译林版八年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 7 Seasons

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译林版八年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 7 Seasons

Unit 7 Seasons 课时 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 译林 版八年级 上 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词 。 1. The children like s ( 下雪 的 ) days because they can make snowmen. 2. Today is s ( 晴朗 的 ). Let’s go to play football outside . 3. Look! There are lots of c ( 云 ). Probably it’s going to rain soon . unny louds nowy 4 . I b ( 打赌 ) our football team will win the match . 5. —What’s the weather like in Beijing? —It’s r ( 有 雨的 ). et ainy 二、单项选择。 6. Eddie asked Hobo _______ him his clothes here. A. to taking B. to bring C . take D . bring B 7. The girl looks pretty ______ a red dress ______ . A . wears; in B . with; on C. has; on D . with; in B 8 . — ______ would you like to choose to live in,Chengdu , Beijing or Shanghai? — Chengdu, I think. A. How B . What C . Which D . When C 9. [ 合肥蜀山区一质检 ] Although he suffered ( 遭受 ) a lot from his foot problem ,______ could stop him from finishing the race. A. nothing B . something C. anything D . everything A 10 . [ 安徽中考仿真试卷 ] —Are you going to visit the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge ( 港 珠澳大桥 ), Jim? — ______ I have bought the ticket already. A. You bet! B . Never mind! C. Much better! D . What a pity! A 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 11. 太冷了。请把我的衣服给我带来好吗 ? It’s _________ _________ . Would you please _________ _________ _________ _________? too cold bring me my clothes 12 . 你最喜欢哪个季节 ? _________ _________ do you _________ _________ ? Which season like best 13. 如果明天不下雨,我们决定去放风筝。 We decide ________ ________ ________ if it ________ ________ tomorrow. to fly kites doesn’t rain 14 . 秋天是在外面踢足球的最好时节。 Autumn ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ play football outside . is the best time to 15 . 他什么也不穿,看起来多丑啊! How ugly he looks ________ ________ ________ ! with nothing on 四、补全对话 ( 有 两项 多余 ) A : Hello, this is Tony. ____16 B : Hi, Tony! This is Alice. A : Hi, Alice! It is warm and sunny here in Guangzhou. ______17 B : It is sunny, but there was a heavy rain half an hour ago. A. Soon the rain began to fall. B. Could I speak to Alice, please? C. When did the wind begin to die down? D. How is the weather in Alabama? E. Luckily, it didn’t last long. F. What were you doing when the rain came? G. How long did the heavy rain last? B D A : Really? _______18 B : I was waiting for the bus at the bus stop. A : What was the weather like before it started raining? A. Soon the rain began to fall. B. Could I speak to Alice, please? C. When did the wind begin to die down? D. How is the weather in Alabama? E. Luckily, it didn’t last long. F. What were you doing when the rain came? G. How long did the heavy rain last? F B : Black clouds made the sky very dark and it felt like midnight . A : Were you afraid? B : Yes, I was. _______19 A. Soon the rain began to fall. B. Could I speak to Alice, please? C. When did the wind begin to die down? D. How is the weather in Alabama? E. Luckily, it didn’t last long. F. What were you doing when the rain came? G. How long did the heavy rain last? A A : Did the rain last ( 持续 ) long? B : _______20 A : Is there still a lot of water on the streets? B : Yes, there is. A : Oh, I see. Be careful! B : I will. Thanks. A. Soon the rain began to fall. B. Could I speak to Alice, please? C. When did the wind begin to die down? D. How is the weather in Alabama? E. Luckily, it didn’t last long. F. What were you doing when the rain came? G. How long did the heavy rain last? E 课时 2   ReadingⅠ 安徽译林 版八年级 上 Unit 7 Seasons 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词 。 1. You’re soaked ( 湿透 的 )! Did you get caught in the s ( 阵雨 )? 2. U ( 在 …… 之上 ) her head she wore a black hat . 3. [ 安徽中考仿真卷 ] Jack d ( 使 落下 ) his bag and it got very dirty . pon ropped hower 4 . I saw him a ( 当 …… 时 ) I was coming into the building. 5. A lot of butterflies are flying a ( 在 …… 中 ) the flowers. s mong 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 6. The Bruce family had to give up camping in the Purple Mountain on such a ________( fog) day. foggy 7. In summer, crops ________ ( grow) quickly and well . grow 8 . It’s the best time ________ ( play) badminton outside now. to play 9 . —Where’s my cat? —It’s ________ ( hide) in the basket and sleeping . hiding 10 . I like summer best, because I can sit under the tree in front of my house with my friends and eat the ice cream ________ ( feel) cool. to feel 三、单项选择。 11. [ 中考 · 无锡 ] He stayed up very late that night . _____ he woke up in the morning, the sun was already high up in the sky. A. Until B . After C . While D. As D 【 点拨 】 句意:那天晚上他熬夜到很晚。当他早上醒来的时候,太阳已经很高了。 while 后接延续性动词,且与进行时态连用,排除 while 。故选 D 。 12. When the teacher asked the shy girl to answer the question, her face ______ red . A. sounded B . smelt C. turned D . tasted C 13 . [ 安徽省十校联考 ] The girl couldn’t help crying as her parents disappeared ______ the crowd . A. over B. across C. between D . among D 14 . The work ______ mistakes . He must check it more carefully . A. is filled of B . are full of C. is full of D . are filled with C 15. [ 中考 · 广东 ] _____smart the driverless car is ! I really want to have one. A. What B . What a C . What an D . How D 四、根据汉语意思完成句子。 16. 那些对过去的甜蜜回忆是关于环游世界的。 Those sweet _________ of old days are _________ travelling around the world. memories about 17. 他们在吃一些冰淇淋来降暑。 They are eating some ice cream ________ ________ them cool . to make 18 . 宁静的小溪边有许多花草树木。 There are lots of trees and flowers along the ________ ________. quiet stream 19 . 随着时间的流逝,我们成为了最好的朋友。 ________ time went by, we became ________ friends. As best 20 . 成堆的垃圾被倒在地上。 ________ of rubbish are dumped ________ the ground. Piles onto 五、完形填空。 There are four seasons in a year. Different people like different ______21. 21. A . colours B . friends C . hobbies D . seasons D Some like spring because they say it is the _____22 of a year. Some like autumn because it’s the season to harvest . 22. A. beginning B . middle C . end D . half A Some like winter because it can be ______23 so they can have snowball fights ______ 24 make snowmen outside. 23. A. foggy B . rainy C . snowy D . cloudy 24 . A. and B . so C . because D. if C A I like _____25 best because there is always a long holiday during my school time every year. I bet every student must have the same feeling as me . 25. A. spring B . summer C . autumn D . winter B When the summer holiday is coming, I often have a good plan for it and have a discussion with my friends about _____26 to go or what to do . 26. A. how B . when C . where D . which C The coolest thing in summer , I think, is to go swimming together with my friends or family in streams, rivers or lakes. _____27 , I also know that we should be _____ 28 when we swim because it is dangerous. 27. A. Or B . Though C . However D . So 28 . A. awful B . careful C . excited D . sleepy C B Nowadays, many parents _____29 their children to swimming pools for safety . 29. A. buy B . like C . take D. visit C Sometimes the temperature in summer is very high and many people would like to stay in a cooler place. But I _____30 the hot weather because it always gives me nice memories of those happy days . 30. A. enjoy B . dislike C . describe D . plan A 课时 3   Reading Ⅱ 安徽译林 版八年级 上 Unit 7 Seasons 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词 。 1. A ( 随着 ) years go by, China is getting richer and stronger. 2. [ 安徽中考信息交流卷 ] The river began to r . ( 上升 ) after a heavy rain. 3. In spring, everything begins to g ( 生长 ). ise row s 4 . Many people have got a cold because the t . ( 温度 ) dropped a lot several days ago. 5. Autumn is the best s ( 季节 ) for travel. emperature eason 二、单项 选择。 6. —When is TFBOYS’ concert? — It’s _____ eight o’clock _____ the afternoon of June 18th. A. at; in B . at; on C. on; in D . in; on B 7. Our geography teacher told us to _____ more information about our city and share it next week. A. find out B . keep away C. turn off D . use up A 8 . Martin was so busy _____ the old that he gave up his part-time job. A. helping B . helped C. to help D . help A 9 . [ 合肥 38 中模拟 ] —I heard some noises _____ the windows just now. —Oh, two cats were playing with rats. A. with B . except C. into D . below D 10. [ 芜湖 29 中二模 ] While I was speaking, the boy in black _____ his hand and asked me, “ Has the price of these books _____ a lot?” A. rose; risen B . raised; risen C. rose; raised D . raised; raised B 三、用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空 。 11. Many parents think children should stay __________ the Internet . harvest crops; leaf; do; below; far away from far away from 12 . I am always busy _________ my homework on weekdays . harvest crops; leaf; do; below; far away from doing 13. Water turns into ice when the temperature stays _________ zero. harvest crops; leaf; do; below; far away from below 14 . _________ turn brown in autumn . harvest crops; leaf; do; below; far away from Leaves 15 . We are looking forward to ________________ for the farmers next weekend. harvest crops; leaf; do; below; far away from harvesting crops 四、完形填空。 When Millie got up this morning, it was a beautiful spring day. She saw _______16 clouds far away, but she didn’t think about them . 16. A. a little B . a few C. little D . few B She got her dog, Eddie, and put him in the car. Then she drove out into the country _____17 a picnic with her dog . 17. A. on B . for C . with D . in B An hour later, the wind began to blow and it turned ______18. Millie and Eddie were warm from running, so they weren’t cold . 18. A. warm B . hot C . cold D. better C Then when Eddie was playing with the ball , Millie saw snowflakes ( 雪花 ) in the sky. She called Eddie , _____19 the picnic things and got back in the car . 19. A. picked up B . pick up C. put up D . put A As she was driving home, the snow became ____20. Soon all Millie could see was white all around _____21. 20. A. stronger and stronger B . thinner and thinner C. smaller and smaller D . heavier and heavier 21 . A. him B . us C . her D . himself D C The road became slippery ( 滑 的 ) and she had to drive very _______22. Then the car hit into a piece of ice and it went around in circles . It went down a hill and finally stopped . 22. A. slowly B . easily C. carelessly D . happily A Millie reached over for Eddie. He was shaking , _____23 he was OK. She got her mobile phone and asked for help. 23. A. and B . or C . but D . so C At last, the police ____24 them. Next time Millie will ____25 the weather report before going on a picnic . 24. A. saved B. save C. are saved D . were saved 25 . A. listen B . listen to C. hear D . hear of A B 课时 4   Grammar 安徽译林 版八年级 上 Unit 7 Seasons 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空 。 1. _________( luck), the rain began to fall when I got home. 2. I often watch my father ________ ( ride) a horse in the garden . 3. It was cold yesterday and I ________ ( catch) a bad cold . 4. Don’t worry. The rain ________ (stop) soon. 5. It _________ (rain) heavily outside. Don’t go out. ride caught will stop is raining Luckily 二、指出下面的句子属于哪种基本句型。 6. The sparrow is flying. ___________________________________________ S + V 7. The government built the nature reserve. _____________________________________________ S + V + O 8 . The crane looks beautiful. _____________________________________________ S + V + P 9 . The reserve gives wildlife an ideal home. _____________________________________________ S + V + IO + DO 10 . People call Zhalong Birds’ Home. ___________________________________________ S + V + DO + OC 三、单项选择。 11. “The news made me feel sad.”is a kind of ______ structure . A. S+V+O B. S+V+DO+OC C. S+V+P D. S+V+IO+DO B 12. — What did you give your mother on her fortieth birthday ? — I gave her some flowers. (The sentence structure is ______.) A. S+V B . S+V+IO+DO C. S+V+P D . S+V+O B 13 . I saw some boy students ______ basketball when I passed the playground. A. played B . plays C. playing D . to play C 14. The running water makes the stones ______ very smooth . A. sound B . taste C . smell D. feel D 15 . He is busy ______ at school, but he never forgets ______ his mom a phone call every day. A. working; giving B . work; give C. working; to give D . work; to give C 四、同义句转换。 16. My parents bought me a car. My parents _________ a car _________ me . bought for 17. Hobo gave Eddie some food. Hobo ________ some food ________ Eddie. gave to 18 . She finds that English is very interesting. She ________ English ________ ________ . finds very interesting 19 . Hobo built Eddie a tent. Hobo built ________ ________ ________ ________ . a tent for Eddie 20 . She ordered a new dress for herself. She ordered ________ ________ ________ ________ . herself a new dress 课时 5   Integrated skills & Study skills 安徽译林 版八年级 上 Unit 7 Seasons 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词 。 1. We don’t know why he made a s ( 突然 的 ) change . 2. [ 合肥城六区联考 ] A cold wind began to b ( 吹 ) when he went out of the warm house. 3. A s ( 暴风雪 ) hit Beijing yesterday . low nowstorm udden 4 . Look! Some boys are f ( 打架 ) over there . Let’s go and stop them. 5. The door bell is r ( 响起 铃声 ). Peter, open the door. ighting inging 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 。 6. I can’t hear you clearly. Please speak __________ ( loud). loudly 7. We were late for the film Roman Holiday, but ________ ( luck) we didn’t miss much . luckily 8 . It’s a sunny day in late winter, just a few ________ ( degree) above zero . degrees 9 . It’s rather ________ ( wind) now. I don’t know what the weather will be like later . windy 10 . —How are you ________ ( do)? —Pretty good. doing 三、单项选择 。 11. — Why are you looking ______ in class all day? — Because I can’t finish my homework until eleven every night. A. awake B . asleep C. sleeping D . sleepy D 12. ______ fine weather it is! Let’s go on a picnic! A. What a B . What C . How D . How a B 13 . — ______ is the weather in Nanjing? —It is windy and cloudy. A. What B . Why C. What about D . How D 14. Some students are playing ______ on the playground while the rest _____ doing their homework in the classroom now. A. happy; are B . happily; is C. happily; are D . happy; is C 15 . After he drank ______ water , he still felt ______ tired . A. a bit; a bit B . a bit of; a bit of C. a bit; a bit of D . a bit of; a bit D 课时 6   Task & Self -assessment 安徽译林 版八年级 上 Unit 7 Seasons 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词 。 1. It’s e ( 激动人心 的 ) for children to have a spring outing. 2. The i ( 冰 ) on the river is thick enough to walk on . 3. The elephant is the largest animal on l ( 陆地 ). ce and xciting 4 . Dad and I made a s ( 雪人 ) in our yard. 5. [ 中考 · 安徽 ] Ben t ( 扔 ) the ball to Jim, but he didn’t catch it. nowman hrew 二、单项选择 。 6. [ 安徽十校联考 ] It was cold. Lucy stood there with her hands _____in her pockets, waiting for the school bus. A. free B . deep C . wide D . wild B 7. Students often _____ mobile phones _____ play games instead of calling up their parents now. A. used; to B . used; for C. use; to D . use; for C 8 . _____ is necessary to take exercise every day. A. That B . It C . This D . One B 9 . Look! Some kids _____ stones _____ the window. A. throw; at B . threw; to C. are throwing; in D . are throwing; at D 10. I looked for my mobile phone _____, but I couldn’t find it _____ . A. anywhere; everywhere B. somewhere; everywhere C. everywhere; anywhere D. everywhere; somewhere C 三、根据汉语意思完成句子 。 11. 哈尔滨的冬天通常被大雪覆盖。 Everything is usually _________ _________ heavy snow in winter in Harbin. covered by/with 12. 孩子们用苹果做水果沙拉。 The children _________ apples to make _________ salads. use fruit 13 . 我喜欢今年的艺术节。 I like the _________ _________ of this year . Art Festival 14 . 合肥春天的温度通常在零度以上。 The temperature usually stays _________ _________ in spring in Hefei. above zero 15. 早晨会是晴朗的,但下午将转多云。 It will be sunny in the morning, but it will ________ ________ in the afternoon. turn cloudy 四、完形填空。 Summer is my favorite season . The summer ______16 are June, July and August. In summer, the days are ____17 and the nights are short . 16. A. days B. seasons C . months D . years 17 . A. long B . quiet C . slow D . wide C A In summer, the _____18 is hot and rainy . Sometimes it rains with thunder ( 雷 ) and lightning ( 闪电 ). That is ___19. 18. A. sun B . weather C . air D . wind 19 . A. exciting B . quiet C . beautiful D . scary B D It is beautiful in summer. Most of the time the sky is _____20 and the sun shines brightly . 20. A. green B . white C. blue D . red C There are many nice flowers. There are also many ____21. My favorite fruits are watermelons and peaches . 21. A. fruits B . fishes C. activities D . flowers A Many children ______22 summer because of the summer vacation . They can ______ 23 much time playing outside. 22. A. know B . sing C . like D . find 23 . A. cost B . spend C . pay D . take C B There are many activities to _______24, such as playing volleyball and swimming. ______25 is also the season for ice cream . Most children like it very much . 24. A. finish B. plan C. do D . get 25 . A. Spring B . Winter C. Autumn D . Summer C D 写作素养提升练 安徽译林 版八年级 上 Unit 7 Seasons 本单元的话题为“季节”,要求写关于自己最 喜欢 的季节的短文。在写作时,首先要交代自己最 喜欢 的季节;其次,详细描述该季节的天气、景色等 ,可以 结合个人的活动来描述;最后,抒发自己对 这个 季节的喜爱或赞美之情。 写作时主要用第一人称 I 和第三人称 it ,写作 时应 以一般现在时为主。 安徽译林 版八年级 上 请以 “ I love spring” 为题,写一篇 80 词左右的短文。 要求包含以下要点: 1. 最喜欢春天,阳光明媚,温暖宜人。 2. 叶子变绿,鸟语花香,户外散步有益于健康。蜜蜂 、蝴蝶 在花丛中飞舞。 3. 刮风天最适合放风筝。 4. 周末和朋友野营或钓鱼 …… 【 思路构建 】 步骤 构思 列纲 1 开门见山, 表达自己最喜欢的季节是春天 Spring is my favourite season. 2 描述该季节的特点和美丽风景 sunny, warm, turn green, sweet flowers, bees and butterflies 步骤 构思 列纲 3 叙述该季节最适合做的事情 windy day, fly a kite 4 叙述自己喜欢做的事情 go camping or fishing 5 点题 I love spring. I love spring Spring is my favourite season. It is sunny and warm . When spring comes, leaves turn green. We can hear the birds sing and smell the sweet flowers. It’s good for us to walk outside. Bees and butterflies fly among the flowers. It looks so beautiful. 【 精彩范文 】 A windy day is perfect for flying a kite. At weekends , I go camping or fishing with my friends. It is really wonderful. Spring is a perfect and pleasant season . I love it very much. rainy, snowy, drop, rise, awful, sudden, exciting 【 单词 】 a bit, fly a kite, go camping, go fishing 【 短语 】 ...is my favourite season. I always enjoy... I love spring/summer/autumn/winter because... During this season, I can/can’t... 【 句型 】 请以 “ My favourite season” 为题,写一篇 80 词 左右 的短文,提示如下: 1. 最喜爱的季节是夏天; 2. 在夏天可以跟朋友游泳、钓鱼,经常一起在河里捉鱼 ,并且 可以享受冰激凌,可以吃到很多新鲜的水果 和蔬菜 ; 3. 在晚上,可以看到很多的星星,听老人讲故事; 4. 经常下雨,但是我还是喜欢夏天。 ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ My favourite season My favourite season is summer. I love summer because I can go swimming with my friends. We often go fishing. Some of us usually catch fish in the river. It is very hot here. I can enjoy ice cream. Fruits and vegetables are very fresh. We can eat different kinds of fruits and vegetables here. In the evening , the sky is very clear and ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ we can see many stars. They are shining. Some children like to count them. The old often tell some stories to us. All of us like to listen to them. We think the stories are very interesting. It often rains in summer here. But I still love summer. 中考考点专练 安徽译林 版八年级 上 Unit 7 Seasons 一、单项选择 。 1. [ 中考 · 甘肃 ] Don’t forget to ____ the lights when they are not in use! A. turn over B . turn off C. turn up D . turn on B 2. [ 中考 · 宿迁 ]—How is our government going to deal with the office building? —It will be ______ a library. A. turned off B . turned on C. turned out D . turned into D 二、选择合适的短语并用其正确形式填空 。 3. May I _________ the radio a little? I can’t hear it clearly. 4. _________ the TV. It’s time to do homework. 5. We _________ the market _________ a beautiful park 2 years ago. turn up; turn on; turn off; turn down turn into; turn around turn up Turn off turned into 6. He told me to stand still and not to ____________. 7. You’d better ____________ the music. It’s too loud. 8. Jane is busy preparing for the exam, so she ___________ my invitation . turn up; turn on; turn off; turn down turn into; turn around turn around turn down turned down 9 . Why not ____________ the TV to relax yourself? 10. Don’t worry. Your lost pen may ____________ some day. turn up; turn on; turn off; turn down turn into; turn around turn on turn up 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 11. 树上的叶子变黄了。 The leaves on the tree _________ _________ . 12. 早上很冷,但中午变暖了。 It’s cold in the morning, but _________ _________ at noon . turn yellow turns warm 13 . 向左转,你就能看到你前面有家旅馆。 _________ _________ , and you can see a hotel in front of you. 14. 学生们轮流打扫教室。 Students _________ _________ to clean the classroom. take turns Turn left 一、用 below/under 填空。 1. The temperature is often _________ freezing in the winter of the northern China. 2. He stood _________ a tree. 3. The cat was _________ the table. 4. Write your name _________ the line. below under under below 【 点拨 】 below 指比某物低的位置,不一定在正下方或指抽象含义,低于某水平 ; under 是指在正下方。 二、单项选择。 5. In cold winter, the temperature in Harbin often remains _______ zero all day. A. above B . below C . over D . under B 6 . The climbers stopped 300 meters _______ the top of the mountain. A. above B . under C . below D . on C 一、单项 选择。 1. The boy ______ his head to watch the sun ______ over the bridge. A. raised; raise B . raised; rise C. rose; rise D . rose; raise B 二、根据汉语意思完成句子。 2. 夏天来临的时候,气温会一天天地升高。 When summer comes, the temperature will _________ day by day. 3. 不要对我大声嚷嚷。 Don’t _________ your voice to me. rise raise 4. 课堂上如果你有任何问题,你可以举手。 If you have any question in class, you can _______ your hand . 5. 太阳从东方升起,在西方落下。 The sun _______ in the east and goes down in the west. 6. 河水在雨后涨了起来。 The river _______ after the rain. raise rises rose 一、用 sleep, asleep, sleepy 或 sleeping 填空。 1. The ________ man there is a friend of mine. 2. The girl felt ________ when she was watching a play . 3. I can’t fall ________ with the light on. 4. The boy was so tired that he ________ till the next morning . sleeping sleepy asleep slept 二、单项选择。 5 . All of a sudden, she doesn’t look ______ any more . She almost closed her eyes just now. A. sleepy B . worried C. proud D . asleep A

