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初二上英语词汇、短语和句子专练 Unit One ‎1. How often 多久一次: once a week / twice a month /three times a day/ four times ‎2. once or twice a day / two or three times a week / three or four times a month ‎3. how many times多少次 once / twice/ three times/ ‎ ‎4. how long 多久 for two days / for a week It takes me two hours to do it ‎5. go skateboarding / go shopping/ go swimming /go fishing / go sightseeing/ go bike riding ‎6. hardly ever / hardly; always –never: usually= often sometimes= at times ‎7. play soccer/ basketball/ football/ tennis/ chess play the guitar/piano/ violin ‎ ‎8. on weekends / your favorite program surf the Internet go to the movies ‎9. all the students / not all the students/ all of the students no students=not any students ‎10 most students / most of the students / some students some of the students ‎ ‎11. Here are the results of the survey /Here is the result of the survey ‎12. Some students are very/ active as for homework/ doing homework ‎13. The results for “watch TV” are interesting ‎14. eat junk food/ vegetables/ fruit/ chocolate drink milk/ coffee/ cola have(has) fruit and milk ‎15. how many hours --- sleep eight hours every/a /each night sleep for nine hours every night ‎16. be pretty healthy /keep healthy / keep in good health / stay healthy be kind of unhealthy ‎17. come home from school/work get back home from school ‎ ‎18. my /his/ her/ their eating habits are … my studying habit is ….‎ ‎19. I try to eat a lot of vegetables/ He tries to eat many vegetable/ She tried to eat much fruit ‎20. eat fruit and drink milk= have fruit and milk of course=sure=certainly ‎21. look after my/ his / her health= take care of my / his/ her health ‎22. Having a healthy lifestyle helps me/him/her/them/us/you get good grades ‎23. Good food and exercise help me/him/her/you/us/them to study better.‎ ‎24. Her lifestyle is the same as yours/mine/his/her/theirs/ours ‎25. My lifestyle is different from yours/his/hers /theirs. ‎ ‎26. What are the differences between you and me? What is the difference between him and her?‎ ‎27. Maybe he is at home.=He may be at home What sports do you play? I play tennis.‎ ‎28. Although he is unhealthy, he has a healthy habit.=He is unhealthy but he has a healthy habit.‎ ‎29. He wants me to drink milk . Drinking milk is good for my/your/his/her health.‎ ‎30. like to drink coffee/ like drinking cola love to drink milk want to drink water ‎31. He want me to get up at 6:00 and play tennis with her.‎ ‎32. A lot of vegetables help me/him/her you keep in good health. You must try to eat less meat.‎ ‎33. Must(Need) I eat junk food? Yes, you must./ No, you needn’t(don’t have to)‎ ‎34. What does he/ she usually do on weekends? He/She watches TV.‎ Unit One 1. __________(多久一次) does he exercise? Once a week.‎ ‎2. __________(多少)hours do you sleep every night? I sleep for eight hours every night.‎ ‎3. She _________(几乎不) ever goes skateboarding. She studies very __________(努力).‎ ‎5. He surfs the Internet _________(两次) a month. He watches TV three ______(次) a week.‎ ‎6. What’s your favorite _____________(节目)? 7. Here are the _______ (结果) of the survey.‎ ‎8. __________(至于) doing homework, the students are very __________(积极的).‎ ‎9. My mother wants me ___________(喝)milk every day It’s good for my ________(健康).‎ ‎10. She ___________(从不)eats junk food or chocolate. Her eating ________(习惯) are good.‎ ‎12. She ________(设法) __________(吃) a lot of vegetables,of ____________(当然).‎ ‎13. She _______________ (照顾)her health very well. She has a healthy _________(生活方式)‎ ‎14. If he wants _________________(取得好成绩), he must study _________(更好).‎ ‎15. His lifestyle is ___________________________________ (和你的一样)‎ ‎16. My lifestyle is __________________________________(与她的不同)‎ ‎17. What are the ___________________(不同) between your lifestyle and mine?‎ ‎18. I am ______________________(一点) unhealthy.‎ ‎19. __________(或许) he stays at home. No, he _______________(可能在) at school.‎ ‎20. ________________(虽然) he has a healthy lifestyle, he thinks he is _____________(不健康)‎ ‎21. We must eat _________(更少) meat _______________(保持) ____________(健康).‎ Unit 2. ‎ ‎1. What’s the matter with him/her? He /She has a cold/ a fever ‎2. What’s wrong with them? They have a sore throat/ a sore back.‎ ‎3. What’s the problem with you? I have a headache/ a stomachache/ a toothache.‎ ‎4. He has two big feet. He brushes his teeth three times a day.‎ ‎5. You should drink some hot tea with honey. You shouldn’t eat anything bad.‎ ‎6. What’s the matter? I am not feeling well. When did it start? About two days ago.‎ ‎7. That’s much too bad. You should rest. Yes, I think so. No, I don’t think so.‎ ‎8. I hope you feel better soon. I hope she feels much better soon. I hope he feels a lot better soon.‎ ‎9. He should lie down and rest. Look! He is lying on the beach.‎ ‎10. He is tired. He should go to bed early. He is thirsty He should drink some water.‎ ‎11. He is hungry. He should eat an apple. He is stressed out. He should listen to music.‎ ‎12. I believe I need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy. For example, I am weak Maybe I have too much yin. I should eat hot yang food like beef. Eating herbs is also good for this. ‎ ‎13. People who are much too stressed out and angry have too much yang.‎ ‎14. He is angry with me. Chinese medicine is popular in many western countries.‎ ‎15. It’s easy for us to have a healthy lifestyle It’s adj for sb to do sth ‎16. It’s important for us to eat a balanced diet. It’s 形容词for某人to 动词原形 ‎17. Everybody gets tired sometimes. You should sleep for a few nights. ‎ ‎18. He exercises to stay healthy. You should also eat fruit and other healthy foods..‎ ‎19.It’s important to sleep eight hours a night.=to have an 8 hours’ sleep every night.(8-hour sleep)‎ ‎20. A doctor can give him some medicine if he is ill. How about his illness now?‎ ‎21. Don’t get stressed out= Don’t be stressed out.‎ ‎22. I have a toothache. I need to see a dentist.‎ ‎23. You should eat a balanced diet to stay healthy.‎ ‎24. I hope you are enjoying staying in my school. I am not feeling very well at the moment.‎ ‎25. I have a lot of headaches. My study isn’t improving so I study late until 2am.‎ ‎26. I didn’t go to bed until my parents came home. I am waiting until he comes home.‎ ‎27. I don’t think he is improving. I need much conversation practice. I practice speaking English.‎ ‎28. I think I have a cold , too. He doesn’t have a fever, either. He also has a fever.‎ ‎29. --He is not feeling well. --I’m sorry to hear that. ‎ Unit Two 1. What’s the ___________(差错)with you? I have a __________(感冒)/.‎ ‎2. What’s ____________(错误) with her? She has a sore back.‎ ‎3. What’s the matter? He has a ______________(头痛)/ He _________(应该)see a doctor.‎ ‎4. He has a _________(发烧). He should drink lots of water ____________(没有)honey.‎ ‎5. She has a ________(痛) throat. She should drink some hot tea _______(有) honey.‎ ‎6. He has two big ___________(脚). He brushes his _____________(牙齿) every morning.‎ ‎7. I ____________(听说) he is ___________(生病的). How about his __________(疾病)?‎ ‎8. I am ____________(口渴). Can you give me ______________(一些建议)?‎ ‎9. If you are _________________(紧张), you should have a ____________(休息).‎ ‎10. He gets up _________(早) to take an ____________(早班)bus to school.‎ ‎11. What’s your __________(烦恼)? Can you help me learn English? No ___________.(问题).‎ ‎12. I __________(相信) _______________(传统的) ways to learn English ‎13. He is _________(弱) in English. But He is ______(好)at math. He does _______(好) in math.‎ ‎14. He is __________(生气) with me. He takes some _____________(药) three times a day.‎ ‎15. He is popular in many _____________(西方的) countries. Everybody _______(变得) tired.‎ ‎16. You should sleep for ________________(几个) nights ___________(维持)healthy.‎ ‎17. It’s ________________(重要的) for us to have a _____________(平衡的) diet. ‎ ‎18. He is ______________________(感到好些) at the ________________(此刻).‎ ‎19. He didn’t go to bed __________(直到….才…) his father came home.‎ ‎20. He is waiting for his mother ________________(直到…为止)she ________ (来)here.‎ Unit3.‎ ‎1. What are you doing for vacation? I am going camping That sounds nice/interesting.‎ ‎2. What is she doing for vacation? She is babysitting her brother.‎ ‎3. Who are you going with?= With whom are you going?‎ ‎4. What are they doing for vacation? They are relaxing at home.‎ ‎5. When is he going camping? He is going on the twelfth./ on the 12th ‎6. I am going to Tibet for a week. I am going hiking in the mountains.‎ ‎7. I am visiting my friend in Hong Kong. How long are you staying in Hong Kong? For a week.‎ ‎8. I don’t like going away for too long=for a long time. Have a good time =enjoy yourself=____‎ ‎9. Please send me a postcard. =Send a postcard to me, please.‎ ‎10. Show me your photos when you get back (home)to school.(= Show your photos to me)‎ ‎11. He is going to his cousin’s house. And he is staying for a week.‎ ‎12. sb be going bike riding / going sightseeing / taking walks / going fishing and renting videos ‎13. What is sth like/ = How’s sth? What is the weather like? = How is the weather?‎ ‎14. Can I ask you a few (some) questions about your vacation plans? Yes.‎ ‎15. Ben is famous as a singer. Ben is famous for his songs. Famous=well-known ‎16. He is taking a long vacation this summer. He thought about going to sp1 but decided on sp2‎ ‎17. He decided to take vacations in Europe. He wanted to do something different this time.‎ ‎18. I heard that Canada is beautiful. There are many people who speak French.‎ ‎19. There is a girl who speaks English. He is leaving for Canada’s Great Lakes. The first week.‎ ‎20 He is staying until September. He plans to have a very relaxing vacation.‎ ‎21. He is planning to spend time with his friends in the beautiful countryside. He loves nature.‎ ‎22. He can forget all his problems. He forgot to rent videos yesterday.‎ ‎23. I can’t wait to sleep a lot. Who are you waiting for? A friend of mine/his/hers/ours/theirs ‎24. I just finished making my last movie. He finishes writing a letter.‎ ‎25. I asked her about her plans. ask sb to do sth (not to do sth) . He wants an exciting vacation.‎ ‎26. I heard Suining is a good place to go sightseeing/ to live ‎ ‎27. She is leaving Beijing for Shanghai on the morning of December 2th.‎ ‎28. I want to ask you about places to visit in China.‎ ‎29. I am (He is)planning my (his)vacation to Beijing this /next weekend.‎ ‎30. The tourists should take some food and drinks with them.‎ Unit Three. 1. What is she doing _______________(度假)? She is ____________(照顾)her sister.‎ ‎2. He plans _________(go)______________(宿营) in the ________________(山).‎ ‎3. ______________(多久) are you ______________(离开)? For two weeks.‎ ‎4. He is ________________(计划) ____________(go) ________________(远足) in Tibet.‎ ‎5. He shouldn’t ___________________(返回到家). He should ________________(返回到学校)‎ ‎6. Please ___________(寄) me a postcard from Hong Kong. ‎ ‎7. Please _______(给…看..) your photos ______ me when you get back to school. ‎ ‎8. I hope he __________ a good time. I hope you ________ yourself.‎ ‎9. Are you going ________________(观光) or going bike _____________(骑自行车旅行)?‎ ‎10 He is _______(花)time ________ his friend ______ his homework / ______(do) his homework ‎11. He is _______________(出名) _________ his work/ ________ a worker.‎ ‎12. He is ______________________(度长假) in ______________(欧洲).‎ ‎13. He _________________________(原先考虑去) to Italy or Spain. He decided ____ Canada.‎ ‎14. He wants to do __________________________(不同的事)‎ ‎15. He is ___________ ____________(动身去) Canada’s Great Lakes ___________(第一)week ‎16. He is ____________________________________________(一直呆到九月份)‎ ‎17. He loves _______________(大自然) and he is ______________________(与…一起度日)his friends in the ________________ _______________________(美丽的乡村).‎ ‎18. He can forget __________ ________ _____________(他所有的烦劳) I can’t wait ___ (want)‎ ‎ _______ ________________ __________________.(一个令人兴奋的假期)‎ ‎19. He forgot _______________(finish) ____________ (do) his homework.‎ ‎20. He just finished ___________(make ) his last movie. I asked her _______ her plans.‎ ‎21. Lots of ______________(游客) come to China to __________ _____________(观光)。‎ Unit 4.‎ ‎1. How do you get to school? =How do you arrive at school= How do you reach school?‎ ‎2. How does Bob get to school? He takes the train to school=He gets to school by train.(on the )‎ ‎3. How does Mary get to school? She takes the subway to school=She gets to school by subway.‎ ‎4. How does he go to school? He walks to school.=He goes to school on foot ‎5. How does she arrive at school? She rides a bike to school. = She arrives at school by bike(on a) ‎ ‎6. How do they get to school ? They take the bus to school =They get to school by bus=on the bus.‎ ‎7. How do you get home? I take a boat/taxi/car.= I get home by boat/taxi/car=in a boat/taxi/car.‎ ‎8.How does she get there? She takes the No.3 bus.= She gets there on the No.3 bus(by No.3 bus)‎ ‎9. There are forty students in her class. She is the fortieth to get to school.‎ ‎10. There are sixty minutes in an hour. There are thirty minutes in half an hour.‎ ‎11. He is leaving for Chengdu at half past six(=six thirty) 12. There are two hundred and fifty-three students in our grade. There are hundreds of people in the park.‎ ‎13. He spends twenty minutes getting to school.= It takes him twenty minutes to get to school.‎ ‎14. How far is it from your home to school? It’s five kilometers away from home to school.‎ ‎15. How long does it take you to take a taxi to school? It takes me 30 minutes to get to school by taxi. 16. He has a shower , has a quick breakfast and takes an early bus to school. ‎ Unit 4. 1. _______ does he get to school? He ______ _____ _________ ____(乘地铁)school.‎ ‎2. He takes the train to school= He gets to school ________ train.(=______ ______ train)‎ ‎3. He _____ _____ ______ _____ school.= he gets to school by bus=on the bus.‎ ‎4. He walks to school=He ______ _____ ______ ______ school=gets to school ____ _______. ‎ ‎5. He ______ _____ ________ ___ school.= He gets to school by bike(.=______ _______ bike).‎ ‎6. He takes the car/taxi/boat to school.‎ ‎= He gets to school _____ car/taxi/boat.= ______ _______ car/taxi/boat.‎ ‎7. There are _________(四十)students in his class. He is the __________(第四十) in his class.‎ ‎8. There are ____________________________________(258) students in our grade.‎ ‎9. There are ____________ ____________(成百上千)students in our school.‎ ‎10. There are sixty _______(分钟) in an hour. He is leaving for school at ____ _____ six(六点半)‎ ‎11. He spends forty minutes getting to school.= ___ ______ ___ forty minutes ___ ____ to school.‎ ‎12. _____ _____ is it from your home to school? It’s two _________________(千米).‎ ‎13. ____ ____ _____ it _____ you to get to school? It takes me five minutes _____( get) to school ‎14. He has a ___________(淋浴) and has _____ ______ breakfast and _____ _____ (前往)school.‎ ‎15. He rides his ___________(自行车)to the bus stop and takes ____ ________(早) bus to school ‎16. How do students ________________________(全世界) get to school.‎ ‎17. The most popular _____________________________(交通工具)are buses, bikes and taxis.‎ ‎18. The most popular ____________________________(到达学校方式)are buses.‎ ‎19. ___________________(世界其它地区) are ________ __________(与…不同)North America ‎20. We shouldn’t always __________________(依赖于)our parents.‎ ‎21. I like the places _______ there are rivers and lakes. There are many people ____ speak French ‎22. _________(take) the boat is more interesting than ___________(take) the bus.‎ ‎23. English is _____________(得多) more interesting than Chinese.‎ ‎24. Riding bikes is much ________ _________ _________(比…更有乐趣taking walks.‎ ‎25. He ________ ________(一定在)at home because he doesn’t come to school.‎ ‎26. He ________ ________(一定不在) at home because he comes to school.‎ ‎27. Although he ____ _____ (生病) _______________(不要担心) about his__________(病情)‎ ‎28.Thank you _____ _________=______ _________ =_____ ________ You’re _____________.‎ ‎29.If you have a problem ________(find) the hospital, you can _______ the policeman for help.‎ ‎30. The number of students ______ (be)sixty. A number of students _____(be)studying now.‎ ‎/‎

