仁爱版八上 Unit 1 Topic 1 复习

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仁爱版八上 Unit 1 Topic 1 复习

英语复习课 Unit 1 Topic 1 复习目标 1、复习表示运动和职业的单词和短语。 2、复习一般将来时并能熟练运用be going to的各种句型,并能用相关句型 会做题。 复习指导一 • 复习内容:话题 1 的四会单词和重点短语。 • 复习方法:听、说、读、写。 • 复习时间: 3 分钟 • 复习要求:通过听、说、读、写熟练掌握本话 题单词和短语的用法。 书山有路勤为径●▂●学 海无涯苦作舟 3 • 运动项目 play basketball /volleyball /tennis … 动词 滑冰 ______ 滑雪 ______ 划船 ______ 骑自行车 ______ 爬山 ______ 钓鱼 ______ 游泳 ______ go+doing 去滑冰 去滑雪 去划船 去爬山 去钓鱼 去游泳 书山有路勤为径●▂●学 海无涯苦作舟 4 skate ski row cycle climb mountain fish swim go shiing go skating go rowing go climbing mountain go fishing go swimminging 单词 1.almost ( 反义词 ) never 2.win( 过去式 ) won ( 名词 ) winner 3.ski( 现在分 词 ) skiing 4.famous( 比较级 ) more famous 5.arrive( 同义词 ) reach 6.leave( 过去式 )) left 7.popular( 最高级 ) most popular 8.healthy( 同义词 ) fit ( 名词 ) health 书山有路勤为径●▂●学 海无涯苦作舟 5 复习检测一: • 1. I hope our team will w________. • 2. My d________ is to be a doctor. • 3. I am going to join the school c________. • 4. What do you want to be when you g________ up? • 5. You must eat more vegetables and fruit to keep h______. 书山有路勤为径●▂●学 海无涯苦作舟 6 in ream lub row leathy 短语 • 1. during the summer holidays 在暑假期间 • 2. cheer sb. on 为某人加油 • 3. prefer doing sth. 更喜欢做某事 • 4. prefer A to B 和 B 相比更喜欢 A • 5. quite a bit/a lot 很多 • 6. arrive in/ arrive at 到达的是大 / 小范围) • 7. play against 与 „„ 对抗 / 较量 • 8. leave for 动身去 • 8. spend time/ money doing sth 花费时间、金钱做某事 • 9. spend time /money on sth 在某事物上花费时间、金钱 • 10. be good at 善于做某事 • 11. take part in /join 参加 • 12. all over the world 全世界 • 13. be good for 对 „„ 有益 • 14. keep fit/healthy 保持健康 书山有路勤为径●▂●学 海无涯苦作舟 7 • 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。 • 1. I want to be a teacher ________ ________ ________ (在 将来). • 2. Japan’s team will ________ ________ China’s national team (同……比赛). • 3. They are going to ________ ________ their school team (加油). • 4. Walking is a good way to ________ ________ (保 持健康). • 5. Playing soccer is popular ________ ________ ________ ________. (全世界). 书山有路勤为径●▂●学 海无涯苦作舟 8 In the future play against cheer on keep healthy/fit all over the world 复习指导一 • 复习内容:做下面的试题。 • 复习方法:独立做,讨论。 • 复习时间:3分钟 • 复习要求:归纳总结出含be going to 的一般将来 时的用法。 书山有路勤为径●▂●学 海无涯苦作舟 9 根据所给词的适当形式填空 • Look at those clouds, It’s _______ (rain). • ___ you _______ ( plant) trees next Sunday? • Kangkang ________ ( not climb) mountains tomorrow. • There ___________( 将有一场) a relay race this afternoon. • There ______ going to _____ two model shows this evening . • A、is ,be B、are , have C、are ,be . going to rain Are going to plant is not going to climb is going to be C 要点归纳 • 一般将来时 • 1、定义:表示将来某一时刻的动作和状态。 • 2、标志词:tomorrow、the day after tomorrow、 soon、later|、next week( month、year…)、in the future 、in 3 days 等 • 构成:be ( am、is、are) going to +v原 • 否定式:be not going +v原 • 疑问式:Be+主语+going to+v原 • there be 的将来时形式 • there will be ./.. • there is/are going to be 书山有路勤为径●▂●学 海无涯苦作舟 11 复习检测一 • ( ) 1. —Where are you going ? • —I _______ buy some fruit for my son . A .am going to B. go to • C. will D. shall going to . • 2、Are you going to play football next Sunday?(做肯定和否定回答) • __________________________________________ • 3、We are having a school sports meet now.( next week改写) • __________________________________________ • 4、There is a table tennis club in our school.(用next term改写) • __________________________________________ 5、We are going to cheer her on.(改为一般问句,并作肯定和否定回 答。) ______________________________________________________________________ 书山有路勤为径●▂●学 海无涯苦作舟 12 A Yes,I am./No ,I’m not We are going to have a school sports meet next week. There will/ is going to be a table tennis club in our school next term. Are you going to cheer her on? Yes ,we are./No, we’re not. 复习指导二 • 复习内容:做下面的试题。 • 复习方法:独立做,讨论。 • 复习时间:3分钟 • 复习要求:归纳总结出一般将来时的其他 用法用法。 书山有路勤为径●▂●学 海无涯苦作舟 13 • Helen ______ ( join) the English club this afternoon. • _ when ______we ______( meet)? • _Next week. • They _______ (leave) for Hongkong tomorrow. • Mr. Green _______ ( arrive) in Beijing in an hour. • ____ you _____ ( go) shopping right away? • When she ______( come), I’ll tell her about it. • The train _______ ( leave) at 10:30. • If it ________ ( not rain ),I’ll go to the park. 书山有路勤为径●▂●学 海无涯苦作舟 14 will/shall join shall meet are leaving is arriving Are going comes is leaving doesn’t rain 复习检测二 • 1、I will arrive in Beijing at 6:30.(否定句) _________________________________________ • 2、他将要离开重庆去上海。 _________________________________________ • 3、Xu Xia and her teammates are _______ the U.S.A. next week. A. leaving for B. leave for C. to D. left • 4、I want to be a doctor when I _______. A. grow up B. talk about C. get up D. was born • 5、There _______ an English Party in our class next week. A. is going to have B. is going to be C. will have D. have 书山有路勤为径●▂●学 海无涯苦作舟 15 I will not arrive in Beiing at 6:30. He is leaving Chongqing to Shanghai. A A B 要点归纳 • 一般将来时由助动词will/shall+ 动词原形,表示 位置移动的词有come、go、leave 、fly、move、 start、meet 等 • 按计划要发生的在时间或条件状语从句中,用一 般现在时表示将来。 书山有路勤为径●▂●学 海无涯苦作舟 16 当堂训练 1、看见某人做某事(全过程)_______________ 看见某人做某事(正在进行)______________ 2、参加组织__________ 参加活动___________ 3、更喜欢做某事__________ 更喜欢某物_________ 4、放弃______________ 5、两者都____________ 6、为…比赛___________ 7、对…有好(坏)处____________ 8、擅长做某事__________________ 9、保持健康_____________ 书山有路勤为径●▂●学 海无涯苦作舟 17 10、 一种干某事的好方法____________ 11、花费时间做某事____________ 12、到达____________ 13、动身前往__________ 14、锻炼__________做早操_____________ 15、练习做某事_____________ 16、长大成人_____________ 书山有路勤为径●▂●学 海无涯苦作舟 18 A .根据句意和汉语提示填写单词。 • 1 . would you like to_______( 参加 )the school English club? • 2 . Yaoming will play for our national_______ ( 队 ) . • 3 . A lot of people like the song very much . It's very_______ ( 流行 ) . • 4 . You can________( 放松 )yourself when you listen to music after a day's work . • 5 . Kate's father is________( 出发 )for Beijing the day after tomorrow . 书山有路勤为径●▂●学 海无涯苦作舟 19 二、词汇 join team popular relax leaving B .根据汉语提示及句子意思补全句子。 • 1 . What does Joan want to be when she_______ ( 长大 ) . • 2 . Our class will________ ( 与 …… 比赛 )the Class Four football team. • 3 . Do you know what the best way to_______ ( 保持健康 )is? • 4 . Please come and ________us_______ ( 为 …… 加 油 ) . • 5 . They all took part in the 2002_________ __________( 世界杯 ) . 书山有路勤为径●▂●学 海无涯苦作舟 20 grows upplay against keep healthy cheer on World cup 三、翻译。 • 1. 他们周末打算去野餐。 _____________________________________ • 2. 你愿意加入我们玩足球吗? _________________________________________ • 3. 我每天晚上看见这个老人在公园散步。 ________________________________________________ • 4. 比起划船他更喜欢游泳。 _______________________________________ • 5. 妈妈用了两个小时做饭。 __________________________________________ 书山有路勤为径●▂●学 海无涯苦作舟 21 They are going to have a picnic this weekend. Will you jion us to play football? I see the old man walk in the park every night. He prefers swimming to rowing. Mother spent two hours cooking 四、选择( ) 1 、 —Do you often watch Man and Nature on TV? —Sometimes . It's an interesting program , but I_______ Sports News . A . prefer B . want C . enjoy D . miss ( ) 2 、 The weins are walking the book“who moved my cheese” , it’s fun to __________them. A . join B . join in C . take part in D . enter ( ) 3 、 Tom likes basketball very much. He wants to play________ the NBA when he grows up. A . with B . for C. of D . To ( ) 4 、 It’s take us about a week _______the machine . A . to mend B . mend C . mended D . mending ( ) 5 、 —There_______ a funny film tonight in our school . Would you like to see with me?—I'd like to, but I have to do my homework . A . is B . have C . is going to have D . is going to be 书山有路勤为径●▂●学 海无涯苦作舟 22 A A B A D ( ) 6 、 —I'm leaving for Shanghai to visit the Expo 2010 this weekend . —__________ .    A . Well done B . I hope so C . Have a good tripe ( ) 7 、 This term________ over . The summer vacation is coming in two weeks . A . is B . was C . has been D . will be ( ) 8 、 If you___________ to the 2010 Shanghai Expo next week , I will go with you . A . go B . has gone C . will go D . are going ( ) 9 、 Danny did all kinds of things to make the baby ________ . A . to stop crying B . stop crying C . to stop to cry D . stop to cry ( ) 10 、 —Would you like some milk in your tea? —Yes , please . But just_______ . A . little B . a little C . a few 书山有路勤为径●▂●学 海无涯苦作舟 23 C D A B B

