外研版八年级下册英语课件-Module 3 Journey to space-Unit 3

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外研版八年级下册英语课件-Module 3 Journey to space-Unit 3

Scientists have sent spaceship to Mars. The journey has taken several months. Astronauts have already been to the moon. No one has been to Mars yet, because Mars is very far away, much farther than the moon. Scientists have also discovered many other galaxies in the universe. Scientists have sent spaceship to the planet Mars to take photos. They have even sent spaceships to travel outside the solar system. No spaceship has travelled far enough to reach other stars in our Galaxy. 1. I’ve just made a model spaceship. 2. Has it arrived yet? 3. Astronauts have already been to the moon. 4. We have not found life on any other planets yet. 在现在完成时的句子中,already(已 经)、just(刚刚)常用于肯定句,放在 have和has的后面。yet(还、尚、仍 然)常用于否定句和疑问句,(放在 have和has的后面也可放在句末)。 Spaceship on Mars! Astronauts have (1) ________ been to the moon but they have not been to any other planets. However, a spaceship (2) _______ arrived on Mars and it has (3) _______ sent back photos of the red planet. Is there life on Mars? We do not know (4) ________. already just already yet Complete the news with already, just and yet. have/has been to与have/has gone to 的区别: have/has been to表示某人“去过某 地,现在已经回来了”。 have/has gone to表示某人“去某地 了”,这个人已经不在这里了。 The spaceship has gone to Mars. It has gone there, but it has not come back yet. Astronauts have been to the moon. They went there and then they came back. Look at these sentences. 1. Astronauts have been / gone to the moon and returned. 2. The spaceship has been / gone into space. It will travel for ten days. 3. The astronaut has been / gone to the space station. He will come back tomorrow. 4. The spaceship has been / gone to the space station. It brought back two astronauts. Now choose the correct answer. Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box. have / has been have / has gone 1. A spaceship ____________ to Mars. It is coming back to the earth next year. has gone 2. Lots of astronauts ___________ to the space station. They found it very interesting. 3. Some astronauts ____________ to the moon twice. 4. Two British astronauts ____________ to the space station. They will come back in January. have been have been have gone 现在完成时(2) 当表示动作已经完成,并对现在有 一定影响时,我们一般用现在完成 时。同时,可分用just, already或yet 加以强调或说明。例如: I have just heard the news. 我刚听到消息。 Astronauts have already been to the moon. 宇航员已经去过月球了。 He has just started to explore other planets. 我们才刚刚开始探索其他行星。 可以看出,just 用来表示“刚刚”, already 用来表示“已经”,两者都用 于肯定句中,一般是置于have / has 之 后。在否定句中则可用yet, 表示“还 未”, 有“以后可以会”的含义。例 如: The scientists have not heard from it yet. 科学家还没有收到它发出的信息。 Man has not discovered any life in space yet. 人类尚未在太空中发现生命。 另外,在使用现在完成时的时候,要 注意与一般过去时的区别。现在完成 时在表达经历时只表示该事件是在现 在之前的某一个时间里发生的,重点 在于已完成动作对现在的影响。 而一般过去时则表示在过去某一具体 时间发生的事情。例如: I have just been to London. I went there last month.我刚去过伦敦,上个 月去的。 I have already finished my homework. I finished it an hour ago. 我已经完成 家庭作业了,一小时前完成的。 在没有明确的过去时间状语时,如何 判断该用现在完成时还是该用过去时 呢?判断的标准是看该行为是否对现 在有影响,也就是说该句强调的是什 么。试看以下对话: A: Where have you put my book? I can’t find it. 你把我的书放哪儿去了? 我找不到。 B: I put it on your desk yesterday. 我昨天放你桌子上了。 该对话中,当A 问对方把自己的书放 在何处时,A 感兴趣的是现在的状态, 因此用现在完成时。但是B 回答时只 是说明当时放的位置,所以用一般过 去时。再看下面的对话: A: Would you like to go and see the film with me tonight? 你今晚想和我 去看电影吗? B: Sorry, I have seen it already. 不好意 思,我已经看过那部电影了。 对话中的现在完成时表示对结果的强 调:“电影看过了,所以不想再看了。 Nicky: I’ve just (1) ________ (watch) a great TV programme about space. Did you know that scientists have (2) ________ (discover) water on Mars? Bill: Yes, I did. And scientists (3) __________ (try) to find life on Mars now. watched discovered are trying Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Nicky: Yes, they’re looking for life but they (4) ____________ (not find) anything yet. Bill: There were some new photos of Mars in the newspaper today. (5) _______ you ______ (see) them yet? Nicky: Yes. They’re amazing haven’t find Have seen Role–play the conversation in Activity 4. Complete the email with the words in the box. been just met never read written yet FROM: Liu Dan TO: Li Fang SUBJECT: I’ve found a great book. Dear Li Fang, I’ve (1) ________ finished reading a great book at school. I haven’t (2) ________ anything as good as that for a long time! It’s a story about the solar system. In the book, the writer imagines that astronauts have (3) _______ to Mars. I’ve (4) ________ thought about that before and I think it’s very interesting. just read been never I haven’t (5) _______ anyone famous in my life but I hope one day I can meet an astronaut. I’ve (6) ________ to a Chinese astronaut for more information about space and his experience of space travel. I hope he will write back. He hasn’t (7) _______. Maybe he is too busy. I’m still waiting. Best wishes, Liu Dan met written yet Listen and complete the notes. 1. The astronaut joined CNSA _________ years ago. 2. He has flown in a spaceship ________ times. 3. He felt __________ when he was in the spaceship. six two excited 4. He has been to the space station _________. 5. The earth was blue and very ___________ when he saw it from the space station. 6. He decided to be an astronaut because he has always been __________ in space. twice beautiful interested Complete the word map with the words and expressions in the box. astronaut Mars spaceship space station the earth the moon the sun SPACE space travel solar system astronaut Mars spaceship space station the earth the moon the sun _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Now add more words about space to the word map and write five sentences. We’ve just read a story about a space station near the sun. Astronauts haven’t been to the sun, because it’s too hot. _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Spaceships are travelling in our solar system at the moment. I am interested in space and the stars and plants in our galaxy. I think scientists will send astronauts to Mars one day. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. astronaut discover moon news reach spaceship yet In July 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first (1) __________ to walk on the (2) ___________. People all around the world watched their televisions astronaut moon and waited for the (3) ___________ to (4) ___________ the earth. We have now (5) __________ a lot more about our solar system, and we have sent (6) __________ to Mars, but no one has walked on that planet (7) ________. But I believe one day someone will! news reach discovered spaceships yet Names of the days of the week Many European languages use the names of the heavenly bodies for the days of the week. For example, in English, Saturday is named after the planet Saturn, the sixth planet from the sun. Sunday is the day of the sun, a traditional day of rest. Monday gets its name from the moon and is the day of the moon. Sunday(星期日):这是一周中的第一天。太阳 (sun)在北欧人的心目中是极其神圣的。为了表 示对太阳的敬仰,人们把每周的第一天命名为 Sunday。 Monday(星期一):这是一周中的第二天。为了 表达对月亮(moon)的敬仰,人们把这一天称作 moon day,后来演变为Monday。 Tuesday(星晴二):这是一周中的第三天。北欧 神话里有一个战神叫做Tyr,他机智勇敢,守护人 类的平安。为了纪念他,英语中就以他的名字命名 为星期二。 英语星期的表达来历 Wednesday(星期三):是以北欧神话中的主神 Woden的名字命名的。Woden是北欧神话中掌管文 化、艺术、战争等的最高神。 Thursday(星期四):是以北欧神话中的雷神Thor 的名字命名的。Thor是北欧神话中最强大、最勇敢 的神,是雷电之神。 Friday(星期五):是以爱神的名字命名的。北欧 神话中的爱神、婚姻女神叫做Frigga,相当于罗马 神话中的“维纳斯”。 Saturday(星期六):这是一周中的第七天。它是 以罗马的农神Saturn的名字命名的。因此是“农神 日”,是唯一保留罗马名称的一天。 Module task: Making a poster about space travel Work in groups. Choose a subject, for example, the first moon landing or China’s manned space travels. Look for some photos and information about it. Write captions for the photos and use the information you found in Activity 10 to write a description of each one. __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Give your poster a title. Put it up for your classmates to see.

