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- 1 - / 11 新目标英语八年级上册 Unit2 How often do you exercise Section A 同步测试 一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 (1)CCTV News is a popular p________. We all like it very much. (2)She often helps her mother with h________. (3)Li Shuai works in England. He comes to Beijing only t________ a year. (4)—How often do you surf the Internet?—H________ ever. I'm busy these days. (5)M________ she'll come this afternoon. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 2、用所给单词的适当形式填空 (1)The film The Legend of Silk boy is very interesting. But I have seen it only ________(one). (2)Look, the children are ________ (swim) on a rope. (3)On Sundays the girl often ________ (help) some old men do some housework. (4)We do morning ________ (exercise) at school every day. (5)My mother usually goes ________ (shop) in the morning. 三、选词填空。 3、选词填空 never, usually, hardly, sometimes, always (1)She always finishes her homework on time. She________ leaves it for tomorrow. (2)My English teacher speaks too fast. We can ________ know what she is talking about. (3)Students ________ have no lessons on weekends. (4)I usually g to school on foot, but ________ I take the bus. (5)Tom never gave up (放弃). He was ________ trying out new ideas. 四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 4、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 (1)Claire 一周上两次钢琴课。 Claire has piano lessons ________ ________ ________. (2)雨下得很大。我几乎看不清前面的路。 It's raining ________. I can ________ see the road ahead clearly. (3)我爸爸从来不购物。 My father ________ ________ ________. (4)我弟弟不得不和他的同学踢足球。 My brother ________ ________ play football with his classmates. - 2 - / 11 (5)在我们学校大约有 60%的学生是男生。 ________ 60% of the students ________ boys in our school. 五、按括号内的要求改写句子。 5、按括号内的要求改写句子 (1)I watch TV every day.(对画线部分提问) ________ (2)My favorite movie is Titanic.(对画线部分提问) ________ (3)They always see a film on Saturdays.(改为同义句) They always ________ ________ ________ ________ on Saturdays. (4)My parents go shopping twice a month.(对画线部分提问) ________ (5)David surfs the Internet every day.(改为一般疑问句) ________ 六、补全对话,每空一词 6、补全对话,每空一词 A: Hello, Bill. What do you usually ________on weekends? B: I usually exercise. How about you, Henry? A: I always go ________. I like shopping. B: I ________ stand shopping. It's a ________ of time. A: Some people think ________ is ________ girls. But I really like it. ________ ________8 do you exercise? B: I exercise four times a week at school. ________ you often shop? A: ________ often. About once two weeks. I have a lot of homework to do. 七、单选题 7、—What's your favorite _________? —Happy Camp. A、food B、sport C、program D、subject 8、—Doctor, _________ should I take this medicine? —Twice a day. A、what time B、how much C、how soon D、how often 9、There are 50 students in our class. 75% students like going hiking. What does 75% mean? _________. - 3 - / 11 A、None of the students B、All the students C、Few of the students D、Most of the students 10、It's good for your study to speak _________ English _________. A、everyday; everyday B、every day; every day C、every day; everyday D、everyday; every day 11、—Does he often _________? —No, he often goes to bed early. A、go to the movies B、watch TV C、exercise D、stay up late 12、—_________ do you go to the bookstore? —Once a month. A、How often B、How many times C、How many D、How long 13、—Were you often late for school last term, Tom? —No, _________. I go to school early every day. A、always B、usually C、sometimes D、never 14、—How often do you ____? —Often. I find out some information on the Internet. A、be free B、have to C、use the Internet D、read English books 15、My father watches TV _________. A、two a week B、twice C、second a week D、twice a week 八、阅读理解 - 4 - / 11 16、阅读理解 Saidie and Bessie are sisters. They are Americans. They live in the mountain village. Saidie is 104 years old and Bessie is 102 years old now. They tell their stories in a book called Having Our Day. Here is some of their advice for living a long and healthy life. ★Get up early. They get up at 6:00 in the morning. ★Have a good breakfast. The sisters eat oatmeal(燕麦片),half a banana, bran(麸皮)and eggs with a little cheese. ★Take exercise every day. The sisters like to do yoga(瑜伽). They also walk every afternoon. ★Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. The sisters like eating apples. Just like the saying "An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” ★Don't get married(结婚) The sisters have no husbands or children to worry about. ★Don't always listen to the doctors When something is wrong with us, the doctors don't know what to do with us. They are always surprised to see us live so longer. (1)How old is Saidie? A、100 B、102 C、104 D、106 (2)What kinds of fruit do the sisters like? A、Bananas. B、Pears. C、Strawberries. D、Apples (3)How many pieces of advice are mentioned (提及到) in this passage? A、Five. B、Six. C、Seven. D、Eight. (4)According to the passage, the sisters ___________. A、get up too late in the morning B、live in New York in the USA C、exercise every day D、always listen to the doctors (5)The passage mainly (主要地) tells us ___________. - 5 - / 11 A、how to keep a diet B、how to keep healthy C、how to live a long and healthy life D、some ways of exercises 九、完形填空 17、完形填空 What do the people usually do on weekends? Some people like to 1 at home, but others like to go out for a walk or play football. Mr. Smith 2 hard in a factory during (在期间) the 3 . On the weekends, he usually 4 the same thing. On Saturday he washes his car and on 5 he goes with his family to a village(村庄)by car. His uncle and aunt 6 a farm there. It isn’t a big one, but there is always 7 to do on the farm. The children help with the animals and give them some 8 . Mr. and Mrs. Smith help in the field. At the end of the day, they are all 9 and Mr. Smith's aunt 10 them a big meal. 1. A. play B. stay C. be D. so 2. A. works B. does C. makes D. studies 3. A. day B. year C. week D. month 4. A. does B. do C. make D. has 5. A. Sunday B. Saturday C. Thursday D. Friday 6. A. have B. has C. bring D. find 7. A. much B. many C. any D. most 8. A. food B. rice C. cakes D. fruit 9. A. hungry B. angry C. full D. happy 10. A. give B. puts C. makes D. does 十、 任务型阅读 18、根据短文内容,完成下列任务。 On Saturday Bill gets up very late. He usually gets up at 10:45 because he doesn’t live with his parents. He has no time for breakfast. He calls his first meal “brunch". ___________2 After brunch, it's about 11: 30. Bill turns on(打开)the TV and watch ball games until 14: 30. After that he goes to bed and sleeps until 16:50. Ten minutes later he turns on the TV again and watches more TV plays until the evening comes. In the evening his friends usually come to his house. ___________3 Then he has dinner at home. At about 23:00 he likes to watch a football match. Sometimes he watches the game with his friends and sometimes himself. He usually goes to bed at about 1:30 am. ___________4 Do you think his Saturday life is healthy? (1)将文中的画线部分翻译成汉语。Sometimes he watches the game with his friends and sometimes himself. (2)任务二:从以下四个选项中选择合适的句子填入文中的空缺处(其中有一项多余)。________ (按照 题号 2--4 的顺序) - 6 - / 11 A.That's what Bill does on Saturdays. B.He usually has it at about 11:00. C.He never has lunch. D.They play cards from 19:00 to 21:00. (3)What's the Chinese meaning of the word “brunch”? ________ 十一、书面表达。 19、根据要求及提示,以“My Sunday”为题写一篇短文。 提示:1.星期天早上七点半起床; 2.中午和妈妈一起去动物园; 3.中午短暂休息以后去买东西; 4.下 午和朋友一起去踢足球; 5.喜欢看电视,晚上看《喜洋洋和灰太狼》(Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf)。 要求: 1.条理清楚,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范; 2.提示内容全部体现在文章中; 3.不少于 50 个单词。 - 7 - / 11 答案解析部分 一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1、 【答案】program;housework;twice;Hardly;Maybe 【解析】【分析】 (1)考查普通名词,根据句意:中央新闻是个比较流行的节目。program 是节目。 (2)考查普通名词,根据句意:她经常帮她的妈妈做家务。housework 是家务活。 (3)考查倍数,根据句意:李帅在英国工作,他一年回两次北京。twice 是两次。 (4)考查频度副词,根据句意:几乎不。我这些天来是忙碌的。hardly ever 是几乎不。 (5)考查频度副词,根据句意:或许她今天下午会来。maybe 是或许。 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 2、 【答案】once;swimming;helps;exercises;shopping 【解析】【分析】 (1)考查数词,根据句意:但是我只看这个电影一次。once 一次。 (2)考查现在进行时,根据句意:看,用绳子游泳的孩子们。由于此句属于现在进行时,故填 swimming. (3)考查一般现在时,根据句意:周日,女孩经常帮一些老人做家务活。由于此句属于一般现在时,故 填 helps. (4)考查动词短语,do morning exercises 是做早餐的短语。 (5)考查动词短语,go shopping 是购物的短语。 三、选词填空。 3、 【答案】never;hardly;usually;sometimes;always 【解析】【分析】 (1)考查否定副词 ,根据句意:她从不把作业留到明天做。never 是从不。 (2)考查否定副词 ,根据句意:我们几乎不能理解她在说什么。hardly 是几乎不。 (3)考查频度副词 ,根据句意:周末学生们通常没有课。usually 是通常。 (4)考查频度副词 ,根据句意:我通常步行去学校,但是有时我做公交车。sometimes 是有时。 (5)考查频度副词 ,根据句意:他总是试图想出新点子。always 是总是。 四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 4、 【答案】twice;a;week;hard;hardly;never;goes;shopping;has;to;About;are 【解析】【分析】 (1)考查倍数,twice a week 是一周两次。 (2)考查程度副词,hard 副词用来修饰雨下得大;hardly 几乎不。 - 8 - / 11 (3)考查否定副词和短语动词,never 是从不;go shopping 是购物。注意使用动词第三人称单数形式 goes. (4)考查短语动词,have to 是不得不,注意动词要使用第三人称单数 has to. (5)考查普通介词和连系动词,about 是大约,主语是复数,be 动词使用 are.此句属于一般现在时态。 五、按括号内的要求改写句子。 5、 【答案】 (1)What do you do every day? (2)What's your favorite movie? (3)go;to;the;movies (4)How often do your parents go shopping? (5)Does David surf the Internet every day? 【解析】【分析】 (1)考查特殊疑问句,根据划线部分看出是做什么,因此应该提问:你每天做什么?(What do you do every day?) (2)考查特殊疑问句,根据划线部分看出是电影名称,因此应该提问:你最喜爱的电影是什么? (What's your favorite movie?) (3)考查动词短语,go to the movies=see a film 都是看电影短语。 (4)考查特殊疑问句,根据划线部分看出是每月两次,因此应该提问:你父母多久购物一次?(How often do your parents go shopping?) (5)考查一般疑问句,此句属于一般现在时,故助动词使用 does,注意后面使用动词原形。 六、补全对话,每空一词 6、 【答案】do;shopping;can't;waste;it;for;How;often;Do;Not 【解析】【分析】 (1)考查实义动词,根据句意:你通常在周末做什么?故填 do (2)考查实义动词,根据句意:我总是购物。go shopping 是购物。 (3)考查情态动词,根据句意:我不能忍受购物。can't stand doing 不能忍受某事。 (4)考查名词所有格,根据句意:它是在浪费时间。a waste of time 浪费时间。 (5)考查人称代词,根据句意:一些人认为它是女孩喜欢做的事。it 用来代指购物这件事。 (6)考查介词,for girls 女孩所做的事。 (7)和(8)考查频度副词 ,根据句意:你多久锻炼一次?how often 是多久一次。 (9)考查一般疑问句,根据句意:你经常购物吗?填写助动词 do. (10)考查否定副词,根据句意:不是经常。填写 not. 七、单选题 7、 - 9 - / 11 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】考查名词辨析,根据句意:你最喜爱的电视节目是什么?快乐大本营。由关键词 happy camp (快乐大本营)看出是电视节目,故 C 项符合。A 食物,B 体育,C.节目,D 科目。 8、 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】考查特殊疑问句,根据句意:医生,我应该多久吃一次这药?一天两次。A 什么时候;B 多少;多少钱;C 多久;D 多久一次。故 D 项符合。 9、 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】考查名词所有格,根据句意:我们班有 50 名学生。75%学生喜欢远足。这 75%是什么意 思?A 没有学生,B 所有学生,C 没有几个学生,D 大多数学生。由数学理论算出 50 名学生中的 75%,应是 大多数学生。故 D 符合。 10、 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】考查形容词和副词短语,根据句意:每天说日常的英语对你的学习是有好处的。everyday 是(日常的)形容词形式,用来修饰名词 English。every day 是(每天)副词短语,属于时间状语,多放置 句末。故 D 符合。 11、 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】考查动词辨析,根据句意:他经常熬夜吗?不,他经常很早就上床睡觉了。根据回答, 分析 D 项符合。A 看电影,B 看电视,C 锻炼,D 熬夜。 12、 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】考查特殊疑问句,根据句意:你多久去一次书店?一月一次。A 多久一次,B 多少回,C 多少数量,D 多长时间。故 A 项符合。 13、 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】考查频率副词,根据句意:不,从不。我每天都很早去上学。A 总是,B 通常,C 有时, D 从不。故 D 项符合。 14、 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】考查动词短语,根据句意:你多久上一次网?回答:经常。我上网搜索一些信息。A 有 时间,B 不得不,C 上网,D 读英语书。故 C 符合。 15、 - 10 - / 11 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】考查数词,句意:我爸一周看两次电视。twice 是两次,a week 一周。twice a week 一周 两次。故 D 符合。two 两个和 second 第二个不符句意。 八、阅读理解 16、 【答案】 (1)C (2)D (3)B (4)C (5)C 【解析】【分析】 (1)考查细节理解,根据短文第一段第 4 句:"Saidie is 104 years old and Bessie is 102 years old now."分析, C 项正确。 (2)考查细节理解,根据短文第 4 个星号:"The sisters like eating apples."D 项正确。 (3)考查细节理解,根据短文中共 6 个星号建议看出 B 项正确。 (4)考查细节理解,根据对短文中共 6 个星号的建议理解,C 项正确。 (5)考查细节理解,根据短文第二段:"Here is some of their advice for living a long and healthy life."C 项正 确。 九、完形填空 17、 【答案】(1)B(2)A(3)C(4)A(5)A(6)A(7)A(8)A(9)A(10)C 【解析】【分析】 (1)考查动词短语,stay at home 是动词短语,待在家里。A 玩;B 待在;停留;C be 动词,是;D 因此。 根据以上分析,故 B 项正确 。 (2)考查动词辨析,根据句意:史密斯先生每周在工厂里努力工作。work hard 是努力工作。由于一般现 在时态,主语是第三人称单数,故动词要使用第三人称单数形式。A 工作;B 做;干;C 制作;D 学习;研 究。根据句意分析,故 A 项正确。 (3)考查名词辨析,根据句意:史密斯现在每周在工厂里努力工作。weeks 是周,星期。A 天;B 年;C 星期;D 月。根据句意分析,故 C 项正确 。 (4)考查动词,根据句意:在周末,他通常做同样的事情。由于这是一般现在时态,主语属于第三人称 单数形式,故动词使用第三人称单数形式。A 做;动词第三人称单数形式,符合句意及语法;B 动词原形, 不符主语第三人称单数;C 制作,不符句意;D 拥有,不符句意。故 A 项正确 。 (5)考查名词,根据句意:在周六他擦车,在周日他开车回老家和家人聚会。Sunday 是周日。A 周日;B 周六;C 周四;D 周五。故 A 项正确 。 (6)考查动词,根据句意:他的叔叔和姑姑有一个农场。主语是复数形式,A 有,动词原形。B 有,动词 第三人称单数形式,与主语复数不符合;C 带来;D 找到。故 A 项正确 。 - 11 - / 11 (7)考查固定搭配,根据句意:农场不太大,但是总是有太多的事情去做,much to do 太多的事情要去做。 A 非常地,副词;B 许多的,形容词;C 任何的,形容词;D 大多数的;形容词。故 A 项正确 。 (8)考查名词,根据句意:孩子们帮助饲养动物,喂它们食物。A 食物,B 大米,C 蛋糕,D 水果。A 项 正确 (9)考查形容词,根据句意:一天结束的时候,他们全都饿了。A 饥饿的,B 生气的,C 满的,D 开心的。 A 项正确。 (10)考查动词辨析,根据句意:并且姑姑给他们做了一顿大餐。由此看出上文应是饥饿的,此处才引出 做饭 makes. A 给出;B 放置;C 制作(餐饭,模型等);D 做;干。故 C 项正确 。 十、 任务型阅读 18、 【答案】 (1)有时他和他的朋友一起看电视节目,有时他自己看。 (2)A、B、D (3)早午餐 【解析】【分析】 (1)考查英译汉,watch the game 观看电视节目,sometimes 有时;with his friends 和他的朋友们,himself 他自己。 (2)考查细节理解,根据短文第一段:"He has no time for breakfast. He calls his first meal “brunch".分析他 没有时间吃早餐,他的第一顿饭差不多和午餐一起吃。B 项符合;考查细节理解,根据短文第三段:"In the evening his friends usually come to his house."分析 19 点到 21 点符合 evening 的时间段,故 D 项正确;考查 意图主旨,短文末尾应是对全文主要内容的总结,故 A 项符合,总结出 Bill 周六的生活习惯。 (3)考查细节理解,根据短文第一段:" He has no time for breakfast. He calls his first meal “brunch"分析, 应是他的早午餐。 十一、书面表达。 19、 【答案】My Sunday Today is Sunday. I get up at half past seven. At noon I go to the zoo with my mother. After a short rest, we go shopping in the market. In the afternoon, I go to the playground to play football with my friends. We have a good time there. After supper, I stay at home to watch TV. I like watching TV play. Its name is Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf. 【解析】【分析】同学要按照作文的写作提示:今天是周日。我在七点半起床,get up 起床。中午我和妈 妈去了动物园,go to the zoo 去动物园。After a short rest 短暂的休息之后,我们去商场购物,go shopping 购物。下午,我和朋友们去操场踢足球,play football 踢足球。我们玩得非常开心,have a good time 玩得 开心。after supper 晚饭后;stay at home 待在家里;watch TV 看电视。同学要注意满足写作的词数要求。

