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初中英语新课程标准教材 英 语 教 案 ( 2019 — 2020 学年度第二学期 ) 学 校: 年 级: 任 课 教 师: 英语教案 / 初中英语 / 八年级英语教案 编订: XX文讯教育机构 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 2 页 共 27 页 Around town 教案 外研英语八年级上 module 8 around town 全模块教案 i. teaching goals 模块教学目标 技能目标 听 listen and match places and positions on a map 说 ask for and give directions 读 read and follow a tour on the map 写 write directions to places 语言目标功能句式 ask for directions how do/can i get to ⋯? where is ⋯? can you tell me the way to ⋯? 教材简介 : 本教材主要用途为通过学习英语的内容, 提高学生的语言技能, 增加一项语言 能力,有利于国际化的日常交流、生活、工作等,本教学设计资料适用于初中八年级英 语科目 , 学习后学生能得到全面的发展和提高。本内容是按照教材的内容进行的编写, 可以放心修改调整或直接进行教学使用。 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 3 页 共 27 页 where can i ⋯? is there a ⋯? give directions go straight ahead. it ’s opposite tian ’anmen square. turn left into chang ’an jie and then turn right into chang jie. it ’s between the great hall of the people and the museums. it ’s on the corner of station road and king ’s road. 词汇 1. 重点词汇 bank, market, supermarket, pool, square, left, right, opposite, chairman, between, turn, corner, along, tour, painting, clear, boat, off, tower, tourist 2. 认读词汇 revolutionary, memorial, gallery, parliament, guidebook, religious 3. 短语 over there, on the left/right(of), kind of, next to, on the corner of ,swimming pool, flower store, turn left/right, in the middle of, go along/across 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 4 页 共 27 页 语法 learn to use prepositions of place and movement 重点句子 1.there ’s a park near our school. 2.here ’s tian ’anmen square. 3.it ’s kind of quiet. 4.excuse me, how do i get to the forbidden city? 5.you can take a train from the station. 6.a bridge is a religious building. 7.where can i get something to eat? 8.the supermarket is opposite the restaurant. 9.when you are tired, the best way to see london is by boat. 10.opposite is the national gallery, a museum with lots of famous paintings. ii. teaching material analyzing 教材分析 本模块以“ around town”为话题,以出行旅游为主线,对话部分通过读地图呈现指路及 表明具体位置的语言;阅读课文在继续呈现这方面语言的同时,向学生介绍了英国伦敦的一 些名胜古迹。本模块中的听、说、读、写活动都围绕问路指路、地点方位等展开,给学生提 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 5 页 共 27 页 供了充足的体验和运用语言的机会。 unit 1 通过听、读、说训练,初步学习问路和指路的方法。其中活动 1 训练学生听的能 力, 学习词汇;活动 2 要求学会使用词汇造句;活动 3—5 听读包含指路的对话并完成搭配和 选择填空的任务 , 熟悉方位的表达方式。活动 6 听读并掌握疑问句和祈使句的语调;活动 7-9 根据提示口头练习给别人指路的方法。 unit 2 通过读、写训练,培养学生看地图的能力,读懂指路的指示语并训练笔头表达能 力;其中活动 1—4 要求学生结合地图阅读文章,了解伦敦的著名建筑,巩固词汇,检测对细 节的理解。活动 5— 6 要求学生读懂并笔头掌握指路的指示语。 unit 3 对“问路和指路”的功能项目进行综合训练,系统掌握语法。活动 1、 2 训练学 生的口头表达和笔头书写能力,巩固问路和指路的表达方式。活动 3、4 提供多种问路方式并 进一步拓展和运用。 活动 5、6 要求将本模块中学过的语言知识与听力训练结合起来。活动 7、8 是口头训练位置的表达方式。活动 9-11 复习运用词汇。 around the world 介绍的是 hermitage museum 。module task 要求学生介绍某地的位置及如何到达,实际运用所学知识。 iii . class types and periods 课型设计与课时分配 period 1 listening and speaking period 2 reading and writing 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 6 页 共 27 页 period 3 revision and application period 4 vocabulary and task iv. teaching plans for each period 分课时教案 period 1 listening and speaking language goals 语言目标 1.key vocabulary 重点词汇 bank, market, supermarket, pool, swimming pool, square, left, right, opposite, chairman, between, turn, corner, along 2.key structures 重点句式 how do i get to the forbidden city? go straight ahead. it ’s opposite tian ’anmen square. can you tell me the way to a park? turn left into chang ’an jie and then turn right into chang jie. ability goals 能力目标 enable students to learn how to give directions. teaching methods 教学方法 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 7 页 共 27 页 listening and speaking. teaching aids 教具准备 tape recorder, handout. teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 step i warming-up (1, 2: p64) show some pictures of public places, and play a guessing game. talk about the pictures. t: in this module, we are going to learn how to ask for and give directions. look! i have some pictures. today i want to go out. where can i take a bus? point out the picture. encourage or help students to answer. s: picture 9. at the bus stop. t: yes. now i need some money. where can i go and get some money? s: you can get some from the bank. picture 1. t: good. i ’m hungry. i ’ d like to get something to eat. where should i go? s: you should go to the restaurant. 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 8 页 共 27 页 t: you are right. then i want to go shopping. i want to buy food and drink at the supermarket. and i want to buy some fruit and vegetables at the market. also i want to buy a book at the bookshop. oh, what a busy day! i ’m so tired. i need to relax. then i go to the park to have a rest. after that, i go swimming with my friend in the swimming pool. how exciting! ask students to read the words in activity 1 aloud and try to match them with the pictures. it ’s best if you can tell them something about each of the item. make sure students understand each of the items. then ask them to listen to the recording and check the answers. after that, ask students to work in pairs and do activity 2. t: what can you find in our town? is there a park near our school? can you find a bank near your house? where is it? please talk about it in pairs. ask students to present their conversations in front of the class. step ii listening and reading (3-5: p64) talk about the places in beijing. t: beijing is the capital of china. it has many famous places. now look at the 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 9 页 共 27 页 pictures. do you know their english names? show the following and ask students read the names of the places after the teacher. (tian ’anmen square) the great hall of people the forbidden city beihai park wangfujing dajie the chairman mao memorial hall the museum of chinese history and the museum of chinese revolutionary t: do you know where they are? now let ’s listen to the tape between sally and lingling and find out. listening play the tape for the first time. students just listen. then ask students to listen again and do activity 4. t: please look at the map in activity 4. listen again and try to match the numbers with the places. check the answer in class. reading ask students to point to the map and role play the conversation in pairs. show them the following words and expressions and ask them to try to retell the 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 10 页 共 27 页 conversation: here ’s, on the left/right, go straight, between ⋯and⋯, go across, turn left/right (into), on the corner of, go along then ask students to finish activity 5. check the answers with the class. step iv speaking (6 —9: p65) ask students to listen to and repeat the sentences in activity 6. t: when we speak english, we should pay attention to the intonation, especially of interrogative and imperative sentences. now listen to the recording and repeat these sentences. then ask students to do the pair work as instructed in activities 7 and 8. t: now you are in wangfujing dajie, and you ’d like to go to the other places in beijing. please work in pairs and make conversations asking for and give directions. you can use the sentences in activity 6. sample conversation 1: -excuse me, how do i get to tian ’anmen square? -go down this street, and then turn right into chang ’an jie. walk straight on. 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 11 页 共 27 页 it is just on your right. sample conversation 2: -where ’s the bank? -it ’ s on the corner of the street. step v homework ask students to 1.finish activities 1-3 on page 140-141 in workbook. 2.draw a map of their neighborhood. ask for and give directions on the map. period 2 reading and writing language goals 语言目标 1. key vocabulary 重点词汇 tour, painting, clear, boat, off, tower 2. key structures 重点句式 go along ⋯ take the boat back ⋯ get off the boat and go past ⋯ 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 12 页 共 27 页 ability goals 能力目标 enable students to read about some famous places in london and learn to give directions. teaching methods 教学方法 reading and writing. teaching aids 教具准备 a tape recorder and a multimedia computer. teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 step i revision and lead-in draw the following picture on the blackboard. review the building names and prepositions of place. park bank library post office center street school t: please look at the picture. is there a library in the picture? 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 13 页 共 27 页 s: yes, there is. t: where is it? s1: it ’s between the bank and the post office. s2: it ’s opposite the school. s3: it ’s on center street. write between, opposite, on on the blackboard. the same way goes with next to, behind, on the corner of, and in front of. in this procedure, introduce the way to read a map. t: hello, everyone. do you know maps? a map is a picture of a place. different maps show different information. now here is a map of london. we ’ll take a short tour of london following the map. step ii reading (1-4: p66-67) in this procedure, students will listen to and scan the text for the famous places and the prepositions of places. first ask students to listen to the recording and read the map. after listening. 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 14 页 共 27 页 t: look at the map, please. on the right, there is a river on the map, can you see it? what ’s the name of the river? s: river thames. t: and there are four bridges above it. what are they? s: they are tower bridge, waterloo bridge, railway bridge, and westminster bridge. t: besides this, what else can you see? s: we can also see a park, a square, a church, a market and a station. s: and there are three streets and one road. then ask students to read the passage on their own. after reading, ask them to answer the following questions. t: which places in london are mentioned in this text? what are they? s: national gallery, buckingham palace, houses of parliament, big ben, london eye, tower bridge and tower of london. t: great! what prepositions of place can you find? s: in the middle of, along, opposite, near, at, next to, past, into ⋯ t: well. please mark the places in activity 2 on the map according to the text. 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 15 页 共 27 页 ask students to listen to the passage again and then try to fill in the following blanks. show the following. we are standing ____ the middle of london. _____ is the national gallery. go ____the red street to buckingham palace. turn left and go ___ the houses of parliament and big ben. ____you can see the london eye. you can get the boat ____ big ben. get off the boat ____ tower bridge. the tower of london is ____ the bridge. key: in, opposite, along, to, opposite, near, at, next to encourage students to finish activities 3 and 4. check the answer with the class. try to give more information about the places. step iii writing (5, 6: p67) write directions to places in london. ask students to list places they can find on the map. and then write direction to places in london. sample direction: take the boat from tower bridge to big ben. get off the boat at big ben. there 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 16 页 共 27 页 you can see houses of parliament. then go along the street to buckingham palace. work in pairs. read directions and guess the name of the place to finish step iv homework ask students to 1.work in pairs and practice asking for and giving directions. 2.finish activities 4-8 on page 141-142 in workbook. period 3 integrating skills language goals 语言目标 1. key vocabulary 重点词汇 tourist 2. key structures 重点句式 where is ⋯? it ’s between ⋯and⋯ where can i ⋯? is there ⋯? ability goals 能力目标 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 17 页 共 27 页 to summarise and consolidate teaching methods 教学方法 cooperative learning. teaching aids 教具准备 tape recorder, handout. teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 step i warming-up show the following situations. ask students to practice asking for and giving directions. 1. now you are in the classroom. where do you sit? (between, opposite, next to, near, left, right, on the corner of) 2. han fei sits in the middle of the class. how can you get to the position of her? (go straight/along/across/past, turn left/right (into) ⋯) give an example. then ask the students to practice in front of class. t: if you are a stranger, or you lose your way, how do you ask the way? and how will you give directions? now read language practice on page 68 by yourselves. pay 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 18 页 共 27 页 attention to the underlined words and expressions. step ii speaking and writing (1, 2: p68) tell students something about fltrp. then ask them to read the map in activity 1. t: fltrp stands for foreign language teaching and research press. a famous press in china. now look at the map. work in pairs and find: where is fltrp tower? how do we get to tian ’anmen square from fltrp tower? practice it in pairs. sample answers: start at the fltrp tower. go along xisanhuan road to the south, and when you get to the chengxiang department store, turn left. this is chang ’an street. after you pass the military museum, you can see xidan cultural center on your left. go along chang’an street, then you get to tian ’anmen square. then ask students to chose a starting point and a finish point and write down the directions. t: now can you tell me the way to the beijing west railway station from tian ’ anmen square? 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 19 页 共 27 页 please write down the directions on your book. sample answer: start in tian ’anmen square. go along chang ’an street. you will pass the xidan cultural centre on your right, then the military museum. when you get to xisanhuan road, turn left. go along this street and you will get to beijing west railway station. step iii practice (3, 4: p69) ask students to do the activities 3 and 4 individually, then check the answer with the class. first ask students to look at the map on page 66 again and then match the questions with the answers in activity 3. then ask them to work in pairs and ask and answer about their school. t: what’s in our school? there are classrooms, offices, science labs, computer rooms, a playground and a library. what can we do in these places? where are they? let ’s ask and answer about our school. ask some students to act out the dialogue to the class. 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 20 页 共 27 页 step iv listening (5, 6: p69) ask students to finish activities 5 and 6 individually. t: first read the words about places. read the map and listen to the tape. try to label the places. check the answers. then ask students to listen again and answer the questions in activity 6. step v homework ask students to 1. finish activities 9, 10 in workbook on page 114. 2. draw a small map and write directions to places they know well. period 4 vocabulary and task language goals 语言目标 1.key vocabulary 重点词汇 religious 2. key structures 重点句式 you can take a train from the station. 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 21 页 共 27 页 a church is a religious building. a store is where you go shopping. ability goals 能力目标 enable students to describe the positions and write a tour of their town. teaching methods 教学方法 revision and application. teaching aids 教具准备 a computer and a projector. teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 step i warming up (7: p8) check the homework. then play a guessing game. t: look at our classroom. there is an object. it ’ s on the left of the blackboard. and it ’s on the wall. what is it? s: is it the map? t: no, it isn ’t. 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 22 页 共 27 页 s: is it the picture of lei feng? t: yes, you got it. well then, please work in pairs, choose an object and describe its position and let your partner guess. step ii practice (9 —11: page 70-71) ask students to complete activities 9 - 11 on page 70 individually. and then check the answers with the whole class. step iii reading and writing (12, 13:p71) around the world in this procedure, ask students to read around the world first and discuss the content. t: let ’s look at the picture. what can you see? where is it? s: the winter palace. it ’s part of the hermitage museum in russia. t: what do you know about that? please read it by yourselves. then tell me something about it. writing t: are you familiar about your town? what are the most important places to see? 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 23 页 共 27 页 where are they? how do you get there? now please write a tour by yourselves. sample tour: this is our town. the most important place is pangquan valley. it ’ s in the northwest of our town. if you want to visit there, take a bus in the fenghuang county. it will take you to the town. get off the bus, and you’ll see a large white building. pangquan valley is right behind the building. then ask students to write an email to a foreign friend and say how to get from the station or airport to their home. sample email: dear paul, when you arrive at the station, take the number 6 bus. the bus stop is in front of the station. get off the bus at the great square. then it is a five-minute walk. walk across the square to west street (there is a bank on the corner). go along west street and then turn right into flower street. there ’s number 44 on the corner. see you at eight o ’ clock. peter 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 24 页 共 27 页 step iv homework ask students to 1.review what they have learned in this unit. 2.finish activity 11 in workbook as self-assessment. teaching resources i. useful expressions for asking the way and giving directions excuse me, could you tell me the way to the station, please? excuse me. i ’m looking for the town hall. what’s the best way to the station/ is it far from the church to the station? how far is it from the church to the station? where is the nearest bus stop? where is the next bus stop? it takes about 10 minutes by bus. it ’s a 10-minute walk. the church is within walking distances. 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 25 页 共 27 页 you can ’t miss it. go straight on (until you come to ⋯) turn back/go back. turn right /left (into ⋯) go along ⋯ cross ⋯ take the first/second road on the left/right. it ’s on the left/right. opposite, near, next to, between, at the end (of), on/at the corner, behind, in front of,(just)around the corner, traffic lights, crossroads ii. exercise (i) what's the best way to the post office? (use the map for orientation.) excuse me, where is the post office, please? 1. _____ at the next corner. 2. then _____ until you come to the traffic lights. 3. _____there. 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 26 页 共 27 页 4. the post office is _____the cinema. key : 1. turn right 2. go straight on 3. turn left 4. opposite (ii) fill in the words below correctly. (use the map for orientation.) continue, end, excuse, get, left (2x), next, opposite, right, second, straight on, thank, turn, welcome 1._____ me, how do i _____to the cinema? 2.go _____. 3.turn _____at the corner. 4.then take the _____ road on your _____. 5._____to the _____of the road. 6._____left there. 7. the cinema is on your_____,_____the castle. 8. _____ you very much. 9. you're ____ key: 1. excuse get 2. straight on 3. left 4. second, right 5. continue, end 6. 初中英语教案 文讯教育教学设计 第 27 页 共 27 页 turn 7.left , opposite 8.thank 9. welcome XX文讯教育机构 WenXun Educational Institution

