → lent → lent; build → built → built; send → sent → sent 8. 变为以 -ought 或 -aught 结尾 。如: buy → bought → bought; bring → brought → brought; catch → caught → caught; teach → taught → taught 句式 1. 肯定句:主语 + have / has + 过去分词 (+ 其他 ) 2. 否定句:主语 + have / has + not + 过去 分词 (+ 其他 ) 3. 一般疑问句: have/ has + 主语 + 过去 分词 (+ 其他 ) 4. 特殊疑问句 : 特殊疑问词 ( 不是句子主语 ) + have / has + 主语 + 过去分词 (+ 其他 ) 2) 特殊疑问词 ( 是句子主语 )+have / has+ 过去分词 (+ 其他 ) already 和 yet 都可以作为现在完成时的标 志词,但它们的用法不同。 ◆ already 一般用于肯定句中 。如: We have already cleaned up our classroom. 注意: already 用于疑问句中时通常表示惊奇 。如: Have you finished your homework already ? I can’t believe it. ◆ yet 一般用于疑问句和否定句中 。如: Have you seen her yet ? The bus hasn’t come yet . 1. Write the forms of the past tense and past participle: drink ______ ______ see ______ ______ find ______ ______ leave ______ ______ tell ______ ______ drank drunk saw seen found found left left told told —Why is Mr. Yang still in the teachers’ office? —Maybe he ________ his work yet. A. doesn’t finish B. hasn’t finished C. haven’t finished B 4a Use the words in brackets to complete the conversations. 1. A: Would you like something to drink? B: No, thanks. _______________________. (just/ drink some tea) 2. A: I heard you lost your key. ____________________? (find) B: No, not yet. I have just drunk some tea Have you found it 3. A: Do you know when Tom is leaving? B: ________________________. (already/ leave) A: When ___________________? (leave) B: This morning. 4. A: Is your sister going to the movies with us tonight? B: No. __________________________. (already/ see the film) He has already left did he leave She has already seen the film 5. A: What do your parents think about our plan? B: I __________________. (not/ tell them/yet) haven’t told them yet 4b Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the brackets. Sally ____ (love) reading. In the morning she reads the newspaper and in the evening she reads books. She ___ already ____ (read) more than 100 different books. Her favorite kind of books is science fiction. She is interested in science and technology and loves to imagine what the world ______ (be) like in 50 years. loves has read will be She _______ (finish) reading a book about robots last week and _________ (write) a book report about it next week for her French class. Every time she is in the library, Sally looks at the many books she __________ (not read) yet and she can’t wait to read them. finished will write hasn’t read 4c Complete the chart with information about you and your friend. A: What books have you already read? B: I have already read Tom Sawyer and Harry Potter. A: What do you think of them? B: Well, I think Harry Potter was exciting, but Tom Sawyer was a bit boring. You Your friend Comments Books I have already read Movies I have already seen Songs I have already heard ( )【2013 广西贵港 】 —Do you know the movie Lost in Thailand ? —Yes. I ______ it twice. It’s funny. A. saw B. see C. have seen D. will see C 中考链接 ( )【2013 黑龙江牡丹江 】 —Lunch? —No, thanks. I__________. A. will eat B. am eating C. have eaten ( )【2013 湖北黄冈 】 —Where is Tom? We can’t find him anywhere. — Perhaps he _____ home. A. has come B. is going C. went D. was going C A 1. I ________heard of that story before. A. don’t have B. not have C. have not D. not to have 2. She’ s never been to that factory,_________? A. is she B. was she C. does she D. has she 3. Have you made dumplings__________? No, I haven’t. A. just now B. yesterday C. ago D. before 4. Tom________ ill since last night. A. was B. is C. has been D. be 5. How long have you_ ________ Nanjing? A. gone to B. been to C .been in D. went to C D D C C 一 选择题 Exercise 6. How many times has Jim _______that park? Twice. A. gone to B. been to C. been in D. went to 7. I’ve______ this dictionary for half a year. A. bought B. had C. lended D. borrowed 8. She won’t go to the cinema this evening because she ________the film before. A. has seen B. saw C. sees D. is seeing B B A 1. 她成为一名护士已经三年了。 2. 我五年前就认识李雷了。 3. 那些相片我已经寄给他了。( post ) 4. 我来到这个学校后,他就一直教我。 5. 我刚丢了我的历史书。 She has been a nurse for three years. I have known Lilei since five years ago. I have already posted the photos to him. He has taught me since I came to the school. I have just lost my history book. 二 翻译 1.I borrowed the library book two days ago. I _______ _______the library book________ two days. 2.The meeting started ten minutes ago. A. The meeting________ _________ _________ _________ten minutes ago. B. The meeting________ _________ ___________ ________ten minutes. have kept for has been on has been on since for 三 同义句 3.My brother joined the Party last year. A. My brother _________ _________ ________the Party since last year. B. My brother__________ ________ _______ party member since last year. 4.He left Nanjing two years ago. He_________ _________ ________ ________ Nanjing for two years. has been in has been a has been away from 5. That dog died last month. That dog_______ ________ ________since last month. 6. He has had the bike for two years. A. Two years______ _______since he ________the bike. B. It’s ______ __________since he_________ the bike. C. He _______the bike two years__________. has been dead has passed bought two years bought bought ago Homework Retell what you did yesterday and what you have done now. Section B 1 1a-2e Who is your favorite singer or musician? Why do you like him or her? Warming up He likes pop . He doesn’t care for rock music. n. 摇滚乐 New words band n . 乐队 e.g. Which band do you like? 你喜欢哪个乐队? ____ The Toms must be popular. ____ The Toms play pop music. ____ The Toms’ music sounds more like rock. ____ Listening to The Toms is a good way to wake up. D D D A Listen to a conversation between Alex and Dave. Write A for Alex or D for Dave next to each opinion. 1b Listening Band name Country Number of people in the band The Toms California Five Listen again and take notes. 1c kind of music Why Alex and Dave like to listen to this band Alex: Dave: Pop music Because it’s loud and full of energy. Because it will wake him up in the morning and make him happy for the rest of the day. 1. What kind of music do you listen to? 2. Why do you listen to it? 3. How does it make you feel? Ask your friends and parents what kind of music they listen to and why. How does the music make them feel? Speaking 1d What kind of music? Why do they listen to it? How does it make them feel? Friend 1 Friend 2 Parents fan n . 迷;狂热爱好者 laughter n. 笑;笑声 football fans New words beauty n . 美;美丽 record n. 唱片;记录 v . 录制;录(音) The machine is recording now. ( v .) 那个机器正在录音。 1. forever adv . 永远;不断地 e.g. The little boy is forever asking questions. 这小男孩老是没完没了的问问题。 2. abroad adv . 在国外,到国外 go study abroad e.g. Are you going abroad for your holiday? 你打算去国外度假吗? Words study 3. actually adv . 真实地,事实上 — in fact e.g. Actually , that’s not quite right. 实际上,那不完全对。 4. southern adj. 南方的 e.g. She lives in southern Italy. 她住在意大利南部。 5. modern adj . 现代的,当代的 e.g. What do you think of modern art? 你对现代艺术怎么看? 6. success n . 成功 — a great success; successful; successfully e.g. He had finally achieved success . 他终于获得了成功。 7. belong v. 属于,归属 — belong to ( 介 词) + 人 e.g. The British and Dutch belong to the same race. 英国人和荷兰人是同一种族。 8. million num . 一百万 — two million; millions of e.g. The population has increased from 1.2 million to 1.8 million . 人口已从 120 万增加到了 180 万。 Do you have a favorite singer or band? 2. Do you have a favorite song? 3. What facts do you know about your favorite singer, band or song? Discuss the questions with a partner. Discussion 2a A: Do you have a favorite singer? B: Yes, my favorite singer is Avril Ramona Lavigne. A: Where does she come from? B: She comes from Canada. And she is a famous pop singer. A: Why do you like listening her songs? B: Because they make me feel excited. Pair Work Garth Brooks 1. Read the passage and make notes or underline the main idea of the text. 2. After reading, write a short summary in your own words. 阅读指导 Country Music Fact Sheet Where it is from: ___________________ __________ What kind of music it is: _____________ the southern states of America country music Reading Read the passage and complete the fact sheet. 2b A famous country music place in Nashville: _______________ A famous country music singer: ____________ The number of records he has sold: _____________ Tennessee Garth Brooks 120 million Read the passage again and underline the main ideas. Then use the underlined text to write short answers to the questions below. First paragraph Who is Sarah? Where is she from? What does she like? 2c She is a fan of country music. She is from the US. She likes country music. Second paragraph What is country music? It is a traditional kind of music from the southern states of American. What is country music about? Many songs are about modern life in the US, such as the importance of money, success, free, friends, family, the beauty of nature and so on. Third paragraph What is Sarah’s dream? To go Nashville one day. Who is Garth Brooks? Garth is one of the most successful musicians in American history. When Sarah was a teenager, she used to fight over almost everything with her family. used to 过去常常,后跟动词原形。 e.g. She used to sing this song, but now she doesn’t. 她过去经常唱这首歌,但是现在 不唱了。 Language points 2. Ever since then , she has been a fan of American country music. ever since then 从那时以来,与现在 完成时连用,要求动词必须是延续 性动词。 e.g. Ever since then , I have lived here. 从那时以来我就住在这儿。 3. It reminds us that the best thing in life is free…. reminds sb. that+ 从句 使某人想起某事 e.g. This book reminds me that I should study hard. 这本书提醒我应该努力学习。 4. Sarah hasn’t been to Nashville yet, but it is her dream to go there one day. It is her dream to + do sth. 做某事是某人的梦想 e.g. It is my dream to go to America. 去美国是我的梦想。 5. I hope to see him sing live one day! 1) see sb. do sth. 表示“ 看见某人做某事 ”。类似的感官动词还有: watch, feel, hear, listen to, smell 等用于主动语态时,后面可以接名词(或代词) + 不带 to 的不定式(或 v- ing 形式)。   see sb. do sth. 意为“ 看到某人做了某 事 ”,强调看到 动作的全过程 。而 see sb. doing sth. 意为“ 看到某人正在做某事 ”, 强调看到的 动作正在进行 。例如: Mary saw him clean the classroom. 玛丽看见他打扫教室了。 Mary saw him cleaning the classroom. 玛丽看见他正在打扫教室。 2) live adv . 意为“在现场直播;在现场表演” e.g. LangLang is playing live in our city tonight. 朗朗今晚在我们城市举办现场演 奏。 6 . The Toms must be popular. 汤姆乐队一定很 受 欢迎。 1 ) 此 处 the Toms 是一个虚构的音乐团队的名称,可能是由若干个名叫 Tom 的男子所 组成(或起主要作用)的乐队。 英语中 “ the + 姓或名的复数形式”这一结构可用来表示某 一群体,如表示某一姓氏的家庭,或同名的某几个人所姐成的小群体。 如: the Greens 格 林一家 . 相当于 the Green family the Jacks 杰克小组 ; 杰克社 团 ; 杰克帮等。 2 ) 此句中情态动词 must 的意思是“一定;准是”,而非“必须”。作这一用法时 must 表示推测,暗含很大的可能性。 又如: They must be there by now. 他们现在准到那儿 了 。 7 . the “good old days” 过去的好时光 ! 英语中 the good old days 是 一个习惯用语,指一个人人生中或历史上的一段比现更好的幸福时光,可译作“ 过去的好 日 子 ”。例如: I wish my grandma would stop talking about the good old days. 我真希望我奶奶能停止唠叨那过去的好时光。 In the good old days, going to a movie only cost 5 cents. 在当初的好 日子 里,去 看一场 电影只要 5 分钱就够了。 Writing Use the notes you made in 2c to write a short summary of the passage. Write no more than 100 words. 2d Sarah is an American girl. She likes country music. She is a fan of country music. Country music is a traditional music from the southern states of America. Many songs are about modern life in the US, such as the importance of money and success. 示例 Sarah’s dream is to go to Nashville because Garth Brooks is there. She likes to listen to his songs. Garth is one of the most successful musicians in American history. 闭目回想 Close your book. What facts can you remember about country music? Tell a partner. What other facts would you like to know about country music? Make a list of questions. 2e used to fight over return home on the radio make sb. do sth. think about come to realize ever since 过去常常 争吵 回家 在收音机上 使某人做某事 考虑 逐渐认识到 自从 …… 以来 重点短语 the home of such as belong to be kind to sb. trust one another remind sb. that… have been to do research on hope to do sth. …… 的家 例如 属于 对某人友好 互相信任 使某人想起 去过 研究 希望做某事 have been to 与 have gone to e.g. (1) I have been to Beijing. (2) Where is he? He has gone to Beijing. _____________ 曾经去过某地,现在不在那里,已经回来了。 _____________ 去了某地,还没回来或在路上,可能还在那里。 have been to have gone to 1.—Where is John? —He ______ the science lab. A. has gone to B. has been to C. went to 2.—Where is my sister, mum? —She ___ to the library. She will be back soon. A. has been B. is going C. has gone D. will go A C 活学活用 3.—May I speak to Lin Tao? —Sorry, he is not in. —He ______ to Changsha. A. has been B. has gone C. went B 1 、你来晚了,电影已放了 10 分钟了。 A: You are late. The film for 10 minutes. B: You are late. It ten minutes since the film . C: You are late. The film 10 minutes . has been on is began / started began / started ago 瞬间 动词和 延续性 动词、状态句型转化练习 : Exercise 2 、我叔叔当兵已经有 2 年了。 A: My uncle ____ ______ ___the army for 2 years. B: It ____ 2 years _____my uncle joined the army. C: My uncle __________ the army 2 years ago. 3 、 Linda 已经感冒 4 、 5 天了。 A: Linda __________ a cold _____ 4 to 5 days. B: It _____4 to 5 days since Linda ________ a cold C: Linda __________ a cold 4 or 5 days _______ . has been in is since joined has had for is caught caught ago 4 、他爷爷去世已经有 5 年了。 A: His grandpa ____ ________ _____ for 5 years. B: It _____ 5 years since his grandpa ______. C: His grandpa ___________5 years _____ . 5 、你来晚了,火车已经开走了 20 分种了。 A: You’re late. The train ____ ______ ______ for 20 minutes. B: It ____ 20 minutes since the train ______. C: The train _____20 minutes ________ . has been dead is died died ago has been away is left left ago 改错 : How long have you become a league member ? For more than one year. Have you arrived here since last night. Yes , you ’ re right. The dog has died for a month. He has gone to Shanghai twice. How long have been at this school? Since two years . been been been dead been ago. For Section B 2 3a ~ Self check Fill in the blanks according to the article. used to, hear, call, with, from, abroad, change, not see, hope, success Sarah ______ fight over almost everything ____ her parents. Later she _____ a song when she studied ______. The song _______ her life forever. The song is ____ a country music singer _____ Garth Brooks, the _____________ musician in American history. Sarah _____ ____ the singer yet, but she has listened to many of his songs. She _____ to see him one day. used to with heard abroad changed from called most successful hasn’t seen hopes 1. introduce v. 介绍,引荐 introduce sb. to sb. 把某人介绍给某人 e.g. A: Who can introduce them to us? B: The man is Robert Pattinson and the woman is Adele. They are both famous in the world. New words 2. line n. 行;排 v. 排队 e.g. Please  line up one after another. 请按顺序排队。 The ball went over the  line . 球越线出界了。 Think of a singer or writer you know well. Make a list of facts of him /her. Think of the following: 1. Who is the singer/writer? 2. When did the singer/writer first become famous? 3. How and why did he/she first become famous? 4. What famous songs/books has he/she recorded/written? When? 3a 5. How many CDs/books has he/she sold? 6. How did you find out about him/her? 7. Is he/she still popular today? 8. Have you introduced this singer/writer to others? 9. How do you feel about his/her music/ books? 10. Have you ever played/sung his/her songs yourself? Write an article about the singer or writer. Here are some words and phrases you can use. 3b the first line in the song/book the book/song was written/recorded by enjoyed success in successful song/CD/book I listen to this song/read this book when … The song/book makes me feel … 1. 引用人物的一部作品,提出问题。 2. 作品来源并引出要评价的对象。 3. 有影响力的作品是什么。 4. 作品的影响。 5. 感受或受启发是什么。 6. 检查语法和词数。 怎样写人物评价 I. Fill in the blanks with the correct words in the box. 1. What do you think _____ this dress? Do you think it looks on me? 2. The little boy was so hungry that he didn’t put his spoon _____ at all. He just kept on eating. down, of, about, back, up of down Self check 3. She grew ____ in a small town, although she lives in a big city now. 4. For homework, our teacher told us to write _____ our summer vacation. 5. At the end of the day, the bus brought us _____ to our school. about back up joined have read started have learned II. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets. 1. I _______ (join) the book club last month and I _________ (read) five books already. 2. I only _______ (start) taking French classes last week and I ___________ (learn) 50 French words already. 3. Tony ________ (buy) a pop music CD yesterday but he ____________ (listen) to it yet. 4. They ___________ (listen) to many songs by The Beatles, but they cannot _____ (sing) any of them. 5. She ____ (see) the newspaper on the table this morning, but she _________ (have) anytime to read it yet. have listened sing saw hasn’t had bought hasn’t listened III. Make a list of the things you have done and the ones you haven’t done yet this week. Then ask two other students. you (student’s name) (student’s name) Things I have done science homework, Things I haven’t done Make a conversation. A: Have you done your homework? B: Yes, I have. What haven’t you done? No, I haven’t. What have you done? A: I haven’t ….I have …. B: Ah, you should hurry up. You’ve done well. Come on. hear of, go out, full of, finish doing sth., be about, grow up, put down, hurry up, bring back, give up, wait for, cut down, build a house, kill…for food ,the marks of another man’s feet, who else, see sb. doing sth., run towards, help sb. do sth., name sb.…, teach sb. sth., be interested in, can’t wait to do sth., used to, fight over, return home, on the radio, make sb. do sth., think about, come to realize, ever since, the home of, such as, belong to, be kind to sb., trust one another, remind sb. that…, have been to, do research on, hope to do sth., introduce…to… Have you read Little Women yet? What’s it like? Oliver Twist is about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasures. Steve, have you decided yet which book to write about for English class? Although I have lost everything, I have not lost my life. Important sentences So I will not give up and I will wait for another ship. How long have they been here? Not long after that, I saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship. One of them died, but the other ran towards my house. I named him Friday because that was the day I met him. Every time she is in the library, Sally looks at the many books she hasn’t read yet and can’t wait to read them! When Sarah was a teenager, she used to fight over almost everything with her family. Ever since then, she has been a fan of American country music. It reminds us that the best things in life are free…. Sarah hasn’t been to Nashville yet, but it is her dream to go there one day. He’s sold more than 120 million records. Have you introduced this singer to others? Fill in the blanks. 1. His name is on the book, so it b______ to him. 2. M_____ of people go abroad every year. elongs illions Exercises 3. What ____ ( 别的 ) would you like? 4. Hainan Island is in the ________ (south) part of China. 5. He works hard. His s______ is due. else southern uccess 6.  _________ you _____ (find) your watch yet? 7. ---Are you thirsty?  ---No I ______ just _____(have) some orange.  8. We _____already ________(return) the book.  9.  ________ they _______ (build) a new school  in the village?  10. I __________________ (not finish) my  homework . Can you help me?  11. My father _________(read) the novel twice.  Have found have had have returned Have built haven’t finished has read 1) I have been there  for two days .  _____ _______ ______ you _____ ________ ?  2) My father has lived here  since 2000 .  ____ ____ ____ your father _____ __________? 3) He left here  yesterday .  ______ _____ he _________ __________?  4) They bought a book  two hours ago .  ________ ________ they ________ a book?  三、划线提问 How long have been there How long has lived there When did leave there When did buy Write an article about your favorite singer or writer, use the useful phrases in the lesson.

