译林版八年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 8 Natural disasters

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译林版八年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 8 Natural disasters

Unit 8 Natural disasters 课时 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 译林 版八年级 上 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词 。 1. The e ( 地震 ) in Wenchuan killed many people. 2. Some visitors were trapped in the mountain because of the sudden f ( 洪水 ). 3. Because of a bad s ( 暴雨 ), the plane didn’t arrive on time . lood torm arthquake 4 . There are many c ( 长途汽车 ) in the station. 5. Shenzhen is on the coast near Hong Kong. It was a small v ( 村庄 ) many years ago. oaches illage 二、单项选择。 6. There is so much water on the floor. Why not ______? A. to mop it up B . mop it up C. mop up it D . to mop up it B 7. The rain is ______ and the wind is ______ . A. heavy; strong B . heavy; hardly C. big; strongly D . heavily; hard A 8 . — I called you at 8:00 yesterday evening, but no one answered. — Sorry. I ______ clothes for my parents at that time . A. wash B . washed C. am washing D . was washing D 9. It was very cold. He picked up sticks______, but sadly the house ______ . A. to make a fire; caught a fire B. to make a fire; caught fire C. made fire; caught fire D. made a fire; caught fire B 10 . [ 合肥瑶海区二模 ] The local government is encouraged to build ______ cheap and good houses for the people in China. A. hundreds B . thousands C. hundred D . thousands of D 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 11. 你能拖干净地板上的水吗? Could you _________ _________ the water on the floor? mop up 12. 如果没有树木,雨水会冲走泥土。 If there are no trees, rainwater will _________ _________ earth. wash away 13 . 闪电击中那棵树,它着火了。 _________ hit the tree and it _________ fire. Lightning caught 14 . 刚才他的小汽车撞上了一堵墙。 His car _________ _________ a wall just now . crashed into 15 . 你听说昨天那场严重的交通事故了吗? Did you hear of the serious _________ _________ yesterday? traffic accident 四、补全对话 ( 有 两项 多余 ) Officer : Hello, this is 110 Hotline. _____16 Mrs.Wu : ______17 My husband and I are trapped in the car. The snow has covered the whole place and we can’t get out. A. Does any of you get hurt? B. Can I help you? C. I am very worried about him. D. Don’t worry. E. Our car hit a tree in the snowstorm. F. Where are you now? G. What is your phone number? B E Officer : ______18 Mrs. Wu : Yes, my husband gets hurt, and there’s something wrong with his left leg, but I think he’s OK. A. Does any of you get hurt? B. Can I help you? C. I am very worried about him. D. Don’t worry. E. Our car hit a tree in the snowstorm. F. Where are you now? G. What is your phone number? A Officer : OK. ______19 We’ll go there to help you. What’s your name? Mrs.Wu : Wu Jun. A. Does any of you get hurt? B. Can I help you? C. I am very worried about him. D. Don’t worry. E. Our car hit a tree in the snowstorm. F. Where are you now? G. What is your phone number? D Officer : _____20 Mrs.Wu : Near Xiaoyaojin Park. Officer : OK. We’ll get there soon. Please make yourself calm down. Mrs. Wu : I’ll try to do that . Thank you. A. Does any of you get hurt? B. Can I help you? C. I am very worried about him. D. Don’t worry. E. Our car hit a tree in the snowstorm. F. Where are you now? G. What is your phone number? F 课时 2   ReadingⅠ 安徽译林 版八年级 上 Unit 8 Natural disasters 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词 。 1. The firemen rushed into the burning house without any f ( 害怕 ). 2. After the wall came down, his heart stopped b ( 跳动 ). 3. [ 中考 · 连云港 ] Does the radio say the expressway is closed in both d ( 方向 ) because of the heavy fog? eating irections ear 4 . [ 安徽中考权威预测模拟 ] The woman was s . ( 寂静 的 ) about what happened yesterday. 5. We usually s ( 摇动 ) hands when we meet someone for the first time. ilent hake 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 6. Several walls __________( come) down in last night’s storm. came 7. The old woman’s husband died 35 years ago, but she is still _________( live ). alive 8 . We should keep _________ ( silence) in the library . silent 9 . All the visitors were _________ ( trap) on the top of the mountain because of the snowstorm . trapped 10 . The man stops his car before it _________ ( crash) into a tree. crashes 三、单项选择。 11. — What were the twins doing at this time yesterday ? —July was reading ______ Jack was writing. A. as B . while C . because D . after B 12. People ______the shopping mall when the earthquake happened. A. ran out of B . ran out to C. ran out D . run out A 13 . When the flood was washing away the village , people screamed ______ and ran ______ all directions. A. in fear; with B . with fear; with C. in fear; in D . with fears; in C 14 . The earthquake ______ when I ______ some cleaning . A . starts; was doing B. started; was doing C. was starting; was doing D. starts; were doing B 15. ______ you’re not interested in the news, I will not tell you about it. A. Since B . Whether C . Unless D . Until A 四、根据汉语意思完成 句子。 16. 起初我不是很喜欢这个工作。 I didn’t like the job very much ________ ________ . at first 17. 听到这个好消息,我感到一阵喜悦。 I felt ________ ________ ________ ________ hearing the good news . a moment of joy 18 . 那时候我一点儿都不觉得害怕。 At that time, I ________ feel afraid ________ ________ . didn’t at all 19 . 由于地震,墙面开始坍塌。 The walls started ________ ________ ________ because of the earthquake . to come down 20 . 遇到陌生人时我总是紧张。 I’m always ________ ________ I meet strangers. nervous when 五、完形填空。 You have probably heard about the expression, “ It’s raining cats and dogs .” This means ______21 it’s raining very hard—not that ______ 22 cats and dogs are falling from the ______ 23. 21. A. that B . how C. why D . if 22 . A. careless B . blind C . dead D . real 23 . A. hill B . tower C . sky D . building A D C However, one day in June, 1882, it really did rain ____24 over Dubuque, Iowa . 24. A. cats B . frogs C . dogs D . birds B The frogs _____25 falling along with hailstones ( 雹子 ) during a _______26 storm . 25. A. stopped B . enjoyed C . began D . forgot 26 . A. popular B . terrible C . weekly D . common C B Hail is formed when drops of rainwater are ____27 by strong winds and are carried high up into the air. There the raindrops become frozen . 27. A. divided B . added C . changed D . caught D Many drops may freeze ______28 to form balls of ice; these ice balls, or hailstones , then _____29 to the earth . 28. A. together B . alone C . so D . almost 29 . A. hold B . lose C . keep D . fall A D During the storm in Dubuque, the strong winds lifted small frogs from nearby ponds ( 池塘 ) ____30 the air along with raindrops. When some of these frogs became covered with ice, both hailstones and “frog-stones” fell onto the ground. 30. A. from B. into C . after D . by B 课时 3   Reading Ⅱ 安徽译林 版八年级 上 Unit 8 Natural disasters 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词 。 1. My sister’s m ( 头脑 ) will be blank when she meets danger. 2. S ( 既然 ) everybody is here, let’s begin our class . 3. The sad news almost broke my h ( 心脏 ). 4. You can’t go out alone because of the d ( 黑暗 ). 5. At the end of the tunnel, Dick saw the d ( 日光 ). ince eart arkness aylight ind 二、单项 选择。 6. We were all very ______ since we ______ the sunrise at last. A. exciting; saw B . excited; looked C. exciting; looked D . excited; saw D 7. [ 安徽中考规范总复习 ] I don’t mind _____ a roommate . We can help each other and save money as well. A. having B . to have C . have D . had A 8 . It was so _____ in the old castle that Jim could hear his own heart _____ fast . A. silent; beating B . silence; beating C. silent; jumping D . silence; jumping A 9 . After the earthquake, Sandy found herself _____ and tried to _____ at once. A. alive; find her way out B. alive; lose her way C. lively; find her way out D. lively; lose her way A 10. Jenny enjoyed _____ music , because it made her _____ . A. listening to; calm down B. listen to; calm down C. listening to; come down D. listen to; come down A 三、 选择合适的短语并用其恰当形式填空。 11. When the earthquake happened, people ___________ the house. say to oneself; run out of; at last move away; shout for help ran out of 12. —What did you do when you got lost in the hill? —We _______________ because we were so afraid. say to oneself; run out of; at last move away; shout for help shouted for help 13. Let’s _____________ the big stone from the road . say to oneself; run out of; at last move away; shout for help move away 14 . After two hours’ walk, we got back to the camp _____________ . say to oneself; run out of; at last move away; shout for help at last 15 . I always _____________ “ I can do it” when I meet with difficulties. say to oneself; run out of; at last move away; shout for help say to myself 四、完形填空。 Recently, Li Chunyuan, a Junior 1 student at No.42 Middle School, went out with her classmates. They made posters by ______16 and called on people not to set off fireworks. 16. A. myself B . ourselves C. himself D . themselves D The students did this to try to reduce ___17 pollution . Since January, many cities in China have seen a lot of foggy days. In Beijing, only five days in January were _____18 of smog . 17. A. air B . noise C . water D . food 18 . A. busy B . full C . free D . filled A C According to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, two major factors that cause the ______19 are motor vehicles ( 机动车辆 ) and the burning of coal . 19. A. questions B . problems C . reasons D . answers B Poor air has _____20 people’s health. Children and the elderly are more at risk . 20. A. done well in B . taken part in C. done harm to D . done good to C A report from Beijing Children’s Hospital shows that from January 5 to 11, half of the patients in the hospital came _____21 respiratory ( 呼吸道 ) problems. 21 . A. with B . about C . from D . for D To respond to the air problem, the Chinese government and many Chinese people have started to take action . Beijing announced plans to _____22 clean fuel in government vehicles and plant trees . 22. A. buy B . sell C . use D . borrow C It also asked citizens ( 市民 ) to set off _____23 fireworks for the Spring Festival celebration. 23. A. fewer B . smaller C . more D . bigger A Three students from No.4 High School in Beijing wrote a report to advise how to _____24 the air pollution . 24. A. work for B . fight against C. play with D . begin with B They ______25 that cars with large emissions ( 排放 ) should be banned and factories should be closely watched. With all our efforts, the blue sky will certainly return . 25. A. suggested B . ordered C. allowed D . learned A 课时 4   Grammar 安徽译林 版八年级 上 Unit 8 Natural disasters 一、 根据语境,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 。 1. I was having breakfast when the doorbell _________ ( ring). 2. It started to rain while I was _________ ( fly) a kite in the park. 3. My parents were _________ ( watch)TV when someone knocked on the door . flying watching rang 4 . Lily was sleeping while Lucy was _________ ( take ) exercise at 6:00 this morning. 5. The school bus was travelling on the road when suddenly it __________ ( break down). taking broke down 二、单项选择。 6. [ 中考 · 河北 ] Sorry, I didn’t see you, because I _____ a picture. A. draw B . drew C. was drawing D . have drawn C 7. —Did you hear someone singing near here? —Sorry. I ______ to music just now. A. listen B . is listening C. have listened D . was listening D 8 . She ______ apples in her garden when I ______ to see her yesterday. A. picked; went B . was picking; went C. picked; was going D . was picking; was going B 9 . The little girl was ______ her cat while her mother was ______ the piano. A. playing; playing B. playing; playing with C. playing with; playing D. playing with; playing with C 10. [ 马鞍山二质检 ] —Why are you so late? —Three buses went by without stopping while I ______ at the bus stop. A. wait B . am waiting C. was waiting D . have waited C 三、按要求完成句子。 11. They are playing football now .( 用 at 4:00 p. m. yesterday 替换 now) They ________ ________ football at 4:00 p. m . yesterday . were playing 12. Was Amy watching TV then? ( 作 否定回答 ) _________ , _________ _________ . No she wasn’t 13 . Mrs Green was cleaning the room at this time yesterday. ( 改为 否定句 ) Mrs Green _________ _________ the room at this time yesterday . wasn’t cleaning 14 . They were chatting with each other at 9:00 yesterday evening . ( 对 画线部分提问 ) _________ _________ they _________ at 9:00 yesterday evening ? What were doing 15 . Sandy was listening to music. ( 改为 一般疑问句, 并作 肯定回答 ) — _________ Sandy _________ to music? — _________ , _________ _________ . Was listening Yes she was 四、完形填空。 We cannot stop earthquakes, but we can do things to make sure they do not destroy ( 破坏 ) whole cities. First, it is not a ____16 idea to build houses along the lines where ______17 of the Earth’s plates join together . 16. A. bad B . good C . poor D . new 17 . A. one B . most C . two D . none B C Second, if you think there ______18 be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rock, not on ______ 19. 18. A. may B. should C . can’t D . won’t 19 . A. sea B . land C . space D . sand A D Third, you must make the houses as _____20 as possible. Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but strong ones may _____ 21. 20. A. high B . big C . strong D . low 21 . A. live B . set C . stay D . grow C C Scientists are ______22 that one day an even bigger earthquake will hit the part around San Francisco. They call it “The Big One ”. 22. A. sorry B . pleased C. afraid D . wondering C But people today are still building more _____23. The population in and around San Francisco ______24 is ten times more than that in 1906 . 23. A. walls B. stories C . cities D . houses 24 . A. now B . still C . always D . never D A This means that _____25 there is another earthquake, a great many houses and buildings will be destroyed . 25. A. before B . if C . or D . until B 课时 5   Integrated skills & Study skills 安徽译林 版八年级 上 Unit 8 Natural disasters 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词 。 1. I have a terrible h ( 头疼 ), so I have to see a doctor. 2. People usually work on w ( 工作日 ) and have a rest on weekends. 3. The government plans to build a r ( 铁路 ) between two cities . eekdays ailway eadache 4 . The air in the c ( 乡下 ) is much fresher than that in the cities. 5. The old man felt happy because his g ( 孙女 ) would come to see him. ountryside randdaughter 二、单项选择 。 6. [ 马鞍山八中一模 ] The father was asleep; the child found a coat and covered him ______ it . A. through B . across C . with D . past C 7. [ 中考 · 襄阳 ]—Mom, I’m thirteen now. Can I ride a bike to school? — Yes, you can. But you must follow the traffic ______ on the way. A. rules B . plans C . safety D . accident A 8 . To protect the endangered animals, ______ , we should build more nature reserves. A. first of all B . as a result C. so far D . in the end A 9. Taking some exercise every day will _____ fat and make you fit. A. turn to B . sell out C . burn off D . put on C 10 . “Write _____ and try not to make any mistakes ,” the teacher said to her students. A. as careful as possible B. as carefully as you can C. most careful D. more careful B 三、根据汉语意思完成句子 。 11. 如果明天下雨,我们就待在家里。 If it _________ tomorrow , we will _________ _________ _________. rains stay at home 12. 我们应该一直遵守交规来保护自己以免发生交通事故。 We should always ________ ________ ________ ________ to protect ________ ________ traffic accidents . follow the traffic rules ourselves from 13 . 山东在中国以美味的煎饼出名。 Shandong ________ ________ ________ its delicious ________ in China. is famous for pancakes 14. 我昨天这个时候正在网上搜索一些信息。 I ________ ________ ________ some information on the Internet at this time yesterday . was searching for 15 . 在铁路上坐、走以及骑自行车很危险。 It is dangerous to sit, walk ________ ride on ________ . or railways 课时 6   Task & Self -assessment 安徽译林 版八年级 上 Unit 8 Natural disasters 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词 。 1. I c ( 清理 ) my desk before I left. 2. He rode very fast with the dog running b ( 在后面 ). 3. He makes it a r ( 规则 ) never to borrow money . ehind ule leared 4 . [ 安徽规范总复习 ] It took us n ( 几乎 ,将近 ) three hours to get there, and we all felt tired. 5. [ 中考 · 南京 ] John will have to run very fast to b . ( 打破 ) the school 100-metre race record in the sports meeting. early reak 二、单项选择 。 6. —Can you catch what the speaker is saying, Tina? — Sorry. He speaks so fast that I can ____understand him . A. nearly B . hardly C . probably D . exactly B 7. He is sleeping _____ all the windows open. A. when B . while C . with D . because C 8 . — Good morning. I’d like a birthday gift for my mother . — What about this scarf? It is beautiful and it _____ soft and smooth. A. feels B. looks C. seems D . becomes A 9. Excuse me, could you tell me ______? A. how can I get there B . how I can get there C. the way to there D . where is the post office B 10 . The thunder was ______ and the wind blew ______ . A. terrible; terrible B . terrible; terribly C. terribly; terrible D . terribly; terribly B 三、根据汉语意思完成句子 。 11. 由于大雪,他们被困在汽车里了。 They were _______ in the car _______ _______ the heavy snow. trapped because of 12. 小女孩摔倒了,碰到了头。 The little girl _______ _______ and hit her head . fell over 13 . 我有高兴的消息要与你分享。 I have happy news to _______ _______ you. share with 14 . 昨天我一直等了他两个小时。 I _______ _______ _______ him for two hours yesterday . kept waiting for 15 . 下午暴风雪又开始了,并且后来的情况更糟糕。 The snowstorm started again in the afternoon and it _______ _______ later . became worse 四、完形填空。 What can people do when natural disasters happen ? Can we stop them? No, we can’t. The only thing we can do is to _____16 after the disasters . 16. A. wake up B . make up C . clean up D . stay up C Last year I met Mr Flood. It started raining and ___17 raining almost a month: the water on the streets got higher and higher every day . 17. A. kept B . finished C . stopped D . gave up A We used _____18 instead of cars . We lost lots of things, including our businesses, our jobs and our homes. 18. A. bikes B . trains C . boats D . buses C Schools ____19 and farms were destroyed ( 毁坏 ). We ran out of food and clean water. In some places the water was higher than the buildings. I seemed to live in a water world. 19. A. started B . closed C . opened D . finished B Because of the flood, lots of illness broke out. Because of the dead animals, some people ____20. The soil and other things made the water become very, very dirty . 20. A. ran B . slept C . died D . dying C That was in summer time. Although it was raining, the _____21 was still high. The hot weather and really dirty water _____22 the air very bad . 21. A. temperature B . weather C. water D . day 22 . A. had B . made C . changed D . became A B When the flood was over, I looked around my city. The word “ ______23 ” can describe the situation ( 情况 ). 23. A. sorry B . beautiful C . good D . sad D Everything was destroyed and lots of people were sick , but we were very strong, I think. We had to _____24 our city , take care of the sick people, and start our schools again . 24. A. rebuild B . return C . reach D . realize A I just _____25 that one day, people can stop the natural disasters whenever they happen. After all, people are very clever. 25. A. want B . hope C . see D . think B 写作素养提升练 安徽译林 版八年级 上 Unit 8 Natural disasters 本单元的话题为“自然灾害”, 要求写关于 自然灾害 的短文。同学们可以讲述自己经历过的 自然灾害 ,如地震、洪水、干旱或沙尘暴等,也可以 自己 虚构一个关于自然灾害的故事。 安徽译林 版八年级 上 在写这篇短文时,可以从以下三个方面构思: 首先,介绍自然灾害的名称、发生时间和发生 地点 ;其次,说明自然灾害造成的后果和人们所 采取的 措施;最后,自然灾害过后,你的感受如何。 写作时主要用第一人称、第三人称,在描述 自然灾害 发生的时间和危害及过程时,常用一般过去 时态 。发出倡议时,可用祈使句或一般将来时。 安徽译林 版八年级 上 请你根据下面的提示,以 A landslide 为题,写 一篇 70 词左右的短文。 1. 上周一早上,在连续下了两天大雨之后发生了 山崩 ( landslide) 。 2. 我和妈妈在家,爸爸下午回来。雨很大,他叫我 和妈妈 赶快带伞离开 。 3 . 就在那时,房子开始摇晃,我们非常害怕,迅速 跑开 了。 4. 第二天上午回家时,我们发现房子没有了,到处 是碎 玻璃和砖块,我们感到很悲伤。 【 思路构建 】 步骤 构思 列纲 1 介绍山崩的时间、地点及原因 Last Monday morning... 2 山崩发生时我们的 反应 very afraid, leave quickly with umbrellas 步骤 构思 列纲 3 山崩对我家造成的 后果 no house, pieces of glass and bricks 4 我们的感受 We felt very sad. A landslide Last Monday morning, after two days' heavy rain , a landslide happened. I was at home with my mother . Father couldn't come back until the afternoon. It was raining heavily. He asked us to leave quickly with umbrellas . Just then, the house started to shake. We were very afraid and ran away quickly. 【 精彩范文 】 The following morning, we went back home. We found that there was no house at all. There were only pieces of glass and bricks everywhere. We felt very sad . earthquake, flood, shake, fear, silent, nervous, calm, shout 【 单词 】 thousands of, wash away, in all directions, calm down , break down, as...as possible 【 短语 】 An earthquake/A flood/A snowstorm hit... I was doing... when... ...because of the heavy rain/snow... We could only hear/see... ...kept falling. Suddenly ... 【 句型 】 ...had to walk slowly/pulled oneself through... ...was really terrible. 请 根据以下提示, 以 “A terrible flood” 为题,写 一篇 80 词左右的文章。包括以下要点: 1. 连续 20 天的暴雨导致了洪水; 2. 昨天晚上,洪水袭击了我们村,我们一家正在睡觉 。醒来 后发现到处是水; 3. 安全起见,我们把餐桌移出房子,坐在餐桌上; 4. 洪水冲走了很多房子,很多人流离失所; 5. 半小时后警察来了,救了我们和很多村民。 A terrible flood Last night, a terrible flood caused by a 20 days’ rainstorm hit our village ._______________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ A terrible flood Last night , a terrible flood caused by a 20 days’ rainstorm hit our village. We were sleeping when it happened. Water was everywhere when we woke up. For safety , we moved our dining table out of our house and sat on it. The flood washed away many houses. Many people lost their homes. After half an hour, the policemen ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ came. They saved us and many other villagers. We feel sad that we lost our homes. But thanks to the policemen, we are still alive.

