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名词 地球;泥土;大地 陆地 活着的 天空 表面 鲸 黑暗的;‎ 深色的 ‎ 美丽;‎ 美人 黑暗 竹子 主要的 自然 森林 华南虎 深的;厚的 ‎ 母牛;‎ 奶牛 控制 毛皮 野生的 马 气候 骨头;骨质 南方的 母鸡 木头 骨骼 介词/副词 ‎ 绵羊;‎ 驯服者 树木;森林 动词 在…之上 绵羊 ‎(复数)‎ 橡胶 喂养;饲养 词组 鹅 事实;现实 覆盖;遮盖 与...共有 鹅(复数)‎ 湖 控制 以…为食 ‎ 欢乐;‎ 乐趣 海洋 保护 成千上万 玫瑰花 海洋 掉下;放弃 实际上 蛇 滴 ‎ 使充满;‎ 填空 组成;化妆 狐狸 洞;坑 陆地 在地球上;‎ 究竟 昆虫 熊 挖;掘 用…填满…‎ 青蛙 狼 承受;忍受 处于危险中 生计 狼(复数)‎ 杀死;弄死 热带雨林 西南 形容词 盖子;罩 南部 清晰的;‎ 清楚的 Unit 4 Section A 一. 读P119-120形容词的比较级,最高级变化规则,写出下面表格中形容词的适当形式 ‎ 形容词 strong tall ‎ nice ‎ brave big fat thin lazy ugly good bad little many far 比较级 最高级 二. 在文中找到并划出下列短语 ‎1.考虑_____________________ 2.乡村生活__________________________________ 3.一天_________________‎ ‎4.享受大自然的美丽__________________________________ 5.农场的动物______________________________ ‎ 三. 在文中找到下列句子并翻译总结 ‎1. What are you thinking about? I’m thinking about the life in the countryside.‎ 点拨:think about---考虑 链接:think of--- __________→ What do you think of him?‎ ‎2.The pig is stronger than you. He is lazier than me. I’m smaller than you.‎ 译:__________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3. I’m the strongest on this farm. I’m the biggest of all.‎ 译:__________________________________________________________________‎ 总结:‎ 名称 比较级 最高级 比较对象 两者 两者以上 搭配 ‎… 比较级 than + 两者的另一方 ‎…the 最高级 in / of / among + 范围短语 ‎ 例句 He is taller than me.‎ He is the tallest in my class./ of all.‎ ‎4. I’m much faster than you. I’m a little bigger than you. 译:_________________________________________‎ 点拨:much + 比较级 ---…得多 a little + 比较级 ---…一点儿 巩固:Tom is much taller than me. I’m a little taller than Jack. 译:_______________________________‎ a. 我的书包比你的重得多。My schoolbag _____ ________ ___________ than _________.‎ b. 他的书包比我的轻一点儿。His schoolbag ____ ____ _______ ________ than ________.‎ Section B 一. 在文中找到并划出下列短语 ‎1.拍些照片_________________________ 2.上面的照片_____________________ 3.养宠物狗___________________‎ ‎4.和你一起玩___________________ 5.唱歌给我们听__________________ 6.众所周知________________________‎ ‎7.给我们带来欢乐______________________ 8.在所有的花当中_____________________________________‎ ‎9.和他们分享同一个世界________________________________ 10.以植物为主食______________________‎ 二. 在文中找到下列句子并翻译总结 ‎1.I think animals are more interesting. I think roses are the most beautiful of all the flowers.‎ 译:______________________________________________________________________________‎ 点拨:more interesting---更有趣 the most beautiful---最漂亮的 总结:多音节形容词和部分双音节形容词的比较级由more+原级构成;最高级由the most+原级构成。如:‎ popular---more popular---the most popular famous---more famous---the most famous interesting---more interesting---the most interesting useful---more useful---the most useful 思考:much more popular than…___________________ a little more famous than…___________________‎ 点拨:much, a little常用于比较级前,对其进行程度上的修饰,也是暗示后面要使用比较级的标志,这样的词还有even(甚至), several times(几倍)等。‎ 巩固:Jay Chou is much more popular with young men than Tenger. 译:_______________________________________‎ ‎ Hunan TV is a little more famous than Shanghai Dongfang TV. 译:_____________________________________‎ ‎ As we know, China is several times stronger than India. ‎ 译:___________________________________________‎ ‎2. As we know, they are both important to us. 译:_________________________________________________________‎ 点拨:sth./sb. be important to sb.---某人或事对某人很重要 ‎ 对比:It is important for sb. to do sth.---做某事对某人来说很重要 巩固:Environment is important to humans. It is important for humans to improve the environment.‎ 译:_____________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3. Insects feed on plants. 译:___________________________________________________‎ 点拨: feed on---以…为食 feed---_________(过去式) ‎ 巩固:People in the south feed on rice, while the north people feed on noodles.‎ 译:__________________________________________________________________‎ ‎4. If there are no plants or insects in the future, what will our world be like?‎ 译:__________________________________________________________________‎ 模仿造句:月球上面没有水也没有空气。There_____ _____ water_____ air_____ ______ _______.‎ ‎ 我在家里没有兄弟和姐妹。I have_____ __________ ______ ___________ in my ___________.‎ 推理造句:我们的世界现在是个什么样?What ________ our world __________?‎ 我们的世界以前是个什么样?What ________ our world __________?‎ Section C 一. 在文中找到并划出下列短语 ‎1.地球表面的6%__________________________________ 2.成千上万的动物________________________________ ‎ ‎3.他们中的很多___________________4.在树上______________ 5.离地面30多米____________________________‎ ‎6.其他不同的植物___________________7.地球的肺部___________________8.使空气更清新__________________‎ ‎9.控制气候______________ 10.非常需要他们______________________ 11.变得越来越小_____________________‎ ‎12.很多水_________________/__________________ 13.实际上_______________14.组成______________________‎ ‎15.人体的绝大部分_______________________________ 16.地球的大部分地区______________________________‎ ‎17.节约每滴水____________________ 18.所有的生物________________ 19.干…的最好季节__________________‎ ‎20.保证它竖直__________________ 21.用泥土把坑填满_________________________________________________ ‎ ‎22.在地上挖个坑________________________ 23.用你的脚把土才结实_____________________________________‎ ‎24.确保_____________________25.够深________________________ 26.给树浇水____________________________ ‎ ‎27.万事俱备。_____________________ 28.长出新叶子_______________________ 29.几天以后________________‎ 二. 在文中找到下列句子并翻译总结 ‎1.Thousands and thousands of animals live in the rainforests. 译:___________________________________________‎ 点拨:ten, hundred, thousand等数词表示确定的数目时不用复数形式;表示不确定的数目时用复数形式,后跟of..‎ 巩固:a.天上有成千上万颗星星。There ________ ______________ _______ stars ______ ________ __________.‎ ‎ b.去年我们学校有六千人。There ________ __________ ___________ students ______ _______ ________.‎ ‎2.But, now, rainforests are becoming smaller and smaller, so we should protect them.‎ 译:__________________________________________________________________‎ 点拨一:比较级and 比较级 = 越来越…‎ 巩固: more and more interested__________________________ cleaner and cleaner___________________________‎ ‎ 越来越高兴____________________________ 越来越激动________________________________________‎ a.这些年英语正逐渐变得越来越重要了。English ___ ___________ ______ ______ ______ ___________ these years.‎ b.康康的英语越来越差了。Kangkang’s English is __________ _________ ___________.‎ 点拨二:protect---保护 拓展:protect sth./sb. from sth.---保护某物/某人免于…‎ 巩固:Sunglasses can protect our eyes from the sunshine. 译:_______________________________________________‎ ‎3.Without water, there could be no life on earth. 译:____________________________________________‎ 思考:could在句中是过去式吗?________ ‎ 总结:might be = could be < may be = can be < should be < must be < can’t be ‎ ‎ Section D 一. 在文中找到并划出下列短语 ‎1.很多野生动物_________________________ 2.处在险境________________ 3.想到更多_____________________‎ ‎4.华西南________________ 5.以竹子为食________________________6.越来越少的土地______________________‎ ‎7.在数量上变得越来越少____________________________________8.生活在海洋里__________________________‎ ‎9.使海水变得更脏________________________________________ 10.在中国的南部__________________________ ‎ ‎11.最老的虎种_________________________12.为得到它们的皮和骨头而杀害它们___________________________‎ ‎ ‎ 二. 在文中找到下列句子并翻译总结 ‎1.Pandas are becoming fewer and fewer in number. 译:_____________________________________________‎ 模仿造句:颜色变得越来越深。The color is becoming _________ _________ __________.‎ 洞变得越来越深。The hole is becoming _________ _________ __________.‎ 他的年龄越来越大。He is becoming _________ _________ __________.‎ 雨越来越大。The rain is becoming ___________ _________ ____________.‎ ‎2.The air in the countryside is fresher than that in the city.‎ 思考:that 在句子中指什么?___________ 可以用it, this, one吗?_____________‎ 巩固:‎ a.The traffic in the city is more crowded than that in the countryside. 译:______________________________________‎ b.新乡的天气比北京的天气暖和。The__________ _____ Xinxiang _____ _________ than _______ in Beijing. ‎ 总结:在一个比较级的句子中,that指代前面提到的不可数名词或单数名词 思考:如果前面是可数名词的复数形式该用哪个词来代替呢?__________‎ 巩固: a.People in the north are more friendly than those in the south. 译:______________________________________‎ b.大自然的花比温室的花坚强。The flowers ____ _________ are __________ than _______ in the green house.‎ 挑战:a. 城市里的树木比乡村的树木少。b. 城市里的车比乡村的车多。‎ a. There are ________ trees in the city ________ __________ in the countryside.‎ b. There are ________ cars in the city ________ __________ in the countryside.‎ 三. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 ‎1. My uncle lives on the farm. He keeps lots of_________. (sheep)‎ ‎2. Uncle Sam looks sad, because some _________ (mouse) ate his food ‎ ‎3. I have many__________(duck) on the farm. Do you like ________ ________(烤鸭) ? I can make it for you . ‎ ‎4. This skirt is __________(nice) than that one.‎ ‎5. Is this bag __________(heavy) than that one?‎ ‎6. Mount‎ ‎Qomolangma is_______ __________(high) mount in the world.‎ ‎7. Who is ______ ______(good)student in your class?‎ ‎8. ---Which do you like ___________(well) ,milk or orange? ---Orange.‎ ‎9. The Yangtze River is _________ __________ (long) river in China.‎ ‎10.There are ___________(few) cows on my farm than those on your farm.‎ ‎11.Tom has ________ _________ (many) story books of all.‎ ‎12.Which do you like _________ (good), cats or dogs?‎ ‎13.Which do you like _________ (good), cats pigs or dogs?‎ ‎14.I don’t think this question is______ _________(difficult) than that one. It’s______ _______(easy) of these questions.‎

