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人教版八年级英语(下册)‎ 期末复习专项测试卷四【笔试卷】‎ 一、( )We will meet you    we get to Beijing.‎ A.while B.as soon as C.though D.until 二、( )Mark didn’t wake up    his friend called him this morning.‎ A.until ‎ B.while C.if D.before 三、( )Don’t forget to wash your hands    you have meals.‎ A.until ‎ B.after C.before D.unless ‎ 四、( )We’ll go to the Summer Palace    it doesn’t rain this Saturday.‎ A.when B.if ‎ C.until D.because 五、( )Qingdao is    beautiful    I really want to go there one day.‎ A.too ; to ‎ B.such ; that C.so ; that D.very ; that 六、( )We didn’t catch the train    we got up late.‎ A.so B.because C.until D.before 七、( )John fell asleep    he was listening to the music.‎ A.after B.before C.while D.until 八、( )—We can’t be successful    we keep working hard.‎ ‎—I agree with you.‎ A.if ‎ B.when C.because D.unless 九、( )I will telephone you as soon as she    .‎ A.come B.will come ‎ C.came D.comes ‎ 十、( )If it    tomorrow, we will go to the zoo.‎ A.won’t rain ‎ B.don’t rain C.doesn’t rain D.isn’t raining 十一、( )Don’t get off the bus    it stops.‎ A.when B.if C.as soon as D.until 十二、( )   she was very tired, she went on working.‎ A.Although B.But C.So D.Because 十三、( )I can’t have any pets    my mother hates them.‎ A.so B.but C.because D.though 十四、( )We    Judy since she was a little girl.‎ A.know B.have known ‎ C.had known ‎ D.knew 十五、( )   it rained heavily,    they were still playing on the playground.‎ A.Though ; but ‎ B.Though ; /‎ C.Because ; so ‎ D.Because ; /‎ 十六、( )The boy has made many friends    he came to our school.‎ A.before ‎ B.after C.since ‎ D.until 十七、( )We have to hurry up    we can catch the last train.‎ ‎ A.so that B.so as C.such that D.in order to ‎ 十八、( )My father was sleeping deeply    my mum was watching TV.‎ A.when ‎ B.while C.after ‎ D.before 十九、( )Jack is    busy    he often forgets to have breakfast.‎ A.too ; to ‎ B.very ; that ‎ C.so ; that D.too ; that 二十、( )I    Tom the book, if he    here this afternoon.‎ A.give ; will come B.give ; comes C.will give ; comes D.will give ; will come ‎ 二十一、( )—Will Susan come to the party tonight?‎ ‎—She will if she    time.‎ A.had B.will have C.has D.have 二十二、( )The meeting didn’t start    everyone was there.‎ A.because B.until C.why D.if 二十三、( )You’ll miss the train    you hurry up.‎ A.unless ‎ B.as ‎ C.if ‎ D.until 二十四、( )We didn’t go home    we finished the work.‎ A.since ‎ B.until ‎ C.while ‎ D.as soon as 二十五、( )She was    tired    she could not walk any more.‎ A.so ; that B.such ; that C.very ; that D.so ; as 二十六、从方框中选择合适的连词完成句子。每个单词用一次。‎ before, while, although, because, if, after, until, since, unless, when ‎26.He will not go to the cinema     he is very busy.‎ ‎27.Don’t leave the classroom     you have finished the test.‎ ‎28.I haven’t heard from him     he went to America.‎ ‎29.    my uncle is old, he looks very strong and healthy.‎ ‎30.    it’s sunny tomorrow, they will go to climb the mountains.‎ ‎31.    I got back home, I saw my brother cleaning up his room.‎ ‎32.I’ll call you     I’ve spoken to them.‎ ‎33.Did she leave a message     she went? ‎ ‎34.    the man was watching TV, the telephone rang.‎ ‎35.The girl won’t go to the party     her best friend goes.‎ 二十七、按照汉语提示完成句子。‎ ‎36.当他们到达火车站的时候,正下着雪。 ‎ ‎    they arrived at the railway station, it        .‎ ‎37.我妈妈在做饭的时候,我爸爸在看报纸。‎ ‎    my mother was cooking, my father         a newspaper.‎ ‎38.汤姆和托尼一样友好。‎ Tom is     friendly     Tony.‎ ‎39.我一见到他就会告诉他的。‎ I will tell him             I see him.‎ ‎40.直到爸爸回家我们才开始吃晚饭。‎ We     have supper     Dad came back home.‎ ‎41.上床睡觉前别喝太多水。‎ Don’t drink too much water     you            .‎ ‎42.她因为生病没有上学。 ‎ She didn’t go to school     she        .‎ ‎43.如果你在新加坡旅行,你可以说汉语。‎ ‎    you travel in Singapore, you can        .‎ ‎44.除非你马上走,否则你会迟到。‎ ‎    you     at once, you will be late.‎ ‎45.在冬天,北京比上海冷。‎ In winter, Beijing is         Shanghai.‎ ‎46.这个盒子太重了,他搬不动。‎ The box is             he can’t carry it.‎ ‎47.请大声朗读,好让我能听见你的声音。‎ Please read aloud         I can hear you.‎ ‎48.他们从儿时起就一直是朋友。‎ They         friends     they were kids.‎ ‎49.我会给你一张地图,这样你就不会迷路了。‎ I’ll give you a map     you won’t get lost.‎ ‎50.尽管他快50岁了,但是他网球打得仍然很好。‎ ‎    he’s nearly fifty, he can still         well.‎ 参考答案 一、B 二、A 三、C 四、B 五、C 六、B 七、C 八、D 九、D 十、C 十一、D 十二、A 十三、C 十四、B 十五、B 十六、C 十七、A 十八、B 十九、C 二十、C 二十一、C 二十二、B 二十三、A 二十四、B 二十五、A 二十六、26.because ‎27.until ‎28.since ‎29.Although ‎30.If ‎31.When ‎32.after ‎33.before ‎34.While ‎35.unless 二十七、36.When was snowing ‎ ‎37.While was reading ‎ ‎38.as as ‎ ‎39.as soon as ‎ ‎40.didn’t until ‎41.before go to bed ‎ ‎42.because was sick ‎ ‎43.If speak Chinese ‎ ‎44.Unless go ‎45.colder than ‎ ‎46.heavy that ‎ ‎47.so that ‎ ‎48.have been since ‎ ‎49.so ‎ ‎50.Although play tennis

