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Module 1 How to learn English 模块同步作文指导 本模块以 “ 英语学习 ” 为话题,描述了怎样才能学好英语,旨在使学生养成良好的英语学习习惯,掌握学习英语的方法,并能针对他人在英语学习方面遇到的问题,提出自己的建议来帮助他们解决问题。 常用表达: ① try to speak English as much as possible ②write down the mistakes in the notebooks ③watch English films ④listen to the radio/English songs ⑤ read English newspapers ⑥write four or five words a day on pieces of paper and place them in your room.Read the words when you see them , and try to use them. ⑦It's a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day. ⑧What about asking the teacher for help? 亲爱的同学,你的初中学习生活已经一年有余,学习英语也有了不少心得,请你以 “ My English Study ” 为题,谈谈你学习英语的心得体会。 1 .要点包括:你在英语学习中所遇到的困难、解决方法及学习感悟。 2 . 80 词左右。 提示词: experience 经验 【 思路点拨 】 本文要求描述自己学英语的经历以及学英语的心得体会。根据要点提示,可以从三个方面来阐述。 1 .第一段先总述,引起下文。在该段中可描述自己学英语已有很长一段时间了 (for a long time) ,以引出下文中对学习英语的一些回忆。 2 .第二段描述具体经历。该段可分为两部分: (1) 初学时遇到许多困难 ( 注意此时的时态应为一般过去时 had many difficulties) ; (2) 解决方法 (with the help of the teacher , got to know how to learn English) 。 3 .第三段总结,写感悟。在该段中,可以适当表达自己的感想,并呼吁大家好好学习英语。 【 经典范文示例 】 My English Study How time flies ! I have learned English for a long time.Now , let me share my English study experience with you. When I began to learn English , I had many difficulties.I wasn't able to understand the teacher in class , and I couldn't remember the new words.For a time I wanted to give it up.Later , with the help of my teacher and classmates , I got to know how to learn English.I listened to the teacher carefully in class , practised reading English aloud every day and spoke English as much as possible.I found that it wasn't hard to learn English well. In a word , English is important to us.We should find great ways to study it well. 上周你们班召开了有关英语学习经验交流的班会。请你以 “ How I Learn English ” 为题,根据下面的提示写一篇 70 词左右的短文,介绍一下你学习英语的经验。可适当发挥,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 提示内容: 1 .课堂上认真听讲; 2 .课下经常阅读英文故事书;看英语类节目; 3 .经常用英语与同学、老师交谈等。 How I Learn English I am good at English.I think learning English well is easy.First , I listen to the teacher carefully in class and write down the important phrases in my notebook.Second , I try to read more English storybooks and watch English programmes often after class.They can help a lot in improving English.Besides these , I often speak English with my teacher and classmates.I think it's a good way to learn English.At last , I read my English book aloud every day and try to remember as many words as possible. I think if you put your heart into it , you can learn English well.

