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外研版英语八年级上Module 2 Experiences全模块教案 I. Teaching objectives 模块教学目标 Skill Focus 听 Listen for experiences described in present perfect tense 说 Talking and asking about experiences 读 Reading‎ passages talking about experiences 写 Write about experiences Language Focus 功能句式 Asking and talking about travel experiences I’ve always wanted to …‎ ‎…has / have flown all over the world.‎ ‎…has / have never been to …‎ I’ve never …‎ ‎—Have you ever …?—Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.—Has he / she …?‎ ‎—Yes, he / she has.‎ ‎ / No, he / she, hasn’t. ‎ 词汇 1. 重点词汇 Experience, ever, competition, airport, captain, country, before, wonderful, prize, sound, someone, kind, western, abroad, fantastic, anywhere, delicious, sandwich, sell, seat, beside, only, yet, stone, climb, palace, time, name 2. 认读词汇 cabin, steward, reckon, brilliant, dream, Chinatown, Italian, pizza, musician, dagger, taste, roast, another, seafood, entertainment 3. 短语 take off, come true, more than 重点句子 Sally has invited me to stay with her in England one day.‎ Has she visited China before?‎ No, she hasn’t. But I sent her a DVD and she’s watched it.‎ Have you ever entered a competition?‎ No, I haven’t.‎ 语法 The present perfect tense have / has been done II. Teaching materials analyzing教材分析 Module 2以Experiences为话题, 将Tony 和Lingling准备参加报纸举办的竞赛并赢得去伦敦旅游的机会作为导入,让学生在听、说、读、写技能训练的过程中学会通过正确使用现在完成时询问并讨论有关经验、经历的话题,并能根据课文以及所给出的提示,结合自己的实际,写一篇有关自己经历的短文。‎ Unit 1以Have you ever entered a competition为话题, 通过听、读、说的技能训练让学生学会如何运用现在完成时讨论和询问自己和他人的经历。其中Listening and vocabulary包括6个Activities。 1&2 要求学生通过听力训练,结合图片掌握本单元的生词与表达。3以Tony 和Lingling准备参加报纸举办的竞赛并赢得去伦敦旅游的机会为载体,通过听读训练, 让学生熟悉运用现在完成时态询问并讨论与经验有关的话题。4要求学生通过填表格准确理解和把握阅读文章所提供的信息。5 要求学生根据课文内容运用现在完成时,就Lingling和Sally是否做过某事,结对询问。6要求学生根据所给问题的提示,通过回答问题,正确理解所给生词的意义。Pronunciation and speaking包括2个Activities。‎ ‎7&8通过听说训练,培养学生正确的语音、语调,学会如何询问经历。‎ Unit 2以Wei Ming has been all over China by plane为话题,通过读写训练让学生学会讨论自己和他人的经历;并能根据所学内容和提示,通过结对讨论,书写有关经历的内容。Reading and vocabulary 包括5个Activities。1 要求学生围绕所给主题:音乐会、西餐、梦想的实现、乘坐飞机、出国结对进行讨论。2呈现了5段有关经历的描述。3要求学生在正确理解课文内容的基础上在Activity 1中找出与Activity 2内容相匹配的问题。4要求学生通过阅读,正确理解划线部分代词所指代的事物。5 要求学生通过回答问题,正确理解所给生词的意义。Writing包括2个Activities。要求根据所学内容和提示,通过结对讨论,以书面形式呈现有关经历的讨论内容。‎ Unit 3 通过14个Activities的练习,对学生在模块2中所学内容进行复习巩固。1&2要求学生根据所给关键动词和图片以及提示,运用现在完成时态完成明信片。旨在训练学生运用现在完成时正确描述并询问经历。3&4要求学生就所给内容,运用提问经历的相关句型:Have you ever…? 完成一份调查报告,并在此基础上结对进行对话练习。5要求学生对所给单词进行分类,帮助学生归类记忆单词。6 &7通过听力活动培养学生运用英语获取细节信息的能力; 8让学生通过对话,熟练掌握询问别人经历的句型,同时学会正确运用have / has;9 要求学生在正确理解句意的基础上选填短语。Around the world为学生讲解了迪士尼乐园的概况;Mould task要求学生用问卷的形式完成对同学有关经历的调查。10 要求学生根据所提供的主题,运用现在完成时态对生活经历进行提问;11要求学生小组活动, 选出自己认为最佳的问题,培养学生合作学习的能力。这两个活动可以看作是小组活动的准备阶段;12要求学生根据所给提示完成一份问卷调查;13要求学生提问并记录下其他同学的经历。14要求报告调查内容,训练学生输出信息的能力。‎ ‎ ‎ III. Class types and periods 课型设计与课时分配 Period 1 Listening and reading ‎ Period 2 Reading and writing Period 3 Integrating skills (1)‎ Period 5 Integrating skills (2) ‎ IV. Teaching plans for each period分课时教案 ‎ Period 1 Listening and reading Language goals 语言目标 1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇和短语 experience, ever, competition, airport, captain, country, take off, before, problem, wonderful, prize, sound 2. Key structures 重点句式 ‎ Has she visited China before?‎ Take off from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London.‎ And Sally has invited me to stay with her in England one day.仙, Have you ever entered a ‎ competition?‎ Ability goals 能力目标 Enable students to get familiar with the words and expressions about experience ‎ Enable students to know how to use the present perfect tense.‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Listening, reading and discussing。‎ Teaching aids 教具准备 A tape recorder, a projector and some slides.‎ Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 ‎ Step I Lead-in & Speaking ‎ Arouse students’ interests in talking about their experiences and some of the new words.‎ T: How is it going, everybody?‎ S: Fine!‎ T: Good! I think that is helpful for you to guess. Well, listen carefully. Here we go:‎ It is in London and very famous.‎ It was completed between 1858-59.‎ It is named probably after Sir Benjamin Hall.‎ It is a 320 foot high Clock Tower.‎ ‎…‎ Show students the above items one by one. And make them to guess what it is according to the specific information given.‎ S: It’s Big Ben!‎ T: Great! ‎ Show students the picture of the Statue of Liberty.‎ T: It’s Big Ben! It’s one of the most famous places of interest in London. And do you know any others?‎ S: Yes! The London Eye. / Buckingham palace. / Fleet Street. / Parliament House / Madame Tussauds & The London Planetarium. / Sunset House. / The London Dungeon / British‎ ‎Museum. / Tower‎ of ‎London. / Tate Modern. / Westminster Abbey. / Hampton‎ Court ‎Palace. / Dali Universe…‎ S: Cambridge and Oxford,‎ T: Great! London is such a beautiful place. And I hope one day all of you can visit there. And that will become your unforgettable experience (Show students the word.). So you see, traveling around the world is a kind of experience. Can you give me other kinds of experience?‎ Here give students some hints if necessary. For example: having a picnic, hiking, holding a party, ‎ joining a party, and even staying with parents during the weekend are kinds of experience. Encourage students to share theirs with other students simply and help improve their ability in communicating gradually and also further understand the word experience.‎ T: Good job! Can you tell me what your most exciting experience was?‎ Ask students to share their most exciting experiences with others using the past simple. Make them further understand what experience is and learn to talk about experience. ‎ T: Wonderful! You have had so beautiful experience! So, here I’ll tell you my secret. Do you want to know? (Say to students secretly.)‎ S: Of course!‎ T: My favorite place is…‎ After a moment, ask students to concentrate and listen to the teacher carefully. And then show them a picture of Swiss.‎ T: Do you know where it is?‎ S: Swiss.‎ T: Great! Your geography must be perfect! (Show them the thumb to show your praise.) It is a very beautiful place! I want to go there in the day time. And even when I go to sleep (Act as if the teacher is sleeping.), I often dream about going there. It’s holiday of my dreams. ‎ Repeat what the teacher has said or done to make sure that students understand the nature and meaning of dream. And then show the sentence: When you go to sleep, what do you dream about? Where do you want to go for your dream holidays? And ask them to say something about that.‎ T: Wonderful! I do hope someday your dream can come true! Well, some of you said that London is holiday of your dream, right?‎ S: Yes!‎ T: Do you know how to get there?‎ S: By plane. / By hot balloon! / By ship…‎ T: Marvelous! But Tony and Lingling have a different way. Do you want to know?‎ S: Yes!‎ T: OK. Next listen carefully!‎ Step II Listening ‎ Get students to listen to the conversation for the first time and answer the following questions to get familiar with this conversation. ‎ T: Now, close your books. Listen to the tape carefully, and then ask the following questions. Clear? ‎ S: Yes!‎ Show students the following questions.‎ ‎1. Who is Lingling’s pen friend?‎ ‎2. What did Lingling send to her pen friend?‎ ‎3. How can they go to London?‎ ‎4. What’s Lingling’s problem?‎ Ask students not to pay much attention to the tense and words they don’t know, just listen for the detailed information.‎ T: Are you ready? … OK. Here we go.‎ Play the tape recorder. After listening, ask students to talk with their partners about these questions.‎ T: Well, next, tell me the answers.‎ Ask students to give the answers to these questions.‎ Sample answers:‎ 1. Sally Maxwell 2. A DVD about ‎China 3. Enter a competition 4. The problem is the prize of the ticket.‎ T: Well done! They can visit London by winning the competition. Well, in China, there are many competitions, like this one: show students the following picture.‎ T: If you win the game, or become No.1, (Show the forefinger which means number 1.) you’ll …get the prize ------ traveling abroad. (Here teacher should pause, in case some students know the answer. If not tell them the answer.)Clear?‎ S: …‎ If the students cannot understand at once, repeat or find other examples until they really understand that. ‎ T: Well, what competitions are there on television, in newspaper or at school? And what kind of prizes are there for these competitions? Encourage students to talk about the competitions they are familiar with, interested in and even they have heard of. Teacher can guide them to answer in the following aspects:‎ Samples: ‎ ‎1. School: Sports meeting hold in winter or autumn; Talent competition for all kinds of subjects; Competition for hobby or strong suit, like creating, drawing, singing, dancing… ‎ 1. Television: Talent show, family competition, Super girl, Dream China…‎ 2. Newspaper: writing, photograph, news…‎ 3. Prize: Cash, certificate, chance of traveling, training, good post, higher salary... ‎ T: From the conversation we know, Lingling’s problem is the price of the ticked. So, the price is expensive or cheap for her?‎ S: Expensive!‎ T: Right! Because of the high petroleum price, the price of a plane ticket is much higher at ‎ present.‎ ‎2. Ask students to listen to the conversation again and complete Activity 4.‎ T: Lingling and Sally are so far away from each other, right?‎ S: Yes!‎ T: But they can share the experience with each other. Now, listen again and finish Activity 4. Ready?‎ First ask students to look through Activity 4 before listening. After that ask students to check the answers with their partner and then check the answers together.‎ T: Good! Now, close your book, I’ll check you, listen carefully: Has Sally visited China?‎ S: No, she hasn’t. ‎ If students can not give the correct answer, guide them by showing them.‎ T: Well done! Now, look at Activity 4, practice with your partner, clear?‎ S: Yes! ‎ Leave students enough time to practice this part, walk around and give them a hand if necessary. And then ask several groups to stand up or stand in front of the class to show their performance.‎ Step III Grammar ‎ Explain the present perfect tense to students more detailed and help them prepare for reading and talking about experiences. ‎ T: Now, read the conversation with your partners and then tell me what problems you have, clear?‎ S: Yes.‎ Allow students enough time to read this conversation. Walk around and give students a hand.‎ T: Well, stop now, who has problems? ‎ S: I am sorry but I have a question. I can not clearly understand the first sentence: …has started some new competition. What does “has started” mean?‎ T: Good question! That’s exactly what we will learn today—the present perfect tense.‎ If necessary, speak it in Chinese. And then show the following to the students.‎ Name: the present perfect tense. ‎ Usage: We can use the present perfect simple to talk about an action completed in the past which has some relevance to the present. ‎ T: Have you got it? ‎ S: Yes!‎ T: OK. Next, work with your partner, read the conversation again and find the sentences that use the present perfect tense. Clear?‎ S: Yes.‎ Give students enough time to do that, and then ask them to find out the formation rules of the present perfect tense.‎ T: Have you finished it?‎ S: Yes.‎ T: Well, who would like to tell us these sentences?‎ Ask some students to say the sentences they have found, if necessary show them to students to help them find the sentence structure for the present perfect tense.‎ T: Can you find some rules?‎ S: Yes!‎ Ask some students to answer this, and then show the following to them.‎ Form: …has / have + done General question: Have / Has… +done…?‎ Confirmative answer: Yes, … have / has.‎ Negative answer: No, … haven’t / hasn’t.‎ T: Very good. You know we have learned the simple past form of the verbs, and next we’ll look at the past participle form of the words. Now, look at the form.‎ Show students the following form.‎ verb Simple past form Past participle form visit watch enjoy want look enter T: Can you give the simple past form of these verbs?‎ S: Yes.‎ Ask some students to fill in chat of simple past form. And then ask them to glance at the conversation to find out the past participle form of these verbs. Then help them find the rule.‎ Sample answers:‎ verb Simple past form Past participle form visit visited visited watch Watched Watched enjoy Enjoyed Enjoyed want Wanted Wanted look Looked Looked enter entered Entered T: So, you see, the two forms of these verbs are the same. The rule is…‎ S: Add –ed. ‎ T: That’s it. However, there are also some irregular verbs, we will learn them later. ‎ Step IV Pronunciation and speaking ‎ Get students read after the tape recorder to pronounce properly. And then ask them to work in pairs to do Activity 7.‎ Step V Conclusion and Homework ‎ Help students have a revision of what they have learned today, especially the present perfect tense. And assign them to complete Activities 8‎-10 in the workbook. And also remember the past participle forms of those irregular verbs. ‎ Period 2 Reading and Writing Language goals 语言目标 1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇和短语 western, abroad, fantastic, anywhere, delicious, sandwich, sell, seat, beside, come true, Chinatown, Italian, pizza, more than, musician, dagger 2. Key structures 重点句子 Have you ever been to…?‎ Is there anywhere she hasn’t visited?‎ I’m at home in Chinatown.‎ Yi Wen has tried western food in a hotel in Nanjing.‎ I’ve always wanted to meet her. It was my “dream come true”.‎ Ability goals 能力目标 Enable students to read and talk about experience using the present perfect tense Enable students to write sentence about experience using the present perfect tense and the information given.‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Talking, reading, listening, writing Teaching aids 教具准备 A tape recorder, a projector, and some slides.‎ Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 ‎ 在 Step I Revision and homework checking ‎ Check the answers to Activities 8‎-10 in the workbook, and then help them review the basic knowledge of the present perfect tense.‎ Step II Speaking Ask students to talk about their experience about the topics given in Activity 1 using the present perfect tense.‎ Play a popular song for students, and ask them to say who sings this some.‎ T: now, listen carefully, and I’ll show you a beautiful song.‎ Play the tape recorder.‎ T: Do you know who it is?‎ S: …‎ T: Well done! Have you ever been to his / her concert?‎ S: Yes. / No.‎ T: How do you think about the concert?‎ S: He / She sang beautiful songs. ‎ S: The atmosphere there was exciting.‎ S: All the fans sang with him / her together.‎ S: …‎ T: It sounds brilliant! And tell me who sings best in our class?‎ S: …‎ T: Great! You sing so well, and I think you can be a musician (Show the word musician to students). Musician, do you know musician? ... Well, Liu Huan is a musician; Tao Zhe is a musician, too. Got it?‎ S: Yes!‎ T: Brilliant! (Ask students who sings well :) Do you want to be a musician?‎ S: Yes!‎ T: Great! I do hope your dream come true (Show dream come true to students)! (Point to the students and say to the other students)I mean I hope he / she can really be a musician someday, clear? … And then we can go to your concert. OK?‎ S: OK!‎ T: Well, next, let’s look at Activity 1 on page 12 and talk with your partners. Then show your dialogue and tell us have you ever had a “dream come true”. Clear?‎ S: Yes! ‎ Allow students enough time to do this part and then ask several pairs to show their dialogues.‎ Step III ‎Reading Ask students to read passages in Activity 2.‎ Pre-reading Ask students to look through the 5 short passages and match with the questions in Activity 1.‎ T: Just now, you talked about your experience about concert…‎ S: Western food. / Dream come true. / Travel by plane. / Go abroad.‎ T: Well done! Now, you see in Activity 2 there are 5 friends are also talking about these. Do you want to know their experience?‎ S: Yes!‎ T: OK. Here we go!‎ While-reading ‎1. Ask students to look through the five passages and match with the correct questions in Activity 1, in order to make the get the topic of each passage.‎ T: Well, first, read the passages as quickly as you can, and then work with your partners and give me the right answers, clear?‎ S: Yes!‎ Give students enough time to so this, then check the answers together.‎ ‎2. Ask students to read the five short passages carefully and fill in the chat to help them find the six basic elements when they read a passage.‎ T: Next read the passages again. Before you read, I’d like you to read this chart.‎ Show students the following chart.‎ Who What When Where Why how T: Read the passages and then work with your partners and finish this chart. Got it?‎ S: Yes!‎ Give students enough time to do this, walk around and give them a hand if necessary. After that, ask some students give their answers and then check the answers together. ‎ Sample answer:‎ Who Wei Ming What All over ‎China When On holidays Where Mount‎ ‎Tai‎, Sanya Why how By plane Who Han Li What San Francisco‎ in the ‎USA When Every spring festival Where Chinatown Why Visit his grandparents how By plane ‎ ‎ Who Yi Wen What Tried western food-Italian food When Where In a hotel in ‎Nanjing Why how Who Wang Ming What A Liu Huan concert When Where in Beijing ‎ Why how Who He Meifeng What Dream come true When At the end of The House of the Flying Dagger Where A Beijing cinema Why She’s always liked Zhang Ziyi how When she got up, Zhang Ziyi was in the seat beside her.‎ T: Well done! ‎ ‎3. Post-reading Ask students to do Activity 4&5 to consolidate the referential pronouns and practice explain vocabulary in English by give information.‎ T: OK, now, work in groups of four and complete Activities 4&5. Ready?‎ S: Yes!‎ T: And before you do Activity 5, I’d like to show you how to do it. Now, let’s look at No. 1. From the word where we know that abroad refers to some…‎ S: Places. ‎ T: That’s it! So, read passage 2 and tell me what place is it?‎ S: San Francisco in the USA.‎ T: Yeah! And is it in China?‎ S: No, it’s foreign countries!‎ T: Great! Abroad refers to some foreign countries! Clear?‎ S: Yes!‎ Give students enough time to do this, and then check the answers to Activity 4 first.‎ Sample answers to Activity 4.‎ 1. Wei Ming’s family 2. San Francisco‎ in the USA / Han Li’s grandparents 3. Liu Huan 4. He Meifeng ‎ 5. Zhang Ziyi Activity 5‎ Guide students how to explain these words and also should show them the correct explanations. ‎ T: Let’s look at No 2?‎ S: From the word close we know beside refers to the distance. And from passage 5, we know that He Meifeng has met Zhang Ziyi. So we think Zhang Ziyi was not far from her. And beside may refer to near, next to, not far from.‎ T: Brilliant! No. 3.‎ S: From the word food we know delicious talks about food. From the sentence “Have you ever had Italian food? It’s delicious! Pizza has always been my favorite food” in passage 3 we also know Han Li likes the food very much and the food tastes good, and make people want to eat.‎ T: Beautiful! No. 6.‎ S: We can find the word in passage 5. We can find seats in cinema. And also, on the bus, in our classroom, theater, gym, bench in park…‎ T Good! How about No.7?‎ S: We can find the word in passage 4. Liu Huan is the greatest Chinese musician, and many people like him, so the ticked for his concert is difficult to get. So we think we can not buy a ticket at all if the tickets are all sold out.‎ T: Finally, let’s look at No 4&5 together. After you read their experience, how do you think about that?‎ S: It’s great! / Wonderful! / Nice! / Exciting. / Lovely!‎ Teacher should repeat these words or write down and show them to students.‎ T: Yeah! Fantastic just refers to what you have said above! Clear?‎ S: Yes!‎ Step IV Writing Ask students to write sentence about experience using the present perfect tense and the information given.‎ Lead-in T: What we mainly talk about so far?‎ S: Experience!‎ T: That’s it! Everyone here has fantastic experience, right?‎ S: Yes!‎ T: And do you keep diary?‎ S: Yes! / No!‎ T: Well, I think it’s great to write down your fantastic experience. When you read it some day, you will feel happy. Do you think so? ‎ S: Yes!‎ T: Well, next, let’s learn how to write your experience, OK?‎ S: OK!‎ First ask students to read Activity 6 and the last two lines on page 13, and then help them analyze how to write.‎ Analyze T: Next, read Activity 6 and the last two lines on page 13, discuss with your partners and fill in the chart. Clear?‎ Show students the following chart.‎ topic tense ‎1‎ what / how ‎2‎ ‎+ …‎ ‎3‎ ‎+ …‎ T: Have you finished? If you have finished, sit straight! ‎ After most of the students finish doing this, ask some students to and help them analyze and fill in the chat. ‎ T: OK. Fist let’s look at these words:‎ ‎--- Backstreet Boys, fantastic ‎--- Hamburgers What do these words tell us?‎ S: They tell us what and how.‎ T: Great! How about the following two sentences?‎ ‎--- I’ve seen the Backstreet Boys in a concert. They are fantastic!‎ ‎--- I’ve tried hamburgers. They’re delicious.‎ S: They tell us who, where and also use which tense.‎ T: And the last sentences?‎ S: They tell us the time, that is when.‎ T; Great! Next, let’s fill in the chart together.‎ Sample answers topic experience tense The present perfect tense ‎1‎ what / how Backstreet boy, fantastic ‎2‎ ‎+ who / where / tense I have seen the … in a concert. They are …‎ ‎3‎ ‎+ when I have seen the … in a concert. It was in ‎2005 in Beijing. They are …‎ Practice Ask students to do Activities 6&‎7 in pairs, and then ask several pairs to show their dialogues.‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎ I’ve seen Wang Fei in a concert. It was in ‎2004 in Shanghai. She was great!‎ ‎--- Where was Wang Fei’s concert, and when?‎ ‎--- In ‎2004 in Shanghai.‎ StepV Conclusion and homework Get the students to review what they have learned during this class: find out the key element when reading a passage, summary each of the passages in one sentence using the present perfect tense. Then ask them to finish Activities 1‎-4 in workbook.‎ Period 3 Integrating skills (1)‎ Language goals 语言目标 Key vocabulary 重点词汇 Only, yet, stone, climb, roast, palace, another, seafood, entertainment, time, name ‎ Ability goals 能力目标 Enable students to apply the present perfect tense in description of experiences.‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Revision and cooperative learning.‎ Teaching aids 教具准备 A tape recorder.‎ Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 ‎ Step I Homework checking and Lead-in T: Hello, boys and girls! ‎ S: Hello. Mr. / Miss / …‎ T: Have you finished your homework?‎ S: Yes, we have.‎ T: OK, now, let’s check the answers together.‎ Check the answers together. After that, ask students something about Beijing to prepare for the ‎ class.‎ T: You’ve done a good job! Well, here is another question for you: Have you ever been to Beijing?‎ S: Yes. / No.‎ T: What do you know about Beijing?‎ S: The Great Wall. / The Palace‎ ‎Museum. / Tsinghua university. / Beijing university. / Roast duck…‎ T: Great! ‎ Step II Speaking and writing Activities 1-4 help students use and review what they have learned about experience and the present perfect tense.‎ ‎1. Get the students to do Activities 1 & 2‎ T: Since you have known Beijing better, I think it will be a piece of cake for you, right?‎ S: Yes! ‎ T: OK. Next, do Activity 1 on your own and Activity 2 with your partner. Clear?‎ S: Yes!‎ Give students enough time to do the two Activities. Walk around; give them a hand if necessary. After that, ask some of the students to read their writings, and after class put up the excellent ones. And then ask some pairs to show their dialogues. ‎ ‎2. Get the students to do Activities 3-4‎ Before students do this, ask them to pay more attention to the past participle forms of these words. After they finished doing that, ask some of them to show their dialogues.‎ Sample dialogue: ‎ A. Have you ever had a western meal?‎ B: Yes, I have. Have you ever lived in another country?‎ A: No, I haven’t. ‎ 1. Get students to do Activity 8 on page 16 which help students practice talking about their own and others’ experience.‎ Step III vocabulary Ask students to do Activity 5 which help them summary, category and also add new words to their vocabulary storage.‎ Sample answer:‎ Air travel Entertainment Airport, cabin steward, captain, passenger, take off, trip, land Cinema, concert, festival, film, music, song, ‎ Step IV Homework Ask students to do Activities 5‎-7 in workbook.‎ Period 4 Integrating skill (2)‎ Ability goals 能力目标 Enable students to find out experiences of their classmates by making a questionnaire.‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Cooperative learning, application.‎ Teaching aids 教具准备 Some pictures of Disneyland, a projector and handout.‎ Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 ‎ Step I Homework checking Check the answers to Activities 8‎-10 in workbook. If necessary, play the tape recorder and ask students to listen to the tape together, help them understand the difficult points.‎ Step II Listening ‎ Get students to do Activities 6&7. Help them practice what information they should get when they are listening and talking about experience with others.‎ Step III Task ‎ Get the students to prepare and use a questionnaire to find out about experience of their classmates reviewing and applying the present perfect tense. ‎ Sample questionnaire Topic Question Answer 1‎ Answer 2‎ Sport Have you ever swum in the sea?‎ Book / film Have you ever read Harry Potter written by J. K. Rowling?‎ Country Have you ever been to Swiss?‎ Food Have you ever eaten fajita(墨西哥菜)?‎ Technology Have you ever heard of a dog with chip(芯片) in its brain?‎ Transport ‎ Have you ever traveled by a maglev(磁悬浮列车)?‎ Step IV Homework Ask students to finish Activities 11‎-12 in the workbook. ‎ Teaching resources 教学资源库 英国十大旅游胜地 ‎1. 伦敦眼 (The London Eye)‎ 英航伦敦眼 (The British Airways London Eye) 构成了伦敦天际一道亮丽的风景线。它是世界最大的观景摩天轮,乘坐伦敦眼仅需 30 分钟游客便可以饱览超过 55 处伦敦城内最著名的标志性景观,美不胜收的画面令人叹为观止。 ‎ ‎2. 杜莎夫人蜡像馆和伦敦天文台 (Madame Tussauds & The London Planetarium)‎ 在杜莎夫人蜡像馆(Madame Tussauds)您会与社会名流相聚一堂,比如凯莉•米洛(Kylie Minogue),大卫•贝克汉姆(David Beckham),和布莱德•皮特(Brad Pitt)等。在互动式的伦敦天文台(London Planetarium),您将了解到各种关于太空旅行、行星和天文学的知识。‎ ‎3. 萨摩塞特宫 (Somerset House)‎ 萨摩塞特宫藏有一批世界著名的画作,宫内有考陶尔德美术学院 (Courtauld Institute of Art),金碧辉煌的吉尔伯特收藏馆 (Gilbert Collection) 和艾尔米塔齐美术馆 ‎ ‎(Hermitage Rooms) 。从 11 月到次年 1 月,广阔的中心庭园则摇身一变成为圣诞溜冰场 (Christmas Ice Rink)。 ‎ ‎4. 伦敦地牢 (The London Dungeon)‎ 参观世界上最阴森恐怖的著名景点,重新体验伦敦 2000 多年的历史中黑暗凄惨的一面。历览骇人的可怕场面,如断头台剧院 (Theatre of the Guillotine), 开膛手杰克亲历记 (Jack the Ripper Experience) ,以及令人胆战心惊的乘船之旅。 ‎ ‎5. 大英博物馆 (British Museum)‎ 庄严宏伟的大英博物馆收集了从史前到现代世界各地的人类智慧结晶。著名的收藏品有 罗赛塔石碑 (Rosetta Stone) , 巴特农神殿 (Parthenon) 雕塑和 波特兰花瓶 (Portland Vase)。 ‎ ‎6.伦敦塔 (Tower of London)‎ 一位伦敦塔守卫(Yeoman Warder)将免费带您游览世界最著名的要塞建筑,探究其 900 年来的沧海桑田:它曾是皇宫、堡垒,也曾是监狱、刑场,曾用作为造币厂、兵工厂,还曾作过动物展览馆和珠宝库。 ‎ ‎7. 泰德现代艺术馆 (Tate Modern)‎ 壮观的泰德现代馆是英国国立的现代艺术博物馆,前身是泰晤士河畔的岸边发电厂(Bankside Power Station),该馆内陈设着马蒂斯(Matisse)和毕加索(Picasso)的重要代表作,还有一些当代艺术作品、行为和装置等。 ‎ ‎8. 西敏寺 (Westminster Abbey)‎ 这栋建筑史上的经典之作是英国最杰出的哥特式建筑之一。很多盛大的王室典礼如加冕、婚礼,都在此举行,它既是英国史上很多著名的国王和王后的陵寝,也是无名士兵墓的所在地。 ‎ ‎9. 汉普敦皇宫 (Hampton Court Palace)‎ 这是英格兰最古老的都铎王宫,蕴藏着 500 多年的王室神秘历史。其内有诸多景点,如都铎王宫烹饪间,占地 ‎60 英亩的河畔花园,举世闻名的迷宫( Maze )和亨利八世的富丽堂皇的国寓(State Apartments),无一不让您流连忘返。 ‎ ‎10. 达利作品纪念馆 (Dali Universe)‎ 在伦敦,若要体验最具超现实主义风格的艺术氛围,应当前往位于南岸区中心的 达利作品纪念馆 ,那是一个能给您带来迷幻般梦境感受的互动式艺术画廊。达利作品纪念馆占地 ‎3000 平方米,展品极具创新精神,常年展出萨尔瓦多 · 达利令人讶异的作品。 ‎

