2019-2020学年度人教版八年级下册Unit 7知识点

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2019-2020学年度人教版八年级下册Unit 7知识点

2019-2020 学年度人教版八年级下册 Unit 7 知识点 1. in size 在尺寸上,在大小方面 2. square 平方,正方形,广场 3. two meters deep 两米深 (基数词+单位词+形容词) two meters in depth 两米深(基数词+单位词+in+名词) deep 深的 deeply 深深地 4. 比较级+than+any other+可数名词单数 比其他任何…..更…..(比较级表示最高级概念) Tom is taller than any other boy in his class. Tom is the tallest boy in his class. 5. what 提问 population, how many 提问 people What’s the population of China?中国的人口是多少? How many people are there in China? 中国的人口是多少? 人口多用 big 或 large, 人口少用 small 6. feel free to do sth. 随意做某事 7. amazing 令人惊奇的 amazed 感到惊奇 8. protect…from/against 保护……免受…… 9. including 包括(介词)+名词/代词 Include 包括(动词) 10. thick 厚的 thin 薄的 11.freezing 冰冻的(形容词) freeze froze frozen 12. in good condition 处于良好的状态 13. succeed in doing/sth.成功做某事 14. in the face of 面对… face to face 面对面 15. give up doing 放弃做 give gave given 16. achieve 实现(及物动词) come true 实现(不及物短语) 17. force sb. to do 迫使某人做某事(动词) 力,力量(名词) 18. nature 大自然(不可数) natural 自然的(形容词) 19. even though=even if 即使(引导让步状语从句) 20. 比较级前不加 the, 有一种特殊的情况除外(the+比较级+of the two…/twins) 固定句型: the+比较级…, the+比较级 越….,越… 比较级+and+比较级 越来越 21. the +序数词+最高级+名词+in/of The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 22. the+最高级+名词+定语从句 She is the most beautiful girl (that) I have met. 23. as+形容词/副词原形+as 一样…. not so/as+形容词/副词原形+as 不一样…. 24. 修饰比较级的词有:much, even, still, far, a lot, a great deal, a little, a bit, rather, 倍 数, 分数, 百分数。 修饰最高级的词有:by far, nearly, almost 25. weigh 称重(动词) weight 重量(名词) 26. This stick is three times as long as that one.这个棍子是那个的 3 倍长。 This stick is three times longer than that one.这个棍子比那个棍子长 3 倍。 27. at birth=when he/she was born 28. research 研究(不可数) 29. prepare…for…为…做准备 prepare to do 准备做某事 30. be awake 醒着 wake sb. up 把某人叫醒(及物) wake up 醒醒(不及物) 31. with excitement=excitedly 激动地 to one’s excitement 使某人兴奋的是 32. There be +名词+doing sth.有……正在做某事 There are fewer than 2,000 pandas living in the forests. 33. fall over sth.被某物绊倒 34. another+基数词+名词=基数词+more+名词 another two days=two more days 另外两天 35. 名词+or so 大约 30 workers or so 大约 30 名工人 about/around+名词 about/around 30 workers 大约 30 名工人 36. die from an accident 死于一场事故(外部原因) die of sorrow 死于悲伤(内部原因)

