人教版八年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 10

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人教版八年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 10

UNIT 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time ! 课时 1 Section A (1a-2d) 安徽人教版八年级上 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. We’ll have a class m ( 会议 )tomorrow afternoon. 2. Let’s stay at home and watch a v ( 录像 ). 3. They are going to o ( 组织 )a discussion about how to protect the earth . eeting ideo rganize 4. My uncle bought me some c ( 巧克力 )as a gift. 5. He looks surprised. What h ( 发生 )to him? hocolate appened 二、单项选择。 6 . [ 中考 · 江西 ] —Can students go online (上网) during lessons? —They can ______ it is for that lesson. A. if B . or C . so D . but A 7. You shouldn’t have so many ______ . It’s bad for your health. A. potato chips B . vegetables C. fruit D . chocolate A 8. [ 中考 · 新疆 ] This story is ______ interesting ______ everyone likes it very much. A. so; that B . enough; to C. too; to D . such; that A 9. [ 中考 · 湖北咸宁 ] —Let’s go climbing if it ______ this Saturday. — Good idea. But nobody knows if it ______ . A. is fine; rains B . is fine; will rain C. will be fine; rains D . will be fine; will rain 【 点拨 】 第一个 if 引导条件状语从句,用一般现在时表示将来。第二个 if 表示“是否”的意思,从句时态由主句时态和句意决定。句意: —— 如果这个周六天气晴朗, 我们就去爬山。 —— 好主意,但没有人知道会不会下雨。 B 10. — I’m going to Hong Kong for vacation tomorrow. —______ . A. I see B . I think so C. Have a good time D . I’d love to C 11. ______ the party, should we prepare some delicious food ? A. With B . To C . For D . Of C 12. I often______ food by China’s Meituan Food App when Mom is not at home. A. sell B . order C . cook D . give B 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 13. 如果他在聚会上唱这首歌会发生什么? What_______ _______ if he _______ the song _______ the party ? will happen sings at 14. 妈妈常在周末让我帮她做家务。 My mother often _______ me _______ _______ her with the housework _______ _______ . asks to help on weekends 15. 这次一半的学生在考试中没有考好。 This time _______ _______ _______ didn’t do well in the exam . half the class 16. 今天是野餐的好时机。 Today is a good time _______ _______ a picnic . to have 17. 如果你穿短裤去上学,老师不会让你进去。 The teachers ______ ______ you ______ if you ______ shorts to school. won’t let in wear 四、从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话。(有两项多余) A: Hi, Alex! I want to have a class party. Can you help me prepare for it? B: Sure, Lily. So when should we have the party? A : 18______ E A. No problem! B. There was a test yesterday. C. Some students will be bored. D. Let’s play soccer tomorrow. E. Let’s have it today after class. F. Today we have so much homework to do. G. There will be a test the day after tomorrow. B: No, I don’t think that’s a good idea. If we have it today, most of our classmates won’t come. 19______ A: OK. Let’s have it tomorrow. F A. No problem! B. There was a test yesterday. C. Some students will be bored. D. Let’s play soccer tomorrow. E. Let’s have it today after class. F. Today we have so much homework to do. G. There will be a test the day after tomorrow. B: Hmm. 20______ So our friends will leave early to study for the test. Let’s have it on the weekend. A: Good. Let’s have it on Saturday afternoon. All of us can meet and watch a movie. G A. No problem! B. There was a test yesterday. C. Some students will be bored. D. Let’s play soccer tomorrow. E. Let’s have it today after class. F. Today we have so much homework to do. G. There will be a test the day after tomorrow. B: No, I don’t think we should watch a movie. 21______ Let’s play party games. A: OK. Good idea! Can you give me some ideas for party games? C A. No problem! B. There was a test yesterday. C. Some students will be bored. D. Let’s play soccer tomorrow. E. Let’s have it today after class. F. Today we have so much homework to do. G. There will be a test the day after tomorrow. B: Sure, I can do that. And can you make some food for us? A: 22______ A A. No problem! B. There was a test yesterday. C. Some students will be bored. D. Let’s play soccer tomorrow. E. Let’s have it today after class. F. Today we have so much homework to do. G. There will be a test the day after tomorrow. UNIT 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time ! 课时 2   Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 安徽人教版八年级上 一、单项选择。 1 . You will fail the exam _____ you _____ hard from now on. A. until; work B . if; don’t work C. unless; don’t work D . when; work B 2. —Jenny will wear jeans to the party. —If she _____ , the teacher won’t let her in. A. will do B. do C . will wear D. does D 3. [ 安徽利辛金石中学 ] When we cross the street, we _____ follow the traffic rules. A. mustn’t B . may C . wouldn’t D . should D 4. [ 中考 · 云南昆明 ] _____ we continue to kill elephants for their ivory, we humans will lose them in the end. A. If B . Before C . Until D . Although A 5. [ 中考 · 四川自贡 ] If the singer _____ to Zigong _____ September 20th, please call me. A. will get; on B . gets; on C . gets; in B 6. [ 安徽巢湖七中期末 ] — Alice, can you give me _____ on how to improve my English? —Sure. You should use it every day. A. an advice B . any advices C. many advices D . some advice D 7. If I_____ a taxi, I will be late for the meeting. A. take B . don’t take C. won’t take D . took B 二、按要求完成下列各题,每空一词。 8. He will be upset if we don’t invite him to the party. (改 为一般疑问句) _______ _______ _______ upset if we don’t invite him to the party ? Will he be 9. Don’t be late, or the teacher will be angry. (改为同义句) _______ you _______ late, the teacher will be angry . If are 10. Study hard and you will be able to pass the exam. (改 为同义句) _______ you _______ hard, you _______ be able to pass the exam . If study will 11. We will not go to the park. It will rain tomorrow. (用 if 合并为一句) We _______ go to the park if it _______ tomorrow . won’t rains 12. Miss Li will be surprised if we have a surprise party for her. (对画线部分提问) What _______ _______ if we _______ a surprise party for Miss Li? will happen have 三、阅读理解 。 13. Why should you make the date of your party earlier? A. Because it is lucky to do so. B. Because other things may come along. C. Because it is a tradition. D. Because that will save much money. 请同学们看 《 点拨训练 》 第 74 页原文。 【 点拨 】 根据原文第二段句子: First, make the date of your party earlier. If you have your party on your birthday, other things may come along. 可知答案。 B 14 . The____ are the good birthday food for you to choose . A. cake and salad B . pizza and ice-cream C. cake and pizza D . pizza and salad 【 点拨 】 根据原文第四段句子: Third, decide what kind of food you would like to serve. The cake is good birthday food, but other food like pizza is also popular. 可知答案。 C 15. How will your guests feel if you talk to them? A. Surprised. B . Excited. C. Bored. D . Happy . 【 点拨 】 根据原文第五段句子: Finally, talk to your guests at the party. You need to greet them. It will not only make them happy, 可知答案。 D 16. How many pieces of advice does the writer give us? A. Two. B . Three. C . Four. D . Five . 【 点拨 】 根据原文内容可知作者给了四条建议: First, ….earlier. 、 Second, …invite. 、 Third, …serve. 、 Finally, …them. 。故答案为 C 。 C 17. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. It is wise to invite fewer people to your party. B. Your food should try to fit everyone’s taste. C. You need to greet your guests at the party. D. Your party shouldn’t last too long. 【 点拨 】 根据原文内容可知文中提及到了: Try to fit (适合) everyone’s taste. 、 Finally, …party. You need to greet them. 、 But remember not to let your party last too long. ,故答案为 A 。 A UNIT 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time ! 课时 3   Section B (1a-1d) 安徽人教版八年级上 一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1. My teacher _______( be) unhappy if I don’t finish my homework on time. 2. Let’s go camping if it______________ (not rain) tomorrow. 3. I _________ ( tell) you if he arrives here . will be doesn’t rain will tell 4. Can you tell me the good time __________ (travel) to Beijing? to travel 二、单项选择。 5 . As the _____ of the singer, Jim always tries his best to help the singer be more famous and make more money. A. doctor B . driver C . agent D . cook C 6. — Miss Wang, can you give me _____ advice on how to learn English? — Of course. You’d better keep practicing speaking English every day. A. a B . an C . some D . any 【 点拨 】 advice 是不可数名词,故排除 A 、 B 。问句句意:“王老师,你能给我一些关于如何学英语的建议吗?”表达请求语气,故仍用 some 。 C 7. If you _____ the club, you’ll become a great singer. A. take part in B . join in C. join D . take part C 8. Be quiet, my kids, _____ you will have to stay outside , because this is a library. A. and B . or C . because D . but B 9. [ 中考 · 四川眉山 ] I like the TV program The Reader best . I think we should spend as much time as we can _____ in our spare time. A. read B . to read C . reading D . reads C 10. — What do you think _____ to improve my English listening, Mom? — I think you had better get much listening practice . A. I should do B . should I do C. will I do D. must I do 【 点拨 】 do you think 为插入语,后接陈述语序。 A 11. [ 中考 · 湖南湘西改编 ] We’ll go for a picnic _____ it is sunny this Saturday. A. and B . if C . but D . so B 三、 用方框中所给词的适当形式完成下面的句子 , 每 个词只用一次。 12 . To ________________ , he found two part-time jobs . join, make money, travel around the world, go to college, be famous for make money 13. The Yellow Mountain________________ its beautiful scenery ( 景色 ) . Many visitors visit it every year . join, make money, travel around the world, go to college, be famous for is famous for 14. ________________, and you will get a good education. join, make money, travel around the world, go to college, be famous for Go to college 15. Would you like ________________ the music club? join, make money, travel around the world, go to college, be famous for to join 16. I like traveling and I hope I can ____________________ one day. join, make money, travel around the world, go to college, be famous for travel around the world 四、完形填空。 I’m thinking about what I’m going to do this summer. Maybe I’ll get a job. If I get a job, I’ll have _____17 money to buy some new things. 17. A. less B . many C . little D . enough D I ’ d like to have some new dresses _____ 18 , the new term starts in September. Or I can buy some books , or some music CDs. 18. A. why B . while C . before D . if C I really love jazz (爵士乐) . I can buy some CDs _____ 19 my jazz collection. 19. A. for B . to C . at D . in A Or I can use the money to _____ 20 tennis lessons. I play tennis _____ 21 , but I’d like to learn to play it better . 20. A. pay B . pay for C. spend D . cost 21. A. good B . well C . better D . best B B If I _____ 22 get a job this summer, I’ll visit my grandparents in San Francisco. They live in a beautiful old house near the beach. That will be fun. 22. A. am B . will C . don’t D . won’t C My grandparents are always very nice to me. They’ll let me sleep late. Iwon’t _____ 23 get up until 10 o’clock every day. 23. A. can B . have to C. must D . may B I’ll eat delicious food because my grandmother is an excellent _____ 24 . She always cooks my favorite food . 24. A. cook B. lawyer C. agent D. teacher A I’ll also go to the _____ 25 with my grandparents. I like swimming in the sea. I think I will have _____ 26 great time if I go to San Fra ncisco . 25 . A. school B . church C . shop D . beach 26. A. the B. an C. a D. one D C UNIT 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time ! 课时 4   Section B (2a-2e) 安徽人教版八年级上 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. [ 中考 · 浙江宁波 ] You will forget the dancing skills u ( 除非 )you practice them often. 2. There is no money in my w ( 钱包 ). Could you lend me some? 3. [ 安徽阜阳九中期末 ] It’s n ( 正常的 )for him to stay up so late . nless allet ormal 4. Never t ( 信任 )a man who always tells lies. 5. Lily is so u ( 善解人意的 )that everyone in my class likes her. rust nderstanding 二、单项选择。 6 . Your parents will _____ you if you tell them the news . You should keep it _____ yourself. A. make up; in B . bring about; for C. put up; of D . worry about; to 【 点拨 】 keep…to oneself 意为“保守秘密”。 D 7. [ 安徽阜阳九中期末 ] As long as you keep trying, your dream will _____ come true. A. hardly B . loudly C . certainly D . nearly C 8. Sometimes most of us probably are angry _____ our friends, parents or teachers. A. to B . with C . on D . for B 9. It’s best _____ him the truth, or he will be upset. A. to tell B . tell C. telling D . not telling A 10. Steve isn’t as _____ as Kelly. He often makes more mistakes in his writing. A. careless B . tidy C . careful D . difficult C 11. Alfred finished his homework _____ . No one helped him. A. he B . him C . himself D . his C 12. [ 安徽滁州来安县期末 ] Mr. Wang is a good teacher . He has six years’ teaching _____ in the village school. A. education B . discussion C. experience D . relationship C 13. It’s Sunday tomorrow. Tina advises _____ shopping , but Ann advises us _____ a movie. A. go; to watch B . to go ; watching C. going; watching D . going; to watch 【 点拨 】 advise doing sth. “ 建议做某事”; advise sb. to do sth. “ 建议某人做某事”。 D 14. After trying many times, he found a good way to solve the problem _____ . A. in the end B . at the end of C. at first D . in the past A 15. Believe yourself. You’re better than_____ . You’re the best. Wish you success! A. anyone else B . someone else C. else anyone D . else someone A 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 16. 他如此粗心 , 以至于他常常犯错误。 He is so_________ that he often _________ _________ . careless makes mistakes 17. 我们青少年应该解决问题,绝不要逃避问题。 We _________ should ______ the problems and never ______ ______ ______ the problems . teenagers solve run away from 18. 乔不敢问老师问题。 Joe is ______ ______ ask the teacher questions . afraid to 19. 八点时,他完成了作业的一部分。 He was halfway ______ ______ his homework at 8 o’clock . to finishing 20. 她把苹果切成两半,并把一半给了我。 She cut the apple ______ ______ and gave one half to me. in half 四、完形填空。 A few years ago, when people had problems, what did they usually do? Well, they usually asked their parents or friends for ______ 21 . Today it is ______ 22 for people to get advice from telephone hotlines( 热线 ). 21. A. gifts B . money C. advice D. problems 22 . A. difficult B . hard C. impossible D . easy C D A telephone hotline gives people a good ______ 23 of talking with advisers ( 提供 意见者 ). Most hotlines don’t need your name or other information . That is to say, callers do not ______ 24 to tell their names or other information. 23. A. time B . way C . work D . dream 24. A. have B . help C . make D . feel B A Some hotlines are ______ 25 , so callers do not have to pay for the advice or the phone calls. Some hotlines ______ 26 volunteers( 志愿者 ) as advisers . 25. A. busy B . free C. cheap D . expensive 26. A. choose B . meet C . bring D . catch B A ______ 27 hotlines pay the advisers for their work . 27. A. Another B . The others C. Other D . Others C The advisers are usually the people with years of education and ______ 28 . They have to take classes before starting to ______ 29 . 28. A. money B . fights C. plans D . experience 29. A. study B . work C . open D . close D B Their work is to listen to callers and help them ______ 30 problems. 30 . A. forget B . solve C. remember D . make B 五、阅读理解。 31. What’s Bob’s problem? A. He is always late for school. B. He can’t go to sleep at night. C. He doesn’t have any friends. D. His parents don’t let him go out to play. 请同学们看 《 点拨训练 》 第 77 页原文。 【 点拨 】 根据文中句子: I often can’t go to sleep at night. What should I do? —Bob 可知答案。 B 32. Who should go to bed early and love going to school ? A. Bob. B . Mary. C. Jack. D . Jenny. 【 点拨 】 根据表格第三行的内容可知答案为 B 。 B 33. What should Jack do if he wants to solve his problem ? A. He should go to school on time. B. He should sleep well every night. C. He should be friendly. D. He should have a talk with his parents. C 【 点拨 】 根据表格第四行的内容: …and you should be friendly to your classmates. 可知答案。 34. Why does Jenny stay at home on weekends? A. Because she must look after her sister. B. Because she must help her parents. C. Because she has to do the housework. D. Because she has to study. 【 点拨 】 根据文中句子: My parents don’t let me go out to play even at weekends. They hope I stay at home and study. —Jenny 可知答案。 D 六、任务型阅读 。 35. Why does Zhang Shuai’s mother let him study all the time?( 不超过 15 个词 ) ______________________________________________________________________________________ 请同学们看 《 点拨训练 》 第 77 页原文。 Because she wants him to find a good job when he grows up. 【 点拨 】 根据文中第一段句子: You think I should be studying all the time. I know you want me to find a good job when I grow up, 可知答案。 36. Why did he put the CDs in his bag?( 不 超过 10 个词 ) ______________________________________________ 【 点拨 】 根据文中句子: I bought some CDs of computer games, and put them in my bag so that you wouldn’t see them. 可知答案。 Because he didn’t want his mother to see them. 37. What does Zhang Shuai want his mom to do?( 不 超过 15 个词 ) ______________________________________________ 【 点拨 】 根据文中句子: Mom, I really love you, but I wish you could try not to be so strict with me. 可知答案。 He wants his mother not to be so strict with him. UNIT 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time ! 课时 5   Section B (3a-4) & Self Check 安徽人教版八年级上 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1 . As t ( 青少年 ), we should spend most time on our schoolwork. 2. I’m sorry, Mom. It was c ( 粗心的 )of me to break the cup. 3. Mark is smart enough to look after h ( 他自己 ) well. eenagers areless imself 4. My friend a ( 建议 )me not to wear jeans to Tina’s birthday party yesterday. 5. [ 中考 · 江苏盐城 ] Follow these small s ( 步骤 ) and you can make a big difference to the earth. dvised teps 二、单项选择。 6 . [ 安徽宿州砀山期末 ] —Tony looks ______ . —Yes, he lost his bike this morning. A. surprised B . upset C . fantastic D . glad B 7. — What are you going to do during the winter vacation ? —I plan to ______ to Sanya. I like the beaches there. A. organize B . send C . travel D . advise 【 点拨 】 travel to +地点,意为“去 …… 旅行”。 C 8. [ 安徽宿州砀山期末 ] What ______ if I ______ to help her to clean the classroom? A. will happen; refuse B . will happen; will refuse C. happens; refuse D . happens; will refuse A 9. —Gina looks sad. What happened? —She ______ a fight with her sister this morning. A. got into B . looked for C. hung out D . took up A 10. [ 中考 · 山东临沂 ] When you are in your school dining hall during lunchtime, you may feel lonely ______ you can find someone to have lunch with. A. if B . unless C . after D . because B 11. — Wow, Wendy, it’s cool to make a short video with your mobile phone. — Just with a software called Tik Tok (抖音) .Let me show you ______ . A. which to use B . how to use it C. what to use D . where to use it B 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 12. 我给你提一条建议吧。 Let me give you_______ _______ _______ advice . a piece of 13. 我表弟昨天仅仅读了这本书的一部分。 My cousin _______ only _______ _______ _______ the book yesterday . was halfway to reading 14. 当你学英语时不要怕犯错。 Don’t be afraid of _______ _______ when you learn English . making mistakes 15. 我认为你应当向你的好朋友道歉。 I think you should _______ _______ _______ your good friend . say sorry to 16. 我希望你能保守这个秘密。 I hope that you can _______ it _______ _______ . keep to yourself 四、任务型阅读。 17. What do kids often worry most about?( 不超过 5 个词 ) _____________________________________________ 请同学们看 《 点拨训练 》 第 78 页原文。 【 点拨 】 根据文中第一段: Grades at school are often a top worry for kids. If you worry most about grades, ask yourself these questions, 可知答案。 Their grades at school. 18. If your worry is about a fight with your friend, what might you do first?( 不超过 10 个词 ) _____________________________________________ 【 点拨 】 根据文中句子: If your worry is about a fight with your friend, you might write down all the things you can do ,可知答案。 I might write down all the things I can do. 19. What’s the main idea of the passage? ( 不超过 5 个词 ) _____________________________________________ 【 点拨 】 根据文中第一段: Everyone has worries. How do you deal with your worries? 可知文章主要是将每个人都有忧虑和担心,如何处理这些问题。可知答案。 How to deal with worries. UNIT 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time ! 写作素养提升练 安徽人教版八年级上 在成长的路上,你不可避免地会遇到各种各样的 烦恼,你也会遇到不能解答的难题。当你遇到这些问 题的时候,你是如何解决的呢? 安徽人教版八年级上 青少年在成长过程中难免会遇到一些困惑。下表是 Jim 的一些烦恼。假如你是 Jim 的朋友 Alice, 请你根据下表内容 , 给 Jim 写一封信 , 向他提出合理的建议。 Problems Advice Has lots of homework and can’t do what he likes … Is a little worried about his health … … … 要求: 1. 语句通顺、符合逻辑 , 可适当发挥; 2. 词数: 80-100 。开头和结尾已给出 , 不计入 总词数。 Dear Jim, I’m sorry to hear that you have some problems in your life. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Hope you can be better soon. Yours, Jane 【 思路构建 】 Dear Jim, I’m sorry to hear that you have some problems in your life. You have said that you have so much homework that you have no time to do what you like. Why don’t you talk to your teachers? If you do it, they will know more about students’ problems and give you less homework . 【 精彩范文 】 You are also a little worried about your health. I think doing sports can help you a lot. What’s more, you should eat more fruit and vegetables. Problems are normal in life. When you have one, the first step is to find someone to talk to. Sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. Hope you can be better soon. Yours, Alice 1. I’m sorry to hear that… 2. It’s normal to have problems in… 3. It’s best not to run away from your problems. 4. Unless we talk to someone, we’ll certainly feel worse. 【 常用写作句型 】 5. Sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. 6. I think you should… 7. You are halfway to solving the problem by doing… 8. I hope you can get out of trouble soon. 假如 Mike 是一位中学生,他沉迷于电脑游戏中, 并因此影响了学习。假如你是李华,作为 Mike 的好朋 友,你打算怎么帮助他呢?请用下面所给的提示写一 篇给他建议的短文。 提示 词语 : give up( 放弃 ); waste time; be interested in; have a great time 要求: 1. 短文中必须包含所给提示词,可适当发挥; 2. 词数: 80-100 。短文的开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数 。 Dear Mike, Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry _________________ Yours, Li Hua ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Dear Mike , Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry to hear that you are in trouble now. Don’t worry. Let me help you. Playing computer games is very interesting, but if you play too much, you’ll waste lots of time, and you’ll have little time to do your homework. I think if you give up playing computer games , __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ you may be interested in other things , like study or sports. Then you’ll be interested in many other subjects. So you should give up the computer games and work harder. I think if you keep working hard , you’ll have a great time at school with your good friends. Yours , Li Hua

