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八年级上 1 至 3 单元月考练习题(1) 一·根据句意及首字母提示,将单词补充完整。 1 The Voice of China <<中国好声音>> is my son’s favorite TV p (电视节目). 2 Let’s search the word on the I (互联网). That’s a good idea. 3 A she is young, she can speak English very well. 4 My favorite s is,“No pain,no gain”. 5 In our school ,only twenty p of students ride bikes to school every day. 6 What k of dance are you learning? 7 Mr Lin takes everything s (serious).He is always strict with his students. 8 Do you think it n (必要的) to have a friend who has cool clothes. 9 He has the (comfortable)seat in the theater. 10 Dream clothes is (bad)than Blue Moon. 二·单项选择。 ( )1 What do you think of Chinese food? It’s very delicious.(同义句转换) A What do you like B How do you like C Do you like D Do you think of ( ) 2 Li Lei is at home,but I’m not sure A May B Maybe C May be D Is ( ) 3 The children hope everything is fine. A see B seeing C to see D saw ( ) 4 There is little milk in the fridge, ? A is there B isn’t there C isn’t it D is it ( ) 5 ---Which magazine do you like better,Crazy Reading or Teen’s Space? ---I like , they are useful for English learners. A neither B none C both D all ( ) 6 --- What do you think of the documentary A Bite of China <<舌尖上的中国>>? --- . It has attracted lots of TV audiences. A Enjoy yourself B Many thanks C Pretty good D It’s hard to say ( ) 7 When will the plane ? Sorry, I don’t know. A get B arrive at C reach D arrive in ( ) 8 He the prize the running this year. A made , on B get ,about C won , for D take , for ( ) 9 I’d like to make friends the girl. She’s talented music. A to , at B to , in C with , at D with ,in ( ) 10 I don’t care if my friends are similar me or different me. A to;from B as;with C to;as D as;from ( )11 It’s an easy job, but it needs great________. A.try B.care C.heart D. act ( )12 Where will we go on vacation this summer, Mary? I have no idea. Let’s get some_______about traveling on the Internet. A.information B. dreams C. languages D.money ( )13 If you want to keep healthy, you should_______some exercise every day. A. to do B. doing C. did D. do ( )14 Your new coat is _______mine. Mine is red but yours is green. A. Strict with B. worried about C.similar to D. different from ( )15 After relaxing at home for days, the girl feels_______happier now. A. A few B. very C. a lot D. more 三·基本句型及交际用语。 1 朋友不在多只要他们好。 You don’t need a lot of friends they are good. 2 他和他哥哥很像,因为他们是双胞胎。 He looks his brother,because they are twins. 3 我认为霍建华是中国最受欢迎的演员之一。 I think Huo Jianhua is one of actors in China. 4 那就是我为什么喜欢看新闻的原因。 I like watching the news. 5 她决定今晚看《我们过去的时光》 。 She watch Days of Our Past tonight. 6. I wish I could fly in the sky, a__________the birds do. 7. Ben really d________coffee. He never drinks it. 8. I liked walking in the _______(小山)when I lived in the countryside. 9. They had a busy day yesterday.(改为感叹句) _________ _________busy day________ _________yesterday! 答案: 1. program 2.Internet 3.Although 4.saying 5.percent 6.kind 7.seriously 8. necessary 9. most comfortable 10. worse 1-15 BBCAC CACDA BADCC 1. as long as 2. the same as 3. the most popular 4. That’s why 5. decided to 6. as 7. dislikes 8. hills 9. What a; they had

