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Module 1 How to learn English Unit 1 第一课时 一、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。 1 . Why not ask and answer the questions in ______ ? 2 . You ________help your mother do housework at home. 3 . Can you complete this ____________with the words? 4 . There is a mistake in your exercises.Please _________it. 5 . Miss Smith , please give me some _________on English learning. pairs should sentence correct advice 二、根据句意 , 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 6 . There are two English ______________(dictionary) on the desk. 7 . How about ___________(practise) __________(spell) the word again? 8 . Do you know the ___________(mean) of the word? 9 . You don't need _______________(understand) the grammar. 10 . Listening to English news is good for our ______________(pronounce). dictionaries practising spelling meaning to understand pronunciation 三、单项选择。 ( )11. — ________ can you see in the picture? —Nothing. A . What other      B . What else     C . Who other     D . Who else ( )12.If you don't know the word , you can ________ in a dictionary. A . look for it B . look up it C . look it for D . look it up B D ( )13.Are you free ? Why not ________ tennis with me? A . playing B . play C . to play D . played ( )14.We can know a lot about the world ________ reading. A . at B . through C . on D . with B B ( )15. — Why don't you join us for breakfast? —Sure! ________ A . Good luck! B . Congratulations! C . What to do? D . Why not? D 四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 16 .犯同样的一个错误是愚蠢的。 It's stupid to _______the same __________ . 17 .让我们试着尽可能多地讲英语。 Let's try to speak English _______________________ . 18 .别忘记把那些单词写在你的笔记本上。 Don't forget to _____________those words in your _____________ . 19 .今天下午去购物如何? ______________________going shopping this afternoon? 20 .我们应该在课堂上多谈论学习英语的好方法。 We should talk more about good ways to learn English ________ . make mistake as much as possible write down notebook What/How about in class

