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Module 10 [ 外 研 版 ] 2020 八年级英语上册优质课件 Unit1~ Unit3 Unit1 目 录 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。 Unit 2 Unit 3 Sunny Cloudy Rainy Snowy Unit 1 It might snow. Module 10 The weather 外研 · 八年级上册 1 Listening and vocabulary Work in pairs. Talk about the weather. Use the words in the boxes to help you. cloud rain shower snow storm sun wind cloudy rainy snowy sunny windy sun ny snow y wind y cloud y rain y weather shower y 多阵雨的 cloud shower snow storm cloudy rainy snowy sunny windy n. 云;云雾 n. 阵雨 n. 雪 v. 下雪 n. 暴风雨 adj. 多云的 adj. 多雨的;下雨的 adj. 多雪的;下雪的 adj. 晴朗的 adj. 多风的;刮大风的 New words skate thick ice joke might temperature minus degree although wet v. 滑冰 adj. 厚的 n. 冰 v. 说笑话;开玩笑 n. 笑话;玩笑 v. aux. 可能;也许 n. 温度 adj. 负的;零下的 n. 度;度数 conj. 然而;尽管 adj. 下雨的;湿的 neither terrible wish probably come on adv. (某人或某物)也不 adj. 使人烦恼的;可怕的 v. 但愿;希望 adv. 或许;可能 快点 - 8 ℃ temperature m i nus degree (s) What’s the temperature? It’s… 20 ℃ -16 ℃ -7 ℃ ~1℃ 5 ℃ ~8℃ 10 ℃ ~21℃ twenty degrees minus sixteen degrees between minus seven and one degrees between five and eight degrees between ten and twenty-one degrees hot warm cool cold freezing Put the words in order. cold cool hot freezing wram 2 Listen and check ( √ ) the correct informa-tion in the table. City Temperature Weather Beijing -8 ~-2 ºc Shanghai 5~9 ºc Xi’an –1~14ºc Guangzhou 10~21 ºc Hong Kong 17~20 ºc Good morning, here is the weather for China today. In Bejing , there ’ ll be clouds in the early morning, and it will be between minus eight and minus two degrees . Shanghai will be rainy and windy , and between five and eight degrees . Tapescript It’ll be cloudy and snowy in Xi’an with a temperature between minus four to two degrees . In Guangzhou , i t’ ll be cloudy . There may be some showers , and it ’ ll be between ten and twenty-one degrees . In Hong Kong , it ’ ll be cloudy . There will be storms later , and i t’ ll be between seventeen and twenty degrees . 3 Work in pairs. Correct the wrong information in the table. Shanghai will be rainy and windy, and between five and eight degrees . Xi’an will be cloud y and snow y with a temperature between minus four to two degrees . 5 ℃ ~8℃ -4 ℃ ~2℃ 1. Where is Betty going? 2. What’s the weather like in Beijing now? 3. Does Tony like showers and windy weather? Listen and answer the following questions. She is going to the park to skate. It is very cold. No, he doesn’t. 4 Listen and read. Betty: Hey, boys! Tony: Hi, Betty. Hi, Lingling. Where are you going? Betty: We ’ re going to the park to skate. There ’ s thick ice on the lake. Are you coming with us? Tony: Are you joking? It ’ s really cold today. Daming: And it ’ s cloudy too, so it might snow. 你在开玩笑吗? 可能;也许 Lingling: What ’ s the temperature? Tony: It ’ s between minus eight and minus two degrees! Winter is colder here than in England. Daming: Is it snowy in England in December? Tony: Not usually, although this year it snowed quite a lot. Most Decembers are wet and rainy. -8 ℃ ~-2℃ 温度是多少? 不经常 Daming: What ’ s the weather like in America in winter, Betty? Betty: We have cold winters and hot summers. It ’ s snowy in New York in winter. Tony: Sounds great! I like sunny weather, and I like snow as well. But I don ’ t like showers or windy weather. Betty: Me neither. Rainy weather is terrible! I wish I were in Australia now. It ’ s probably sunny and hot there. Lingling: You can go to Hainan Island if you like sunny weather. Betty: One day I will. Lingling: Come on, better get going! We can skate in the park and get warm. 我也不喜欢。 虚拟语气 或许,可能,大概 快点儿,走吧! Everyday English Are you joking? Sounds great! Me neither. Come on! Summarize and fill in the table Places Weather Beijing cloudy, it might ______ England Most Decembers are ____ and ______ America cold winters and ____ summers. It’s ______ in New York in winter Australia It’s probably ______ and hot Hainan Island ______ weather snow wet rainy hot snowy sunny sunny Now check ( √ ) the true sentences. 1 Tony and Daming are going to skate. 2 Winter is colder in Beijing than in England. 3 It sometimes snows in England in winter. 4 It is not hot in the US in summer. 5 It usually snows in New York in winter. 6 Tony does not like windy weather. 5 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. dangerous degree joke may minus skate temperature When it is very cold, it might be safe to (1) __________ on lakes, but be very careful! Although it (2) __________ feel cold, it might not be safe. skate may The (3) ____________ has to be at least (4) __________ one or two (5) __________ or even lower for several weeks, and the ice will be thick enough. Falling through the ice is (6) ___________ . I am not (7) __________! dangerous degree joke may minus skate temperature temperature minus degrees dangerous joking Pronunciation and speaking 6 Listen to the speaker asking a question or showing surprise. What’s the weather like? What’s the weather like? 7 Listen and write *if the speaker is asking a question or **if he is showing surprise. 1 When is the best time to visit your country? 2 What clothes should she bring? 3 What is the temperature? 4 Where are you going? Now listen again and repeat. 8 Make a weather forecast for different cities in China. Use the correct information in the table in Activity 2 to help you. Now say what the weather might or might not be like in your town. tomorrow next week next month It’ll probably be cold tomorrow. It might be rainy next week in my town. It might be snowy next month in my town. Good morning, here is the weather for China today. In…, there’ll be… and it will be… In Shanghai, there may be some showers, and it will be... Hongkong will be… Be a reporter Beijing 15 ℃ Shanghai 16 ℃ Jinan 12 ℃ Lhasa 6 ℃ Harbin -8 ℃ Hong Kong 14 ℃ That’s all, thanks for listening. Goodbye! Exercises 1. —Where is Miss Yang now? —I’m not sure. She ______ be in the teachers’ office. A. may B. need C. must 一、选择题。 2. —Whose green coat is this? —It _______ Mary’s. She always wears green coats. A. might be B. must be C. may be 3. The world wide web is sometimes jokingly called the world wide wait because it ______ be very slow. A. must B. will C. can 4. (河南中考) —Honey, where are you? —I ________. Just let me put on my shoes. A. come B. came C. am coming D. have come 5. (广西贵港中考) ________ Mr. Smith has learned Chinese for only half a year, he can speak it very well. A. But B. so C. Although D. And 二、按照要求完成下列句子。 1. It might be cold and wet in February in England. ( 改为否定句 ) It _____________ cold and wet in February in England. might not be 2. It is wet in summer in South China. ( 对划线部分提问 ) ______ is the ____________ in summer in South China? What weather like 3. The best time to visit my hometown is in autumn . ( 对划线部分提问 ) _________ the best time to visit your hometown? When is New York sunny Washington D.C cloudy New England windy California showery Seattle rainy Alaska snowy Texas sunny Unit 2 The weather is fine all year round. Module 10 The weather 外研 · 八年级上册 City Today’s Temperature Today’s weather Tomorrow’s weather Shanghai 13 ℃ ~15 ℃ Jinan -5 ℃ ~2 ℃ Lhasa 16 ℃ ~19 ℃ Harbin -6 ℃ ~-1 ℃ It may/might be… Revision … … … New words & phrases from time to time n. 英里 adv. 围绕地 n. 西北 southeast adj. 西北的;朝西北的 round n. 东南 adj. 东南的;朝东南的 northwest 有时;间或 mile Talk about what you can see in the pictures. For example: Where is it? What’s the weather like? What season is it? 1 Reading and vocabulary Listen and choose 1. Bring ______ because y o u may want to travel around. A. a pair of shoes B. a map C. a sports bag 2. New York and ______ are good places to visit in May or October. A. Washington D.C. B. Boston C. Chicago 3. The best time to visit New England is in ______. A. October B. September C. May 4. In the northwest, there ’ s a lot of ______ A. snow B. wind C. rain In Texas and the southeast, there are ______ from time to time in summer and autumn. A. showers B. lightning C. storms Read the passage and find out the best time to visit the US. 2 The US is a very big country. It is about 3,000 miles from the east coast to the west coast, so choose carefully the places to see and the time to go. Bring a map because you may want to travel around. When is the best time to visit the US? New York and Washington D.C are good places to visit in May or October, but in winter there is a lot of snow. The best time to visit New England is in September. The weather gets cooler, and the green leaves start to turn gold, then brown. Bring your camera so you can take photos of the autumn trees. 变得更凉快 开始做 …… 给 …… 拍照 California is on the Pacific coast, and the weather is fine all year round. Take your swimming clothes because you might want to go swimming in the sea, even in December. 全年 In Seattle, in the northwest, it is not very cold but it rains a lot, so bring an umbrella. In Alaska, the days are long and warm in summer, but may be cool in the evening. In winter, Alaska can be very very cold. If you want to visit Alaska, you had better go in summer. Do not forget to bring a warm sweater with you. 在西北 =remember to do sth 记得要去做某事 In Texas and the southeast, it is usually very hot and sunny compared to other places. There are storms from time to time in summer and autumn. So when is the best time to visit the US? Any time you like! 与 …… 相比 有时,间或 Read and answer 1. When is the best time to visit New England? 2. What ’ s the weather like in September in New England? 3. Why do you need to bring your camera in New England ? In September. It starts to get cooler. Because I may want to take photos of the autumn tree s. 4 . What ’ s the weather like in California? 5 . Why do you need to bring your swimming clothes in California ? 6 . When is it pleasant to visit Alaska? It is fine all year. Because I might swim in the sea. In summer. When is the best time to visit the USA? 8 . New York is in the east and California is in the west. Is the best time to visit the two cities the same? Any time you like! No, it isn ’ t. Retell the passage according to the map. New York Washington D.C California New England Seattle Alaska Texas 3 Complete the table. Place Weather Best time to visit New York Winter: New England California Alaska Summer : Winter : A lot of snow In May or October. It gets cooler in September. In September. fine all year round All year. warm day, cool night very cold In summer. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box. brown mile storm sweater umbrella 1 In autumn the leaves turn gold and then _______ . 2 It is about 3,000 ______ from the east coast to the west coast. brown miles brown mile storm sweater umbrella 3 You might need a(n) __________ in the evening. 4 Sometimes there are ________ in summer and autumn on the southeast coast. 5 You will need a(n) ____________ in Seattle because it rains a lot. sweater storms umbrella Match the two parts of the sentences. 5 Writing 1 You can come any time you like, but… 2 It often rains in spring, so… 3 Bring a coat because… 4 Our plan is to walk in the countryside, so… 5 Sydney is a big city, but… 6 Let’s stay for a long time because… a) …it will soon become cold. b) …there are lots of things to see. c) … the best time to visit England is in spring. d) …it is a good idea to bring an umbrella. e) …wear comfortable shoes. f) …we will find our way with a good map. Being a good writer My American friend is coming to China, and he wants to visit somewhere interesting in China. Please give her some advice. Where can he go? When is the best time? Why? What should he bring? Write some advice for visiting your home town and give reasons. Use because , so and but . The best time to visit my home town is in… because the weather is… 6 Any time you like is the best time to visit my home town but you need to do some preparation. spring summer autumn winter spring summer autumn winter Preparation warm, pleasant, fly kites often rains, windy bring an umbrella… sunny, swim... hot... wear a pair of sunglasses… cool, red tree leaves dry... drink more water… snowy, make a snowman… cold… wear some warm clothes… The best time to vist … is in ______. Because there is a lot thing to do and see. When you come here it’s a good idea to ______. Because you may want to ______. You might ______, because ______, but you need to ______, so ______. I wish you will have a good time. Exercise 一、选择题。 1. —_____________? —It’s sunny and hot. A. What is the weather like? B. How is the weather like? C. What is the weather? 2. The car don’t move at all. There ____ be something wrong with it. A. maybe B. possible C. may 3. It’s interesting ______ games with the children. A. play B. to playing C. to play 4. (长沙中考) —The weather report says it’s going to have a shower this afternoon. —It does? We’d better ______ now, just in case. A. to leave B. leaving C. leave 5. (四川乐山中考) —When shall we go hiking again? —Make it ______ day you like. It’s all the same to me. A. either B. any C. one 1. 他有时给我发电子邮件。 2. 照些动物的相是一个好主意。 He sends me emails __________________. It’s a good idea to _____________ animals. from time to time take photos of 3. 比起其它城市,住在珠海很舒适。 It’s pleasant to live in Zhuhai ____________ other cities. compared to 二、完成下列句子。 Unit 3 Language in use. Module 10 The weather 外研 · 八年级上册 Language practice It might snow. It’s probably sunny and hot there. Bring a map because you may want to travel around. may 和 might may 和 might 用于一般疑问句中,表示委婉的 请求;肯定回答用 may ;否定回答用 might 。如: - May I use your pencil? 可以用你的铅笔吗? - Yes, you may. 是的,可以。 - No, you mustn’t . 不,不行。 Grammar 2. may 和 might 表示推测时,只能用于陈述句中, might 暗示可能性更小。如: 她现在可能没有在工作。 She may not be working now. 约翰现在可能在家。 John might be at home now. 她可能去电影院了。 She may/might have gone to the cinema. 他们可能没有接到我们的电话。 They may/might not have received our telephone. 3. 对过去发生的事情的可能性作出判断应用 may/might have done ,用 might 比用 may 所表示的可能性小。 如: probably probably 意为“很可能”,它所表示的可能性比 possibly 大。常用句型 : 主语 + will + probably /possibly + v. +... It’ll probably be sunny and hot. 天气很可能晴朗而炎热。 1. — I hear you’ve got a set of valuable Australian coins. ________ I have a look? — Yes, certainly. A. Do B. May C. Shall D. Should Practice 2. — Is John coming by train? — He should, but he _______ not. He likes driving his car. A. must B. can C. need D. may 3. — Sara has just come back from New York and she looks very happy. — She ________ her trip very much. A. might enjoy B. should have enjoyed C. might have enjoyed D. must enjoy 4. — Excuse me. Is this the right way to the Summer Palace? — Sorry, I am not sure. But it ________ be. A. might B. will C. must D. can 1 Complete the sentences with may or probably . 1 It be cold and wet in Hong Kong in January. 2 Mary will go to New York in the autumn. 3 It will rain tomorrow, so I will stay at home and read a book. may probably probably 4 You need to take a scarf with you. It is cold. 5 It rain later, so take an umbrella with you. 6 It will be sunny in Haikou tomorrow. probably/may may probably 1 in the evening at the weekend during the summer holiday 2 Work in pairs. Say what you usually do, and then say what might do: — I usually do my homework in the evening, but I might watch a TV programme this evening. — … 3 Complete the sentences, Use may, might or probably where necessary. The weather is usually warm during the day, but bring a sweater… (cold in the evening) The weather is usually warm during the day, but bring a sweater because it may be cold in the evening. 1 It is sunny now, but let’s take an umbrella…(rain later) 2 It is not always warm in February, and…(cool) 3 It is usually hot and sunny, so we…(swim in the sea) 4 Buy a good map because we…(visit the city) 1 It is sunny now, but let’s take an umbrella because it might/may/will probably rain later. 2 It is not always warm in February, and sometimes it may/might be very cold. 3 It is usually hot and sunny, so we may /will probably swim in the sea. 4 Buy a good map because we may /will probably visit the city. 4 Complete the sentences. It rains a lot in summer in Beijing. It is often rainy. 1 There are a lot of ______.It is cloudy. 2 The weather is snowy and there is a lot of ______ in the park. 3 The sun is out. It is _______ and hot today. 4 The wind is very strong. It is so _______ that it is difficult to walk. snow clouds sunny windy 5 Listen and complete the sentences. 1 In December, it often in New York. 2 My grandparents wear warm clothes because it is very . 3 The summers are very . 4 In July the temperature is often over _______ degrees. snows cold hot thirty 5 December is the middle of in Sydney. 6 In December, we go to the because it is very hot and sunny. 7 In April, May and June, it often . 8 The temperature in winter is about ________ degrees. summer beach rains eighteen 6 Look at the world weather map. 1 What is the weather like in Beijing? 2 What is the temperature in London? 3 Is it raining in Cape Town? It’s sunny in Beijing . The temperature is between minus six and three degrees. In London, it’s cloudy and the temperature is between five and eight degrees. No, it isn’t. It’s cloudy. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 4 Which city has the coldest weather? 5 What is the weather like in New York? 6 Which city has the highest temperature? Moscow has the coldest weather. It’s between minus eight and minus four degrees. It’s cold and windy in New York. The temperature is between minus six and two degrees. Sydney has the highest temperature. Look at the weather table and complete the passage with the correct words. 7 Morning Afternoon North South East West This morning in the north, it will be windy and there may be some ______ in the mountains in the afternoon. In the south, it will be ________ and in the afternoon it will become ________. In the east, it will be ________ and hot in the morning but there might be some ______ in the afternoon. In the west, it will be ________ in the morning, but the sun will come out in the afternoon. snow cloudy windy sunny rain cloudy The Amazon Rainforest is one of the wettest places in the world. It has more than 200 cm of rain every year. The Amazon Rainforest has more different animals and plants than any other place in the world. Many rivers join the Amazon River as it flows over 6,500 km from the Andes in the west to the Atlantic Ocean in the east. The Amazon Rainforest Around the world Module task: Giving advice on the best time to visit China Read the email and find answers to Ms Wang’s questions below. 8 Ms Wang’s questions: 1 When is the best time to visit Britain? 2 What might the weather be like? 3 What clothes should I bring? 4 Where can I stay? 5 What can I do? From: Sally Marks To: Wang Lu Subject: Re: My visit to Britain Dear Ms Wang, It is good to hear that you may visit Britain. I think the best time to come is in October. It is usually warm and there may be some rain. Make sure you bring an umbrella. It might be cold too, so bring a sweater. You may like to stay in a small hotel. You will not have to pay much for it. When you arrive in London, you can buy a weekly travel card to travel around the city. I hope this helps you. Yours, Sally Marks British Tourist Authority 1 When is the best time to visit Britain? In October. It’s usually warm and there may be some rain. It might be cold too. A sweater. In a small hotel. Buy a weekly travel card to travel around the city. 2 What might the weather be like? 3 What clothes should I bring? 4 Where can I stay? 5 What can I do? Write an email to a friend who wants to visit China. 9 Answer the questions in Activity 8 and make notes. Use your notes to write the email. Dear…, It is good to hear that you may visit China. I think the best time to come is… Dear Lucy, It’s good to hear that you may visit China. I think the best time to come is in autumn. Most of the places in China are neither too hot nor too cold in this season. It’s the most comfortable time to travel. If you’re going to visit South China, you should probably bring an umbrella because there may be some rain. Possible answer You might like to stay in a hotel. You won’t have to pay much for it because hotels are not very expensive here. But I also invite you to stay in my home. I’m happy to be your guide during the holiday. Looking forward to hearing all about your travel plans. Best wishes, Daming Exercise 一、单项选择。 1. — Where’s your brother? — I don’t know. He ________ be at home. A. must B. should C. may D. need 2. Bring your swimsuit because you ________ want to swim in the sea. A. might B. could C. would D. should 3. Excuse me. Where is the hospital? I ’ m not sure. It ________ next to the bank. A. maybe B. may be C. must be D. can ’ t be 4. It will ________ get cold later in the evening. Put on some warm clothes when you go out. A.may B. might C. probable D. probably 5. Is it ________ to become rainy after a while? A. able B. possible C. possibly D. probably 二、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 1. 冬天的伦敦可能寒冷潮湿。 It ________ cold and wet in L ondon in winter. 2. 下周我可能坐飞机去上海。 Next week, I _______________ fly to Shanghai. may be will probably 3. 明天最低温度可能是零下10摄氏度。 The lowest temperature tomorrow ___________ be minus ten degrees. 4. 现在我的家乡可能正在下雪了。 It ’ s _________ snowing in my home town now. 5. 他们可能六点半到这里。 They _____________ get there at half past six. may/ might probably will probably

