广东省惠东县教育教学研究室八下 Module 1 Unit 3 Language in use教案 (新版)外研版

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广东省惠东县教育教学研究室八下 Module 1 Unit 3 Language in use教案 (新版)外研版

Unit3 Language in use 一、 教学内容:Unit3 Language in use 二、 课型:Revision and application 三、 教学目标: 1、能正确运用本模块的词汇。 1、正确使用表感觉和知觉的系动词:look , taste , feel , smell, sound;掌握句子的系表结构:link verb+ adj. 2、能够询问并表达对事物的感觉。 3、能运用所学的知识对一个人的长相和性格进行简单 的描述。 on and application,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和 学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、 交际法、游戏等教学方法实施课堂活动,开启学生思维,通 过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学习和与他 人互动合作学习,让学生体验愉快学习。本节课所需教具及 资料:幻灯、图片等。 四、 教学过程: 教 学 步 骤 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 活 动 目 的 Leadin g-in (3’) Free talk. (Activity1) Say: Today we are go ing to have a party. Please share your food with your friends. At the party ,please introduce yourself to your classmates. Tell them what you like and don’t like, tell us why. Students share their food in groups, then introduce themselves. e.g. I love pizza. It tastes good. 小 小 聚 会,争取给 学 生 创 设 最 真 实 的 语境,让学 生 对 impressio n 和 feeling 的 词 义 有 直 观的认识, 以 实 物 和 切 身 感 受 将 学 生 置 于 一 个 真 实 的 语 言 环境当中, 吸 引 学 生 的兴趣,活 跃 课 堂 的 气氛。 2. While- 1.Play a guessing game.(Activ ity8) Play the game and guess what 充分利 用身边触 task(2 0’) Say: We hold the party for Kate today. It’s her birthday. She receives many presents. Please describe her presents to your partner . Don’t say the word. Se e if your partner know what your present is ? 2.Speaking.(Ac tivity 2 and 7) Say Kate has got lots of presents. If you are Kate, do you like them? Tell us your ideas. 3 Pair-work.( Act ivity 4) Ask the presents Kate gets. A: It loo ks beautiful. B: Is it a flower? A: No, it isn't. It smells good. B: Is it a cake? A:No,it’s smaller but it als o tastes sweet. B: Is it chocalate? A: Yes, you're right. Pretend to be Kate and tell her feelings. I like the dress 手可及的 实物让学 生感知可 达到事半 功倍的效 果。猜测游 戏可以激 起学生学 习兴趣,营 造轻松有 趣的课堂 氛围。 通过 “假设你 是主角” 这一环节, 引导学生 学会用从 students to discuss Kate’s fam ily members after the party. 4 Exercises (1)Ask the students to complete the conversation and check the answers. (Activity5) (2). Ask the students to complete the passage with the words in the box and check because it feels comfortable. I like flowers because they look beautiful and smell nice. Discuss Kate’s family members. A: What does Kate’s mother look like? B: She is tall and wears glasses. A: What is she like? B: I think she is kind. (1)Complete the the 句来表达 自己的思 想。逐步巩 固系动词 的用法。 通 过 学 生 感 兴 趣 的问题,调 动 学 生 的 情绪,弄清 be like 和 look like 之 间 的 区 别。 通过活 动五、六和 九的反复 the answers.. (Activity6) (3) Play the tape for the students to listen and complete the note ,then check the answers with a partner. (Activity9) 5.Around the world. Organize the whole class to read it once and explain the culture gap. conversation. (Activity5) (2). Students complete the passage with the words in the box. (Activity6) (3) Listen and and complete the note ,then check the answers with a partner.. (1)Read through the passage. (2). Discuss the contents in 练习,复习 巩固前面 两个单元 所掌握的 语法和词 汇。 听 录 音 填 写 正 确 信息,无疑 是 学 生 的 “ 老 大 难”,反复 的 听 力 训 练 有 利 于 学生听、说 能 力 的 提 高。 学 生 通 过 阅 读 pairs. (3). Learn some polite expressions in the western countries. Around the world. 可 以 获 取 有 西 方 国 家 和 中 国 的 文 化 差 异 的信息。语 言 和 文 化 密不可分, 相互依存, 相互影响。 3. Post-t ask (19’) Module task. 1.Ask the students to think about one of their classmates.( ha ir, height…) Then get them to write a composition. (Activity 10 ,11) Think about the appearance of their classmates. Write a composition of him/ her. 学生通 过本模块 的学习获 得了语言 储备,为语 言的输出 做好了铺 垫。 写 作 能 客 观 地 反 映 学 生 各 2.Let the students share their compositions in groups. 3. Choose some good compositions and share them in class. Read some good compositions to their friends. 方 面 的 语 言 运 用 能 力,英语学 习 也 真 正 地 延 伸 到 了 课 堂 之 外。 此环节 设计的目 的是让学 生在说的 基础上,能 够通过书 面表达进 一步巩固 所学的内 容。 4. Summar y (1’) Help the students to summary . Students summary: 1.The usage of the link verbs. 让学生 自己总结 本模块的 知识点,加 深理解。 2.Ways of asking and describing people’s appearance. 5. Homew ork ( 1’ ) 1.Master the new words and useful expression in Module 1. 2. Preview Module 2 Unit 1. 板书设 计 Module 1 Feelings and impressions Unit 3 Language in use 1) It tastes good. 2) You look very pretty. 3) It doesn’t smell fresh. 4) I feel nervous when I speak Chinese. 一请用方框里面的单词的适当形式完成句子。 feel; look; seem; smell; sound; taste 1. The milk ________ fresh. 2. My sweater ________ comfortable. 3. The room ________ quiet. 4. These lanterns ________ beautiful! 5. You ________ angry. 6. She ________ nice. 7. You _______ happy. 8. This pizza _______ bad. 二.单项选择 ( )1. The little boy doesn’t like the soup because it tastes _______. A sweet B worse C bad D well ( )2. –What ______ news it was! - Yes, all of the children were _____ A. excited,exciting B. exciting, exciting C. exciting ,excited D. excited, excited ( )3. The teacher’s words made us _____ very happy. A feel B felling C to feel D felt; ( )4. Tom’s father told him not to be afraid of _____ in public. A to speak B speaking C speak D speaks ( )5. He bought _______ books with ________ money. A a few; a little B a bit; a little C a few; a bit D a little; a few ( ) 6. Her face ____ pale(苍白)when she heard the bad news. A. got B. is C. turned D. was ( )7. You ____ pale. What's wrong with you? A. turn B. seem C. look D. become ( )8. Her voice ____ like my mother's. A. sounds B. sound C. looks D. look

