《同步课时卷》人教版八年级英语(上册)——Unit 7 Section A(二)

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《同步课时卷》人教版八年级英语(上册)——Unit 7 Section A(二)

Section A(二)‎ 一、根据汉语或首字母提示填写单词。‎ ‎1.Some kids are swimming in the______ (海),and some are playing on the beach.‎ ‎2.Look!There are a lot of beautiful kites in the______ (天空).‎ ‎3.Their biggest dream is to live in______ (和平).‎ ‎4.These workers b_____ the new bridge last year.‎ ‎5.Jenny often s______ time with her good friends on weekends.‎ 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 ‎1. The builders built many _____________ (build) in our city last year. ‎ ‎2. In summer, I like to go ______________ (swim) with my father. ‎ ‎3. We are sure that China will be even ___________ (good) tomorrow. ‎ ‎4. I hope there will be less _________________ (pollute) in the future. ‎ ‎5. We can do the work with _____________ (little) money and ____________ (few) people than they can. ‎ 三、单项选择。‎ ‎( )1.—Will there be more tall buildings in 50 years?‎ ‎—________.‎ A.No,they aren't B.No,there won't C.No,there isn't D.No,they won't ‎( )2.Mr.Liu usually ________ to work,but next week he ________ to work.‎ A.walks;drives B.will walk;will drive C.walks;will drive D.will walk;drives ‎( )3.To save money,we have to ask ________ people to do ________ things.‎ A.more;more B.fewer;more C.more;fewer D.fewer;fewer ‎( )4.There ________ a book sale in our school next month.‎ A.will be B.will have C.was D.has ‎( )5.—How soon will your mother come back from Australia?‎ ‎—________ a few days.‎ A.At B.On C.In D.To ‎( )6. —______ people use money in the future?‎ ‎—No, they _____. ‎ A. Do; don’t B. Do; do ‎ C. Will; won’t D. Will; will ‎ ‎( )7. —_____ do you think of our environment _____year?‎ ‎—There will be more pollution and less clean water. ‎ A. How; last B. What; next ‎ C. What; last D. How; next ‎( )8. More and more robots will do _____ jobs _____ people. ‎ A. same; like B. the same; like ‎ C. same; as D. the same; as ‎( )9. I enjoy playing computer games, but I can’t _____ too much time _____ that. ‎ ‎ A. take; doing B. spend; doing ‎ C. spend; for doing D. take; to do ‎( )10. —Will there be more bikes in the future?‎ ‎—No, I __________. ‎ A. hope so B. think so ‎ C. don’t think so D. want so 四、根据汉语意思完成句子 ‎ ‎1. 50年后,学生们将在家里在电脑上学习。‎ ‎_______ ________ _________ students will study at home on computers. ‎ 2. 这些动物将濒临灭绝。‎ These animals will be_______ ________ ________.‎ 3. ‎3月12日,每个人都参加了植树活动。‎ On March 12, everyone_______ _______ ________in planting trees. ‎ 4. 在未来,地球上将有更多的小汽车。‎ ‎_______ _______ ________, there will be more cars on the earth.‎ 5. 人们将活到100多岁。‎ People will live to be_______ _______100 years old. ‎ 五、阅读理解 Dear Sarah in 2018,‎ This is a letter from the year 2050.I want to talk about life in 2050.‎ Life seems to go easy in 2050.Robots do most things for people,such as working,cooking and cleaning.Toys teach and play with children.Parents spend most of their time dreaming.‎ However,that's not everything.The weather changes very fast.Sometimes,when you go outside on the street,it is raining hard,and then it stops the next minute.People easily get different diseases(疾病) in 2050.We can't breathe(呼吸) fresh air on the street because of air pollution.Forests die because the water gets polluted.Animals die because they lose their home,food and water.Everyone has to pay to see real plants and animals in museums.‎ How does the world become like this?Well,technologies(科技) have developed too fast in the past 50 years.Some are bad for the earth and people.This is really a good lesson for people in your time.What are we going to do with the money and technologies if we don't have our home?Please slow down and take time to think about technologies.‎ Yours truly,‎ Sarah in 2050‎ ‎( )1.We can learn from the letter that in 2050________.‎ A.people will work for robots B.robots will cook for people C.parents will teach children themselves D.children will always dream ‎( )2.What may people do in 2050?‎ A.Breathe fresh air everywhere.‎ B.Spend money seeing real animals.‎ C.Use plants to improve the environment.‎ D.Enjoy a beautiful world.‎ ‎( )3.What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?‎ A.Bad things in 2050.‎ B.Air pollution in 2050.‎ C.Weather in 2050.‎ D.Animals in 2050.‎ ‎( )4.The writer hopes people in 2018 can ________.‎ A.stop using technologies B.make more money C.slow down and think about technologies D.take more lessons ‎( )5.What is the letter mainly about?‎ A.What life in 2050 will be like.‎ B.Why there will be water pollution in 2050.‎ C.How technologies make a difference to life.‎ D.What people will do in 2050.‎ 参考答案 一、1.sea 2.sky 3.peace 4.built 5.spends 二、1. buildings 2. swimming 3. better 4. pollution 5. less; fewer 三、1-5 BCBAC 6-10 CBDBC 四、1. In 50 years,2. in great danger. 3. played a part 4. In the future 5. more than ‎ 五、1-5 BBACA ‎

