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SectionA 1a-1c Unit 9 When was he born? 63 72 73 75 80 94 95 96 1963(nineteen sixty-three) 1971(nineteen seventy-one) 1973(nineteen seventy-three) 1975(nineteen seventy-five) 1980(nineteen eighty) 1994(nineteen ninety –four) 1995(nineteen ninety –five) 1996(nineteen ninety-six) can you read the numbers? in 1963/1973/1975/1980 ___ B: I was born in 1972. A : When were you born? Answer the question and work in pairs Age:11 was born in 出生于 … When was he born ? He was born in 1999. ? 1999 When_____ he_____ ? was born Group work A:When were you born? B :I was born in …… A:When was he/she born? C:He /she was bornin……. _______ (篮球运动员) He’s an international sports start. He’s my favorite international sports star. basketball player Name YaoMing Age 30 Job A great Chinese Do you know the international sports stars? Renaldo Michael Jordan Zhang Yining Guo Jingjing Deng Yaping Liu Xiang Martina Hingis David Beckham Who ’ s your favorite international sports star? I think … is my favorite sports star. Make a list of international sports stars you know. International Sports Stars Michael Jordan _____________ _____________ ______________ ______________ 1a Listen and write the year the sports star was born under each photo. 1b ping-pong player Born:_________ basketball player Born:_________ Born:_________ Born:_________ tennis player soccer player 1973 1963 1980 1975 A: Who’s that? B: That’s_______. She is a great _______ _______ A: When was she born? B: She was born in ______. Name Job Born Nationality Deng Yaping Ping pong player 1973 Chinese Michael Jordan Born: Nationality : A: Who’s that? B: That’s Jordan. He is a great American basketball player A: When was he born? B: He was born in 1963. Job: Basketball player 1963 American Martina Hingis tennis player Born: 1980 Nationality : Swiss A: Who’s that? B: That’s Martina Hingis. She is a great … A: When was she born? B: She was born in 1980. David Beckham foot player Born: 1975 , London Nationality : British A: Who’s that? B: That’s David Beckham. He is a great_____. A: __________________? B: He was born in 1975. A: Who’s that? B: That’s…. She/ He is a great… A: When was she/he born? B: She/He was born in…. 1979 1976 1980 1983 1973 1963 1980 1975 1979 Pairwork Write some sentences about your favorite sports star My………………… , she/he is a …………….., she/he was…………… (2minutes) I love our class Game house Let’s guess the age! When were they born? 1994 1995 19 96 Summary When were you born? I was born in … (on…/at…) When was she/he born? She /He was born in… (on../at…) Do you know the answers? (1)He was born ____ the morning. (2)They were born ____ 1997. (3)She was born ____ October,1997 (4)She was born ____ October 5th,1997. (5)The twins were born ____ Sunday. (6)He was born ____ 6:00. in in on at in on Summary: Sum up the rules about using in on and at Name age birthday Job Nationality 1.Write down a list of famous stars ,learn some information then make a report to your classmates 2.According to the information ,make a report about your family numbers Name age birthday Job Hobbies Homework 课件设计思路及策略 Go for it 教材八年级上第九单元第一课时( 1a—1c )课件设计。 Unit9 主要是从谈论名人的角度来探讨一般过去时的基本用法。学生应能够由谈论名人而自然过渡到谈论自己及周围的人,培养学生积极进取的人生态度和锐意进取的精神,很自然的在具体语境中学习英语。 具体思路 : 1.When were you born? I was born in(on)……… 过渡到 When was he /she born? He /She was born ……. 通过学生熟悉的人或事件展开语言操作。 2 、通过展示体育名人图片或影音,学生存储相关的文化背景知识。围绕 When was…….born? 展开口头练习。 3 、和学生自身的相关知识联系,真正做到知识的迁移,即在具体的语言环境中使用。 4 、在难点的突破上,年代的正确认读及名人信息的把握会影响信息的流畅输出,因而设计了相关练习环节。 Thank you!!

