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‎2019-2020学年湖北省武汉市江夏区八年级(上)期中英语试卷 二、选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1. ﹣ ________ do I need to feed the hen? ﹣You must feed food to it every day, or it will be hungry.( ) ‎ A.How long B.How much C.How soon D.How often ‎ ‎ ‎2. ﹣Excuse me, look at the sign ‘NO PARKING'! ﹣Sorry, I ________.( ) ‎ A.don't see B.didn't see C.won't see D.haven't seen ‎ ‎ ‎3. —Would you like ______, Bill? —No, thanks. I'm full. ‎ A.something else B.other anything C.anything else D.else anything ‎ ‎ ‎4. ﹣Can you take a picture of me with your camera? ﹣I'm afraid I have no ________ in my camera. I can't take any more pictures.( ) ‎ A.film B.ticket C.note D.seat ‎ ‎ ‎5. ﹣The more ________ you are, the ________ mistakes you'll make! ﹣Thanks, Mr, Lee. We can do it well.( ) ‎ A.carefully; fewer B.careful; less C.careful; more D.careful;fewer ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎6. ﹣Would you mind my sitting next to you? ﹣ ________. It's for my best friend.( ) ‎ A.Not at all B.Of course not C.Better not D.No. Go ahead ‎ ‎ ‎7. ﹣There is a plane at 9:30 and one at 12:00. ﹣ ________ plane will get you to London for the concert.( ) ‎ A.Every B.Both C.Any D.Either ‎ ‎ ‎8. ﹣Andy is so smart that he can make himself understood in ________ English. ﹣That's the reason why we like to talk with him.( ) ‎ A.simple B.clever C.slow D.similar ‎ ‎ ‎9. ﹣To our surprise, the boy became a successful writer. ﹣Yeah. Difficulties and hardship could ________ the best character of him.( ) ‎ A.come out B.work out C.bring out D.find out ‎ ‎ ‎10. ﹣I tried to ________you several times, but no one answered the phone. ﹣I was travelling around last month.( ) ‎ A.touch B.reach C.receive D.meet ‎ ‎ ‎11. ﹣Why hasn't Tom come to the party yet? ﹣He ________ on the way here, I'm not sure.( ) ‎ A.maybe B.may be C.may D.should be ‎ ‎ ‎12. In the 49‎​‎th World Table Tennis Championship, Wang Liqin ________ Ma Lin and ________ the champion of the man's singles.( ) ‎ A.beat; beat B.won; won C.beat; won D.won; beat ‎ ‎ ‎13. ﹣Jack never gave up and finally got a great ________. ﹣Is that why he became rich and ________ ?( ) ‎ A.success; success B.successful;success C.success;successful D.successful;successful ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎14. ﹣Is that your grandpa? ﹣Yes. ________ he is very old, ________ he works very hard.( ) ‎ A.Although; but B.Although; / C.Though; however D./; so ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎15. ﹣What did Lucy say to you just now? ﹣She wondered ________.( ) ‎ A.why I am so unhappy B.where did I go on vacation C.who did the cleaning D.what my life is like ‎ 三、完形填空.(每小题15分,共15分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处.‎ ‎ ‎ 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页 ‎     That afternoon,  my wife was having an operation(手术). I was nervously sitting outside the operation room with other people. We were all waiting for some good(1)_______about our family.     There was a little boy sitting at a corner quietly. He held a small box of crayons(蜡笔) in one hand and a tablet(写字板)in(2)_______.     People left,  one by one. As hours passed,  it started to get(3)_______.     "Daddy,  is Mommy in(4)_______? "the boy(5)_______the silence.     "She will be OK,  honey."a man answered.     "When is Mommy going home? "     "Tomorrow."his father replied.     The boy looked toward the sunshine﹣filled window. Then he(6)_______his crayons and drew a rising sun on the tablet.     "When is(7)_______,  Daddy? " he asked.     The father just said,  "Come and sit here next to me!"     Gathering his things,  the little boy walked slowly to his fahter's(8)_______. The man(9)_______out and held the boy's hand.     "There are three days in life﹣yesterday,  today and tomorrow. One is over,  one we live in,  the other we(10)_______. We can't live in yesterday,  but if we are happy and hopeful today,  we will be(11)_______happpier tomorrow."     The boy thought for a moment and said, "If Mommy is going home tomorrow, I will be happier.So, I want it to be tomorrow(12)_______,  Daddy."     "Son,  the one great thing about today is, once it starts,  it is already almost tomorrow.Just(13)_______everything will be OK."     The words were so(14)_______! Even in my adult life, I still live waiting for what tomorrow may(15)_______. Now I know that it is "almost tomorrow". ‎ ‎(1)‎ A.papers B.points C.reports D.news ‎ ‎ ‎(2)‎ A.another B.other C.the other D.others ‎ ‎ ‎(3)‎ A.full B.dark C.clear D.simple ‎ ‎ ‎(4)‎ A.danger B.order C.line D.fact ‎ ‎ ‎(5)‎ A.polluted B.planted C.broke D.improved ‎ ‎ ‎(6)‎ A.looked for B.picked up C.found out D.made up ‎ ‎ ‎(7)‎ A.future B.tomorrow C.today D.yesterday ‎ ‎ ‎(8)‎ A.part B.space C.team D.side ‎ ‎ ‎(9)‎ A.reached B.shaped C.touched D.acted ‎ ‎ ‎(10)‎ A.spend B.forget C.expect D.remember ‎ ‎ ‎(11)‎ A.also B.even C.very D.ever ‎ ‎ ‎(12)‎ A.already B.yet C.still D.never ‎ ‎ ‎(13)‎ A.decide B.believe C.wonder D.agree ‎ ‎ ‎(14)‎ A.meaningful B.meaningless C.careful D.careless ‎ ‎ ‎(15)‎ A.happen B.come C.bring D.need 四、阅读理解.(每小题10分,共30分)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎     ‎ PLEASE NOTE!‎ BOOKING 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页 ‎ back unless the film is cancelled(取消).     ‎ Price: ﹩ 10‎ Four easy ways to book seats for the film ‎★In person     Box Office opens from Monday to Saturday,  10 a.m.﹣8 p.m.‎ ‎★By telephphone     Ring 01324976 to book your tickets or to pay by credit card(信用卡)‎ ‎★By post     Complete the booking form and return it to Global Theatre Box Office.‎ ‎★Online     Complete the online booking form at www.salanfiedtheatre.com DISCOUNTS     Saver: ﹩2 off for children under 16 years old,  over 60s and full﹣time students.     Supersaver:  half﹣price seats for disabled people,  only eight wheelchair spaces available.     Group bookings:  10% discount for groups of twelve or more.     School:  ﹩6 tickets for school groups of ten or more,  every tenth ticket free.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(1)If you want to book a ticket, you can not________.‎ A. use the Internet B. go to the Box office on Sundays.‎ C. ring and pay by credit card D. post the booking form.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(2)If you make a group booking for 14 persons, you should pay________.‎ A.﹩120 B. ﹩140 C. ﹩ 126 D. ﹩150.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(3)On average(平均), which kind of tickets is the cheapest?________‎ A. Saver B. Supersaver C. Group bookings D. School. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?________‎ A. There is no space for wheelchairs.‎ B. The audience(观众) can never exchange tickets.‎ C. A group of 12 can get 10% discount.‎ D. A school group of 15 should pay ﹩90 for the tickets..‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(5)The passage is________.‎ A. one of the booking notes of X﹣men B. a review of X﹣men C. a survey of X﹣men D. a book about X﹣men.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎     There are many things we need to know that we don't learn at school. For example,  if we want to use our money wisely, we need to shop carefully.We need to know how to compare the prices of the things in different shops.We need to be able to compare the quality of different brands(品牌).We need to know how to make the best choice when we shop.     Knowing how to make such choices is a 'life skill' and we need these skills if we are to live useful and happy lives.     Some of these choices are small. For example,  will I take an apple for lunch or a pear?  Will I go to school by bus or on foot?  Will I wear the red T﹣shirt or the blue one to the movies?  Other choices are more important. For example,  will I eat healthy food for lunch or will I eat junk food because it is tastier?  Will I work hard in the classes or will I just play?  We make choices like this every day.     Making the wrong choices can result in unhappiness. We have to realize that the choices we make an affect(影响) the rest of our lives. Just as importantly,  our choices can also affect other people. The next time you decide to waste time in class,  play a joke on someone or talk loudly at the movies,  think about this:  Who else does your choices affect?  ‎ ‎(1)According to the passage, we can learn________at school.‎ A. all the things we need to know B. anything useful C. something we need to know D. those useless things in daily life.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(2)We need 'life skills'________.‎ A. to live useful and happy lives B. to know how to make a living C. to compare brands and prices D. to get good grades. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(3)What should we do before we make a choice according to the passage?________‎ A. Ask others for advice.‎ B. Think about the effect it will bring to others.‎ C. Make a plan.‎ 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页 D. Ask for others' permission(许可)..‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(4)From the passage we know that our choice can affect________.‎ A. nobody B. just ourselves C. the people around us D. the prices of the things. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(5)This passage mainly tells us that it's important to________.‎ A. know how to shop carefully B. know how to compare prices C. lelarn everything at school D. make the right choices. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎     My life suffered a lot in a summer five years ago.My father died in a car accident, leaving my mother,  my two younger brothers and I alone. At that time, I was a senior high school student.After my father's funeral(葬礼),  I had no choice but to drop out of school and work in a factory.     I really wanted to return to school and wanted to go to college,  but I couldn't. I only hoped to bring up my two younger brothers.Life was not easy for me, for I can't afford their tuition(学费)even if I worked from day to night without stopping.Without my father's protection,  I thought I was a slave(奴隶) to the fate.     Later on,  something changed my life. I still remember that it was a rainly day. I put myself in the rain and walked slowly in the street.     Suddenly,  the rain stopped! I raised my head and found ‘the sky' was in fact a dark blue umbrella.Then I noticed a middle﹣aged man with one leg on crutch(拐杖)standing behind me.He said to me, 'Why not run without an umbrella?  If you didn't run,  you would get ________.'     The man told me that he was promotoer(推销员). He once dreamed of being a policeman,  but an accideng ruined(毁灭) his dream.Though his present job was not suittable for his legs, it was wonderful start to him. He was very happy that he didn't lose heart and still ‘ran' on the road of life…     I was encouraged by the man's words. I went to a big city and I became an assurace representative.After two years' running, I did well and my family condition turned better little by little.Later I returned to school and succeeded in my entrance to university.     Life is like this. When you are in rainly days in your life,  if you couldn't find a way to prevent you from being wet,  you would be overwhelmed(被制服). But if you decide to get rid of it,  you'll find that the rainly days last not so long as you think. ‎ ‎(1)What happened to the writer at the beginning of the story?________‎ A. His father died in a car accident six years ago.‎ B. He couldn't afford his two brothers' tuition even if he worked all day.‎ C. He had to drop out of school to look after his sick mother.‎ D. He didn't have money to hold the funeral for his father..‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(2)About the middle﹣aged man with one leg on crutch, which is NOT true?________‎ A. He lost one leg in an accident.‎ B. He had dreamed of being a policeman.‎ C. He became a promoter after an accident.‎ D. He had a good job which was suitable for him very well..‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(3)What does the underlined word ‘drenched' mean in English?________‎ A. dry B. ill C. wet D. comfortable.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(4)What's the main idea of the sixth paragraph?________‎ A. The writer learned from the man and the situation soon got better.‎ B. The writer didn't want to listen to the man and left without any word.‎ C. The writer had to give up his dream and became a promoter as the man.‎ D. The writer made friends with the man and they got on well with each other..‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(5)Which is the best title for the passage?________‎ A. Try to Be Independent.‎ B. Run out of the Rainy Season of Your Life.‎ C. Care for the Disabled Person.‎ D. Get to Know More About Middle﹣aged People.‎ 五、选择适当的词语填空,有一个词语事多余的.(每小题10分,共10分)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ information / enjoyable / serious / though / cares about / cares for ‎ (1)Our team lost. It was a good game,________. (2)There is something________ in the book, I love it. (3)For fuller________, you can register at www. bookaid.org. (4)I think a good friend truly________ me. I like friends who are different from me. (5)I'm quieter and more________ than most kids.‎ 六、阅读短文填词.(每小题10分,共10分)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ A farmer had a faithful(忠诚的)horse which was old and could do no more work,so the farmer no l (1) ________wanted to feed him and said,"If you can bring me a lion here, I will keep you." The horse was sad, and went to the forest. There the fox met him. After the fox k(2)________ his story, he said,"I will help you.Just lie down,as if you were d(3)________,and do not move." ‎ 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页 The horse did w(4)________the fox asked, and then the fox went to the lion,and said,"A dead horse is lying out there. Just come with me, and you can have a r(5)________meal." The lion went with him,and when they were b(6)________standing by the horse,the fox said,"Now let me tie(系) the horse to your tail(尾巴) and you can t(7)________it home to eat it." The fox's w(8)________made the lion very happy. But the fox tied the lion's legs together, with the horse's talk.When the fox f(9)________his work,he said to the horse,"Pull the lion to the farmer." Then the horse pulled the lion away with him at once. The lion was very angry,but he couldn't do a(10)________. When the farmer saw the lion, he was in a good mood(心情),and said to the horse,"You shall stay with me." And he gave him lots of food to eat until he died. ‎ 七、书面表达(满分15分)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 假如你是一位在中国学习的美国学生Peter, 请你根据以下要点,给在美国的祖母写一封80左右的信(已给出的不计入总词数),介绍你的一位好朋友Li Le和你在一起的生活情况. 要点: 1. 你们都喜欢运动,每周一起锻炼三、四次; 2. 他比你更聪明,学习更努力; 3. Li Lei爱好广泛,例如听看书和看英文电影,他不喜欢肥皂剧; 4. 他喜欢打网球,他觉得江滩公园是一个打网球的好地方,他认为运动是持健康的最好方式; 5. 去年暑假他代表你们学校参加了武汉网球公开赛,并获得了第一名. 6. 适当自由发挥. 要求:1.不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥; 2.词数在80字左右(已给出的不计入总词数). 参考词汇:such as例如represent 代表Wuhan Open武汉网球公开赛 Dear Grandma, How is everything going? Now I'm studying in China. I have a good friend, Li Lei. ________. Best wishes! Yours Peter ‎ 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页 参考答案与试题解析 ‎2019-2020学年湖北省武汉市江夏区八年级(上)期中英语试卷 二、选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)‎ ‎1.‎ ‎【答案】‎ D ‎【考点】‎ 特殊疑问句 疑问副词 不定代词 ‎【解析】‎ 我需要多久喂一次鸡?你必须每天给它食物,否则它会饿的.‎ ‎【解答】‎ how often多久一次,提问频度;how long多长时间,对一段时间或长度提问;how much多少,后跟不可数名词;how soon再过多久,对表示将来的一段时间"in +一段时间"提问;根据You must feed food to it every day,可知问的是频度. 故选:D.‎ ‎2.‎ ‎【答案】‎ B ‎【考点】‎ 其他情景交际话题 宾语从句 补全对话 ‎【解析】‎ 打扰了,看看"禁止停车"的标志!对不起,我没有看见.‎ ‎【解答】‎ A没有看见(一般现在时),B没有看见(一般过去时),C将看不见(一般将来时),D没有看见(现在完成时);根据前句句意"对不起,看看"禁止停车"的标志!对不起,我没有看见"和语法可知,要用一般过去时,其它选项不符合语法. 故选:B.‎ ‎3.‎ ‎【答案】‎ A ‎【考点】‎ 形容词的位置和顺序 不定代词 ‎【解析】‎ 此题暂无解析 ‎【解答】‎ A 考查不定代词。句意:——你想要一些别的吗,Bill?——不了,谢谢。我饱了。不定代词的定语要后置,排除BD;在希望得到对方肯定回答,或者招待客人时,在疑问句中用something,不用anything,排除C,故答案为A。‎ ‎4.‎ ‎【答案】‎ A ‎【考点】‎ 名词辨析 其他动词短语 动词辨析 ‎【解析】‎ ‎﹣﹣你能用相机给我照张相吗? ﹣﹣恐怕我的相机里没有胶卷.我不能拍更多的相片了.‎ ‎【解答】‎ film电影、交卷.ticket票.note笔记.seat座位.根据I can't take any more pictures"我不能拍更多的相片了"可知,相机里没有"交卷",用film. 故选:A.‎ ‎5.‎ ‎【答案】‎ D ‎【考点】‎ 形容词的比较级和最高级 ‎【解析】‎ ‎﹣你越仔细,你犯的错误就越少. ﹣谢谢,李老师.我们能做好.‎ ‎【解答】‎ 根据The more you are, the mistakes you'll make!可知考查the+比较级,the+比较级,表示越…,就越…结合句意:你越仔细,你犯的错误就越少.less修饰不可数名词,fewer修饰可数名词.mistakes是可数名词. 故选:D.‎ ‎6.‎ ‎【答案】‎ C ‎【考点】‎ 其他动词短语 动词辨析 其他情景交际话题 ‎【解析】‎ 你介意我坐在你旁边吗? 最好不.它是给我最好的朋友的.‎ ‎【解答】‎ A一点也不,B当然不,C最好不,D不,去吧;根据前句句意"你介意我坐在你旁边吗"及后句句意"它是给我最好的朋友的"和语法可知,要填"那最好不",其它选项语意不通. 故选:C.‎ ‎7.‎ 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页 ‎【答案】‎ D ‎【考点】‎ 应用文阅读 广告布告类阅读 不定冠词 ‎【解析】‎ ‎﹣﹣9:30有一架飞机,12:00有一架飞机. ﹣﹣任何一架飞机都将带你去伦敦看演唱会.‎ ‎【解答】‎ every每一个(三者或三者以上);both两者都;any任何一个(三者或三者以上);either两者之中的任何一个.根据第一句话a plane at 9:30 and one at 12:00.可知有两架飞机.排除A和C选项.both后接名词的复数形式,其后的plane为单数形式,故排除B选项. 故选:D.‎ ‎8.‎ ‎【答案】‎ A ‎【考点】‎ 不定冠词 固定搭配 固定句型 ‎【解析】‎ ‎﹣﹣安迪很聪明,他能用简单的英语表达自己的意思. ﹣﹣这就是我们喜欢和他谈话的原因.‎ ‎【解答】‎ simple简单的.clever聪明的.slow慢的.similar类似的.根据Andy is so smart"安迪很聪明"可知,能够用"简单的"英语表达自己的意思.用simple. 故选:A.‎ ‎9.‎ ‎【答案】‎ C ‎【考点】‎ 其他动词短语 动词不定式 人物故事类阅读 ‎【解析】‎ ‎﹣﹣令我们惊讶的是,这个男孩成了一个成功的作家. ﹣﹣是的.困难和困苦能使他显现出最好的性格.‎ ‎【解答】‎ come out出版.work out想出、计算出.bring out生产、使(某种通常不易显露的行为或情感)显现、激发.find out找出.根据Difficulties and hardship"困难和困苦"及、the best character of him"他最好的性格"可知,应该是"使…显现",用bring out. 故选:C.‎ ‎10.‎ ‎【答案】‎ B ‎【考点】‎ 动词辨析 其他动词短语 其他情景交际话题 ‎【解析】‎ ‎﹣﹣﹣我跟你联系多次,但是没有人接电话 ﹣﹣﹣我上个月出去旅游了.‎ ‎【解答】‎ 本题考查动词词义的辨析.分析:由"no one answered the pone"可知,说的是我跟你联系多次.所给四个答案解析:touch 触摸;reach 与…联系; receive 接到,收到;meet 遇见.因此只有答案B符合题目意思和要求. 故选:B.‎ ‎11.‎ ‎【答案】‎ B ‎【考点】‎ 连系动词 ‎【解析】‎ ‎﹣﹣汤姆为什么还没来参加聚会? ﹣﹣他可能在来的路上,我不确定.‎ ‎【解答】‎ maybe可能,副词.may be可能是.may可能.should be应该是.根据I'm not sure"我不确定"可知,表示推测,用情态动词may.句子缺少谓语动词,may后用be. 故选:B.‎ ‎12.‎ ‎【答案】‎ C ‎【考点】‎ 一般过去时 动词辨析 定冠词 ‎【解析】‎ 在第49届世界乒乓球锦标赛上,王励勤打败了马琳,赢得了男子单打的冠军.‎ ‎【解答】‎ beat打败,接对手;won赢,接比赛项目、奖品等.根据In the 49‎​‎th World Table Tennis Championship,可知是指在第49届世界乒乓球锦标赛上,王励勤打败了马琳,用beat.第二空后是the champion of the man's singles.用win. 故选:C.‎ ‎13.‎ ‎【答案】‎ 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页 C ‎【考点】‎ 名词辨析 ‎【解析】‎ ‎﹣﹣杰克从未放弃,最后获得了巨大的成功. ﹣﹣那就是他变得富有和成功的原因吗?‎ ‎【解答】‎ 第一个空,形容词great"巨大的"修饰名词success"成功".B、D不正确.第二个空,became"变得"系动词,系表结构,用形容词successful"成功的"做表语.A不正确. 故选:C.‎ ‎14.‎ ‎【答案】‎ B ‎【考点】‎ 连词辨析 表转折的连词 不定冠词 ‎【解析】‎ ‎﹣﹣那是你爷爷吗? ﹣﹣是的.虽然他很老了,但他工作很努力.‎ ‎【解答】‎ Although和but不能同时使用.A不正确.Though和however也不能同时使用,C不正确.根据he is very old"他很老了"、及he works very hard"他工作很努力"可知,用Although"虽然"引导让步状语从句.D选项so意思是"所以"不符合. 故选:B.‎ ‎15.‎ ‎【答案】‎ C ‎【考点】‎ 宾语从句 时态辨析 连接副词 ‎【解析】‎ ‎﹣刚才Lucy跟你说什么了?﹣她想知道谁做的这个清洁.‎ ‎【解答】‎ A why I am so happy 我为什么如此高兴,陈述语序,一般现在时;B where did I go on vacation 我去哪里度假,疑问语序,一般过去时;C who did the cleaning 谁做的这个清洁,陈述语序,一般过去时;D what my life is like 我的生活像什么样,陈述语序,一般现在时.根据句子结构,此句是一个宾语从句,从句用陈述语序,排除B选项.wondered是一般过去时,从句要用过去的某种时态,排除AD选项. 故选:C.‎ 三、完形填空.(每小题15分,共15分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处.‎ ‎【答案】‎ D C B A C B B D A C B A B A C ‎【考点】‎ 固定搭配 说明文阅读 普通名词 ‎【解析】‎ 本文讲述了作者在手术室外等待妻子手术的好消息时,听到一个男孩和爸爸关于明天的对话,作者认为这段对话太有意义了.‎ ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1)D.考查名词辨析.papers 试卷;points 点;reports 报告;news 新闻.根据前文my wife was having an operation,可知,都在等着妻子手术成功的好消息.故选D.‎ ‎(2)C.考查不定代词辨析.another 另一个(三者以上);other 其他的,后接复数名词;the other 另一个(两者);others 其他的人或物.根据He held a small box of crayons(蜡笔) in one hand ,可知,写字板在另外一只手里,两者之间的另一个,用the other.故选C.‎ ‎(3)B.考查形容词辨析.full 满的;dark 黑的;clear 清楚的;simple 简单的.根据As hours passed,可知,时间慢慢过去,天变黑了,所以空格处填dark.故选B.‎ ‎(4)A.考查名词辨析.danger 危险;order 顺序;line 线;fact 事实.根据'She will be OK, honey.'可知,这个小男孩问爸爸,妈妈是否处于危险中,固定搭配in danger"处于危险中".故选A.‎ ‎(5)C.考查动词辨析.polluted 污染;planted 种植;broke 打破;improved 提高.根据the silence,可知,这个小男孩打破了沉默.故选C.‎ ‎(6)B.考查动词短语辨析.looked for 寻找;picked up 捡起;found out 找出;made up 组成.根据 drew a rising sun on the tablet,可知,这个小男孩拿起画笔,在画板上画了一个升起的太阳.故选B.‎ ‎(7)B.考查名词辨析.future 未来;tomorrow 明天;today 今天;yesterday 昨天.根据 'Tomorrow.' his father replied.可知,爸爸告诉小男孩明天妈妈就能回家,所以小男孩问明天是什么时候.故选B.‎ 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页 ‎(8)D.考查名词辨析.part 部分;space 空间;team 团队;side 边.根据 'Come and sit here next to me!'可知,小男孩来到爸爸的身边坐下.故选D.‎ ‎(9)A.考查动词辨析.reached 到达;shaped;touched 触摸;acted.根据held the boy's hand,可知,爸爸伸出手并握住小男孩的手,固定搭配reach out"伸出".故选A.‎ ‎(10)C.考查动词辨析.spend 花费;forget 忘记;expect 期待;remember 记住.根据'There are three days in life﹣yesterday, today and tomorrow. One is over, one we live in,可知,此处爸爸在形容什么是昨天,今天和明天.一个已经过去,一个我们还在其中,另一个是我们所期待的.故选C.‎ ‎(11)B.考查副词辨析.also 也;even 甚至;very 非常;ever 曾.空格后happier是形容词比较级,所给选项中,只有even可修饰形容词比较级.故选B.‎ ‎(12)A.考查副词辨析.already 也;yet 还;still 仍然;never 从不.根据句意,此句表示"我希望已经是明天了",already用于肯定句,yet用于疑问句和否定句,所以空格处填already.故选A.‎ ‎(13)B.考查动词辨析.decide 决定;believe 相信;wonder 想知道;agree 同意.根据everything will be OK,可知,爸爸希望小男孩相信所有的事情都会好起来的.故选B.‎ ‎(14)A.考查形容词辨析.meaningful 有意义的;meaningless 无意义的;careful 仔细的;careless 粗心的.根据下文Now I know that it is 'almost tomorrow.'可知,爸爸和小男孩的对话对作者来说很有意义.故选A.‎ ‎(15)C.考查动词辨析.happen 发生;come 来;bring 带来;need 需要.根据句意,此句表示"我仍然等待着明天会带来什么",所以空格处填bring.故选C.‎ 四、阅读理解.(每小题10分,共30分)‎ ‎【答案】‎ B C B C A ‎【考点】‎ 应用文阅读 广告布告类阅读 推理判断题 ‎【解析】‎ 本文主要是购买电影票的购票通知.‎ ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1)B.细节理解题.题目意为如果你想预订一张票,你不能_____,根据In person Box Office opens from Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m.﹣8p.m.可知售票办公室开放时间是周一到周六,而B选项意为星期天去售票办公室,与原文不符,故选B.‎ ‎(2)C.细节推理题.题目意为如果你预订14个人的团体票,你应该支付____,根据Price:﹩ 10 Group bookings: 10% discount for groups of twelve or more.可知原价是十美元,14个人就是140美元,而超过十二个人的团购价有10%的折扣,即九折,因此应该支付126美元,故选C.‎ ‎(3)B.细节理解题.题目问平均哪种票最便宜,根据Saver:﹩2 off for children under 16 years old, over 60s and full﹣time students.Supersaver: half﹣price seats for disabled people, only eight wheelchair spaces available.Group bookings: 10% discount for groups of twelve or more.School: ﹩6 tickets for school groups of ten or more, every tenth ticket free.可知16岁的孩子以及学生和60岁以上人士减两美元,即八美元,而残疾人半价,即5美元,团购是九折,即9美元,学生团购价是6美元,因此判断最便宜的是特惠的价格,故选B.‎ ‎(4)C.细节理解题.题目问以下哪一项是正确的,根据Group bookings: 10% discount for groups of twelve or more.可知十二人的团购价打九折,C选项的描述与原文相符,故选C.‎ ‎(5)A.主旨大意题.题目意为这篇文章是____,根据BOOKING Four easy ways to book seats for the film可知本文是一篇购买电影票的通知,故选A.‎ ‎【答案】‎ C A B C D ‎【考点】‎ 说明文阅读 日常生活类阅读 推理判断题 ‎【解析】‎ 这篇短文主要介绍了我们每天都面临着这样那样的选择.选择也是一种生活技能.选择不仅影响我们的生活的其他部分也会影响周围的人.‎ ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1)C.推理判断题.根据第一段中There are many things we need to know that we don't learn at school.有很多东西是我们在学校学不到的.以及 Knowing how to make such choices is a 'life skill' and we need these skills if we are to live useful and happy lives.知道如何做出这样的选择是一种"生活技能",如果我们要过上有益和幸福的生活,我们就需要这些技能.因此可知我们可以在学校学习一些我们需要知道的事情.故选C.‎ ‎(2)A.细节理解题.根据第二段中 Knowing how to make such choices is a"life skill",and we need these skills if we want to live useful and happy lives.可知知道怎样作出那样的选择是一种生活技能,如果我们想过有用而快乐的生活我们就需要这种技能.故选A.‎ ‎(3)B.细节理解题.根据 最后一段中The next time you decide to waste time in class, play a joke on someone or talk loudly at the movies, think about this: Who else does your choices affect?可知下一次当你决定在课堂上浪费时间,和别人开玩笑或在电影院大声说话时,想想这个问题:你的选择还会影响到谁?因此可知当我们做出选择之前要思考一下这个选择将会带给别人什么影响.故选B.‎ ‎(4)C.细节理解题.根据第四段We have to realize that the choices we make can affect the rest of our lives.Just as importantly,our choices can also affect other people.可知我们必须认识到,我们所做的选择会影响我们的一生.同样重要的是,我们的选择也会影响别人.故选C.‎ ‎(5)D.主旨大意题.根据文章的主要内容及第二段 Knowing how to make such choices is a"life skill",and we need these skills if we want to live useful and happy lives.可知本文主要讲述的是做出正确选择的重要性,故选D.‎ ‎【答案】‎ 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页 B D C A B ‎【考点】‎ 推理判断题 记叙文阅读 人物故事类阅读 ‎【解析】‎ 这篇短文主要讲作者在人生低谷期遇到一个残疾男人,受他鼓励最终走出低谷,生活改善甚至继续了大学学业的故事.因此作者想要传递的是不要害怕人生最困难的时期,只要坚持都能逃出人生的雨季.‎ ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1)B.细节理解题.根据第二段Life was not easy for me,for I can't afford their tuition (学费) even if I worked from day to night without stopping可知,生活对我来说并不容易,因为我负担不起他们的学费,即使我昼夜不停的工作,故选B.‎ ‎(2)D.推理判断题.根据第五段Though his present job was not suitable for his legs,可知,他现在的工作不适合他的双腿,故D错误,因此选D.‎ ‎(3)C.词语辨析题.根据文章第四段前文可知作者本来是在淋雨的,突然出现了一把伞,可推测Why not run without an umbrella?If you didn't run,you would get drenched.句意为,为什么不打伞呢?如果你没跑,你会被淋湿透了的,因此选C ‎(4)A.大意概括题.根据文章第六段I was encouraged by the man's words.I did well and my family condition turned better little by little.Later I returned to school and succeeded in my entrance to university.可知作者受到这个男人的鼓励,生活越来越好,还继续了梦寐以求的大学学业,因此选A.‎ ‎(5)B.主旨大意题.根据最后一段Life is like this. When you are in rainly days in your life, if you couldn't find a way to prevent you from being wet, you would be overwhelmed(被制服). But if you decide to get rid of it, you'll find that the rainly days last not so long as you think.生活就是这样,当你在雨天的时候,如果你找不到一种方法来防止你被淋湿,你会不知所措,但是如果你决定摆脱它,你会发现雨天不会像你想的那样长久. 及通过全文可知,作者在人生低谷期遇到了这个残疾人,受他鼓励走出低谷,因此作者想要表达的是如何度过人生最困难的时期,如何逃出人生的雨季.因此选择B.‎ 五、选择适当的词语填空,有一个词语事多余的.(每小题10分,共10分)‎ ‎【答案】‎ though,enjoyable,information,cares about,serious ‎【考点】‎ 普通名词 形容词基础知识 固定搭配 ‎【解析】‎ ‎(1)我们队输了,不过这是一场精彩的比赛. (2)这本书里有些有趣的东西,我喜欢. (3)欲了解更多信息,请登录www.bookaid.org. (4)我觉得好朋友真的很关心我,我喜欢和我不同的朋友. (5)我比大多数孩子都更安静认真.‎ ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1)though.考查副词.根据语境"我们队输了,_____,这是一场精彩的比赛",因本句与上文在句意上带有转折意味,考虑选择副词though,意为"不过,可是",故答案为 though. (2)enjoyable.考查形容词.根据语境"这本书里有些_____东西",由空前的something推断此处用"不定代词+形容词"结构,考虑选择形容词enjoyable,意为"有趣的",故答案为 enjoyable. (3)information.考查名词.根据语境" 欲了解更多_____",由空前的形容词fuller,考虑选择名词information,意为"信息",为不可数名词,故答案为 information. (4)cares about.考查短语.根据语境"我觉得好朋友真的很_____我",考虑选择动词短语cares about,意为"关心",由一般现在时态且主语a good friend 属于第三人称单数,推断此处动词填第三人称单数形式,故答案为 cares about. (5)serious.考查形容词.根据语境"我比大多数孩子都更安静_____",考虑选择形容词serious,意为"认真",由空前的more构成其比较级more serious,故答案为 serious.‎ 六、阅读短文填词.(每小题10分,共10分)‎ ‎【答案】‎ onger,knew,ead,hat,ich,oth,ake,ords,inished,nything ‎【考点】‎ 首字母阅读填空 形容词基础知识 实义动词 ‎【解析】‎ 本文讲述了一个农夫有一匹老得已经不能再干活了的马,所以农夫不再想喂它了.一次他对马说,如果它能给他带来一头狮子,就继续喂养它.后来,在机智的狐狸的帮助下,马真的给农夫带来了一头狮子,农夫最终同意马继续留在他的身边.‎ ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1)longer.考查形容词.根据句意"一个农夫有一匹忠实的马,它已经老了,不能再干活了,所以农夫_____想喂它了",由首字母l可推出此处用形容词longer,构成短语no longer,表示"不再".故答案为longer. (2)knew.考查动词.根据句意"狐狸_____了他的故事之后",由首字母k可推出此处用动词know,表示"知道".由上文went推断本句为一般过去时态,此处需填动词的过去式形式,故答案为knew. (3)dead.考查动词.根据句意"像_____一样躺下,别动",由空前的系动词were及首字母d可推出此处用形容词dead作表语,表示"死的".故答案为dead. (4)what.考查连词.根据句意"马按狐狸所要求的做了",由首字母w可推出此处用连词what引导名词性从句,表示"所…的".故答案为what. (5)rich.考查形容词.根据句意"跟我来,你可以吃一顿_____美餐",由空后的名词meal,结合首字母r可推出此处用形容词rich,表示"丰盛的".故答案为rich. (6)both.考查副词.根据句意"狮子和他一起走了,当他们_____站在马的旁边的时候",由首字母b可推出此处用副词both,表示"两者都".故答案为both. (7)take.考查动词.根据句意"现在让我把马拴在你的尾巴上,你可以把它_____回家吃了",由首字母t可推出此处用动词take,表示"带".由空前的情态动词can考虑此处填动词原形,故答案为take. (8)words.考查名词.根据句意"狐狸的_____使狮子很高兴",由首字母w可推出此处用名词word,表示"话",为可数名词,此处填复数形式.故答案为words. (9)‎ 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页 finished.考查动词.根据句意"狐狸_____活后,对马说:‘把狮子拉到农夫那儿去'",由首字母f可推出此处用动词finish,表示"做完".由上文tied推断本句为一般过去时态,此处需填动词的过去式形式,故答案为finished. (10)anything.考查代词.根据句意"狮子很生气,但他_____也做不了",由空前的couldn't推断本句为否定句,结合首字母a可推出此处用不定代词anything,表示"什么事".故答案为anything.‎ 七、书面表达(满分15分)‎ ‎【答案】‎ Dear Grandma,How is everything going? Now I'm studying in China. I have a good friend, Li Lei.(点题)We both like sports and work out together three or four times a week.Li Lei is smarter and studies harder than me.He has many hobbies, such as listening to books and watching English movies. He doesn't like soap operas.He likes playing tennis and he thinks Jiangtan Park is a good place to play tennis.【高分句型一】He thinks exercise is the best way to keep healthy.【高分句型二】Last summer vacation, he represented our school to participate in the Wuhan Open tennis tournament and won the first prize.He is very helpful and he often helps me with my Chinese.(具体介绍Li Le)Best wishes!YoursPeter ‎【考点】‎ 提纲作文 应用文 日常生活类阅读 ‎【解析】‎ ‎【高分句型一】 He likes playing tennis and he thinks Jiangtan Park is a good place to play tennis.他喜欢打网球,他认为江滩公园是一个打网球的好地方. like doing sth喜欢做某事. a good place to do sth做某事的好地方. 【高分句型二】 He thinks exercise is the best way to keep healthy.他认为锻炼是保持健康的最好方法. He thinks+宾语从句.‎ ‎【解答】‎ Dear Grandma, How is everything going? Now I'm studying in China. I have a good friend, Li Lei.(点题) We both like sports and work out together three or four times a week.Li Lei is smarter and studies harder than me.He has many hobbies, such as listening to books and watching English movies. He doesn't like soap operas.He likes playing tennis and he thinks Jiangtan Park is a good place to play tennis.【高分句型一】He thinks exercise is the best way to keep healthy.【高分句型二】Last summer vacation, he represented our school to participate in the Wuhan Open tennis tournament and won the first prize.He is very helpful and he often helps me with my Chinese.(具体介绍Li Le) Best wishes! Yours Peter 第21页 共22页 ◎ 第22页 共22页

