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第四课时 Section B (2a~3b) Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? difference to do enjoyable activities to see 1 Ⅰ hungry building Wet wonder trader 2 3 4 5 3 4 1-5 1 2 5 Ⅱ Ⅲ A A B A D 5 3 4 1 2 Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ 1-5 DABCD 见内文 1 GDFAB 6 calling 6 enough Ⅰ.根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.What a _____________ (different)!You look great with your hair like that. 2.To my great joy,my family are always behind me no matter what I decide ________ (do). 3.I hope(希望) this will be an interesting and _____________ (enjoy) day for you. difference to do enjoyable 4.Mr.Wang is coming to our school.I can't wait ________ (see) him. 5.—Students' life shouldn't just be about grades.Free time ___________ (activity) are important, too. —I think so. 6.I tried _______ (call) you,but your phone was out of service. to see activities calling Ⅱ.根据句意用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。 1.These photos of the food make me ________ again.I'll get something to eat. 2. Pavilion of Prince Teng is a ____________ in Nanchang and is one of the Three Great Towers of southern China. 3.Keep away from it.Don't you see the notice “_______ Paint”? hungry building Wet wet,enough,hungry,wonder,build,trade 核心素养 4.His father is a market _______ ,selling fruit and vegetables. 5.熟词生义—Beijing Roast Duck is very delicious. —No ________ it is widely known in all parts of the world. 6.—I don't have _________ money for the T-shirt. —Don't worry.I can lend(借给) some to you. trader wonder enough Ⅲ.单项填空。 ( )1.(2019•贵州铜仁中考改编)—We shouldn't worry about Mary. —You are right.She is ______ to look after herself. A.old enough B.big enough C.enough old D.enough big A ( )2.—Do you want to do sports with me? —OK.I ______ running.How about playing basketball? A.dislike B.keep C.enjoy D.practice A ( )3.—Excuse me.I ______ if the plane can land on time. —Wait a minute,please.Let me check it out. A.ask B.wonder C.know D.think B ( )4.When you are on the plane, everything ______ seems very small. A.over B.above C.under D.below D ( )5.(2019•湖北黄石中考)______ exciting news it is!3D-printed houses will come out! A.What B.What an C.How D.How an A Ⅳ.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1.我觉得自己像一只小鸟。 I _____ _______ I was a bird. 2.因为天气不好,我们没有去听音乐会。 We didn't go to the concert _________ ___ the bad weather. felt like because of 3.我的英语老师对我的学习有很大的影响。 My English teacher ________ ___ _____ ___________ to my study. 4.看!露西在那边等公共汽车。 Look!Lucy ___ _________ ______ the bus over there. 5.为了欣赏沿途风景,我们打算走到山顶上去。 To enjoy the views along the way,we are planning to _____ ____ ____ the top of the mountain. makes a big difference is waiting for walk up to Ⅴ.阅读理解。 “What did you do over the summer vacation?” Your classmates might ask you this on your first day back to school.Want to give them some fun answers? Here are some interesting ideas. Record a vlog(录制一个视频博客) “Vlog” is short for “video blog”.People like taking videos very much these days.The videos are usually about 1 to 10 minutes.Lots of people use their mobile phones to create(制作) vlogs. Go on a trip to a cooler place Summer is hot in China.Why not go somewhere cooler?Australia is great.Its seasons are the opposite(相反 的) of ours.From June to August,it is winter in Australia.But don't worry.Winter is not very cold there.You can visit the Sydney Opera House and see the koalas! Interview(采访) grandparents What did people do during summer holidays in the past?You can ask your grandparents to find out.They didn't have the Internet or television in their time.They spent their summer holidays in very different ways. They might lie on the grass(草地) and enjoy the cool.If we want to enjoy the nature,we can go camping.Don't forget to look up to the sky at night.There are many stars on sunny nights. Visit a water park The best place for families to go during hot summer is a water park.Water activities like swimming can be great fun.You can also enjoy diving(潜水) and surfing,but fishing is not allowed here. 【主旨大意】材料主要介绍了度过暑假的四种不同方式。 ( )1.Vlogs are very ______ these days. A.real B.different C.boring D.popular ( )2.What does the underlined word “seasons” mean in Chinese? A.季节 B.天气 C.节气 D.昼夜 推理判断题。根据文章第二段People like taking videos very much these days.可推知答案。 词义猜测题。根据画线的单词上下文可推知答案。 D A ( )3.We can enjoy the ______ at night when we go camping. A.sun B.stars C.paintings D.koalas ( )4.We cannot ______ in the water park. A.go swimming B.go diving C.go fishing D.go surfing 细节理解题。根据文章第四段Don't forget to look up to the sky at night.There are many stars on sunny nights.可知答案。 细节理解题。根据文章第五段Water activities like swimming can be great fun.You can also enjoy diving and surfing,but fishing is not allowed here.可知答案。 B C ( )5.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE? A.It is very cold to go on a trip to Australia in July. B.The water park is the best place for everyone to go in summer. C.Our classmates want to know what we'll do in winter. D.Our grandparents' summer holidays are different from ours. 细节理解题。根据文章第四段They spent their summer holidays in very different ways.可知答案。 D Ⅵ.阅读还原。(有两项多余) Now people have more money than before,and they want to enjoy life.1.______ Listen!Some people are talking about their vacation plans(计划). “I love sports.I want to go bike riding with my family on vacation.2.____ That's really great,” says Mrs.Lee. G D 看 选 项 Mr.Zhao loves nature.He says,“I plan to walk in the countryside or go hiking in the mountains.3.______” Miss Wang wants to be more beautiful.“I plan to go shopping.4.______” Zray is a movie actor.He just finished his last movie.5.______ He says,“I like going sightseeing(观 光).I will study in Canada for a month.A relaxing vacation!I can't wait!” F A B 看 选 项 A.I want to buy lots of beautiful clothes. B.Now he really wants to get some rest. C.Many people can come to buy clothes in my shop. D.We can exercise and enjoy lots of interesting places. E.But a lot of people like traveling in the countryside. F.I hope the beauty of nature can help me to forget all of my problems. G.So people have different ideas about how to enjoy their vacations. 1~2 3~5 谢 谢 观 看 Thank you for watching!

